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This study deals with the phenotypic polymorphism of twenty accessions of Cenchrus ciliaris L. (buffelgrass) collected in various climatic areas of Tunisia. Six seedlings per accession were cultivated according to a common garden experiment design, and 33 phenological or morphological variables were measured during one cycle of growth. The observed differences among accessions were not significant for the seedling stage, but they were significant for all other studied variables of the vegetative and reproductive growth, dry matter and habit type. The principal component analysis provided further support for the important fixed genetic polymorphism of this species. On the other hand, a hierarchical classification was used to classify accessions in four groups, but we did not observe a clear geographical pattern associated with these groups. In conclusion, our study revealed considerable genotypic variation for C. ciliaris across Tunisia, which could be preserved by the agamospermous system of reproduction. Finally, among the groups from hierarchical classification, Mezzouna‐08 accession may be a good choice for the restoration of degraded Tunisian ecosystems, thanks to its high aboveground biomass productivity.  相似文献   

Summary Two perennial tussock grasses of savannas were compared in a glasshouse study to determine why they differed in their ability to withstand frequent, heavy grazing; Cenchrus ciliaris is tolerant and Themeda triandra is intolerant of heavy grazing. Frequent defoliation at weekly intervals for six weeks reduced shoot biomass production over a subsequent 42 day regrowth period compared with previously undefoliated plants (infrequent) in T. triandra, but not in C. ciliaris. Leaf area of T. triandra expanded rapidly following defoliation but high initial relative growth rates of shoots were not sustained after 14 days of regrowth because of reducing light utilising efficiency of leaves. Frequently defoliated plants were slower in rate of leaf area expansion and this was associated with reduced photosynthetic capacity of newly formed leaves, lower allocation of photosynthate to leaves but not lower tiller numbers. T. triandra appears well adapted to a regime where defoliation is sufficiently infrequent to allow carbon to be fixed to replace that used in initial leaf area expansion. In contrast, C. ciliaris is better adapted to frequent defoliation than is T. triandra, because horizontally orientated nodal tillers are produced below the defoliation level. This morphological adaptation resulted in a 10-fold higher leaf area remaining after defoliation compared with similarly defoliated T. triandra, which together with the maintenance of moderate levels of light utilising efficiency, contributed to the higher leaf area and shoot weight throughout the regrowth period.  相似文献   

  • Abiotic stress, notably high ultraviolet‐B (eUV‐B), limit growth and productivity of many crop plants, but information on response of forage grasses to eUV‐B radiation is rather limited.
  • The present study was therefore conducted to increase our understanding of differential age‐related responses on growth, metabolism and fodder quality of Cenchrus ciliaris‐3108 (Buffel grass) to elevated UV‐B (eUV‐B: 7.2 kJ·m?2·day?1).
  • Plant growth at both growth stages was notably reduced in response to eUV‐B, except for the number of nodes and tillers at vegetative and reproductive stages. At anthesis, tillering increased due to the perennial habit of this plant, but leaf senescence reduced the number of leaves per tiller. Unlike ambient UV‐B, eUV‐B at the vegetative stage resulted in diversion of photosynthate for the formation of secondary metabolites (tannins and phenolics), providing dual protection from photooxidative damage and from herbivory.
  • The forage biomass as well as quality showed a marked decline under eUV‐B and relative nutritive value was reduced at both growth stages.

Four somaclonal mutants (S1, S4, S6 and M10) and their parental Cenchrus ciliaris L. cultivar Biloela were characterized under salinity conditions at germination and vegetative growth stages. Seeds of all somaclonal mutants had higher germination percentages than cv. Biloela seeds in the control and salt treatments. At 150 mM, germination was significantly higher in M10, S6 and S4 (72.3%, 66.3% and 61.8%, respectively) than in cv. Biloela (35.5%). Mutants grown under salinity along with cv. Biloela for 35 days had a different relative growth rate. S6 had the highest growth rate, indicating its potential tolerance to salt stress, whereas M10 was the most sensitive, with Bi, S4 and S1 being intermediate tolerant genotypes. Catalase enzyme activity (CAT) in M10 decreased in response to salt stress and was significantly associated with malondialdehide content, suggesting salt injury, whereas higher levels of CAT activity in S6 during salt stress were associated with increased salinity tolerance. The present results indicate that somaclonal variation and in vitro mutagenesis offer an effective tool for improvement of C. ciliaris because the somaclonal mutants showed differential tolerance to salt stress with respect to their parental and could be a better choice for use in a breeding program.  相似文献   

Shoot growth phenology was compared for the saplings of evergreen and deciduous woody species sharing the same microsite. Growth initiation occurred earlier in evergreens (among co-stratal species) while deciduous species completed their growth earlier. Shoot growth rate was significantly greater (P<0.01) for deciduous trees than evergreen trees. The amount of shoot elongations and shoot diameter was also significantly greater (P<0.01) for deciduous trees than evergreens. On the other hand, among shrubs the amount of shoot elongation and shoot diameter was greater for evergreens but the rate of elongation and diameter was more or less similar for both. The duration of shoot elongation and shoot diameter was significantly longer in evergreens than the deciduous species. Leaf packing (number of leaves per shoot) was significantly more dense in evergreen trees (P<0.01) than in deciduous tree species. Leaf packing was more dense in evergreen than deciduous shrubs but the difference was not significant. Leaf area (per individual leaf) at full expansion was significantly greater (P<0.01) in deciduous species. Leaf dry mass and specific leaf mass in the initial stage was significantly greater for evergreen species than for deciduous species. The number of buds/10 cm of shoot was higher in evergreens. However, the per cent mortality was also higher in them.  相似文献   

In a barley/livestock farming system of northern Syria, high biomass production in addition to high grain yield is desirable. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of environment and phenology on growth and yield of barley in northern Syria. Leaf area duration (LAD), specific leaf area (SLA), crop growth rate (CGR) on a thermal time basis, and biological and grain yields were compared for entries representing three contrasting development patterns: early heading spring types (pattern A), medium early heading winter types (pattern B), and late heading spring types (pattern C). The experiment was conducted in 1988/89 at two sites: Tel Hadya (TH, 250 mm precipitation) and Breda (BR, 180 mm). Cold damage occurred in winter and, especially at BR, drought stress developed in spring.At the two sites, development was similar, but yields at TH were twice those at BR. This was related to a longer LAD and a faster CGR in spring. Development pattern affected growth. A long vegetative phase (pattern B) resulted in small leaves with a low SLA in winter, probably due to a slow leaf extension rate. Since cold tolerance and profuse tillering compensated for the small leaf size, pattern B had on average a longer LAD than pattern A. Pattern C had a longer LAD than pattern A because of a longer crop duration. This long duration had a negative effect on yield, so LAD was poorly related to yield. Development in spring was associated with CGR. Pattern C had a slow CGR and low yields; pattern B had the fastest CGR, but the yield advantage over pattern A was not significant. These results suggest that early heading winter barley, which combines long LAD with fast spring CGR, may give the best performance in a barley/livestock farming system in northern Syria.  相似文献   

1. Floodplain inundation provides many benefits to fish assemblages of floodplain river systems, particularly those with a predictable annual flood pulse that drives yearly peaks in fish production. In arid‐zone rivers, hydrological patterns are highly variable and the influence of irregular floods on fish production and floodplain energy subsidies may be less clear‐cut. To investigate the importance of floodplain inundation to a dryland river fish assemblage, we sampled fish life stages on the floodplain of Cooper Creek, an Australian arid‐zone river. Sampling was focused around Windorah during a major flood in January 2004 and in isolated waterholes in March 2004 following flood drawdown. 2. Of the 12 native species known to occur in this region, 11 were present on the floodplain, and all were represented by at least two of three life‐stages – larvae, juveniles or adult fish. Late stage larvae of six fish species were found on the floodplain. There were site‐specific differences in larval species assemblages, individual species abundances and larval distribution patterns among floodplain sites. 3. Significant growth was evident on the floodplain, particularly by larval and juvenile fish, reflecting the combination of high water temperatures and shallow, food rich habitats provided by the relatively flat floodplain. 4. Low variation in biomass, species richness and presence/absence of juvenile and adult fish across four floodplain sites indicates consistently high fish productivity across an extensive area. 5. Similarities and differences in fish biomass between the floodplain and isolated post‐flood waterholes suggest high rates of biomass transfer (involving the most abundant species) into local waterholes and, potentially, biomass transfer by some species to other waterholes in the catchment during floodplain inundation and after floods recede. 6. The high concentration of fish on this shallow floodplain suggests it could be a key area of high fish production that drives a significant proportion of waterhole productivity in the vicinity. The Windorah floodplain provides favourable conditions necessary for the spawning of some species and juvenile recruitment of the majority of species. It is also appears to be a significant conduit for the movements of fish that underpin high genetic similarity, hence population mixing, of many species throughout the Cooper Creek catchment. The high floodplain fish production in turn provides a significant energy subsidy to waterholes after floodwaters recede. 7. The identification of key sites of high fish production, such as the Windorah floodplain, may be important from a conservation perspective. Key management principles should be: maintenance of the natural flooding regime; identification of the most productive floodplain areas; and maintenance of their connectivity to anastomosing river channels and the remnant aquatic habitats that ultimately sustain this fish assemblage through long‐term dry/drought and flood cycles.  相似文献   

This present study illustrated the effect of heavy metals in cement dust pollution on Cenchrus ciliaris L. This wild plant species spread surrounding and within the contaminated area. The induced soil by cement dust was changed physically and chemically. There were alterations in morphological characters like chlorotic spot, stem shortening and leaf curling. Similarly, anatomical alterations appeared obviously like rupturing and thickening of cells. The data of control and induced plant species were analyzed statistically separately and combined respectively. The regression equations represented the interaction between control and induced plant species graphically. Cenchrus ciliaris L. can be regarded as a standard heavy metal tolerant plant species.  相似文献   

Two populations of Phyllariopsis purpurascens from the Straits of Gibraltar area were investigated during 1990 and 1991. This area has very strong currents (~2·5 m s-1 at spring tide). The first sporophytes (less than 0·5 cm in length) were observed in April; they disappeared after the first storm period in October. The estimated number of spores produced in an unilocular sporangium was 64. The fertility period started in May and continued until October, but the maximum sorus surface area (27%) was reached in September. The maximum sporangial density was 1476±236 mm-2. The slow development of fertility and its correlation with the seasonal increase in temperature suggest that sporangial development is controlled by temperature and not by photoperiod. The drag effect produced by the strong currents (at spring tides and storm periods) is sufficient to break adult plants (with 0·01 m2 in surface intercepting the current). At the beginning of the sporophytic production cycle (210 days), the meristematic zone produces more tissue for blade growth than for stipe growth. Holdfast growth occurs in the first 3 months. The mortality was 90% for sporophytes 0–10 cm in length, and decreased to ~50% in adult plants. One cohort in the cycle has been identified. The net primary production (calculated by the graphic model of Allen) was 0·04 g dry weight m-2·day-1 from April to October (210 days). The production is among the lowest values estimated for seaweeds.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plants have complex mechanisms of aerial biomass exposition, which depend on bud composition, the period of the year in which shoot extension occurs, branching pattern, foliage persistence, herbivory and environmental conditions. METHODS: The influence of water availability and temperature on shoot growth, the bud composition, the leaf phenology, and the relationship between partial leaf fall and branching were evaluated over 3 years in Cerrado woody species Bauhinia rufa (BR), Leandra lacunosa (LL) and Miconia albicans (MA). KEY RESULTS: Deciduous BR preformed organs in buds and leaves flush synchronously at the transition from the dry to the wet season. The expansion time of leaves is <1 month. Main shoots (first-order axis, A1 shoots) extended over 30 d and they did not branch. BR budding and foliage unfolds were brought about independently of inter-annual rainfall variations. By contrast, in LL and MA evergreen species, the shoot extension rate and the neoformation of aerial organs depended on rainfall. Leaf emergence was continuous for 2-6 months and lamina expansion took place over 1-4 months. The leaf life span was 5-20 months and the main A1 shoot extension happened over 122-177 d. Both evergreen species allocated biomass to shoots, leaves or flowers continuously during the year, branching in the middle of the wet season to form second-order (A2 shoots) and third-order (A3 shoots) axis in LL and A2 shoots in MA. Partial shed of A1 shoot leaves would facilitate a higher branching intensity A2 shoot production in LL than in MA. MA presented a longer leaf life span, produced a lower percentage of A2 shoots but had a higher meristem persistence on A1 and A2 shoots than LL. CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to identify different patterns of aerial growth in Cerrado woody species defined by shoot-linked traits such as branching pattern, bud composition, meristem persistence and leaf phenology. These related traits must be considered over and above leaf deciduousness for searching functional guilds in a Cerrado woody community. For the first time a relationship between bud composition, shoot growth and leaf production pattern is found in savanna woody plants.  相似文献   

A large part of the nutrient flux in deciduous forests is through fine root turnover, yet this process is seldom measured. As part of a nutrient cycling study, fine root dynamics were studied for two years at Huntington Forest in the Adirondack Mountain region of New York, USA. Root growth phenology was characterized using field rhizotrons, three methods were used to estimate fine root production, two methods were used to estimate fine root mortality, and decomposition was estimated using the buried bag technique. During both 1986 and 1987, fine root elongation began in early April, peaked during July and August, and nearly ceased by mid-October. Mean fine root ( 3 mm diameter) biomass in the surface 28-cm was 2.5 t ha–1 and necromass was 2.9 t ha–1. Annual decomposition rates ranged from 17 to 30% beneath the litter and 27 to 52% at a depth of 10 cm. Depending on the method used for estimation, fine root production ranged from 2.0 to 2.9 t ha–1, mortality ranged from 1.8 to 3.7 t ha–1 yr–1, and decomposition was 0.9 t ha–1 yr–1. Thus, turnover ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 yr–1. The nutrients that cycled through fine roots annually were 4.5–6.1 kg Ca, 1.1–1.4 kg Mg, 0.3–0.4 kg K, 1.2–1.7 kg P, 20.3–27.3 kg N, and 1.8–2.4 kg S ha–1. Fine root turnover was less important than leaf litterfall in the cycling of Ca and Mg and was similar to leaf litterfall in the amount of N, P, K and S cycled.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine tolerance of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in different concentrations of Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, Ni, Mn, and Pb and to evaluate the PGPR-modulated bioavailability of different heavy metals in the rhizosphere soil and wheat tissues, grown in saline sodic soil. Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas moraviensis were isolated from Cenchrus ciliaris L. growing in the Khewra salt range. Seven-day-old cultures of PGPR were applied on wheat as single inoculum, co-inoculation and carrier-based biofertilizer (using maize straw and sugarcane husk as carrier). At 100 ppm of Cr and Cu, the survival rates of rhizobacteria were decreased by 40%. Single inoculation of PGPR decreased 50% of Co, Ni, Cr and Mn concentrations in the rhizosphere soil. Co-inoculation of PGPR and biofertilizer treatment further augmented the decreases by 15% in Co, Ni, Cr and Mn over single inoculation except Pb and Co where decreases were 40% and 77%, respectively. The maximum decrease in biological concentration factor (BCF) was observed for Cd, Co, Cr, and Mn. P. moraviensis inoculation decreases the biological accumulation coefficient (BAC) as well as translocation factor (TF) for Cd, Cr, Cu Mn, and Ni. The PGPR inoculation minimized the deleterious effects of heavy metals, and the addition of carriers further assisted the PGPR.  相似文献   

王明  桑卫国 《生态科学》2020,39(1):164-175
根据2003-2014年气象数据和暖温带3种乔木(辽东栎、五角枫和核桃楸)和3种灌木(土庄绣线菊、毛叶丁香和六道木)的物候观测数据资料, 采用气候倾向率和回归分析等方法, 观察乔木和灌木物候变化特征的差异, 分析温度、降水以及乔木、灌木的物候变化趋势, 同时对气象因子与乔木和灌木物候期的相关关系进行研究。结果表明: ①研究期间, 北京东灵山平均气温呈不显著的上升趋势, 气候倾向率为0.200℃·10a–1, 春季(3–5月)和夏季(6-8月)温度显著上升; 降水量呈下降趋势, 平均减少71.630 mm·10a–1, 总体呈暖、干的趋势。②3种乔木的生长季长度都缩短, 辽东栎、五角枫和核桃楸平均生长季长度分别缩短50.70 d·10 a–1、29.83 d·10a–1和22.36 d·10a–1。3种灌木的生长季长度也都缩短, 土庄绣线菊、毛叶丁香和六道木的平均生长季长度分别缩短42.55 d·10a–1、42.76 d·10a–1和38.15 d·10a–1。乔木和灌木的物候变化趋势相同, 整体表现为春季物候推迟, 秋季物候提前, 生长季长度都缩短且生长季长度相差不大。乔木和灌木都表现出芽期推迟最明显, 每10年推迟达19天以上。③乔木和灌木各物候期与气温总体表现为负相关, 即气温升高, 物候期提前, 其相关性显示出夏季(6-8月)温度对植被物候期影响较大, 夏季温度与各物候期表现为正相关, 即夏季温度升高, 物候期推迟。同时乔木和灌木与总体降水没有明显的相关关系, 但秋季物候与不同时段降水表现不同的相关性, 由此可知夏季温度变化对木本植物春季物候(出芽期、展叶期和首花期)的影响更大, 而秋季物候(叶变色期和落叶期)受温度和降水共同影响。  相似文献   

颜色和物候表明46种温带落叶木本植物衰老叶片的养分变异 不同共生植物的叶片养分含量差异显著,反映了不同的叶片养分利用策略。然而,衰老叶片养分的种间变异及其驱动因素尚不清楚。本研究旨在探讨衰老叶片养分的种间变异及其驱动因素。我们在中国东北的帽儿山森林生态系统研究站测定了46种共存温带落叶木本植物新鲜落叶的碳、氮、磷浓度。 采用随机森林模型量化10个生物因素(菌根类型、固氮类型、生长形态、耐阴性、叶片质地、变色程度、变色类型、叶片变色峰期、落叶峰期和落叶末期)的相对重要性。研究结果表明,落叶氮浓度种间变化为4倍,磷浓度变化达9倍。较高的氮和磷平均浓度(15.38和1.24 mg g−1)表明该森林氮和磷限制较弱。功能群仅对特定养分及其比值有显著影响。磷浓度、氮磷比与外生菌根树种的落叶高峰日和落叶结束日呈负相关。颜色鲜艳的叶片(红色>棕色>黄色>黄绿色>绿色)倾向于比绿色叶片氮和磷浓度更低而碳氮比和碳磷比较高。随机森林模型表明,秋季叶变色和落叶物候贡献了80%的种间变异解释量。这些结果增加了我们对温带森林木本植物营养策略之衰老叶片养分变异性的理解。  相似文献   

叶物候、构建消耗和偿还时间对入侵植物碳积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王睿芳  冯玉龙 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2568-2577
随着全球经济一体化进程的深入,生物入侵已成为严重的全球性问题之一.外来种入侵打破了物种生存的自然平衡,导致生态系统趋于均质化,并给社会经济发展和人类健康造成了无法估量的损失.然而,目前人们对外来种的入侵机理仍不十分清楚.叶物候如叶片发生时间、凋落时间、及由二者决定的叶寿命和叶片发育进程是植物在季节和非季节性变化的环境中为了获得碳收益所采取的适应策略.叶构建消耗是植物碳收获过程中必要的成本投入,反映了植物在叶片水平上的能量分配策略.偿还时间能在一定程度上反映叶片碳的积累情况.从叶物候、构建消耗和偿还时间入手,分析了入侵植物的资源捕获能力和成本对其碳积累的影响,并提出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

Effects of salinity, temperature and their interactions on the rate and final percentage of germination were evaluated for two populations (Msarref, Oued dkouk) of the invasive glycophyte Lotus creticus Linné, grown under arid environmental conditions of the Tunisia. Seeds that were not treated with NaCl germinated well in a wide range of temperatures. For both populations, maximum germination occurred in distilled water at 25°C and lowest germination for all salinities was at 35°C. Germination was substantially delayed and significantly reduced with an increase in NaCl to levels above 300 mm . Compared to the Oued dkouk population, final germination and germination rate of the Msarref population was completely inhibited at 300 mm NaCl. The interactive effect of temperature and NaCl concentration on final germination and germination rate was significant (P < 0.01), indicating that the germination response to salinity depended on temperature. The inhibition of Oued dkouk population seed germination at high salt concentration was mostly due to osmotic effects while ionic effects were noted at Msarref population. The germination behaviour of the Oued dkouk population would therefore imply adaptive mechanisms to saline environments, while in the Msarref population such mechanisms seem to be absent. Since seed germination is more sensitive to salinity stress than the growth of established plants, the greater tolerance to salinity of Oued dkouk population would be an adaptive feature of this population to saline environment.  相似文献   

We present a linked model of plant productivity, plant phenology, snowmelt and soil thaw in order to estimate interannual variability of arctic plant phenology and its effects on plant productivity. The model is tested using 8 years of soil temperature data, and three years of bud break data of Betula nana. Because the factors that trigger the end of the growing season of arctic vegetation are less well known than those of the start of the growing season, three hypotheses were formulated and tested for their effects on productivity and its sensitivity to climate change; the hypothesised factors determining the end of the growing season were frost, photoperiod and periodic constraints. The performance of the soil thermal model was good; both the onset of soil thaw in spring and the initiation of freezing in autumn were predicted correctly in most cases. The phenology model predicted the bud break date of Betula nana closely for the three different years. The soil thaw model predicted similar growing season start dates under current climate as the models based on sum of temperatures, but it made significantly different predictions under climate change scenarios, probably because of the non‐linear interactions between snowmelt and soil thaw. The uncertainty about the driving factors for the end of the growing season, in turn, resulted in uncertainty in the interannual variability of the simulated annual gross primary productivity (GPP). The interannual variability ranged from ? 25 to + 26% of the mean annual GPP for the frost hypothesis, from ? 20 to + 20% for the photoperiod hypothesis and only from ? 7 to + 7% for the periodic hypothesis. The different hypotheses also resulted in different sensitivity to climate change, with the frost hypothesis resulting in 30% higher annual GPP values than the periodic hypothesis when air temperatures were increased by 3 °C.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the relationship between the phenological phases, water relations and climatic conditions was conducted on one shrub species, Spartidium saharae, in Saharan ecosystem of southern Tunisia. The results show that the water potential remained significantly higher than that recorded in other desert shrubs. However, a relationship between the water potential of S. saharae and precipitation was not evident suggesting that access to permanent ground water may be a factor of this decoupling. Although shoot elongation of the species occurred outside the wet season, water shortage induced a decrease in fruit production.  相似文献   

干旱区叶片形态特征与植物响应和适应的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
叶片形态是指示植物适应特定环境的重要指标。由于植物叶片形态不仅对时空环境变化具有极强的敏感性和可塑性, 而且能够通过叶片形态的调整调节自身的生存适应能力, 所以叶片形态学研究一直是植物生理及植物生态学研究中的热点。该文在总结前人叶片形态学研究成果的基础上, 探索建立了简单的叶片形态指标分类体系; 结合物质能量交换的物理学原理, 回顾总结了叶片表观形态变化与叶片物质能量交换之间的相关关系; 应用叶片形态影响物质能量交换的物理学原理, 重点分析了干旱区植物叶片表观形态对低水分环境、高辐射(或高温)的响应与适应特征; 最后, 在回顾分析的基础上, 对叶片形态研究中存在的几个问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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