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<正>大熊猫是珍稀濒危动物的代表,中国的国宝级动物。成都大熊猫繁育研究基地是一个专门从事大熊猫及濒危野生动物研究、繁育、保护教育和生态旅游的全民事业单位,自1987年建立至今的20多年里,在大熊猫双胞胎育幼、大熊猫科学喂养、大熊猫驯化等各个方面取得了丰硕的科研成果,为全球瞩目。在这里,有全球最大的圈养大熊猫人工繁殖种群,您可以与大熊猫近距离接触;在这里,您可以获得保护大熊猫等珍稀濒危动物和生态保护的最新知识和理念:在这里,您可以献出您的爱心,认养大熊猫;  相似文献   

大熊猫国家公园体制试点的经验与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晟  冯杰  李彬彬  吕植 《生物多样性》2021,29(3):307-264
大熊猫国家公园试点于2016年8月由四川、陕西、甘肃三省人民政府联合上报《大熊猫国家公园体制试点方案》;2016年12月5日,习近平总书记主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第三十次会议审议通过《大熊猫国家公园体制试点方案》;2017年1月31日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《大熊猫国家公园体制试点方案》;2018年10月29日,大熊猫国家公园管理局正式挂牌;2018年11月,大熊猫祁连山国家公园甘肃省管理局、大熊猫国家公园四川省管理局、大熊猫国家公园陕西省管理局相继挂牌;2020年3月17日,大熊猫国家公园管理局印发《大熊猫国家公园管理办法(试行)》;2020年6月,国家林业和草原局(国家公园管理局)印发《大熊猫国家公园总体规划(试行)》。在试点过程中,初步建立起由大熊猫国家公园管理局、省管理局、管理分局、管护站(管护总站)构成的实际管理体系,其中省管理局3个、管理分局14个。  相似文献   

更新世大熊猫牙齿釉质的超微结构   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文应用扫描电镜研究了目前世界上已知的三种大熊猫——大熊猫小种和大熊猫巴氏亚种以及现生大熊猫的牙齿釉质的超微结构.总的看来,从更新世早期的大熊猫小种到现生的大熊猫,其釉柱的变化,是由粗逐渐变细,数量逐渐增多,柱间区的宽度变窄.这可能反映了大熊猫食性不断特化和咀嚼功能逐步加强.从釉柱的形态和排列来看,大熊猫小种与现生大熊猫的亲缘关系,比它与大熊猫巴氏亚种更为密切;由此,大熊猫巴氏亚种可能不是现生大熊猫的直接祖先,进而提示,我国更新世中、晚期的大熊猫非止一个"种"(或亚种).  相似文献   

秦岭大熊猫食物基地的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
田星群 《兽类学报》1990,10(2):88-96
本文从研究大熊猫食物基地的角度出发,比较系统地讨论了秦岭大熊猫分布区的自然环境和竹林的基本概况。研究结果表明:1、奏岭大熊猫分布区的竹种资源丰富,有6属14种,竹林面积约8.43万公顷。2、构成大熊猫食物基地的竹种有3属3种,面积约占该区竹林总面积的99.7%。3、根据竹林类型、环境及大熊猫的利用状况,秦岭大熊猫的食物基地可以划分为3个小区。4、在正常情况下秦岭大熊猫食物基地至少可供7倍于今数量的大熊猫生存。  相似文献   

汤纯香 《生命世界》2007,(11):40-43
圈养大熊猫被认为是发情难、配种受孕难、育幼成活难的"三难"动物。根据科学统计有78%的雌性大熊猫不孕,有90%的雄性大熊猫不育。大熊猫性喜独居,发情后才愿意进行异性间的接触。雌性大熊猫每年只发情一次,且其择偶性极强,非见"白马王子"不抛"绣球"。由于这种天性使然,大熊猫种群的繁衍危机已迫在眉睫,为了挽救国宝,人工繁育己成重要手段。多年的实践证明,大熊猫人工繁育、移地保护是拯救大熊猫的重要战略之一。  相似文献   

从大熊猫血清中纯化出免疫球蛋白(IgG),以此作为抗原免疫家兔,获得兔抗大熊猫IgG血清。以黑熊、小熊猫、狗、猫等动物血清为抗原,兔抗大熊猫IgG 血清为抗体.进行了免疫扩散和微量免疫电泳实验。 实验结果表明,收集的食肉目动物:黑熊、小熊猫、狗、猫的血清都可与兔抗大熊猫GIg血清进行沉淀反应,其中尤以黑熊的反应最强且与大熊猫的反应沉淀线完全融合;小熊猫、狗、猫反应较弱且融入大熊猫反应沉淀线后形成树板状。从此看出大熊猫lgG 与黑熊的IgG最相似,从亲缘关系上讲,二者更为接近,大熊猫反应属熊科。  相似文献   

观察罗氏芬对大熊猫消化道感染和呼吸道感染的治疗效果。60余例大熊猫消化道感染使用罗氏芬抗感染治疗,30余例大熊猫呼吸道感染使用罗氏芬抗感染治疗。患病大熊猫痊愈,未见不良反应。罗氏芬临床使用方便、副作用少,在大熊猫消化道和呼吸道疾病中有较好的疗效。  相似文献   

黄河  张志和  侯蓉 《动物学杂志》2012,47(6):156-163
大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)数量少,传统取样法难以实施,样品的缺乏给大熊猫研究带来很大困难。而采集大熊猫粪样对大熊猫自身无损伤,粪样易获得和保存。本文总结了应用粪样进行的大熊猫食性与消化吸收、种群与个体识别、类固醇激素、寄生虫与病原微生物等方面的研究进展,对大熊猫粪样的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

上海作为典型的低海拔地区,气候、环境等条件均与大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca栖息地存在很大差异。为了研究在上海出生并生活的大熊猫幼仔的生长发育情况,以及与四川雅安的大熊猫幼仔生长发育是否存在差异,本文比较分析了上海、雅安两地大熊猫幼仔在母兽哺育、人工辅助育幼2种育幼方式下的体质量、体尺和其他器官的生长发育情况,并采用Chapman生长模型模拟了两地大熊猫幼仔的生长曲线。研究发现:上海大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于四川雅安大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);母兽哺育的大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d和70 d的体质量显著大于人工辅助育幼的大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05);雄性大熊猫幼仔40 d、60 d、70 d和100 d的体质量显著大于雌性大熊猫幼仔(P <0. 05)。整体而言,大熊猫幼仔的体长增长最快,其次为腹围,尾长最慢。母兽哺育大熊猫幼仔的体尺数据稍高于人工辅助育幼,与海拔无关;而相同育幼方式下,高、低海拔组幼仔体尺之间的差异无明显规律。Chapman生长模型很好地模拟了上海和雅安两地大熊猫幼仔0~120 d的生长曲线,但2条曲线在拐点日龄、拐点体质量、最大生长率均存在一些差异。通过对两地大熊猫幼仔生长发育的差异研究,为上海地区繁育大熊猫提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

描述比较了早更新世大熊猫小种(Ailuropoda microta)、晚更新世大熊猫巴氏种(A baconi)、现生大熊猫(A.melanoleuca)和北极熊(Ursus maritimus)的虚拟三维颅内模。大熊猫脑窝内模的形态在小种、巴氏种和现生种之间大致相似,而与北极熊区分明显。大熊猫的脑窝内模容积从小种到巴氏种呈增大趋势,但从巴氏种到现生种呈减小趋势。大熊猫的大脑沟回在脑窝内模上留下的印痕非常明显,并从小种经巴氏种到现生种则呈稳定增长趋势。相反,北极熊的大脑沟回在脑窝内模上留下的印痕不明显,而血管印痕在脑窝枕区的两侧很明显。嗅球窝内模腹部的纵沟在大熊猫小种发育,在巴氏种较弱,在大熊猫现生种几乎不存在,而在北极熊较发育。大熊猫的脑量商在小种、巴氏种和现生种之间差别不大,但大熊猫的脑量商明显大于北极熊。大熊猫的副鼻窦在小种、巴氏种和现生种之间的差别不大,但与北极熊差别较大。大熊猫的额窦很长、较高、背侧脊形,而北极熊的额窦长度相对较短、高度较低、宽度稍大、背侧平缓。大熊猫的上颌窦较宽,而北极熊的则较窄。大熊猫的蝶窦很小,而北极熊的则较大,覆盖在脑腔前侧。大熊猫这3个不同时期的种与北极熊在颅内腔上这些明显的差异支持将大熊猫从熊科中独立出来的分类。  相似文献   

Normal labor is accompanied by sequential changes in blood concentrations of prostaglandin F2α (measured as 15-ketodihydro-PGF2α = PGFM), progesterone, estradiol, oxytocin, vasopressin, and of elevated cortisol levels. The aim of this study was to investigate hormone concentrations in dogs diagnosed with primary uterine inertia before and during treatment by cesarian section. The hypothesis was the dogs would have abnormally low plasma concentrations in one or several of the hormones involved in parturition. The study comprised seven bitches with total primary uterine inertia (dystocia group) treated with cesarian section and six healthy bitches (control group) subjected to planned cesarean section. Blood samples were taken before anesthesia, before surgery started, on delivery of the first puppy and on delivery of the last puppy. The progesterone:PGFM ratio in plasma was higher in the dystocia group than in the control group, but the serum estradiol concentration did not differ between groups. The plasma concentrations of oxytocin and vasopressin increased in both groups when the first puppies were delivered, but both hormones were more elevated in the control group than in the dystocia group on delivery of the last puppies. The plasma cortisol concentration increased to the same level in both groups. In conclusion, the ratio between progesterone and PGFM was higher and the oxytocin and vasopressin concentrations lower in the dystocia dogs than in the control dogs. The findings indicate that these hormones are involved in the pathophysiology of total primary uterine inertia in bitches.  相似文献   

目的:探讨存在难产因素初产妇产程图的临床意义。方法:对2009年6月至2010年6月在济南军区总医院住院分娩的326例单胎头位初产妇的产程图进行回顾性分析。结果:产程图异常组中难产因素的构成比和剖宫产率均高于产程图正常组;存在难产因素的组别(胎方位异常组、宫缩乏力组、巨大儿组)产程中各阶段时限均较正常产妇组长,宫颈扩张速度均较正常组慢,胎头位置均高于正常组,以上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在产程中对产程图中各阶段时限、宫颈扩张速度及胎头位置等指标进行监测,来预测和及时发现头位难产因素的存在,及时给予处理,改善母儿预后。  相似文献   

目的:探讨存在难产因素初产妇产程图的临床意义。方法:对2009年6月至2010年6月在济南军区总医院住院分娩的326例单胎头位初产妇的产程图进行回顾性分析。结果:产程图异常组中难产因素的构成比和剖宫产率均高于产程图正常组;存在难产因素的组别(胎方位异常组、宫缩乏力组、巨大儿组)产程中各阶段时限均较正常产妇组长,宫颈扩张速度均较正常组慢,胎头位置均高于正常组,以上差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:在产程中对产程图中各阶段时限、宫颈扩张速度及胎头位置等指标进行监测,来预测和及时发现头位难产因素的存在,及时给予处理,改善母儿预后。  相似文献   

A case of constriction ring dystocia in a 40-year-old multiparous white woman is described. She was postmature; the fetus occupied an unstable lie for which no cause could be demonstrated clinically or radiologically; during the course of an inert labour every third fetal heart sound was abnormal. At cesarean section it appeared that no lower uterine segment had formed and extreme thickness of the myometrium was encountered.  相似文献   

Obstetrics in elephants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Obstetrics, one of the oldest fields in veterinary medicine, is well described and practiced in domestic and exotic animals. However, when providing care during elephant birth or dystocia, veterinary intervention options differ greatly from any domestic species, and are far more limited due to the dimensions and specific anatomy of the elephant reproductive tract. In addition, aging of captive elephant populations and advanced age of primiparous females make active birth management increasingly important. Intrauterine infection, uterine inertia and urogenital tract pathologies are emerging as major causes for dystocia, often leading to foetal and dam death. This paper reviews the current knowledge on elephant birth and the factors associated with dystocia. It then summarises recommendations for birth and dystocia management. As Caesarean section, the most common ultima ratio in domestic animal obstetrics, is lethal and therefore not an option in the elephant, non-invasive medical treatment, induction of the Fergusson reflex or the conscious decision to leave a retained foetus until it is expelled voluntarily, are key elements in elephant obstetrics. Surgical strategies such as episiotomy and foetotomy are sometimes inevitable in order to try to save the life of the dam, however, these interventions result in chronic post-surgical complications or even fatal outcome. Limited reliable data on serum calcium concentrations, and pharmacokinetics and effect of exogenous oestrogen, oxytocin, and prostaglandins during birth provide the scope of future research, necessary to advance scientific knowledge on obstetrics in elephants.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the level of serum liver enzymes, triglyceride and some metabolites in cows with or without difficulties during parturition. The second goal was to compare between the possible effects of caesarian section and fetotomy on these parameters. A total number of 24 native breed cows at full term were included in this study. Out of them, 8 gave normal parturition, 16 cows were admitted with dystocia. The group of dystocia was subdivided into two groups; fetotomy (n=8) and caesarian (n=8) group. In the caesarian group, 4 cows were with uterine torsion. Five blood samples were collected from each cow: directly pre-partum, during and just after delivery and at, 24, 48 and 72 h post-partum. Serum samples were used for determination of aspartate amino transferase (AST), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), gamma glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT), creatine phosphokinase (CK), glucose, total bilirubin, cholesterol and triglyceride. The results showed that AST, GGT, GLDH and CK activities were significantly increased in the group with caesarian sections due to uterine torsion than the control and fetotomy groups. There were insignificant changes in serum GGT and GLDH activities between control, fetotomy and dystocia group without uterine torsion at pre-partum and at 24 and 48 h post-partum. At 72 h post-partum, there was a significant increase in GLDH activity without significant increase in serum GGT activity. The concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides did not differ in cows with dystocia compared to normal cows. In conclusion, cattle subjected to caesarian section and especially those with uterine torsion are associated with hepatic dysfunction. On the other hand, fetotomy has no effect on hepatocellular damage. The type of parturition has no effect on the bilirubin, cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations just before parturition to the 3rd day post-partum. It is recommended to supply cows with liver supportive therapy after caesarian section with uterine torsion.  相似文献   

Dohmen MJ  Joop K  Sturk A  Bols PE  Lohuis JA 《Theriogenology》2000,54(7):1019-1032
A study was conducted to investigate the relationship between intra-uterine bacterial contamination, endotoxin levels and the development of endometritis in cows that experienced a dystocia or retained their placenta. Fifteen healthy cows, 31 cows with retained placenta (RP) and 13 cows that had dystocia were clinically examined 1 or 2 days after parturition when a uterine swab for bacteriological examination was taken. In addition, plasma and uterine lochia samples were collected to determine lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the plasma IgG anti-LPS concentrations. Subsequently, 15 RP and 6 dystocia cows were initially left untreated and another uterine swab was collected at 2 and 4 wk postpartum. Immediately after calving, RP cows had significantly higher LPS levels in uterine lochia (average of 2.24 x 10(4) Endotoxin Units (EU)/mL) as compared to dystocia and healthy postpartum cows (average of 0.10 and 0.26 EU/mL, respectively). However, plasma LPS levels were below the detection limit (<0.036 EU/mL platelet-rich plasma) in all groups of cows. IgG anti-LPS levels in plasma were not significantly different between the 3 groups immediately postpartum (average of 26, 16 and 44 Median Units (MU)/mL) for healthy, dystocia and RP cows, respectively), but they were significantly lower when compared to plasma IgG anti-LPS levels of healthy cows at more than 2 months postpartum (mean 83 MU/mL). High LPS levels in lochia at 1 or 2 days postpartum were significantly related to abnormal cervical discharge, the presence of Escherichia coli, black pigmented gram-negative anaerobes and Clostridium spp. shortly after calving, and Arcanobacterium pyogenes and gram-negative anaerobes in the uterus at 14 days postpartum. These results suggest that the presence of E. coli and LPS (endotoxins) in lochia early postpartum favor the development of uterine infections by A. pyogenes and gram-negative anaerobes later postpartum. LPS were not observed in plasma, suggesting that either they are not absorbed into the blood, or they are efficiently detoxified by IgG anti-LPS or other detoxification mechanisms.  相似文献   

P J Stewart  C Dulberg  A C Arnill  T Elmslie  P F Hall 《CMAJ》1990,142(5):459-463
We carried out a chart review study to determine the rate of diagnosis of dystocia (abnormal progress) and the use of cesarean section to treat dystocia among 3887 primiparous women who gave birth to a single baby in the vertex presentation at four hospitals in Ottawa-Carleton in 1984. Of the 3740 women who had some labour 1127 (30.1%) were given a diagnosis of dystocia. Cesarean section for dystocia was done during all phases of labour (41% of procedures in the latent phase, 38% in the active phase and 21% in the second stage). The cesarean section rate varied among the hospitals from 11.8% to 19.6%. A total of 75% of the cesarean sections were for dystocia, disproportion or failed induction. The findings suggest that cesarean section is being done for disproportion without a trial of labour beyond the latent phase and for dystocia in the absence of fetal distress. If these practices were modified the cesarean section rate could be reduced from 16% to about 8%, the rate found in some other centres and that observed in Canada in the early 1970s.  相似文献   

Frequently, vaginal fold prolapse is the protrusion of edematous vaginal tissue into and through the opening of the vulva occurring during proestrus and estrus stages of the sexual cycle. True vaginal prolapse may occur near parturition, as the concentration of serum progesterone declines and the concentration of serum oestrogen increases. In the bitch, this type of true vaginal prolapse is a very rare condition.

This short communication describes a 5-year-old female, cross-breed dog in moderate condition, weighing 33 kg, with distocia and true vaginal prolapse. Abdominal palpation and transabdominal ultrasonography revealed live and dead foetuses in the uterine horns. One dead and four live fetuses were removed from uterus by cesarean section. The ovariohysterectomy was performed after repositioning the vaginal wall with a combination of traction from within the abdomen and external manipulation through the vulva. Re-occurrence of a vaginal prolapse was not observed and the bitch recovered completely after the surgical therapy.

Compared to other vaginal disorders, vaginal prolapse is an uncommon condition in the bitch. In the present case, extreme tenesmus arising from distocia may have predisposed to the vaginal prolapse. The cause of dystocia was probably the disposition of the first foetus. We concluded that the vaginal prolapse was the result of dystocia in the present case.  相似文献   

Dystocia (difficult labor) is an important component of the management of nonhuman primates and results in significant fetal and maternal morbidity and increased use of veterinary resources. Dystocias can arise from abnormalities of the maternal pelvis or fetus or uncoordinated uterine activity. Although risk factors for stillbirths have been established in nonhuman primates, risk factors for dystocias have not. The objective of this study was to determine maternal and fetal risk factors for dystocia in macaques. Retrospective data were collected from 83 pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) diagnosed with dystocia. The diagnosis of dystocia was made based on clinical or pathologic evidence. Maternal records of age, reproductive history, experimental history, clinical records, and fetal birth weight and any applicable fetal necropsy reports were reviewed. The gestational age of the fetus, the infant's birth weight, total previous births by the dam, and the proportions of both viable delivery (inverse effect) and surgical pregnancy interventions (direct effect) in the dam's history generated a model that maximized the experimental variance for predicting dystocia in the current pregnancy and explained 24% of the dystocia deliveries. The number of total previous births and proportion of previous cesarean sections accounted for the greatest effect. This model can identify individual dams within a colony that are at risk for dystocias and allow for changes in breeding colony management, more intense monitoring of dams at risk, or allocation of additional resources.  相似文献   

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