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Abstract Aim To examine the effect of a known geological barrier on genetic variation within a wall lizard species complex. Location The Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. Methods Sequencing of partial 12S rRNA and cytochrome b mtDNA. Results The current distribution of genetic variability is not related to the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar. Conclusions Podarcis hispanica in North Africa is probably a species complex. The Strait of Gibraltar should not be used as a known barrier to gene flow in other land based organisms without careful sampling to test for multiple crossings since its formation.  相似文献   

为促进乔氏新银鱼(Neosalanx jordani)种质资源的保护, 采集了长江流域和淮河流域5个乔氏新银鱼地理种群计129个样本, 利用线粒体细胞色素b基因(Cyt b)全序列作为分子标记, 初步分析了乔氏新银鱼种群的遗传多样性、遗传结构及种群历史动态。研究结果共检测到18个Cyt b单倍型, 发现和其他鱼类相比, 乔氏新银鱼具有较高的单倍型多样性(h, 0.590±0.047), 但核苷酸多样性较低(π, 0.00088±0.00011)。分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明, 乔氏新银鱼5个地理种群内个体间和流域内种群间均存在显著的遗传差异, 而长江流域与淮河流域之间遗传分化不明显, 显示乔氏新银鱼遗传分化与当前水系的分布格局不吻合。结果表明乔氏新银鱼目前的遗传格局主要是由于长距离独立的建群事件、基因流限制以及种群的持续扩张的共同作用而形成的。种群历史动态分析结果显示乔氏新银鱼种群为近期扩张种群, 其大部分变异发生在1.897万年之内, 与最后一次冰期全面消退、海平面上升、长江流域及淮河流域中下游大量湖泊(适宜生境)形成的时间相吻合。建议对现存的乔氏新银鱼种群, 特别是遗传多样性较高的那些种群(如鄱阳湖、太湖及洪泽湖种群)分别保护。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Primer pairs were designed and protocols developed to selectively amplify segments of vertebrate mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b ) mtDNA from the bloodmeals of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). The protocols use two pairs of nested COI primers and one pair of Cyt b primers to amplify short segments of DNA. Resultant sequences are then compared with sequences in GenBank, using the BLAST function, for putative host identification. Vertebrate DNA was amplified from 88% of our sample of 162 wild-caught, blood-fed mosquitoes from Oregon, U.S.A. and GenBank BLAST searches putatively identified 98% of the amplified sequences, including one amphibian, seven mammalian and 14 avian species. Criteria and caveats for putative identification of bloodmeals are discussed.  相似文献   

Neighbour-joining and parsimony analyses identified five lineages of cyprinids: (1) European leuciscins (including Notemigonus )+North American phoxinins (including Phoxinus phoxinus ); (2) European gobionins+Pseudorasbora ; (3) primarily Asian groups [cultrins+acheilognathins+ gobionins (excluding Abbotina )+xenocyprinins]; (4) Abbottina+Sinocyclocheilus+Acrossocheilus ; (5) cyprinins [excluding Sinocyclocheilus and Acrossocheilus ]+barbins+labeonins. Relationships among these lineages and the enigmatic taxa Rhodeus were not well-resolved. Tests of monophyly of subfamilies and previously proposed relationships were examined by constraining cytochrome b sequences data to fit previous hypotheses. The analysis of constrained trees indicated that sequence data were not consistent with most previously proposed relationships. Inconsistency was largely attributable to Asian taxa, such as Xenocypris and Xenocyprioides . Improved understanding of historical and taxonomic relationships in Cyprinidae will require further morphological and molecular studies on Asian cyprinids and taxa representative of the diversity found in Africa.  相似文献   

Conservation genetics: beyond the maintenance of marker diversity   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
One of the major problems faced by conservation biologists is the allocation of scarce resources to an overwhelmingly large number of species in need of preservation efforts. Both demographic and genetic information have been brought to bear on this problem; however, the role of information obtained from genetic markers has largely been limited to the characterization of gene frequencies and patterns of diversity. While the genetic consequences of rarity may be a contributing factor to endangerment, it is widely recognized that demographic factors often may be more important. Because patterns of genetic marker variation are influenced by the same demographic factors of interest to the conservation biologist, it is possible to extract useful demographic information from genetic marker data. Such an approach may be productive for determining plant mating systems, inbreeding depression, effective population size, and metapopulation structure. In many cases, however, data consisting only of marker frequencies are inadequate for these purposes. Development of genealogical based analytical methods coupled with studies of DNA sequence variation within and among populations is likely to yield the most information on demographic processes from genetic marker data. Indeed, in some cases it may be the only means of obtaining information on the long-term demographic properties that may be most useful for determining the future prospects of a species of interest.  相似文献   

Wildlife populations have been introduced to new areas by people for centuries, but this human‐mediated movement can disrupt natural patterns of genetic structure by altering patterns of gene flow. Insular populations are particularly prone to these influences due to limited opportunities for natural dispersal onto islands. Consequently, understanding how genetic patterns develop in island populations is important, particularly given that islands are frequently havens for protected wildlife. We examined the evolutionary origins and extent of genetic structure within the introduced island population of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) on the Channel Island of Jersey using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence and nuclear microsatellite genotypes. Our findings reveal two different genetic origins and a genetic architecture reflective of the introductions 120 years ago. Genetic structure is marked within the maternally inherited mtDNA, indicating slow dispersal of female squirrels. However, nuclear markers detected only weak genetic structure, indicating substantially greater male dispersal. Data from both mitochondrial and nuclear markers support historic records that squirrels from England were introduced to the west of the island and those from mainland Europe to the east. Although some level of dispersal and introgression across the island between the two introductions is evident, there has not yet been sufficient gene flow to erase this historic genetic “footprint.” We also investigated if inbreeding has contributed to high observed levels of disease, but found no association. Genetic footprints of introductions can persist for considerable periods of time and beyond traditional timeframes of wildlife management.  相似文献   

The population genetics of the Afghan Pika (Ochotona rufescens) was studied in Northern Khorasan Province, Iran. For prediction of the genetic differentiation of four populations, the DNA of mitochondrial cytochrome b of 32 individuals from four areas was sequenced and a Bayesian analysis based on the HKY model was constructed. In total, 15 polymorphic sites, 1125 conserved sites (98.7%) and 14 different haplotypes were found. The phylogenetic tree resulting from the Bayesian analysis and network analysis showed that all samples were clustered in two major groups and the haplotypes of the four populations did not separate geographically. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that a large majority of the genetic variance was due to the variance within populations. The results of fixation indices showed significant genetic structure among populations in both methods. The pairwise Fst revealed that two northern populations have a significant genetic differentiation from two southern populations, but no significance pairwise Fst value was demonstrated between the closed populations. Nei's genetic distances between closed populations were not significant, while significant values occurred between distant populations. It seems that there is not a major discontinuity between populations of Afghan Pika based on cyt-b mitochondrial gene. However, phylogenetic analysis did not separate populations and a large majority of the genetic variance was found within populations. However, AMOVA analysis showed a significant level of genetic structure among populations (p?<?0.001) and between groups (p?<?0.5). It seems that these results suggest shallow genetic differentiation between populations of different geographic groups.  相似文献   

Amorpha georgiana (Fabaceae) is an endangered legume species found in longleaf pine savannas in the Southeastern United States. Approximately 900 individuals and 14 populations remain, most of which are concentrated in North Carolina. Eleven microsatellite loci were used to explore genetic diversity, population structure and recent population bottlenecks using genotypic data from 132 individuals collected at ten different localities. Although A. georgiana is quite rare, it exhibited high levels of genetic diversity (17.7 alleles/locus; H o = 0.65, H E = 0.75). Most of the genetic variation was found within rather than between populations of this species. The single remaining Georgia population was well differentiated from populations of the Carolinas ( F ST > 0.1), which had weaker structure among them ( F ST < 0.1). Only a geographically disjunct population showed strong evidence of a recent population bottleneck, perhaps due to a recent founder event. Hybridization with A. herbacea was also detected. For conservation management plans, A. georgiana populations in each geographic region (North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia) plus a disjunct population in North Carolina (Holly Shelter) should be treated as separate management units for which in situ conservation, including habitat restoration and use of prescribed burns, should ensure persistence of this species and preservation of its evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

赵爽  乐小亮  章群 《生态科学》2009,28(6):528-531
测定了珠江和韩江3个群体21尾赤眼鳟线粒体细胞色素b基因1 029bp序列片段,发现11个单倍型,14个变异位点。韩江群体单倍型多样度h(0.464)和核苷酸多样度π(0.000 97)较低,珠江水系左江和郁江群体较高(h=0.929-1,π=0.023 6-0.036 9)。在邻接树上不同地理来源的个体混杂,没有明显的谱系结构和地理聚群。Fst值和AMOVA分析亦显示珠江与韩江群体之间没有显著遗传分化。单倍型网络图呈星状结构,中性检测Tajima's D和Fu's Fs均为显著负值,核苷酸不对称分布分析呈单峰模式,说明华南赤眼鳟群体可能在晚更新世(164-66KaBP)曾经历过种群的快速扩张。  相似文献   

测定了中国鲹科8属9种鱼的细胞色素b基因的全序列(1141bp),结合来自GenBank中分布于美国、安哥拉、希腊以及巴拿马的鲹科4属14种鱼的相应同源序列生成供系统发育分析的序列矩阵,用最大简约法和邻接法构建分子系统树。结果显示:(1)支持科下设四个亚科(鲹亚科,亚科,鲳鲹亚科,鰆鲹科)阶元的分类系统;(2)亚科属下不宜设亚属分类阶元;(3)及达副叶鲹与丽叶鲹亲缘关系较近,应同属于副叶鲹属;(4)我国传统的鱼类检索系统将狮鼻鲳鲹误鉴定为卵形鲳鲹,建议予以修正。  相似文献   

We examined intra-specific phylogenetic relationships in leatherside chub, Gila copei. The complete mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) was sequenced for 30 individuals from 10 populations that span the geographical distribution of this species. Traditional phylogenetic analyses revealed two deeply divergent and evolutionarily distinct mtDNA clades that are geographically separated in northern and southern drainage basins. Interpopulation sequence variation between clades ranged from 7.7 to 8.1%. The northern clade was genetically more similar and phylogenetically more closely related to the selected out-group Lepidomeda m. mollispinus than to the southern clade, suggesting that the taxonomy of this species may require revision. Sequence variation among populations within clades ranged from 0 to 0.3% in the north and from 0 to 0.7% in the south. Statistical parsimony was used to construct phylogenetic networks of haplotypes within clades. Nested clade analysis revealed that geographical fragmentation has played an important role in genetic structuring within northern and southern clades.  相似文献   

Cheirolophus uliginosus is a rare species, endemic to the south‐western Iberian Peninsula, and listed as a characteristic taxon from the temperate Atlantic wet heaths, a priority habitat for conservation by the European Union. The conservation status of this species in most of its distribution area is poorly known, but, in recent times, some populations have disappeared and there has been a reduction in the number of individuals in others. In this context, we analysed the effects of population size on genetic diversity, revealing that genetic erosion and inbreeding depression could be having a significant impact on smaller populations. Furthermore, we studied the patterns of genetic structure and variability at the species level, finding a strikingly low within‐population diversity and high among‐population genetic differentiation. Finally, the genetic structure analyses suggested a long and complex phylogeographical history of C. uliginosus in the region, in agreement with the climate relict status proposed for this species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 157–171.  相似文献   

Littorina saxatilis is a ubiquitous snail of intertidal habitats in the North Atlantic. Shell type in littorinids is extremely polymorphic and defined by habitat. Taxonomy based upon shell type has been revised in the light of anatomic and genetic information, but uncertainties remain. In this study, the population structure of L. saxatilis and L. tenebrosa was studied at 11 sites in Ireland using single-strand conformational polymorphisms of a 375-bp portion of the cytochrome b gene, and the status of L. tenebrosa, the small, fragile-shelled, brackish water type, was considered. The genetic patterns among L. saxatilis and L. tenebrosa populations were examined over varying distances and L. tenebrosa was compared with adjacent L. saxatilis populations at four sites on the west coast of Ireland and one site on the east coast. Haplotype diversity was high with 32 haplotypes present among 995 individuals. Pairwise tests suggest gene flow over small scales among and between habitat types and may reflect the stochastic legacy of postglacial recolonization over larger scales. In AMOVA tests, geography explained nearly twice as much of the variance (30%) as habitat type (18%), indicating that gene flow is more restricted by distance than by habitat type, and supporting the status of L. tenebrosa as an ecotype of L. saxatilis rather than a separate species.  相似文献   

鳜类系统发育的线粒体Cytb基因全序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章群  任岗  钱开诚  陈泉梅 《生态科学》2006,25(5):430-432,436
测定了鳜、大眼鳜、斑鳜、暗鳜、波纹鳜、长体鳜、中国少鳞鳜等7种鳜类12个个体的线粒体细胞色素b基因全序列。结合GenBank中的同源序列,共分析了9种鳜类的系统发育关系。序列分析表明,鳜属鱼类属内种间的遗传距离(0.015~0.093)明显小于少鳞鳜属鱼类属内种间的遗传距离(0.152~0.178)。在分子系统发育树上,长体鳜与鳜属的鳜、大眼鳜、斑鳜、波纹鳜、暗鳜聚合成一分支,少鳞鳜属的种类聚成另一分支;支持将长体鳜归入鳜属,鳜类分为鳜属和少鳞鳜属等二个属的分类处理。在鳜属鱼类中,鳜和大眼鳜亲缘关系十分密切;斑鳜与波纹鳜亲缘较近;长体鳜与鳜属其它5个种的亲缘关系较远。在少鳞鳜属鱼类中,中国少鳞鳜和日本少鳞鳜的亲缘关系较远,韩国少鳞鳜的系统位置较不明确。鳜类的单系性及其鳜类的系统位置仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

The classification and evolutionary relationships are important issues in the study of the groupers. Cytochrome b gene fragment of twenty-eight grouper species within six genera of subfamily Epinephelinae was amplified using PCR techniques and the sequences were analyzed to derive the phylogenetic relationships of the groupers from the China Seas. Genetic information indexes, including Kimura-2 parameter genetic distance and Ts/Tv ratios, were generated by using a variety of biology softwares. With Niphon spinosus, Pagrus major and Pagrus auriga as the designated outgroups, phylogenetic trees, which invoke additional homologous sequences of other Epinephelus fishes from GenBank, were constructed based on the neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and minimum-evolution (ME) methods. Several conclusions were drawn from the DNA sequences analysis: (1) genus Plectropomus, which was early diverged, is the most primitive group in the subfamily Epinephelinae; (2) genus Variola is more closely related to genus Cephalopolis than the other four genera; (3) genus Cephalopolis is a monophyletic group and more primitive than genus Epinephelus; (4) Promicrops lanceolatus and Cromileptes altivelis should be included in genus Epinephelus; (5) there exist two sister groups in genus Epinephelus.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of molecular markers have significantly revised the traditional taxonomy of Podarcis species (Squamata: Lacertidae), leading to critically reconsider the taxonomic value of several subspecies described only on morphological bases. In fact, lizards often exhibit high morphological plasticity both at the intra‐specific and the intra‐population level, especially on islands, where phenotypic divergences are mainly due to local adaptation, rather than to evolutionary differentiation. The Common wall lizard Podarcis muralis exhibits high morphological variability in biometry, pholidosis values and colour pattern. Molecular analyses have confirmed the key role played by the Italian Peninsula as a multi‐glacial refuge for P. muralis, pointing out the lack of congruence between mitochondrial lineages and the four peninsular subspecies currently recognized. Here, we analyse a portion of the protein‐encoding cytochrome b gene in the seven subspecies described for the Tuscan Archipelago (Italy), in order to test whether the mitochondrial haplotypes match the morphologically based taxonomy proposed for Common wall lizard. We also compare our haplotypes with all the others from the Italian Peninsula to investigate the presence of unique genetic lineages in insular populations. Our results do not agree completely with the subspecific division based on morphology. In particular, the phylogenetic analyses show that at least four subspecies are characterized by very similar haplotypes and fall into the same monophyletic clade, whereas the other three subspecies are closer to peninsular populations from central Italy. From these results, we conclude that at least some subspecies could be better regarded as simple eco‐phenotypes; in addition, we provide an explanation for the distinctiveness of exclusive lineages found in the archipelago, which constituted a refuge for this species during last glacial periods.  相似文献   

Nazareno & Jump (2012) highlight potential issues with using small sample sizes in population genetic studies. By reanalysing allelic richness data from our recent publication on habitat fragmentation (Struebig et al. 2011), they assert that the observed relationship has been driven by three sites with the lowest number of individuals sampled. While sample size issues have been raised before in the genetic literature, Nazareno & Jump’s (2012) comment serves as a useful reminder to us all. Nevertheless, we disagree that our findings were significantly biased by sampling limitations. Here, we demonstrate by jackknifing that, contrary to the claims of Nazareno & Jump (2012), our correlations of allelic richness and fragment area are not driven solely by sites with low sample sizes. We maintain that small sample sizes can be accounted for in fragmentation studies and that sampling limitations should not detract from undertaking conservation genetic research.  相似文献   

本研究通过测序Cytb基因和COⅠ基因的部分序列来推定15种麻蝇之间的系统发育关系。在世界麻蝇名录中,本研究的15种麻蝇能够代表麻蝇属Sarcophaga的6个亚属。连接序列(972 bp)被用于系统发育分析;分析方法包括了了最大简约法、最大似然法以及贝叶斯法。我们的结果提示了亚麻蝇亚属Parasarcophaga、别麻蝇亚属Boettcherisca以及红麻蝇亚属Liopygia的单系性,同时也表明蛇麻蝇亚属Liosarcophaga和德麻蝇亚属Pandelleisca并不是单源的。不过,目前的研究并不能分辨野德麻蝇S. (Pandelleisca) similis和峨眉叉麻蝇S. (Robineauella) coei的系统发育位置。此外,最大简约分析和似然功能分析在scopariiformis-iwuensis进化枝和polystylata-hui进化枝的关系上产生了不一致的系统发育推断。因此,后续研究不仅需要其他的分子标记,也需要更多的分类取样。  相似文献   

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