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This study evaluated the ability of A1 and A3 adenosine receptor (AR) agonism, and A1, A2A, A2B and A3AR antagonism (revealing "intrinsic" responses), to modify post-ischemic coronary dysfunction in mouse heart. Vascular function was assessed before and after 20 min global ischemia and 30-45 min reperfusion in Langendorff perfused C57/Bl6 mouse hearts. Ischemic insult impaired coronary sensitivity to the endothelial-dependent dilators ADP (pEC50=6.8+/-0.1 vs. 7.6+/-0.1, non-ischemic) and acetylcholine (pEC50=6.1+/-0.1 vs. 7.3+/-0.1 in non-ischemic), and for the mixed endothelial-dependent/independent dilator 2-chloroadenosine (pEC50=7.5+/-0.1 vs. 8.4+/-0.1, non-ischemic). Endothelium-independent dilation in response to nitroprusside was unaltered (pEC50=7.0+/-0.1 vs. 7.1+/-0.1 in non-ischemic). Pre-treatment with a selective A1AR agonist (50 nM CHA) failed to modify coronary dysfunction, whereas A1AR antagonism (200 nM DPCPX) worsened the effects of I/R (2-chloroadenosine pEC50=6.9+/-0.1). Conversely, A3AR agonism (100 nM Cl-IB-MECA) did reduce effects of I/R (pEC50s=8.0+/-0.1 and 7.3+/-0.1 for 2-chloroadenosine and ADP, respectively), whereas antagonism (100 nM MRS1220) was without effect. While A2AAR agonism could not be assessed (due to pronounced vasodilatation), A2AAR antagonism (100 nM SCH58261) was found to exert no effect, and antagonism of A2BARs (50 nM MRS1754) was also ineffective. The protective actions of A3AR agonism were also manifest as improved reactive hyperemic responses. Interestingly, post-ischemic coronary dysfunction was also limited by: Na+-H+ exchange (NHE) inhibition with 10 or 50 microM BIIB-513 (2-chloroadenosine pEC50s=7.8+/-0.1, either dose), an effect not additive with A3AR agonism; Ca2+ antagonism with 0.3 microM verapamil (2-chloroadenosine pEC50=7.9+/-0.1); and Ca2+ desensitization with 5 mM BDM (2-chloroadenosine pEC50=7.8+/-0.1). In contrast, endothelin antagonism (200 nM PD142893) and anti-oxidant therapy (300 microM MPG+150 U/ml SOD+600 U/ml catalase) were ineffective. Our data collectively confirm that ischemia selectively impairs endothelial function and reactive hyperemia independently of blood cells. Vascular injury is intrinsically limited by endogenous (but not exogenous) activation of A1ARs, whereas exogenous A3AR activation further limits dysfunction (improving post-ischemic vasoregulation). Finally, findings suggest this form of post-ischemic coronary injury is unrelated to endothelin or oxidant stress, but may involve modulation of Ca2+ overload and/or related ionic perturbations.  相似文献   

目的:研究腺苷对豚鼠心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca^2+]i)的影响并探讨其可能机制。方法:用激光共聚焦显微镜探测细胞内游离钙浓度,结果用相对荧光强度((FI-FI0)/FI0,%;FI0:对照;FI:给药)表示。结果:①在正常台氏液和无钙台氏液中,腺苷(10,50,100μmol/L)浓度依赖性地降低[Ca^2+];。②含30mmol/L KCl的台氏液(高钾台氏液)能够增加[Ca^2+]i。腺苷(10,50,100μmol/L)能够显著抑制KCl引起的[Ca^2+]i的增加。③预先应用选择性腺苷AI受体拮抗剂DPCPX(1μmol/L),可大部分取消腺苷(100μmol/L)在高钾台氏液中的作用。腺苷(100μmol/L)在高钾台氏液的作用也可被预先应用一氧化氮(No)合酶抑制剂L-NAME(1mmol/L)所部分减弱。④腺苷(100μmol/L)能明显抑制无钙台氏液中由低浓度ryanodine引起的[Ca^2+];增加。⑤当细胞外液钙浓度由1mmol/L增加到10mmol/L而诱发心室肌细胞钙超载时,部分心室肌细胞产生可传播的钙波,腺苷(100μmol/L)可降低钙波发生的频率和持续时间,最终阻断钙波并降低[Ca^2+];。结论:腺苷可通过抑制外钙内流和减少肌浆网内钙释放从而降低[Ca^2+],其减少外钙内流可能是由于腺苷A1受体介导的电压依赖性Ca^2+通道的抑制,NO可能参与这一过程。  相似文献   

目的:观察genistein(GEN)对离体豚鼠右心室肌收缩功能的影响,并探讨其作用机理。方法:将离体豚鼠右心室肌置于装有K-H液的灌流肌槽中,待平衡后,加入各种药物观察心室肌收缩活动的变化。结果:GEN和异丙肾上腺素相似,可增强右心室肌的收缩活动,GEN(1~100μmol·L-1)的作用还具有明显的剂量依赖性。心得安(1μmol·L-1)和异搏定(0.5μmol·L-1)虽可明显阻断异丙肾上腺素(1μmol·L-1)的正性肌力作用,但对GEN(50μmol·L-1)的心肌收缩增强效应无明显改变;同时发现GEN(1,10μmol·L-1)温育后,对细胞外液Ca2 浓度升高而诱发的心肌收缩力增强也无明显影响。另外,它莫西芬(1μmol·L-1)及SQ22536(1μmol·L-1)可减弱GEN的正性肌力作用,bpV(1μmol·L-1)也可部分阻断GEN的这种作用。结论:GEN可增强右心室肌的收缩活动,其作用与心肌细胞膜上的β肾上腺素能受体、钙通道的激活无关,可能与cAMP的胞内信号转导以及酪氨酸激酶途径有一定关系。  相似文献   

Using fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2 and whole-cell patch-clamp techniques, we examined the effect of 2-nicotinamidoethyl nitrate (nicorandil) on the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and electrical properties in single guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Nicorandil (10 nM approximately 1 mM) reduced the resting level [Ca2+]i monitored as fura-2 fluorescence ratio in a concentration-dependent manner. Dibutyryl guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP), a membrane permeable cyclic GMP analogue, mimicked the nicorandil action. Neither application of caffeine (10 mM) nor deprivation of extracellular Na+ ions could prevent the nicorandil action on [Ca2+]i. In contrast, the nicorandil effect was virtually blocked by sodium orthovanadate (40 microM), a Ca2+ pumping ATPase inhibitor. During electrophysiological experiments, nicorandil shortened action potential durations (205 +/- 80 ms to 153 +/- 76 ms) by increasing a glibenclamide-sensitive outward K+ conductance. However, the drug produced little hyperpolarization (approximately 2 mV) because the resting potential of ventricular myocytes was close to the K+ equilibrium potential. The involvement of voltage-dependent Ca-channel current and Na-Ca exchanger was considered to be minimal under physiological conditions. It is thus concluded that nicorandil decreases basal [Ca2+]i via cyclic GMP-mediated activation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in guinea pig ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that an interaction among adenosine A(1) receptors, protein kinase C (PKC) activation, and ATP-sensitive potassium channels (K(ATP)) mediates ischemic preconditioning in experiments on different animal species. The purpose of this study was to determine if activation of K(ATP) is functionally coupled to A(1) receptors and (or) PKC activation during metabolic inhibition (MI) in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Perforated-patch using nystatin and conventional whole-cell recording methods were used to observe the effects of adenosine and adenosine-receptor antagonists on the activation of K(ATP) currents during MI induced by application of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) and 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) without glucose, in the presence or absence of a PKC activator, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Adenosine accelerated the time course activation of K(ATP) currents during MI under the intact intracellular condition or dialyzed condition with l mmol/L ATP in the pipette solution. The accelerated effect of adenosine activation of K(ATP) under MI was not reversed by a nonselective Al adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-(p-sulfophenyl)theophylline (SPT), or a specific Al adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX). However, the adenosine A(2) receptor antagonist alloxazine reversed the time course activation of the K(ATP) current under MI. An adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, did not further abbreviate the time course activation of K(ATP) with or without adenosine. Application of a PKC blocker, chelerythrine, reversed the time course activation of K(ATP) by adenosine under MI. In addition, pretreatment with a PKC activator, PMA, had similar effects to adenosine, while adenosine did not further shorten the time required for activation of K(ATP) currents during MI with PMA pretreatment. There is no direct evidence of activation of K(ATP) currents by adenosine A(1) receptor during metabolic inhibition under our experimental condition. However, adenosine A(2) receptor activation is involved in the K(ATP) channel activation in the guinea pig ventricular myocytes, of which effect is not mediated through the increase in intracellular cAMP. Adenosine seems to interact with PKC activation to open K(ATP) during MI, but a possible link between the adenosine A(2) receptor and PKC activation in this process needs further elucidation.  相似文献   

Guinea pig heart mitochondria loaded with [-14C]citrate show exchanges of radioactivity at 30 degrees C with added citrate, L-malate and phosphoenolpyruvate. These exchanges are inhibited by benzene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate. Measurements of rates of citrate transport indicate that the activity of this transporting system is low in heart mitochondria compared to that observed in liver mitochondria. The K(m) values obtained indicate a similarity to those obtained in liver. Citrate oxidation by coupled mitochondria was also found to be slow at 30 degrees C but was inhibited by benzene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate. The role of mitochondrial citrate transport in control of glycolytic flux in the heart is discussed.  相似文献   

Gong SK  Yu GB  Li K 《中国应用生理学杂志》2007,23(3):291-292,384
目的:研究氯化镉(CdCl2)对正常豚鼠心室乳头肌细胞动作电位(AP)的影响。方法:用常规细胞内微电极方法记录乳头肌细胞AP。结果:在生理条件下,CdCl2可使APo期振幅(APA)和最大除极速率(Vmax)降低,动作电位时程(APD)缩短,且具有剂量依赖性。结论:CdCl2可使心室肌AP的APA、Vmax、APD发生改变,提示CdCl2有抑制Na 、Ca2 内流和激活K 外流作用。  相似文献   

Cardiac cellular calcium (Ca2+) handling is the well-investigated mediator of excitation–contraction coupling, the process that translates cardiac electrical activation into mechanical events. The reverse—effects of mechanical stimulation on cardiomyocyte Ca2+ handling—are much less well understood, in particular during the inter-beat period, called ‘diastole’. We have investigated the effects of diastolic length changes, applied axially using a pair of carbon fibres attached to opposite ends of Guinea pig isolated ventricular myocytes, on the availability of Ca2+ in the main cellular stores (the sarcoplasmic reticulum; SR), by studying the rest-decay of SR Ca2+ content [Ca2+]SR, and the reloading of the SR after prior depletion of Ca2+ from the cell.Cells were loaded with Fura-2 AM (an indicator of the cytosolic ‘free’ Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i), and pre-conditioned by field-stimulation (2 Hz) at 37 °C, while [Ca2+]i transients and sarcomere length (SL) were recorded simultaneously. After reaching a steady state in the behaviour of observed parameters, stimulation was interrupted for between 5 and 60 s, while cells were either held at resting length, or stretched (controlled to cause a 10% increase in SL, to aid inter-individual comparison). Thereafter, each cell was returned to its original resting length, followed by swift administration of 10 mM of caffeine (in Na+/Ca2+-free solution), which causes the release of Ca2+ from the SR (caffeine), but largely prevents extrusion of Ca2+ from the cytosol to the cell exterior (Na+/Ca2+-free solution). By comparing the [Ca2+]i in cells exposed/not exposed to diastolic stretch of different duration, we assessed the rest-decay dynamics of [Ca2+]SR. To assess SR reloading after initial Ca2+ depletion, the same stretch protocol was implemented after prior emptying of the cell by application of 10 mM of caffeine in normal Tyrode solution (which causes Ca2+ to be released from the SR and extruded from the cell via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger; NCX).Axial stretch enhanced the rate of both rest-decay and reloading of [Ca2+]SR. Application of 40 μM streptomycin, a blocker of stretch-activated ion channels, did not affect the stretch-induced increase in SR reloading. This behaviour was reproduced in a computer simulation study, using a modified version of the 2006 Iribe–Kohl–Noble model of single cardiac myocyte Ca2+ handling, suggesting that stretch increases both Ca2+ leak from the SR and Ca2+ influx via the sarcolemma. This may have important implications for the mobilisation of Ca2+ in stretched cells, and could contribute to the regional ‘matching’ of individual cardiomyocyte contractility to dynamic, and regionally varying, changes in mechanical loads, such as diastolic pre-load, of cardiac tissue.  相似文献   

G Arthur  L Page  T Mock    P C Choy 《The Biochemical journal》1986,236(2):475-480
The hydrolysis of the alkenyl bonds of plasmenylcholine and plasmenylethanolamine by plasmalogenase, followed by hydrolysis of the resultant lysophospholipid by lysophospholipase, has been postulated as the major pathway for the catabolism of these plasmalogens. However, the postulation was based solely on the presence of plasmalogenase activity towards plasmenylethanolamine and plasmenylcholine in the brain. In this study we have demonstrated the absence of plasmalogenase activity for plasmenylcholine in the guinea pig heart under a wide range of experimental conditions. Plasmenylcholine was hydrolysed by phospolipase A2 activities in cardiac microsomal, mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions. Phospholipase A2 activities in these fractions had an alkaline pH optimum and were enhanced by Ca2+. The enzymes also displayed high specificity for plasmenylcholine with linoleoyl or oleoyl at the C-2 position. Lysoplasmalogenase activity for lysoplasmenycholine was also detected and characterized in the microsomal and mitochondrial fractions. Since the cardiac plasmalogenase is only active towards plasmenylethanolamine but not plasmenylcholine, the catabolism of these two plasmalogens must be different from each other. We postulate that the major pathway for the catabolism of plasmenycholine involves the hydrolysis of the C-2 fatty acid by phospholipase A2, and hydrolysis of the vinyl ether group of the resultant lysoplasmenylcholine by lysoplasmalogenase.  相似文献   

Sarcolemma isolated from guinea pig heart ventricles possessed ATP-dependent Ca2+ binding and accumulation (+ oxalate) activities which were not inhibited by sodium azide, oligomycin, or ruthenium red. Ca2+ binding and accumulation by sarcolemma were sensitive to pH, the optimum being about pH 6.8. The concentrations of ATP required for half-maximal binding and accumulation were 94.3 and 172 muM, respectively. Mg2+ up to 5 mM significantly enhanced both activities but was inhibitory at higher concentrations (greater than 10 mM). Sarcolemmal Ca2+ binding and accumulation were stimulated 100% by K+, half-maximal enhancement occurring at 5-10 mM K+. Ca2+ binding and accumulation were both saturable processes and the respective apparent Km values for Ca2+ were 16.4 and 14.3 muM. Ca2+ binding by sarcolemma was a rapid process and the bound Ca2+ was released upon depletion of ATP in the medium. It is suggested that the sarcolemmal Ca2+ transport system may well be of significance in regulation of the contraction-relaxation cycle of cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of phospholamban (PLB) at Ser16 (protein kinase A site) and at Thr17 [Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) site] increases sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ uptake and myocardial contractility and relaxation. In perfused rat hearts submitted to ischemia-reperfusion, we previously showed an ischemia-induced Ser16 phosphorylation that was dependent on beta-adrenergic stimulation and an ischemia and reperfusion-induced Thr17 phosphorylation that was dependent on Ca2+ influx. To elucidate the relationship between these two PLB phosphorylation sites and postischemic mechanical recovery, rat hearts were submitted to ischemia-reperfusion in the absence and presence of the CaMKII inhibitor KN-93 (1 microM) or the beta-adrenergic blocker dl-propranolol (1 microM). KN-93 diminished the reperfusion-induced Thr17 phosphorylation and depressed the recovery of contraction and relaxation after ischemia. dl-Propranolol decreased the ischemia-induced Ser16 phosphorylation but failed to modify the contractile recovery. To obtain further insights into the functional role of the two PLB phosphorylation sites in postischemic mechanical recovery, transgenic mice expressing wild-type PLB (PLB-WT) or PLB mutants in which either Thr17 or Ser16 were replaced by Ala (PLB-T17A and PLB-S16A, respectively) into the PLB-null background were used. Both PLB mutants showed a lower contractile recovery than PLB-WT. However, this recovery was significantly impaired all along reperfusion in PLB-T17A, whereas it was depressed only at the beginning of reperfusion in PLB-S16A. Moreover, the recovery of relaxation was delayed in PLB-T17A, whereas it did not change in PLB-S16A, compared with PLB-WT. These findings indicate that, although both PLB phosphorylation sites are involved in the mechanical recovery after ischemia, Thr17 appears to play a major role.  相似文献   

To investigate whether the action potential duration (APD) or resting tension was dependent on global ATP content, and whether they were preferentially dependent on glycolytic ATP, APD and resting tension were measured under various metabolic inhibition with corresponding measurement of ATP content in guinea pig ventricular muscles. Oxidative phosphorylation was inhibited by either hypoxic perfusion, the perfusion of sodium cyanide, or 2,4-dinitrophenol. Glycolysis was blocked by the perfusion of iodoacetic acid, and hypoxia with variable glycolytic activities was achieved by hypoxic perfusion in the presence of glucose (5, 10, and 50 mM). APD began to decrease when ATP content decreased to less than 3 mM/kg w.w. from the control level of 4.35 mM/kg w.w. APD shortened significantly and resting tension increased steeply, when ATP content decreased below 1 mM/kg w.w. The dependence of APD and the increase in resting tension on ATP content was not affected by the mode of metabolic block, that is, the inhibition of glycolysis and/or oxidative phosphorylation. Though other factors can affect APD and resting tension, we found no evidence of functional ATP compartmentation, with respect to APD and the increase in resting tension during metabolic inhibition.  相似文献   

The deacylation-reacylation process has been shown to be an important pathway for phospholipids to attain the desired acyl groups at the C-2 position. The acylation of 1-acyl-glycerophosphocholine (-GPC) in mammalian hearts has been well documented, but the acylation of 1-alkenyl-GPC has not been described. In this paper, we demonstrate the presence of acyl-CoA: 1-alkenyl-GPC acyltransferase for the acylation of 1-alkenyl-GPC in mammalian hearts; the highest activity is found in guinea pig heart. The guinea pig heart 1-alkenyl-GPC acyltransferase has only 10-40% of the 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase activity, and both activities are located in the microsomal fraction. However, these two enzymes respond differently to cations, detergents and heat treatment, and the two enzymes also display different acyl specificity. Kinetic studies indicate that both reactions could not be accommodated by the same catalytic site. The results provide strong evidence that the two activities are from separate and distinct proteins. The specificity of 1-alkenyl-GPC acyltransferase for unsaturated species of acyl-CoA may play an important role in the maintenance of the high degree of unsaturated acyl groups found in guinea pig heart plasmalogens.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory using near-infrared optical spectroscopy of myoglobin has shown that approximately 20% of the myocardium is hypoxic in buffer-perfused hearts that are perfused with fully oxygenated buffer at 37 degrees C. The present study was undertaken to determine cardiac myoglobin saturation in buffer-perfused hearts when cardiac contractility was increased with epinephrine and decreased during cardiac arrest with KCl. Infusion of epinephrine to achieve a doubling of contractility, as measured by left ventricular maximum pressure change over time (dP/dt), resulted in a decrease in mean myoglobin saturation from 79% at baseline to 65% and a decrease in coronary venous oxygen tension from 155 mmHg at baseline to 85 mmHg. Cardiac arrest with KCl increased mean myoglobin saturation to 100% and coronary venous oxygen tension to 390 mmHg. A previously developed computer model of oxygen transport in the myocardium was used to calculate the probability distribution of intracellular oxygen tension and the hypoxic fraction of the myocardium with an oxygen tension below 0.5 mmHg. The hypoxic fraction of the myocardium was approximately 15% at baseline, increased to approximately 30% during epinephrine infusion, and fell to approximately 0% during cardiac arrest. The coronary venous adenosine concentration changed in parallel with the hypoxic fraction of the myocardium during epinephrine and KCl. It is concluded that catecholamine stimulation of buffer-perfused hearts increases hypoxia in the myocardium and that the increase in venous adenosine concentration is a reflection of the larger hypoxic fraction of myocardium that is releasing adenosine.  相似文献   

J Ibarra  G E Morley    M Delmar 《Biophysical journal》1991,60(6):1534-1539
The potassium selective, inward rectifier current (IK1) is known to be responsible for maintaining the resting membrane potential of quiescent ventricular myocytes. However, the contribution of this current to the different phases of the cardiac action potential has not been adequately established. In the present study, we have used the action potential clamp (APC) technique to characterize the dynamic changes of a cesium-sensitive (i.e., Ik1) current which occur during the action potential. Our results show that (a) Ik1 is present during depolarization, as well as in the final phase of repolarization of the cardiac action potential. (b) The current reaches the zone of inward-going rectification before the regenerative action potential ensues. (c) The maximal outward current amplitude during repolarization is significantly lower than during depolarization, which supports the hypothesis that in adult guinea pig ventricular myocytes, Ik1 rectification is accentuated during the action potential plateau. Our results stress the importance of Ik1 in the modulation of cell excitability in the ventricular myocyte.  相似文献   

The transient outward current (I(to)) is a major repolarizing current in the heart. Marked reduction of I(to) density occurs in heart failure and is accompanied by significant action potential duration (APD) prolongation. To understand the species-dependent role of I(to) in regulating the ventricular action potential morphology and duration, we introduced simulated I(to) conductance in guinea pig and canine endocardial ventricular myocytes using the dynamic clamp technique and perforated patch-clamp recordings. The effects of simulated I(to) in both types of cells were complex and biphasic, separated by a clear density threshold of approximately 40 pA/pF. Below this threshold, simulated I(to) resulted in a distinct phase 1 notch and had little effect on or moderately prolonged the APD. I(to) above the threshold resulted in all-or-none repolarization and precipitously reduced the APD. Qualitatively, these results agreed with our previous studies in canine ventricular cells using whole cell recordings. We conclude that 1) contrary to previous gene transfer studies involving the Kv4.3 current, the response of guinea pig ventricular myocytes to a fully inactivating I(to) is similar to that of canine ventricular cells and 2) in animals such as dogs that have a broad cardiac action potential, I(to) does not play a major role in setting the APD.  相似文献   

Zhang ZX  Qi XY  Xu YQ 《生理学报》2003,55(1):24-28
应用全细胞膜片钳及激光共聚焦技术 ,研究银杏苦内酯B(ginkgolideB ,GB)对豚鼠心室肌细胞L 型钙电流及胞内游离钙的作用 ,并探讨GB心肌保护作用的机制。实验结果显示 ,在指令电压为 0mV时 ,GB对生理状态下豚鼠心室肌细胞L 型钙电流无明显作用。在模拟缺血状态下 ,L 型钙峰值电流减小 3 7 71% ,但加入 1μmol/LGB后 ,可逆转缺血引起的L 型钙电流的降低 ,与缺血对照组比较 ,有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。 1μmol/LGB能使由于模拟缺血而上移的L 型钙电流 电压曲线回复正常。在生理状态下 ,0 1、1、10mol/LGB分别使心肌细胞内游离钙降低 10 5 8%(n =12 )、17 2 7% (n =12 )、16 3 5 % (n =10 ) ,与对照组相比有非常显著性差异。模拟缺血液灌流 12min时 ,细胞内游离钙浓度增加 2 0 15 % ,在模拟缺血液中分别加入 1μmol/Lnifedipine或 5mmol/LNiCl2 ,结果显示 :模拟缺血液灌流 12min ,与正常对照组相比细胞内钙分别增加 18 18% (P >0 0 5 )与 11% (P <0 0 5 )。在模拟缺血液中加入1mol/LGB灌流 12min时细胞内钙仅增加 9 60 % (n =12 ,P <0 0 0 1) ,与缺血对照组相比有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。结果表明 ,GB可逆转模拟缺血造成L 型钙电流的降低 ,同时可部分减轻由于缺血所造成的细胞内钙的超载  相似文献   

Fang P  Zang WJ  Yu XJ  Sun Q  Zang YM  Lu J 《生理学报》2002,54(4):311-316
实验采用标准玻璃微电极细胞内记录技术记录心肌细胞动作电位(action potential,AP)、肌力换能器记录心肌收缩力(force contraction,Fc),研究乙酰胆碱(acetylcholine,ACh)对离体豚鼠心房肌、心室肌的作用。结果表明,10μmol/L ACh可缩短心房肌、心室肌动作电位的时程(action potential duration,APD)。心房肌APD在给药前后分别为208.57±36.05ms及101.78±14.41ms(n=6,P<0.01),心室肌APD在给药前后分别为286.73±36.11ms及265.16±30.06 ms(n=6,P<0.01)。心房肌动作电位的幅度(action potential amplitude,APA)也降低,给药前后分别为88.00±9.35 mV及62.62±20.50 mV(n=6,P<0.01),而心室肌APA无明显变化。ACh还降低心房肌、心室肌的收缩力,心房肌、心室肌Fc的抑制率分别为100%(n=6,P<0.01)和37.57±2.58%(n=6,P<0.01)。ACh对心房肌、心室肌APD和Fc的抑制作用在一定范围内(1nmol/L~100μmol/L)随ACh浓度的增高而增强。用Scott法求出ACh对心房肌、心室肌APD缩短作用的KD值,分别为0.275和0.575μmol/L,对Fc抑制作用的KD值分别为0.135和0.676μmol/L。各浓度下ACh对心房肌效应与心室肌效应作组间t检验,从10nmol/L到0.1mmol/L均有显著的统计学差异。此外,10μmol/L阿托品及20mmol/L  相似文献   

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