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The aim of the present study was to characterize sixteen isolates of Trichoderma originating from a field of sugar beet where disease patches caused by Rhizoctonia solani were observed. Use of both molecular and morphological characteristics gave consistent identification of the isolates. Production of water-soluble and volatile inhibitors, mycoparasitism and induced systemic resistance in plant host were investigated using in vitro and in vivo tests in both sterilized and natural soils. This functional approach revealed the intra-specific diversity as well as biocontrol potential of the different isolates. Different antagonistic mechanisms were evident for different strains. The most antagonistic strain, T30 was identified as Trichoderma gamsii. This is the first report of an efficient antagonistic strain of T. gamsii being able to reduce the disease in different conditions. The ability to produce water-soluble inhibitors or coil around the hyphae of the pathogen in vitro was not related to the disease reduction in vivo. Additionally, the strains collected from the high disease areas in the field were better antagonists. The antagonistic activity was not characteristic of a species but that of a population.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani isolates used in this investigation were identified as anastomosis-4 (AG-40), collected from different localities from Assiut governorate in Egypt. Pathogenicity test of seven isolates of R. solani was evaluated on soybean Giza 111 cultivar under greenhouse conditions. All tested isolates were able to infect soybean plants causing root rot with different degrees of severities, isolate No. 1, 2 and 3 showed significantly highest root rot severity, while isolate No. 5 gave the lowest percentage of root rot rating. The sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns were used to compare three isolates of R. solani. There are no variations among R. solani isolates except a few exceptions according to their protein patterns. DNA markers obtained from all isolates showed genetic similarity among different isolates obtained from different geographical regions barring few exceptions. Correlation between DNA patterns of R. solani isolates and their virulence was detected, but no correlation with anastomosis groups (AG).  相似文献   

Two isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp., previously selected for efficacy in suppression of Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp., as well as plant growth promotion, were incorporated into various solid substrate formulations. These formulated products were assayed at three doses in three glass-house experiments for biocontrol of damping-off diseases in Capsicum annuum. R. solani anastomosis group 4 or Pythium ultimum var. sporangiiferum were incorporated into pasteurized potting medium with each formulated binucleate Rhizoctonia product. All formulations were effective against both pathogens in at least two experiments, but some formulations of one isolate of binucleate Rhizoctonia did not give consistent control of R. solani in one experiment. The most consistent formulation, which provided control of both pathogens at all doses of binucleate Rhizoctonia, was the simple substrate of rice hulls. The implications for commercialization of a biocontrol product are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of Penicillium isolates were recovered in association to Rhizoctonia solani strains pathogenic on tobacco and from soil on plates pre-colonized by the pathogen itself. Their antagonism toward R. solaniAG-2-1 was evaluated in dual cultures in vitro. Inhibition of growth was evident to some extent in most pairings, while hyphal interactions referable to mycoparasitic relationships were not observed. However, the occurrence of plasmolysis and/or vacuolisation and the induction of monilioid cells were indicative of the release of bioactive compounds. Therefore, production of fungitoxic metabolites was tested by adding concentrated culture filtrates of each Penicillium isolate to the growth medium of R. solani. Complete and lasting inhibition was incited by culture filtrates of some isolates belonging to P. brevicompactum, P. expansum, and P. pinophilum. Three purified compounds, respectively mycophenolic acid, patulin and 3-O-methylfunicone, which were extracted from culture filtrates, were able to inhibit R. solani in vitro. Their production was also detected in dual cultures of the same Penicilliumstrains with R. solani prepared in sterilized soil and when the Penicilliumstrains were cultured directly on R. solani mycelium harvested from liquid cultures. The possible role of such metabolites in antagonism of the above-mentioned Penicilliumspecies against R. solani is discussed.  相似文献   

Frequent assessment of pathogen diversity is one of the most important criteria in designing disease management programmes. A study on diversity of field isolates of Rhizoctonia solani from sheath blight-infected rice fields of south India has been carried out. A total of 236 R. solani isolates were obtained from 45 locations in the surveyed area. Sclerotial features such as colour, size and shape and distribution pattern were varying among isolates. However, no other morphological features found to differ among isolates. Majority of the R. solani isolates were fast growers as they attained complete mycelial growth within 2 days in a 90-mm Petri plate and the emergence of sclerotial structures was seen even in 4 days of incubation. Selected 10 R. solani isolates exhibited considerable variations in pathogenicity on three different rice cultivars. Vellai ponni was found to be the most susceptible rice cultivar to all the field isolates of R. solani.  相似文献   

Acetone (5% v/v) inhibited growth of four isolates of Rhizoctonia solani which differ in their pathogenicity on squash seedlings. Acetone (5% v/v) showed best inhibition on the most aggressive isolate 4 followed by the less aggressive ones (1, 2 and 3, respectively); IAA had no effect on the growth of all R. solani isolates compared to the controls.  相似文献   


One hundred and sixty-two agarics are recorded for Hirta and two from Dùn, two islands situated off the West coast of Scotland in the St. Kilda complex. The agarics are described in relation to the ecological noda proposed by McVean for the higher plant communities of the islands. Omphalina ericetorum and Nolanea staurospora were by far the commonest species: eighttaxa which are not in the New British Check List are recorded from Hirta. An appendix dealing with the taxonomy and nomenclature of the more critical species in the list is given.  相似文献   

Sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn is one of the most important diseases of rice, resulting in significant yield loss in rice every year. The rice-based intensified cropping system, edapho-climatological and host variations make the disease problem more complicated. However, the incidence and severity of the disease differ from one location to other, one geographical area to other and even differs from country and region wise. The reasons for this disease severity have been attributed to the variation in host genotype, virulence of the pathogen, prevalence of congenial soil physico-chemical and plants’ surrounding environment and cultural practices. Sixty-seven number of isolates of R. solani from rice, 12 no. of R. solani isolates associated with maize, sugarcane, weeds, cabbage, pointed gourd, watermelon, potato, dolichos bean and aparajita were isolated from different agro-ecological region of West Bengal and three no. of isolates of R. oryzae-sativae obtained from Department of Plant Pathology, BCKV, were used in the present study. Cultural and morphological characteristics revealed considerable diversity among the R. solani isolates. Cultural and morphological analysis of WB isolates of rice has indicated that the diversity among the isolates does not correlated with their origin. On the basis of morphological characteristics, R. solani isolates could be easily separated from R. oryzae-sativae isolates. The no. of sclerotia, hyphal length, wt. of sclerotia and mycelial growth rate are the important morphological markers for differentiation of R. oryzae-sativae from R. solani isolates.  相似文献   

Our earlier studies had shown that as fungi age, many of their vital functions decrease; in Rhizoctonia solani, protein synthesis is one of the functions so affected. We now find that the ability to methylate tRNA, a vital component of the protein synthesizing system, also decreases with age. This methylation of Escherichia coli tRNA by R. solani methylase preparations increased with the concentration of enzyme and with time of incubation; in both cases the rate of increase was considerably higher for preparations from young cells than for those from old cells. The methylation reaction also increased with the concentration of substrate tRNA, with temperature, at least to 45° C, and with pH to 9.0. Methylase preparations from R. solani methylated both exogenous E. coli tRNA and yeast tRNA, but were only weakly active on isolated R. solani tRNA. However, acid-precipitated methylases from R. solani were very effective in methylating the homologous exogenous tRNA. Regardless of the source of the tRNA used as substrate, the methylases from older cells were always less active than those from young cells from the same mycelium. No methylase inhibitor was detected in the fungus.  相似文献   

Mono-oxygenase-like activity occurs in Rhizoctonia solani during the metabolism of phenyl-acetic acid. The partially purified enzyme catalysed only the hydroxylation of phenylacetic acid at its meta position and required NADH and tetrahydrofolate as co-factors. Benzoic, phenylpropionic, trans-cinnamic, and phenoxyacetic acids were not suitable substrates for the enzyme.  相似文献   

The relative susceptibility of dry beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris ), soybeans and maize to anastomosis group 4 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani was determined in greenhouse experiments. Large variations in virulence were found among 30 field isolates. This variation was not due to differential reductions in isolate virulence during axenic culture. There was considerable variation among isolates from within the same field but variability within isolates was small. Twelve of 30 isolates of R. solani were highly virulent to dry beans and soybeans, while the others were of low virulence. Soybeans were more susceptible than dry beans to both pre-emergence mortality and hypocotyl disease. No isolates were highly virulent to maize. The importance of using isolates with a high level of virulence for testing soybean cultivars for resistance to Rhizoctonia disease is stressed.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 89 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani isolated from different pulse crops representing 21 states from 16 agro-ecological regions of India, 49 morphological, and 7 anastomosis groups (AGs) was analyzed using 12 universal rice primers (URPs), 22 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and 23 inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. Both URPs and RAPD markers provided 100?% polymorphism with the bands ranging from 0.1 to 5?kb in size, whereas ISSR markers gave 99.7?% polymorphism with the bands sizes ranging from 0.1 to 3?kb. The marker URP 38F followed by URP13R, URP25F, and URP30F, RAPD marker R1 followed by OPM6, A3 and OPA12 and ISSR3 followed by ISSR1, ISSR4, and ISSR20 produced the highest number of amplicons. R. solani isolates showed a high level of genetic diversity. Unweighted pair group method with an arithmetic average (UPGMA) analysis grouped the isolates into 7 major clusters at 35?% genetic similarity using the three sets of markers evaluated. In spite of using three different types of markers, about 95?% isolates shared common grouping patterns. The majority of the isolates representing various AGs were grouped together into different sub-clusters using all three types of markers. Molecular groups of the isolates did not correspond to agro-ecological regions or states and crops of the origin. An attempt was made for the first time in the present study to determine the genetic diversity of R. solani populations isolated from different pulse crops representing various AGs and agro-ecological regions.  相似文献   

The unusual metabolism of the cruciferous phytoalexin camalexin by virulent and weakly virulent isolates of the root rot fungus Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn is reported. This biotransformation proceeded via 5-hydroxycamalexin, which was further biotransformed into more polar metabolites. Importantly, the metabolites resulting from transformation of camalexin were significantly less toxic to the pathogen than camalexin. Thus, it was concluded that R. solani can detoxify camalexin through oxidation of the indole ring. The chemistry involved in the structure determination of the intermediates of this pathway, their synthesis as well as antifungal activity is described.  相似文献   

Background Rhizoctonia solani is a pathogenic fungus that causes serious diseases in many crops, including rice, wheat, and soybeans. In crop production, it is very important to understand the pathogenicity of this fungus, which is still elusive. It might be helpful to comprehensively understand its genomic information using different genome annotation strategies.MethodsAiming to improve the genome annotation of R. solani, we performed a proteogenomic study based on the existing data. Based on our study, a total of 1060 newly identified genes, 36 revised genes, 139 single amino acid variants (SAAVs), 8 alternative splicing genes, and diverse post-translational modifications (PTMs) events were identified in R. solani AG3. Further functional annotation on these 1060 newly identified genes was performed through homology analysis with its 5 closest relative fungi.ResultsBased on this, 2 novel candidate pathogenic genes, which might be associated with pathogen-host interaction, were discovered. In addition, in order to increase the reliability and novelty of the newly identified genes in R. solani AG3, 1060 newly identified genes were compared with the newly published available R. solani genome sequences of AG1, AG2, AG4, AG5, AG6, and AG8. There are 490 homologous sequences. We combined the proteogenomic results with the genome alignment results and finally identified 570 novel genes in R. solani.ConclusionThese findings extended R. solani genome annotation and provided a wealth of resources for research on R. solani.  相似文献   

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