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Processing of motion and pattern has been extensively studied in the visual domain, but much less in the somatosensory system. Here, we used ultra-high-field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 7 Tesla to investigate the neuronal correlates of tactile motion and pattern processing in humans under tightly controlled stimulation conditions. Different types of dynamic stimuli created the sensation of moving or stationary bar patterns during passive touch. Activity in somatosensory cortex was increased during both motion and pattern processing and modulated by motion directionality in primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI and SII) as well as by pattern orientation in the anterior intraparietal sulcus. Furthermore, tactile motion and pattern processing induced activity in the middle temporal cortex (hMT+/V5) and in the inferior parietal cortex (IPC), involving parts of the supramarginal und angular gyri. These responses covaried with subjects' individual perceptual performance, suggesting that hMT+/V5 and IPC contribute to conscious perception of specific tactile stimulus features. In addition, an analysis of effective connectivity using psychophysiological interactions (PPI) revealed increased functional coupling between SI and hMT+/V5 during motion processing, as well as between SI and IPC during pattern processing. This connectivity pattern provides evidence for the direct engagement of these specialized cortical areas in tactile processing during somesthesis.  相似文献   

The lateral line is a hydrodynamic sensory system that allows fishes and aquatic amphibians to detect the water motions caused, for instance, by conspecifics, predators or prey. Typically the peripheral lateral line of fishes consists of several hundred neuromasts spread over the head, trunk, and tail fin. Lateral line neuromasts are mechanical low-pass filters that have an operating range from <1 Hz up to about 150 Hz. Within this frequency range, neuromasts encode the duration, local direction, amplitude, frequency, and phase of a hydrodynamic stimulus. This paper reviews the peripheral and central processing of lateral line information in fishes. Special attention is given to the coding of simple and complex hydrodynamic stimuli, to parallel processing, the roles of the various brain areas that process hydrodynamic information and the centrifugal (efferent) control of lateral line information. The review argues that in order to fully comprehend peripheral and central lateral line information processing, it is imperative to do comparative studies that take into account the ecology of fishes, meaning that natural stimulus and noise conditions have to be considered.  相似文献   

Responding to stimuli requires that organisms encode information about the external world. Not all parts of the input are important for behavior, and resource limitations demand that signals be compressed. Prediction of the future input is widely beneficial in many biological systems. We compute the trade-offs between representing the past faithfully and predicting the future using the information bottleneck approach, for input dynamics with different levels of complexity. For motion prediction, we show that, depending on the parameters in the input dynamics, velocity or position information is more useful for accurate prediction. We show which motion representations are easiest to re-use for accurate prediction in other motion contexts, and identify and quantify those with the highest transferability. For non-Markovian dynamics, we explore the role of long-term memory in shaping the internal representation. Lastly, we show that prediction in evolutionary population dynamics is linked to clustering allele frequencies into non-overlapping memories.  相似文献   

In sentence comprehension research, the case system, which is one of the subsystems of the language processing system, has been assumed to play a crucial role in signifying relationships in sentences between noun phrases (NPs) and other elements, such as verbs, prepositions, nouns, and tense. However, so far, less attention has been paid to the question of how cases are processed in our brain. To this end, the current study used fMRI and scanned the brain activity of 15 native English speakers during an English-case processing task. The results showed that, while the processing of all cases activates the left inferior frontal gyrus and posterior part of the middle temporal gyrus, genitive case processing activates these two regions more than nominative and accusative case processing. Since the effect of the difference in behavioral performance among these three cases is excluded from brain activation data, the observed different brain activations would be due to the different processing patterns among the cases, indicating that cases are processed differently in our brains. The different brain activations between genitive case processing and nominative/accusative case processing may be due to the difference in structural complexity between them.  相似文献   

Why is the human brain fundamentally limited when attempting to execute two tasks at the same time or in close succession? Two classical paradigms, psychological refractory period (PRP) and task switching, have independently approached this issue, making significant advances in our understanding of the architecture of cognition. Yet, there is an apparent contradiction between the conclusions derived from these two paradigms. The PRP paradigm, on the one hand, suggests that the simultaneous execution of two tasks is limited solely by a passive structural bottleneck in which the tasks are executed on a first-come, first-served basis. The task-switching paradigm, on the other hand, argues that switching back and forth between task configurations must be actively controlled by a central executive system (the system controlling voluntary, planned, and flexible action). Here we have explicitly designed an experiment mixing the essential ingredients of both paradigms: task uncertainty and task simultaneity. In addition to a central bottleneck, we obtain evidence for active processes of task setting (planning of the appropriate sequence of actions) and task disengaging (suppression of the plan set for the first task in order to proceed with the next one). Our results clarify the chronometric relations between these central components of dual-task processing, and in particular whether they operate serially or in parallel. On this basis, we propose a hierarchical model of cognitive architecture that provides a synthesis of task-switching and PRP paradigms.  相似文献   

The retreating edge hypothesis for species responding to climate change predicts severe bottlenecks and eventual extinction. The disjunct Lost Pines population at the westernmost edge of the widespread Pinus taeda range is well suited for testing this prediction. The occurrence of one or more genetic bottlenecks in the Lost Pines population was tested using 34 nuclear microsatellite markers and a control sample from the larger, more continuous east Texas P. taeda forests. The Lost Pines population has undergone drastic contractions in effective population size between 3000 and 30 000 years bp. These results were supported by: (i) detection of transient heterozygosity excess, (ii) a mode-shift indicator of allele frequencies, and (iii) a ratio of allele number to allele size range. No bottleneck was detected for the east Texas control using any of the three methods. The distribution of allele frequencies was skewed for the Lost Pines population compared to the control, indicating a loss of rare alleles. However, allelic diversity was similar between the Lost Pines population and its east Texas control; the mean allele number per locus was 5.29 and 5.38, respectively. It is proposed that the Lost Pines population was the western refugium for P. taeda during Pleistocene glaciation and that East Texas P. taeda forests descended from the bottlenecked Lost Pines population.  相似文献   

The paper deals with information transmission in large systems of neurons. We model the membrane potential in a single neuron belonging to a cell tissue by a non time-homogeneous Cox-Ingersoll-Ross type diffusion; in terms of its time-varying expectation, this stochastic process can convey deterministic signals. We model the spike train emitted by this neuron as a Poisson point process compensated by the occupation time of the membrane potential process beyond the excitation threshold. In a large system of neurons 1≤iN processing independently the same deterministic signal, we prove a functional central limit theorem for the pooled spike train collected from the N neurons. This pooled spike train allows to recover the deterministic signal, up to some shape transformation which is explicit.  相似文献   

The visual system has the remarkable ability to extract several types of meaningful global-motion signals, such as radial motion, translation motion, and rotation, for different visual functions and actions. In the monkey brain, different groups of cells in MST respond best to different types of global motion [1, 2] whereas in lower cortical areas including MT, no such differential responses have been found. Here, we show that an area (or areas) lower than MST in the human brain [3] responds to different types of global motion. A series of human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments, in which attention was controlled for, indicated that the center of radial motion activates the corresponding location in the V3A representation, whereas translation motion activates mainly in a more peripheral representation of V3A. These results suggest that in the human brain, V3A is an area that differentially responds according to the type of global motion.  相似文献   

Range expansion and contraction has occurred in the history of most species and can seriously impact patterns of genetic diversity. Historical data about range change are rare and generally appropriate for studies at large scales, whereas the individual pollen and seed dispersal events that form the basis of geneflow and colonization generally occur at a local scale. In this study, we investigated range change in Fagus sylvatica on Mont Ventoux, France, using historical data from 1838 to the present and approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) analyses of genetic data. From the historical data, we identified a population minimum in 1845 and located remnant populations at least 200 years old. The ABC analysis selected a demographic scenario with three populations, corresponding to two remnant populations and one area of recent expansion. It also identified expansion from a smaller ancestral population but did not find that this expansion followed a population bottleneck, as suggested by the historical data. Despite a strong support to the selected scenario for our data set, the ABC approach showed a low power to discriminate among scenarios on average and a low ability to accurately estimate effective population sizes and divergence dates, probably due to the temporal scale of the study. This study provides an unusual opportunity to test ABC analysis in a system with a well-documented demographic history and identify discrepancies between the results of historical, classical population genetic and ABC analyses. The results also provide valuable insights into genetic processes at work at a fine spatial and temporal scale in range change and colonization.  相似文献   

Complex self-motion stimulations in the dark can be powerfully disorienting and can create illusory motion percepts. In the absence of visual cues, the brain has to use angular and linear acceleration information provided by the vestibular canals and the otoliths, respectively. However, these sensors are inaccurate and ambiguous. We propose that the brain processes these signals in a statistically optimal fashion, reproducing the rules of Bayesian inference. We also suggest that this processing is related to the statistics of natural head movements. This would create a perceptual bias in favour of low velocity and acceleration. We have constructed a Bayesian model of self-motion perception based on these assumptions. Using this model, we have simulated perceptual responses to centrifugation and off-vertical axis rotation and obtained close agreement with experimental findings. This demonstrates how Bayesian inference allows to make a quantitative link between sensor noise and ambiguities, statistics of head movement, and the perception of self-motion.  相似文献   

On the basis of contemporary knowledge on close functional connections between respiratory and cardiovascular afferents a computerized experimental device was developed by means of which central information processing can be studied in dependence on respiration phase and the level of baroreceptor activity. In all the examined parameters (time of motor reaction of two hands, latency of eye-lid reflex) the greatest changes were observed at maximum baroreceptor activity. These changes were clearly distinguished by direction during the phases of inhalation and exhalation. Such effect is probably based on the fact that the influence of cardiovascular afferents on the level of central activity is modulated in respiration rhythm through the mechanism of breath "gating" of postsynaptic STN structures.  相似文献   

Living organisms are not just random collections of organic molecules. There is continuous information processing going on in the apparent bouncing around of molecules of life. Optimization criteria in this information processing can be searched for using the laws of physics. Quantum dynamics can explain why living organisms have 4 nucleotide bases and 20 amino acids, as optimal solutions of the molecular assembly process. Experiments should be able to tell whether evolution indeed took advantage of quantum dynamics or not.  相似文献   

Attentional modulation of central odor processing   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Two studies were conducted to investigate the influence of attention on the components of the chemosensory event-related potential (CSERP). In the first study the odors linalool and eugenol were delivered to six male subjects, in the second study three male and two female subjects were presented with their own body odor (axillary hair) and the body odor of a same sex donor. In both studies the odors were presented in an oddball paradigm under ignore and attend conditions via a constant- flow olfactometer. In the ignore condition attention was diverted from the odors with a distractor task, while in the attend condition the subjects were asked to respond to the infrequently occurring odor. In both studies the allocation of attention led to a decrease in the latency of the early components (N1, P2, N2) and to an increase in the amplitude of the late positivities. The modulation of the early components suggests that attentional gating in olfaction might already be effective at an early processing level.   相似文献   



Software tools that model and simulate the dynamics of biological processes and systems are becoming increasingly important. Some of these tools offer sophisticated graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which greatly enhance their acceptance by users. Such GUIs are based on symbolic or graphical notations used to describe, interact and communicate the developed models. Typically, these graphical notations are geared towards conventional biochemical pathway diagrams. They permit the user to represent the transport and transformation of chemical species and to define inhibitory and stimulatory dependencies. A critical weakness of existing tools is their lack of supporting an integrative representation of transport, transformation as well as biological information processing.  相似文献   

To identify genes involved in pre-tRNA processing, we searched for yeast DNA sequences that specifically enhanced the expression of the SUP4(G37) gene. The SUP4(G37) gene possesses a point mutation at position 37 of suppressor tRNA(Tyr). This lesion results in a reduced rate of pre-tRNA splicing and a decreased level of nonsense suppression. A SUP4(G37) strain was transformed with a yeast genomic library, and the transformants were screened for increased suppressor activity. One transformant contained a plasmid that encoded an unessential gene, STP1, that in multiple copies enhanced the suppression of SUP4(G37) and caused increased production of mature SUP4(G37) product. Disruption of the genomic copy of STP1 resulted in a reduced efficiency of SUP4-mediated suppression and the accumulation of pre-tRNAs. Not all intron-containing pre-tRNAs were affected by the stp1-disruption. At least five of the nine families of pre-tRNAs were affected. Two other species, pre-tRNA(Ile) and pre-tRNA(3Leu), were not. We propose that STP1 encodes a tRNA species-specific product that functions as a helper for pre-tRNA splicing. The STP1 product may interact with pre-tRNAs to generate a structure that is efficiently recognized by splicing machinery.  相似文献   

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