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β-Carbolines constitute a vast group of indole alkaloids and exhibit various biological actions. The objective of this study was to investigate the structure–activity relationships of β-carboline derivatives on in vitro inhibitory effects against clinically relevant microorganisms. A series of β-carboline dimers and their N2-alkylated analogues were therefore prepared and evaluated for their antimicrobial effects. Among these, a dimeric 6-chlorocarboline N2-benzylated salt exerted potent activity against Staphylococcus aureus at MICs of 0.01–0.05?μmol/mL. Our work highlights that N1-N1 dimerization and N2-benzylation significantly enhanced the antimicrobial effects of compounds.  相似文献   

We have synthesized and compared the cytokinin activities in the tobacco bioassay of a series of benzologs of 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)purine (N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenine) (1a) and 6-benzylaminopurine (N6-benzyl-adenine) (1c). The linear benzo analogs 8-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)imidazo[4,5-g]quinazoline (2b) and 8-benzyla-minoimidazo[4,5-g]quinazoline (2c) are active, while 9-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)imidazo[4,5-f]quinazoline (3b) and 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)imidazo[4,5-h]quinazoline (4b) are slightly active and 9-benzylaminoimidazo[4,5-f]-quinazoline (3c) and 6-benzylaminoimidazo[4,5-h]quinazoline (4c) are inactive. Compounds 2b and 2c represent the first examples of active cytokinins containing a tri-heterocyclic moiety. The above series of compounds demonstrates structural factors that affect cytokinin activity. These compounds also have interesting fluorescence properties which could render them useful as probes to study the mechanism of cytokinin action.  相似文献   

The improved methods for the preparation of valency hybrid hemoglobins, (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 were presented. The (α3+β2+)2 valency hybrid was separated from the solutions of partially reduced methemoglobin with ascorbic acid, by using CM 32 column chromatography. The (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrid was also isolated from hemoglobin solutions, which were partially oxidized with ferricyanide, by chromatography on CM 32 column. These valency hybrid hemoglobins were found to be single on isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. Present procedures are very simple and are suitable for the bulk preparation of (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrids.  相似文献   

Saponification of the bis(carbamic acid ester) 1,3-C6H4(CMe2NHCO2Me)2 (1), made by the addition of methanol to commercial 1,3-C6H4(CMe2NCO)2, yielded the meta-phenylene-based bis(tertiary carbinamine) 1,3-C6H4(CMe2NH2)2 (2). Dinuclear [{(η4-1,5-C8H12)RhCl}2{μ-1,3-C6H4(CMe2NH2)2}] (3) resulted from the action of 2 on [{(η4-1,5-C8H12)Rh(μ-Cl)}2] in toluene. Combination of 2 with PdCl2 or K2[PdCl4] gave the dipalladium macrocycle trans,trans-[{μ-1,3-C6H4(CMe2NH2)2}2(PdCl2)2] (4) along with cyclometalated [{2,6-C6H3(CMe2NH2)2NC1N′}PdCl] (5). Substitution of PEt3 for the labile chlorido ligand of 5 afforded [{2,6-C6H3(CMe2NH2)2NC1, κN′}Pd(PEt3)]Cl (6). The crystal structures of the following compounds were determined: bis(carbamic acid ester) 1, ligand 2 as its bis(trifluoroacetate) salt [1,3-C6H4(CMe2NH3)2](O2CCF3)2, 2 · (HAcf)2, complexes 3 and 6, as well as 1,3-C6H4(CMe2OH)2 (the diol analogue of 2).  相似文献   

The13C-,1H- and19F magnetic resonance spectra of cortisol and of some of its 9α-fluorinated derivatives are analyzed and compared with the results obtained by X-ray diffraction.No major conformational differences are detected after 9α-fluorination of cortisol and of prednisolone. However, modifications of the electronic structures occur in the moiety of the molecule centred on the 9α-F.These modifications may be taken as responsible for the increase in the mineralocorticoid activity of those molecules. On the contrary the decrease in biological activity of the 9α-fluorinated derivatives methylated or hydroxylated at C16 is very likely dependent upon conformational and electronic changes in the D-ring and in the side chain.  相似文献   

Axel Ehmann 《Phytochemistry》1974,13(9):1979-1983
N-(?-coumaryl)tryptamine and N-ferulyltryptamine were isolated from aqueous acetone extracts of ground kernels of Zea mays by successive column chromatography on partially sulfonated styrenedivinylbenzene copolymer resin, lipophilic Sephadex and preparative TLC. Identification of these compounds was made by GCMS of their trimethylsilyl derivatives and the trimethylsilyl derivatives of their acid hydrolysis products.  相似文献   

Sphingosine kinases phosphorylate sphingosine to sphingosine 1?phosphate (S1P), which functions as a signaling molecule. We have previously shown that sphingosine kinase 2 (Sphk2) is important for insulin secretion. To obtain a better understanding of the role of Sphk2 in glucose and lipid metabolism, we have characterized 20- and 52-week old Sphk2?/? mice using glucose and insulin tolerance tests and by analyzing metabolic gene expression in adipose tissue. A detailed metabolic characterization of these mice revealed that aging Sphk2?/? mice are protected from metabolic decline and obesity compared to WT mice. Specifically, we found that 52-week old male Sphk2?/? mice had decreased weight and fat mass, and increased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity compared to control mice. Indirect calorimetry studies demonstrated an increased energy expenditure and food intake in 52-week old male Sphk2?/? versus control mice. Furthermore, expression of adiponectin gene in adipose tissue was increased and the plasma levels of adiponectin elevated in aged Sphk2?/? mice compared to WT. Analysis of lipid metabolic gene expression in adipose tissue showed increased expression of the Atgl gene, which was associated with increased Atgl protein levels. Atgl encodes for the adipocyte triglyceride lipase, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step of lipolysis. In summary, these data suggest that mice lacking the Sphk2 gene are protected from obesity and insulin resistance during aging. The beneficial metabolic effects observed in aged Sphk2?/? mice may be in part due to enhanced lipolysis by Atgl and increased levels of adiponectin, which has lipid- and glucose-lowering effects.  相似文献   

N-2′-Acetoxybenzoyl (aspirin) derivatives (degree of substitution 0·35–1·00) of chitosan, N-desulphated heparin and 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose were prepared by methods that gave yields in the range 65–86%. The salicylate of chitosan was isolated with a 98% yeild. Aspirin or salicylic acid was released much more slowly from N-(2′-acetoxybenzoyl)-chitosan than from the salicylate of chitosan, and much faster at 37°C in 0·1 m NaOH solution than in 2% aqueous acetic acid solution. Salicylic acid was isolated from the dialysate (0·1 m NaOH solution) of N-(2′-acetoxybenzoyl)-chitosan.  相似文献   

Δ2-Isopentenylpyrophosphate:5′AMP Δ2-isopentenyltransferase, which catalyzes the formation of isopentenyl-AMP from Δ2-isopentenylpyrophosphate and 5′AMP, was purified 6800-fold from the fruiting body of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum using several separation procedures including 5′AMPox-redAH-Sepharose 4B affinity column chromatography. The final preparation was very unstable and lost its activity in a day. Various properties of the 1000-fold-purified enzyme preparation were examined. The molecular mass was 40,000 ± 2000 Da, as determined by Sephadex G-100 superfine gel filtration. The divalent metal ions Mn2+, Zn2+, and Mg2+ profoundly affected the enzymatic activity depending on their concentration, and also altered the optimum pH and temperature. Of the compounds tested, 5′AMP was the best acceptor of the isopentenyl group and, interestingly, ADP also served as a substrate, being 60–80% as effective as 5′AMP. Adenine, adenosine, and ATP were not substrates for this enzyme. Under the optimum assay conditions (pH 7.0, 1 mm Zn2+, and 25 °C) the Km values for 5′AMP and Δ2-isopentenylpyrophosphate were 1.0 × 10?7m and 2.2 × 10?6m, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper describes the phosphorylase-catalyzed enzymatic N-formyl-α-glucosaminylation of maltooligosaccharides for direct incorporation of 2-deoxy-2-formamido-α-d-glucopyranose units into maltooligosaccharides. When the reaction of 2-deoxy-2-formamido-α-d-glucopyranose-1-phosphate (GlcNF-1-P) as the glycosyl donor and maltotetraose as a glycosyl acceptor was performed in the presence of phosphorylase, the N-formyl-α-d-glucosaminylated pentasaccharide was produced, as confirmed by MALDI-TOF MS. Furthermore, the glucoamylase-catalyzed reaction of the crude products supported that the 2-deoxy-2-formamido-α-d-glucopyranoside unit was positioned at the non-reducing end of the pentasaccharide. The pentasaccharide was isolated from the crude products and its structure was further determined by the 1H NMR analysis. On the other hand, when the phosphorylase-catalyzed reactions of maltotriose and maltopentaose using GlcNF-1-P were conducted, no N-formyl-α-glucosaminylation took place in the former system, whereas the latter system gave N-formyl-α-d-glucosaminylated oligosaccharides with various degrees of polymerization. These results could be explained by the recognition behavior of phosphorylase toward maltooligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is produced by protein methylation, a common mechanism of posttranslational protein modification. Elevated levels of ADMA lead to impaired endothelial nitric oxide production and subsequently to a range of cardiovascular and other diseases related to decreased nitric oxide production. Knowledge of the elimination pathways of ADMA and the possibility of influencing them is therefore of major clinical interest. One of these pathways is the N-acetylation and subsequent renal elimination of ADMA in the form of asymmetric Nα-acetyldimethylarginine (Ac-ADMA). In this work, we describe the first method to quantitatively determine Ac-ADMA in human plasma and urine. Ac-ADMA was separated by HPLC on a porous graphitic carbon column and selectively analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. Ac-ADMA and the internal standard D7-Ac-ADMA were synthesized in-house. Precision and accuracy of the method were better than 5% in plasma and urine quality control samples. First results obtained with this method in samples of healthy volunteers showed plasma levels of 0.643 ± 0.454 nmol/L and urine levels of 152.7 ± 76.7 nmol/L or 13.0 ± 8.9 nmol/mmol creatinine. The method is a suitable tool for investigating this currently mostly neglected ADMA elimination pathway.  相似文献   

Δ1-Tetrahydrocannabinol was found to inhibit the action of esterases derived from rat adrenal and luteinized ovary on exogenous cholesteryl palmitate. The drug was effective at a dose of 3.2μM causing greater than 30% inhibition; at 16μM almost complete inhibition occured. These findings are similar to those we have recently reported with mouse Leydig cells (1) showing that this is an effect common to steroidogenic tissues and raising the possibility that a variety of endocrine effects of this drug may be due to direct action on these tissues.  相似文献   

Cacopsylla pyricola (Förster) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is an important pest of commercial pear in all pear-growing regions of Iran. In the scope of an integrated pest management, a research was carried out on the impact of treatment with biorational compounds in comparison with conventional chemical insecticides for controlling the pear psyllid. The experiments were done with five treatments consisted of diflubenzuron and lufenuron as biorational insecticides and thiacloprid and diazinon as conventional chemical insecticides and untreated check. The trials were set up in a randomised complete block design. The treatments were replicated four times. Samplings were carried out one day before spraying and 3, 7, 15, 30 and 45 days after spraying through clipping 15 leaves in each replicate and counting the number of pear psyllid live nymphs. Mortality percentage was calculated using Henderson–Tilton formula. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the means comparison was performed using Duncan’s multiple range test. The results indicated that the highest mortality in diflubenzuron and lufenuron treatments occurred after 15 days, with 82.09% and 71.01% mortality, respectively. In comparison with conventional chemical insecticides, the efficacy of biorational compounds was higher or not significantly different. The results of the trials are discussed in terms of improving management of the populations of pear psylla.  相似文献   

N,N′-Diaryl ureas have recently emerged as a new antischistosomal chemotype. We now describe physicochemical profiling, in vitro ADME, plasma exposure, and ex vivo and in vivo activities against Schistosoma mansoni for twenty new N,N′-diaryl ureas designed primarily to increase aqueous solubility, but also to maximize structural diversity. Replacement of one of the 4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenyl substructures of lead N,N′-diaryl urea 1 with azaheterocycles and benzoic acids, benzamides, or benzonitriles decreased lipophilicity, and in most cases, increased aqueous solubility. There was no clear relationship between lipophilicity and metabolic stability, although all compounds with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyl substructures were metabolically stable. N,N′-diaryl ureas containing 4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenyl, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyl, 2,2-difluorobenzodioxole, or 4-benzonitrile substructures had high activity against ex vivo S. mansoni and relatively low cytotoxicity. N,N-diaryl ureas with 3-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyl and 2,2-difluorobenzodioxole substructures had the highest exposures whereas those with 4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenyl substructures had the best in vivo antischistosomal activities. There was no direct correlation between compound exposure and in vivo activity.  相似文献   

The allocation of plant internal resources to growth processes (primary metabolism) and to defensive compounds (secondary metabolism) is determined by plant internal competition for common substrates and energy. In order to contribute to the discussion about environmental impacts on this trade-off between demands for growth and defence, we extended a complex plant growth model to simulate the formation of defensive compounds on the whole plant level, depending on the dynamics of the environmental conditions light, nutrients and water. In this paper, we present and apply the model to simulate the effects of different N fertilizer applications on growth and resistance of young apple trees (cv Golden Delicious). The results show that model predictions are able to describe the observed relation between growth rate and phenylpropanoid concentrations in young leaves of apple trees, and can assist in the interpretation of experimental findings. Finally, we estimate costs and benefits of investment into defence in a scenario, in which an attack by the leaf pathogen Venturia inaequalis is simulated.  相似文献   

Scab, caused by the ascomycete fungus Venturia pirina, leads to severe damage on European pear varieties resulting in a loss of commercial value and requiring frequent use of fungicides. Identifying scab resistance genes, developing molecular markers linked to these genes and establishing marker-assisted selection would be an effective way to improve European pear breeding for scab resistance. Most of the European pear cultivars (Pyrus communis) are currently reported to be sensitive. The pear cultivar ‘Navara’ was shown to carry a major scab resistance gene whose phenotypic expression in seedling progenies was a typical stellate necrosis symptom. The resistance gene was called Rvp1, for resistance to V. pirina, and was mapped on linkage group 2 of the pear genome close to microsatellite marker CH02b10. This genomic region is known to carry a cluster of scab resistance genes in apple indicating a first functional synteny for scab resistance between apple and pear.  相似文献   

Carotenoids in eukaryotic phototrophic organisms can be classified into two groups; β-carotene and its derivatives, and α-carotene and its derivatives. We re-examined distribution of α-carotene and its derivatives among various taxa of aquatic algae (17 classes) and land plants. α-carotene and its derivatives were found from Rhodophyceae (macrophytic type), Cryptophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Chlorarachniophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Ulvophyceae, Charophyceae, and land plants, while they could not be detected from Glaucophyceae, Rhodophyceae (unicellular type), Chryosophyceae, Raphidophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, Haptophyceae, and Dinophyceae. We also analyzed the chirality of α-carotene and/or its derivatives, such as lutein and siphonaxanthin, and found all of them had only (6'R)-type, not (6'S)-type.  相似文献   

Rat corpus striatum contained α2-adrenergic receptor which were labelled with [3H]clonidine (95 ± 6 fmol/mg protein). The affinity of these receptors (Kd = 1.3 to 3.6 nM) was similar to that found in cerebral cortex. Five days after kainic lesions, the number of α2-adrenergic receptors had dropped by half, suggesting that their location might be neuronal. One month after lesions, the number of α2-adrenergic receptors had risen to that of the controls and was higher after two months. This increase would suggest a glial localization of the α2-adrenergic receptor. We have previously described the presence of α2-adrenergic receptors in primary astrocyte cultures (Ebersolt et al., 1981). Rat corpus striatum contained less α1-adrenergic receptors than α2-adrenergic receptors. They were labelled with [3H]prazosin (28 ± 1.9 fmol/mg protein) and were only slightly altered 5 days after kainic acid lesions (?20%). In addition to these classical α1-adrenergic receptors, rat corpus striatum also contained [3H]WB4101 binding sites having high affinity for WB4101 (2–5 nM) and norepinephrine (1 μM) but a very low affinity for prazosin (4.4 μM). The exact nature of these sites remains unknown.  相似文献   

6-O-[2-(N,N-Dichlorocarbamoyl)ethyl]-1,2:3,4-di- O-isopropylidene-α-d-galactopyranose, a highly reactive pseudo-halogen, was conveniently prepared in 97% yield by addition of sodium hypochlorite to an aqueous acidic (pH <2) solution of 6-O-(2-carbamoylethyl)-1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-α-d-galactopyranose. Mild, reductive dechlorination or alkaline hydrolysis readily converted the nonpolar N,N-di-chloroamide sugar derivative into the corresponding water-soluble N-monochloroamide form. Hofmann rearrangement of the N-chloroamide group provides a synthetic route to novel binary sugar-derivatives having carbamoyl, ureylene, and allophanoyl linkages. Structural proof for the pseudo-halogens and their Hofmann-rearrangement products was obtained from i.r., 1H-n.m.r., mass-spectral, and chemical data.  相似文献   

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