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Gamma delta T cells (GDTc) lyse a variety of hematological and solid tumour cells in vitro and in vivo, and are thus promising candidates for cellular immunotherapy. We have developed a protocol to expand human GDTc in vitro, yielding highly cytotoxic Vgamma9/Vdelta2 CD27/CD45RA double negative effector memory cells. These cells express CD16, CD45RO, CD56, CD95 and NKG2D. Flow cytometric, clonogenic, and chromium release assays confirmed their specific cytotoxicity against Ph(+) cell lines in vitro. We have generated a fluorescent and bioluminescent Ph(+) cell line, EM-2eGFPluc, and established a novel xenogeneic leukemia model. Intravenous injection of EM-2eGFPluc into NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) mice resulted in significant dose-dependent bone marrow engraftment; lower levels engrafted in blood, lung, liver and spleen. In vitro-expanded human GDTc injected intraperitoneally were found at higher levels in blood and organs compared to those injected intravenously; GDTc survived at least 33 days post-injection. In therapy experiments, we documented decreased bone marrow leukemia burden in mice treated with GDTc. Live GDTc were found in spleen and bone marrow at endpoint, suggesting the potential usefulness of this therapy.  相似文献   

Specific tolerance can be induced in animals by transplanting hemopoietic cells across concordant species barriers. Despite the fact that the rat-mouse species combination is considered concordant, we have recently demonstrated that normal murine serum contains natural antibodies (nAb), predominantly of the IgM and IgG3 subclasses, with markedly greater binding to rat bone marrow cells (BMC) than to rat splenocytes or thymocytes. Since much greater numbers of rat BMC than of allogeneic murine BMC are required to achieve engraftment in mice, we considered the possibility that these nAbs might be responsible, and that the increased numbers of BMC might be required to absorb these nAb. To evaluate the effect of these nAb on engraftment of rat BMC in mice, we have now performed adoptive transfer studies using T and B cell-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) mice as recipients. Administration of as few as 5 x 10(5) T cell-depleted rat BMC led to induction of stable xenochimerism in SCID mice conditioned with 4-Gy whole body irradiation. Rat T cells developed after a delay of several weeks, and conferred the ability to reject non-donor-type rat skin grafts, whereas donor-type grafts were accepted. Adoptive transfer of 4 ml of normal BALB/c serum led to a marked reduction in the level of rat chimerism in SCID recipients of 2 x 10(6) F344 BMC. The ability of sera to inhibit engraftment of rat BMC correlated with their cytotoxic nAb content, and the inhibitory effect of highly cytotoxic sera could be overcome by administration of large numbers of rat BMC. Thus, normal mouse serum has a limited ability to hinder engraftment of rat BMC, and this degree of resistance can be overcome by adsorption when large numbers of BMC are administered. Eliminating nAb from serum may be more difficult in discordant species combinations in recipients with functional B cells, but may likewise permit the use of BMT as a means of inducing transplantation tolerance.  相似文献   

We examined the severity of experimental colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) using immunologically manipulated mice. C57BL/6 mice showed more severe colitis than BALB/c mice, but mice of both strains recovered fully from the disease after the removal of DSS from their drinking water. The infiltrated cells at the lesions were mainly granulocytes in normal littermates. However, C.B-17 scid, IL-7Ralpha deficient, and TCR-Cbetadelta double-deficient mice showed severe colitis and did not recover from the disease even after the removal of DSS. It was found that the infiltrated cells at the lesions in the lethal strains were monocytes. Although both TCR-Cdelta(-/-) and TCR-Cbeta(-/-) mice showed severe colitis phenotypes, infiltration in the former is monocyte-dominant while that in the latter is granulocyte-dominant. Thus the type of cells that infiltrate at the lesions of DSS-induced experimental colitis may be controlled by functional T cell subsets. Immunohistological and RT-PCR analyses of the inflamed colon revealed that the murine homologue of human GROalpha released by some cells under the control of gammadeltaT cells is a possible candidate determining the severity of DSS-induced experimental colitis.  相似文献   

The ability of rat skin fibroblasts (RSF) and human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPL) to inhibit the formation of mineralised bone nodules in rat bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) cultures was studied. Co-culture of HPL or RSF with BMSC resulted in a large reduction of bone nodule formation when compared with controls. Conditioned medium from HPL or RSF cultures inhibited bone nodule formation in a dose-dependent manner. HPL-conditioned medium depressed cell proliferation and alkaline phosphatase expression in BMSC cultures. These effects were not due to increased cytotoxicity or nutrient depletion. Inhibitory activity was recovered in a fraction of less than 1 kD following ultrafiltration and was insensitive to freeze-thawing. The inhibitory activity was blocked when HPL cultures were grown in the presence of 10(-5) M indomethacin. Dose-dependent inhibiton of bone nodule formation was also observed in cultures incubated with prostaglandins E2 (at 10(-6) M) or F2 alpha (at 10(-7) M). The results indicate that fibroblasts may inhibit osteoblast differentiation and function in part by release of soluble factors including prostaglandins.  相似文献   

T cell receptors consist either of an alpha-chain combined with a beta-chain or a gamma-chain combined with a delta-chain. alphabeta T cells constitute the majority of T cells in human blood throughout life. Flow cytometric analyses presented in this study, which focus on the representation of the developmental (naive and memory) subsets of gammadelta T cells, show by function and phenotype that this lineage contains both naive and memory cells. In addition, we show that the representation of naive T cells is higher among alphabeta than gammadelta T cells in adults and that the low frequency of naive gammadelta T cells in adults reflects ontological differences between the two major gammadelta subsets, which are distinguished by expression of Vdelta1 vs Vdelta2 delta-chains. Vdelta1 cells, which mirror alphabeta cells with respect to naive representation, predominate during fetal and early life, but represent the minority of gammadelta cells in healthy adults. In contrast, Vdelta2 cells, which constitute the majority of adult gammadelta cells, show lower frequencies of naive cells than Vdelta1 early in life and show vanishingly small naive frequencies in adults. In essence, nearly all naive Vdelta2 cells disappear from blood by 1 year of life. Importantly, even in children less than 1 year old, most of the nonnaive Vdelta2 cells stain for perforin and produce IFN-gamma after short-term in vitro stimulation. This represents the earliest immunological maturation of any lymphocyte compartment in humans and most likely indicates the importance of these cells in controlling pathology due to common environmental challenges.  相似文献   

Three strains of mice which vary in their susceptibility to induction of immune tolerance with human gamma-globulin were studied to evaluate the cellular basis for their sensitivity to induction of the unresponsive state. Tolerance induction in BALB/c mice was difficult to establish, while tolerance induction was easily achieved in C57BL/6 and CBF1 (BALB/c × C57BL/6) mice. The degree of unresponsiveness obtained with various tolerogen doses in intact C57BL/6 and CBF1 mice was reflected in the sensitivity of their thymocytes to the production of the unresponsive state. In the BALB/c mouse strain slight immune suppression observed at low tolerogen doses was correlated with bone marrow cell unresponsiveness while significant levels of tolerance observed at a high tolerogen dose was due to suppression of thymus cells. It was apparent that CBF1 mice had inherited both thymus cells and bone marrow cells which exhibited the sensitivity to induction of immune tolerance characteristic of those same cells of their C57BL/6 parent.  相似文献   

The role of cryptopatch aggregates in the development of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) is a matter of controversy. Therefore, an important question is whether T cells in cryptopatch aggregates are lineally related to IEL. We hypothesized that if gammadelta+ IEL derive from T cells in cryptopatch aggregates, then a clonal relationship would exist between the two populations. To test this hypothesis, we compared the sequence of rearranged TCR gamma variable region 5 genes in gammadelta+ IEL and cryptopatch cells. We purified IEL by FACS and cryptopatch cells were isolated from frozen sections of the intestine by laser-assisted microdissection. PCR showed that TCR gamma variable region 5 was rearranged in gammadelta+ IEL and in CD3+ cryptopatch cells, but not in CD3- cryptopatch cells. DNA sequence analysis showed that the frequency of in-frame junctions in cryptopatch aggregates was at a level consistent with positive selection in both wild-type and athymic nude mice. In addition, the predicted amino acid sequences of V-J junctions present in gammadelta+ IEL and cryptopatch cells were encoded by identical nucleotide sequences. By contrast, the frequency of in-frame joints was significantly reduced in cryptopatch cells isolated from TCR delta-deficient mice, indicating that the enrichment of in-frame joints in cryptopatch cells must normally depend on expression of surface gammadelta TCR. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that a subset of gammadelta+ IEL are related to T cells in cryptopatch aggregates. The precise role of cryptopatch aggregates in intestinal gammadelta+ T cell homeostasis still needs to be determined.  相似文献   

The Vgamma4(+) pulmonary subset of gammadelta T cells regulates innate airway responsiveness in the absence of alphabeta T cells. We now have examined the same subset in a model of allergic airway disease, OVA-sensitized and challenged mice that exhibit Th2 responses, pulmonary inflammation, and airway hyperreactivity (AHR). In sensitized mice, Vgamma4(+) cells preferentially increased in number following airway challenge. Depletion of Vgamma4(+) cells before the challenge substantially increased AHR in these mice, but had no effect on airway responsiveness in normal, nonchallenged mice. Depletion of Vgamma1(+) cells had no effect on AHR, and depletion of all TCR-delta(+) cells was no more effective than depletion of Vgamma4(+) cells alone. Adoptively transferred pulmonary lymphocytes containing Vgamma4(+) cells inhibited AHR, but lost this ability when Vgamma4(+) cells were depleted, indicating that these cells actively suppress AHR. Eosinophilic infiltration of the lung and airways, or goblet cell hyperplasia, was not affected by depletion of Vgamma4(+) cells, although cytokine-producing alphabeta T cells in the lung increased. These findings establish Vgamma4(+) gammadelta T cells as negative regulators of AHR and show that their regulatory effect bypasses much of the allergic inflammatory response coincident with AHR.  相似文献   

Human Vgamma9Vdelta2 gammadelta T cells are selectively activated by bacterial phosphoantigens and aminobisphosphonates and exert potent cytotoxicity toward various tumor cells. In this study we have characterized the cytotoxic reactivity of gammadelta T cell lines established from healthy donors by stimulation with aminobisphosphonate alendronate toward melanoma MeWo and pancreatic adenocarcinomas Colo357 and PancTu1 lines in vitro and in vivo upon adoptive transfer into SCID mice. Lysis of all tumor cells was enhanced when gammadelta effector cells were preactivated with phosphoantigens. Recognition of MeWo was TCR dependent, as shown by anti-TCR Ab blockade, whereas only the phosphoantigen-mediated increased, but not the basal, lysis of Colo357 and PancTu1 was inhibited by anti-TCR Ab. Furthermore, lysis of Colo357, but not that of MeWo or PancTu1, was completely inhibited by the pan-caspase inhibitor zVAD, indicating different recognition and effector mechanisms involved in the gammadelta T cell/tumor cell interactions. Upon transfer into SCID mice, alendronate-activated gammadelta T cells given together with IL-2 and alendronate significantly prolonged the survival of SCID mice inoculated with human tumor cells. The best results were thus obtained when gammadelta T cells were repetitively given five times over a period of 30 days. With this protocol, human gammadelta T cells prolonged the mean survival of mice inoculated with MeWo melanoma from 28.5 to 87.3 days (p < 0.0001) and in the case of PancTu1 adenocarcinoma from 23.0 to 48.4 days (p < 0.0001). We conclude that an effective gammadelta T cell-based immunotherapy might require activation of endogenous gammadelta T cells with aminobisphosphonate (or phosphoantigen) and IL-2, followed by adoptive transfer of in vitro expanded gammadelta T cells.  相似文献   

To test whether T and B cell differentiation can proceed across species barriers, rat fetal liver (FL) cells were used to reconstitute SCID mice. Provided that the hosts were conditioned with light irradiation, i.v. injection of FL cells caused near-complete repopulation with rat-derived lymphohematopoietic cells, including myeloid and erythroid cells, Ia+ cells of the macrophage/dendritic cell lineages, and mature T and B cells. In keeping with the known hypersensitivity of SCID cells to irradiation, host hematopoietic cells in the chimeras were almost undetectable, even with hosts exposed to as low as 250 rad. In the case of T cells, the distribution of immature and mature cells in the thymus of rat FL----SCID chimeras closely resembled the normal rat thymus in terms of architecture and expression of CD4, CD8, and alpha beta-TCR molecules. Thymopoiesis was followed by the appearance of large numbers of typical rat CD4+ and CD8+ cells in spleen and lymph nodes. These organs also contained substantial numbers of rat B (mu+) cells. The data thus indicate that the xenogeneic environment of SCID mice is fully capable of sustained de novo differentiation of rat T and B cells.  相似文献   

Immune tolerance to organ transplants has been reported in laboratory animals and in humans after nonmyeloablative conditioning of the host and infusion of donor bone marrow cells. We examined the mechanisms of immune tolerance to mouse cardiac allografts in MHC-mismatched hosts that developed mixed chimerism after posttransplant conditioning with a 2-wk course of multiple doses of lymphoid tissue irradiation, depletive anti-T cell Abs, and an infusion of donor bone marrow cells. When CD1(-/-) or J(alpha)281(-/-) hosts with markedly reduced NK T cells were used instead of wild-type hosts, then the conditioning regimen failed to induce tolerance to the heart allografts despite the development of mixed chimerism. Tolerance could be restored to the CD1(-/-) hosts by infusing enriched T cells from the bone marrow of wild-type mice containing CD1-reactive T cells but not from CD1(-/-) host-type mice. Tolerance could not be induced in either IL-4(-/-) or IL-10(-/-) hosts given the regimen despite the development of chimerism and clonal deletion of host T cells to donor MHC-Ags in the IL-10(-/-) hosts. We conclude that immune tolerance to bone marrow transplants involves clonal deletion, and tolerance to heart allografts in this model also involves regulatory CD1-reactive NK T cells.  相似文献   

NK1.1+ T cells in the mouse thymus and bone marrow were compared because some marrow NK1.1+ T cells have been reported to be extrathymically derived. Almost all NK1.1+ T cells in the thymus were depleted in the CD1-/-, beta2m-/-, and Jalpha281-/- mice as compared with wild-type mice. CD8+NK1.1+ T cells were not clearly detected, even in the wild-type mice. In bone marrow from the wild-type mice, CD8+NK1.1+ T cells were easily detected, about twice as numerous as CD4+NK1.1+ T cells, and were similar in number to CD4-CD8-NK1.1+ T cells. All three marrow NK1.1+ T cell subsets were reduced about 4-fold in CD1-/- mice. No reduction was observed in CD8+NK1.1+ T cells in the bone marrow of Jalpha281-/- mice, but marrow CD8+NK1.1+ T cells were markedly depleted in beta2m-/- mice. All NK1.1+ T cell subsets in the marrow of wild-type mice produced high levels of IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-10. Although the numbers of marrow CD4-CD8-NK1.1+ T cells in beta2m-/- and Jalpha281-/- mice were similar to those in wild-type mice, these cells had a Th1-like pattern (high IFN-gamma, and low IL-4 and IL-10). In conclusion, the large majority of NK1.1+ T cells in the bone marrow are CD1 dependent. Marrow NK1.1+ T cells include CD8+, Valpha14-Jalpha281-, and beta2m-independent subsets that are not clearly detected in the thymus.  相似文献   

Glutamyl aminopeptidase (GluAP, EC, ENPEP) is a 130-kDa homodimeric zinc metallopeptidase which specifically cleaves the N-terminal glutamate or aspartate residue of peptidic substrates such as cholecystokinin-8 or angiotensin (Ang) II, in vitro. We used a DNA microarray hybridization (Genechip Rat Expression Array 230A, Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) to demonstrate that GluAP was upregulated in osteogenic induced rat bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). To compare the expression of GluAP in the osteogenic differentiation and non-osteogenic differentiation of rat BMSCs in vitro, the cells were osteogenic induced in vitro. We also performed an MTT assay, alkaline phosphatase assay, alizarin red staining, and an immunohistochemical analysis to determine the osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs. The expression of GluAP was examined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The real-time PCR results showed that GluAP was upregulated in osteogenic differentiated BMSCs in vitro, suggesting that GluAP may be correlated with the osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs.  相似文献   

Innate immune cells mediate a first line of defense against pathogens and determine the nature of subsequent acquired immune responses, mainly by producing profound amounts of cytokines. Given these diverse tasks, it is predictable that defective NK and gammadelta(+) T cell responses could be the underlying mechanism for the immunological alterations observed in atopic dermatitis (AD). Indeed, the frequencies of circulating NK cells and gammadelta(+) T cells were profoundly reduced in AD patients. They also displayed a defective ability to sustain TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, but not IL-4, production after in vitro stimulation, and the defect was restricted to innate immune cells. Surprisingly, on the depletion of CD14(+) monocytes, this selective impairment of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma production was restored to levels comparable to that observed in controls. Release of IL-10 from monocytes was not a major mechanism of the NK and gammadelta(+) T cell dysfunction. Apoptosis as revealed by annexin V binding, was preferentially observed in NK and gammadelta(+) T cells from AD patients when stimulated in the presence of monocytes, and depletion of monocytes significantly protected these cells from apoptotic cell death. Preferential apoptosis of NK cells by activated monocytes in AD patients was cell-contact-dependent. These results indicate that, once NK and gammadelta(+) T cells in AD patients are in immediate contact with activated monocytes, these cells are specifically targeted for apoptosis, leading to the reduced type 1 cytokine production, thereby directing subsequent acquired immune responses toward a type-2 pattern and increasing susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing features of gammadelta T cells that reside in murine epithelia is the association of a specific Vgamma/Vdelta usage with each epithelial tissue. Dendritic epidermal T cells (DETCs) in the murine epidermis, are predominantly derived from the "first wave" Vgamma5+ fetal thymocytes and overwhelmingly express the canonical Vgamma5/Vdelta1-TCRs lacking junctional diversity. Targeted disruption of the Vdelta1 gene resulted in a markedly impaired development of Vgamma5+ fetal thymocytes as precursors of DETCs; however, gammadeltaTCR+ DETCs with a typical dendritic morphology were observed in Vdelta1-/- mice and their cell densities in the epidermis were slightly lower than those in Vdelta1+/- epidermis. Moreover, the Vdelta1-deficient DETCs were functionally competent in their ability to up-regulate cytokines and keratinocyte growth factor-expression in response to keratinocytes. Vgamma5+ DETCs were predominant in the Vdelta1-/- epidermis, though Vgamma5- gammadeltaTCR+ DETCs were also detected. The Vgamma5+ DETCs showed a typical dendritic shape, gammadeltaTCR(high), and age-associated expansion in epidermis as observed in conventional DETCs of normal mice, whereas the Vgamma5- gammadeltaTCR+ DETCs showed a less dendritic shape, gammadeltaTCR(low), and no expansion in the epidermis, consistent with their immaturity. These results suggest that optimal DETC development does not require a particular Vgamma/Vdelta-chain usage but requires expression of a limited diversity of gammadeltaTCRs, which allow DETC precursors to mature and expand within the epidermal microenvironment.  相似文献   

A study was made of the incidence of such damages as breaks, gaps, and exchanges occurring in bone marrow cells of CBA mice after irradiation with a dose of 12.9 mC/kg. Males and females exhibited a similar spontaneous chromosome aberration level. Nevertheless, the experimental results obtained indicate that males are more radiosensitive than females.  相似文献   

A chronic GVH reaction (detected by T cell immune deficiency) was induced in unirradiated, adult (C57BL/10 X B10.A)F1 mice by injecting them i.v. with 3 X 10(7) B10.A parental spleen cells. Thirty-four days later, attempts were made to reconstitute the GVH immune-deficient mice by whole-body irradiation and repopulation with bone marrow cells from normal syngeneic F1 mice. The reconstituted mice were tested for CTL responses 147 and 272 days after repopulation with normal F1 bone marrow. These GVH/chimera mice remained immunoincompetent for at least 272 days for CTL responses to hapten-self and H-2 allogeneic antigens.  相似文献   

With the use of the micronuclear test method it has been shown that mice preirradiated with gamma rays at a low dose rate exhibit a decreased frequency of chromosome aberrations induced in bone marrow cells by subsequent acute exposure to gamma radiation as compared to mice not subjected to preliminary irradiation. Such animals have a higher radioresistance with respect to the survival rate. The results obtained suggest the possibility of induction by ionizing radiation, at a low dose rate, of adaptive repair response at the organism level.  相似文献   

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