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Twenty-seven names are newly placed in synonymy, Plagiochila blepharophora (Nees) Lindenb. var. δ major Schiffn. (= P. sandei Dozy), P.boninensis Inoue (= P. fordiana Steph.), P. cadens Inoue (= P. sciophila Nees), P. cameronensis Inoue (= P. hampeana Gottsche), P. ceramica Inoue (= P. pulvinata Steph.), P. decidua Inoue & Grolle (= P. sciophila Nees), P. didyma Inoue (= P. parvifolia Lindenb.), P. euryphyllon Herzog (= P. sciophila Nees), P. flavovirens Steph. (= P. sciophila Nees), P. fraseri Steph. (= P. teysmannii Sande Lac), P. gedeana Schiffn. (= P. hampeana Gottsche), P. kaernbachii Steph. (= P. sandei Dozy), P. lagunensis Inoue (= P. junghuhniana Sande Lac), P. massalongoana Sande Lac. (= P. junghuhniana Sande Lac), P. minor Horik. (= P. fordiana Steph.), P. nilgherriensis Steph. (= P. semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lindenb.), P. nubila Steph. (= P. sandei Dozy), P. nymanii Steph. (= P. sandei Dozy), P. orientalis Taylor (= P. sciophila Nees), P. seemannii Mitt. (= P. sandei Dozy), P. sepikensis Inoue (= P. inflata Steph.), P. spinosissima Steph. (= P. semidecurrens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lindenb.), P. subplanata Inoue (= P. sciophila Nees), P. trabeculata var. bifida S. Hatt. (= P. fordiana Steph.), P. trochantha Steph. (= P. sciophila Nees), P. tsutomui Inoue (= P. ungarangana Sande Lac), and P. wichurae Steph. (= P. renitens (Nees) Lindenb). Lectotypes are designated for P. junghuhniana, P. semidecurrens, and P. ungarangana. Plagiochila inflata Steph. is reinstated as a species of sect. Annotinae Carl.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):119-126

The Neotropical liverwort Plagiochila papillifolia Steph. is conspecific with P. caespiticia Spruce ex Herzog (nom. inval.), P . deciduifolia Steph., P . solmsii Steph. and P . verruculosa R.M.Schust.; it is reported from the Azores, new to Europe. Morphologically it shows affinity with sect. Bidentes Carl; phytochemically, several of its lipophilic secondary metabolites are the same as those of P . retrorsa Gottsche, another Neotropical species reported only recently from Macaronesia.  相似文献   

Section Cobanae Carl of the genus Plagiochila is characterized. Several Asian and Melanesian species are included in the section: Plagiochila bicornuta Steph., P. detecta So & Grolle, P. singularis Schiffn., P. tagawae Inoue, P. tixierí Inoue, P. trabeculata Steph. and P. zhuensis Grolle & So. Plagiochila laxissima Schiffn. is placed under the synonymy of P. bicornuta Steph.  相似文献   

For a long time, Plagiochila (sect. Arrectae) punctata (Taylor) Taylor has been treated as an endemic of Atlantic Europe. Studies of larger specimen sets demonstrated that the species is widespread in mountainous regions of the Neotropics where it is known under several names including P. stolonifera Lindenb. & Gottsche, P. choachina Gottsche and P. patzschkei Steph. In tropical Africa P. punctata is established as Plagiochila subalpina Steph., nom. illeg. The sporophyte of P. punctata is described for the first time, based on material from Costa Rica. A maximum likelihood analysis of a nrITS sequence alignment with sequences of P. sects. Fuscoluteae (outgroup), Arrectae, and Rutilantes as well as of P. rubescens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lindenb. results in a tree with well bootstrap supported Arrectae and Rutilantes clades. ITS sequences of Plagiochila punctata from the Comoros and Zaire are placed in an unsupported monophyletic lineage together with P. punctata sequences from the British Isles and Ecuador. The species is nested in a robust clade with P. spinulosa (Dicks.) Dumort. and P. stricta Lindenb. The weak genetic separation of these three species indicates a recent diversification; the disjunct ranges may be the result of long range dispersal events. Plagiochila rubescens from southern South America is placed sister to P. sect. Arrectae. The latter section possibly originated from southern South American ancestors, diversified in tropical America after the uplift of the Andes and reached the Holarctics and tropical Africa by long range dispersal of diaspores.We are grateful to the curators and owners of the herbaria cited in the text for the loan of specimens, especially to Tamás Pócs, Volker Buchbender and Eberhard Fischer for their continuous support with recent collections from tropical Africa. David Rycroft kindly sent a duplicate of P. rubescens. Financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant HE 3584/1) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The systematics of theGlaucescentes Carl, a poorly known neotropical section of the large genusPlagiochila, is revised based on a large set of gametophytic, sporophytic and chemical characters. Three species are recognized,P. buchtiniana Steph.,P. longispina Lindenb. and Gottsche andP. diversifolia Lindenb. and Gottsche, the latter with two chemotypes. Twelve binomina are reduced to synonymy. The species occur in montane regions of tropical America, especially in the northern and central Andes. In addition,P. longispina is newly reported from the Azores, where it was previously known asP. allorgei Herzog and Perss. TheGlaucescentes are excellently characterized by morphological and chemical features and are clearly separated from theContiguae Carl, a group often confused with theGlaucescentes. Morphologically, theGlaucescentes stand apart by the brown oil bodies, thinwalled inner capsule wall cells and partly unequally bispiral elaters. Chemically, they are characterized by the accumulation of partially hydrogenated bibenzylderivatives (longispinone, longispinol), 3-benzylphthalides and various flavonoids, and by the low production of terpenoids.Publication No. 142 of the Arbeitskreis Chemie und Biologie der Moose, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):271-282

(71) Cephalozia lunulifolia (Dum. 1831) Dum. 1835—lectotype (nov.): Mougeot & Nestler 432/e, c. per., BR—has to replace C. media Lindb. 1881. (72) Kymatocalyx stoloniferus Herz. 1950, syn.nov.: Solenostoma apertum Schiffn. & S. Arn. 1964. Because of the structure of its seta Kymatocalyx Herz. is newly placed within Cephaloziellaceae. (73) Lophozia capitata (Hook.) Boulay 1904 has to replace L. capitata (Hook.) K. Müll. 1950. (74) All Scandinavian records of Lophozia latifolia Schust. are rejected. (75) Notoscyphus macroscyphus Schiffn., N. fluviorum Schiffn. and N. paulensis Schiffn., all in Schiffner & S. Arnell (1964), are newly placed in synonymy of Lophocolea aquatica Herz. 1950. Notoscyphus Mitt s.str. remains palaeotropic in distribution. (76) Plagiochila corniculata (Dum.) Dum. validly dating as a species from 1831 has to replace P. tridenticulata Dum. validly dating as a species from 1835. (77) P. Punctata Tayl. 1846, syn.nov.: P. pitardii Steph. 1921.(78) P. spinulosa (Dicks. 1790) Dum., syn.nov.: P. maderensis Gottsche in Steph. 1904, and P. castellonis Gottsche in Steph. 1918. (79) Critical notes on Plagiochila sect. Plagiochila in Europe. List of names to be considered, with their types. Lectotype (nov.) of Jungermannia asplenioides L.: specimen in OXF corresponding with Dillenius. Hist. Musc. 482, tab. 69, fig. 5, Oxford, 1747. The large European taxon of section Plagiochila has to bear the name P. aspleniodes (L. emend. Tayl.) Dum. (= P. major (Nees) S. Arn., nomillegit.). The smaller plants of section Plagiochila in Europe perhaps are heterogeneous and may be called provisionally P. porelloides (Torrey ex Nees) Lindenb. s.amplo (= P. asplenioides sensu S. Arn., non (L.) Dum.). (80) Attention is called to four old Porella combinations by Pfeiffer (1855).  相似文献   

Lopholejeunea subgenusPteryganthus is described as new based upon the Mauritian plantL. sphaerophora (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Steph.Lopholejeunea utriculata Steph. from Madagascar is included as well.Lopholejeunea sinuata (Mitt.) Steph. is reduced to synonymy withL. sphaerophora. The two species of subgenusPteryganthus are compared withL. herzogiana Verd. andL. pullei Verd., two Malaysian species, with superficially similar lobule construction, but not of thePteryanthus type.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):239-263

The genus Herbertus S.Gray in Africa and the East African islands is revised. The division of the genus into two broad species complexes centred on H. dicranus (Tayl.ex Gottsche et al.) Trev. and H. juniperoideus (Sw.) Grolle is confirmed. H. capensis (Steph.) Sim, H. capillaris (Steph.) H. doggeltianus (Steph.) Demaret, H. lobatus (Steph.) Demaret, H. mascarenicus (Steph.) S.Arn., H. mollis (Steph.) Dusén, H. stuhlmannii (Steph.) Demaret and Schisma kilimandjarense Steph. are synonymous with H. dicranus. H. grossevittatus (Steph.) S.Arn. ex Grolle is synonymous with H. juniperoideus. Three new species are described: H. spicatus N.G.Hodgetts sp. nov., which is related to H. juniperoideus and appears close to the neotropical H. pensilis, with long, narrow leaf lobe apices and a sheathing leaf base; H. mauritianus N.G.Hodgetts sp. nov., also related to H. juniperoideus, has fewer basal slime papillae and the vitta bifurcating lower down; and H. pocsii N.G.Hodgetts sp. nov., which is related to H. dicranus but has setaceous leaf lobe apices composed of long, narrow cells. The relationships of the taxa and patterns of distribution, taking account of recent molecular work, are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):461-504

Fifteen species of Radula from Africa and the Mascarenes are described, of which R. pseudoflaccida is new. The following species are newly reduced to synonyms: R. angustata Steph., R. capensis Steph., R. guineensis Steph., R. macroloba Steph., R. molleri Steph., R. pirottae Gola and R. spongiosa Steph. R. caespitosa Steph. is transferred from R. tabularis Steph. to R. madagascariensis Gottsche.

Habit, stem-structure, leaf-cuticle, perianth and spores provide valuable taxonomic characters which have received little or no attention and which show some degree of correlation. The range of forms shown by the lobule in a single species represent stages in its development.  相似文献   

Plagiochila cucullifolia Jack & Steph. var. anomala J. Heinrichs & Gradst. var. nov. is described and illustrated. The new variety is known from a single locality in southern Ecuador and differs from P. cucullifolia var. cucullifolia by the flat, not saccate leaves, somewhat smaller plant size and weaker leaf dentation. According to phylogenetic analyses of 35 nrDNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequences of Plagiochila, the two varieties of P. cucullifolia form a monophyletic lineage and are placed in a well supported clade together with five other species of Plagiochila sect. Hylacoetes: P. dimorpha Lindenb. & Gottsche var. ecuadorica (Inoue) J. Heinrichs, P. flabelliflora Steph., P. patriciae J. Heinrichs & H. Anton, P. macrostachya Lindenb. and P. turgida Herzog. Within Plagiochila, nrITS sequence variation is not concordant with morphological diversification. ITS sequences of Plagiochila cucullifolia s.str. and of P. dimorpha var. ecuadorica differ in only 23 aligned positions whereas two sequences of P. subplana Lindenb. differ in 86 aligned positions. Morphologically, P. cucullifolia s.str. and P. dimorpha var. ecuadorica differ in more than 20 characters and previously these two taxa were placed in separate genera. P. subplana phenotypes show considerable variation in leaf shape and dentation but the extremes are linked by numerous intermediates.  相似文献   

Ten Plagiochila binomials are newly placed in synonymy: P. saettonii (= P. alternans), P. venustula (= P. disticha), P. variespinosa (= P. diversifolia), P. bakeri, P. barutana, P. buchii, P. effuse-ramea, P. subcontracta, P. truncatella (= P. patula), P. funkiana (= P. raddiana).  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):483-492

141. Anomacaulis fiaccidus (Steph. 1917) Grolle c. n. has to replace A. hamatilobus (Grolle 1965) Schust. 142. Colura leratii (Steph. 1908) Steph. Has to replace C. apiculata Schiffn. ex Steph. 1916. 143. Herbertus sendtneri (Nees) Lindb. 1874 has to replace H. sendtneri (Nees) Evans 1917. 144. The redetected type of Herbertus stramineus (Dum.) Trev. in BR wholly justifies the recent usage of that name instead of H. aduncus auct. 145. The large styli of Jovetastella Tixier were misinterpreted as amphigastria. Jovetastella is reduced to subgeneric rank within Cololejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn., necessitating C. subg. Jovetastella (Tixier) Grolle n. st. et c. and C. paniensis (Tixier) Grolle c. n. 146. Lichenastrum Dill. 1811 is lectotypified with Jungermannia Ianceolata L. emend. Grolle, thus becoming a synonym of Jungermannia L. s. str. 147.Lophozia elongata Steph. has to replace L. elongata (Lindb. ex Kaal.) Steph. 148. Mannia triandra (Scop. 1772) Grolle c. n. has to replace M. rupestris (Nees 1817)Frye et Clark. A redetected type specimen of M archantia ludwigii Schwaegr. 1814 turned out to be Mannia triandra. Therefore Asterella gracilis (F. Web.) Underw. has to replace A. ludwigii auct. 149. Grimaldia chilensis Lindenb. ex Mont. 1839 was newly placed in synonymy of Sauteria berteroana Mont. 1839. 150. Telaranea nematodes (Gottsche ex Aust. 1879) Howe has to replace T. sejuncta auct., whereas the true T. sejuncta (Angstr. 1877) S. Arn. is a synonym of Arachniopsis diacantha (Mont. 1856) Howe. T. sejuncta yare breviseta (Herz.) Fulf. is still another species, thus the single record of T. nematodes or T. sejuncta from Juan Fernandez is rejected.  相似文献   

Plagiochila dubia Lindenb. & Gottsche is reduced to a synonym of the Neotropical P. patula (Sw.) Lindenb. Specimens from the Canary Islands and Madeira proved to belong to the eastern North American P. virginica A.Evans, new to Europe. Phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA of ten Plagiochila species produced four independent lineages that are well supported by all bootstrap analyses (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and distance). These lineages correspond with the Plagiochila sections Arrectae, Contiguae, Cucullatae and Glaucescentes. Spruce's “Ramiflorae” and “Cauliflorae” may no longer be regarded as monophyletic units of Plagiochila. Received August 19, 2001 Accepted October 11, 2001  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):43-54

Calypogeia afrocaernlea E. W. Jones, sp. nov. is described (type, from Kilimanjaro, in BM). Critical notes are provided on Cylindrocolea chevalieri (Steph.) Schuster, Simia S. Arnell, Syzygiella ruwenzorensis Steph., and Taxilejeunea pulchriflora Pearson. The following are new combinations: Cheilolejeunea surrepens (Mitt.) (basionym Lejeunea surrepens), Stictolejeunea balfourii (Mitt.) (basionym Lejeunea balfouri). Calypogeia fusca (Lehm.) Steph. is recorded from Cameroun and Ruanda; C. longifolia Steph. from Sierra Leone.  相似文献   

The present study deals with five genera of hepatics in Africa, Isotachis Mitt., Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph., Tritomaria Schiffn. ex Loeske, Gymnocoleopsis (Schust.) Schust. and Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. All African populations of the genus Isotachis Mitt. are considered to be one species, I. aubertii (Schwaegr.) Mitt. Four species of Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. (s.l.), A. auritum (Lehm.) Steph., A. piligerum (Nees) Spruce, A. subcomplicatum (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Steph. and A. minutum (Schreb.) Schust., and two species of Tritomaria Schiffn. et Loeske, T. camerunensis S. Arnell and T. exsecta (Schrad.) Schiffn. ex Loeske occur in Africa. Gymmocoleopsis multiflora (Steph.) Schust. represents a genus and species hitherto unreported for the African flora. Finally, five Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. species, L. argentina (Steph.) Schust., L. capensis S. Arnell, L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph., L. hedbergii S. Arnell and L. tristaniana (S. Arnell) Váňa, are reported from central and southern Africa; two of these (L. argentina (Steph.) Schust. and L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph.) represent the first reports from Africa.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):325-334

201. Calycularia crispula Mitt. new to Mexico and the whole America. It is the first record outside Asia. 202. A type study of Fimbriaria nana Lindenb. revealed that it is synonymous with Athalamia hyalina (Sommerf.) Hatt. 203. Fossombroniaceae Hazsl. 1885 has to replace Codoniaceae Klinggr.1858 nom. illeg., because Codonia Dum. 1822 is illegitimate. 204. Herzogobryumaterrimum (Steph.) c. n. (≡ Cephalozia aterrima Steph.) has to replace H. filarium Grolle 1975. 205. Korrnickia Steph. 1917 is regarded as a synonym of Symphyogyna Nees et Mont. 1836 and K. cylindrica Steph. 1917 is placed in synonymy of S. mexicana Steph. 1909.206. The detection of the perianth of Lophocolea spectabilis Steph. (≡ Heteroscyphus arnellii Fulf.) necessitates a transfer as Leptoscyphus spectabilis (Steph.) c. n. 207. All records of Preissia Corda from Latin America are rejected. P. barbata Herz. 1921 is referred to as syn. nov. of Marchantia chenopoda L. 1753. 208. Riccia crustata Trab. was validly published in 1916 already, but has been generally overlooked hitherto. 209. Symphyogyna brasiliensis. Nees et Mont. is widespread in the Neotropics and Africa. Several African names are treated as synonyms. 210. The monotypic genus Wiesnerella Schiffn. is newly recorded from New Guinea and the Mascarenes. The Mascarene record is the first one outside Asia.  相似文献   

Die achte Studie über die SubfamilieJungermannioideae (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) ist dén Arten der GattungJungermannia L. emend.Dum., die in Australien, Neuseeland und Ozeanien vorkommen, gewidmet. Die meist endemischen Arten, die auf Hawaii vorkommen, werden als eine selbständige (neunte) Studie bearbeitet. Im genannten Gebiet wurden 13 Arten der GattungJungermannia L. emend.Dum. festgestellt.J. (P.) hasskarliana (Nees) Steph.,J. (P.) obliquifolia (Schiffn.) Váňa,J. (P.) tetragona Lindenb.,J. (P.) hirticalyx Steph.,J. (P.) minutiverrucosa Amak.,J. (P.) wattsiana Steph.,J. (S.) ariadne Tayl.,J. (S.) totipapillosa Hodgs.,J. (S.) inundata Hook. fil. etTayl. emend.Mitt. undJ. (S.) orbiculata (Col.) Grolle sind eingehend taxonomisch bearbeitet,J. (P.) micrantha (Mitt.) Steph. wird in die nächste Studie eingereiht.J. (P.) boninensis (Horik.) Inoue wurde vonInoue (Inoue etIwatsuki 1969) eingehend beschrieben und abgebildet,Haplozia comptonii Pears. wurde schon im 2. Teil diskutiert. Die anderen aus dem Gebiet bekannten Arten sind mit den obenerwähnten Arten synonymisiert oder zu anderen Gattungen gestellt.  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):149-166

The following species of Cheilolejeunea subgen. Strepsilejeunea are recognised from Africa and described: C. krakakammae (Lindenb.) Schust., C. pluriplicata (Pears.) Schust., C. usambarana (Steph.) Grolle, C. convexa S. Arn., C. pocsii E. Jones, sp. nov., C. camerunensis S. Arn. Strepsilejeunea georgensis S. Arn. is a synonym of C. krakakammae.  相似文献   

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