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Circadian rhythms of LD50 values to DDT, dieldrin and malathion, topically applied, were determined for houseflies reared under LD 14:10 with dawn at 06.00 hr. There was a marked increase in susceptibility at 05.00 hr in each case. With dawn at 18.00 hr., DDT LD50 values were lowest at 17.00 hr indicating independence of the flies' biological clocks from clock time of day. Flies reared under LD 18:6 and 10:14 also had circadian rhythms of sensitivity to DDT. Mean daily LD50 values were inversely related to photophase length. The ratios of mean daily LD50 to pre-dawn values were greatest for the longer photophases. Flies reared under LD 14:10 until the pupal stage, then DD until testing showed a normal circadian rhythm. Flies reared in total darkness (DD) showed no diel variations in susceptibility. W.H.O. standard strain flies were used for all the experiments. A fully susceptible (Cooper) and a DDT resistant (DEH-DOV) strain also showed significant circadian rhythms of sensitivity to DDT.
Zusammenfassung Circadianrhythmen der LD 50-Werte gegenüber DDT, Dieldrin und Malathion-topical angewandt wurden bei Stubenfliegen ermittelt, die bei 14:10 h-Tag mit Tagesanbruch um 6.00 Uhr gezüchtet wurden. In allen Fällen war die Empfindlichkeit um 5.00 Uhr wesentlich erhöht. Bei Tagesanbruch um 18.00 Uhr waren die niedrigsten LD 50-Werte um 17.00 Uhr. Dies weist auf die Unabhängigkeit der biologischen Uhr der Fliegen von der Tageszeit hin. Fliegen, die bei 18:6 oder bei 10:14 LD gezüchtet wurden, zeigten ebenfalls einen Circadianrhythmus hinsichtlich der Empfindlichkeit gegenüber DDT. Die mittleren LD 50-Werte waren umgekehrt proportional zur Länge der Photophase. Das Verhältnis der mittleren täglichen LD 50-Werte zu den Vortagesanbruchwerten war am grössten bei längerer Photophase. Fliegen, die bei 14:10 LD bis zum Puppenstadium und anschliessend bei DD bis zur Testung gehalten wurden, zeigten einen normalen circadianen Rhythmus. Bei Züchtung in völliger Dunkelheit zeigten sie keine Tagesschwankungen in der Empfindlichkeit. Für alle Versuche wurde ein WHO-Standardstamm benutzt. Zwei andere Stämme, einer voll empfindlich (Cooper), der andere resistent (DEH-DOV) zeigten ebenfalls signifikante Circadianrhythmen in der DDT-Empfindlichkeir.

ABSTRACT. Deuterium oxide averts pupal diapause in the flesh fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart when fed to larvae or when applied topically to photosensitive embryos exposed to short daylength. Deuterium oxide was not effective in promoting diapause when presented to embryos or larvae reared at long daylength. The effect of deuterium oxide appears to be cumulative in the larval state: increasing exposure time progressively reduces diapause response. If flies reared on deuterium oxide are exposed to continuous darkness, the diapause response remains high, thus implying that the physiological capacity for diapause is not disrupted. We suggest that deuterium oxide exerts its effect on the circadian rhythm controlling diapause induction.  相似文献   

Effects of aging on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in males of Drosophila nasuta were investigated. The adult life of males was divided in 1-3 stages according to spontaneous changes in free-running period x in constant darkness (DD): stage 1, days 1-19; stage 2, days 20-36; stage 3, days 37-43. Stage 1 was characterized by a bimodal activity pattern with a short light-induced morning peak and a prolonged evening peak when the flies were entrained to light-dark cycles of 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness (LD 12:12). The morning peak had a phase angle difference Ψm (Ψ, the time from lights on in LD 12:12 cycles to the onset of morning peak) of about 0.1h, while Ψe (Ψ of evening peak) was about 9h at stage 1. The transient morning peak was curtailed at the end of stage 1. At stage 2, the Ψe was about 10h, and the activity end was delayed by an addition of about 3h of activity in the scotophase. The changes in W during DD free runs were determined in two groups of flies: flies reared in LD 12:12 and flies reared in DD. In both groups, W increased from about 23h at stage 1 to about 25h at stage 2. Stage 3 was characterized by arrhythmicity associated with highest mean activity level (total number of passes/fly/day) in the entrained and both free-running groups. The mean activity level increased significantly from stage 1 to stage 3 in all three groups of flies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Eclosion in Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) occurs near dawn. The rhythm of eclosion persists in both darkness and constant light of high intensity (490μW cm-2) with a period close to 24h. The sensitivity to light of the circadian clock controlling eclosion varies greatly according to the stage of the life cycle. During larval life the free running rhythm in darkness can be phase shifted by light pulses of 100μW cm-2 intensity, with the transition from a Type 1 phase response curve to a Type 0, occurring with pulses of between 1 and 8h. Extending the last light period of LD to 24 h followed by constant darkness resets the phase of the rhythm by 12h, a transition from constant light to constant darkness initiates rhythmicity in flies made arrhythmic by being reared from eggs collected from adults maintained in constant light. After pupariation, the rhythm is relatively insensitive to light. Rhythmicity is sometimes induced by a transition from constant light to constant darkness, but the phase of the rhythm is not shifted by extending the last light period of LD before entering constant darkness. Repeated LD cycles applied after pupariation initiate and entrain the rhythm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our extensive study on eclosion rhythm of four independent populations of Drosophila melanogaster that were reared in constant light (LL) environment of the laboratory for more than 700 generations. The eclosion rhythm of these flies was assayed under LL, constant darkness (DD) and three periodic light‐dark (LD) cycles (T20, T24, and T28). The percentage of vials from each population that exhibited circadian rhythm of eclosion in DD and in LL (intensity of approximately 100 lux) was about 90% and 18%, respectively. The mean free‐running period (τ) of eclosion rhythm in DD was 22.85 ± 0.87 h (mean ± SD). Eclosion rhythm of these flies entrained to all the three periodic LD cycles, and the phase relationship (ψ) of the peak of eclosion with respect to “lights‐on” of the LD cycle was significantly different in the three periodic light regimes (T20, T24, and T28). The results thus clearly demonstrate that these flies have preserved the ability to exhibit circadian rhythm of eclosion and the ability to entrain to a wide range of periodic LD cycles even after being in an aperiodic environment for several hundred generations. This suggests that circadian clocks may have intrinsic adaptive value accrued perhaps from coordinating internal metabolic cycles in constant conditions, and that the entrainment mechanisms of circadian clocks are possibly an integral part of the clockwork.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our extensive study on eclosion rhythm of four independent populations of Drosophila melanogaster that were reared in constant light (LL) environment of the laboratory for more than 700 generations. The eclosion rhythm of these flies was assayed under LL, constant darkness (DD) and three periodic light-dark (LD) cycles (T20, T24, and T28). The percentage of vials from each population that exhibited circadian rhythm of eclosion in DD and in LL (intensity of approximately 100 lux) was about 90% and 18%, respectively. The mean free-running period (τ) of eclosion rhythm in DD was 22.85 ± 0.87 h (mean ± SD). Eclosion rhythm of these flies entrained to all the three periodic LD cycles, and the phase relationship (ψ) of the peak of eclosion with respect to “lights-on” of the LD cycle was significantly different in the three periodic light regimes (T20, T24, and T28). The results thus clearly demonstrate that these flies have preserved the ability to exhibit circadian rhythm of eclosion and the ability to entrain to a wide range of periodic LD cycles even after being in an aperiodic environment for several hundred generations. This suggests that circadian clocks may have intrinsic adaptive value accrued perhaps from coordinating internal metabolic cycles in constant conditions, and that the entrainment mechanisms of circadian clocks are possibly an integral part of the clockwork.  相似文献   

The eclosion rhythm of a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster was studied under 12h light, 12h dark (LD 12:12) cycles. Although most of the flies were found to eclose just after “lights on” in LD 12:12, termed within gate (WG) flies, a few flies were found to eclose nearly 10h after peak eclosion, termed outside gate (OG) flies. The circadian parameters of the clocks controlling oviposition rhythms in the WG and the OG flies were estimated to understand the cause of such differences in the timing of eclosion. The distribution of the fraction of individual flies exhibiting single, multiple, and no significant period in the WG flies was significantly different from distribution in the OG flies. Compared to the WG flies, more OG flies were found to exhibit oviposition rhythm with multiple periodicity, whereas more WG flies exhibited an oviposition rhythm with a single significant period. The fraction of flies with arrhythmic oviposition was similar in both the WG and the OG flies. Free-running period τ in constant darkness (DD) and the phase angle difference ψ in LD 12:12 for the oviposition rhythm of WG and OG flies were significantly different. These results suggest that the differences in the time of eclosion between the flies eclosing within the gate and outside the gate of eclosion are probably due to differences in the circadian system controlling eclosion, which is reflected by the differences in their oviposition rhythm. (Chronobiology International, 18(4), 601-612, 2001)  相似文献   

The eclosion rhythm of a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster was studied under 12h light, 12h dark (LD 12:12) cycles. Although most of the flies were found to eclose just after “lights on” in LD 12:12, termed within gate (WG) flies, a few flies were found to eclose nearly 10h after peak eclosion, termed outside gate (OG) flies. The circadian parameters of the clocks controlling oviposition rhythms in the WG and the OG flies were estimated to understand the cause of such differences in the timing of eclosion. The distribution of the fraction of individual flies exhibiting single, multiple, and no significant period in the WG flies was significantly different from distribution in the OG flies. Compared to the WG flies, more OG flies were found to exhibit oviposition rhythm with multiple periodicity, whereas more WG flies exhibited an oviposition rhythm with a single significant period. The fraction of flies with arrhythmic oviposition was similar in both the WG and the OG flies. Free-running period τ in constant darkness (DD) and the phase angle difference ψ in LD 12:12 for the oviposition rhythm of WG and OG flies were significantly different. These results suggest that the differences in the time of eclosion between the flies eclosing within the gate and outside the gate of eclosion are probably due to differences in the circadian system controlling eclosion, which is reflected by the differences in their oviposition rhythm. (Chronobiology International, 18(4), 601–612, 2001)  相似文献   

We used four replicate outbred populations of Drosophila melanogaster to investigate whether the light regimes experienced during the pre-adult (larval and pupal) and early adult stages influence the free-running period (τDD) of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of adult flies. In a series of two experiments four different populations of flies were raised from egg to eclosion in constant light (LL), in light/dark (LD) 12:12 h cycle, and in constant darkness (DD). In the first experiment the adult male and female flies were directly transferred into DD and their locomotor activity was monitored, while in the second experiment the locomotor activity of the emerging adult flies was first assayed in LD 12:12 h for 15 days and then in DD for another 15 days. The τDD of the locomotor activity rhythm of flies that were raised in all the three light regimes, LL, LD 12:12 h and in DD was significantly different from each other. The τDD of the locomotor activity rhythm of the flies, which were raised in DD during their pre-adult stages, was significantly shorter than that of flies that were raised as pre-adults in LL regime, which in turn was significantly shorter than that of flies raised in LD 12:12 h regime. This pattern was consistent across both the experiments. The results of our experiments serve to emphasise the fact that in order to draw meaningful inferences about circadian rhythm parameters in insects, adequate attention should be paid to control and specify the environment in which pre-adult rearing takes place. The pattern of pre-adult and early adult light regime effects that we see differs from that previously observed in studies of mutant strains of D. melanogaster, and therefore, also points to the potential importance of inter-strain differences in the response of circadian organisation to external influences.  相似文献   

Abstract Progeny of Sarcophaga bullata produced from mothers with a history of short day will not enter pupal diapause even if they are reared in a strong diapause-inducing environment (LD 12:12 h at 20oC). Short-day exposure and diapause commitment are normally inseparable, but this maternal effect provides a tool for examining separately the effect of photoperiod and diapause commitment. Duration of the wandering period of the third instar is longer in diapause-destined larvae than in non-diapause-destined larvae, and fecundity of flies that have experienced pupal diapause is lower than in long-day flies that have not been through diapause. The puparia of diapausing pupae contain more hydrocarbons than puparia of nondiapausing pupae, and this contributes to higher rates of net transpiration for the nondiapausing flies. Flies showing the maternal effect (short-day experience but no diapause) show an intermediate response: length of wandering, fecundity rate and quantities of puparial hydrocarbon are between the extremes observed in the other two groups of flies. Thus, the maternal effect switches the developmental programme to nondiapause, but the progeny retain some characteristics of diapause. Evidence from reciprocal crosses indicates that the photoperiodic history of the female, rather than the male, is responsible for the influence on fecundity.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrence of endogenous bursts of spikes was monitored by external electrode placed on the surface of housefly eyes in darkness. In LD 16:8 the frequency of these bursts showed an entrained rhythm, with a c. 10-fold change in level from rest to active periods. The rate began to increase in anticipation of dawn. The free-running period in DD was c. 21 h and in LL, 16–17 h. The active/rest ratio was 1.0 in DD and 2.5 in LL, the active phase being 10.4 h in DD and 12.3 h in LL. In these respects the rhythm conforms to Aschoff's rule. In groups of flies, the entrained rhythm was apparently lost 4–6 days after transfer from LD to LL, because the individual flies' rhythms changed from the 24 h entrained state to the LL, free-running state at differing rates, leading to asynchrony. After four cycles the phase angles in a sample of ten flies differed by 120 (8 h). In contrast, when flies were transferred from LD to DD, the phase angle variation did not differ markedly, even after 9 days, from that of entrained flies. The findings are discussed in terms of Truman's (1972) clock types.  相似文献   

We reared wild type (Canton-S) and period mutant flies, i.e., per(S) and per(L), of Drosophila melanogaster in constant darkness, constant light or 24h light dark cycles with various light to dark ratios throughout the development from embryo to early adult. The locomotor activity rhythms of newly eclosed individuals were subsequently monitored in the lighting conditions, in which they had been reared, for several days and then in constant darkness. Circadian rhythms were clearly exhibited in constant darkness even in flies reared in constant light and constant darkness as well as flies reared in light-dark cycles, but the freerunning period differed among groups. The results suggest that the circadian clock is assembled without any cyclical photic information, and that the light influences the developing circadian clock of Drosophila to alter the freerunning period. The effects of light on the rhythm differed in some aspects between per(L) flies and the other two strains. Possible mechanisms through which light affects the developing circadian clock are discussed. Copyright 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  相似文献   

Synergic contribution of light and temperature is known to cause a paradoxical masking effect (inhibition of activity by bright light and high temperature) on various rhythms of animals. The present study reports the paradoxical masking effects of 1000-lux photophase at 25°C on the locomotor activity rhythm of Drosophila malerkotliana. Flies were subjected to light (L)-dark (D) 12:12 cycles wherein the photophase was varied from 10 to 1000 lux, whereas the scotophase was set to 0 lux in these and subsequent LD cycles. At 10, 100, and 500 lux, the flies were diurnal; however, at 1000 lux they were nocturnal. Transfer from LD 12:12 cycles to continuous darkness (DD) initiated free-running rhythmicity in all flies. Free-running rhythms of the flies switched from the 10-lux to the 500-lux groups started from the last activity-onset phase of the rhythm following 3-5 transient cycles, suggesting involvement of the circadian pacemaker. In contrast, the free-running rhythm of the flies of the 1000-lux group began abruptly from the last lights-on phase of the LD cycle, indicating noninvolvement of the pacemaker. Furthermore, all flies showed nocturnal activity in the two types of LD 12:12 cycles when the photophase was 1000 lux. The first type of LD cycles had three succeeding photophases of 100, 1000, and again 100 lux, whereas the second type of LD cycles had only one photophase of 1000 lux, but the LD 12:12 cycles were reversed to DL 12:12 cycles. Apparently, the combined effects of light and temperature caused such paradoxical masking effects. This hypothesis was tested by repeating the above experiments at 20°C. Flies in all experiments exhibited a diurnal activity pattern, even when the photophase was 1000 lux. Thus, the present study demonstrates that the paradoxical masking effect in D. malerkotliana was caused by the additive influence of light intensity and temperature. This strategy appears to have physiological significance, i.e., to shun and thus protect against the bright photophase at high temperature in the field.  相似文献   

Galleria mellonella larvae reared in a light:dark (LD) 12:12 regime terminate feeding and pupate 1 day earlier than insects kept in constant darkness. Rearing conditions have no influence on the body weight attained at pupation. In both rearing conditions body weights attained by females were greater on the average by 50% than the body weights of males.In LD 12:12 all distinctive changes in the juvenile hormone titre and juvenile hormone esterase activity occurred 1 day earlier than in constant darkness. The peak value of juvenile hormone esterase activity was by 22% higher in insects reared under light conditions as compared with animals kept in constant darkness.Last-instar G. mellonella larvae reared in constant darkness were more sensitive to cooling and juvenile hormone analogue application. The chilling-induced elevation of juvenile hormone titre was also higher in constant darkness. The chilling-induced elevation of the brain allatotropic activity was not influenced by rearing conditions (brain activity measured as the number of extra-larval moults produced by hosts implanted with chilled brains). However, rearing in an LD 12:12 regime decreases the host sensitivity to implanted brains.  相似文献   

Synergic contribution of light and temperature is known to cause a paradoxical masking effect (inhibition of activity by bright light and high temperature) on various rhythms of animals. The present study reports the paradoxical masking effects of 1000-lux photophase at 25°C on the locomotor activity rhythm of Drosophila malerkotliana. Flies were subjected to light (L)-dark (D) 12:12 cycles wherein the photophase was varied from 10 to 1000 lux, whereas the scotophase was set to 0 lux in these and subsequent LD cycles. At 10, 100, and 500 lux, the flies were diurnal; however, at 1000 lux they were nocturnal. Transfer from LD 12:12 cycles to continuous darkness (DD) initiated free-running rhythmicity in all flies. Free-running rhythms of the flies switched from the 10-lux to the 500-lux groups started from the last activity-onset phase of the rhythm following 3–5 transient cycles, suggesting involvement of the circadian pacemaker. In contrast, the free-running rhythm of the flies of the 1000-lux group began abruptly from the last lights-on phase of the LD cycle, indicating noninvolvement of the pacemaker. Furthermore, all flies showed nocturnal activity in the two types of LD 12:12 cycles when the photophase was 1000 lux. The first type of LD cycles had three succeeding photophases of 100, 1000, and again 100 lux, whereas the second type of LD cycles had only one photophase of 1000 lux, but the LD 12:12 cycles were reversed to DL 12:12 cycles. Apparently, the combined effects of light and temperature caused such paradoxical masking effects. This hypothesis was tested by repeating the above experiments at 20°C. Flies in all experiments exhibited a diurnal activity pattern, even when the photophase was 1000 lux. Thus, the present study demonstrates that the paradoxical masking effect in D. malerkotliana was caused by the additive influence of light intensity and temperature. This strategy appears to have physiological significance, i.e., to shun and thus protect against the bright photophase at high temperature in the field. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Egg to eclosion development time and survivorship were assayed on four laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had been reared for over 600 generations in continuous light (LL) and constant temperature. The assays were performed in three environments: continuous light (LL), periodically varying light/dark cycles (LD 12:12 hr), and continuous darkness (DD). Development time in LL was significantly less than that in LD, which, in turn, was significantly less than that in DD, whereas survivorship did not differ significantly among the three treatments. The results indicate that individuals from Drosophila populations routinely maintained in LL do not suffer any deleterious effects of LL treatment on pre-adult fitness. Other studies on these populations have shown that free-running period (t) of the eclosion rhythm in DD is greater than that in LD. Our results are, thus, also consistent with the notion that development time may be a function of the free-running period.  相似文献   

The oviposition rhythm of individual flies of Drosophila melanogaster from a population maintained in an aperiodic environment (with light, temperature, humidity, and other factors which could provide time cues, kept constant) for several hundred generations was assayed in constant light (LL), in light/dark (LD 12:12 hr) cycle, and in constant darkness (DD). More than 50% of the flies assayed exhibited rhythmicity in oviposition in all three light regimes. The results indicate that the phenomenon of egg laying is rhythmic in individual D. melanogaster females and is controlled by an endogenous time keeping mechanism. The persistence of the oviposition rhythm in a large proportion of individuals in the population after several hundred generations of rearing in a constant environment strengthens the view that possessing biological clocks may confer some intrinsic fitness advantage even to organisms living in aperiodic environments. J. Exp. Zool. 290:541-549, 2001.  相似文献   

Egg to eclosion development time and survivorship were assayed on four laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had been reared for over 600 generations in continuous light (LL) and constant temperature. The assays were performed in three environments: continuous light (LL), periodically varying light/dark cycles (LD 12:12 hr), and continuous darkness (DD). Development time in LL was significantly less than that in LD, which, in turn, was significantly less than that in DD, whereas survivorship did not differ significantly among the three treatments. The results indicate that individuals from Drosophila populations routinely maintained in LL do not suffer any deleterious effects of LL treatment on pre-adult fitness. Other studies on these populations have shown that free-running period (t) of the eclosion rhythm in DD is greater than that in LD. Our results are, thus, also consistent with the notion that development time may be a function of the free-running period.  相似文献   

Eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of the large narcissus fly (Merodon equestris) were reared at a series of constant temperatures between 9–24°C. Egg development required from 37 days at 9°C to 7 days at 21.5°C. The low-temperature threshold for development was 6.7°C. Larvae reared at 1424°C were fully-grown after 18 weeks, but it took much longer for such insects to pupate, and adult flies emerged only after about 45 weeks of development. Large narcissus flies enter diapause during the larval stage and overwinter as fully-fed larvae, forming pupae in the following spring. Post-winter pupation and pupal development took from 169 days at 10°C to 36 days at 21.5°C. Of this, pupal development required from 91 days at 10°C to 19 days at 21.5°C. The low-temperature threshold for post-winter pupation and pupal development was 7.1°C, and for pupal development alone, 7.2°C. Females maintained at or below 19°C laid few eggs, whereas some females kept at or above 21.5°C laid more than 100 eggs (mean 69 ± 36). Approximately 50% of females maintained at or above 21.5°C laid less than 10 eggs during their lifetime. The mean egg-laying time was 6 to 9 days. Although temperatures at or below 19°C inhibited mating, once a female had mated, such temperatures did not prevent oviposition.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The present study tested whether the pattern of feeding activity in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) is sex- and wing morph-related, diurnal or nocturnal, as well as whether the feeding rhythm persists in constant darkness. Temporal patterns of feeding activity are analysed in macropterous and brachypterous adults reared under long-day (LD 18 : 6 h) and short-day (LD 12 : 12 h) photoperiods, and in adults transferred to constant darkness. In females, the total feeding activity is highest in long-day reproductively active brachypters, intermediate in short-day diapausing brachypters, and lowest in macropters; the differences among males are substantially smaller. Although the total feeding activity of macropterous males is higher than in macropterous females, no sex-related differences are found in feeding activity of diapausing and reproductively active brachypters. The frequency of feeding exhibits sex-related differences, with obviously higher values in males. Mean feeding periods of macropterous and reproductively active brachypterous males are shorter than in females of the same wing morph. Mean interfeeding periods are longest in macropters, intermediate in diapausing brachypters, and shortest in reproductively active brachypters, and always lower in males than in females. The study shows that the feeding activity of P. apterus adults is age-, sex- and wing morph-related, and exhibits a diurnal pattern, except in reproductively active brachypterous females. The latter do not express a clear diurnal rhythm of feeding, presumably because of interactions with cycles of egg development and oviposition. The persistence of diurnal rhythm of feeding activity in short-day brachypterous females transferred to constant darkness indicates an endogeneity of this rhythm in P. apterus .  相似文献   

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