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Subterranean termite nests are located underground and termites forage out by constructing tunnels to reach food resources, and tunneling behavior is critical in order to maximize the foraging efficiency. Excavation, transportation, and deposition behavior are involved in the tunneling, and termites have to move back and forth to do this. Although there are three sequential behaviors, excavation has been the focus of most previous studies. In this study, we investigated the deposition behavior of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, in experimental arenas having different widths (2, 3, and 4 mm), and characterized the function of deposited particles. We also simulated moving distance of the termites in different functions. Our results showed that total amounts of deposited particles were significantly higher in broad (4 mm width) than narrow (2 mm) tunnels and most deposited particles were observed near the tip of the tunnel regardless of tunnel widths. In addition, we found that deposited particles followed a quadratic decrease function, and simulation results showed that moving distance of termites in this function was the shortest. The quadratic decrease function of deposited particles in both experiment and simulation suggested that short moving distance in the decrease quadratic function is a strategy to minimize moving distance during the deposition behavior.  相似文献   

Although preference and utilization of clay have been studied in many higher termites, little attention has been paid to lower termites, especially subterranean termites. The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, can modify its habitat by using clay to fill tree cavities. Here, the biological significance of clay on C. formosanus was investigated. Choice tests showed that significantly more termites aggre- gated in chambers where clay blocks were provided, regardless of colony group, observation period, or nutritional condition (fed or starved). No-choice tests showed that clay had no observable effect on survivorship, live or dry biomass, water content, and tunneling activity after 33-35 d. However, clay appeared to significantly decrease filter paper consumption (dry weight loss). Active particle (sand, paper, and clay) transport behavior was observed in both choice and no-choice tests. When present, clay was preferentially spread on the substrate, attached to the smooth surfaces of the containers, and used to line sand tunnels. Mechanisms and potential application of clay attraction are discussed.  相似文献   

Termites were the first animal to form societies. Two hundred million years of evolution provide for a multitude of innate social behaviors that can be experimentally dissected. These fine‐tuned patterns of behavior are especially interesting when observing group decision making in the panic mode. In this study, we examined behavioral patterns of termites under panic conditions to gain insight into how an escape flow self‐organizes. One hundred worker and 10 soldier Coptotermes formosanus were released into agar plates. After a disturbance was created most workers followed each other and ran along the wall of dishes, thus forming a unidirectional escape flow, whereas soldiers showed a significantly higher frequency of moving to the center of the arena or on periphery of the escape flow as compared to workers. Agonistic behavior was usually observed as soldiers moved to center or periphery. This is the first report on the behavioral repertoire of termites when panicked, with details on the behavioral polymorphism of workers and soldiers during an escape.  相似文献   

Group-living animals coordinate their movements via local interactions, which can be mediated by visual, tactile, and chemical communication channels. Termite mating pairs form tandems with one male imago following one female imago in a synchronised way to explore the environment and search for a nesting site. Imagoes are the only developmental stage with compound eyes in termites, but the role of vision during tandem runs remains unknown. Here, we investigate the movements during tandem runs of two termite species, Coptotermes formosanus, which swarms during the night, and Reticulitermes speratus, which swarms during the day. We performed the experiments with light and in complete darkness. We found that females and males of both species adjust their speed to each other to form a stable tandem and reunite efficiently upon separation, with or without light. However, the activity was dependent on light conditions in the diurnal R. speratus, in which termites were more active with light. On the other hand, the nocturnal C. formosanus was mostly insensitive to light environments, with termites being slightly more active in darkness. Our results suggest that termites can use light as an environmental cue to start forming mating pairs but not as means to locate mates or coordinate their movements.  相似文献   

The cryptic habits of subterranean termites restricts detailed analysis of their foraging patterns in situ, but the process is evidently dominated by tunnel constructions connecting the nest with woody resources discovered within the territory of each colony. In this study, tunnel formation and orientation were studied experimentally in the termite Reticulitermes grassei (Clement), using 2-dimensional laboratory foraging arenas con- taining fine sand as the substratum. The building of exploratory tunnels over a 10-day period and the geometry of the resulting network are described. Fractal analysis showed that tunnel geometry had a fractal dimension, regardless of the total length tunnelled whether foragers encountered the food source or not. The bulk density of the sand in the arenas affected the distances tunnelled, with higher density reducing construction, but did not affect tunnel geometry. Tunnels were not discernibly orientated with respect to the positioning of the food source, even in a situation where termites had failed to find the food source at a distance of less than 50 mm, suggesting that volatiles from wood are not attractants.  相似文献   

Wet‐sclerophyll forests are unique ecosystems that can transition to dry‐sclerophyll forests or to rainforests. Understanding of the dynamics of these forests for conservation is limited. We evaluated the long‐term succession of wet‐sclerophyll forest on World Heritage listed K'gari (Fraser Island)—the world's largest sand island. We recorded the presence and growth of tree species in three 0.4 hectare plots that had been subjected to selective logging, fire, and cyclone disturbance over 65 years, from 1952 to 2017. Irrespective of disturbance regimes, which varied between plots, rainforest trees recruited at much faster rates than the dominant wet‐sclerophyll forest trees, narrowly endemic species Syncarpia hillii and more common Lophostemon confertus. Syncarpia hillii did not recruit at the plot with the least disturbance and recruited only in low numbers at plots with more prominent disturbance regimes in the ≥10 cm at breast height size. Lophostemon confertus recruited at all plots but in much lower numbers than rainforest trees. Only five L. confertus were detected in the smallest size class (<10 cm diameter) in the 2017 survey. Overall, we find evidence that more pronounced disturbance regimes than those that have occurred over the past 65 years may be required to conserve this wet‐sclerophyll forest, as without intervention, transition to rainforest is a likely trajectory. Fire and other management tools should therefore be explored, in collaboration with Indigenous landowners, to ensure conservation of this wet‐sclerophyll forest.  相似文献   

This study examined the evacuation response of groups of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) workers after disturbance in laboratory arenas across a range of temperatures (16, 21, and 27 degrees C) and soldier proportions (1, 3, and 5%). Groups of workers and soldiers were disturbed in a central chamber and then monitored during a 5-d period to examine the percentage that initially evacuated, percentage of evacuees that returned, time to evacuate, time to return, and rates (percentage per hour) of evacuation and return between different temperatures and between soldier levels. Disturbance response patterns were observed that generally consisted of partial evacuation followed by movement back into disturbed areas. General alarm responses were observed and initiated specific alarm responses that resulted in more termites eventually returning to disturbed areas than originally evacuated. The typical evacuation response was not observed in groups with 5% soldiers. Instead, clustering in disturbed areas replaced evacuation. Regression revealed significant correlations between temperature and evacuation time, return time, evacuation rate, and return rate, indicating that R. flavipes alarm behaviors are influenced by temperature. There was a significant correlation between soldier proportions and the percentage of evacuees returning to disturbed areas. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences between temperatures in the time to evacuate, evacuation rate, time to return, and return rate. ANOVA also showed significant differences between soldier proportions in the mean percentage of evacuees from and the rate of return to disturbed areas. Our results demonstrate that temperature influences the rate, but not the magnitude, of alarm response, whereas the influence of soldiers may not be as important in the context of general alarm as specific alarm.  相似文献   

Abstract Coptotermes gestroi and Heterotermes tenuis have been described as important urban pests in Brazil. The establishment of control technologies using baits that consider the social behavior of termites requires a better knowledge of their foraging behavior. Thus, this study analyzed the feeding behavior of these species with three different forms of food placement: food on the surface of a substrate and food either partially or completely buried in the substrate. Experimental arenas were composed of a central chamber connected to three food chambers. Each central chamber contained 550 foragers of C. gestroi or 517 foragers of H. tenuis. Blocks of Pinus elliottii were placed in the different food chambers. After 28 days, the consumption of each wood block and the percentage of foraging individuals recruited for food chambers were verified in relation to the total survival rate obtained for each one of the 20 replicates. Results showed that completely buried food was most consumed for H. tenuis and presented a higher recruitment rate of workers and soldiers for both species. Although the consumption had non‐significant differences for C. gestroi, these termites exhibited a tendency to prefer completely buried food. In these conditions, it can be concluded that the forms of food placement used in the present research influenced the recruitment of individuals for both species. Data also suggests that when the foraging subterranean termites find food resources in the tunneling substrate, they tend to concentrate their efforts on it, a behavior regime that reduces exposure to external environment.  相似文献   

【目的】逃离危险对集群生活的动物来说是一项重要挑战。白蚁是真社会性昆虫,群体密度较大。因此,白蚁可能进化出了特殊的策略集体逃离危险情境。【方法】本研究比较了实验室条件下台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus工蚁在不同形状容器(没有出口的圆形和方形容器)的逃遁行为,并调查了在有出口的情况下,台湾乳白蚁工蚁从圆形容器边缘、方形容器直角处和方形容器直角边中间的撤离效 率。【结果】在没有出口的情况下,受惊的台湾乳白蚁立即移动到圆形或方形容器的边缘区域并沿着容器的壁移动。然而,在方形容器的直角处,逃遁的台湾乳白蚁工蚁形成明显的堵塞(直角附近的白蚁密度显著高于其他区域,而移动速度显著低于其他区域的白蚁)。当容器上有出口时,大部分台湾乳白蚁工蚁分散在容器边缘,因此在出口位置周围未发现明显的堵塞。有趣的是,台湾乳白蚁工蚁逃出有出口的圆形容器的时间与从出口在直角附近的方形容器的无显著差异,但其从出口在直角边中间的方形容器的逃出时间更长。【结论】研究结果表明容器形状与出口位置均对台湾乳白蚁工蚁的逃遁行为与撤离效率造成影响。此外,白蚁使用了特殊的策略来避免多见于其他群居动物(如人类、小鼠等)的“快即慢”效应。由于白蚁工蚁没有视觉,研究白蚁的逃遁策略可为人群如何高效撤离可视度较低的危险环境提供启示。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of diet, experimental design, and length of time in the laboratory on intercolonial agonism among Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, colonies. In pairings of 12 C. formosanus Shiraki colonies collected in an urban forest, there was no significant reduction in survival of termites in 30 out of 59 colony pairs compared to colony controls, but there was <50% survival in 18 colony pairs and <10% survival in six colony pairs. There was no correlation between the level of aggressive behavior and the laboratory diet of the termites. Effect of bioassay design and length of time in the laboratory was evaluated in three colony pairs where tests were first conducted on the day of field collection, then colony pairs were retested every 7 days. Aggressive behavior decreased over time in both bioassays, but it tended to decrease more rapidly in the Petri dish tests. The rapid loss of agonism in groups of termites kept in the laboratory demonstrates that changes in environmental factors affect intercolonial agonism. This article presents the results of research only. Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the USDA.  相似文献   

Ant–plant mutualisms are useful models for investigating how plant traits mediate interspecific interactions. As plant‐derived resources are essential components of ant diets, plants that offer more nutritious food to ants should be better defended in return, as a result of more aggressive behavior toward natural enemies. We tested this hypothesis in a field experiment by adding artificial nectaries to individuals of the species Vochysia elliptica (Vochysiaceae). Ants were offered one of four liquid foods of different nutritional quality: amino acids, sugar, sugar + amino acids, and water (control). We used live termites (Nasutitermes coxipoensis) as herbivore competitors and observed ant behavior toward them. In 88 hr of observations, we recorded 1,009 interactions with artificial nectaries involving 1,923 individual ants of 26 species. We recorded 381 encounters between ants and termites, of which 38% led to attack. Sixty‐one percent of these attacks led to termite exclusion from the plants. Recruitment and patrolling were highest when ants fed upon nectaries providing sugar + amino acids, the most nutritious food. This increase in recruitment and patrolling led to higher encounter rates between ants and termites, more frequent attacks, and faster and more complete termite removal. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that plant biotic defense is mediated by resource quality. We highlight the importance of qualitative differences in nectar composition for the outcome of ant–plant interactions. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

The exploration of sand-filled arenas by workers of an entire colony of the Australian, subterranean foraging, tree-nesting termite, Coptotermes frenchi Hill was investigated under laboratory conditions. The first experiment tested whether termite exploration of sand was influenced by the presence of gaps or objects in the sand. Gaps and objects were chosen to represent soil heterogeneity in the urban environment: gaps to represent tunnels dug by other animals, perspex strips to represent cables and pipes, and wood strips to represent roots. Termites always chose to explore gaps thoroughly before they began tunnelling in the sand. Significantly more and longer tunnels were excavated from the end of gaps at the far end of the arenas, and relatively little tunnelling occurred around and along objects. Termite density was significantly greater around and along wood compared with perspex blocks. The second experiment tested whether termite exploratory tunnelling was influenced by soil moisture. The termites tunnelled slowly in dry sand, but after discovering a patch of wet sand, increased tunnelling five-fold until it was completely explored, after which activity declined. Energy and water conservation may be behind these patterns of exploratory tunnelling as well as those seen in large field studies, but caution is urged when interpreting small scale laboratory experiments to explain large scale field data.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine competitive interactions between the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (FST), and the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (EST), using groups of termites with different worker:soldier proportions. Experiments were conducted using three connected test chambers: an FST chamber, an unoccupied center chamber, and an EST chamber. When groups of FST were comprised of 20% soldiers versus 2% EST soldiers, only 8% of center chambers were occupied exclusively by EST. When groups of FST were comprised of 10% soldiers versus 1% EST soldiers, 44% of center chambers were occupied exclusively by EST. When the only food source was located in the center chamber, 60% of center chambers were occupied by both species. FST did not completely displace EST in any of these experiments.  相似文献   

Invasive ants threaten biodiversity, ecosystem services and agricultural systems. This study evaluated a prey‐baiting approach for managing Argentine ants in natural habitat invaded by Argentine ants. Blackmound termites (Amitermes hastatus) were topically exposed to fipronil and presented to Argentine ants (Linepithema humile). In laboratory assays, L. humile colonies were offered fipronil‐treated termites within experimental arenas. The termites were readily consumed, and results demonstrate that a single termite topically treated with 590 ng fipronil is capable of killing at least 500 L. humile workers in 4 days. Field studies were conducted in natural areas invaded by L. humile. Fipronil‐treated termites scattered within experimental plots provided rapid control of L. humile and ant densities throughout the treated plots declined by 98 ± 5% within 21 days. Results demonstrate that the prey‐baiting approach is highly effective against L. humile and may offer an effective alternative to traditional bait treatments. Furthermore, prey‐baiting offers environmental benefits by delivering substantially less toxicant to the environment relative to current control methods which rely on commercial bait formulations and may offer greater target specificity.  相似文献   

Termites have physiological and behavioral immunities that make them highly resistant to pathogen infections, which complicates biocontrol efforts. However, the stimuli that trigger the pathogen-avoidance behaviors of termites are still unclear. Our study shows that workers of Coptotermes formosanus exposed to the conidia of Metarhizium anisopliae exhibited a significantly higher frequency and longer duration of allogrooming behaviors compared with untreated termites. Volatile compounds in the cuticle of control termites and termites previously exposed to a suspension of M. anisopliae conidia were analyzed and compared using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Our results showed that the amount of ergosterol differed between the fungus-exposed and control termites. Choice tests showed that termites significantly preferred to stay on filter paper treated with ergosterol (0.05, 0.1, or 1.0 mg/mL) compared with control filter paper. In addition, termites exposed to ergosterol followed by M. anisopliae conidia were allogroomed at a significantly higher frequency and for a longer duration than termites exposed to alcohol (the solvent used with the ergosterol in the ergosterol trials) alone followed by M. anisopliae conidia. These results showed that ergosterol may enhance the allogrooming behavior of termites in the presence of entomopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

Bal  K.  Gautam Gregg  Henderson Cai  Wang 《Insect Science》2014,21(2):174-180
Use of proper application methods and formulations of termiticides are im- portant to reduce their negative impact to the environment. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to determine the effect of localized treatments with commercial dust and liquid formulations of fipronil against Formosan subterranean termites, Coptoter- mes formosanus Shiraki. The test arena consisted of a specially designed 16-chambered structure with a center chamber connected to 5 foraging chambers that themselves were connected to 10 additional foraging chambers. One peripheral chamber received a liquid or dust treatment and termites were released in the center chamber. Results showed that 〉 91% of the termites were dead within the 9-d test period despite the localized treatment of only 1 foraging chamber. Termites that were still alive after 9 d were transferred to an untreated dish and held for 10 more days. The majority of those termites were dead and the rest were moribund on day 19. Regardless of the specific dish treated, both formulations of fipronil were found to be highly efficacious. Termites did not exhibit repellency to either formulation. Our results suggest that localized (or spot) treatment with either commer- cially available dust or liquid formulations of fipronil can be a viable option for control of a termite infestation where complete soil drenching is not desirable.  相似文献   

Deadwood in tropical ecosystems represents an important but poorly studied carbon (C) pool. Biologically mediated decay of this pool occurs by both saprotrophic microbes and macro‐invertebrates, such as termites. The activity of these decay agents is influenced by abiotic conditions, especially water availability in tropical systems. While saprotrophic microbial activity is directly controlled by moisture, termites employ various morphological and behavioural modifications that should allow for continued activity in dry conditions. We therefore hypothesized that the relative role of termites would be enhanced in the dry season and a dry compared to a wet site. We deployed a novel wood bait (Pinus radiata) at two sites (rainforest and savanna), with or without access holes cut into termite‐excluding mesh. Mass loss from wood baits was measured after a dry season and after a full dry/wet annual cycle. Mass loss was higher at the rainforest site, demonstrating the overall role of moisture in driving wood decay. Counter to expectations, we found no evidence that the relative role of termites was higher at the dry site, nor during the dry season. However, the prevalence of termites was higher in the savanna compared to the rainforest. While termites clearly impact wood decay, these findings indicate that the relative importance of termites in the fate of deadwood may not reflect their mere presence within and across ecosystems. If moisture availability shifts under climate change, our results suggest similar functional responses between termites and saprotrophic microbes in driving C loss from deadwood.  相似文献   

Laboratory groups of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), were fed for 14 days on wood shavings soaked in acetone solutions of 0%, 0.5% or 1% concentrations of the dye, Sudan Red 7B or on shavings not soaked in acetone (0% non-acetone, NA). Termites feeding on dyed wood became visibly stained red. Groups of dyed or non-dyed termites were then placed in containers and allowed to feed on non-dyed wood for 21 days. Dyed termites had lower numbers of symbiotic protozoans, lower feeding rates, and lower survivorship than did non-dyed termites. Survivorship was significantly lower in the 1% concentration than in the 0.5% concentration. Covariate analyses suggested that Sudan Red acts both directly and indirectly (via suppression of gut fauna) to reduce vigor in termites. Because there is variable survival response to this dye by different populations of C. formosanus, we recommend preliminary tests of dye toxicity before using it extensively in experiments.
Résumé Le colorant rouge Soudan 7B (BASF, Wyandotte Corp.) soluble dans l'huile, est un marqueur efficace des termites pour les études dans la nature. Quand les termites consomment des matériaux marqués par ce colorant, ils deviennent nettement colorés en rouge. Bien que certains travaux indiquent que le rouge Soudan n'augmente pas considérablement la mortalité, il n'y a aucune donnée concernant l'effet du colorant sur l'alimentation des termites.Un groupe de Coptotermes formosanus récolté au lac Charles en Louisiane, a été alimenté pendant 14 jours sur copeaux de Pinus sp. colorés avec des solutions 0, 0.5% et 1% (en poids) de rouge Soudan 7B dans l'acétone, ou sur copeaux non colorés et sans acétone (NA). Les groupes de termites colorés ou non sont alors placés dans des récipients pour s'alimenter sur bois non coloré pendant 21 jours. Des différences significatives ont été observées (t. 1): les termites colorés avaient moins de protozoaires symbiontes, consommaient moins de bois et vivaient moins long-temps que les termites sans colorant (t. 2). La survie a été plus faible avec la concentration 1% qu'avec 0.5%. Le nombre de protozoaires était plus faible avec une solution acétonique sans rouge Soudan qu'avec du bois sans acétone, ce qui suggère que l'effet négatif du rouge Soudan sur les protozoaires a pu être augmenté par l'extraction d'une substance favorisant les protozoaires contenue dans les copeaux de pin.La chute de la prise de nourriture a été accompagnée d'une chute parallèle de l'effectif de protozoaires. En réexaminant les résultats de Lai et al. (1983), nous constatons qu'eux aussi avaient observé une réduction de l'effectif de protozoaires de C. formosanus sous l'effet du rouge Soudan. Dans notre étude, nous trouvons que 49,6% de l'effet réducteur du colorant sur la nutrition est expliqué par l'effet simultané sur les protozoaires. Nos résultats sur la survie confirment dans l'ensemble ceux de Su et al. (1983 a) sur C. formosanus de Louisiane. Cependant, C. formosanus de Hawaï (Lai et al., 1983) et de Floride (Su et al., 1988) avaient des taux de survie bien plus élevés. C. formosanus présente nettement des réactions variables au rouge Soudan. Dans notre travail, 64,1% de l'effet du colorant sur la survie a été expliqué par des modifications chez les protozoaires. Ainsi, il semble que le rouge Soudan agisse directement sur l'alimentation et la survie de C. formosanus, et indirectement par la suppression de sa faune intestinale.Bien que nos résultats montrent les effets délétères du rouge Soudan 7B sur C. formosanus, il reste le meilleur colorant pour les termitologistes. par suite de la variabilité de son effet sur la survie, nous conseillons des tests de toxicité avant son utilisation intensive dans des expériences.

Food intake in nectar-feeding animals is affected by food quality, their energetic demands, and the environmental conditions they face. These animals increase their food intake in response to a decrease in food quality, a behavior named “intake response”. However, their capacity to achieve compensatory feeding, in which they maintain a constant flux of energy, could be constrained by physiological processes. Here we evaluated how both a seasonal change in environmental conditions and physiological constraints affected the food ingestion in the bat Glossophaga soricina. We measured food intake rate during both the wet/warm and dry/cool seasons at sucrose solutions ranging from 146 to 1,022 mmol L−1. We expected that food intake and metabolic demands would be greater during the dry/cool season. Bats ingested ~20% more food in the dry/cool than in the wet/warm season. Regardless of season, bats were unable to achieve a constant flux of energy when facing the different sugar concentrations that we used in our experiments. This suggests that the rate of food intake is physiologically constrained in G. soricina. Using the digestive capacity of bats we modeled their food intake. The analytic model we used predicts that digestive limitations to ingest energy should have an important effect on the ecology of this species.  相似文献   

Summary Flexible-shelled eggs of common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) were incubated on each of two substrates (vermiculite, sand) at each of three temperatures (26.0°C, 28.5°C, 31.0°C) and three moisture regimes (wet, intermediate, dry). Embryos developing in cool, wet environments mobilized the largest amounts of protein from their yolk and attained the largest size before hatching, whereas turtles developing in warm, dry environments mobilized the smallest quantities of protein and were the smallest in body size at hatching. Embryos on wet substrates mobilized more lipid from their yolk than did embryos on dry media, but ambient temperature had no demonstrable influence on patterns of lipid mobilization. The total reserve of neutral lipid available in residual yolk plus carcass to sustain neonates in the interval prior to the beginning of feeding was largest in hatchlings from dry environments and smallest in animals from wet environments, but was unaffected by temperature during incubation. Hydration of tissues in hatchlings was higher when incubation was in cool, moist conditions than when incubation was in warm, dry settings, thereby indicating that some of the effects of moisture and temperature on mobilization of nutrients by embryos may be mediated by differences in intracellular water. Patterns of response to temperature and moisture recorded for turtles emerging from eggs on sand were similar to those recorded for hatchlings on vermiculite, so no important conclusion would have been affected by incubating eggs on one medium instead of the other.  相似文献   

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