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《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(3):610-635
Developing effective indicators of ecological condition requires calibration to determine the geographic range and ecosystem type appropriate for each indicator. Here, we demonstrate an approach for evaluating the relative influence of geography, geomorphology and human disturbance on patterns of variation in biotic indicators derived from multiple assemblages for ecosystems that span broad spatial scales. To accomplish this, we collected abundance information on six biotic assemblages (birds, fish, amphibians, aquatic macroinvertebrates, wetland vegetation, and diatoms) from over 450 locations along U.S. shorelines throughout each of the Great Lakes during 2002–2004. Sixty-six candidate taxon- and function-based indicators analyzed using hierarchical variance partitioning revealed that geographic (lake) rather than geomorphic factors (wetland type) had the greatest influence on the proportion of variance explained across all indicators, and that a significant portion of the variance was also related to response to human disturbance. Wetland vegetation, fish and bird indicators were the most, and macroinvertebrates the least, responsive to human disturbance. Proportion of rock bass, Carex lasiocarpa, and stephanodiscoid diatoms, as well as the presence of spring peepers and the number of insectivorous birds were among the indicators that responded most strongly to a human disturbance index, suggesting they have good potential as indicators of Great Lakes coastal wetland condition. Ecoprovince, wetland type, and indicator type (taxa vs function based) explained relatively little variance. Variance patterns for macroinvertebrates and birds were least concordant with those of other assemblages, while diatoms and amphibians, and fish and wetland vegetation were the most concordant assemblage pairs. Our results strongly suggest it will not be possible to develop effective indicators of Great Lakes coastal wetland condition without accounting for differences among lakes and their important interactions. This is one of the first attempts to show how ecological indicators of human disturbance vary over a broad spatial scale in wetlands.  相似文献   

Ecological and financial constraints limit restoration efforts, preventing the achievement of desired ecological outcomes. Harvesting invasive plant biomass for bioenergy has the potential to reduce feedback mechanisms that sustain invasion, while alleviating financial limitations. Typha × glauca is a highly productive invasive wetland plant that reduces plant diversity, alters ecological functioning, its impacts increase with time, and is a suitable feedstock for bioenergy. We sought to determine ecological effects of Typha utilization for bioenergy in a Great Lakes coastal wetland by testing plant community responses to harvest‐restoration treatments in stands of 2 age classes and assessing community resilience through a seed bank study. Belowground harvesting increased light penetration, diversity, and richness and decreased Typha dominance and biomass in both years post‐treatment. Aboveground harvesting increased light and reduced Typha biomass in post‐year 1 and in post‐year 2, increased diversity and richness and decreased Typha dominance. Seed bank analysis revealed that young stands (<20 years) had greater diversity, richness, seedling density, and floristic quality than old stands (>30 years). In the field, stand‐age did not affect diversity or Typha dominance, but old stands had greater Typha biomass and slightly higher richness following harvest. Harvesting Typha achieved at least 2 desirable ecological outcomes: reducing Typha dominance and increasing native plant diversity. Younger stands had greater potential for native recovery, indicated by more diverse seed banks. In similar degraded wetlands, a single harvest of Typha biomass would likely result in significant biodiversity and habitat improvements, with the potential to double plant species richness.  相似文献   

我国湖泊湿地面积大,动植物资源十分丰富,但受人类活动干扰强烈,退化较为严重。湖泊湿地生物多样性监测是湖泊湿地生物多样性保护和研究的重要环节。在一些发达国家相关的工作已较为成熟,我国尚处于起步探索阶段。本文介绍了北美大湖湿地生物多样性监测项目的指标体系和实施方法,旨在为建立我国的湖泊湿地生物多样性监测网络提供借鉴与启示。北美大湖湿地共设置约1,500个监测样点,研究人员通过每年对水体环境和五大生物类群(植物、底栖无脊椎动物、鱼类、两栖类、鸟类)进行野外调查和数据采集,构建生物完整性指数(index of biotic integrity,IBI),以评价大湖湿地生物多样性和生态环境健康的现状及未来的变化趋势,为湿地的保护和管理提供重要依据。北美大湖湿地生物多样性监测方法不但具有较强的科学性和系统性,并且可操作性强,对构建我国湖泊湿地的生物多样性监测方案有参考价值。  相似文献   

One of the major challenges facing fishery scientists and managers today is determining how fish populations are influenced by habitat conditions. Many approaches have been explored to address this challenge, all of which involve modeling at one level or another. In this paper, we explore a process-oriented model approach whereby the critical population processes of birth and death rates are explicitly linked to habitat conditions. Application of this approach to five species of Great Lakes fishes including: walleye (Sander vitreus), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), and rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss), yielded a number of insights into the modeling process. One of the foremost insights is that processes determining movement and transport of fish are critical components of such models since these processes largely determine the habitats fish occupy. Because of the importance of fish location, an individual-based model appears to be a nearly inescapable modeling requirement. There is, however, a paucity of field-based data directly relating birth, death, and movement rates to habitat conditions experienced by individual fish. There is also a paucity of habitat information at a fine temporal and spatial scale for many important habitat variables. Finally, the general occurrence of strong ontogenetic changes in the response of different life stages to habitat conditions emphasizes the need for a modeling approach that considers all life stages in an integrated fashion.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands provide important spawning and nursery habitat as well as abundant food resources for yellow perch (Perca flavescens). We examined multiple years of fyke-net data from wetlands along Lakes Huron and Michigan to describe yellow perch distribution in drowned river mouth (DRM) and coastal fringing systems. Principal components analysis and multi-response permutation procedures indicated that DRM wetlands (yellow perch CPUE = 0.2) were eutrophic systems that often exhibit high temperatures and periods of hypoxia, whereas coastal fringing wetlands (yellow perch CPUE = 32.1) were less productive. Among the coastal fringing systems, Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron), displayed characteristics of being more productive and had more yellow perch. Most yellow perch captured in Saginaw Bay were age-0, suggesting that it was an important nursery habitat. Among DRM ecosystems, we found that the downstream lake macrohabitats contained more yellow perch than upstream wetlands; however, there was no significant difference in abiotic characteristics to explain the higher catches in lakes. We hypothesize that yellow perch were more prevalent in wetlands with intermediate productivity during summer because these systems provide abundant food resources without the harsh conditions associated with highly eutrophic wetlands.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of a 3.4 m core from residual fenland at the eastern end of Kurnell Peninsula shows that woodland cover of Eucalyptus spp., Angophora costata, Banksia integrifolia/B. serrata and Casuarina spp. suffered losses about 5000 BP when a nearby coastal protobarrier was destabilised by rising sea level, while rapidly-formed fen peat replaced slowly formed O2-depleted, algal and FeS-rich fine detritus gyttja. Fire frequency was low up to this time.

Woodland partly recovered over a 2000 yr period despite heavier or more frequent firing coincident with the entry of hunter-gathering aboriginal (Pre-Bondaian) people. The peatland, formerly sedge/Triglochin, became dominated by marsh ferns between 4000 and 2000 BP; these were largely replaced during a major change to a more acid peat, with an expansion of Sphagnum bog elements, associated with acidiphilous diatoms.

Minor destabilisation of local duneland ca. 1700 BP brought fine sand into the fen basin. Dryland plant cover increased after 1700 BP but mainly dominated locally by a more seral Monotoca/Leptospermum scrub. Bog has reverted to Baumea rubiginosa-Triglochin procera fen with few diatoms, possibly due to recent salt-spray access. This and the more seral vegetation may be linked to higher population density or greater continuity of tenure of later (Bondaian) aboriginal peoples, post-2000 BP.  相似文献   

1.  Invasive zebra ( Dreissena polymorpha ) and quagga mussels ( Dreissena bugensis ) have become widespread throughout the Great Lakes basin. However, some types of Great Lakes coastal wetlands may be unsuitable for Dreissena invasion.
2.  To test this observation, artificial substrata were placed in wetlands (with emergent vegetation) and in adjacent open water (without emergent vegetation) habitats in two types of Great Lakes coastal ecosystems: drowned river mouth (DRM) and coastal fringing systems. Wetlands in DRM systems generally have deep organic sediment and limited water movement, whereas coastal fringing wetlands generally have low to moderate amounts of organic sediment and intense wind and wave action.
3.  We did not find a significant difference in Dreissena colonisation between wetlands and adjacent open water habitat in fringing systems. However, Dreissena colonisation was significantly lower in DRM wetlands than in the adjacent open water. We also found significantly lower survival in DRM wetlands than adjacent open water habitats, whereas survival did not differ significantly in coastal fringing wetlands and the adjacent open water.
4.  Our results suggest that vulnerability to Dreissena invasion varied among wetland types with DRM wetlands being less suitable than fringing wetlands. We suggest that colonisation and survival of Dreissena is lower in wetlands with deep organic sediment and less turbulent water.  相似文献   

Habitat use by crop-raiding Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) was studied in western Japan from December 2005 to February 2006, a food-scarce season. To examine how different vegetation types affect habitat use by monkeys, two crop-raiding troops were compared: the first troop inhabited a habitat involving more wild food resources; the second troop inhabited a habitat providing fewer wild food resources. It was hypothesized that monkeys living in the habitat with fewer wild food resources are more likely to utilize human settlements and areas around them (i.e. adjacent zones), with a dependence on crop foods. Comparisons of observed and expected habitat use frequencies showed that the first troop selected evergreen broad-leaved forests and conifer plantations, and avoided adjacent zones, rice fields, and golf courses. The second troop selected adjacent zones and avoided conifer plantations, pine forests, and deciduous broad-leaved forests. Both troops moved rapidly in avoided habitat types. These results suggest that monkeys living in the habitat with fewer wild food resources are more likely to utilize areas around human settlements during a food-scarce season.  相似文献   

We compared variation in butterfly communities across 3 years at six different habitats in a temperate ecosystem near Boulder, Colorado, USA. These habitats were classified by the local Open Space consortium as Grasslands, Tallgrass, Foothills Grasslands, Foothills Riparian, Plains Riparian, and Montane Woodland. Rainfall and temperature varied considerably during these years. We surveyed butterflies using the Pollard‐Yates method of invertebrate sampling and compared abundance, species richness, and diversity across habitats and years. Communities were most influenced by habitat, with all three quantitative measures varying significantly across habitats but only two measures showing variation across years. Among habitats, butterfly abundance was higher in Plains Riparian sites than in Montane Woodland or Grassland sites, though diversity was lowest in Plains Riparian areas. Butterfly species richness was higher in Foothills Riparian sites than it was in all but one other habitat (Tallgrass). Among years, butterfly abundance and species richness were lower during the year of least rainfall and highest temperatures, suggesting a substantial impact of the hot, dry conditions. Across habitats and years, butterfly abundance was consistently high at Plains Riparian and Foothills Riparian sites, and richness and diversity were consistently high in Foothills Riparian areas. These two habitats may be highly suitable for butterflies in this ecosystem, regardless of weather conditions. Generally low abundance and species richness in Montane Woodlands sites, particularly in 2002, suggested low suitability of the habitat to butterflies in this ecosystem, and this may be especially important during drought‐like conditions. Finally, to examine the effect that the presence of the very abundant non‐native species Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) has on these communities, we re‐analyzed the data in the absence of this species. Excluding P. rapae dramatically reduced variation of both butterfly abundance and diversity across habitats, highlighting the importance of considering community membership in analyses like ours.  相似文献   

The Laurentian Great Lakes have been subject to numerous introductions of nonindigenous species, including two recent benthic fish invaders, Eurasian ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus), as well as the benthic bivalve, zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). These three exotic species, or “exotic triad,” may impact nearshore benthic communities due to their locally high abundances and expanding distributions. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine (1) whether ruffe and gobies may compete for habitat and invertebrate food in benthic environments, and (2) if zebra mussels can alter those competitive relationships by serving as an alternate food source for gobies. In laboratory mesocosms, both gobies and ruffe preferred cobble and macrophyte areas to open sand either when alone or in sympatry. In a 9-week goby–ruffe competition experiment simulating an invasion scenario with a limited food base, gobies grew faster than did ruffe, suggesting that gobies may be competitively superior at low resource levels. When zebra mussels were added in a short-term experiment, the presence or absence of mussels did not affect goby or ruffe growth, as few zebra mussels were consumed. This finding, along with other laboratory evidence, suggests that gobies may prefer soft-bodied invertebrate prey over zebra mussels. Studies of interactions among the “exotic triad”, combined with continued surveillance, may help Great Lakes fisheries managers to predict future population sizes and distributions of these invasive fish, evaluate their impacts on native food webs, and direct possible control measures to appropriate species.  相似文献   

A shared origin with fresh and dredged cultch and availability via mining have made fossil cultch a commonly used reef restoration substrate. However, important differences in shape and size between whole‐shell cultch and fossil cultch may impact the complexity of reefs constructed from these materials. To determine if these differences may impact the development of restored reefs, we quantified the interstitial space each cultch type provides and constructed reef mesocosms to measure (1) the immediate effects of exposure to each cultch type on mortality of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum); (2) the tendency of crab, shrimp, and Florida crown conch (Melongena corona) to be found on habitats composed of each substrate type and their position within each in split‐substrate mesocosms; and (3) the influence of cultch type on predation of Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) by crabs and conch. Aggregation of fossil cultch contains more shells and provides less interstitial space than an equivalent volume of whole‐shell cultch. Although immediate mortality following deployment was low and did not differ among cultch types, we found that all species were more likely to be found on fresh cultch over fossil cultch in choice experiments and used each habitat type differently. Cultch type also impacted the size of oysters consumed by crabs in short‐term feeding trials. The structure and traits of habitats created by various materials should be added to the growing list of issues considered when natural communities are to be restored in oyster reefs and other environments.  相似文献   

The North American Great Lakes have been invaded and dramatically altered by more than 145 alien species. Many invasions have occurred during the past few decades because of the release of Eurasian ballast water from transoceanic ships. Current regulations require ships to exchange foreign ballast with highly saline water before entering the Great Lakes; this procedure should prevent colonization by strictly freshwater species, but species with broad salinity tolerance might survive transport in exchanged water. A recent series of invasions by euryhaline organisms from the Black and Caspian Seas region signals a new phase in the transformation of the Great Lakes - one that supports the concept of an 'invasional meltdown'.  相似文献   

The Great Artesian Basin springs (Australia) are unique groundwater dependent wetland ecosystems of great significance, but are endangered by anthropogenic water extraction from the underlying aquifers. Relationships have been established between the wetland area associated with individual springs and their discharge, providing a potential means of monitoring groundwater flow using measurements of vegetated wetland area. Previous attempts to use this relationship to monitor GAB springs have used aerial photography or high resolution satellite images and gave sporadic temporal information. These “snapshot” studies need to be placed within a longer and more regular context to better assess changes in response to aquifer draw-downs. In this study we test the potential of 8 years of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Normalised Difference Vegetation Index data as a long-term tracer of the temporal dynamics of wetland vegetation at the Dalhousie Springs Complex of the Great Artesian Basin. NDVI time series were extracted from MODIS images and phenologies of the main wetland vegetation species defined. Photosynthetic activity within wetlands could be discriminated from surrounding land responses in this medium resolution imagery. The study showed good correlation between wetland vegetated area and groundwater flow over the 2002–2010 period, but also the important influence of natural species phenologies, rainfall, and anthropogenic activity on the observed seasonal and inter-annual vegetation dynamics. Declining trends in the extent (km2) of vegetated wetland areas were observed between 2002 and 2009 followed by a return of wetland vegetation since 2010. This study underlines the need to continue long-term medium resolution satellite studies of the GAB to fully understand variability and trends in the spring-fed wetlands. The MODIS record allows a good understanding of variability within the wetlands, and gives a high temporal-frequency context for less frequent higher spatial resolution studies, therefore providing a strong baseline for assessment of future changes.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in the Private Nature Reservation Nossa Senhora do Outeiro de Maracaípe, located along the southern coast of Pernambuco state, in the Nossa Senhora do Ó District (08°31′48″S and 35°01′05″W), Ipojuca municipality, northeastern Brazil. The reserve has 76.20 ha of tropical coastal vegetation (Restinga forest). The aims were to determine the existence of seasonal phenological pattern of woody species as a function of rainfall. During the study period, the rainfall was 26.8 mm in the driest month (November 2003) and 538.9 in the wettest (June 2004). Observations on flowering, fruiting, leaf fall, and leaf flushing were recorded monthly, during 16 months (April 2003 to July 2004). All species with a ground level perimeter >10 cm and represented by at least three individuals, were selected and tagged. A total of 51 species represented by 156 individuals were recorded. Leaf flushing and leaf fall did not have seasonal variation and the species continued to gain and loose leaves during the dry (August to February) and rainy (March to July) seasons. Flowering, when evaluated by the Fournier's percentage, varied between 1.9% and 20.2%, with maximum intensity in December 2003 (16.4%) and January 2004 (20.2%). Likewise, fruiting varied between 3.8% and 21.4% with the highest percentages in February (17.2%) and March (21.4%) 2004. The analysis comparing reproductive phenological patterns with monthly rainfall did not show a significant correlation, which may suggest investigations concerning other factors, including biotic ones, as pollination and/or dispersal modes, which can be influencing reproductive events of plants in the studied Restinga forest.  相似文献   

Submerged vegetation and diaspore banks were investigated in three shallow brackish lagoons along the German southern Baltic Sea coast. The distribution of vegetation and diaspores was analysed at three depths (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 m) on three transects in each lagoon along salinity and nutrient gradients. Thirteen taxa of submerged vegetation were identified in three lagoons: 8 angiosperms and 5 charophytes. The diaspore analysis yielded 11 taxa of submerged diaspore types: 7 angiosperm taxa and 4 charophyte taxa groups.Salinity and nutrient gradients are the key factors governing the distribution of the vegetation and diaspore banks here. Statistical analysis (SIMPER) of vegetation and diaspore bank show differences in dissimilarities, i.e. Bray-Curtis similarities subtracted from 100, between the lagoon parts and between the lagoons. These differences increased with increasing intensity of the salinity and nutrient gradients. We argue that the diaspore bank reflects the former vegetation gradients shaped primarily by salinity gradients, whereas the present vegetation gradients are more affected by eutrophication. Vegetation surveys and diaspore bank analyses therefore supplement each other, and their combined use provides insight into former as well as recent gradients in the vegetation and the factors governing these gradients.  相似文献   

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