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时成君 《蛇志》2002,14(3):79-79
蛇 ,早在《本草纲目》就有记载 ,其性温平 ,入肝、脾二经 ,治诸风、顽癣、皮肤不红风疹 ,清内火 ,清热解毒等 ,其内走脏腑 ,外彻皮肤 ,自然界中的蛇无论有毒无毒皆具食用和药用价值。1 蛇油  中医常用来治疗冻疮及烫伤 ,近年研究发现蛇油中以不饱和脂肪酸为主 ,其对皮肤粘膜有较强的亲和渗透性易被皮肤吸收 ,所以近年多用来制成美容护肤的化妆品 ,研究证明蛇油具有加速皮肤的新陈代谢 ,增强细胞活力 ,抗皮肤衰老 ,增加光泽等功效 ,1 999年笔者曾用蛇油加入适量血竭、儿茶成功治愈 1例十年臁疮患者 ,患者老年男性 ,因多处医治无效 ,就诊时…  相似文献   

862338疫苗的现代方法会议(美国纽约;1985年9月11~15日)〔译自CBA,1955,(7),2413〕 详情询会议协调人或程序注册人。地址:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,Box 100,Cold Spring Harbor,NY11724,USA。(金人一)862339第一届蛋白质工程会议(英国伦敦;1985年11月21一22日)〔译自CBA,1985,(7),2414〕 详情询Oyez Saentifi。and TeehniealServiees’Ltd。地址:Bath House,56Holborn Viaduet,London ECIA ZEX。 (金人一)862340人类淋巴细胞活素。治疗和市场展望(英国伦敦,1985年10月9日)〔译自CBA,1985,(7),2415〕 详情询Oyez Seie…  相似文献   

甲状腺人体最大的内分泌腺,左右各一叶,腺体重约20—40克.主要分泌甲状腺素和三碘甲状腺氨酸. 甲状腺含碘约5—7毫克,占全身总碘量的90%.正常人每天从食物中摄取约150—500微克的碘,其中1/3为甲状腺所摄取,2/3由肾脏排出体外.有人估计,人体每天合成80微克左右甲状腺激素,每周需供应约1毫克的碘,每年需碘约35—50毫克. 甲状腺具有很强的选择性摄取、浓缩、转运碘的能力.正常甲状腺中与血浆中含碘浓度之比为25—50:1,即浓缩25—50倍.当腺体受刺激时,其浓缩能力可高达350倍. 甲状腺素能加速体内大多数细胞的氧化率、增加产热、使基础代谢率增高.据估计,1毫克甲状腺素可使产热增加1,000千卡,相当于250克葡萄糖或110克脂肪所产生的热量. 胰岛胰岛是胰脏的内分泌组织,正常成人的胰脏约有25万—175万个胰岛(有的书上估计约200万个胰岛)、约占胰腺总体积的1—2%.人胰腺的每克组织约含有1—2单位的胰岛素.正常人每天可分泌25—50单位胰岛素人血.成人空腹血浆胰岛素的浓度为10—20微单位/毫升(一个微单位是百万分之一单位). 胰岛素是调节糖、蛋白质和脂肪代谢,维持血糖于正常水平的主要激素.它可促进葡萄糖透过细胞膜进入细胞,正常人血糖浓度在80—  相似文献   

进化发育生物学的一个重要任务就是揭示形态多样性的分子基础,该领域的研究包含形态、形态发育相关基因和形态所属类群等三个要素。花/花序是进化发育生物学研究的首要对象,系统发育重建和个体发育剖析的结合将促进认知花的形态进化。发育相关基因的进化表现为等位基因遗传或表观遗传的突变,基因家族生与死的进化,不同基因组拥有独特的基因。运用形态学或序列分析方法很大程度揭示了禾本科植物花进化过程中的基因进化。试从学科问题、思路方法以及具体例子介绍植物进化发育生物学。  相似文献   

863419美国长ibi公司出售股份〔英]未署名了Ribi ImmunoChem Research公司新闻稿一01 .07.85〔译自CBA,1985,(9),25一5〕 Ribi ImmunoChem Research公司申请一次公开出售普通股份150万股,还有某些股东的25万股。(金人一)863420两家大公司的公司战略〔英叮Kla-usner,A.了B主。/Teehnol一1985,3(7)一605~612仁译自CBA,2985,(9),2816〕 有些人说,Genentee},和CetuS两家美国公司是生物技术公司中的两巨头。本文考察这两家公司的公司战略。(金人一)863421日本Takara酿酒公司[英〕/未将名了B 10/Teehnology一1985,3(7)一603仁译自CBA,1…  相似文献   

863439分子生物学已变成生物技术(1986年i月22~24日,日本东京)〔译自CBA,1985,(9),3153〕 详情询《Nat。re》杂志伦敦和东京办事处。(金人一)863440生物技术的工程收益(1985年11月21一22日,美国加州洛杉矶)〔译自CBA,1985,(9),3154〕 详情询Mr.Ray Goodwin,CONRES-CO,6 Northbrook Park,Lexington,MA 02173.USA。(金人一)863441生物技术的工程效益(1985年10月24一25日,美国首都华盛顿)〔译自CBA,1 985,(9),3155〕 详情询Mr.Ray Goodwin,CONRE-SCO,6 Northbrook Park,Lexingt-on,MA .02173,USA。(金人一)863442为农业和…  相似文献   

861835 欧洲分子生物学组织(EMBO)举办链霉菌(Streptomyces)的遗传操作讲座(1985年7月13~27日,英国诺里奇John Innes Institute)[译自CBA,1985,(6),2083]  相似文献   

860635 NOPROT 85:新蛋白质生产和未充分利用资源开发第二届讨论会(1985年10月23一25日,葡萄牙里斯本)〔译自CBA,1985,(5),1684〕详情询  相似文献   

在花一节的教学中,花柄、花梗、花轴、花序轴、花葶、花序梗是几个极易混淆的名词。这些名词在单生花和簇生花中,有时含意不相同。花柄又称花梗,是指单生花的柄或簇生花的每朵花着生的小枝(如图a、c、e)。花轴对单  相似文献   

在真核细胞的细胞核中,有一种分布不均匀的物质,易被碱性染料(如苏木精)所染色,称之为染色质(chromatin)。当细胞进入分裂期(M期)时,染色质就逐渐螺旋化,并反复折叠成为具有一定形态特征的小体,称之为染色体(chromosome)。可见,染色质和染色体是遗传物质在细胞周期中不同时期的描述用语,其物质本原是同一的,但又有差别(在形态上),是两个不同的概念。即当我们描述细胞分裂的遗传物质情况时,称之为染色体,而说明间期的遗传物质情况时,称之为染色质。正常二倍体细胞的染色体经过S(synthesis)期后,  相似文献   


Glycosylation is considered to be an important reaction for the chemical modification of compounds with useful biological activities. Glycoside hydrolases are biotechnologically attractive enzymes which can be used in synthetic reactions for assembling glycosidic linkages with absolute stereoselectivity at an anomeric centre. Most of these enzymes are commercially available but there is great interest in the search for new biocatalysts with original catalytic characteristics. The marine environment has shown to be a very interesting source for new glycosyl hydrolases for both hydrolytic and synthetic aspects. In particular, Aplysia fasciata a marine herbivorous mollusc has been shown to be a potent producer of a library of glycoside hydrolases applied to the synthesis of glycosidic bonds. The impressive assortment of glycosidases in marine organisms clearly indicates that the potential biodiversity of these enzymes is still largely unexplored and that potential applications of biocatalysts from the sea will increase in the near future.  相似文献   

Biologists are still trying to grasp the global dimensions of the phylum Arthropoda and its major class the Insecta, in spite of the fact that over a million species of arthropods have been described. The canopy of rain forest trees is believed by many to hold the key to the immense diversity of insects. In recent years the use of knock-down insecticides to sample insects from rain forest canopy has revealed information on the canopy's arthropod inhabitants and community structure. The sampling techniques involved are outlined and data reviewed on taxonomic and guild structure, species abundance, body size and biomass of insects, and the faunal similarity of trees. Calculations by Erwin (1982), based on knock-down insecticide studies of the beetle fauna of one species of Central American tree, suggest there may be 30 million species of tropical forest arthropods. Reanalysis of these calculations, using additional data, produces a range of possible estimates from about 10 to 80 million. The unknown range of plant host-specificities of tropical insects is the main weakness of this method of calculation. Assessment of the faunal importance of the canopy in relation to that of other rain forest biotopes requires comparative quantitative studies. The preliminary results of one such simple study suggest that over 42 million arthropods may be found in a hectare of Seram rain forest (at the time of study), and that 70% occur in the soil and leaf litter and 14% in the canopy. They also suggest that Collembola and Acarina are the dominant groups in this hectare, and that there are as many ants as all the other insects (excluding Collembola).  相似文献   

Insects are infected by a wide array of viruses some of which are insect restricted and pathogenic, and some of which are transmitted by biting insects to vertebrates. The medical and economic importance of these viruses heightens the need to understand the interaction between the infecting pathogen and the insect immune system in order to develop transmission interventions. The interaction of the virus with the insect host innate immune system plays a critical role in the outcome of infection. The major mechanism of antiviral defense is the small, interfering RNA pathway that responds through the detection of virus-derived double-stranded RNA to suppress virus replication. However, other innate antimicrobial pathways such as Imd, Toll, and Jak-STAT and the autophagy pathway have also been shown to play important roles in antiviral immunity. In this review, we provide an overview of the current understanding of the main insect antiviral pathways and examine recent findings that further our understanding of the roles of these pathways in facilitating a systemic and specific response to infecting viruses.  相似文献   

<正> 本书系由昆虫各重要类群的细胞内共生物的专家写成。其重点是:它们形态学的电镜研究、寄主与共生物的相互关系、寄主的免疫系统、共生物的遗传学及基因表达、它们的系统发育和分类等。目前已知,在蟑螂、白蚁、蚂蚁、蝉、蚧虫、蚜虫、蝇类、甲虫及蜱类中均有细胞内共生物。  相似文献   

植物的虫瘿与成瘿昆虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虫瘿是植物组织遭受昆虫取食或产卵的刺激后,细胞加速分裂和异常分化而长成的畸形瘤状物或突起,它们是昆虫生活的"房子".介绍了虫瘿的形态多样性和形成过程,成瘿昆虫的多样性、生活史、寄生、食性和寄食现象,成瘿昆虫与寄主植物的关系以及人类对虫瘿的利用.  相似文献   

Insect antimicrobial peptides: structures, properties and gene regulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are part of the armament that insects have developed to fight off pathogens. Insect AMPs are typically cationic and often made of less than 100 amino acid residues. Although their structures are diverse, most of the AMPs can be assigned to a limited number of families. The most common structures are represented by peptides assuming a alpha-helical conformation in organic solutions or disulfide-stabilized beta-sheets with or without alpha-helical domains present. The diverse activity spectrum of these peptides may indicate different modes of action. Genetic analysis in the Drosophila model evidenced that multiple signal transduction pathways are activating the genes coding AMPs.  相似文献   

昆虫抗菌肽结构、性质和基因调控   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
昆虫抗菌肽是昆虫先天免疫系统中非常重要的一类效应分子。昆虫抗菌肽带正电荷,分子量小,大多数少于100个氨基酸残基。根据结构可以将昆虫抗菌肽分为一些不同的家族。昆虫抗菌肽不同的抗菌谱表明,它具有不同的作用机制。以果蝇为模式生物研究表明,昆虫抗菌肽的基因调控涉及到多个信号通路及大量的信号分子。  相似文献   

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