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本文通过甘肃临潭磨沟齐家文化墓地出土的262例人骨标本的牙病情况尤其是龋病、牙周病、根尖周病以及牙结石情况的统计与分析,得知磨沟墓地古代居民牙齿疾病的基本情况:1)牙病的罹患率性别差异显著,女性龋病和根尖周病的罹患率高于男性,而在牙周病和牙结石的出现率上则是男性高于女性;2)牙病的罹患率随着年龄增长而增高;3)龋病、牙周病及根尖周病多发于臼齿,牙结石多发于门齿;4)重度磨耗牙齿多发牙周病及根尖周病;5)牙病罹患率不仅受到性别、年龄、牙位以及齿冠磨耗程度的影响,而且与磨沟组古代居民农业种植食物和采集食物并重的食物结构有关。  相似文献   

桂林甑皮岩新石器时代遗址居民的龋病   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
作者对新石器时代早期的桂林甑皮岩遗址出土的16例龋病作了观察。这批遗存的人骨材料的患龋率为93.75%,龋均为6.07。该遗址居民患龋病的普遍性及严重性远大于同时代的居民及现代居民。  相似文献   

广西扶绥敢造遗址是华南新石器时代一处典型的河岸贝丘遗址,其人骨测年结果的上限为8488 BC,下限为6492 BC。本文对敢造遗址2014年出土的108例个体的999枚恒齿进行观察统计,结果显示居民的饮食结构应是以肉食为主并辅以富含淀粉的块茎类植物。该遗址居民的龋齿率高于部分农业人群,但远低于同为华南渔猎—采集经济的鲤鱼墩、甑皮岩和顶蛳山遗址,其原因应与食用块茎类植物的多寡有关。较高的牙结石罹患率(89.86%)可能与鱼类、贝类等高蛋白饮食有关。相比农业、游牧或狩猎人群,该遗址居民偏重的牙齿磨耗可能与食用含沙量较大的螺类、贝类等有关;肉类食物的食用导致该遗址居民上颌前部牙齿磨耗重于后部牙齿,而“上颌前部牙齿舌侧过度磨耗”现象的出现则与食用块茎类植物有关。  相似文献   

本项目对福建闽西地区奇和洞与南山两处新石器时代遗址出土古人类牙齿进行了表面残留物提取与鉴定,通过对其中淀粉粒残留物的种类与数量对比,讨论了全新世初期至中期闽西地区古人类对植物资源的利用方式。这些古人类牙齿表面包含四大类形态不同的淀粉粒:1)多面体形;2)圆形或椭圆形;3)圆锥形;4)水滴形。这些淀粉粒分别代表了禾本科植物种子、植物地下根茎部分和疑似的坚果类,这些都是古人类容易获得的野生食物资源,在新石器时代古人类的饮食中占据着重要的地位。  相似文献   

对汪沟遗址出土的174例仰韶文化居民的2816枚牙齿进行统计与分析,计算出牙齿的平均磨耗等级和前后部牙齿磨耗差别指数,统计特殊磨耗、龋齿、骨质隆起在样本中的出现率。结果显示,汪沟组牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.403262级,男性牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.63级,女性为3.61级;男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不显著(p>0.05);前后部牙齿磨耗差别指数比达到1:1;出现26例由于深覆■导致的特殊磨耗;臼齿咬合面凹坑式磨耗出现率为2.50%;龋齿患病率68.97%,龋齿率26.56%,龋均4.30;骨质隆起的出现率为5.20%,颌骨粗壮程度不显著。汪沟人群的牙齿磨耗程度总体偏轻,牙齿磨耗程度与河南下王岗组居民接近。基于以上特点,我们认为中原地区仰韶文化人群在饮食结构和用牙习惯上存在一定的共性。  相似文献   

目的 探究妊娠期妇女龋病及牙周病发生情况和不同产次对妊娠期妇女龋病及牙周病发生的差异。方法 以228名妊娠期妇女(其中初产妇140名,经产妇88名)和85名同龄未妊娠妇女(对照)为研究对象,检查其龋病及牙周病发生状况,并记录菌斑指数(PLI)、探诊深度(PD)、临床附着丧失(CAL)、牙石指数(CI)和龈沟出血指数(SBI),进行组间统计分析。结果 (1)初产组(47.86%)、经产组(67.05%)的患龋率均高于对照组(29.41%)(P0.05)。结论 妊娠可能导致妇女患龋率、PLI、CI、PD、CAL和SBI的增加,且产次增加可能导致妇女患龋率、PD和SBI的增加。  相似文献   

益生菌是具有生物活性,摄入适当量时可以对宿主产生有益作用的微生物,益生菌产品为含有益生菌的制品,主要有酸奶、奶酪等。益生菌在口腔环境中可以抑制多种病原菌的生长,包括致龋菌和牙周病原菌,本文就益生菌产品的现况、益生菌对龋病牙周病影响的临床研究做一综述。  相似文献   

朱泓 《人类学学报》1990,9(2):180-187
对于现代中国人牙齿的测量和形态观察,王惠芸(1959、1965)、克力等(1980)、张世采(1985)和魏博源等(1987)均作过有关的研究。但是,对我国古代居民牙齿的测量和观察工作,目前尚鲜见报道。仅有的一些研究成果亦多限于对旧石器时代人类牙齿化石等零星材料的个别报道。本文拟通过对游邀遗址出土的夏代人类牙齿进行观察和测量,以期为了解我国早期青铜时代人类牙齿的形态特征提供一份科学的资料。  相似文献   

孙庄遗址位于河南省郑州市中原区孙庄村,是分布在黄河中游的一处仰韶文化晚期遗址,该遗址出土的54例仰韶时期的人骨保存状况良好,为我们了解仰韶文化人群的龋患情况提供了珍贵的资料。本文以肉眼观察为主并结合超景深显微镜对遗址出土的846枚牙齿进行鉴定、统计与分析,得出以下结论:孙庄遗址古代人群的龋病患病率70.37%,龋齿率22.93%,龋均3.59;壮年组患龋率最高,为88.89%,不同年龄组之间的龋齿率差异性显著;龋齿率女性为30.55%,男性为16.16%,女性龋齿率显著高于男性,P(0.000)<0.05,两性之间的龋齿率有显著差异;浅龋率为6.70%,中龋率为21.65%,深龋率为27.32%,深龋已穿髓率为19.07%,残冠残根率为25.26%,随着年龄的增长,龋病的病变程度呈加重趋势;龋损范围小于1/2牙冠累龋最常见,占总患龋齿数的42.27%;上颌龋齿率为26.91%,下颌龋齿率为19.70%,上下颌龋齿率差异显著(P<0.05)。龋病在不同牙位上的发生率依次为M3>M2>P2>M1>P1>C>I1>I2;邻面和■面是主要的...  相似文献   

牙菌斑生物膜是附着于牙釉质表面,由复杂的微生物群落构成的一种聚集体。牙菌斑生物膜的形成与生长对口腔健康有着直接或间接的影响,许多研究证实口腔疾病如龋齿和牙周病都与细菌的积累及牙菌斑的形成有关。在牙菌斑生物膜形态建成过程中,牙齿表面最初的定殖菌对生物膜的微生物组成和结构至关重要,这些初级定殖菌决定了后续与之结合形成共生体的微生物种类和数量。不同的微生物组成可能在与生物膜形成相关的口腔病理状况中发挥不同的作用。因此,本文就牙菌斑生物膜的生长及控制进行综述,介绍其微生物的早期定殖和成熟过程、以及通过物理和化学方法对牙菌斑生物膜的控制,以期为了解牙菌斑生物膜的形成机制及相关口腔疾病的预防和治疗提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides, molecules produced in many different organisms, have high biocidal activity against several microorganisms. However, several questions about these molecules remain unclear. Therefore, this report details a systematic survey of the literature on the use of antimicrobial peptides against oral pathogens and indicates which peptides and microorganisms are most extensively studied. Articles were located using the PubMed and Science Direct databases with the following inclusion criteria: publication date between 2002 and 2011; keywords "biofilm OR biological film OR biological layer OR bacterial growth" AND "peptide" AND "oral cavity OR mouth OR buccal mucosa OR oral mucosa OR mouth mucosa"; and abstract in English. A total of 73 articles were selected after refinement of the data. An increase in publications focusing on the use of antimicrobial peptides against oral microorganisms was observed. In addition, the peptides produced by cells of the oral mucosa (defensins, LL-37 and histatins) as well as Streptococcus mutans (among cariogenic bacteria) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (among periodontal bacteria) were the most studied subjects. It was concluded that the use of antimicrobial peptides as a tool for microbial control is of increasing importance, likely due to its widespread use, mechanism of action, and low rates of bacterial resistance.  相似文献   

Here we present a detailed palaeopathological study of the hominin mandible ATE9-1 found at the Sima del Elefante site (TE), Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain. This fossil represents the earliest hominin remains from Western Europe with an age of ca. 1.3 Ma. The specimen displays several dento-gnathic lesions; the antiquity and geographic location of this fossil justifies a detailed palaeopathological study to determine if the pathologies have significantly altered taxonomically relevant features. Our study reveals severe dental attrition combined with generalized hypercementosis, alveolar root exposure, mild periodontal disease, tooth dislocation, and an anomalous occlusal plane. We have also observed calculus deposits, two cystic lesions and an anomalous wear facet compatible with tooth picking. The majority of these pathological signs can be explained by compensatory eruption. We propose that these lesions are associated as causes, consequences, and amplifiers of one another within the framework of heavy and even traumatic occlusion, masticatory habits, or both traumatic occlusion and masticatory habits. Despite the severity of these lesions, occlusion was at least partially functional so it was unlikely to influence the survival of this individual. In addition, the lesions do not prohibit the taxonomic assessment of the mandible.  相似文献   

本文通过对郑州青台遗址新石器时代中晚期91例个体、1913枚牙齿罹患龋齿的统计与分析可知,青台人群患龋率为71.43%,龋齿率为13.38%。其中,龋齿率女性高于男性,可能与女性孕期生理变化、食物选择及性别分工等有关。上颌龋齿率高于下颌,臼齿及咬合面为龋齿易患齿类及部位。通过对比可知青台人群显示出较高的龋齿罹患率,暗示该人群饮食中应包含较多的碳水化合物类食物,这可能与新石器时代中晚期黄河中游发达的旱作农业有关。此外,龋齿率在黄河及长江中、下游新石器时代农业人群中的区域性差异可能与龋病病因的复杂性和各地区不同的文化面貌、人群生活方式有关。  相似文献   

本研究通过对山东烟台市午台遗址人牙结石淀粉粒的分析,发现了来自禾本科的粟(Setaria italica L.)、小麦族(Triticeae)、壳斗科栎属(Quercus sp.)、豆科(Fabaceae)及块根块茎类植物的淀粉粒,数量较为丰富,种属来源较为多样,显示了午台遗址先民利用植物性食物资源的多样性。研究表明午台先民除了利用粟黍类农作物作为主要食物资源外,还广泛采集一些野生果类和块根块茎类作为食物的补充。本研究中发现了大遗存中没有发现的壳斗科栎属等,弥补了大遗存研究的不足。  相似文献   

本文对陶寺文化中晚期部分墓葬和灰坑中出土的人骨的牙齿病理和头骨创伤进行了观察。病理观察项目包括龋齿、牙周病、牙齿釉质发育不全三个指标, 还对稳定同位素15N数据进行了再分析。研究结果指出, 牙齿的龋齿率处于较低水平, 其原因可能有两个方面, 一是调查人群的平均年龄相当低; 二是与陶寺人群的饮食中有一定比例的肉食量有关。这一认识得到陶寺早期人群牙齿磨耗速率的研究和对稳定同位素δ15N数据的再分析的支持。另外, 牙周病的调查结果显示墓葬和灰坑人骨半数以上个体都有牙周病。牙齿釉质发育不全的调查显示, 约三分之一的陶寺人群在其儿童生长发育过程中受到机体代谢压力的影响, 如常患感染性疾病、发烧或营养失调等。灰坑再现的乱骨现象以及头骨片上多见的创缘和裂缝反映出人群之间的暴力色彩, 折射出陶寺社会矛盾的激化和动荡。  相似文献   

The dental remains of ten adult chimpanzees from Gombe National Park, Tanzania, were examined for enamel attrition, caries, abscesses, periodontal disease, and tooth loss. Age was the underlying factor in the development of dental pathology, in that enamel wear was present to some extent in all ten but was uniformly severe only in the three for whom estimated age at death was 39-43 years. In turn, enamel wear appears to have been the direct cause of abscess development, periodontal disease, and tooth loss. Periodontal disease was commonly expressed as alveolar resorption, particularly around the premolars and molars. This involvement was variable in all except the two youngest. Some interesting wear patterns were evident in the form of deep grooves in the upper incisors and dramatic notching of the lower canines. These patterns, and enamel attrition in general, were attributed to normal mastication and to various stripping activities. Only one carious lesion was observed, in a male with an estimated age of 26 years. An accurate assessment of the actual prevalence of caries was obscured by enamel wear and tooth loss in the older individuals.  相似文献   

上颌窦是位于鼻腔周围最大的骨质腔,由于其所处位置及结构的特殊性,相比额窦、筛窦、蝶窦,上颌窦更容易受到感染产生炎症反应,因此上颌窦炎是现代社会最常见的炎症性疾病之一。通过对黑水国遗址汉代人群上颌窦的观察,发现该墓地中有40.5%的个体上颌窦内出现骨形态的改变,以穗状骨片为主。女性上颌窦炎出现率远高于男性,但无统计学上的显著差异,男性上颌窦炎左侧出现率高于右侧,女性右侧高于左侧。按照不同的年龄段划分,从未成年期到中年期上颌窦炎的出现率随着年龄的增长而增长,但是通过二元逻辑回归检验,发现上颌窦炎与年龄之间并无统计学上的显著意义。在患有上颌窦炎的个体中,有66.7%的个体都出现了牙周病,一半以上的个体出现了龋齿。这似乎预示着上颌窦炎与牙齿疾病之间有着一定的联系。张掖黑水国遗址汉代人群上颌窦炎的高出现率可能是多因素导致的结果,包括寒冷干燥的气候环境、空气污染、牙齿疾病以及病原微生物等。  相似文献   

Ala-329 is a prehistoric central California site located on the southeastern margin of San Francisco Bay, dating from approximately 500 AD up to pre-European contact. A large earth mound, Ala-329, has yielded many well preserved burials, approximately 300 of which are included in this study. The most common pathological lesions seen in this population are in the dentition. Advanced attrition is pervasive, affecting all individuals with teeth in occlusion for 2 years or more. Deciduous teeth are involved even in very young children and often show severe wear before replacement. In the permanent dentition, all elements are involved by the second decade; in the oldest age category (41+ years), all individuals show severe wear throughout their dentitions. In fact, by the end of the third decade, the majority of individuals have no enamel remaining. Mild periodontal involvement is found in 74% of adults, socket resorption in 53%, and abscesses in 31% of the relevant sample. Interestingly, although dental abscesses are found more than twice as often among males, socket resorption is seen more often among females. Dental caries are seen in only 10 individuals. The high incidence of periodontal remodeling, socket resorption, and dental abscesses is probably a secondary result of severe dental attrition. It is hypothesized that a large quantity of abrasives in the diet is responsible for the extreme degree of attrition, in fact, among the most severe for any population yet described.  相似文献   

Biofilm producing clinical bacterial isolates were isolated from periodontal and dental caries samples and identified as, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus sanguis, S. salivarius, S. mutansand Staphylococcus aureus. Among the identified bacterial species, S. aureus and S. mutansshowed strong biofilm producing capacity. The other isolated bacteria, Streptococcus sanguis, S. salivarius showed moderate biofilm formation. These pathogens were subjected for the production of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) in nutrient broth medium and the strain S. aureus synthesized more amounts of EPS (610 ± 11.2 µg/ml) than S. sanguis (480 ± 5.8 µg/ml).EPS production was found to be less in S. salivarius (52 ± 3.8 µg/ml).The solvent extract of A. sativum bulb showed the phytochemicals such as, carbohydrate, total protein, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and sterioids. The solvent extract of A. sativum bulb showed wide ranges of activity against the selected dental pathogens. The difference in antibacterial activity of the solvent extract revealed differences in solubility of phytochemicals in organic solvents. Ethanol extract was highly active againstS. aureus (25 ± 2 mm). The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of crude garlic bulb varied widely and this clearly showed that bacteria exhibits different level of susceptibility to secondary metabolites. MIC value ranged between 20 ± 2 mg/ml and 120 ± 6 mg/ml and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) value ranged from 60 ± 5 mg/l to 215 ± 7 mg/ml. To conclude, A. sativum bulb can be effectively used to treat periodontal and dental caries infections.  相似文献   

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