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作为环境中广泛存在的污染物,微塑料(microplastics)的相关研究备受关注。基于已有研究,本文综合分析了微塑料与土壤微生物(soil microorganisms)的互作关系,微塑料会通过直接或间接的方式影响微生物群落结构与多样性,影响的程度取决于微塑料的类型、剂量和形状。土壤微生物会通过形成表面生物膜和群落选择效应来适应微塑料这一外来物所引起的变化。本文还特别关注了微塑料的生物降解机理,同时探究了影响这一过程的因素,微生物首先会定殖在微塑料表面,分泌多种胞外酶在特定位点发挥作用,将聚合物转化成低聚物或单体,解聚的小分子进入胞内进一步分解代谢,而影响这一降解过程的因素除了分子量、密度、结晶度等微塑料自身理化性质,还包括一些生物因素和非生物因素对相关微生物生长代谢和酶活性的作用。未来研究应注重与实际环境的联系,在深入探究微塑料生物降解研究的同时,开发解决微塑料污染问题的新技术。  相似文献   

海洋微塑料污染的生态效应研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘强  徐旭丹  黄伟  徐晓群  寿鹿  曾江宁 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7397-7409
海洋微塑料污染已成为全球性环境问题。微塑料粒径小,易与海洋生物发生相互作用,可通过多种途径进入海洋生物体内,并在其组织和器官中蓄积和转移,对机体产生毒害。微塑料可沿食物链进行传递,威胁海洋生态系统的健康与稳定。因此,海洋生物与微塑料的相互作用以及海洋微塑料污染的生态效应成为当前研究的热点。综述微塑料的生物附着、生物摄入、对海洋生物的毒性效应及其与化学污染物的复合毒性效应研究的基础上,提出未来微塑料生态效应研究应重点关注我国海洋环境中微塑料的污染现状及生物摄入状况、微塑料的生物效应及其毒理学机制研究、微塑料与其他污染物的复合效应、以及微塑料在海洋生态系统中的作用及其生物地球化学行为等。  相似文献   

近年来,微塑料引起的环境污染已经成为一个全球性的问题,在海洋环境中,微生物可以附着于微塑料表面形成生物被膜。已有研究表明生物被膜可以为生活在其内部的细菌提供保护,被膜中可能富集了对人体或者水生生物有害的致病菌,且频繁的基因交流可能产生更多耐药菌。微塑料表面附着的微生物,能借助大洋环流随微塑料在海洋中迁徙,进而可能引起微生物入侵事件的发生。主要对微塑料与生物被膜之间的相互作用、微塑料与附着在其表面的塑料降解菌、微塑料与致病菌、微塑料对微生物迁徙的影响,以及微塑料表面生物被膜中耐药基因的扩散进行综述,对微塑料附着微生物未来研究方向进行了展望,为更好地了解海洋微塑料污染提供参考。  相似文献   

鳜塘浮游生物DNA序列多样性、水质和疾病的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用RAPD技术研究了鳜塘水生生态系统中浮游生物群落α-多样性,分析了浮游生物群落DNA序列丰富度与水质和疾病发生之间的关系,探讨了池塘养殖密度和短周期、小密度、高投饵量养殖方式对浮游生物群落DNA序列丰富度及水质的影响.结果表明:1)鳜塘浮游生物群落DNA序列丰富度与水质综合指数呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01); 2)池塘高密度养殖会造成浮游生物丰富度降低和水质综合指数升高;3)短周期、小密度、高投饵量的养殖模式对环境的损伤较大;4)浮游生物群落DNA指纹01矩阵和水质理化因子样品聚类分析表明,发病塘在水质理化因子和浮游生物群落上具有相似性,为鳜疾病预报模型的建立奠定了基础.  相似文献   

紫外辐射对陆生植物的生物学效应已被广泛研究,对水生生物也能产生一系列影响。本文在综述国内外紫外线在水体中渗透状况及影响因素的基础上,阐述了紫外辐射对浮游细菌和微型浮游生物、浮游植物、浮游动物、大型藻类、鱼卵和幼鱼、鱼类及两栖动物的生物学效应,从直接效应和间接效应两方面介绍了紫外辐射对水生生物作用的机理。未来研究应该注重紫外辐射与气候变化、酸沉降、水污染等环境因子联合作用对水生有机体产生影响,其研究对象应扩展至沉水植物、底栖生物等大部分水生有机体,这些研究将对深入研究水生生态系统的演化、水生生态系统退化及其修复起重要作用。  相似文献   

水域是地球环境的重要组成部分,也是最易受污染的生态系统之一。水生态系统中不同营养级别的水生生物可通过摄食、接触等多种途径摄入水体中的污染物。因此,监测水域污染物对水生生物和生态系统的影响,解析污染物对不同水生生物的毒性机制,筛选敏感、有效的生物标志物对生态毒理学研究和环境风险评价具有重要意义。RNA测序(RNA sequencing,RNA?seq)技术因所需样品量少,且不需参考序列,可在整体水平上鉴定基因差异表达,成为水生生物生态毒理学研究的最佳方法之一。基于此,介绍了RNA?seq技术的基本流程与数据分析过程,对该技术在不同生态位的水生生物(如鱼类、两栖类、贝类、甲壳类等)生态毒理学中的应用展开综述,并对RNA?seq技术面临的不足、挑战及发展趋势进行探讨,以期为该技术在水生生物生态毒理学研究中的应用,尤其是水生态环境中污染物胁迫水生生物机制的阐明及污染水域生态环境恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻田间不仅在水面上部水稻植株中有丰富的节肢动物群落,水体中也有很多水生昆虫。弄清海南稻田水生昆虫群落组成和种群发展动态,可以为海南稻田环境监测提供研究基础。本研究于2021年在海南省南繁区和非南繁区10个地市进行了稻田水生昆虫种类调查,共捕捉到水生昆虫4目10科29种。在南繁区的三亚和非南繁区的文昌稻田进行了整个生长季水生昆虫群落动态研究,结果显示水生昆虫群落在三亚和文昌稻田不同生长期都可以存在,每生长期种类为15~19种,数量为每百丛12.7±0.7~33.3±1.00头,种类和数量最多的时期为分蘖期。水生昆虫群落多样性指数为2.100~2.581,均匀性指数为0.726~0.924,优势集中性指数为0.092~0.137。三亚和文昌群落物种相似度为0.947,优势种相似度为1.000。截斑脉蜻Neurothemis tullia稚虫,真龙虱Cybister sp.可能是稻田水体环境变化的敏感种类。稻田环境变化和污染可能影响水生昆虫种类,对海南稻田水生昆虫群落的监测和变化机理有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

微塑料(尺寸5 mm的塑料)是海洋环境中一种新型污染物,可被海洋生物误食并对其产生毒性效应。随着海洋微塑料污染化学与生态毒理学研究的深入,利用指示生物开展海洋微塑料污染监测及毒理学研究逐渐成为热点。海洋双壳贝类可通过滤食方式摄食环境中的微塑料,是海洋微塑料污染监测与毒理学研究理想的指示物种。本文综述了海洋双壳贝类体内微塑料的分析方法、不同海域双壳贝类体内微塑料的累积分布以及受控实验条件下微塑料对双壳贝类的生态毒理效应3个方面的研究进展。未来研究方向将主要包括:建立以双壳贝类为指示的海洋微塑料污染生物监测标准方法以及研究环境浓度微塑料对海洋双壳贝类的亚慢性毒性效应等。  相似文献   

冰川影响下的河流形成了独特的冷水生态系统, 为水生生物提供了多样的栖息地。然而在全球气候变暖的背景下, 冰川和积雪不断退缩、甚至加速消融, 破坏了原有的水生生态系统。文章综述了国内外有关冰川积雪融水对河流水生生物及环境因子影响的研究现状, 探讨了冰川流域水生生物研究存在的问题及未来相关的方向。冰川积雪融水对河流水生生物的群落结构及遗传多样性产生了不同程度的影响。同时某些水生生物在形态、生活史和行为适应能力等方面也产生了抵抗极端环境的进化。笔者提出应重点关注水生生物对冰川和积雪退化的响应机制与变化趋势, 以期为冰川流域水生生物多样性及保护提供一定依据。  相似文献   

覃光球  卢豪良  唐振柱  赵鹏  白雪涛  彭亮 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2481-2489
捕食信息素是捕食者释放的,能够引发猎物反捕食反应的化学信号。在水生生态系统中,捕食信息素在捕食者和猎物之间信息传递及协同进化过程中发挥着重要的作用,其生态学效应在国际上受到广泛关注。捕食信息素的来源有多种形式,研究中常使用养殖过捕食者的水溶液作为捕食信息素的来源。捕食信息素的作用效果受到捕食者和猎物的种类、信息素的浓度、观察的指标等多方面因素的影响。捕食信息素可以对水生生物的行为、形态和生活史特征等方面造成影响。水生生物通过感知捕食信息素来提前预知潜在的被捕食风险,并作出适应性调整,以降低被捕食的风险。在某些情况下,捕食信息素可以与污染物产生交互作用,从而干扰污染物对水生生物的毒性。对水生环境中捕食信息素的研究现状做了综述,介绍了当前对捕食信息素来源和理化性质等本质问题的认识,总结捕食信息素对水生生物行为、形态和生活史特征的影响,以及捕食信息素对污染物毒性的干扰,并分析了这一研究领域尚存在的困难和今后的研究方向。加强对捕食信息素的研究,将为解析水生环境中捕食者和猎物的生态关系提供新依据。  相似文献   

洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成对应关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
颜庆云  余育和  冯伟松 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2221-2226
对东洞庭湖7个采样站点的浮游生物群落进行了DNA多态性的RAPD指纹分析和物种组成的分类鉴定,并通过聚类分析探讨了DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成对应关系。结果如下:(1)筛选出的11条随机引物共获得148条长度在180~2000bp的谱带,多态率为98.6%,各引物扩增谱带数在11~16不等;各站点平均有57.6条谱带,其中站最多(70条),站最少(45条),而站的特有带最多(7条),站最少(2条);(2)共观察到54种/类浮游生物,其中站出现的最多(27),其它各站点在7~13不等,分布概率在85%以上的只有直链硅藻(Melosirasp.)。相似性聚类分析表明:7个站点的浮游生物群落可以划分为两大类——站作为单独的一类而明显有别于其它6站;并且,RAPD分析在此基础上将、、站和、、站进一步分作两小类。因此,研究说明浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成是密切相关的,这类资料的积累将会为生态系统功能、机理的解释或阐明提供一些启示。  相似文献   

The plankton community plays an especially important role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and also in biogeochemical cycles. Since the beginning of marine research expeditions in the 1870s, an enormous number of planktonic organisms have been described and studied. Plankton investigation has become one of the most important areas of aquatic ecological study, as well as a crucial component of aquatic environmental evaluation. Nonetheless, traditional investigations have mainly focused on morphospecies composition, abundances and dynamics, which primarily depend on morphological identification and counting under microscopes. However, for many species/groups, with few readily observable characteristics, morphological identification and counting have historically been a difficult task. Over the past decades, microbiologists have endeavored to apply and extend molecular techniques to address questions in microbial ecology. These culture-independent studies have generated new insights into microbial ecology. One such strategy, metagenome-based analysis, has also proved to be a powerful tool for plankton research. This mini-review presents a brief history of plankton research using morphological and metagenome- based approaches and the potential applications and further directions of metagenomic analyses in plankton ecological studies are discussed. The use of metagenome-based approaches for plankton ecological study in aquatic ecosystems is encouraged.  相似文献   

Plankton and benthos are popular concepts identifying two ways of life of aquatic organisms. Their spatial separation led to the development of different sampling techniques and to separate conceptualizations of the principles governing these subsets of the aquatic environment. Reciprocal connections between plankton and benthos, however, are very strong both from a functional (energy fluxes) and a structural (life cycle dynamics) point of view. A full appreciation of such links is forcing marine ecology towards a more integrated approach.  相似文献   


Variation in light and temperature can influence the genetic diversity and structure of marine plankton communities. While open-ocean plankton communities receive much scientific attention, little is known about how environmental variation affects plankton communities on tropical coral reefs. Here, we characterize eukaryotic plankton communities on coral reefs across the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panamá. Temperature loggers were deployed, and midday light levels were measured to quantify environmental differences across reefs at four inshore and four offshore sites (Inshore = Punta Donato, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Point, Cristobal, Punta Laurel and Offshore = Drago Mar, Bastimentos North, Bastimentos South, and Cayo de Agua). Triplicate vertical plankton tows were collected midday, and high-throughput 18S ribosomal DNA metabarcoding was leveraged to investigate the relationship between eukaryotic plankton community structure and inshore/offshore reef environments. Plankton communities from STRI Point were additionally characterized in the morning (~ 08:00), midday (~ 12:00), and late-day (~ 16:00) to quantify temporal variation within a single site. We found that inshore reefs experienced higher average seawater temperatures, while offshore sites offered higher light levels, presumably associated with reduced water turbidity on reefs further from shore. These significant environmental differences between inshore and offshore reefs corresponded with overall plankton community differences. We also found that temporal variation played a structuring role within these plankton communities, and conclude that time of community sampling is an important consideration for future studies. Follow-up studies focusing on more intensive sampling efforts across space and time, coupled with techniques that can detect more subtle genetic differences between and within communities will more fully capture plankton dynamics in this region and beyond.


Plankton communities in eight lakes of different trophic status near Yangtze, China were charac‐terized by using denatured gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Various water quality parameters were also measured at each collection site. Following extraction of DNA from plankton communi‐ties, 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes were amplified with specific primers for prokaryotes and eu‐karyotes, respectively; DNA profiles were developed by DGGE. The plankton community of each lake had its own distinct DNA profile. The total number of bands identified at 34 sampling stations ranged from 37 to 111. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes displayed complex fingerprints composed of a large number of bands: 16 to 59 bands were obtained with the prokaryotic primer set; 21 to 52 bands for the eukaryotic primer set. The DGGE‐patterns were analyzed in relation to water quality parameters by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Temperature, pH, alkalinity, and the con‐centration of COD, TP and TN were strongly correlated with the DGGE patterns. The parameters that demonstrated a strong correlation to the DGGE fingerprints of the plankton community differed among lakes, suggesting that differences in the DGGE fingerprints were due mainly to lake trophic status. Results of the present study suggest that PCR‐DGGE fingerprinting is an effective and precise method of identifying changes to plankton community composition, and therefore could be a useful ecological tool for monitoring the response of aquatic ecosystems to environmental perturbations. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Microplastics as an emerging threat to terrestrial ecosystems   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Microplastics (plastics <5 mm, including nanoplastics which are <0.1 μm) originate from the fragmentation of large plastic litter or from direct environmental emission. Their potential impacts in terrestrial ecosystems remain largely unexplored despite numerous reported effects on marine organisms. Most plastics arriving in the oceans were produced, used, and often disposed on land. Hence, it is within terrestrial systems that microplastics might first interact with biota eliciting ecologically relevant impacts. This article introduces the pervasive microplastic contamination as a potential agent of global change in terrestrial systems, highlights the physical and chemical nature of the respective observed effects, and discusses the broad toxicity of nanoplastics derived from plastic breakdown. Making relevant links to the fate of microplastics in aquatic continental systems, we here present new insights into the mechanisms of impacts on terrestrial geochemistry, the biophysical environment, and ecotoxicology. Broad changes in continental environments are possible even in particle‐rich habitats such as soils. Furthermore, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that microplastics interact with terrestrial organisms that mediate essential ecosystem services and functions, such as soil dwelling invertebrates, terrestrial fungi, and plant‐pollinators. Therefore, research is needed to clarify the terrestrial fate and effects of microplastics. We suggest that due to the widespread presence, environmental persistence, and various interactions with continental biota, microplastic pollution might represent an emerging global change threat to terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

滩涂底栖动物有机污染生态学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
覃光球  严重玲 《生态学报》2006,26(3):914-922
底栖动物由于对有机污染物具有较强的吸收能力,再加上其移动能力较差、生活方式比较固定,而被广泛运用于滩涂有机污染的研究.目前这些研究主要集中在如下几个方面:(1)有机污染物在底栖动物体内的分布特征及在底栖食物链中的动力学研究;(2)底栖动物对有机污染物的生理响应研究;(3)污染物对底栖动物群落组成和结构影响研究;(4)底栖动物在滩涂有机污染检测中的应用研究.研究结果表明:滩涂底栖动物对有机污染物的累积具有选择性和季节波动性;有机污染物可以在底栖食物链中传递;底栖动物体内的有机污染物成分和含量可以有效地指示其生存环境的有机污染状况;底栖动物的混合功能氧化酶和抗氧化酶系统对体内有机污染物的累积产生积极的响应;有机污染物对底栖动物的免疫系统造成不利影响,并对遗传物质造成破坏;有机污染对底栖动物的群落组成和结构具有显著的影响.  相似文献   


The constant entry of microplastics in several environmental matrices has been of great concern to the scientific community and to society in general, mainly due to the mysteries that surround the implications of this pollutant in the environment. Freshwater ecosystems are resources especially susceptible to variations in environmental quality, and the lack of data on the impacts caused by plastic fragments exacerbates the vulnerability of this environment. Considering the results of other studies, which demonstrate the increasing entry of polymeric fragments in the aquatic environment can lead to algae growth inhibition, an investigation was carried out to determine the current state of research on the interaction between microplastics and freshwater microalgae. In total, 20 scientific articles were analyzed. Different species were subjected to toxicological tests under controlled conditions in the laboratory with small microplastics (size range between 0.1 and 1000 µm), primary and secondary microplastics of different types of polymer. Four toxicity class of indicators were chosen to assess the microalgae response to exposure to microplastic in the selected studies: growth inhibition; photosynthetic activity; pigment analysis; and enzymatic activity and oxidative stress. In this review, a critical analysis is made on the effects of the shape, size, concentration, and duration of exposure to microplastics and research gaps are identified to guide future research priorities in this area of study.


Plankton is the basis of the entire aquatic food chain. Phytoplankton, in particular, occupies the first trophic level. Plankton performs services for the Earth: it serves as food for marine life, gives off oxygen and also absorbs half of the carbon dioxide from the Earth's atmosphere. The dynamics of a rapid (or massive) increase or decrease of plankton populations is an important subject in marine plankton ecology and generally termed as a 'bloom'. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have adverse effects on human health, fishery, tourism, and the environment. In recent years, considerable scientific attention has been given to HABs. Toxic substances released by harmful plankton play an important role in this context. In this paper, a mathematical model consisting of two harmful phytoplankton and zooplankton system will be discussed. The analytical findings will be verified through our experimental observations which were carried out on the eastern part of Bay of Bengal for the last three years.  相似文献   

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