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顶蛳山遗址位于广西壮族自治区南宁市邕宁区,保存了丰富的新石器时代文化遗存以及大量的古人类骨骼遗存。本文主要从龋齿研究入手,对顶蛳山二、三期文化(8-7 ka BP)中大于15岁的169个体的2737枚恒齿进行了观察。分别统计了龋齿等级和个体和牙齿患龋率以评估人群患龋情况,进而分析顶蛳山遗址人群的口腔健康状况,并探讨了食物构成、饮食行为与社会经济等。统计结果表明,顶蛳山遗址人群的个体和牙齿患龋率都较高。患龋率在两性、葬式、年龄段间都存在差异,女性患龋程度要高于男性;不同葬式之间差异也显著,随着年龄的增长患龋的比例和程度也随之加深。通过与其他8组新石器时代国内遗址人群的个体和牙齿患龋率的对比,我们看到包含顶蛳山在内的三组华南渔猎采集遗址的个体和牙齿患龋率都要高于其他遗址,农业遗址的人群要低于华南遗址的患龋率,而混合经济遗址的患龋率最低。龋齿的出现与人类饮食中的碳水化合物关系密切。据此,我们推测顶蛳山及其他两组华南遗址的高患龋与碳水化合物的摄入关系密切,但这与一般所认为的农业的出现没有联系。三组遗址都是以渔猎采集主导的社会经济形态,并且这时期农业并未传播至华南地区。因此我们的分析表明高患龋率与农业并没有必然联系,而华南地区当时人群所食用的碳水化合物可能源于当地的块茎类和含蔗糖类植物。  相似文献   

目的:探讨下鼻道开窗术替代传统的上颌窦根治术治疗慢性上颌窦炎的手术方法及治疗效果。方法:通过对慢性上颌窦炎患者32例进行下鼻道开窗术治疗,并与同期进行上颌窦根治术31例比较。结果:下鼻道开窗术组一次手术痊愈率93.7%,上颌窦根治术组一次手术痊愈率93.5%,两组手术效果统计学处理无显著性差异,(u=1.24,u>0.05)。结论:下鼻道开窗术替代传统的上颌窦根治术,疗效相同,而且具有无面部肿胀麻木及牙齿酸胀等并发症。能够达到上颌窦根治的目的并具有微创的特点。  相似文献   

孙庄遗址位于河南省郑州市中原区孙庄村,是分布在黄河中游的一处仰韶文化晚期遗址,该遗址出土的54例仰韶时期的人骨保存状况良好,为我们了解仰韶文化人群的龋患情况提供了珍贵的资料。本文以肉眼观察为主并结合超景深显微镜对遗址出土的846枚牙齿进行鉴定、统计与分析,得出以下结论:孙庄遗址古代人群的龋病患病率70.37%,龋齿率22.93%,龋均3.59;壮年组患龋率最高,为88.89%,不同年龄组之间的龋齿率差异性显著;龋齿率女性为30.55%,男性为16.16%,女性龋齿率显著高于男性,P(0.000)<0.05,两性之间的龋齿率有显著差异;浅龋率为6.70%,中龋率为21.65%,深龋率为27.32%,深龋已穿髓率为19.07%,残冠残根率为25.26%,随着年龄的增长,龋病的病变程度呈加重趋势;龋损范围小于1/2牙冠累龋最常见,占总患龋齿数的42.27%;上颌龋齿率为26.91%,下颌龋齿率为19.70%,上下颌龋齿率差异显著(P<0.05)。龋病在不同牙位上的发生率依次为M3>M2>P2>M1>P1>C>I1>I2;邻面和 面是主要的龋患分布处,分别占患龋牙齿数的46.40%和39.18%。孙庄人群门齿较高的患龋率表明该遗址人群患龋情况已经非常严重,患龋率与龋齿率明显高于其他古代组,较高的龋病罹患率可能与孙庄人群复杂的农业经济模式有关。  相似文献   

辛玉芬 《生物磁学》2006,6(1):47-48
目的:探讨下鼻道开窗术替代传统的上颌窦根治术治疗慢性上颌窦炎的手术方法及治疗效果.方法:通过对慢性上颌窦炎患者32例进行下鼻道开窗术治疗,并与同期进行上颌窦根治术31例比较.结果:下鼻道开窗术组一次手术痊愈率93.7%,上颌窦根治术组一次手术痊愈率93.5%,两组手术效果统计学处理无显著性差异,(u=1.24,u〉0.05).结论:下鼻道开窗术替代传统的上颌窦根治术,疗效相同,而且具有无面部肿胀麻木及牙齿酸胀等并发症.能够达到上颌窦根治的目的并具有微创的特点.  相似文献   

本文通过对郑州青台遗址新石器时代中晚期91例个体、1913枚牙齿罹患龋齿的统计与分析可知,青台人群患龋率为71.43%,龋齿率为13.38%。其中,龋齿率女性高于男性,可能与女性孕期生理变化、食物选择及性别分工等有关。上颌龋齿率高于下颌,臼齿及咬合面为龋齿易患齿类及部位。通过对比可知青台人群显示出较高的龋齿罹患率,暗示该人群饮食中应包含较多的碳水化合物类食物,这可能与新石器时代中晚期黄河中游发达的旱作农业有关。此外,龋齿率在黄河及长江中、下游新石器时代农业人群中的区域性差异可能与龋病病因的复杂性和各地区不同的文化面貌、人群生活方式有关。  相似文献   

广西扶绥敢造遗址是华南新石器时代一处典型的河岸贝丘遗址,其人骨测年结果的上限为8488 BC,下限为6492 BC。本文对敢造遗址2014年出土的108例个体的999枚恒齿进行观察统计,结果显示居民的饮食结构应是以肉食为主并辅以富含淀粉的块茎类植物。该遗址居民的龋齿率高于部分农业人群,但远低于同为华南渔猎—采集经济的鲤鱼墩、甑皮岩和顶蛳山遗址,其原因应与食用块茎类植物的多寡有关。较高的牙结石罹患率(89.86%)可能与鱼类、贝类等高蛋白饮食有关。相比农业、游牧或狩猎人群,该遗址居民偏重的牙齿磨耗可能与食用含沙量较大的螺类、贝类等有关;肉类食物的食用导致该遗址居民上颌前部牙齿磨耗重于后部牙齿,而“上颌前部牙齿舌侧过度磨耗”现象的出现则与食用块茎类植物有关。  相似文献   

内蒙古察右前旗庙子沟新石器时代人类牙齿的形态观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文所报道的新石器时代人类牙齿标本采集自内蒙古自治区乌兰察布盟察右前旗的庙子沟遗址。该遗址的年代相当于仰韶时代的晚期。所收集到的牙齿标本共计576枚(上颌274枚,下颌302枚),均系恒齿,分别属于31例个体。其中包括男性11例,女性15例,另外5例为未成年个体,性别不详。  相似文献   

张振标 《人类学学报》1995,14(2):110-117
本文记述了发现于河南下王岗新石器时代遗址,山西朔州汉代遗址和大同市郊北魏朝代遗址的人类骨骼一疾病:强直性脊椎炎,初上计,其人群发病率与美洲玳的群基本相似,但骶额融合的比例,以女性多于男性而区别于美洲人群。这是我知时代较早的一种骨骼疾病。  相似文献   

本文对新疆且末扎滚鲁克墓地二期出土208例头骨上的1849枚牙齿进行了观察与研究。将所有个体按照年龄和性别分组,通过计算每个个体上颌或下颌骨上各牙齿相对第1臼齿的磨耗指数,分析各组之间相对磨耗指数的分布差异。经过与国内外不同人群的对比,对扎滚鲁克居民的牙齿磨耗模式特点以及可能存在的牙齿使用方式、行为特征等内容进行了初步探讨。结果显示,该人群的牙齿磨耗随着年龄增长显著增加,不同年龄组人群之间前后牙齿磨耗情况有很大的差异,牙齿磨耗在性别间差异并不显著。下颌个体出现了较为普遍的前牙磨耗比后牙偏严重的现象,这种现象主要集中在中年组下颌上。这种不寻常的下颌前牙磨耗较后牙偏重现象可能受到牙齿的工具性使用,牙齿萌出顺序以及年龄三方面因素共同作用的影响;中年个体下颌前牙磨耗的偏重现象可能反映了人群的行为特征。  相似文献   

本文通过甘肃临潭磨沟齐家文化墓地出土的262例人骨标本的牙病情况尤其是龋病、牙周病、根尖周病以及牙结石情况的统计与分析,得知磨沟墓地古代居民牙齿疾病的基本情况:1)牙病的罹患率性别差异显著,女性龋病和根尖周病的罹患率高于男性,而在牙周病和牙结石的出现率上则是男性高于女性;2)牙病的罹患率随着年龄增长而增高;3)龋病、牙周病及根尖周病多发于臼齿,牙结石多发于门齿;4)重度磨耗牙齿多发牙周病及根尖周病;5)牙病罹患率不仅受到性别、年龄、牙位以及齿冠磨耗程度的影响,而且与磨沟组古代居民农业种植食物和采集食物并重的食物结构有关。  相似文献   

目的:比较不同手术方式治疗慢性鼻-鼻窦炎的疗效及其对上颌窦黏膜纤毛传输功能的影响,为临床制定治疗慢性鼻-鼻窦炎的优选术式提供参考依据。方法:选取2013年9月-2014年12月于本院耳鼻咽喉科就诊的160例确诊为慢性鼻-鼻窦炎的患者作为研究对象,将其随机分为4组,分别为治疗组1~4,每组各60例。治疗组1接受上颌窦自然开口扩大术,治疗组2接受上颌窦开窗术,治疗组3接受经泪前隐窝上颌窦开放术,治疗组4接受上颌窦口球囊扩张术。观察和比较4组患者的术后鼻腔黏膜的覆盖、水肿、囊泡形成、骨质暴露、瘢痕形成等情况,上颌窦窦腔内分泌物性状、蓄积情况以及术后3个月和6个月时行上颌窦腔糖精实验及窦口周黏膜活检情况。结果:四组手术后均取得较好临床疗效,而组4的临床总有效率显著高于其他三组(均P0.05)。术后3、6个月,组4Lund-Kennedy评分和MMT时间均明显低于其他三组(均P0.05);在上颌窦黏膜活检方面:术后炎性细胞数量及状细胞和黏膜下腺体细胞形态及黏膜下结构水肿改善程度亦在中组四最为显著(P0.05)。结论:上颌窦窦球囊扩张术治疗慢性鼻-鼻窦炎疗效较高,可有效改善状细胞和黏膜下腺体细胞形态及鼻窦黏膜水肿、窦口通畅引流等作用,且安全性高。  相似文献   

The ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in maxillary sinus size in a nonhuman primate was studied longitudinally for a period of 8 years in 25 female and 25 male Macaca nemestrina via lateral cephalograms. The maxillary sinus was traced and its area digitized. The growth of female maxillary sinuses was described with a Gompertz model; the best fit to the male data was obtained by the logistic model. Growth curves and confidence intervals revealed that the sinuses grew in a similar fashion for 3-4 years in both sexes. After this, female sinuses achieved a plateau in their development while male sinuses continued to grow. Confidence intervals suggested that size dimorphism appeared at the age of 6.3 years. Lowess regression indicated growth spurts in both sexes. Females experienced an earlier and smaller spurt than males. Sexual dimorphism in maxillary sinus size seems to represent a combination of differences in velocity and length of growth. This study indicates that growth of the maxillary sinus follows closely the growth in body size. Nevertheless, due to the variation in sinus size in Macaca, it is questionable if body size is the main determinant of maxillary sinus size. It is suggested that Macaca, with its wide geographic range and different environments, is an especially appropriate genus to use to test hypotheses about the evolution of skull pneumatization in primates.  相似文献   

In modern populations, there is evidence that nasal septal deviation (NSD) may be associated with maxillary sinusitis, and that those with NSD may differ in craniofacial morphology from those without or with less severe NSD. Whether these associations hold true for earlier populations has yet to be investigated. The current work is a step toward remedying this. The study group comes from a mediaeval English archaeological site. NSD was quantified using image analysis. Maxillary sinusitis was identified from new bone formation in the antrum. Cranial morphology was assessed using standard craniometric measurements. The results provided no evidence for a relationship between NSD and maxillary sinus disease. NSD was associated with reduced measures of upper facial height, suggesting decoupling of growth in vertical height of the nasal septum and the bony structures surrounding it.  相似文献   

Maxillary sinusitis is a common medical complaint, affecting more than 30 million people per year in the United States alone. Very little palaeopathological work on this disease has been carried out, probably because of the enclosed nature of the sinuses in intact skulls and the lack of a suitable method for examination. This study tested the hypothesis that maxillary sinusitis was more common in people with leprosy than in people without it in Medieval England. The prevalence of maxillary sinusitis by age and sex was recorded in 133 individuals, some diagnosed as being leprous, derived from a later Medieval (12th to 17th centuries AD) urban hospital population at Chichester, Sussex, England using both macroscopic and endoscopic methods of examination. Of the 133 individuals with one or both sinuses available for examination, 54.9% (73) had evidence of bone change within the sinuses. There was no difference in prevalence between those with leprosy and those without, although clinical studies suggest that over 50% of lepromatous leprous individuals may develop sinusitis. Comparison with another study on Medieval British sites with a 3.6% prevalence (3 of 83) indicates that the prevalence at Chichester is much greater. The problems with diagnosing sinusitis are addressed and reasons behind the high frequency in this study are discussed. Aetiological factors predisposing to maxillary sinusitis are considered with reference to possible environmental conditions prevailing in the later Medieval period in Britain. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genyantrum mucosal changes and the upper jaw ridge were analyzed in different forms of periodontitis and in cases of endodontic treatment failure with the dental filling material being in maxillary sinus cavity. Spiral computed tomography using the Denta Scan software could confirm the odontogenic nature of the changes found in 57 (85.0%) patients with suspected maxillary sinusitis.  相似文献   

Maxillary sinusitis was studied as an indicator of poor air quality. Seven skeletal samples were examined from North America, England, and Nubia, and selected to represent different geographic locations, environments, and subsistence economies. Frequency rates varied from 17.2 to 51.5% of individuals affected with one or both sinuses preserved. Hardin Village had the highest frequency (51.5%), followed by the Aleuts (42.9%), "Illinois" (38.6%), Indian Knoll (38.5%), Kulubnarti (21.8%), Christchurch, Spitalfields (18.0%), and "South Dakota" (17.2%). Male frequencies ranged from 16.7 to 36.7%, but the female frequency ranged more widely from 18.0 to 76.5%. At most sites female rates exceeded male. The effect of urban and rural environment on sinusitis occurrence, and also subsistence economy, biological sex, and social status were explored, and comparative sites also considered; urban agricultural sites had a mean frequency of 48.5%, rural agricultural sites had a mean frequency of 45.0%, and hunter-gatherer sites had a mean frequency of 40.0%. In the urban sites male and female frequencies were near equal, but in the rural agricultural and hunter-gatherer sites female frequencies exceeded male frequencies. Dental disease was not found to have much impact on sinusitis frequency. The importance of the link between poor air quality and respiratory health is highlighted in clinical studies in both developed and developing countries, but also in bioarcheological studies.  相似文献   

目的:评价鼻内镜手术治疗合并术后利用大环内酯类抗生素治疗鼻窦炎的疗效,探讨鼻窦炎患者治疗前后血清中IL-17及其受体的表达及血清中总IgE的变化。方法:鼻窦内窥镜行病侧上颌寞自然口扩大及下鼻道开窗双进路,彻底清除鼻腔、鼻窦病变组织,术后采用大环内酯类抗生素治疗;采用酶联免疫法检测30例患者治疗前后血清中IL-17,IL-17R及IgE的含量。结果:治疗30例,其中术后病理证实鼻寞真菌球20例,治愈20例;曲霉菌感染23例,治愈10例,6个月随访无复发;与只治疗前相比,手术治疗后鼻窦炎患者血清IL-17,IL-17R及IgE的含量均明显降低。结论:鼻内镜手术是治疗真菌性鼻一鼻窦炎的主要方法,IL-17和IL-17R均参与鼻窦炎的发病过程,可作为诊断鼻窦炎的新指标,鼻内镜术后使用大环内酯类抗生素进一步巩固治疗,可降低复发率。  相似文献   

In a mixed sex sample of ten adult gibbon (Hylobates moloch) skulls, one cranium of a male with maxillary sinus atelectasis of the left side was identified. While external inspection revealed a slight drop of the left orbital floor, serial coronal computer tomography (CT) scans show characteristic changes of the left maxillary sinus and its surrounding structures. In addition to the sunken orbital floor, radiological features of the specimen include an inward bowing of the medial sinus wall, sinus opacification, and a reduction in maxillary sinus size to a slit-like cavity, which suggest a diagnosis of silent sinus syndrome. This report is the first, to our knowledge, of maxillary sinus atelectasis in a non-human primate. This finding is valuable for the understanding of the pathogenesis and etiology of maxillary sinus atelectasis. At the same time, however, paleoanthropologists and primatologists may refer to this information when dealing with the interpretation of maxillary sinus pneumatization of partially broken archaeological and fossil skulls.  相似文献   

目的:评价鼻内镜手术治疗合并术后利用大环内酯类抗生素治疗鼻窦炎的疗效,探讨鼻窦炎患者治疗前后血清中IL-17及其受体的表达及血清中总IgE的变化。方法:鼻窦内窥镜行病侧上颌寞自然口扩大及下鼻道开窗双进路,彻底清除鼻腔、鼻窦病变组织,术后采用大环内酯类抗生素治疗;采用酶联免疫法检测30例患者治疗前后血清中IL-17,IL-17R及IgE的含量。结果:治疗30例,其中术后病理证实鼻寞真菌球20例,治愈20例;曲霉菌感染23例,治愈10例,6个月随访无复发;与只治疗前相比,手术治疗后鼻窦炎患者血清IL-17,IL-17R及IgE的含量均明显降低。结论:鼻内镜手术是治疗真菌性鼻一鼻窦炎的主要方法,IL-17和IL-17R均参与鼻窦炎的发病过程,可作为诊断鼻窦炎的新指标,鼻内镜术后使用大环内酯类抗生素进一步巩固治疗,可降低复发率。  相似文献   

Unlike most primates, extant cercopithecoids lack maxillary sinuses, which are pneumatic spaces in the facial skeleton lateral of the nasal cavity proper. Character state analysis of living cercopithecoids across well-supported topologies suggests that the sinus was lost at the origin of the superfamily, only to have evolved again convergently in extant macaques. Recent work has shown that a) the 'early loss' hypothesis is supported by the lack of any pneumatization in Victoriapithecus, a stem cercopithecoid, b) like extant macaques, the fossil cercopithecine Paradolichopithecus shows evidence of presence of the maxillary sinus (MS), and c) unlike extant colobines, the fossil colobine Libypithecus also possesses a maxillary sinus. To more fully assess the pattern of cercopithecoid sinus evolution, fossil taxa from both subfamilies (Colobinae, Cercopithecinae) were examined both visually and by computed tomography (CT). The observations were evaluated according to standard anatomical criteria for defining sinus spaces, and compared with data from all extant Old World monkey genera. Most taxa examined conformed to the pattern already discerned from extant cercopithecoids. Maxillary sinus absence in Theropithecus oswaldi, Mesopithecus, and Rhinocolobus is typical for all extant cercopithecids except Macaca. The fossil macaque Macaca majori possesses a well-developed maxillary sinus, as do all living species of the genus. Cercopithecoides, on the other hand, differs from all extant colobines in possessing a maxillary sinus. Thus, paranasal pneumatization has reemerged a minimum of two and possibly three times in cercopithecoids. The results suggest that maxillary sinus absence in cercopithecoids is due to suppression, rather than complete loss.  相似文献   

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