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The progression of atherosclerosis is favored by increasing amounts of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the artery wall. We previously reported the reactivity of chP3R99 monoclonal antibody (mAb) with sulfated glycosaminoglycans and its association with the anti-atherogenic properties displayed. Now, we evaluated the accumulation of this mAb in atherosclerotic lesions and its potential use as a probe for specific in vivo detection of the disease. Atherosclerosis was induced in NZW rabbits (n = 14) by the administration of Lipofundin 20% using PBS-receiving animals as control (n = 8). Accumulation of chP3R99 mAb in atherosclerotic lesions was assessed either by immunofluorescence detection of human IgG in fresh-frozen sections of aorta, or by immunoscintigraphy followed by biodistribution of the radiotracer upon administration of 99mTc-chP3R99 mAb. Immunofluorescence studies revealed the presence of chP3R99 mAb in atherosclerotic lesions 24 h after intravenous administration, whereas planar images showed an evident accumulation of 99mTc-chP3R99 mAb in atherosclerotic rabbit carotids. Accordingly, 99mTc-chP3R99 mAb uptake by lesioned aortic arch and thoracic segment was increased 5.6-fold over controls and it was 3.9-folds higher in carotids, in agreement with immunoscintigrams. Moreover, the deposition of 99mTc-chP3R99 mAb in the artery wall was associated both with the presence and size of the lesions in the different portions of evaluated arteries and was greater than in non-targeted organs. In conclusion, chP3R99 mAb preferentially accumulates in arterial atherosclerotic lesions supporting the potential use of this anti-glycosaminoglycans antibody for diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Here we reported the development of a novel immuno-SPECT tracer, namely 99mTc-JS001, to non-invasively image PD-1 expression in mice. The JS001 antibody was directly labeled by the most widely used SPECT radionuclide 99mTc with a radiochemical yield of 90%, and the specific activity was ≤74 GBq/mmol. After the radiolabeling, 99mTc-JS001 exhibited a similar immnuoaffinity to PD-1 in vitro. 99mTc-conjugated JS001 maintained intact in 5% HSA system for 24 h. S180 sarcoma xenograft-bearing Kunming mice and BGC823 gastric cancer orthotopic tumor model were built. Bio-distribution and/or immuno-SPECT studies with 99mTc-JS001 showed the antibody maintained in the blood, liver, kidneys and tumors at 1.5 ID%/g, 1.4 ID%/g, 2.0 ID%/g and 0.5 ID%/g, respectively. Also, there was a higher uptake in the BGC823 orthotopic tumor than that in the adjunct stomach. These results demonstrated that 99mTc-JS001 might have capacity to monitor the PD-1 expression in vivo, which might facilitate the anti-PD-1 antibodies treatment in preclinical models.  相似文献   

Complex multimeric proteins such as dimeric and secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) can be difficult to produce in heterologous systems, although this has been achieved using several platforms including plants. As well as topical mucosal applications, dimeric IgA (dIgA), and secretory IgA (sIgA) can be used in tumor and anti-viral therapy, where their more potent cell-killing properties may increase their efficacy compared to current drugs based on IgG. However, the development of therapeutic IgA formats is hampered by the need to co-express four different polypeptides, and the inability to purify such molecules using conventional protein A or protein G affinity chromatography. The light chain (LC)-specific affinity ligand protein L is a potential alternative, but it only recognizes certain kappa light chain (LC(κ)) subtypes. To overcome these limitations, we have adapted a framework-grafting approach to introduce LCs that bind protein L into any IgA. As a model, we used the chimeric anti-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) antibody cPIPP, since this contains a murine LC((κ)) subtype that does not bind protein L. Grafting was achieved by replacing selected framework region 1 (FR1) residues in the cPIPP LC(κ) variable domain with corresponding residues from LC(κ) subtypes that can bind protein L. The grafted antibody variants were successfully purified by protein L affinity chromatography. These modifications affected neither their antigen-binding properties nor the yields achieved by transient expression in tobacco plants. Our results therefore show that LC FR1 grafting can be used as generic strategy for the purification of IgA molecules.  相似文献   

The safety and pharmacokinetics assessment of antibodies targeting CD22 (e.g., epratuzumab) have been established in western Caucasian populations, but there are no reports of the effects in Chinese populations. This dose-escalation study examines the safety, pharmacokinetics and biologic effects of multiple doses of anti-CD22 human-murine chimeric monoclonal antibody SM03 in 21 Chinese patients with CD22-positive non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Most of drug-related adverse events (AEs) were mild and reversible. Two patients experienced serious AEs (hemorrhage); one patient had grade 4 neutropenia; one patient had asymptomatic grade III prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). Major AEs included fever (71%), prolongation of APTT (42.8%), leukocytopenia (44.4%), alanine transaminase elevation (28.6%), elevated serum creatinine (23.8%) and injection site skin redness (14.3%). Circulating B cells transiently decreased without significant effects on T cells or immunoglobulin levels. Pharmacokinetic data revealed that mean maximum observed SM03 concentration and mean AUC from time zero to infinity increased in a dose-dependent manner up to 360 mg/m2 SM03. Mean clearance was similar at doses ≤360 mg/m2 and decreased significantly at dose 480 mg/m2, supporting saturation of B-cell binding at 360 mg/m2. Across all dose levels and histologies, one patient achieved partial response at 480 mg/m2 dose; 14 patients had stable disease as best response and four patients progressed. Overall, SM03 was tolerated at doses ranging from 60–480 mg/m2 and had potential efficacy in Chinese patients with follicular lymphoma.  相似文献   

The safety and pharmacokinetics assessment of antibodies targeting CD22 (e.g., epratuzumab) have been established in western Caucasian populations, but there are no reports of the effects in Chinese populations. This dose-escalation study examines the safety, pharmacokinetics and biologic effects of multiple doses of anti-CD22 human-murine chimeric monoclonal antibody SM03 in 21 Chinese patients with CD22-positive non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Most of drug-related adverse events (AEs) were mild and reversible. Two patients experienced serious AEs (hemorrhage); one patient had grade 4 neutropenia; one patient had asymptomatic grade III prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). Major AEs included fever (71%), prolongation of APTT (42.8%), leukocytopenia (44.4%), alanine transaminase elevation (28.6%), elevated serum creatinine (23.8%) and injection site skin redness (14.3%). Circulating B cells transiently decreased without significant effects on T cells or immunoglobulin levels. Pharmacokinetic data revealed that mean maximum observed SM03 concentration and mean AUC from time zero to infinity increased in a dose-dependent manner up to 360 mg/m2 SM03. Mean clearance was similar at doses ≤ 360 mg/m2 and decreased significantly at dose 480 mg/m2, supporting saturation of B-cell binding at 360 mg/m2. Across all dose levels and histologies, one patient achieved partial response at 480 mg/m2 dose; 14 patients had stable disease as best response and four patients progressed. Overall, SM03 was tolerated at doses ranging from 60–480 mg/m2 and had potential efficacy in Chinese patients with follicular lymphoma.  相似文献   

This first-in-human study examined the safety and pharmacokinetics of ch-mAb7F9, an anti-methamphetamine monoclonal antibody, in healthy volunteers. Single, escalating doses of ch-mAb7F9 over the range of 0.2 to 20 mg/kg were administered to 42 subjects who were followed for 147 d. Safety was measured by physical examinations, adverse events, vital signs, electrocardiograms, and clinical laboratory testing. Serum ch-mAb7F9 concentration and immunogenicity analyses were performed. There were no serious adverse reactions or discontinuations from the study due to adverse events. No trends emerged in the frequency, relatedness, or severity of adverse events with increased dose or between active and placebo treated subjects. Ch-mAb7F9 displayed expected IgG pharmacokinetic parameters, including a half-life of 17–19 d in the 3 highest dose groups and volume of distribution of 5–6 L, suggesting the antibody is confined primarily to the vascular compartment. Four (12.5%) of the 32 subjects receiving ch-mAb7F9 were confirmed to have developed a human anti-chimeric antibody response by the end of the study; however, this response did not appear to be dose related. Overall, no apparent safety or tolerability concerns were identified; a maximum tolerated dose was not reached in this Phase 1 study. Ch-mAb7F9 therefore appears safe for human administration.  相似文献   

This first-in-human study examined the safety and pharmacokinetics of ch-mAb7F9, an anti-methamphetamine monoclonal antibody, in healthy volunteers. Single, escalating doses of ch-mAb7F9 over the range of 0.2 to 20 mg/kg were administered to 42 subjects who were followed for 147 d. Safety was measured by physical examinations, adverse events, vital signs, electrocardiograms, and clinical laboratory testing. Serum ch-mAb7F9 concentration and immunogenicity analyses were performed. There were no serious adverse reactions or discontinuations from the study due to adverse events. No trends emerged in the frequency, relatedness, or severity of adverse events with increased dose or between active and placebo treated subjects. Ch-mAb7F9 displayed expected IgG pharmacokinetic parameters, including a half-life of 17–19 d in the 3 highest dose groups and volume of distribution of 5–6 L, suggesting the antibody is confined primarily to the vascular compartment. Four (12.5%) of the 32 subjects receiving ch-mAb7F9 were confirmed to have developed a human anti-chimeric antibody response by the end of the study; however, this response did not appear to be dose related. Overall, no apparent safety or tolerability concerns were identified; a maximum tolerated dose was not reached in this Phase 1 study. Ch-mAb7F9 therefore appears safe for human administration.  相似文献   

 At our laboratory we are currently evaluating the suitability of mouse/human chimeric monoclonal antibodies (cmAb) for use in radioimmunotherapy of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). We have developed cmAb containing the human constant IgG1 domain and the variable domains of murine mAb (mmAb) E48 and U36 respectively. We considered the tumour-bearing nude mouse to be a well-validated model for a first testing of the targeting capabilities of these cmAb in comparison with the mmAb. Therefore, 3 μg cmAb E48 (labelled with 125I) and 3 μg mmAb E48 (labelled with 131I) were simultaneously injected into HNSCC-bearing nude mice and, at various assay times, mAb uptake in blood and other tissues was assessed. Remarkably, while in roughly 50% of the animals the biodistribution of the conjugates was similar, in the other animals cmAb E48 showed a much higher blood clearance than mmAb E48. This resulted in a lower tumour uptake of cmAb E48 in comparison with mmAb E48. To determine whether this phenomenon was related to mAb E48 or to the animal model, other cmAb-mmAb combinations were evaluated in the same way: cmAbs SF-25, 17-1A and U36 (all IgG1) were tested and all showed a rapid elimination in about 50% of the animals. Besides a decrease in blood concentration, an increase of cmAb levels in liver and spleen was observed within 24 h after injection. Isotype-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays showed that mice that demonstrated a rapid elimination of cmAb from the blood had much lower endogenous IgG1, IgG2b and IgG3 titres than mice showing normal clearance. IgG2a levels were low in all mice. Biodistribution experiments with 3 μg chimeric 17-1A isoforms showed high blood clearance in a proportion of the mice for IgG1, IgG3 and IgG4, but not for IgG2. Increase of the cmAb dose to 100 μg resulted in a similar cmAb and mmAb biodistribution in all mice. Moreover, the biodistribution of the F(ab′)2 fragment of an IgG1 cmAb was similar for all mice in contrast to that of coinjected whole IgG. On the basis of these results it can be hypothesized that, in mice with low endogenous IgG titres, cmAb with specific isotypes are rapidly removed from the blood (and ultimately from the body) by mediation of Fc-binding receptors. Apparently, in mice with high endogenous IgG titres or in mice receiving a high cmAb dose, these receptors are saturated. Furthermore, the rapid elimination of cmAb from nude mice, which may occur after injection at a low dose, is a phenomenon related to the nude mouse model. Received: 26 July 1996 / Accepted: 16 January 1997  相似文献   

Microgravity can influence cell growth and function. A transfected Sp2/0 myeloma cell line P3A2 producing a human IgG1 anti-TNF monoclonal antibody was cultivated in static culture, spinner flasks and simulated microgravity using a rotating wall vessel bioreactor. Microgravity significantly decreased cell growth (from 1.7×106 to 7.9×105 cells/ml), but facilitated the synthesis of antibodies, (1.8, 1.3 and 0.5 g of anti-TNF hmAb per 106 viable cells for cells cultivated under microgravity, in spinner flasks and static cultures, respectively). The results suggest that microgravity could be applied to improve the specific productivity of cell lines producing potentially important therapeutic proteins.  相似文献   

The human anti-(mouse Ig) antibody (HAMA) response was measured in serum of 52 patients suspected of having ovarian carcinoma who had received an i.v. injection of either the murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) OV-TL 3 F(ab)2 (n=28, 1 mg) or the chimeric mouse/human mAb MOv18 (cMOv18;n=24, 3 mg). Serum samples were taken before injection and 2–3 and 6–14 weeks after administration. A double-antigen or bridging assay was developed to detect responses against both murine as well as chimeric antibodies. In addition, an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as well as three commercially available assays were used to study antibody response against the murine antibody OV-TL 3. With both the double-antigen (bridging) assay and the indirect ELISA 1 of the 28 patients (4%) injected with murine OV-TL 3 F(ab)2 showed a HAMA reaction 6 weeks after injection, which was demonstrated to be a mixed anti-isotypic and anti-idiotypic response. None of the 24 patients injected with the chimeric MOv18 showed an anti-chimeric antibody response. The various commercially available assays demonstrated conflicting results. The double-antigen-or bridging assay is a reliable method to detect anti-murine and antichimeric antibodies. The assay can be easily adapted for use with human antibodies. The immunogenicity of OV-TL 3 F(ab)2 and cMOv18 in patients is low, making both antibodies candidates for immunotherapy.This work was supported by a clinical research grant of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO 900-716-020) and by the Biocare Foundation (grant 92-05).  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CALR) is recurrently mutated in myelofibrosis via a frameshift that removes an endoplasmic reticulum retention signal, creating a neoepitope potentially targetable by immunotherapeutic approaches. We developed a specific rat monoclonal IgG2α antibody, 4D7, directed against the common sequence encoded by both insertion and deletion mutations. 4D7 selectively bound to cells co‐expressing mutant CALR and thrombopoietin receptor (TpoR) and blocked JAK‐STAT signalling, TPO‐independent proliferation and megakaryocyte differentiation of mutant CALR myelofibrosis progenitors by disrupting the binding of CALR dimers to TpoR. Importantly, 4D7 inhibited proliferation of patient samples with both insertion and deletion CALR mutations but not JAK2 V617F and prolonged survival in xenografted bone marrow models of mutant CALR‐dependent myeloproliferation. Together, our data demonstrate a novel therapeutic approach to target a problematic disease driven by a recurrent somatic mutation that would normally be considered undruggable.  相似文献   

Ganglioside GD3, which is one of the major gangliosides expressed on the cell surface of human tumors of neuroectodermal origin has been focused on as a target molecule for passive immunotherapy. We have cloned the cDNA encoding the immunoglobulin light and heavy chains of an anti-GD3 monoclonal antibody KM641 (murine IgG3, ), and constructed the chimeric genes by linking the cDNA fragments of the murine light and heavy variable regions to cDNA fragments of the human and 1 constant regions, respectively. The transfer of these cDNA constructs into SP2/0 mouse myeloma cells resulted in the production of the chimeric antibody, designated KM871, that retained specific binding activity to GD3. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed the same staining pattern for chimeric KM871 and the mouse counterpart KM641 on GD3-expressing melanoma cells. When human serum and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were used as effectors in complement-mediated cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity respectively, the chimeric KM871 was more effective in killing GD3-expressing tumor cells than was the mouse counterpart KM641. Intravenous injection of chimeric KM871 markedly suppressed tumor growth in nude mice. The chimeric KM871, having enhanced antitumor activities and less immunogenicity than the mouse counterpart, would be a useful agent for passive immunotherapy of human cancer.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic (PK) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) assays are essential to the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAb) during drug development. These methods require reagents with a high degree of specificity because low concentrations of therapeutic antibody need to be detected in samples containing high concentrations of endogenous human immunoglobulins. Current assay reagent generation practices are labor-intensive and time-consuming. Moreover, these practices are molecule-specific and so only support one assay for one program at a time. Here, we describe a strategy to generate a unique assay reagent, 10C4, that preferentially recognizes a panel of recombinant human mAbs over endogenous human immunoglobulins. This “panel-specific” feature enables the reagent to be used in PK and IHC assays for multiple structurally-related therapeutic mAbs. Characterization revealed that the 10C4 epitope is conformational, extensive and mainly composed of non-CDR residues. Most key contact residues were conserved among structurally-related therapeutic mAbs, but the combination of these residues exists at low prevalence in endogenous human immunoglobulins. Interestingly, an indirect contact residue on the heavy chain of the therapeutic appears to play a critical role in determining whether or not it can bind to 10C4, but has no affect on target binding. This may allow us to improve the binding of therapeutic mAbs to 10C4 for assay development in the future. Here, for the first time, we present a strategy to develop a panel-specific reagent that can expedite the development of multiple clinical assays for structurally-related therapeutic mAbs.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the effects of interactions between growth factors and heparin-like glycosaminoglycans on untransformed human arterial smooth muscle cells (hASMC) in vitro. The results indicate that heparin in the presence of serum mitogens prevents the cells from entering the S phase of the cell cycle by binding and inactivating reversibly some serum mitogen(s). Our results suggest that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is one of them and that it is the most potent stimulator of hASMC growth in vitro. Thymidine incorporation as well as increase in DNA content was inhibited not only by the presence of heparin in serum-containing medium but also when serum was chromatographed on Heparin-Sepharose at physiologic salt concentrations before exposure to the cells. The mitogenic activity of the unretained serum fraction was restored by the addition of PDGF AA, AB, or BB dimers or of a fraction (RF I) that dissociated from Heparin-Sepharose at 0.2 to 0.6M NaCl. Radiolabeled recombinant PDGF (c-sis) dissociated from Heparin-Sepharose within a concentration range of NaCl similar to that of RF I. Neither the unretained material nor the RF I or PDGF dimers were effective alone. The effect of RF I was significantly decreased by the addition of an anti-PDGF IgG that is known to neutralize the PDGF mitogenic activity partially. Addition of heparin abolished DNA-synthesis when the PDGF dimers or RF I were combined with the unretained fraction. A second fraction (RF II) bound strongly to Heparin-Sepharose and eluted between 1.1 and 1.6M NaCl. The RF II also induced DNA synthesis but was neither as efficient as RF I nor depending on other serum fractions for growth promotion and it was not inhibited by anti-PDGF IgG. A similar strong affinity for Heparin-Sepharose was found for labeled basic fibroblast growth factor and we cannot exclude the possibility that RF II represent fibroblast growth factor. Under these culture conditions, inhibition of hASMC proliferation was directly correlated with the expression of smooth muscle specific alpha actin isoforms in stress fibers and the suppression of a proliferating cell-specific nuclear antigen. Conversely, stimulation of hASMC proliferation was associated with the opposite phenomenon. We conclude that heparin-like glycosaminoglycans influence growth and phenotype of hASMCs in vitro by binding and inactivating PDGF. Inasmuch as heparin-like substances constitute a significant proportion of the proteoglycan-associated glycosaminoglycans of the arterial wall, such mechanisms might be important for the development of atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules have been considered as a good target molecule for use in immunotherapy, because of the high expression in some lymphoma and leukaemia cells and, also, because of their restricted expression on human cells (monocytes, dendritic, B lymphocytes, thymic epithelial cells, and some cytokine-activated cells, such as T lymphocytes). We have obtained a human IgM monoclonal antibody directed against human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II molecules, using transgenic mice carrying human Ig genes. The antibody BH1 (IgM/κ isotype) recognises HLA-class II on the surface of tumour cells from patients suffering from haematological malignancies, such as chronic and acute lymphocytic leukaemias, non-Hodgkin lymphomas and myeloid leukaemias. Interestingly, functional studies revealed that BH1 mAb recognises and kills very efficiently tumour cells from several leukaemia patients in the presence of human serum as a source of complement. These results suggest that this human IgM monoclonal antibody against HLA-class II could be considered as a potential agent in the treatment of several malignancies. Belén Díaz, Irene Sanjuan and Susana Magadán share authorship; Francisco Gambón and áfrica González–Fernández share leadership.  相似文献   

Tang B  Yu S  Zheng M  Ding F  Zhao R  Zhao J  Dai Y  Li N 《Transgenic research》2008,17(4):727-732
Rituximab, a chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, is one of the most successful biomedicines and has been used to treat at least 370,000 patients with indolent, aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other malignant diseases. However, the global demand for rituximab and other therapeutic monoclonal antibodies is exponentially increasing and barely able to be met by current manufacturing capacities of mammalian cell culture. The mammary gland bioreactor has been regarded as an ideal substitute for mammalian cell culture to mass-produce recombinant monoclonal antibodies at the lowest possible cost. Here, we show a feasible model to produce recombinant anti-CD20 antibodies in the mammary glands of transgenic animals. Six lines of transgenic mice were generated by co-microinjection of the two expression cassettes that can specially express the chimeric light and heavy chain of anti-CD20 mAbs in the milk of transgenic animals. The recombinant antibodies were detected in the milk of transgenic mice with the highest expression level up to 17 microg/mul and could specifically bind the CD20 surface antigens on human B-lymphoma cells.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibody FU-MK-1, raised against a human gastric adenocarcinoma, recognizes a glycoprotein antigen (termed MK-1 antigen) present on most carcinomas and seems to be valuable in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy of various cancers. In a recent study, we constructed a mouse/human chimeric antibody, designated Ch FU-MK-1, by fusing the FU-MK-1 VH and Vκ genes to the human Cγ1 and Cκ genes, respectively. In the present study, we tested combination immunotherapy of Ch FU-MK-1 with human lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells in vitro and in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) bearing human MK-1-expressing tumors. In in vitro experiments, Ch FU-MK-1 effectively mediated antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) against MK-1-expressing MKN-74 cells, which was completely blocked by an anti-FcR antibody. Since the apoptotic pathway as well as the necrotic pathway have been shown to be utilized in various cytotoxic effector mechanisms, we investigated the role of apoptosis in ADCC mediated by LAK cells and Ch FU-MK-1 against MKN-74 cells. The implication of the apoptosis during ADCC was demonstrated by means of both a terminal-deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end-labeling assay and a propidium iodide staining method. In vivo antitumor activity of combination treatment with LAK cells and Ch FU-MK-1 was estimated using SCID mice inoculated s.c. with MKN-74 cells. The i.v. administration of LAK cells and i.p. administration of Ch FU-MK-1 and interleukin-2 (IL-2) produced a marked growth inhibition of MKN-74 tumors in SCID mice. When the actual tumor weights were measured 16 days after initiation of treatment, more than 70% reduction was observed in the group receiving LAK cells plus Ch FU-MK-1 plus IL-2 as compared to the control untreated group. Together these results suggest that Ch FU-MK-1 may serve as a potentially useful immunotherapeutic reagent for human MK-1-expressing tumors. Received: 27 November 1998 / Accepted: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary Synthetic oligopeptides were used to study the specificity of the interaction between heparin and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in competition experiments. DNA synthesis in PDGF-dependent human arterial smooth muscle cell (hASMC) cultures was used as a biological tracer of PDGF activity. Oligo-108-124 (corresponding to amino acid residues 108-124 of the long PDGF A-chain isoform) had no effect on DNA synthesis in itself but competed at 10−10 M concentration effectively with PDGF for binding to heparin and released the block on thymidine incorporation induced by heparin. Poly-lysine-serine (lysine:serine ratio 3:1) was also effective but at a considerably higher concentration (10−6 M). Poly-arginine-serine did not compete with PDGF for heparin as deduced from the cell assay. This suggested that among basic amino acids, lysine was more important than arginine for heparin binding. Deletion of lysine residues 115 and 116 in Oligo-108-124 abolished its effect on the interaction between PDGF and heparin in the cell assay. Likewise, Oligo-69-84 (corresponding to the PDGF A-chain residues 69–84), with three lysine residues interrupted by a proline, was ineffective. In Oligo-108-124, the lysine residues are interrupted by an arginine. Our results suggested that the binding between PDGF and heparin is specific and that the amino acid sequence [-Lys115-Lys116-Arg117-Lys118-Arg119-] is of major importance. They do not however, exclude other domains of the PDGF A or B chains as additional binding sites for heparin nor do they exclude the possibility that heparin and the PDGF receptor share a common binding site.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species generated by NADPH oxidase 5 (Nox5) have been implicated in physiological and pathophysiological signaling pathways, including cancer development and progression. However, because immunological tools are lacking, knowledge of the role of Nox5 in tumor biology has been limited; the expression of Nox5 protein across tumors and normal tissues is essentially unknown. Here, we report the characterization and use of a mouse monoclonal antibody against a recombinant Nox5 protein (bp 600–746) for expression profiling of Nox5 in human tumors by tissue microarray analysis. Using our novel antibody, we also report the detection of endogenous Nox5 protein in human UACC-257 melanoma cells. Immunofluorescence, confocal microscopy, and immunohistochemical techniques were employed to demonstrate Nox5 localization throughout UACC-257 cells, with perinuclear enhancement. Tissue microarray analysis revealed, for the first time, substantial Nox5 overexpression in several human cancers, including those of prostate, breast, colon, lung, brain, and ovary, as well as in malignant melanoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma; expression in most nonmalignant tissues was negative to weak. This validated mouse monoclonal antibody will promote further exploration of the functional significance of Nox5 in human pathophysiology, including tumor cell growth and proliferation.  相似文献   

In preparing for testing a pharmaceutical grade preparation of chimeric (mouse/human) antibody CGP 47 439 in HIV-1 infected individuals, it was administered toMacaca fascicularis (cynomolgus) monkeys to study tolerability, immunogenicity and pharmacokinetics. Four groups of monkeys, three males and three females per group, received respectively four infusions of 0, 1.43, 4.3, and 14.3 mg of CGP 47 4391 kg body weight at one-week intervals. The chimeric antibody induced no fever, was tolerated well throughout the 50-day observation period, elicited no tissue damage and no anti-antibody response. The pharmacokinetic profile was similar at all dose levels with a mean T1/2 of 14.2 h (range 11.8–19.3 h) and a mean T1/2 of 172.6h (range 137.2–220.5h). Following four successive antibody infusions serum concentrations of CGP 47 439 increased without reaching a steady state, and its measured concentrations were comparable to the simulated values. Collectively the study has provided safety and pharmacokinetic data that would allow human studies with this antibody in AIDS patients.  相似文献   

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