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2022年3-4月,重庆市文物考古研究院与西北大学文化遗产学院联合在渝西北涪江流域开展了旧石器考古专项调查。调查队在涪江下游各级阶地新发现旧石器地点46处,采集石制品833件,绝大部分石制品因脱层而暴露于地表,少量出自地层断面。石制品原料单一,剥片技术多样,类型丰富,形态与尺寸差异极大。从技术与类型方面来看,至少包含了砾石石器工业、石片石器工业和阿舍利石器工业,尤其是手斧、手镐、薄刃斧等器物组合和大石片技术产品是本次调查的主要发现。综合地质、阶地地貌及地层堆积物特征分析,这些遗址的时代跨度可能不大,大致应集中在中-晚更新世。本次调查发现表明,涪江流域也是古人类迁徙扩散和生存演化的活跃地带,尤其是对阿舍利手斧技术的分布和传播路径研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2011年9月10日-12日,洛南盆地旧石器考古发掘现场会在陕西省洛南县召开.1995年以来,陕西省考古研究院、洛南县博物馆、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、南京大学、加拿大皇家安大略博物馆和澳大利亚La Trobe大学等国内、外学术机构研究人员持续努力,在洛南盆地系统地发掘了花石浪龙牙洞遗址,并发现了十分密集的旷野旧石器地点群.2010年秋季以来,孟洼遗址和张豁口遗址的发掘取得突破性进展,从遗址黄土堆积地层中发掘出土包括7件手斧在内的大量石制品.来自国内20余家科研机构和大学的旧石器考古界的40余名学者齐集于此,为洛南旧石器考古事业献计献策.  相似文献   

本文报道了1994年在南水北调中线工程丹江口库区多处地点采集的624件石制品。石制品类型有石核、石片和石器;石器占44%以上, 类型丰富, 包括手斧、手镐、薄刃斧、砍砸器、石球、尖状器、刮削器和石锤; 石器素材主要为砾石, 大多数个体粗大。这一石器组合与中国南方的砾石石器工业有较多的相似之处; 手斧工具的出现表明,这些石制品在探讨东、西方的旧石器文化交流方面也是非常重要的材料。  相似文献   

三维重建技术已广泛应用于考古发掘、研究、展示等各个领域。通过对石制品的三维重建,可以帮助我们获取更加精准的数据信息,一些过去只能估算的测量指标得以精准化,由此催生出许多新的研究方法。本文回顾了十几年来三维重建方法在石器分析研究中的实例,如石制品的表面积、体积测量,台面、砾石面/人工面、片疤的精确数值获取,以及三维空间中打击方向、角度的判定等等,有效推动了石制品的深入研究。不同的三维重建技术各有优劣,多视角三维重建技术不受设备、场地、人员技术要求的限制,能够快速、准确地建立石制品的三维模型,并且获取如面积、体积、角度等通常难以准确测量的数据信息,其生成的点云、数字高程模型、正射影像图等还可以导入其他软件拓展使用。该技术的诸多优点,使其可以成为旧石器考古发掘、研究的日常工具。  相似文献   

2016年以来,河南省文物考古研究院等单位在河南三门峡地区进行旧石器考古调查,在灵宝窄口水库周边发现旧石器地点8处、石制品74件及少量动物化石;石制品中有47件出自地层。石制品主要埋藏在黄土堆积和河流相堆积中,原料以石英岩为主,类型包括石器、石核、石片、断块等。石核包括单台面石核、双台面石核、盘状石核和多台面石核;石片以锤击石片为主;石器主要为刮削器和砍砸器,也有似手斧和凹缺器等。从技术和类型上判断,该地区的石器工业属于中国北方旧石器时代早期普遍存在的石核-石片工业。石制品多出自黄土-古土壤条带L11~S5之间,年代范围为0.99~0.48 MaBP,属旧石器时代早期。本次调查成果表明,该地区具有发现更多、更重要旧石器时代遗址并开展深入考古发掘与研究的潜力。  相似文献   

残留物分析是西方上世纪七十年代发展起来的考古标本功能分析技术,现今已经在我国得到了初步发展和应用,但由于考古标本年代、埋藏环境、器类等方面的差异,针对不同标本的残留物分析手段也不尽相同,旧石器时代考古标本因其年代和性质上的特殊性成为了残留物分析的难点。西方目前已有许多通过各种试验方法进行的旧石器石制品残留物分析实例,而我国至今对旧石器时代石制品的此方面研究还没有先例。本文以水洞沟遗址石制品植物残留物处理为例,简要介绍旧石器时代石制品的植物残留物实验室处理流程、观测方法及注意事项。  相似文献   

2010~2012年在陕西洛南盆地旧石器遗址调查中新发现夜塬地点,采集石核、石片、断块、碎片及工具等石制品617件。工具包含砍砸器、手斧、薄刃斧、大型石刀、刮削器、尖状器、雕刻器等。石制品原料为第二级阶地附近砾石层及河漫滩上的砾石,以颜色不同的石英岩及石英为主,石英砂岩及细砂岩偶有使用。石制品尺寸多为小型及中型,但工具中修理精致的手斧、薄刃斧和石刀等大型工具尺寸较大。剥片主要采用锤击法,砸击法与碰砧法也少量应用,石核剥片率较高。工具毛坯主要为石片,刃缘多两面修理。根据以往在洛南盆地的相关研究推测,该地点石制品的年代大致为中更新世晚期到晚更新世早期。夜塬地点新发现的石制品丰富了洛南地区的旧石器材料,有益于进一步探讨莫维斯线以东含阿舍利技术遗址的文化属性。  相似文献   

中国的手斧   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
越来越多的考古发现表明:中国不缺少手斧,东亚、南亚其他地区也不缺少手斧;手斧在这里某些旧石器初期工业中扮演着一个不容忽视的角色;这类工业的工具组合和欧非手斧文化有许多相似之处。上述发现逐步填平东西方文化上的“鸿沟”,表明两大地区的文化交流早在旧石器初期可能已经存在。  相似文献   

2004年丹江口库区调查发现的石制品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年在丹江口库区发现并复查了43处旧石器旷野地点, 共采集石制品367件。石制品包括石核、石片和石器, 石器类型主要有刮削器、砍砸器、石球、手镐、手斧等。这些旷野地点分布在沿江两岸的第2、第3和第4级阶地上, 时代从旧石器早期延续到晚期。各阶地的石器工业面貌较为一致, 表现出以砾石及大中型石片加工而成的重型工具为主的特点。手镐、手斧等具有阿舍利技术特征的重型工具的发现, 促使我们重新思考东、西方早期文化之间的异同, 并为进一步探讨早期人类的迁徙、扩散和区域间的文化交流提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

广西百色盆地旧石器工业因含有众多的手斧且年代早到803 kaBP而闻名于世。盆地内发育有7级河流阶地,其中第IV级阶地发现有手斧和玻璃陨石。自从1973年第一个石器地点被发现,越来越多的遗址或地点被调查发现和发掘。以前研究认为,百色盆地旧石器只出自网纹红土层,年代均为803 kaBP。2013年以前,通常只在土状堆积的上部发掘,从来没有人对第IV级阶地的沉积物从地表到底部砾石层进行系统发掘,因此关于第IV级阶地的整体地层堆积情况及含石器层位很模糊。2013-2014年,广西文物保护与考古研究所会同田东县博物馆对百色盆地最重要的旧石器遗址之一——田东高岭坡遗址进行了系统的考古发掘。此次发掘从遗址的地表往下一直发掘到砾石层,揭露出厚度超过7m的完整地层序列,发现1处小型石器制造场和1处用火遗迹。在不同地层中发现石制品800多件,包括砍砸器、手镐、刮削器等。涵盖旧石器和新石器两个时代。根据地层对比和石制品的特征及测年结果,我们把旧石器时代文化遗存可分为3期:第一期的年代早于或等于803 kaBP,第二期为15 kaBP,第三期约为10 kaBP。  相似文献   

打制石器是了解古人类认知、技术、行为等信息的重要物质载体之一,如何能够更加方便地观察绘制、测量以及展示石器是旧石器时代考古学中基础的研究内容.目前多视角影像三维重建技术在中国考古界应用越来越广泛,尤其是Agisoft PhotoScan软件的应用.相比其他类型遗物,石器的形制及片疤样式具有独特性,在建模过程难度较大.我...  相似文献   

关莹  周振宇 《人类学学报》2022,41(1):169-179
从考古学诞生之初,对抽象数据的解读与分析就一直伴随。对于旧石器考古学而言,“人工制品”成为了传达史前物质文化信息的主要载体,对人工制品中所提取的数据进行科学解读,成为了复原古代人类历史的关键步骤。数据科学在旧石器考古学中的应用具有三个主要因素,分别是数理统计学、计算机应用,以及旧石器考古学的基础数据与核心科学问题以及理论知识,即采用某种或多种逻辑将旧石器考古学领域的数据进行基于计算机平台的数理统计,并借助计算机语言对庞大的数据进行快速计算,从而帮助我们解释和重建史前人类社会。在目前的旧石器考古学领域,研究者们已经不再满足于对标本所进行的基础的描述性信息统计,对数据进行科学的处理并系统解读的诉求前所未有的强烈,这种诉求不断推动着学科的发展,深化了我们原本对史前社会的认识,甚至开拓出了新的研究领域,极大地推动了旧石器考古学的发展。本文就数据科学的概念、技术路线,以及在旧石器考古学中的应用历史与发展前景做详细介绍,希望通过系统性的梳理,使更多读者熟悉相关的研究手段与具体技术,使更多考古学者对数据科学的应用产生兴趣,从而应用于相关的项目研究中。  相似文献   

The sclerotized attachment organ of monogeneans has been widely used to address fundamental questions in ecology and evolution. However, traditional morphometric techniques appear to be partially inadequate and non-optimal. Traditional linear measurements mainly provide information on the size of sclerites but provide very little information, if any, on their shape. The shape of sclerites is indeed virtually unexplored and its implication for ecological and evolutionary processes remains to be analyzed. This study aims to both introduce and illustrate the use of geometric morphometrics in order to study sclerites of monogeneans in a biogeographic context. To do this, we investigated morphological variation patterns among four populations from the Pacific Ocean and six monogenean species through traditional and geometric morphometric techniques. Unlike the traditional method, the geometric morphometric method yielded a high percentage of individuals correctly classified to the four populations, providing strong evidence for phenotypic variability, divergence and local adaptation among islands without evolutionary constraint. Moreover, the traditional method also resulted in inconsistent interpretations of shape variations. This study highlighted the limitations that may arise when using traditional morphometric techniques and emphasizes that considerable information about the shape of sclerotized haptoral parts is added by using geometric morphometrics. Given the prominent taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary role of the haptor for characterizing monogeneans, we ultimately discuss the potential broad use of geometric morphometrics in a wide variety of ecological and evolutionary contexts. This powerful approach might allow a more robust estimation of the extent to which traditional evolutionary theories based on size of sclerites are congruent with their shape.  相似文献   

三维几何形态学概述及其在昆虫学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白明  杨星科 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1105-1111
长期以来二维(two-dimensional, 2D)数据是几何形态学(geometric morphometrics)分析的最主要的数据类型,在推动几何形态学的发展过程中起到了奠基性的作用,并也解决了很多重大的科学问题,展示了几何形态学强大的科学计算能力与问题解决能力。但有些特殊的科学问题或者特殊的形态结构,无法通过二维数据完美解决,亟需大规模、大尺度三维(three-dimensional, 3D)数据的支持,这对几何形态学的三维化发展提出需求。更重要的是,随着三维数据获取成本的日渐降低,大量三维数据涌现出来。因此,三维几何形态学应运而生。本文对三维几何形态学的原理及其应用进行了概述,重点探讨了三维几何形态学与二维几何形态学的异同点,并对前者的两个发展阶段(少量样本的形态模拟与准定量比较及大量样本的定量比较)进行了概述,评价了四维数据和有限元等方法的应用,指出了该方法在昆虫学领域的发展潜力,最后对该方法在样本量增加、硬件提升、数据分辨率提高、新算法的开发、分析结果的呈现及3D打印等方面的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Lithic refitting studies have consistently contributed to address two specific research aims: the intra-site mobility and identification of preferential areas or latent structures, and the in-depth analysis of the knapping technologies and core reduction strategies. Multiple refits, in particular, can produce highly detailed data on knapped stone technology. Elucidating human skills and lithic economy, a potential still rarely evaluated for Discoid technology: a stone knapping method largely spread across the Middle Paleolithic of Europe. The opportunity to explore Neanderthal knapping behavior is provided from the remarkable discovery of a primary lithic waste concentration in the Mousterian Discoid level of the Grotta di Fumane, Italy, dated to at least 47.6 ky cal BP. With a combined approach that included the 3D virtual interaction, we were able to reproduce a complete reduction sequence that supports the technological analysis conducted on the lithic assemblage. Results lead to a better comprehension of the knapper's technological and technical behavior, including the detection and quantification of economic objectives and productivity.  相似文献   

Since teeth are resistant to decomposition processes, they provide important and at times unique sources of information about fossil humans. Fortunately, dental remains reflect significant evolutionary changes. These changes make a very important and often exclusive contribution to the definition of new taxa or the attribution of fossil specimens to existing taxa.The traditional approach to dental morphometric analyses usually focuses on the recording of several measures of the tooth with calipers, especially the two basic crown diameters (buccolingual and mesiodistal). However, since these measures do not adequately represent the complex morphology of the tooth, 2D images and 3D digital models of dental morphology have been used. For both types of analysis, the possibility of correctly comparing homologous teeth depends on the adoption of a common orientation system. The lack of such a system makes it difficult to compare the results of different studies.Here we describe a new method for orienting teeth specifically devised for the upper and lower first molar (M1). Samples of unworn maxillary (n = 15) and mandibular (n = 15) first molars of modern humans were scanned with a Roland Picza 3D digitizer. The 3D virtual models were used to compare our new orientation method with those proposed in the literature. The new orientation system, which meets a geometric criterion, is based on three points identified on the cervical line and ensures acceptable repeatability of the spatial positioning and orientation independent of the shape and wear of the first molar under investigation. This orientation system is a first step toward the creation of a virtual set of hominid and fossil human first molars, which will allow us to make comparisons via a sophisticated and noninvasive approach. This pilot study also provides guidelines to extend the new methodology to the other types of teeth.  相似文献   

The quantification of complex morphological patterns typically involves comprehensive shape and size analyses, usually obtained by gathering morphological data from all the structures that capture the phenotypic diversity of an organism or object. Articulated structures are a critical component of overall phenotypic diversity, but data gathered from these structures are difficult to incorporate into modern analyses because of the complexities associated with jointly quantifying 3D shape in multiple structures. While there are existing methods for analyzing shape variation in articulated structures in two‐dimensional (2D) space, these methods do not work in 3D, a rapidly growing area of capability and research. Here, we describe a simple geometric rigid rotation approach that removes the effect of random translation and rotation, enabling the morphological analysis of 3D articulated structures. Our method is based on Cartesian coordinates in 3D space, so it can be applied to any morphometric problem that also uses 3D coordinates (e.g., spherical harmonics). We demonstrate the method by applying it to a landmark‐based dataset for analyzing shape variation using geometric morphometrics. We have developed an R tool (ShapeRotator) so that the method can be easily implemented in the commonly used R package geomorph and MorphoJ software. This method will be a valuable tool for 3D morphological analyses in articulated structures by allowing an exhaustive examination of shape and size diversity.  相似文献   

The Neanderthal taxonomic position is a matter of wide disagreement among paleoanthropologists. Some workers consider this fossil human group to represent a different species, Homo neanderthalensis, while others see it as a subspecies of Homo sapiens. This study developed two models of morphological variation to be applied to a comparison between Neanderthals and modern humans: modern human populations provided a measure of intra-specific variation, while the species and subspecies of Pan provided measures of both intra- and inter-specific morphological differences. Although such an approach has been advocated strongly, it has not been systematically undertaken until recently. The techniques of geometric morphometrics were used to collect data in the form of three-dimensional coordinates of craniofacial landmarks. The data were processed using generalized procrustes analysis, and analyzed by an array of multivariate statistical methods, including principal components analysis, canonical variates analysis and Mahalanobis D(2). The morphological distances between Neanderthals and modern humans, and between Neanderthals and Late Paleolithic/early anatomically modern specimens, are consistently greater than the distances among recent human populations, and greater than the distances between the two chimpanzee species. Furthermore, no strong morphological similarities were found between Neanderthals and Late Paleolithic Europeans. This study does not find evidence for Neanderthal contribution to the evolution of modern Europeans. Results are consistent with the recognition of Neanderthals as a distinct species.  相似文献   



Growing demand for three dimensional (3D) digital images of embryos for purposes of phenotypic assessment drives implementation of new histological and imaging techniques. Among these micro-computed tomography (μCT) has recently been utilized as an effective and practical method for generating images at resolutions permitting 3D quantitative analysis of gross morphological attributes of developing tissues and organs in embryonic mice. However, histological processing in preparation for μCT scanning induces changes in organ size and shape. Establishing normative expectations for experimentally induced changes in size and shape will be an important feature of 3D μCT-based phenotypic assessments, especially if quantifying differences in the values of those parameters between comparison sets of developing embryos is a primary aim. Toward that end, we assessed the nature and degree of morphological artifacts attending μCT scanning following use of common fixatives, using a two dimensional (2D) landmark geometric morphometric approach to track the accumulation of distortions affecting the embryonic head from the native, uterine state through to fixation and subsequent scanning.  相似文献   

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