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Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) occurs in smooth muscle as spontaneous SR Ca(2+) release or Ca(2+) sparks and, in some spiking tissues, as Ca(2+) release that is triggered by the activation of sarcolemmal Ca(2+) channels. Both processes display spatial localization in that release occurs at a higher frequency at specific subcellular regions. We have used two-photon flash photolysis (TPFP) of caged Ca(2+) (DMNP-EDTA) in Fluo-4-loaded urinary bladder smooth muscle cells to determine the extent to which spatially localized increases in Ca(2+) activate SR release and to further understand the molecular and biophysical processes underlying CICR. TPFP resulted in localized Ca(2+) release in the form of Ca(2+) sparks and Ca(2+) waves that were distinguishable from increases in Ca(2+) associated with Ca(2+) uncaging, unequivocally demonstrating that Ca(2+) release occurs subsequent to a localized rise in [Ca(2+)](i). TPFP-triggered Ca(2+) release was not constrained to a few discharge regions but could be activated at all areas of the cell, with release usually occurring at or within several microns of the site of photolysis. As expected, the process of CICR was dominated by ryanodine receptor (RYR) activity, as ryanodine abolished individual Ca(2+) sparks and evoked release with different threshold and kinetics in FKBP12.6-null cells. However, TPFP CICR was not completely inhibited by ryanodine; Ca(2+) release with distinct kinetic features occurred with a higher TPFP threshold in the presence of ryanodine. This high threshold release was blocked by xestospongin C, and the pharmacological sensitivity and kinetics were consistent with CICR release at high local [Ca(2+)](i) through inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptors (InsP(3)Rs). We conclude that CICR activated by localized Ca(2+) release bears essential similarities to those observed by the activation of I(Ca) (i.e., major dependence on the type 2 RYR), that the release is not spatially constrained to a few specific subcellular regions, and that Ca(2+) release through InsP(3)R can occur at high local [Ca(2+)](i).  相似文献   

We study the propagation of intracellular calcium waves in a model that features Ca2+ release from discrete sites in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and random spatial distribution of these sites. The results of our simulations qualitatively reproduce the experimentally observed behavior of the waves. When the level of the channel activator inositol trisphosphate is low, the wave undergoes fragmentation and eventually vanishes at a finite distance from the region of initiation, a phenomenon we refer to as an abortive wave. With increasing activator concentration, the mean distance of propagation increases. Above a critical level of activator, the wave becomes stable. We show that the heterogeneous distribution of Ca2+ channels is the cause of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Laver DR 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(10):3541-3555
The free [Ca2+] in endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ stores regulates excitability of Ca2+ release by stimulating the Ca2+ release channels. Just how the stored Ca2+ regulates activation of these channels is still disputed. One proposal attributes luminal Ca2+-activation to luminal facing regulatory sites, whereas another envisages Ca2+ permeation to cytoplasmic sites. This study develops a unified model for luminal Ca2+ activation for single cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR2) and RyRs in coupled clusters in artificial lipid bilayers. It is shown that luminal regulation of RyR2 involves three modes of action associated with Ca2+ sensors in different parts of the molecule; a luminal activation site (L-site, 60 microM affinity), a cytoplasmic activation site (A-site, 0.9 microM affinity), and a novel cytoplasmic inactivation site (I2-site, 1.2 microM affinity). RyR activation by luminal Ca2+ is demonstrated to occur by a multistep process dubbed luminal-triggered Ca2+ feedthrough. Ca2+ binding to the L-site initiates brief openings (1 ms duration at 1-10 s(-1)) allowing luminal Ca2+ to access the A-site, producing up to 30-fold prolongation of openings. The model explains a broad data set, reconciles previous conflicting observations and provides a foundation for understanding the action of pharmacological agents, RyR-associated proteins, and RyR2 mutations on a range of Ca2+-mediated physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

Diambra L  Guisoni N 《Cell calcium》2005,37(4):321-332
We focused our attention on Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum through a cluster of inositol(1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP(3)) receptor channels. The random opening and closing of these receptors introduce stochastic effects that have been observed experimentally. Here, we present a stochastic version of Othmer-Tang model (OTM) for IP(3) receptor clusters. We address the average behavior of the channels in response to IP(3) stimuli. In our stochastic simulation we found that the fraction of open channels versus [IP(3)] follows a Hill curve, whose associate Hill coefficient increases when intracellular Ca(2+) level increase. This finding suggests that feedback from cytosolic Ca(2+) plays a key role in the channel response to IP(3). We also study several aspects of the stochastic properties of Ca(2+) release and we compare with experimental observations.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of the Ca2+ (Mg2+)-ATPase inhibitors thapsigargin (TG) and vanadate on ATP-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake into IP3-sensitive Ca2+ pools in isolated microsomes from rat pancreatic acinar cells. The inhibitory effect of TG was biphasic. About 40–50% of total Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by TG up to 10 nm (apparent Ki4.2 nm, Ca2+ pool I). An additional increase of inhibition up to 85–90% of total Ca2+ uptake could be achieved at 15 to 20 nm of TG (apparent Ki12.1 nm, Ca2+ pool II). The rest was due to TG-insensitive contaminating plasma membranes and could be inhibited by vanadate (apparent Ki10 m). In the absence of TG, increasing concentrations of vanadate also showed two phases of inhibition of microsomal Ca2+ uptake. About 30–40% of total Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by 100 m of vanadate (apparent Ki18 m, Ca2+ pool II). The remaining 60–70% could be inhibited either by vanadate at concentrations up to 1 mm (apparent Ki300 m) or by TG up to 10 nm (Ca2+ pool I). The amount of IP3-induced Ca2+ release was constant at 25% over a wide range of Ca2+ filling. About 10–20% remained unreleasable by IP3. Reduction of IP3 releasable Ca2+ in the presence of inhibitors showed similar dose-response curves as Ca2+ uptake (apparent Ki 3.0 nm for IP3-induced Ca2+ release as compared to 4.2 nm for Ca2+ uptake at TG up to 10 nm) indicating that the highly TG-sensitive Ca2+ pump fills the IP3-sensitive Ca2+ pool I. At TG concentrations >10 nm which blocked Ca2+ pool II the apparent Ki values were 11.3 and 12.1 nm, respectively. For inhibition by vanadate up to 100 m the apparent Ki values were 18 m for Ca2+ uptake and 7 m for Ca2+ release (Ca2+ pool II). At vanadate concentrations up to 1 mm the apparent Ki values were 300 and 200 m, respectively (Ca2+ pool I). Both Ca2+ pools I and II also showed different sensitivities to IP3. Dose-response curves for IP3 in the absence of inhibitors (control) showed an apparent Km value for IP3 at 0.6 m. In the presence of TG (inhibition of Ca2+ pool I) the curve was shifted to the left with an apparent Km for IP3 at 0.08 m. In the presence of vanadate (inhibition of Ca2+ pool II), the apparent Km for IP3 was 2.1 m. These data allow the conclusion that there are at least three different Ca2+ uptake mechanisms present in pancreatic acinar cells: TG- and IP3 insensitive but highly vanadate-sensitive Ca2+ uptake occurs into membrane vesicles derived from plasma membranes. Two Ca2+ pools with different TG-, vanadate- and IP3-sensitivities are most likely located in the endoplasmic reticulum at different cell sites, which could have functional implications for hormonal stimulation of pancreatic acinar cells.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 246. The authors wish to thank Dr. KlausDieter Preuß for valuable discussions and Mrs. Gabriele Mörschbächer for excellent secretarial help.  相似文献   

Calcium ions (Ca2+) play a key role in cell signaling across organisms. In plants, a plethora of environmental and developmental stimuli induce specific Ca2+ increases in the cytosol as well as in different cellular compartments including the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER represents an intracellular Ca2+ store that actively accumulates Ca2+ taken up from the cytosol. By exploiting state-of-the-art genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators, specifically the ER-GCaMP6-210 and R-GECO1, we report the generation and characterization of an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) line that allows for simultaneous imaging of Ca2+ dynamics in both the ER and cytosol at different spatial scales. By performing analyses in single cells, we precisely quantified (1) the time required by the ER to import Ca2+ from the cytosol into the lumen and (2) the time required to observe a cytosolic Ca2+ increase upon the pharmacological inhibition of the ER-localized P-Type IIA Ca2+-ATPases. Furthermore, live imaging of mature, soil-grown plants revealed the existence of a wounding-induced, long-distance ER Ca2+ wave propagating in injured and systemic rosette leaves. This technology enhances high-resolution analyses of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics at the cellular level and in adult organisms and paves the way to develop new methodologies aimed at defining the contribution of subcellular compartments in Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling.

Dual color imaging allows the simultaneous analysis of calcium dynamics in the endoplasmic reticulum and cytosol from single cells to adult entire plants.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the effects of alloxan on rat liver mitochondria, involving formation of toxic oxygen derivatives and Ca2+ release, and its relations to a physiological pathway, pyrimidine biosynthesis, particularly dihydroorotate dehydrogenation. Ca2+ release by intact isolated mitochondria was studied and redox transfer from solubilized mitochondria to 2,6-dichloroindophenol in the presence of cyanide. In intact mitochondria 5mM dihydroorotate caused a Ca2+ efflux comparable to 2mM alloxan. Both effects were suppressed by orotate, a potent inhibitor of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, and by ADP, an inhibitor of the alloxan effects. In lysed mitochondria orotate but not ADP inhibited ubiquinone-linked reduction of 2,6-dichloroindophenol with dihydroorotate and with alloxan in a concentration-dependent manner. It is concluded that in vitro part of the redox cycling of alloxan is catalysed by dihydroorotate dehydrogenase whereas the nonsuppressible part reacts nonenzymatically. Without ADP the respiratory control blocks the reoxidation of coenzyme Q via the respiratory chain, thus giving preference to the regeneration by artificial electron acceptors, e.g. oxygen, yielding superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide, a notorious inducer of Ca2+ release. In vivo the enzymatic reoxidation of reduced alloxan by dihydroorotate dehydrogenase may be superior to the non-enzymatic pathway since the nonenzymatic fraction of reoxidation decreases with decreasing alloxan concentration.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes release 2–3 nmol Mg2+/mg protein or ~10% of the total cellular Mg2+ content within 2 minutes from the addition of agonists that increase cellular cAMP, for example, isoproterenol (ISO). During Mg2+ release, a quantitatively similar amount of Ca2+ enters the hepatocyte, thus suggesting a stoichiometric exchange ratio of 1 Mg2+:1Ca2+. Calcium induced Mg2+ extrusion is also observed in apical liver plasma membranes (aLPM), in which the process presents the same 1 Mg2+:1Ca2+ exchange ratio. The uptake of Ca2+ for the release of Mg2+ occurs in the absence of significant changes in Δψ as evidenced by electroneutral exchange measurements with a tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) electrode or 3H-TPP+. Collapsing the Δψ by high concentrations of TPP+ or protonophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) does not inhibit the Ca2+-induced Mg2+ extrusion in cells or aLPM. Further, the process is strictly unidirectional, serving only in Ca2+ uptake and Mg2+ release. These data demonstrate the operation of an electroneutral Ca2+/Mg2+ exchanger which represents a novel pathway for Ca2+ accumulation in liver cells following adrenergic receptor stimulation. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant HL 18708.  相似文献   

The distribution of [3H]kainate binding sites was determined by quantitative autoradiography in three vertebrate species: rat, monkey, and human. These animals displayed a similar pattern of binding site density in the hippocampus. Highest levels were found within the stratum lucidum and moderate levels in the inner portion of the dentate gyrus molecular layer. Although the distribution is similar, there is a lower density of binding sites in the stratum lucidum of primates than in rodents. Experiments using rat brain synaptic plasma membrane fractions indicated that inclusion of Ca2+ ions results in a selective reduction in binding at the high affinity sites. The Ca2+-inhibited and Ca2+-insensitive binding sites in the rat hippocampus exhibited a similar distribution. Together, these results suggest that in a variety of mammalian species kainate receptors exhibit similar regional distributions, and that the high anf loe affinity kainate binding sites also exhibit similar regional distributions.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Eduardo De Robertis.  相似文献   

Cytosolic Ca2+ waves occur in a number of cell types either spontaneously or after stimulation by hormones, neurotransmitters, or treatments promoting Ca2+ influx into the cells. These waves can be broadly classified into two types. Waves of type 1, observed in cardiac myocytes or Xenopus oocytes, correspond to the propagation of sharp bands of Ca2+ throughout the cell at a rate that is high enough to permit the simultaneous propagation of several fronts in a given cells. Waves of type 2, observed in hepatocytes, endothelial cells, or various kinds of eggs, correspond to the progressive elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ throughout the cell, followed by its quasi-homogeneous return down to basal levels. Here we analyze the propagation of these different types of intracellular Ca2+ waves in a model based on Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR). The model accounts for transient or sustained waves of type 1 or 2, depending on the size of the cell and on the values of the kinetic parameters that measure Ca2+ exchange between the cytosol, the extracellular medium, and intracellular stores. Two versions of the model based on CICR are considered. The first version involves two distinct Ca2+ pools sensitive to inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and Ca2+, respectively, whereas the second version involves a single pool sensitive both to Ca2+ and IP3 behaving as co-agonists for Ca2+ release. Intracellular Ca2+ waves occur in the two versions of the model based on CICR, but fail to propagate in the one-pool model at subthreshold levels of IP3. For waves of type 1, we investigate the effect of the spatial distribution of Ca(2+)-sensitive Ca2+ stores within the cytosol, and show that the wave fails to propagate when the distance between the stores exceeds a critical value on the order of a few microns. We also determine how the period and velocity of the waves are affected by changes in parameters measuring stimulation, Ca2+ influx into the cell, or Ca2+ pumping into the stores. For waves of type 2, the numerical analysis indicates that the best qualitative agreement with experimental observations is obtained for phase waves. Finally, conditions are obtained for the occurrence of "echo" waves that are sometimes observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

Characterization of the putative Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum, which is thought to mediate Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, was carried out in order to elucidate the mechanism of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Heavy and light fractions of fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle were loaded passively with Ca2+, and then passive Ca2+ efflux was measured under various conditions. The fast phase of the Ca2+ efflux depended on the extravesicular free Ca2+ concentration and was assigned to the Ca2+ efflux through the Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channel. Vesicles with the Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channels comprised about 85% of the heavy fraction and about 40% of the light fraction. The amount of Ca2+ loaded in FSR was found to be much larger than that estimated on the basis of vesicle inner volume and the equilibration of intravesicular with extravesicular Ca2+, indicating Ca2+ binding inside FSR. Taking this fact into account, the Ca2+ efflux curve was quantitatively analyzed and the dependence of the Ca2+ efflux rate constant on the extravesicular free Ca2+ concentration was determined. The Ca2+ efflux was maximal, with the rate constant of 0.75 s-1, when the extravesicular free Ca2+ was at 3 microM. Caffeine increased the affinity for Ca2+ of Ca2+-binding sites for opening the channel with only a slight change in the maximum rate of Ca2+ efflux. Mg2+ inhibited the Ca2+ binding to the sites for opening the channel while procaine seemed to inhibit the Ca2+ efflux by blocking the ionophore moiety of the channel.  相似文献   

The release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores by sub-optimal doses of inositol trisphosphate has been shown to be dose-related ('quantal'), and a simple model is proposed here to account for this phenomenon. It is suggested that there is a regulatory Ca2(+)-binding site on, or associated with, the luminal domain of the InsP3 receptor, which allosterically controls Ca2+ efflux, and the affinity for Ca2+ of that site is modulated by InsP3 binding to the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor; a similar mechanism applied to the ryanodine receptor might also explain some aspects of Ca2(+)-induced Ca2+ release. The stimulated entry of Ca2+ into a cell which occurs upon activation of inositide-linked receptors has been variously and confusingly proposed to be regulated by InsP3, InsP4, and/or a 'capacitative' Ca2+ pool; the mechanism of InsP3 receptor action suggested here is shown to lead to a potential reconciliation of all these conflicting proposals.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) plays an important role in pain transmission through the stimulation of the neurokinin (NK) receptors expressed in neurons of the spinal cord, and the subsequent increase in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) as a result of this stimulation. Recent studies suggest that spinal astrocytes also contribute to SP-related pain transmission through the activation of NK receptors. However, the mechanisms involved in the SP-stimulated [Ca(2+)](i) increase by spinal astrocytes are unclear. We therefore examined whether (and how) the activation of NK receptors evoked increase in [Ca(2+)](i) in rat cultured spinal astrocytes using a Ca(2+) imaging assay. Both SP and GR73632 (a selective agonist of the NK1 receptor) induced both transient and sustained increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in a dose-dependent manner. The SP-induced increase in [Ca(2+)](i) was significantly attenuated by CP-96345 (an NK1 receptor antagonist). The GR73632-induced increase in [Ca(2+)](i) was completely inhibited by pretreatment with U73122 (a phospholipase C inhibitor) or xestospongin C (an inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3)) receptor inhibitor). In the absence of extracellular Ca(2+), GR73632 induced only a transient increase in [Ca(2+)](i). In addition, H89, an inhibitor of protein kinase A (PKA), decreased the GR73632-mediated Ca(2+) release from intracellular Ca(2+) stores, while bisindolylmaleimide I, an inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC), enhanced the GR73632-induced influx of extracellular Ca(2+). RT-PCR assays revealed that canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 mRNA were expressed in spinal astrocytes. Moreover, BTP2 (a general TRPC channel inhibitor) or Pyr3 (a TRPC3 inhibitor) markedly blocked the GR73632-induced sustained increase in [Ca(2+)](i). These findings suggest that the stimulation of the NK-1 receptor in spinal astrocytes induces Ca(2+) release from IP(3-)sensitive intracellular Ca(2+) stores, which is positively modulated by PKA, and subsequent Ca(2+) influx through TRPC3, which is negatively regulated by PKC.  相似文献   

Influenza virus added to Lettré cells at pH 5.3 induces a permeability change similar to that elicited by Sendal virus at pH 7.4: K+ and Na+ equilibrate across the plasma membrane and low-molecular-weight phosphorylated compounds leak out of cells, which remain impermeable to trypan blue.  相似文献   

To reveal heterogeneity of mitochondrial function on the single-mitochondrion level we have studied the spatiotemporal dynamics of the mitochondrial Ca2+ signaling and the mitochondrial membrane potential using wide-field fluorescence imaging and digital image processing techniques. Here we demonstrate first-time discrete sites--intramitochondrial hotspots--of Ca2+ uptake after Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, and spreading of Ca2+ rise within the mitochondria. The phenomenon was characterized by comparison of observations in intact cells stimulated by ATP and in plasma membrane permeabilized or in ionophore-treated cells exposed to elevated buffer [Ca2+]. The findings indicate that Ca2+ diffuses laterally within the mitochondria, and that the diffusion is limited for shorter segments of the mitochondrial network. These observations were supported by mathematical simulation of buffered diffusion. The mitochondrial membrane potential was investigated using the potentiometric dye TMRM. Irradiation-induced fluctuations (flickering) of TMRM fluorescence showed synchronicity over large regions of the mitochondrial network, indicating that certain parts of this network form electrical syncytia. The spatial extension of these syncytia was decreased by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) or by propranolol (blockers of nonclassical mitochondrial permeabilities). Our data suggest that mitochondria form syncytia of electrical conductance whereas the passage of Ca2+ is restricted to the individual organelle.  相似文献   

Calcium seems to be a major second messenger involved in the regulation of prostatic cell functions, but the mechanisms underlying its control are poorly understood. We investigated spatiotemporal aspects of Ca2+ signals in the LNCaP cell line, a model of androgen-dependent prostatic cells, by using non-invasive external electric field pulses that hyperpolarize the anode facing membrane and depolarize the membrane facing the cathode. Using high-speed fluo-3 confocal imaging, we found that an electric field pulse (10-15 V/cm, 1-5 mA, 5 ms) initiated rapidly, at the hyperpolarized end of the cell, a propagated [Ca2+]i wave which spread through the cell with a constant amplitude and an average velocity of about 20 microns/s. As evidenced by the total wave inhibition either by the block of Ca2+ entry or the depletion of Ca2+ stores by thapsigargin, a specific Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor, the [Ca2+]i wave initiation may imply a localized Ca2+ influx linked to a focal auto-regenerative process of Ca2+ release. Using different external Ca2+ and Ca2+ entry blockers concentrations, Mn2+ quenching of fluo-3 and fura-2 fluorescence and inhibitors of InsP3 production, we found evidence that the [Ca2+]i wave progression required, in the presence of basal levels of InsP3, an interplay between Ca2+ release from InsP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores and Ca2+ influx through channels possibly activated by the [Ca2+]i rise.  相似文献   

We have investigated the characteristics of cytosolic Ca2+ signals induced by muscarinic receptor activation of pancreatic acinar cells that reside within intact pancreatic tissue. We show that these cells exhibit global Ca2+ waves and local apical Ca2+ spikes. This is the first evidence for local Ca2+ signaling in undissociated pancreatic tissue. The mechanism of formation of localized Ca2+ signals was examined using a novel approach involving photolysis of caged carbachol inside a patch pipette attached to the basal surface of an acinar unit. This local activation of basal muscarinic receptors elicited local cytosolic Ca2+ spikes in the apical pole more than 15 microm away from the site of stimulation. In some experiments, local basal receptor activation elicited a Ca2+ wave that started in the apical pole and then spread toward the base. Currently, there are two competing hypotheses for preferential apical Ca2+ signaling. One invokes the need for structural proximity of the cholinergic receptors and the Ca2+ release channels in the apical pole, whereas the other postulates long distance communication between basal receptors and the channels. Our intrapipette uncaging experiments provide definitive evidence for long distance communication between basal muscarinic receptors and apical Ca2+ release channels.  相似文献   

Single channel models of intracellular calcium (Ca(2+)) channels such as the 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and ryanodine receptor often assume that Ca(2+)-dependent transitions are mediated by constant background cytosolic [Ca(2+)]. This assumption neglects the fact that Ca(2+) released by open channels may influence subsequent gating through the processes of Ca(2+)-activation or inactivation. Similarly, the influence of the dynamics of luminal depletion on the stochastic gating of intracellular Ca(2+) channels is often neglected, in spite of the fact that the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum [Ca(2+)] near the luminal face of intracellular Ca(2+) channels influences the driving force for Ca(2+), the rate of Ca(2+) release, and the magnitude and time course of the consequent increase in cytosolic domain [Ca(2+)]. Here we analyze how the steady-state open probability of several minimal Ca(2+)-regulated Ca(2+) channel models depends on the conductance of the channel and the time constants for the relaxation of elevated cytosolic [Ca(2+)] and depleted luminal [Ca(2+)] to the bulk [Ca(2+)] of both compartments. Our approach includes Monte Carlo simulation as well as numerical solution of a system of advection-reaction equations for the multivariate probability density of elevated cytosolic [Ca(2+)] and depleted luminal [Ca(2+)] conditioned on each state of the stochastically gating channel. Both methods are subsequently used to study the role of luminal depletion in the dynamics of Ca(2+) puff/spark termination in release sites composed of Ca(2+) channels that are activated, but not inactivated, by cytosolic Ca(2+). The probability density approach shows that such minimal Ca(2+) release site models may exhibit puff/spark-like dynamics in either of two distinct parameter regimes. In one case, puffs/spark termination is due to the process of stochastic attrition and facilitated by rapid Ca(2+) domain collapse [cf. DeRemigio, H., Smith, G., 2005. The dynamics of stochastic attrition viewed as an absorption time on a terminating Markov chain. Cell Calcium 38, 73-86]. In the second case, puff/spark termination is promoted by the local depletion of luminal Ca(2+).  相似文献   

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