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Conservation and management of seahorses and other Syngnathidae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyses the pressures on seahorses and explores conservation responses. It focuses on seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) but also considers pipefishes and seadragons, especially where they can fill gaps in seahorse knowledge. The charisma of many syngnathids can make them good flagship species for threats and solutions in marine conservation. The article combines a synthesis of published literature with new data on the trade in seahorses for traditional medicine, aquarium display and curiosities. Most traded seahorses come from trawl by-catch, although seahorses are also targeted. The total extraction is large, tens of millions of animals annually, and unsustainable. A first review of the effect of habitat change on syngnathids raises many questions, while suggesting that some species may cope better than others. The combination of pressures means that many species of syngnathid are now included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species or national equivalents. In addition, seahorse exports from 175 countries are limited to sustainable levels under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora. Possible conservation measures include marine protected areas, fisheries management, select aquaculture ventures, trade regulation, improved governance (particularly) and consumer engagement.  相似文献   

Exploitation for trade is one of the biggest threats to many species, especially for marine fishes. Trade regulations should, therefore, be effective in helping conserve marine fish populations. The Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), one of the few multilateral environmental agreements with enforcement capacity, has embraced a number of marine fishes in recent years. However, the impacts of such measures on wildlife trade have rarely been assessed. We conducted a case study of the dried seahorse (Hippocampus spp.) trade in Thailand to understand the trade of these species under CITES regulations. We carried out 203 semi-structured interviews with traders to estimate the economic scale of Thai seahorse trade, and compared perceived changes with official trade datasets. Even though most seahorses were incidentally caught, we estimated that dried seahorses could be worth US$26.5 million per year for Thai fishers. However, the total declared annual export value was only around US$5.5 million, and had decreased to US$1 million in 2013. Considering the economic value of seahorses, the large discrepancy between declared export volumes and catch estimates suggested that trade may be underreported. While official data shows the export volume decreased after the implementation of CITES listing in 2005, our respondents did not report a similar trend. In contrast, the prices of seahorses were reported to be increasing. Our study highlights the economic importance of marine fishes captured as bycatch and the importance of international and domestic management measures for the trade of bycatch species.  相似文献   



Wild orchids are illegally harvested and traded in Nepal for use in local traditional medicine, horticulture, and international trade. This study aims to: 1) identify the diversity of species of wild orchids in trade in Nepal; 2) study the chain of commercialization from collector to client and/or export; 3) map traditional knowledge and medicinal use of orchids; and 4) integrate the collected data to propose a more sustainable approach to orchid conservation in Nepal.


Trade, species diversity, and traditional use of wild-harvested orchids were documented during field surveys of markets and through interviews. Trade volumes and approximate income were estimated based on surveys and current market prices. Orchid material samples were identified to species level using a combination of morphology and DNA barcoding.


Orchid trade is a long tradition, and illegal export to China, India and Hong Kong is rife. Estimates show that 9.4 tons of wild orchids were illegally traded from the study sites during 2008/2009. A total of 60 species of wild orchids were reported to be used in traditional medicinal practices to cure at least 38 different ailments, including energizers, aphrodisiacs and treatments of burnt skin, fractured or dislocated bones, headaches, fever and wounds. DNA barcoding successfully identified orchid material to species level that remained sterile after culturing.


Collection of wild orchids was found to be widespread in Nepal, but illegal trade is threatening many species in the wild. Establishment of small-scale sustainable orchid breeding enterprises could be a valuable alternative for the production of medicinal orchids for local communities. Critically endangered species should be placed on CITES Appendix I to provide extra protection to those species. DNA barcoding is an effective method for species identification and monitoring of illegal cross-border trade.

Synopsis Hippocampus comes is presently exploited at significant rates in the central portion of – and possibly throughout – its range. The species is traded in dried form for traditional medicine and alive for the aquarium trade. Here we provide the most current life history, abundance and distribution information available for H. comes. These data should be helpful to researchers, and to management agencies in countries signatory to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), tasked to implement strategies ensuring that trade is not detrimental to wild populations of H. comes (listed on Appendix II).  相似文献   

This study provides the first assessment of a heavily traded West African seahorse species, Hippocampus algiricus, and the first information on short‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus biology in Africa. A total of 219 seahorses were sampled from fisher catch in Senegal and The Gambia, with estimated height at reproductive activity for H. algiricus (161 mm) larger than mean ± s.d . catch height (150 ± 31 mm). Catch composition, height at reproductive activity and potential biases in fishery retention are discussed with regard to the current Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) guidelines.  相似文献   

Understanding the population structure and evolutionary history of the eastern Pacific seahorse Hippocampus ingens is critical for the effective management of this threatened species. Life history characteristics of H. ingens (site fidelity and brooding of young) may limit gene flow and lead to population differentiation. A recent study analyzing conserved fragments of the mitochondrial cyt b and control region found no population structure. We re-assess this conclusion with a phylogeographic analysis of relationships among 115 individuals of H. ingens over a broader geographic range (San Diego Bay in California, Gulf of California, Central America, Ecuador, and Peru) based on a more variable 428 base pair fragment of the control region. This expanded analysis affirms low overall nucleotide diversity relative to other seahorses (θπ = 0.004), and shows evidence of a recent bottleneck and population expansion since the middle Pleistocene. AMOVA analysis shows moderate overall population structure (ΦST = 0.10, P val = 0.00), and pairwise ΦST estimates indicate structure between the Gulf of California and all Pacific coast localities. Knowledge of population structure in H. ingens may improve conservation efforts by identifying evolutionarily important management units, and could determine source regions in the continuing trade of seahorses for traditional Chinese medicine. The level of genetic divergence observed between the Gulf of California and all other localities sampled may distinguish the Gulf as a separate management unit. Additional phylogeographic research with more quickly evolving genetic markers and targeted sampling at the mouth of the Gulf of California is warranted to inform strategies for conservation of this threatened seahorse.  相似文献   


Indonesia is a significant trader in marine molluscs and has a comprehensive legislative framework in place to protect and use molluscs sustainably. The recent inclusion of nautilus in Appendix II of CITES and the general lack of understanding of the level of protection and regulation Indonesia's marine molluscs receive necessitates a review of current laws and agreements. The most relevant are two legally binding international agreements, CITES and the CBD, and Law No 5, and Regulations 8 and 20, dealing with protection, preservation and exploration, respectively. Over the last 30 years, 12 species of mollusc have been legally protected in Indonesia and 7 are included in CITES Appendix II. Species that are not protected can be traded, provided quotas have been set for their commercial exploitation. Seizure data suggest that the illegal trade is considerable – on average almost 10,000 shells/year are confiscated. Seizures do not lead to prosecutions. It is recommended that (a) those involved in the trade of Indonesian marine molluscs need to familiarise themselves better with current legislation and regulation, (b) monitoring of domestic and international trade in marine molluscs needs to be better coordinated and intensified and (c) prosecutions for those trading illegally in marine molluscs need to increase.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen a considerable rise in international concern regarding the conservation status of sharks and rays. The demand for highly prized shark commodities continues to fuel the international trade and gives fisheries incentive to use these resources, which have a low intrinsic capability to recover. Recognising the urgency for regulation, many countries voted to include more shark and ray species in the Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). However, the identification of fins in fisheries landings before they enter international trade is a major limitation for CITES compliance. This study reports the current performance of the iSharkFin system, a machine learning technology which aims to allow users to identify the species of a wet shark dorsal fin from its image. Photographs of 1147 wet dorsal fins from 39 shark species, collected in 12 countries, were used to train the algorithm over a four-year period. As new cohorts of images were used to test the performance of the learning algorithm, the accuracy of species assignments of known specimens was variable but did increase, reaching 85.3% and 59.1% at genus and species level respectively. The accuracy in predicting CITES-listed sharks versus unlisted sharks was 94.0% based on the 39 species currently represented in the baseline. Our results suggest that if supplied with high data inputs for specific fisheries assemblages and accompanied by user training, iSharkFin has promise for site-specific development as a rapid field identification tool in fisheries monitoring, and as a screening tool alongside traditional field morphology to detect potential CITES specimens for fisheries compliance and enforcement.  相似文献   

Guaiacum sanctum and Guaiacum coulteri are long‐lived Mesoamerican timber tree species heavily exploited throughout their range and considered to be at risk of extinction. Both species are included on the IUCN Red List and on CITES Appendix II, but there has been no formal assessment of the conservation status of either species. We used ecological niche modeling and rapid assessments of local density and population size structure to provide such evaluations. For the year 2000, we estimated geographic range sizes for G. sanctum and G. coulteri of 95,422 and 130,973 km2, respectively. The main core remaining habitat for G. sanctum occurs in Campeche State (Yucatan Peninsula), where populations exhibit high adult abundance and profuse regeneration. Several areas along the Mexican Pacific coast remain with suitable habitat for G. coulteri. Guaiacum coulteri is at greater risk as only 1.3 percent of its current habitat is protected, which contrasts with the 13.2 percent of current habitat protected for G. sanctum. We projected that available habitat for G. sanctum and G. coulteri will decline by a further 30–50 percent by 2020 if estimated habitat loss rates continue. We suggest that under the IUCN criteria, the conservation status of G. sanctum and G. coulteri should be updated to near threatened and vulnerable, respectively. Additionally, we conclude that the amount of protected habitat needs to be increased to safeguard both species. Our study provides a quantitative basis for updating the conservation status of both species and illustrates an assessment framework that could be applied to other threatened tree species.  相似文献   

The orchid genera Masdevallia and Dracula bear very strange and bizarre flowers. They are, however, very popular with plant enthusiasts and there is a fair amount of commercial trade in these genera. The genera belong to a sub-tribe of the orchids, the Pleurothallidinae, which otherwise mostly have small and insignificant flowers. The majority of the species of Masdevallia and Dracula have been reported from single localities and approximately two thirds of all species are found at three or fewer sites. Most genera in the sub-tribe have similar distribution patterns. Using published deforestation rates and species distribution profiles we calculate that 402 of the total 3405 pleurothallid species may have been driven to extinction by random deforestation events. It is possible that as many as 46 Masdevallia species and 14 Dracula species have already been lost and that annual extinction rates for the two genera are 1 and 0.3 species per year respectively. It has been suggested that the two genera should be protected, by listing them in CITES Appendix I. It is unlikely that embargoes on trade would change extinction rates caused by forest conversion. Such embargoes might actually hamper ex situ conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Aloe L. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) is a genus of over 500 species found on the African continent, Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar and eastern Indian Ocean Islands. It is valued by people at many economic scales but verifiable data, with which to quantify the role of Aloe in local livelihoods and commercial trade, are scarce. For a speciose genus of appreciable ethnological value, few taxa have been known in formal and international trade. Leaf mesophyll and exudate from certain Aloe species support sizeable commercial industries that differ markedly in geographical focus, supply chain and taxa used. Leaf mesophyll is primarily sourced from plantations of the well-known A. vera in Mexico, the United States and parts of South America, and is generally used in products made in the same region. By contrast, leaf exudate is principally wild-harvested from A. ferox in South Africa and A. secundiflora in Kenya for export to Europe and Asia. To a much lesser extent, Aloe spp. are used commercially in foods and to produce honey. It is unclear to what degree Aloe spp. are traded as medicinal plants for traditional use throughout their range. Their popularity in horticulture as decorative and/or collectable ornamentals sustains a considerable international trade. Besides habitat loss, wild populations of many species of Aloe are threatened by exploitation for the succulent plant trade and a few species by over-utilisation for natural products, making rare, endemic and utility taxa an obvious priority for conservation. With the exception of Aloe vera, all species of Aloe are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). There is, nevertheless, considerable potential for commercially-valuable species of Aloe to be employed for rural development and poverty alleviation. The success of the expanded Aloe-based industries will depend on sustainable harvesting and other practices compliant with the Convention on Biological Diversity.  相似文献   

It is important to identify endangered species from thousands of species and take conservation measures in time. Many researchers have reported declines and overexploitation of snake species, but it is difficult to identify the species requiring emergency concern. We tried to identify the snake species threatened by economic exploitation in mainland China through the following procedure: First, we identified 16 snake species in significant international trade through analyzing trade records; second, we chose 10 variables representing biological characteristics and economics factors. The values of these variables for each species were evaluated from 0 (minimum risk) to 3 (high risk). Three snake species protected by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) were also assessed. We then got the priority rank of these species by calculating their average scores. We found that among the species in significant international trade, except those CITES-listed ones, four snake species were at extremely high risk, while all other snake species in significant trade were endangered or vulnerable. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to classify the species into four groups according to their different biological and economic characteristics. This study provides a possible way to identify endangered species and to rank their conservation priority. The results of this paper can also be used as a priority sequence for taking conservation action, especially trade control measures.  相似文献   

Species-specific life-history information is critical for successful conservation, particularly in establishing an accurate baseline status. Obtaining such information is challenging for most species, but in particular for rare and threatened marine species. To facilitate future conservation of the endangered Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis) this study aimed to determine important life-history information for this species. Visible implant fluorescent elastomer (VIFE) tags were used to mark 78 seahorses within a residential marina estate in the Knysna estuary, South Africa, in February 2018. Using a mark-resight approach, the size and movement patterns of the population and growth rate of seahorses were determined over a 14-month period. The closed population estimate for H. capensis, within Thesen Islands Marina, was estimated to be 134 (118–152 95% C.I. ) in February 2018 compared to only 72 (48–108 95% C.I. ) in February 2019. The species showed rapid initial growth with males and females having similar rates of growth based on the specialised von Bertalanffy growth function model. The importance of Reno mattresses as a habitat for H. capensis was confirmed based on the high abundance and site fidelity of the population, which emphasises the conservation potential of heavily modified environments for threatened seahorse species. The use of VIFE tags was deemed effective in studying this endangered seahorse and allowed the collection of important information for this species which can be used in future Red List assessments and conservation actions.  相似文献   



The international wildlife trade is a key threat to biodiversity. Temporal genetic marketplace monitoring can determine if wildlife trade regulation efforts such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) are succeeding. Protected under CITES effective 1997, sturgeons and paddlefishes, the producers of black caviar, are flagship CITES species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We test whether CITES has limited the amount of fraudulent black caviar reaching the marketplace. Using mitochondrial DNA-based methods, we compare mislabeling in caviar and meat purchased in the New York City area pre and post CITES listing. Our recent sampling of this market reveals a decrease in mislabeled caviar (2006–2008; 10%; n = 90) compared to pre-CITES implementation (1995–1996; 19%; n = 95). Mislabeled caviar was found only in online purchase (n = 49 online/41 retail).


Stricter controls on importing and exporting as per CITES policies may be having a positive conservation effect by limiting the amount of fraudulent caviar reaching the marketplace. Sturgeons and paddlefishes remain a conservation priority, however, due to continued overfishing and habitat degradation. Other marine and aquatic species stand to benefit from the international trade regulation that can result from CITES listing.  相似文献   

A non-invasive DNA analysis of seahorse populations was carried out after extensive underwater surveys in Gran Canaria Island (Spain). In this geographical area, the presence of two species, Hippocampus hippocampus and H. guttulatus, has been previously reported. Sequencing of 16S ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA) was used for specific identification of live seahorses sampled in situ, as a previous step to evaluate genetic structure based on ten microsatellite markers. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the presence of a single species, H. hippocampus, in the seahorse communities found at Gran Canaria. No evidences of H. guttulatus or interspecific hybrids were found based on 16S rDNA and microsatellite data. The nuclear markers revealed low genetic diversity and lack of population structure across populations of Gran Canaria Island, with evidence of small population sizes. This study provides critical information to support conservation strategies of Gran Canaria seahorses.  相似文献   

Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) are globally threatened by overexploitation and habitat destruction; they are also regarded as susceptible to heavy exploitation due to some of their life-history traits. From an economic perspective, they are fishes with high monetary value and marketability. Seahorses are now listed in Appendix II of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), to ensure that the international trade is not detrimental to the survival of wild populations; the effectiveness evaluation of these international controls needs comparable monitoring data, including evaluation of spatial and temporal trends. This study assesses the seahorse trade in Brazil, aiming to detect trends in catch levels, volumes and prices. Our main findings were: the dried trade was unregulated, without formal records, and primarily domestic, although records of unreported exports existed; it was primarily sustained by incidental captures in trawl nets. The live seahorse trade was mainly destined for exports, and regulated through national quotas. Between 2002 and 2009, mean prices for dried seahorses ranged from US$1.06 ± 0.46 (level 1 traders) to US$1.06 ± 0.46 (level 1 traders) to US2.78 ± 0.68 (end-sellers) each, while mean prices for each live seahorse traded on the domestic market (1997–2009) ranged from US$1.13 ± 0.02 (level 1 traders) to US$1.13 ± 0.02 (level 1 traders) to US10.08 ± 1.71 (retailers). Mean declared export price (2006–2008) was 15.57 ± 10.87. Enhanced implementation of the CITES listing in Brazil will require further research, and additional measures to address both direct and indirect fishing pressure on seahorse populations.  相似文献   

Two new and the only known extinct seahorse species Hippocampus sarmaticus and Hippocampus slovenicus are described from the Middle Miocene beds (Lower Sarmatian) in Slovenia, representing the oldest known fossil record of seahorses. Hippocampus sarmaticus was most similar to the extant seahorse species Hippocampus trimaculatus, while H. slovenicus can be most easily compared to the extant pygmy seahorses H. bargibanti, H. denise, and H. colemani. These Sarmatian seahorses lived among seagrasses and macroalgae in the temperate shallow costal waters of the western part of the Central Paratethys Sea.  相似文献   

All crocodilians are under varying degrees of threat due to over exploitation and these species have been listed in Appendix I or II of CITES. The lack of molecular techniques for the identification of confiscated samples makes it difficult to enforce the law. Conclusive forensic identification of species requires a complete gene sequence which is difficult in case of degraded samples. We have developed two novel sets of primers to amplify two partial cytochrome b gene sequences of six crocodile species i.e. Crocodylus palustris, Crocodylus porosus, Crocodylus siamensis, Crocodylus niloticus, Gavialis gangeticus and Caiman crocodilus. These partial sequences were edited to give a complete cyt b gene sequence, which can be used as an effective tool for forensic authentication of crocodile species. A phylogeny of crocodile species was reconstructed using these sequences. The described primers hold great promise in forensic identification of crocodile species, which can aid in the effective enforcement of law and conservation of these ancient species.  相似文献   

We assessed the effectiveness of national and international wildlife trade regulations in Asia by surveying four wildlife markets in Myanmar for bears and bear parts. Bears are protected in Myanmar and neighbouring countries, and are included in CITES Appendix I, precluding international trade. Three of the four wildlife markets were situated at the border with neighbouring countries (China and Thailand) whereas the fourth, situated in Myanmar’s interior, also catered to international markets. During seven checks (1999–2006) we recorded 1,200 bear parts, representing a minimum of 215 individual bears. Most items were from Asiatic black bears Ursus thibetanus but also sun bear Helarctos malayanus parts were offered for sale. There were significant temporal and spatial differences in what items were offered for sale. Prices were low (USD 4–40 per item) and the total monetary value of the items for sale was USD 6,500–9,500 (not including gall bladders). Carcasses, skulls, canines, paws, claws, whole skins, pieces of skin, gall bladders and derivates, were openly displayed, with vendors being frank about prices, origin, and potential buyers. Only in the interior were prices quoted in the local currency; at the other three markets currencies of the neighbouring countries were used. Legal (international) trade in bears or bear parts from Myanmar is virtually non-existent, and the observed trade in bear parts strongly indicates a serious lack of enforcement effort. International trade in bear parts from Myanmar is significant, and open, and we conclude that the enforcement of wildlife trade regulations, at least when they concerns bear species, have by and large failed.  相似文献   

Seahorses are iconic charismatic species that are often used to ‘champion’ marine conservation causes around the world. As they are threatened in many countries by over-exploitation and habitat loss, marine protected areas (MPAs) could help with their protection and recovery. MPAs may conserve seahorses through protecting essential habitats and removing fishing pressures. Populations of White''s seahorse, Hippocampus whitei, a species endemic to New South Wales, Australia, were monitored monthly from 2006 to 2009 using diver surveys at two sites within a no-take marine protected areas established in 1983, and at two control sites outside the no-take MPA sites. Predators of H. whitei were also identified and monitored. Hippocampus whitei were more abundant at the control sites. Seahorse predators (3 species of fish and 2 species of octopus) were more abundant within the no-take MPA sites. Seahorse and predator abundances were negatively correlated. Substantial variability in the seahorse population at one of the control sites reinforced the importance of long-term monitoring and use of multiple control sites to assess the outcomes of MPAs for seahorses. MPAs should be used cautiously to conserve seahorse populations as there is the risk of a negative impact through increased predator abundance.  相似文献   

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