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The floating fern,Salvinia molesta Mitch., underwent explosive growth following the creation of Lake Kariba in 1958. By 1962 this aquatic weed covered 22% of the Lake's surface but later declined to an apparently stable level of 10–15%. Coverage declined again in 1973 to 5% and by 1980 only about 1% of the lake was covered bySalvinia. This paper discusses the ecological context in which this decline took place and the role of the introduced neotropical grasshopper,Paulinia acuminata De Geer. This insect appears to have made a major contribution towards the decline ofSalvinia, but it is suggested that its effect was greatly enhanced by nutrient stress onSalvinia because of competition for nutrients between the floating weed and other ecosystem components. Nutrient supply to Lake Kariba is limited and the increasing requirements of submerged macrophyte, mussel and fish populations, which are all expanding probably reduced nutrient availability toSalvinia. Mussels and fish, with standing crops of 167 000t and 30 000t, respectively, are seen as particularly important nutrient reservoirs. It is concluded that the decline ofSalvinia in Kariba was part of the lake's maturation process and could possibly have occurred without the introduction ofPaulinia, but at a much slower rate.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,81(4):343-352
We examined the effects of drought, flooding periods and plant density on the persistence strategies of Salvinia auriculata in temporary ponds in the Southern Pantanal. Ramets were found to bear sporocarps during the dry rather than during the flooding season. In high-density conditions the frequency of ramets producing new ramets did not differ between drought and flood. However, during the flooding period, the frequency of production of new ramets under low-density conditions was higher than under high plant densities. A greenhouse experiment showed that the number of sporocarps produced under a high-density treatment was greater than when plant density was kept low. The individual mass of each sporocarp was also greater for the high-density treatment. In contrast, the number of new ramets produced under the low-density treatment was greater than at high densities, as was ramet mass. Abundant sporocarp production in S. auriculata was found to be associated with habitats that dry up. Such flexibility of life history pattern enhances survival in widely fluctuating environments, such as the temporary shallow ponds in the Pantanal.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to evaluate the aquatic macrophyte Savinia auriculata in post-treatment of wastewater from a dairy industry. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse between February and March 2015. A batch system was used, each reactor was composed of polyethylene and had capacity of 250 liters of post-treated effluent. Every seven days, pH, turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand and series of solids (total, fixed and volatile) were determined in the wastewater. Besides that, the concentration of macro and micronutrients (P, N, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe) were determined in the wastewater and in plant tissue before and after the experiment. The results showed efficiency in the decrease of N, P, turbidity, pH, solids (ST, SF) and inefficiency in the reduction of volatile solids in the wastewater. The concentration of COD, Ca, Mn, Mg, and Fe increased at the end of the experiment. Due to the absorption of some nutrients such as N and P it is possible to conclude that Salvinia auriculata is a good option for the post-treatment of the wastewater from dairy industry. However, plant senescence promotes the elevation of some elements in the effluent because in this process, nutrients that were previously retained in the plant tissue are inserted into the wastewater again. Because of this it is necessary to remove plants of the reactor in the beginning of the process of senescence.  相似文献   

The ecology of vascular hydrophytes on Lake Kariba   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
D. S. Mitchell 《Hydrobiologia》1969,34(3-4):448-464
Summary The main events in the development of the vascular hydrophyte flora of Lake Kariba are reviewed on the basis of the growth forms present in the Lake.The habitats occupied by free floating plants are still dominated by Salvinia auriculata and here the situation appears ho have reached a measure of stability.The colonies of sudd plants Salvinia mats have similarly reached an apparently stable state.The emergent vegetation of the shores of the lake is shown to be affected by a number of factors, the most important probably being the fluctuations in lake level.Attached hydrophytes with floating leaves are present in such small quantity as to be a relatively unimportant constituent of the present vascular hydrophyte flora of Lake Kariba.The significance to the productivity of Lake Kariba of the establishment of indigenous aquatic and semi-aquatic plants is stated. The detrimental effect of Salvinia mats in retarding the establishment of these plants is pointed out.The development of the submerged aquatic flora is briefly described.Finally these separate events are reviewed in the chronological order in which they occurred.
Résumé Les principaux stages dans le développement de la flore vasculaire hydrophyte du Lac Kariba sont examinés selon l'échelle de croissance des plantes qui se recontrent actuellement dans le lac.Les habitats des plantes flottantes sans attache sont toujours dominés par la Salvinia auriculata; dans ces aires la situation semble avoir atteint, dans une certaine mesure, un état stable.Les colonies de plantes su sedd sur les radeaux de Salvinia paraissent aussi avoir atteint un état stable.Preuve est fournie que la végétation émergeant sur les rives du lac est influencée par un certain nombre de facteurs, dont les plus importantts. sont les variations dans le niveau du lac.Les hydrophytes á pédoncule et á feuilles rencontrent en quantité tellement réduite qu'elles ne constituent qu'un élément relativement sans importance de la flore vasculaire hydrophyte actuelle du Lac Kariba.En termes de productivité du Lac Kariba, les conséquences de l'établissement de plantes aquatiques ou semi-aquatiques est mise en lumiére. L'effet préjudiciable des radeaux de Salvinia en tant qu'ils retardent l'établissement de ces plantes est souligné.Le développement de la flore aquatique sumergée est esquissé. dans l'ordre chronologique de leur apparition.

The nutrient level of Lake Kariba is governed by the Zambezi river which provides about 70% of its water supply. Other tributaries are richer in nutrients and have an appreciable local effect. This is shown by the catches of Limnothrissa miodon which increase after strong flows in the Sanyati river. This is in contrast to natural lakes such as Lake Tanganyika and may be an important management factor in Lake Kariba and other man-made lakes. Possible periods of poor rainfall could thus reduce the Limnothrissa yield in Lake Kariba.  相似文献   

Clarias batrachus, an air breathing fish, when exposed to the mercuric chloride, shows enhanced activity of alkaline phosphatase in its dendritic organs. However, an inhibiting effect has been observed on the activity of acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

Diatom associations from the aufwuchs of inundated trees and under-water leaves of Salvinia communities in open and in enclosed transitional and semi-riverine water of the drowned upper Mwenda river area, lake Kariba were examined in relation to seasonal changes in lake and river, to species of host plant and to decreasing light quality to a depth of 3 m. The flora remained fairly stable in the summer months, changes in the relative percentage composition of the major and minor associations occurred from scouring floodwaters to stagnation in the semi-riverine areas from limited flow and extensive growth of Salvinia. The percentage frequency of occurrence remained high. The flora was less stable in the winter; some species were slow to recolonise tree areas exposed during down-draw of lake water in summer, especially at the lake face. A few species increased in relative percentage value in winter but the percentage frequency of occurrence in the minor association was poor. Achnanthes minutissima dominated particularly in the enclosed water where it was the cause of serious space competition especially to the larger species of diatom. Highest values throughout were obtained from the area of greatest change viz. the transitional water between riverine and lake conditions.Local environment was of greater significance in relative percentage abundance of diatoms than was the species of host plant. A few species showed ambivalency, becoming planktonic or epiphytic with changes in the environment. Epiphytes taken at increasing depth of water showed that 50% of them occurred in the first 1.5 m, some increased with depth, notably Rhopalodia rhopala and a few appeared to be tolerant of light changes.  相似文献   

The food of adult Sargochromis codringtonii in Lake Kariba was dominated by prosobranch snails with pulmonate snails forming an insignificant dietary component. S. codringtonii does not show particular preference for any snail species, feeding on those species that are readily available. Morphometrical analysis of the feeding structures of S. codringtonii showed that the fish is well adapted to handling a molluscivorous diet. The pharyngeal jaws with their flat crowned teeth are well adapted to crushing molluscs. The daily food consumption rate of S. codringtonii was estimated over different seasons. Estimates of food consumption indicate that the fish consumed 13.96% of their dry body weight per day in summer falling to 4.46% in winter. The low consumption of pulmonate snails suggests that S. codringtonii can not be a successful biological control agent against the vectors of schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was to survey information about the physiology of Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia auriculata and their capacity to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from the environment, after quantifying the concentrations of the nitrogen (NO3-N, NH4-N and total-N) and phosphorus (PO4-P and total-P) compounds in the water. The macrophytes were incubated in the laboratory in plastic vials of approximately 1.5 litters containing a previously prepared solution of NH4NO3, NH4Cl and KH2PO4. Eichhornia crassipes exhibited the highest rates of nutrient reduction and the concentrations of NO3-N, NH4-N and PO4-P in the water influenced the uptake rates of nitrogen and phosphorus of the E. crassipes and S. auriculata. This information can help to reach adequate management strategies for aquatic macrophytes in order to reduce the eutrophication process in Imboassica lagoon.  相似文献   

Four surplus yield models were used to estimate the yield potential of the Kariba inshore fishery. The classical methods gave maximum sustainable yield (MSY) values as high as 1333 t y-1. These values are regarded as over-estimates in view of the present average annual catch of 619.4 t y-1. The Schnute (1978) model gave an MSY of 719t y-1 and a failure index close to 1 indicating that the data do not fit well into the model. Walter's (1986) graphical approach of fitting an approximate equilibrium yield curve to catch and effort predicts an MSY between 550 and 570t y-1. It is suggested that the Kariba inshore fishery on the Zimbabwean side should be managed within this range, in Basins 4 and 5.


Quatre modèles de rendement excédentaire ont été employés pour estimer le rendement potentiel de la pêcherie dans le lac Kariba. Les méthodes classiques donnaient un rendement maximal supportable (RMS) de 1333 ta-1. On considere que ces valeurs sont surestimées au vu de la capture annuelle moyenne de 619 ta-1. Le modèle de Schnute (1978) donnait un RMS de 719 ta-1 et un risque d'erreur proche de 1, indiquant que les données ne s'intègrent pas bien dans le modèle. L'approche graphique de Walter (1986) qui tend à ajuster un niveau de rendement en équilibre approximatif entre I'effort et la prise prévoit un RMS compris entre 550 et 570 ta-1. On suggère que la pêcherie dans le lac Kariba devrait être gérée dans cet ordre-là du côté zimbabwéken.  相似文献   

Horizontal variations in associations of zooplankton in Lake Kariba   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J. GREEN 《Journal of Zoology》1985,206(2):225-239
The horizontal distribution of the zooplankton in Lake Kariba was sampled by means of vertical hauls using 55 and 250 μm meshed nets. Crustacea were sparse in the main lake, but increased dramatically in the very shallow water at the end of Crocodile Creek. The composition of the zooplankton is influenced by the presence in the main lake of the Tanganyika sardine, Limnothrissa miodon , and by the large size of the dominant diatom in the phytoplankton. In the creeks the distribution can be explained by the zooplankton occurring in open spaces into which planktivorous fish do not enter because of the possibility of predation by Tiger fish ( Hydrucyori ) and birds.
The systematic composition of the zooplankton in L. Kariba is reviewed and compared with two natural lakes and another man-made lake. It is concluded that the zooplankton and the fishes in L. Kariba have reached approximately the specific diversity that one would expect from a similar sized natural lake in the same geographical area.  相似文献   

The regulation of Ace2 and morphogenesis (RAM) network is a protein kinase signaling pathway conserved among eukaryotes from yeasts to humans. Among fungi, the RAM network has been most extensively studied in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and has been shown to regulate a range of cellular processes, including daughter cell-specific gene expression, cell cycle regulation, cell separation, mating, polarized growth, maintenance of cell wall integrity, and stress signaling. Increasing numbers of recent studies on the role of the RAM network in pathogenic fungal species have revealed that this network also plays an important role in the biology and pathogenesis of these organisms. In addition to providing a brief overview of the RAM network in S. cerevisiae, we summarize recent developments in the understanding of RAM network function in the human fungal pathogens Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Pneumocystis spp.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was to quantify the concentrations of total and ammonium N, nitrate, total and soluble P in the water in the presence of Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia auriculata, which were submitted to two different photoperiods in a 24 hours incubation period in the laboratory. The macrophytes were incubated in plastic vials of approximately 1.5 litters, with a previously prepared solution with NH4NO3, NH4Cl, and KH2PO4. Eichhornia crassipes showed the highest average rate of reduction of all the nutrients analysed in relation to Salvinia auriculata. The largest photoperiod reflected in a higher average rate of reduction of nutrients, in both plants. Therefore, we may expect that in some periods of the year (e.g. summer), the aquatic macrophytes would show higher growth rates and higher rates of nitrogen and phosphorus absorption. These results are important for the implementation and management of wastewater treatment systems in tropical areas using aquatic macrophytes.  相似文献   

Degradation of chitosan by H(2)O(2) under microwave irradiation was investigated. The oxidative degradation of chitosan was highly accelerated by microwave irradiation under the condition of low temperature and low concentration of H(2)O(2). The degraded chitosans with low molecular weight (M(w)) were characterized by gel permeation chromatography, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and elemental analysis. The decrease of M(w) led to transformation of crystal structure and increase of water solubility, whereas no significant chemical structure change in the backbone of chitosan was observed. Antifungal activities of chitosans with different M(w) against crop pathogenic fungi Phomopsis asparagi, Fusarium oxysoporum f. sp. Vasinfectum and Stemphylium solani were investigated at the concentrations of 100, 200 and 400mg/L. All degraded chitosans with low M(w) exhibited enhanced antifungal activity compared with original chitosan and the chitosan of 41.2kDa showed the highest activity. At 400mg/L, the chitosan of 41.2kDa inhibited growth of P. asparagi at 89.3%, stronger than polyoxin and triadimefon, the inhibitory effects of which were found to be 55.5% and 68.5%. All the results indicated that oxidative degradation under microwave irradiation was a promising technique for large-scale production of low M(w) chitosan for use in crop protection.  相似文献   

Proteases of the pathogenic neisseriae: possible role in infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
T M O'Reilly  A R Bhatti 《Microbios》1986,45(183):113-129
Proteolytic enzymes are produced by animal as well as human pathogens. Several micro-organisms including Neisseriae produce IgA1 specific proteases. This protease specifically hydrolyses IgA1 protein. IgA1-specific protease(s) synthesized by Neisseria species are briefly reviewed with particular reference to their role in infection.  相似文献   

Lake Kariba is thermally stratified for about 9 months of the year. The Tanganyika sardine, Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger), thrives very well when the water is in circulation and when its food (zooplankton) is abundant due to increased nutrients in the water column. There is a fall in the sardine yields as the water column gets partitioned into a nutrient-poor epilimnion and a nutrient-rich hypolimnion during thermal stratification. A very high negative correlation ( r 2= 0.94, n = 32) was found between thermal stratification and the monthly yields of the sardines. This uneven annual distribution of sardine yields creates problems for the local fishery.  相似文献   

A principal component and discriminant function analysis of zooplankton from the Sanyati Bay, Lake Kariba, indicated that the distribution of plankton was associated with the riverine in-flow into the lake.  相似文献   

The growth and mortality of the small clupeid fish Limnothrissa miodon were studied in Lake Kariba, a large, man-made lake in central Africa. Growth could be described by the von Bertalanffy equation lt = 74.2 (1—e−0.254( t +0.07)) where length ( l ) is expressed in millimetres and time ( t ) in months. The monthly rates of mortality were high and increasing under intensive fishing; in 1983 the total mortality rate Z =1.15 and natural mortality M =0.7. Limnothrissa appears to be stunted in the man-made lakes where it occurs (Kariba and Cahora Bassa) where it grows at a faster rate but to a smaller size than it does in natural lakes (Kivu and Tanganyika). Various hypotheses to account for this are discussed and it was concluded that this is an adaptation to the relatively unstable conditions found in the man-made lakes.  相似文献   

蛋白酶在真菌的生存和生长过程中具有重要作用,同时也被认为是病原真菌重要的毒力因子之一。病原真菌的蛋白酶可能参与真菌在宿主的黏附、定植和播散以及逃避宿主的免疫应答过程。部分蛋白酶还被认为是变应原,可诱发哮喘和过敏性疾病。在不同的病原真菌中,蛋白酶作用也不同。研究蛋白酶的致病机制,可进一步了解真菌感染机制,为诊断及治疗真菌感染提供线索。  相似文献   

During a survey of fish ectoparasites in Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe), two crustaceans were often encountered. Dolops ranarum (Branchiura), parasite of the body, mouth and gill chamber, infected mostly cichlids, the catfish Clarias gariepinus, Synodontis zambezensis and two Mormyrids. Among cichlids clear host preferences were shown. No seasonal variations could be detected in the infections. D. ranarum parasitized predominantly fish above 15 cm in standard length. Lamproglena monodi (Copepoda) parasitized only the gills of cichlids with a preference for Serranochromis codringtonii, S. macrocephalus and Tilapia rendalli. Small fish were seldom infected. Seasonal variations of the prevalence occurred, the hot season being the less favourable. Few other crustaceans were found during the survey: a single specimen of Lamproglena hemprichii on the gills of the tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus; three specimens of Afrolernaea longicollis, one found on the gills of Hippopotamyrus discorhynchus and two on the gills of Mormyrops deliciosus; a hundred of Ergasilus mirabilis in a specimen of H. discorhynchus.  相似文献   

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