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Li HH  Cai X  Shouse GP  Piluso LG  Liu X 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(2):402-411
Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) has been implicated to exert its tumor suppressive function via a small subset of regulatory subunits. In this study, we reported that the specific B regulatory subunits of PP2A B56gamma1 and B56gamma3 mediate dephosphorylation of p53 at Thr55. Ablation of the B56gamma protein by RNAi, which abolishes the Thr55 dephosphorylation in response to DNA damage, reduces p53 stabilization, Bax expression and cell apoptosis. To investigate the molecular mechanisms, we have shown that the endogenous B56gamma protein level and association with p53 increase after DNA damage. Finally, we demonstrate that Thr55 dephosphorylation is required for B56gamma3-mediated inhibition of cell proliferation and cell transformation. These results suggest a molecular mechanism for B56gamma-mediated tumor suppression and provide a potential route for regulation of B56gamma-specific PP2A complex function.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a multifunctional protein phosphatase with critical roles in excitable cell signaling. In the heart, PP2A function is linked with modulation of beta-adrenergic signaling and has been suggested to regulate key ion channels and transporters including Na/Ca exchanger, ryanodine receptor, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, and Na/K ATPase. Although many of the functional roles and molecular targets for PP2A in heart are known, little is established regarding the cellular pathways that localize specific PP2A isoform activities to subcellular sites. We report that the PP2A regulatory subunit B56alpha is an in vivo binding partner for ankyrin-B, an adapter protein required for normal subcellular localization of the Na/Ca exchanger, Na/K ATPase, and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. Ankyrin-B and B56alpha are colocalized and coimmunoprecipitate in primary cardiomyocytes. Using multiple strategies, we identified the structural requirements on B56alpha for ankyrin-B association as a 13 residue motif in the B56alpha COOH terminus not present in other B56 family polypeptides. Finally, we report that reduced ankyrin-B expression in primary ankyrin-B(+/-) cardiomyocytes results in disorganized distribution of B56alpha that can be rescued by exogenous expression of ankyrin-B. These new data implicate ankyrin-B as a critical targeting component for PP2A in heart and identify a new class of signaling proteins targeted by ankyrin polypeptides.  相似文献   



The sestrin family of stress-responsive genes (SESN1-3) are suggested to be involved in regulation of metabolism and aging through modulation of the AMPK-mTOR pathway. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an effector of the tumour suppressor LKB1, which regulates energy homeostasis, cell polarity, and the cell cycle. SESN1/2 can interact directly with AMPK in response to stress to maintain genomic integrity and suppress tumorigenesis. Ionizing radiation (IR), a widely used cancer therapy, is known to increase sestrin expression, and acutely activate AMPK. However, the regulation of AMPK expression by sestrins in response to IR has not been studied in depth.

Methods and Findings

Through immunoprecipitation we observed that SESN2 directly interacted with the AMPKα1β1γ1 trimer and its upstream regulator LKB1 in MCF7 breast cancer cells. SESN2 overexpression was achieved using a Flag-tagged SESN2 expression vector or a stably-integrated tetracycline-inducible system, which also increased AMPKα1 and AMPKβ1 subunit phosphorylation, and co-localized with phosphorylated AMPKα-Thr127 in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, enhanced SESN2 expression increased protein levels of LKB1 and AMPKα1β1γ1, as well as mRNA levels of LKB1, AMPKα1, and AMPKβ1. Treatment of MCF7 cells with IR elevated AMPK expression and activity, but this effect was attenuated in the presence of SESN2 siRNA. In addition, elevated SESN2 inhibited IR-induced mTOR signalling and sensitized MCF7 cells to IR through an AMPK-dependent mechanism.


Our results suggest that in breast cancer cells SESN2 is associated with AMPK, it is involved in regulation of basal and IR-induced expression and activation of this enzyme, and it mediates sensitization of cancer cells to IR.  相似文献   

The PP2A serine/threonine phosphatase regulates a plethora of cellular processes. In the cell the predominant form of the enzyme is a heterotrimer, formed by a core dimer composed of a catalytic and a scaffolding subunit, which assemble together with one of a range of different regulatory B subunits. Here, we present the first structure of a free non-complexed B subunit, B56 gamma. Comparison with the recent structures of a heterotrimeric complex and the core dimer reveals several significant conformational changes in the interface region between the B56 gamma and the core dimer. These allow for an assembly scheme of the PP2A holoenzyme to be put forth where B56 gamma first complexes with the scaffolding subunit and subsequently binds to the catalytic subunit and this induces the formation of a binding site for the invariant C-terminus of the catalytic subunit that locks in the complex as a last step of assembly.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a major serine/threonine phosphatase that regulates a wide variety of cellular processes. The enzymatic activity and intracellular localization of PP2A are determined by three distinct families of cellular regulatory subunits (B, B', and B'). The B' subunit, also known as B56, is the most diverse, consisting of five isoforms (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon). The gene encoding B56gamma has been designated as PPP2R5C and encodes three differentially spliced variants: B56gamma1, -gamma2, and -gamma3. However, conflicting chromosomal loci have been reported in human genomic databases. The original cytogenetic mapping placed the gene on chromosome 3p21.3, whereas subsequent studies using radiation hybrid analysis localized PPP2R5C to chromosome 14q. In this study, by radiation hybrid mapping, FISH analysis, BAC clone sequencing, and RT-PCR analysis, we show that the functional gene PPP2R5C exists at 14q32.2 and gives rise to three splicing variants, B56gamma1, -gamma2, and -gamma3, whereas a nonfunctional B56gamma1 pseudogene, PPP2R5CP, is present at 3p21.3. We also report the genomic organization of both the functional gene and the pseudogene.  相似文献   

Type 2A serine/threonine protein phosphatases (PP2A) are key components in the regulation of signal transduction and control of cell metabolism. The activity of these protein phosphatases is modulated by regulatory subunits. While PP2A activity has been characterized in plants, little is known about its regulation. We used the polymerase chain reaction to amplify a segment of a cDNA encoding the B regulatory subunit of PP2A from Arabidopsis. The amplified DNA fragment of 372 nucleotides was used as a probe to screen an Arabidopsis cDNA library and a full-length clone (AtB) of 2.1 kbp was isolated. The predicted protein encoded by AtB is 43 to 46% identical and 53 to 56% similar to its yeast and mammalian counterparts, and contains three unique regions of amino acid insertions not present in the animal B regulatory subunit. Genomic Southern blots indicate the Arabidopsis genome contains at least two genes encoding the B regulatory subunit. In addition, other plant species also contain DNA sequences homologous to the B regulatory subunit, indicating that regulation of PP2A activity by the 55 kDa B regulatory subunit is probably ubiquitous in plants. Northern blots indicate the AtB mRNA accumulates in all Arabidopsis tissues examined, suggesting the protein product of the AtB gene performs a basic housekeeping function in plant cells.  相似文献   

Tap42/α4 is a regulatory subunit of the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) family of phosphatases and plays a role in the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway that regulates cell growth, ribosome biogenesis, translation and cell cycle progression in both yeast and mammals. We determined the cellular functions of Tap46, the plant homolog of Tap42/α4, in both Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana. Tap46 associated with the catalytic subunits of PP2A and the PP2A-like phosphatases PP4 and PP6 in vivo. Tap46 was phosphorylated by TOR in vitro, indicating that Tap46 is a direct substrate of TOR kinase. Tap46 deficiency caused cellular phenotypes that are similar to TOR-depletion phenotypes, including repression of global translation and activation of both autophagy and nitrogen recycling. Furthermore, Tap46 depletion regulated total PP2A activity in a time-dependent manner similar to TOR deficiency. These results suggest that Tap46 acts as a positive effector of the TOR signaling pathway in controlling diverse metabolic processes in plants. However, Tap46 silencing caused acute cell death, while TOR silencing only hastened senescence. Furthermore, mitotic cells with reduced Tap46 levels exhibited chromatin bridges at anaphase, while TOR depletion did not cause a similar defect. These findings suggest that Tap46 may have TOR-independent functions as well as functions related to TOR signaling in plants.Key words: acute cell death, autophagy, chromatin bridge, nitrogen mobilization, protein phosphatases, target of rapamycin (TOR)Yeast type 2A phosphatase-associated protein 42 kDa (Tap42) is a regulatory subunit that directly associates with catalytic subunits of the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) family of protein phosphatases to make a heterodimer and regulates the activity and substrate specificity of the intact enzyme complex.1 Functions of Tap42 as a component of the target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway have been well characterized in yeast.13 Tap42-regulated phosphatase activities play a major role in signal transduction mediated by TOR. Accumulating evidence suggest that TOR regulates phosphorylation of target proteins by restraining PP2A activity through Tap42 phosphorylation.13 Rapamycin inhibits TOR activity and also influences Tap42-mediated phosphatase regulation in yeast.35α4, the mammalian homolog of Tap42, also associates with the catalytic subunits of PP2A, PP4 and PP6 to make a heterodimer.6 Rapamycin inhibits mammalian TOR (mTOR) activity, but it is not clear whether rapamycin prevents the formation of the α4/PP2Ac complex or whether α4 stimulates or represses PP2Ac activity.79 Interestingly, loss of Tap42 function in Drosophila does not affect TOR-regulated activities, including cell growth, metabolism and S6 kinase activity, but results in mitotic arrest caused by spindle anomalies and subsequent activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling and apoptosis.10 Similarly, α4 deletion in mice leads to the rapid onset of apoptosis in both proliferating and differentiated cells, while rapamycin itself does not severely affect adult cells.11 Furthermore, while TOR depletion causes developmental arrest and organ degeneration at the L3 stage in Caenorhabditis elegans, loss of α4 does not reproduce TOR deficiency phenotypes, but mainly leads to a fertility defect.12 Taken together, these results suggest that the yeast Tap42/TOR paradigm is not completely conserved in higher eukaryotes and that Tap42/α4 functions may not be exclusively dependent on the Tor signaling pathway.In this study, we investigated the in vivo functions and phosphatase regulation of Tap46, the plant Tap42/α4 homolog, in relation to TOR in Nicotiana benthamiana, Arabidopsis and tobacco BY2 cells. Tap46 was shown to interact with the catalytic subunits of PP2A, PP4 and PP6 in vivo. Recombinant Tap46 protein was phosphorylated by immunoprecipitated TOR kinase and its deletion forms in vitro. Dexamethasone-induced RNAi of Tap46 caused dramatic repression of global translation and activation of both autophagy and nitrogen mobilization in the early stages of gene silencing. These phenotypes mimic those of TOR inactivation or TOR deficiency in Arabidopsis, yeast and mammals, indicating that Tap46 is a critical mediator of the Tor pathway in the regulation of these metabolic processes in plants. However, these early phenotypes of Tap46-deficient plants were soon followed by an acute and rapid programmed cell-death (PCD), while TOR silencing only led to growth retardation and premature senescence in Arabidopsis and N. benthamiana, confirming results from a previous study.13 The PCD caused by Tap46 deficiency is consistent with the apoptosis induced by loss of Tap42/α4 function in both Drosophila and mice.10,11 Thus Tap42/α4/Tap46 appears to have a strong anti-apoptotic activity in higher eukaryotes. The underlying mechanisms of PCD activation caused by Tap46 depletion remain to be revealed, but it is possible that the inappropriate modulation of phosphatase activity and aberrant protein phosphorylation led to stress signaling and PCD activation.Another interesting phenotype of Tap46 deficiency is the formation of chromatin bridges in anaphase during mitosis, suggesting a role for Tap46 in plant cell mitotic progression. However, there have been no reports of anaphase bridge formation in tor mutants of any organisms. In Drosophila, loss of Tap42 function causes spindle disorganization and pre-anaphase arrest prior to the onset of apoptosis.10 In addition, Drosophila mutants with a defective regulatory subunit of PP2A exhibit an increased number of lagging chromosomes and chromatin bridges in anaphase.14,15 Tap46 likely regulates the functions of PP2A family phosphatases during mitosis by direct association with their catalytic subunits, thereby modulating both the activity and specificity of the enzyme. Accumulating evidence reveals dynamic functions of PP2A during mitosis in both yeast and mammals: PP2A regulates kinetochore function, sister chromatid cohesion, spindle bipolarity and progression to anaphase.1517 Counteracting the activity of protein kinases, PP4 has also been implicated in both centrosome maturation and function during mitosis.18 Based on immunolabeling results, Tap46 was visualized as distinct spots around chromatin and mitotic spindles during mitosis in tobacco BY2 cells (Lee HS and Pai HS, unpublished results). Further studies will address the interacting partners and dynamic relocation of Tap46 during the cell cycle.Our results in this study demonstrated that Tap46 plays an important regulatory role in plant growth and metabolism; a major part of its function appears related to TOR signaling. However, we consistently observed certain phenotypic differences between Tap46-silenced and TOR-silenced Arabidopsis and N. benthamiana plants: an acute and rapid PCD occurred upon Tap46 silencing but not upon TOR silencing, despite a similar degree of gene silencing. Furthermore, we did not observe anaphase bridge formation in mitotic root-tip cells of ethanol-induced TOR RNAi Arabidopsis plants, while chromatin bridges were repeatedly observed in Tap46-silenced tobacco BY2 and Arabidopsis root-tip cells. Although an ancient Tap42/TOR paradigm observed in yeast appears to be conserved in plants, new TOR-independent functions of Tap46 might have evolved, the abrogation of which can cause massive PCD activation and anaphase bridge formation. Tap46 is a major regulator of cellular PP2A activity in plant cells by interacting with multiple phosphatase partners. Unraveling the molecular networks of Tap46 activity and interactions is essential for understanding its TOR-dependent and -independent functions in plants.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is composed of structural (A), catalytic (C), and regulatory (B) subunits. The catalytic subunit (PP2A(C)) undergoes reversible carboxyl-methylation and -demethylation at its C-terminal leucine residue (Leu309), catalyzed by PP2A-methyltransferase (PMT) and PP2A methylesterase (PME-1), respectively. In this study, we observed that the activity of PP2A was largely unaffected by the addition of PME-1, and that the regulatory subunit (PR55/B) could bind demethylated PP2A(D). Furthermore, to study the precise effect of Leu309 demethylation on PP2A activity, we generated two His(8)-tagged mutant versions of PP2A(C) containing an alanine residue in place of Leu309, and a deletion of Leu309. Both recombinant mutants exhibited phosphatase activity. In addition, we demonstrated that both mutants could constitute a holoenzyme with the regulatory A and B subunits. Our collective results indicate that methylation of Leu309 of PP2A(C) is unnecessary for the PP2A activity and the binding of PR55/B.  相似文献   

Satoru Mochida 《EMBO reports》2015,16(11):1411-1412
Entry into and exit from mitosis are brought about by the increase and decrease, respectively, in the activity of cyclin‐dependent kinases (CDKs). Many examples are known of how the properties of particular proteins can be altered by phosphorylation, promoting processes like nuclear envelope breakdown or assembly of the mitotic spindle. The regulation of protein phosphatases is shedding new light on how this quantitative change of protein phosphorylation is achieved by a tight linkage between CDK activity and CDK‐antagonizing phosphatases. On entering mitosis, increasing CDK activity ignites a repressive pathway that acts on PP2A‐B55, one of the major phosphatases for CDK substrates in higher eukaryotes. This repression allows rapid and near complete substrate phosphorylation. But this raises a serious bootstrapping problem at mitotic exit. Because the phosphatase responsible for CDK substrates has been shut off, how can the repression pathway, which was activated by CDK, be reversed? In the current issue, Heim and colleagues propose an answer to this question 1 . Their data show that dephosphorylation of Greatwall kinase (Gwl) at its auto‐phosphorylation site(s) is targeted by PP1, which leads to significant decrease in Gwl kinase activity. This early action by PP1 seems to be a prerequisite for PP2A‐B55 to escape from repression and to return Gwl back to its inactive hypophosphorylated interphase state. This study provides an important piece of evidence for how the repression mechanism of PP2A‐B55 is made reversible, and offers a solution to the bootstrap problem.  相似文献   

The protein Ser/Thr phosphatase family contains three enzymes called PP2A, PP4, and PP6 with separate biological functions inferred from genetics of the yeast homologues Pph21/22, Pph3, and Sit4. These catalytic subunits associate with a common subunit called alpha4 (related to yeast Tap42). Here, we characterized recombinant PP6 and PP2A catalytic monomers and alpha4.phosphatase heterodimers. Monomeric PP6 and PP2A showed identical kinetics using either p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) or 32P-myelin basic protein (MBP) as substrates, with matching Km and Vmax values. Using pNPP as substrate, PP6 and PP2A gave the same IC50 with active site inhibitors okadaic acid, microcystin-LR, calyculin A, and cantharidin. However, with MBP as substrate, PP6 was inhibited at 5-fold lower concentrations of toxins relative to PP2A, suggesting PP6 might be a preferred in vivo target of toxins. Heterodimeric alpha4.PP6 and alpha4.PP2A were starkly different. With MBP as substrate the alpha4.PP2A heterodimer had a 100-fold higher Vmax than alpha4.PP6, and neither heterodimer was active with pNPP. Thus, these phosphatases are distinguished by their different responses to allosteric binding of the common regulatory subunit alpha4. Transient expression of alpha4 differentially increased or decreased phosphorylation of endogenous phosphoproteins, consistent with opposing effects on PP2A and PP6.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is an abundant heterotrimeric serine/threonine phosphatase containing highly conserved structural (A) and catalytic (C) subunits. Its diverse functions in the cell are determined by its association with a highly variable regulatory and targeting B subunit. At least three distinct gene families encoding B subunits are known: B/B55/CDC55, B'/B56/RTS1 and B"/PR72/130. No homology has been identified among the B families, and little is known about how these B subunits interact with the PP2A A and C subunits. In vitro expression of a series of B56alpha fragments identified two distinct domains that bound independently to the A subunit. Sequence alignment of these A subunit binding domains (ASBD) identified conserved residues in B/B55 and PR72 family members. The alignment successfully predicted domains in B55 and PR72 subunits that similarly bound to the PP2A A subunit. These results suggest that these B subunits share a common core structure and mode of interaction with the PP2A holoenzyme.  相似文献   

Based on central dogma of genetics, protein is the embodiment and executor of genetic function, post-translational modifications (PTMs) of protein are particularly important and involved in almost all aspects of cell biology and pathogenesis. Studies have shown that ionizing radiation (IR) alters gene expression much more profoundly and a broad variety of cell-process pathways, lots of proteins are modified and activated. Our understanding of the protein in response to ionizing radiation is steadily increasing. Among the various biological processes known to induce radioresistance, PTMs have attracted marked attention in recent years. The present review summarizes the latest knowledge about how PTMs response to ionizing radiation and pathway analysis were conducted. The data provided insights into biological effects of IR and contributing to the development of novel IR-based strategies.  相似文献   

Human SNM1B/Apollo is involved in the cellular response to DNA-damage, however, its precise role is unknown. Recent reports have implicated hSNM1B in the protection of telomeres. We have found hSNM1B to interact with TRF2, a protein which functions in telomere protection and in an early response to ionizing radiation. Here we show that endogenous hSNM1B forms foci which colocalize at telomeres with TRF1 and TRF2. However, we observed that additional hSNM1B foci could be induced upon exposure to ionizing radiation (IR). In live-cell-imaging experiments, hSNM1B localized to photo-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) within 10s post-induction. Further supporting a role for hSNM1B in the early stages of the cellular response to DSBs, we observed that autophosphorylation of ATM, as well as the phosphorylation of ATM target proteins in response to IR, was attenuated in cells depleted of hSNM1B. These observations suggest an important role for hSNM1B in the response to IR damage, a role that may be, in part, upstream of the central player in maintenance of genome integrity, ATM.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation from all sources under appropriate conditions leads to cell death and tissue damage. It is used in cancer treatment under the assumption of a higher radiosensitivity of the fast dividing tumor cells as compared with adjacent host tissues. The radiosensitivities of proliferating host tissues like bone marrow and gastrointestinal lining epithelium are dose limiting. Since these host tissues and many tumors show circadian and other periodicities in their cell proliferation, the timing of radiation treatment according to host and/or tumor rhythms is expected to improve the toxic/therapeutic ratio of the treatment. The experimental data on the chronobiology of radiation exposure show circadian rhythmicity in radiation response after whole body irradiation in mice and rats with highest toxicity in light-dark 12h:12h synchronized animals during their daily activity span. Bone marrow toxicity as well as gastrointestinal epithelial damage show circadian rhythms in part due to radiation damage to the stem cells involved and especially in the intestine also due to damage to the microvasculature. Chronoradiotherapy of malignant tumors seems promising, alone or in combination with response modifiers, provided the host and potential tumor rhythms can be monitored.  相似文献   

The ultrafast transient (10(-14) to 10(-12)S) thermal and mechanical response of water subject to ionizing radiations of different linear energy transfers has been investigated in order to understand the initial events which lead to cell mutation and lethality. Based on computational fluid dynamics, the production of a "thermal spike" around the trajectory of a charged particle and subsequent diffusion of deposited heart are calculated for particles with linear energy transfer (LET) of 4, 40, and 400 keV/microns. A radiation damage region (that is, the so-called "thermal core") is identified, and the transient behavior of the thermal core is studied. The local and transient environment has a dimension of nanometers, a scale which is of critical interest in understanding mechanisms of radiation damage in cells. The radius of the thermal core, Dd, at temperatures (or internal energy density) of up to 1,000 K, is observed to increase with LET, L, as Dd (in nanometers) = C4.L (in keV/microns)0.6, where, for example, C4 = 0.50 for T = 800 degrees C.  相似文献   

The extracellular phospholipase A2s (PLA2) from cobra venom, rattlesnake venom, and porcine pancreas were analyzed by radiation inactivation to determine their functional aggregation states. The analysis was performed in the presence of the protein transferrin at two different concentrations of PLA2: 5 micrograms/ml. The small size of these proteins necessitated the use of high radiation dosages. The catalytic activity of all samples decreased as a single exponential as a function of radiation dosage, to > 97% inactivation. Target size analysis of these curves yielded sizes corresponding to dimers for all three PLA2s, indicating that all three enzymes exist as dimers or larger aggregates under the conditions studied. An analysis of the amount of intact protein remaining by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the loss of protein also followed a dimeric size for all three PLA2s. The loss of protein as a dimer indicates that transfer of radiation energy is occurring between polypeptides.  相似文献   

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