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Summary Seven clonal populations were derived from the WiDr human colon adenocarcinoma cell line and were characterized with respect to chromosome number, DNA content, and tumorigenicity in nude mide. There was no correlation between tumor volume and either DNA content or chromosome number; but there were wide differences among the clones regarding the size of tumors they were able to produce in nude mice.  相似文献   

The metastatic ability of human tumour cells can easily be evaluated by using as an experimental model the production of metastases in newborn rats immunosuppressed by an optimal dose of anti-thymocyte serum. Thus, following sub-cutaneous injection of 10(6) cells, a human melanoma cell line, tumorigenic but non metastatic in nude mice, produces within 3 weeks tumours in all inoculated rats and lymph node and pulmonary metastases in 50% of the animals. The cloning of this cell line in semi-solid agar shows its heterogeneity and demonstrates that it contains poorly tumorigenic but highly metastatic cells.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid hormones are thought to play a role in carcinogenesis as they regulate cell differentiation and proliferation. We have investigated the effect of dexamethasone on two cell lines derived from a colon carcinoma, which differ by their tumorigenicity. Dexamethasone was found to inhibit growth of both the progressive (PROb) and the regressive clone (REGb). Upon glucocorticoid treatment, PROb cells were found to secrete an additional Mr 40,000 protein. The synthesis and the release in the culture medium of this protein is stimulated specifically by glucocorticoid agonists, and not by other steroid hormones. The anti-glucocorticoid RU 38486 is ineffecient and suppresses the induction of this protein by dexamethasone. Induction is sensitive to actinomycin D, suggesting that regulation may be related to an alteration of the rate of mRNA synthesis. The cellular effect of glucocorticoid hormones being mediated through a specific soluble receptor, we have characterized this protein. The PROb cells contained more specific glucocorticoid-binding sites ( 170,000 sites per cell) than the regressive ones (REGb cells; 100,000 sites per cell). In both clones, the receptor was associated with the Mr 90,000 heat shock protein to yield large complexes (Stokes radius Rs 7.5 nm), which were dissociated to the same extent upon heat- and salt-treatment. The steroid- and DNA-binding unit of the receptor, characterized under denaturing conditions using an anti-receptor monoclonal antibody, was found to be more degraded in the PROb cell line.  相似文献   

Several clonal sublines of HCT-116 human colon adenocarcinoma cells were isolated and characterized on the basis of their growth characteristics, intrinsic enterocyte-like differentiation (as assessed by alkaline phosphatase and lactase activities), and responses to butyrate, an inducer of colon tumor cell maturation. The HCT-116 sublines were found to be heterogeneous and several phenotypically distinct clones were identified. Further characterization of these clones indicated that the effects of butyrate on cell growth, alkaline phosphatase activity, and lactase activity were distinct and separable. The growth of all of the clones were inhibited by butyrate (IC50 values varied from 0.44 to 1.5 mM), but the effects of this agent on alkaline phosphatase and lactase activities varied widely. In several sublines butyrate had no effect on either enzyme while in others one or both activities were induced. Additionally, the binding of 125I-epidermal growth factor (EGF) to cell surface receptors was found to be proportional to the expression of lactase activity in the cell. The D3 clone and other sublines with intrinsic lactase activities greater than 100 nmol/mg/min expressed a class of high-affinity EGF receptors (e.g., D3 cells had 3.48 X 10(4) EGF receptors/cell with a kd of 0.61 nM). Other clones with less lactase activity had undetectable levels of 125I-EGF binding. In clones which exhibited greater than twofold increases in lactase activity in response to butyrate, the expression of a large number of low-affinity EGF receptors was also induced. In one such clone, the P1 subline, lactase activity was increased from 70 nmol/mg/min to 230 nmol/mg/min after 96 h in 2 mM butyrate, and the expression of EGF receptors was increased from undetectable levels to 1.18 X 10(5) EGF receptors/cell (kd of 3.2 nM). Northern blot analysis indicated that the increased 125I-EGF binding after butyrate treatment may have been due, in part, to a greater than twofold accumulation of EGF receptor mRNA. In addition, the expression of the messages for transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) was examined in butyrate-treated cells. While TGF-alpha mRNA levels were found to correlate with EGF receptor message levels in the HCT-116 clones, TGF-beta mRNA expression was not found to correlate with the butyrate-induced growth inhibition or with increases in EGF receptor expression, alkaline phosphatase activity, or lactase activity in these cells.  相似文献   

We isolated from a human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line two clones with highly different metastatic abilities. One of them, which spreads rapidly in culture, produces, when injected in immunosuppressed newborn rats, well differentiated epithelial like tumors limited by a continuous basal lamina and never produces lung metastasis. The other clone, which spreads slowly in culture, produces undifferentiated tumors of irregular shape and with usually no basal lamina; tumor cells are often dispersed in the stroma and metastases are observed in the lungs. These two clones may hence constitute a model for the study of the link between the presence or absence of a basal lamina in human tumors and their ability to metastasize.  相似文献   

A cytokine with an apparent molecular weight of 53,000 daltons was isolated from serum-free medium conditioned by MTLn3 cells or from homogenates of MTLn3 cells, a highly metastatic variant of the rat 13762NF mammary adenocarcinoma. The chemotactic responses of MTLn3 and the low metastatic variant MTLn2 cells to this cytokine were tested in vitro using modified Boyden chambers. Both the chemotactic and chemokinetic movements of MTLn3 cells were stimulated by the MTLn3-derived cytokine. In addition, the MTLn3-derived cytokine stimulated a relatively small, but significant chemotactic migration of MTLn2 tumor cells, while these cells did not respond to medium conditioned by MTLn2 cells. MTLn3 cells themselves did not respond chemotactically to type I collagen or medium conditioned by MTLn2 cells. These results suggest that the chemotactic response may be a function of metastatic potential of the invading tumor cells. The production of tumor cytokines that enhance tumor cell motility may thus represent a phenotypic difference between 13762NF tumor cell subpopulations of high and low metastatic potential.  相似文献   

茶多酚联合吉非替尼抗肺腺癌血管生成的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:通过观察茶多酚联合吉非替尼对人肺腺癌生长的抑制作用.验证茶多酚抗肿瘤血管生成效应.方法:建立人肺腺癌A549移植瘤模型.设立对照组、茶多酚组、吉非替尼组及两者联合组.观察对肺腺癌A549移植瘤的抑制率,检测移植瘤体的微血管密度;并观察EGFR-VEGF这一肿瘤血管生成重要通路的相关因子VEGF、AKT-2、HIF-1a和STAT-3表达水平.结果:茶多酚组、吉非替尼组对移植性人肺腺癌A549瘤体、肿瘤组织微血管密度及VEGF的表达都有明显的抑制效果;两者联合使用效果明显增强;茶多酚组、吉非替尼组能明显抑制AKT-2、HIF-1a和STAT-3表达水平,但两者联合组对AKT-2、HIF-1a作用并不明显,而能明显抑制STAT3表达.结论:茶多酚、吉非替尼对移植性人肺腺癌A549具有明显的抑制效果,两者联合使用有一定增效作用,并能够影响肿瘤血管生成通路的相关因子表达.  相似文献   

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce the incidence of colon cancer, but their use is limited by toxicity in the gastrointestinal tract. The coupling of a nitric oxide-releasing moiety to NSAIDs strongly reduces these side effects. We demonstrated that the NO-releasing sulindac (nitrosulindac) has much more potent effects on colon adenocarcinoma cell lines compared to sulindac. Moreover, it could inhibit the growth of cells in soft agar experiments, demonstrating the antineoplastic activity at low concentration of nitrosulindac. However, this reduction in the growth of colon cancer cells seemed to be independent of the classical apoptosis pathway and could be explained by a cytostatic effect. Nitrosulindac caused a light perturbation of the cell cycle parameters not linked to a modification of the levels of p21 or the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Moreover, neither sulindac, nor nitrosulindac, were able to inhibit the NF-kappa B pathway. These data suggested that nitrosulindac could be a better solution compared to other NSAIDs in the treatment of colon cancer.  相似文献   

Human colon adenocarcinoma LS180 parental cell line and selected variants, characterized by different metastatic capacity were used to examine, whether a correlation exists between beta-actin expression, its subcellular distribution and metastatic potential of these cells. Cytosolic fraction (supernatant 105000 x g), isolated from the tumor cells was used as a source for actin quantification. The higher level of beta-actin was observed in the cytosol of three selected sublines to compare with LS180 parental line. Statistically significant increase of beta-actin level in highly motile EB3 cells variant should be underlined to compare with the other sublines. Distinct differences in the phenotype of adenocarcinoma cell variants were found, such as the changes in cells shape, cells spreading and ability to attach to the surface of culture dish. Actin cytoskeleton was visualized with fluorescence microscopy application and microfilaments rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin staining. beta-actin subcellular localization was done by immunofluorescence staining with monoclonal anti-beta actin antibodies. In the elongated cells (LS180, 3LNLN), this isoactin is dispersed in the whole cell body and concentrates in pseudopods and at the leading edges, when in the rounded variant (EB3) beta-actin dominates mainly in cortical ring under cellular membrane and it is also seen in the subtle protrusions. Summary of our former (Nowak et al., 2002, Acta Biochim. Polon., 49: 823) and current data lead to the conclusion that there is a distinct correlation between metastatic capacity of examined human colon adenocarcinoma cells, the state of actin polymerization, actin cytoskeleton organization and beta-actin expression.  相似文献   

Queuosine (Q), found exclusively in the first position of the anticodons of tRNA(Asp), tRNA(Asn), tRNA(His) and tRNA(Tyr), is synthesized in eucaryotes by a base-for-base exchange of queuine, the base of Q, for guanine at tRNA position 34. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (EC We measured the specific release of queuine from Q-5'-phosphate (queuine salvage) and the extent of tRNA Q modification in 6 human tumors carried as xenografts in immune-deprived mice. Q-deficient tRNA was found in 3 of the tumors but it did not correlate with diminished queuine salvage. The low tRNA Q content of one tumor, the HxGC3 colon adenocarcinoma, prompted us to examine a HxGC3-derived cell line, GC3/M. GC3/M completely lacks Q in its tRNA and measurable tRNA-guanine transglycosylase activity; the first example of a higher eucaryotic cell which lacks this enzyme. Exposure of GC3/M cells to 5-azacytidine induces the transient appearance of Q-positive tRNA. This result suggests that at least one allele of the transglycosylase gene in GC3/M cells may have been inactivated by DNA methylation. In clinical samples, we found Q-deficient tRNA in 10 of 46 solid tumors, including 2 of 13 colonic carcinomas.  相似文献   

Established lines of human colon cancer cells from several sources (LS180, LS174T, HT29, SW480, SW1345) had water proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) of 460 +/- 45 msec to 982 +/- 9 msec and spin-spin relaxation times (T2) of 83 +/- 6 msec to 176 +/- 6 msec. Two clones derived from single cells of line LS174T were similar in T1 and T2 to the parent line. Differences among the cell lines were not totally a function of cellular hydration. Normal adult and fetal human primary colon cells were wetter and had higher T1 and T2 values than established cell lines. Relaxation times in this study substantiate variations seen for human colon tumors in earlier studies. Established cell lines maintained water relaxation times similar to tumor tissue values. Along with other morphological and biochemical criteria, the relaxation times suggest that these established human colon cancer cell lines may serve as a good experimental model for the study of human colon cancer.  相似文献   

Summary A high frequency of diploid and near-diploid clones were developed from cell lines derived from adult and newborn rat liver using micropipettes. There were some differences in morphology, biochemical properties and growth rate between clones. Cloned cells had low levels of tyrosine transaminase activity, glucose-6-phosphatase activity and albumin content. A diploid clone and a pseudodiploid clone derived from adult rat liver cell line were positive for α-fetoprotein. This work was supported by a grant for cancer research from the Japanese Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

ASGP-1, the major cell surface sialomucin of the 13762 ascites rat mammary adenocarcinoma, is at least 0.5% of the total ascites cell protein and has sulfate on 20% of its O-linked oligosaccharide chains. We have used this system to investigate the O-glycosylation pathway in these cells and to determine the temporal relationship between sulfation and sialylation. The two major sulfated oligosaccharides (S-1 and S-2) were isolated as their oligosaccharitols by alkaline borohydride elimination, anion exchange HPLC, and ion-suppression HPLC. From structural analyses S-1 is proposed to be a branched, sulfated trisaccharide -O4S-GlcNAc beta 1,6-(Gal beta 1,3)-GalNAc and S-2 its sialylated derivative -O4S-GlcNAc beta 1,6-(NeuAc alpha 2,3-Gal beta 1,3)-GalNac. Pulse labeling with sulfate indicated that sulfation occurred primarily on a form of ASGP-1 intermediate in size between immature and mature sialomucin. Pulse-chase analyses showed that the intermediate could be chased into mature ASGP-1. The concomitant conversion of S-1 into S-2 had a half-time of less than 5 min. Monensin treatment of the tumor cells led to a 95% inhibition of sulfation with the accumulation of unsulfated trisaccharide GlcNAc beta 1,6-(Gal beta 1,3)-GalNAc and sialylated derivative GlcNAc beta 1,6-(NeuAc alpha 2,3-Gal beta 1,3)-GalNAc. These data suggest that sulfation of ASGP-1 is an intermediate synthetic step, which competes with beta-1,4-galactosylation for the trisaccharide intermediate and thus occurs in the same compartment as beta-1,4-galactosylation. Moreover, sulfation precedes sialylation, but the two are rapidly successive kinetic events in the oligosaccharide assembly of ASGP-1.  相似文献   

The presence of some characteristics of normal rat intestinal epithelial cells was studied on two clones originating from a single rat colon carcinoma. These clones differed by their tumorigenic properties in the syngeneic host. However, they grow similarly in vitro and in immuno-deprived animals. The PROb clone which had the ability to form progressive tumors in the syngeneic host appeared to possess more features of differentiated cells than the REGb clone which was immunologically rejected by syngeneic hosts. Indeed, the morphology of the cells was different, the REBb cells having a more fibroblastic appearance while the PROb cells had the capacity to form domes characterizing the functional polarization of the cell layer. The two clones could also be distinguished by their expression of proteins of intermediate filaments. Both expressed cytokeratins showing their epithelial origin, but only REGb cells displayed vimentin which is characteristic of mesenchymal or poorly differentiated epithelial cells. Furthermore, analysis of the expression of a series of glycoconjugate tissue antigens and an unknown protein (p120) showed that the PROb cells resembled more the normal adult digestive epithelium than the REGb cells did. In conclusion, it appears that in this model, the most aggressive cells, those resisting to the constraints imposed by the immune system, are also the more differentiated ones.  相似文献   

Activity of several enzymes of the glycogen and carbohydrate metabolism is studied in HT 29 colon adenocarcinoma cell line and in HT 29 tumors developed in nude mice, by reference to the normal human colon mucosa. Activity of glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase, pyruvate kinase, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase is found to be increased in both the cultured cells and the tumors. It indicates that the biochemical strategy of malignant cells, due to the neoplastic transformation process, involves specific changes in the carbohydrate metabolism of tumor as well as in vitro growing correspondent cell line.  相似文献   

A high frequency of diploid and near-diploid clones were developed from cell lines derived from adult and newborn rat liver using micropipettes. There were some differences in morphology, biochemical properties and growth rate between clones. Cloned cells had low levels of tyrosine transaminase activity, glucose-6-phosphatase activity and albumin content. A diploid clone and pseudodiploid clone derived from adult rat liver cell line were positive for alpha-fetoprotein.  相似文献   

Butyrate has antitumorigenic effects on colon cancer cells, inhibits cell growth and promotes differentiation and apoptosis. These effects depend on its intracellular concentration, which is regulated by its transport. We have analysed butyrate uptake kinetics in human colon adenocarcinoma cells sensitive to the apoptotic effects of butyrate (BCS-TC2, Caco-2 and HT-29), in butyrate-resistant cells (BCS-TC2.BR2) and in normal colonic cells (FHC). The properties of transport were analysed with structural analogues, specific inhibitors and different bicarbonate and sodium concentrations. Two carrier-mediated mechanisms were detected: a low-affinity/high-capacity (K(m)=109+/-16 mM in BCS-TC2 cells) anion exchanger and a high-affinity/low-capacity (K(m)=17.9+/-4.0 microM in BCS-TC2 cells) proton-monocarboxylate co-transporter that was energy-dependent and activated via PKCdelta (protein kinase Cdelta). All adenocarcinoma cells analysed express MCT (monocarboxylate transporter) 1, MCT4, ancillary protein CD147 and AE2 (anion exchanger 2). Silencing experiments show that MCT1, whose expression increases with butyrate treatment in butyrate-sensitive cells, plays a key role in high-affinity transport. Low-affinity uptake was mediated by a butyrate/bicarbonate antiporter along with a possible contribution of AE2 and MCT4. Butyrate treatment increased uptake in a time- and dose-dependent manner in butyrate-sensitive but not in butyrate-resistant cells. The two butyrate-uptake activities in human colon adenocarcinoma cells enable butyrate transport at different physiological conditions to maintain cell functionality. The high-affinity/low-capacity transport functions under low butyrate concentrations and may be relevant for the survival of carcinoma cells in tumour regions with low glucose and butyrate availability as well as for the normal physiology of colonocytes.  相似文献   

Summary In human duodenal mucosa Paneth cells originate away from the base of crypts and migrate towards the base during maturation The earliest cells in the Paneth cell lineage could be identified by labelling of lysozyme in the Golgi apparatus. Specific labelling for lysozyme was present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, condensing vacuoles, granules and many lysosomes of mature Paneth cells. The maturation of the Paneth cell is accompanied by an increase in the content of lysozyme in the secretory granules and with senescence lysozyme diffuses into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Lactoferrin was examined for its effect on the growth of a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line (HT 29) in culture and its action was compared to that produced by transferrin and two different iron solutions (ferrous sulfate and ferric chloride). When transferrin was replaced by either iron solutions the cell grew in proportion to the quantity added and the maximal effect obtained was identical to that produced by transferrin alone. When transferrin was replaced by lactoferrin the cells were unable to proliferate for a long time. However, in the presence of low-concentration iron solutions, lactoferrin stimulated the cell growth, and the effect was more pronounced with the ferric chloride solution. This work was supported by Grants Inserum 817014 and LA CNRS 202.  相似文献   

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