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For migratory species, duration of migration, or "travel time," is often a critical variable in determining the cost of migration. Observed travel times are the result of both environmental factors such as air or water currents and the behavior of individuals. In an effort to distinguish among these components, I developed a migration model based on an advection-diffusion equation that characterizes population movements in terms of two biologically meaningful parameters: migration rate and rate of population spread. I applied the model to travel time data from juvenile chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha), which were tagged during their seaward migration. The tagged fish originated from three separate evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) as classified by the U. S. National Marine Fisheries Service. The model was expanded by allowing migration and diffusion rates to vary with fish length and river flow. Variability in travel times explained by these factors was strikingly similar from year to year within ESUs, and the migratory behavior revealed by the analysis was consistent with the life-history patterns that distinguish the ESUs. The approach presented here is easily adaptable to a wide range of migratory species and may be particularly useful for predicting how at-risk populations respond to variable conditions in regulated or otherwise disturbed migration habitats.  相似文献   

The development time for the stages of a given population isa key parameter in the estimation of secondary production bythe true cohort analysis method and requires an accurate knowledgeof it. For this calculation, it is necessary to determine themean time. This paper suggests and develops an alternative methodfor the evaluation of the mean time of the organism-time curve.To demonstrate the application and validity of this method,data on three generations of the marine calanoid copepod Calanuspacificus Brodsky were used in the Deep Tank of the ScrippsInstitution of Oceanography for 58 days (30 April–26 June1981). Once calculated, the development time of the stages wasassessed. A comparison of the results with the existent methodof Landry (Int Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol, 63, 77–119, 1978)is carried out which mainly uses iterations with respect totime for approximating the value of the mean time. A statisticalcomparison was carried out with the results obtained by bothmethods; Landry's procedure with iterations of 0.8, 1.0, 1.5,2.0, 4.0 and 12.0 h. Through a paired test, the differencesin mean times and development times for the three generationsobtained by both methods were statistically non-significant( = 0.05) only for the Landry's time increment of 1.5 h: P =0.432, 1.000 and 0.266 for mean time, and P = 0.820, 0.956 and0.765 for development time, for generations 1, 2 and 3, respectively.With Landry's procedure, it is observed that while the timeintervals are small or large from –4.16% of the samplinginterval used, the results differ from those obtained with themethod proposed here, underestimating or overestimating notonly the mean time, but also all the parameters that dependon it. It is considered that the mean time obtained by the 'quadratic'method developed here is more precise and simple than the iterativeone because its evaluation is based on only one interpolation,that it is really a median, is accurate.  相似文献   

Molecular phenomena involving electron transfer and reduction/oxidation processes are of the utmost importance in chemistry. However, accurate computational calculations of standard reduction potentials (SRPs) for transition metal complexes are still challenging. For this reason, some computational strategies have been proposed in order to overcome the main limitations in SRP calculations for copper complexes. However, these strategies are limited to particular coordination spheres and do not represent a general methodology. In this work, we present standard reduction potential calculations for copper complexes in aqueous solution covering a wide range of coordination spheres. These calculations were performed using the M06-2X density functional, and by employing the direct and isodesmic approaches. Result analysis reveals that values obtained with the use of the isodesmic method are in better agreement with experimental values than those obtained from the direct method (mean unsigned error 0.39 V with the direct and 0.08 V with the isodesmic method). This approach provides values with errors comparable to the experimental uncertainty due to the proper cancellation of computational errors. These results strongly suggest the isodesmic approach as an adequate methodology for the calculation of SRPs for copper complexes with diverse coordination spheres.
Graphical Abstract Comparison between direct and isodesmic methods in the calculation of standard reduction potentials for copper complexes using DFT methods.

目的探讨住院精神病患者冲动行为意念的原因及防范对策。方法对某三甲精神病专科医院2016年8~11月收治住院的男性精神病发生冲动行为意念患者60例实施干预治疗的资料进行调查分析,总结防范护理措施。结果住院精神病患者冲动行为意念形成原因主要与精神症状支配、否认疾病有关,主要表现为不配合治疗及攻击行为比例多,时间多发生在早上与上夜时段,且以保护性约束法占比例较多。结论对精神病患者的冲动行为意念进行积极有效干预,可避免其危害的扩大,降低冲动行为发生的风险,维护良好的住院环境,利于患者重返社会,从而减轻家庭、医院及社会的压力。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to provide further and up to date information on the evaluation of the management of Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa at the Eating Disorders Unit (EDU) of the Ljubljana Psychiatric Clinic, based upon detailed assessment of the eating disorders specific and non specific symptoms of impulsive behaviors, highly correlated with these entities. 34 female patients with anorexia (restrictive or purgative type) and 38 female patients with Bulimia nervosa (purgative or non-purgative type) undergoing hospital treatment at the EDU were evaluated upon admission, as well as upon discharge and three and six months after discharge, using the Eating Disorder Questionnaire. Upon discharge a marked decrease in the overall symptoms was noted. The differences in symptoms incidences between the two groups were significantly specific for the individual form of eating disorder, especially upon admission, and were more pronounced in anorexia group. In later measurements, performed during the period of three and six months after discharge, a mild trend of increase in the disorder specific symptoms was detected in both groups, but was not statistically significant. In addition to binging on food, striking, quarreling and spending sprees are characteristics of patients with eating disorders, which in particular apply to the Bulimia nervosa group. Apart from the disorder specific symptoms, impulsive behavior was also reduced during study period, while the difference in its occurrence between the two groups gradually became non-significant. The management of patients with eating disorders at the EDU was successful in both groups, confirmed by an intense reduction of the disorder specific symptoms, impulsive behavior and increased stability recorded three and six months after discharge. The study strongly suggests that the effect of treatment regime for eating disorders can be predicted by careful assessment of the relevant symptoms and impulsive behavioral patterns.  相似文献   

The effects of altering sucrose solution concentration on discounting of delayed rewards in rats were examined. Five different delays were used (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8s) and three different sucrose solution concentrations (3, 10, and 30%). It was hypothesized that high value sucrose solution concentrations would be discounted less than low value sucrose solution concentrations. The results indicated that the rats discounted the 30% sucrose solution concentration at a higher rate than the 3 or 10% sucrose solution concentration, a finding that apparently contradicted the hypothesis that higher value sucrose solution concentrations would be discounted less than lower value sucrose solution concentrations. However, a follow up experiment indicated that the 3 and 10% sucrose solution concentrations were preferred over the 30% concentration. Thus the results of Experiment 1 can be interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that high valued sucrose solution concentrations are discounted less than lower valued sucrose solution concentrations.  相似文献   

We report on the fluorinated form of Cpd 5 as a cell growth inhibitor. This compound is 3-fold more potent than the parent Cpd 5 and is predicted, using the semi-empirical AM1 method to be only an arylator of cysteine-containing proteins, without generating reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Summary .   We describe a family of models developed for time series of animal feeding behavior. The models incorporate both an unobserved state, which can be interpreted as the motivational state of the animal, and a mechanism for feedback to this state from the observed behavior. We discuss methods for evaluating and maximizing the likelihood of an observed series of behaviors, and thereby estimating parameters, and for inferring the most likely sequence of underlying states. We indicate several extensions of the models, including the incorporation of random effects. We apply these methods in an analysis of the feeding behavior of the caterpillar Helicoverpa armigera , and thereby demonstrate the potential of this family of models as a tool in the investigation of behavior.  相似文献   

Determination of plasmid copy number by the "boiling" method   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A fast and reliable approach for determination of plasmid copy number in Escherichia coli is proposed, based on the "boiling" method (5) for separation of plasmid and chromosomal DNA. The method includes in vivo uniform labeling of total bacterial DNA, separation of DNA into plasmid and chromosomal DNA fractions, and quantitation of DNA in the two fractions by radioactivity measurement. No isolation and purification of native DNA are necessary.  相似文献   

Vasopressin (AVP)-deficient Brattleboro rats develop a specific behavioral profile, which—among other things—include altered cognitive performance. This profile is markedly affected by alterations in neuroendocrine state of the animal such as during lactation. Given the links between AVP and cognition we hypothesized that AVP deficiency may lead to changes in impulsivity that is under cognitive control and the changes might be altered by lactation. Comparing virgin and lactating AVP-deficient female Brattleboro rats to their respective controls, we assessed the putative lactation-dependent effects of AVP deficiency on impulsivity in the delay discounting paradigm. Furthermore, to investigate the basis of such effects, we assessed possible interactions of AVP deficiency with GABAergic and serotonergic signaling and stress axis activity, systems playing important roles in impulse control. Our results showed that impulsivity was unaltered by AVP deficiency in virgin rats. In contrast a lactation-induced increase in impulsivity was abolished by AVP deficiency in lactating females. We also found that chlordiazepoxide-induced facilitation of GABAergic and imipramine-induced enhancement of serotonergic activity in virgins led to increased and decreased impulsivity, respectively. In contrast, during lactation these effects were visible only in AVP-deficient rats. These rats also exhibited increased stress axis activity compared to virgin animals, an effect that was abolished by AVP deficiency. Taken together, AVP appears to play a role in the regulation of impulsivity exclusively during lactation: it has an impulsivity increasing effect which is potentially mediated via stress axis-dependent mechanisms and fine-tuning of GABAergic and serotonergic function.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to reveal the relationship between impulsive behavior in rats, on the one hand, and locomotor activity and emotionality on the other hand. Rats were divided into groups according to their preference for reinforcements of different values. Animals that preferred valuable but delayed reinforcement in more than 60% of cases formed a self-controlled group, whereas rats that selected poor but immediate reinforcements in more than 60% of the cases were considered as impulsive. The two groups of animals were subjected to the "open field" and "light-dark" tests. The impulsive animals more quickly adapted to new surroundings and displayed more pronounced research activity as compared to the self-controlled animals. The level of anxiety was higher in the self-controlled group.  相似文献   

Summary A centrifugal method has been evaluated for measuring the strength of Vero Green Monkey kidney cell adhesion to growth surfaces. The centrifugal force necessary to remove cells gave a quantitative measure of cell adhesion and hence the quality of the growth surface. After being subjected to high gravity forces, both the remaining attached cells and the detached cells were viable, indicating the detachment process did not simply rupture the cell. Electron microscope examination of growth surfaces after cell detachment suggested that remnants related to filopodia remained.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new finite element simulation approach for surgical simulators. Based on the solution of the algebraic equations derived from a nonlinear elastic model, we propose a real time simulation rule based on the implicit relation between the displacements of contacted and free nodes. This rule is an analytic expression in the linear case, and an approximation of the implicit relation in the non-linear case. We also remove some of the restrictions on flexibility exhibited by previous linear and nonlinear approaches. In the linear case, real time reconfiguration of the contacted nodes and the boundary constraints is realized using the simulation rule, while in the nonlinear case, a similar result is obtained by employing affine mapping. These methods allow nonlinear material properties to be applied to real time tissue simulation, with an efficiency comparable to that of the tensor matrix method for linear elastic models.  相似文献   

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