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高远    田李  秦松 《植物学报》2008,25(4):401-406
正选择是指将因含有有利突变而提高个体适合度的等位基因固定下来的选择作用, 研究正选择对理解生物进化过程具有重要意义。本文回顾了近年来在植物基因中发现的正选择作用, 分别对陆生植物和藻类中经历正选择作用的基因进行了总结, 其中在陆生植物中发现的正选择位点主要集中在与生殖相关及与抗逆相关的基因上, 这为以后对植物中正选择作用的研究提供了线索。  相似文献   

植物进化中的正选择作用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
正选择是指将因含有有利突变而提高个体适合度的等位基因固定下来的选择作用,研究正选择对理解生物进化过程具有重要意义。本文回顾了近年来在植物基因中发现的正选择作用,分别对陆生植物和藻类中经历正选择作用的基因进行了总结,其中在陆生植物中发现的正选择位点主要集中在与生殖相关及与抗逆相关的基因上,这为以后对植物中正选择作用的研究提供了线索。  相似文献   

张姝  张永杰 《微生物学通报》2015,42(8):1549-1560
【目的】分析3个细胞核蛋白编码基因(csp1、MAT1-1-1和MAT1-2-1)在不同冬虫夏草菌株间的分子进化。【方法】从125个冬虫夏草样品中分别扩增csp1、MAT1-1-1和MAT1-2-1基因序列,比较外显子和内含子间以及2个交配型基因间的序列变异程度,比较基于不同基因或基因区域所构建的系统发育树拓扑结构的差异,分析3个基因承受的选择压力和DNA重组情况。【结果】3个蛋白编码基因外显子区的长度在不同菌株间高度保守,具有4.5%?5.7%的变异位点;内含子区的长度在不同菌株间相同或不同,具有1.8%?22%的变异位点。对于2个交配型基因,MAT1-1-1的碱基变异率低于MAT1-2-1。基于外显子与内含子构建的系统发育树的拓扑结构,以及基于2个交配型基因外显子构建的系统发育树的拓扑结构都存在明显差异。3个蛋白编码基因都经历着净化选择作用。基因内部的不同DNA位点间有重组,但3个基因片段之间没有明显的重组发生。【结论】由于冬虫夏草菌不同基因以及基因的不同区域表现出进化上的差异,所以在开展冬虫夏草菌进化相关的研究时,应该联合使用多个不同的基因片段。  相似文献   

D2蛋白是植物光系统Ⅱ复合体(PSⅡ)核心蛋白之一,由叶绿体psbD基因编码。为了深入理解核心薄囊蕨类植物在阴生环境下的“辐射”式演化,我们对12种蕨类植物的psbD基因进行了克隆和测序,然后联合已公布的其他8种蕨类植物的psbD序列,基于ω值(非同义替换率ds和同义替换率ds的比值)探讨了该基因经受的选择压力。发现D2蛋白在大多数分支和位点受到强烈的负选择,但是树蕨类分支的psbD进化速率低且ω值较高。借助多种模型进行的共进化分析显示,树蕨类D2蛋白的168R、245H和272M两两组成具有共进化关系的氨基酸位点对。  相似文献   

水稻矮化相关基因的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
矮秆水稻的培育成功是20世纪农业最主要的成就之一.本文综述了水稻矮化相关基因的遗传学、激素对矮化基因突变体的调控以及矮化相关基因的克隆等方面的研究进展,并分析了利用基因工程手段控制农作物生长的巨大潜能.  相似文献   

通过TAIL-PCR的方法从棉花中克隆到未知功能的新基因GhDr1,生物信息学分析结果表明,GhDr1的预测蛋白含有酪氨酸激酶和蛋白酶C磷酸化位点、潜在的锌指类功能模块、MAPK磷酸化位点及MAPK相互作用识别位点;与GhDr1同源基因位于同一基因簇的基因多为参与逆境信号转导的蛋白。推测GhDr1基因可能在逆境信号转导途径的磷酸化级联反应中被调节,参与棉花逆境应答的生理过程。  相似文献   

聂庆华  刘清神  方梅霞  谢亮  张细权 《遗传》2008,30(4):469-474
黑素皮质素1型受体 (melanocortin 1 receptor, MC1R)基因具有调节哺乳动物细胞黑色素形成的作用, 因此被认为是影响犬毛色的重要候选基因。基于NCBI数据库上发表的犬等10个动物种MC1R的氨基酸序列和cDNA序列, 利用生物学软件和网络信息资源, 对犬等10种脊椎动物进行了分子进化分析。结果表明: (1) 基于MC1R氨基酸序列的聚类分析显示, 10个物种明显归为2类, 7个哺乳动物种为一紧密类群, 鸡与斑马鱼和河豚为一松散类群, 该聚类结果与公认的动物分类及进化关系密切吻合; (2) PAML的Branch模型预测显示, 犬、猪、猫在与牛的分化过程中MC1R受到正向选择作用(w =90.8177); Site模型预测显示, 犬MC1R的2V、25E、184N、197V、314L为正选择氨基酸位点; (3) 染色体连锁群比较分析显示, “ZFP276-MC1R-GAS8”基因连锁关系在人、黑猩猩、鸡和犬中保持一致。  相似文献   

水稻抗性基因定位及相关分子标记研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
水稻是一种重要的粮食作物。而选育高抗性良种是有效防治病虫的危害,增加水稻单位面积产量的一项关键措施。了解水稻本身抗性的遗传信息是进行抗性育种的基础。现代生物技术的发展为抗性育种提供了新途径。本文较系统地概述了水稻对稻瘟病、白叶枯病、稻飞虱、稻叶暗抗性基因定位及相关分子标记研究的最新发展,为利用分子标记进行了水稻抗性育种及抗性基因克隆提供参考文献。  相似文献   

扬子鳄的CaSox4基因的分子克隆和进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑济芳  朱睦元 《动物学报》2003,49(3):404-407
The completely identical HMG-box motif of CaSox4 gene from both male and female genomic DNA of the Chinese alligator (alligator sinensis) was cloned and sequenced by degenerate primer PCR.Compared with the human and mouse SRY,CaSox4 revealed 51% and 57% nucleotide homology respectively and 49% and 55% amino acid identity respectively,CaSox4 belongs to subgroup C of the Sox gene family.The GC content is 86% in the HMG-box region of the CaSox4 gene,Blast analysis showed that the CaSox4 gene shares 100^ amino acid identity with human Sox4.bird SoxLF4,turtle Sra4 and lizard CvSox4 genes.Casox4 may be orthologous with the human SOx4 gene.This indicates that CaSox4 gene shows the remarkable evolutionary conservation during the evolution of Alligator Sinensis,The extensive sequence conservation of the Sox4 gene between reptiles,mammals and birds suggests major functional constraints[Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(3):404-407,2003].  相似文献   

赵汉雄 《化石》2002,(3):28-30
《物种起源》问世时 ,曾有激烈争论。作者在第6版(1872)记载了“一位练达的自然学者仔细挑选了一些情况来证明自然选择不足以解释有用构造的初期阶段。现在我对他提出的这些情形已作了足够的讨论 ,或者已经讨论得过多了 ;并且我已指出 :如我所希望的 ,在这个问题上并没有什么大的难点。”读完全章(第7章) ,可以明白达尔文信心所在 :他是从极微细但已能从表象察觉的构造和功能起步 ,排出从简单到复杂、从低级到高级的梯阶 ,用自然选择贯串起来。以今天知识看 :这种极微细的表型必已有某个基因支持着。有基因在 ,自然选择是能够(一…  相似文献   

Drought, low temperature and salinity are the most important abiotic stress factors limiting crop productivity. A genomic map of major loci and QTLs affecting stress tolerance in Triticeae identified the crucial role of the group 5 chromosomes, where the highest concentration of QTLs and major loci controlling plant's adaptation to the environment (heading date, frost and salt tolerance) has been found. In addition, a conserved region with a major role in drought tolerance has been localized to the group 7 chromosomes. Extensive molecular biological studies have led to the cloning of many stress-related genes and responsive elements. The expression of some stress-related genes was shown to be linked to stress-tolerant QTLs, suggesting that these genes may represent the molecular basis of stress tolerance. The development of suitable genetic tools will allow the role of stress-related sequences and their relationship with stress-tolerant loci to be established in the near future.  相似文献   

水稻抗稻瘟病基因的标记辅助选择及定位克隆   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王忠华 《生命科学》2005,17(2):183-188
水稻抗稻瘟病基因-稻瘟病菌无毒基因相互作用体系是当今植物分子病理学和抗病育种学研究领域的模式体系之一,其中抗病基因的分子定位与克隆及其标记辅助选择已成为该体系的重要内容。本文就这方面的研究进展作一简要综述,以期为水稻抗病育种提供有益的信息。  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced two full-length cDNA clones encoding actin from carrot. The two carrot clones are almost identical at the nucleotide level, and are quite homologous to each other and to other plant actins at the amino acid level. In those regions where amino acid variation exists between the two genes from carrot, the differences have arisen from very simple changes at the nucleotide level. The most common changes are nucleotide insertion(s) coupled to the deletion of a different nucleotide(s) nearby in the DNA sequence, resulting in the restoration of the proper reading frame for the protein; thus, these changes can be viewed as multiple or coupled frameshift mutations. There are almost no base substitutions between the two carrot genes. In contrast to this, when the carrot actin nucleotide sequences are compared to those of a soybean actin gene or a maize actin gene, many base substitutions are observed (ca. 21.8% and 23.5%), more than half of which are third base changes which do not alter the protein sequence. At the amino acid level, both carrot genes show greater similarity to maize actin than they do to soybean actin, thus reinforcing the idea that plant actin genes diverged from a single common ancestral actin gene prior to the divergence of monocots and dicots.  相似文献   


Absence of resistance/tolerance against bacterial leaf blight (BLB), incited by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, in famous basmati varieties is one of the main reason for BLB epidemic in Punjab in 2007–2008. For developing resistance against BLB, the response of 26 IRBB lines of IRRI including 10 near isogenic lines (NILs) and 16 gene pyramids carrying two to five resistance genes (Xa series) was evaluated against 61 indigenous Xoo isolates under artificial inoculation field conditions. None of the NILs or gene pyramid provides complete protection against all the isolates. However, Xa21 and xa13 were found resistant against the majority of Xoo isolates, followed by Xa14 and Xa7. Of the 16 gene pyramids used in this study, IRBB-54 (Xa5 + Xa21), IRBB-55 (Xa13 + Xa21) followed by IRBB-58 (Xa4 + Xa13 + Xa21) were found effective against the majority of the Xoo isolates. These resistance genes (individually and in combinations) can be incorporated for the improvement of basmati rice cultivars cultivated in Punjab province of Pakistan. Effectiveness of gene combination supports the strategy of pyramiding appropriate resistance genes. Newly identified resistant genes may also be evaluated for achieving broad spectrum resistance against more Xoo isolates of the area.  相似文献   

Marker assisted selection of bacterial blight resistance genes in rice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is one of the most important diseases affecting rice production in Asia. We were interested in surveying rice genotypes that are popularly used in the Indian breeding program for conferring resistance to bacterial blight, using 11 STMS and 6 STS markers. The basis of selection of these DNA markers was their close linkage to xa5, xa13, and Xa21 genes and their positions on the rice genetic map relative to bacterial blight resistance genes. Eight lines were found to contain the xa5 gene while two lines contained Xa21 gene and none of the lines contained the xa13 gene with the exception of its near-isogenic line. Using the polymorphic markers obtained in the initial survey, marker-assisted selection was performed in the F3 population of a cross between IR-64 and IET-14444 to detect lines containing multiple resistance genes. Of the 59 progeny lines analyzed, eight lines contained both the resistance genes, xa5 and Xa4.  相似文献   

Summary We report the isolation and nucleotide sequence determination of clones derived from five ZFY-related zinc-finger genes from birds and mammals. These sequences are analyzed with reference to the previously published human genes, ZFX and ZFY, and mouse genes, Zfx, Zfa, Zfy-1, and Zfy-2. The analysis indicates that ZFY-related genes are highly conserved in birds and mammals, and that the rate of nucleotide substitution in the Y-linked genes is not as high as predicted. However, the mouse Zfy-1 and Zfy-2 genes are markedly divergent members of the ZFY gene family; we suggest this relates to X-inactivation of the mouse gene Zfx.  相似文献   

Summary We constructed a cDNA library for the beetle,Tribolium castaneum. This library was screened using a cloned amylase gene fromDrosophila melanogaster as a molecular probe. Beetle amylase cDNA clones were isolated from this bank, and the nucleotide sequence was obtained for a cDNA clone with a coding capacity for 228 amino acids. Both the nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence were compared to our recent results forD. melanogaster alpha-amylases, along with published sequences for other alpha-amylases. The results show that animal alpha-amylases are highly conserved over their entire length. A borader comparison, which includes plant and microbial alpha-amylase sequences, indicates that parts of the gene are conserved between prokaryotes, plants, and animals. We discuss the potential importance of this and other enzyme-coding genes for the construction of molecular phylogenies and for the study of the general question of molecular clocks in evolution.  相似文献   

In the thousands of years of rice domestication in Asia, many useful genes have been lost from the gene pool. Wild rice is a key source of diversity for domesticated rice. Genome sequencing has suggested that the wild rice populations in northern Australia may include novel taxa, within the AA genome group of close (interfertile) wild relatives of domesticated rice that have evolved independently due to geographic separation and been isolated from the loss of diversity associated with gene flow from the large populations of domesticated rice in Asia. Australian wild rice was collected from 27 sites from Townsville to the northern tip of Cape York. Whole chloroplast genome sequences and 4,555 nuclear gene sequences (more than 8 Mbp) were used to explore genetic relationships between these populations and other wild and domesticated rices. Analysis of the chloroplast and nuclear data showed very clear evidence of distinctness from other AA genome Oryza species with significant divergence between Australian populations. Phylogenetic analysis suggested the Australian populations represent the earliest‐branching AA genome lineages and may be critical resources for global rice food security. Nuclear genome analysis demonstrated that the diverse O. meridionalis populations were sister to all other AA genome taxa while the Australian O. rufipogon‐like populations were associated with the clade that included domesticated rice. Populations of apparent hybrids between the taxa were also identified suggesting ongoing dynamic evolution of wild rice in Australia. These introgressions model events similar to those likely to have been involved in the domestication of rice.  相似文献   

Gene duplication plays an important role in the evolution of organisms by allowing functional innovation and the divergence of duplicate genes. Previous studies found two PI-like genes in grass species, suggesting functional divergence between the paralogous copies. Here, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of two PI genes from major lineages of grasses and other monocot species, and demonstrated that two PI genes (PI1 and PI2) arose from a whole genome duplication that occurred in a common ancestor of extant grasses. Molecular evolutionary analyses at the family and tribal levels found strong purifying selection acting on two genes in grasses, consistent with the conserved class B function of the PI genes. Importantly, we detected different patterns of selective relaxation between the duplicated PI genes although no signature of positive selection was found. Likelihood ratio tests revealed that the ω ratio for M domain is significantly higher in PI1 than in PI2 but that for K domain is significantly higher in PI2 than in PI1. These findings imply that complementary selective relaxation occurs in two PI genes after duplication, and provide additional molecular evidence for the subfunctionalization of the duplicated PI genes in grasses.  相似文献   

Metabolites are the intermediate and final products of metabolism, which play essential roles in plant growth, evolution and adaptation to changing climates. However, it is unclear how evolution contributes to metabolic variation in plants. Here, we investigated the metabolomics data from leaf and seed tissues in maize and rice. Using principal components analysis based on leaf metabolites but not seed metabolites, metabolomics data could be clearly separated for rice Indica and Japonica accessions, while two maize subgroups, temperate and tropical, showed more visible admixture. Rice and maize seed exhibited significant interspecific differences in metabolic variation, while within rice, leaf and seed displayed similar metabolic variations. Among 10 metabolic categories, flavonoids had higher variation in maize than rice, indicating flavonoids are a key constituent of interspecific metabolic divergence. Interestingly, metabolic regulation was also found to be reshaped dramatically from positive to negative correlations, indicative of the differential evolutionary processes in maize and rice. Moreover, perhaps due to this divergence significantly more metabolic interactions were identified in rice than maize. Furthermore, in rice, the leaf was found to harbor much more intense metabolic interactions than the seed. Our result suggests that metabolomes are valuable for tracking evolutionary history, thereby complementing and extending genomic insights concerning which features are responsible for interspecific differentiation in maize and rice.  相似文献   

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