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为考察热带假丝酵母(Candida tropicalis)脂肪醇氧化酶(FAO)基因缺失对菌株自身的影响,利用同源重组的方法敲除或回补FAO1和FAO2基因,研究突变株的生长情况和胞内脂肪醇氧化酶活性变化,并进-步评价细胞利用烷烃合成脂肪醇的能力.结果表明:成功构建了基因缺失突变株FTYT(ΔFAO11/ΔFAO12)...  相似文献   

目的:热带假丝酵母以油脂为底物发酵时会产生副产物甘油,研究对热带假丝酵母gk基因进行过表达,将副产物甘油转化为能量,提高油脂转化利用效率。方法:以热带假丝酵母Candida tropicalis 1798中的甘油激酶(gk)为研究对象,利用PCR技术获得同源臂基因gkpR,通过一步法无缝克隆将同源臂和G418抗性基因(kanr)连接至pPICzαA载体,同时将解脂假丝酵母Candida lipolytica 1457中的启动子基因pGAP无缝连接至载体中的gkpR,构成质粒pPICzαA-gkp,并电转化至C.tropicalis 1798感受态细胞中,通过一次同源单交换,将启动子pGK替换为pGAP。结果:经过G418抗性筛选和PCR鉴定,成功获得pGAP基因替换菌株C.tropicalis 1798-gkPr;发酵验证结果显示,启动子基因替换C.tropicalis 1798在以甘油为底物培养时重组菌OD600值比野生型菌株高46.4%,重组菌培养基中甘油剩余量比野生菌降低56.1%,表明启动子替换能促进C.tropicalis1798对甘油的吸收利用。此外,以油脂为底物进行发酵实验时还发现重组菌产长链二元酸的量比野生菌提高32.7%。结论:通过启动子替换手段构建的重组菌C.tropicalis 1798-gkPr,提高了热带假丝酵母对油脂组分中甘油成分的利用效率。  相似文献   

热带假丝酵母Candida tropicalis (Castellani )Berkhout和麦芽糖假丝酵母C. maltosaKomagata, Nakase & Katsuya是两种可利用烃类作为碳和能量来源的酵母菌,前者还是一种条件致病菌,可引起系统感染。这两种假丝酵母菌在形态和生理生化性状上非常相似,用常规分类方法不易准确地鉴别。本研究对C. Tropicalis和C maltosa的模式菌株以及中国普通微生物菌种保藏中心(CGMCC)保藏的归于这两个种名下的其它菌株进行了脉冲电泳核型比较分析。发现这两个表型相似的种具有明显不同的染色体DNA分子带型,而同一种内的不同菌株却具有相同或相似的分子核型。C.Tropicalis的特异染色体DNA分子带谱为2条8.5—1.2 Mb的带, 4条2.3-3.4 Mb的带。 C maltosa的特异带谱为: 3~4条分子量在1.1-1.3Mb范围内的带, 1条约为2.2Mb的带以及2-3条大小为3.2-3.5Mb的带。 C tropicalis与C maltosa在染色体DNA分子带型上的差异与二者在可溶性淀粉的同化能力和40℃下的生长能力上的差异具有明显的相关性…  相似文献   

临床上热带假丝酵母(又称热带念珠菌)的分离率越来越高,唑类抗真菌药物因较低的细胞毒性且大多可口服给药,是治疗热带念珠菌感染的常用药物。我国耐唑类药物热带念珠菌的分离率较高,因此有必要了解其具体机制,为寻求新的药物作用靶点提供依据。目前认为,与热带念珠菌唑类耐药有关的主要机制有靶基因ERG11过度表达和突变、编码转录因子的upc2基因过度表达和突变、外排泵基因过度表达及其他相关基因过度表达等。本文就目前热带念珠菌唑类耐药机制的基因水平研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

【目的】热带假丝酵母是发酵法生产二元酸的重要工业菌株,具有较高的ω-氧化活性。脂肪醛脱氢酶在ω-氧化途径中起重要作用,催化脂肪醛生成脂肪酸,但其具体催化功能及对细胞生理影响还未被系统研究。本文通过删除脂肪醛脱氢酶基因CtAld1和CtAld2鉴定了其在ω-氧化途径中的功能。【方法】通过基因组信息挖掘获得热带假丝酵母脂肪醛脱氢酶基因CtAld1和CtAld2序列,在此基础上,通过同源重组敲除CtAld1和CtAld2基因。考察突变株的生长和胞内脂肪醛脱氢酶活性变化,并评价CtAld1和CtAld2基因敲除对细胞二元酸合成能力的影响。【结果】分别获得了热带假丝酵母突变株XZX-1(ΔCtAld1/ΔCtAld1)、XZX-2(ΔCtAld2/ΔCtAld2)和XZX-12(ΔCtAld1/ΔCtAld1,ΔCtAld2/ΔCtAld2)。在以十二烷为唯一碳源的培养基中,敲除CtAld2基因显著抑制细胞的生长,胞内脂肪醛脱氢酶活性降低为出发菌株的30%;敲除CtAld1基因尽管会使细胞损失一部分醛脱氢酶活性,但能够一定程度地提升细胞在十二烷中的生长性能。敲除CtAld1或CtAld2会降低菌株二元酸产量,组合敲除CtAld1和CtAld2严重削弱菌株十二碳二元酸的合成能力。【结论】CtAld2对热带假丝酵母细胞的生长和十二碳二元酸的合成具有重要作用,缺失CtAld1或CtAld2基因降低细胞的二元酸合成能力。CtAld1和CtAld2可作为热带假丝酵母ω-氧化途径代谢工程改造的潜在靶点。  相似文献   

报道一种适用于产朊假丝酵母Candida utilis的基因敲除系统,利用该敲除系统获得gsh1基因敲除杂合突变株。根据不同种属酵母菌γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶(γ-GCS)蛋白质的保守序列,克隆C.utilis SZU 07-01的gsh1基因;以商品化质粒pPICZalpha A为基础,构建gsh1基因的敲除载体pPICZalpha A-kan 3,其中,kan基因的启动子TEF被替换为来自于C.utilis SZU 07-01的GAP启动子(pGAP:kan)。质粒电转化C.utilis,获得gsh1基因敲除杂合突变株C.utilis GSH-6。结合发酵培养得到的数据进行分析,突变株的γ-GCS酶活比出发菌株降低17.5%,GSH合成量降低61%,细胞干重降低18.5%。所构建敲除组件pGAP:kan的成功应用为从分子水平研究C.utilis中谷胱甘肽(GSH)的生理功能提供了一种新借鉴。  相似文献   

本文研究了一株从水果表皮分离到的假丝酵母,它与至今已发表的所有已知假丝酵母均不相同,定名为北京假丝酵母(Candida beijingensis)。  相似文献   

测定了利用正烷烃积累相应链长二羧酸的热带假丝酵母(Candida tropicalis)突变株U3-2及其亲株Nn,1230乙酰Coa合成酶的活力。该酶反应的最适pH为6.8;作用于醋酸盐的K。值为l㈨01『L;此酶对热极不稳定,突变栋的酶较亲株尤甚o 300c保温半小时,前者的酶活力丧失l 8%,后者丧失50%;保温两小时后,前者丧失5 5%,而后者丧失95%的活力。亲抹乙酰c。A合成酶活力比突变株的高一倍。也j兜察到突变株的生长比亲林慢得多。因此在用突变株u;一菌发酵正烷烃生产二羧酸时,应适当延长种子的培养时间。  相似文献   

为了分离耐高渗和甘油代谢相关基因,以Zeocin为选择标记,利用REMI技术电转化产甘油假丝酵母Candida glycerinogenes。考察了7种限制性内切酶对转化的影响,选择HindIII进一步优化了转化的几个条件。结果表明,在OD600≈1.3时收集细胞,在1.5kV电压下,感受态细胞浓度为2.0×109个细胞/mL,100U Hind III时,能获得129个转化子/μgDNA的较高转化率,58%的转化子稳定,表明REMI技术适合于产甘油假丝酵母的转化。  相似文献   

[目的]优化噬热栖热菌Thermus thermophilus的转化体系。[方法]将质粒DNA的形态、浓度及转化时间作为变量设计噬热栖热菌T.thermophilus的转化体系,以通过直接双交换同源重组法获取Δpyr E突变体的概率为依据判定转化效率。[结果]在转化时间为2 h,使用3.0μg/m L线性质粒DNA,获取表观Δpyr E的概率为3.44×10-5;而使用同样浓度的超螺旋质粒DNA,该概率可达1.03×10-3;说明超螺旋质粒的转化效率高于线状质粒。质粒DNA的使用浓度及转化反应时间对转化效率亦有影响,但并非完全成正相关。使用浓度为15μg/m L超螺旋质粒DNA,在转化时间为3 h时,获取表观Δpyr E的概率达到最大值(1.36×10-2);超过该阈值,转化效率降低。[结论]在T.thermophilus中,通过优化转化体系将基因无痕敲除突变体获取概率提高到10-2。  相似文献   

Genetic transformation is a valuable and essential method that provides powerful insights into the gene function of microorganisms and contributes to the construction of engineered bacteria. Here, we developed a novel genetic transformation system to easily knock out a highly GC-rich gene (74.71% GC) from Burkholderia pyrrocinia JK-SH007, a biocontrol strain of poplar canker disease. This system revealed a reliable selectable marker (trimethoprim resistance gene, Tmp) and a simplified, efficient transformation method (6,363.64 CFU/μg, pHKT2) that was developed via freeze-thawing. The knockout recombineering of B. pyrrocinia JK-SH007 was achieved through a suicide plasmid with a three-fragment mutagenesis construct. The three-fragment cassette for mutagenesis was generated by overlap extension and touchdown PCRs and composed of Tmp flanked by GC-rich upstream and downstream fragments from B. pyrrocinia JK-SH007. The mutant strain (ΔBpEG), which was verified by PCR, lost 93.3% of its ability to degrade carboxymethyl cellulose over 40 days. Overall, this system may contribute to future research on B. pyrrocinia traits.  相似文献   

Transformation of the nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial genomes can now be accomplished inChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Many biosynthetic pathways are carried out in the chloroplast, and efforts to manipulate these pathways will require that gene products be directed to this compartment. Chloroplast proteins are encoded in either the chloroplast or nuclear genome. In the latter case they are synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported post-translationally into the chloroplast. Thus, strategies for expressing foreign genes or overexpressing endogenous genes whose products reside in the chloroplast could involve either genome. This paper reviews the present status of transformation methodology for the nuclear and chloroplast genomes inChlamydomonas. Considerations for expressing gene products in the chloroplast are discussed. Experimental evidence for homologous recombination during transformation of the nuclear genome is presented.  相似文献   

Genome sequencing of pathogenic fungi has revealed the presence of various effectors that aid pathogen invasion by the manipulation of plant immunity. Effectors are often individually dispensable because of duplication and functional redundancy as a result of the arms race between host plants and pathogens. To study effectors that have functional redundancy, multiple gene disruption is often required. However, the number of selection markers that can be used for gene targeting is limited. Here, we established a marker recycling system that allows the use of the same selection marker in successive transformations in the model fungal pathogen Colletotrichum orbiculare, a causal agent of anthracnose disease in plants belonging to the Cucurbitaceae. We identified two C. orbiculare homologues of yeast URA3/pyrG, designated as URA3A and URA3B, which can be used as selection markers on medium with no uridine. The gene can then be removed from the genome via homologous recombination when the fungus is grown in the presence of 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA), a chemical that is converted into a toxin by URA3 activity. The ura3a/b double mutants showed auxotrophy for uridine and insensitivity to 5-FOA. Using the ura3a/b mutants, transformation with the URA3B marker and its removal were successfully applied to disrupt the virulence-related gene, PKS1. The pks1 mutants showed a reduction in virulence, demonstrating that the method can be used to study virulence-related genes in C. orbiculare. The establishment of a URA3-based marker recycling system in plant-pathogenic fungi enables the genetic analysis of multiple genes that have redundant functions, including effector genes.  相似文献   

王小利  姜闯  刘建华  刘喜朋 《遗传》2015,37(4):388-395
随着功能基因组学研究的深入发展,基因敲除技术日益成为基因功能研究的重要手段。嗜盐古菌Haloferax volcanii易于培养,是研究古菌基因功能的良好模式菌株。虽然现已开发了多种嗜盐古菌的遗传操作系统,但基因敲除成功率不十分理想。这些遗传操作方法基于pyrE筛选标记,利用携带同源片段的环状质粒与基因组同源片段间的两次同源重组,敲除目的基因。由于基于环状质粒和pyrE筛选标记的经典同源重组敲除方法在二次重组时,普遍存在回复到野生型菌株的可能,导致二次重组子中敲除目的基因的阳性菌株比例较低。为了克服传统同源重组技术的上述缺陷,文章建立了基于线性DNA片段的同源重组技术。该方法通过一次重组在目标基因的下游引入一段上游同源片段和pyrE标记,从而限定二次重组的发生部位只能在两段上游同源片段之间,发生二次重组的重组子理论上都敲除了目标基因。利用该方法,文章成功敲除了嗜盐古菌Haloferax volcanii的xpd2基因,阳性克隆率达65%。这种线性DNA片段重组法为嗜盐古菌的基因敲除提供了一种高效策略,便于嗜盐古菌的基因改造。  相似文献   

由甘蔗鞭孢堆黑粉菌Sporisorium scitamineum引起的甘蔗黑穗病是甘蔗生产的主要病害,严重影响了甘蔗的产量和品质,然而其分子致病机制报道很少,极大地影响了有效防控技术的开发。为了提高该病菌基因功能的研究效率,本研究以甘蔗鞭孢堆黑粉菌有性配合两个关键基因SsGPA3SsPRF1为目标,建立了基于DNA双片段的甘蔗鞭孢堆黑粉菌原生质体转化基因敲除技术体系。结果表明甘蔗鞭孢堆黑粉菌单倍体细胞生长期在OD600约为0.7,28℃下10mg/mL细胞壁裂解酶作用30min获得的原生质体产率最高,再生率最优;使用线性DNA双片段转化获得阳性转化子的成功率达90%以上,显著高于线性DNA单片段和质粒。本方法的建立将极大地提高甘蔗鞭孢堆黑粉菌的基因敲除效率,同时也为其他真菌的基因敲除提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary The development of a homologous transformation system for Aspergillus niger is described. The system is based on the use of an orotidine-5-phosphate decarboxylase deficient mutant (pyrG) and a vector, pAB4-1, which contains the functional A. niger pyrG gene as a selection marker. Transformation of the A. niger pyrG mutant with pAB4-1 resulted in the appearance of stable Pyr+ transformants at a frequency of 40 transformants per g of DNA. In 90% of these transformants integration had occurred at the resident pyrG locus, resulting either in replacement of the mutant allele by the wild-type allele (60%) or in insertion of one or two copies of the vector (40%). The A. niger pyrG mutant could also be transformed with the vector pDJB2 containing the pyr4 gene of Neurospora crassa, at a frequency of 2 transformants per g of DNA. Integration at the resident pyrG locus was not found with this vector. The vector pAB4-1 is also capable of transforming an Aspergillus nidulans pyrG mutant to Pyr+. The pyrG transformation system was used for the introduction of a non-selectable gene into A. niger.  相似文献   

A plant transformation and selection system has been developed utilizing a modified tubulin gene as a selectable marker. The vector constructs carrying a mutant alpha-tubulin gene from goosegrass conferring resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides were created for transformation of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. These constructs contained beta- and/or mutant alpha-tubulin genes driven either by ubiquitin or CaMV 35S promoter. The constructs were used for biolistic transformation of finger millet and soybean or for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of flax and tobacco. Trifluralin, the main representative of dinitroaniline herbicides, was used as a selective agent in experiments to select transgenic cells, tissues and plantlets. Selective concentrations of trifluralin estimated for each species were as follows: 10 microM for Eleusine coracana, Glycine max, Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Nicotiana sylvestris; 3 microM for Linum usitatissimum. PCR and Southern blotting analyses of transformed lines with a specific probe to nptII, alpha-tubulin or beta-tubulin genes were performed to confirm the transgenic nature of regenerated plants. Band specific for the mutant alpha-tubulin gene was identified in transformed plant lines. Results confirmed the stable integration of the mutant tubulin gene into the plant genomes. The present study clearly demonstrates the use of a plant mutant tubulin as a selective gene for plant transformation.  相似文献   

We cloned a polyketide synthase gene (pks12) from Fusarium graminearum, a devastating fungal pathogen of cereals. Transformation-mediated gene disruption led to an easily detectable albino phenotype of the disruptants. We used the disruption of the pks12 gene as a visible marker for transformation-mediated homologous recombination and optimized the transformation procedure to achieve a high rate of homologous recombination. In combination with the published genomic sequence data and the generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for F. graminearum, this is a useful tool to investigate this important plant pathogen on a molecular level. Optimized transformation of F. graminearum resulted in at least 93% homologous recombination events when the homologous genomic DNA fragment in the vector had a size of approximately 800bp and was linearized in the middle. Using a genomic sequence of approximately 500bp in the transformation vector, 70% of the transformants still exhibited homologous recombination. On the contrary, no more than 10% homologous recombination events were observed when less than 400bp DNA fragments were used. We co-transformed F. graminearum with two different vectors. One vector harboured a DNA insert homologous to the pks12 gene, while the other vector consisted of the same vector backbone carrying the selection marker specific for F. graminearum. About 70% of the transformants had a disrupted pks12 gene, and all of these showed an integration of the second vector into the pks disruption vector. Therefore, the time-consuming construction of a single transformation vector can be avoided; furthermore, it is now easily feasible to express a gene construct at a defined and mutated genomic site.  相似文献   

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