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张磊 《生命科学》2009,(5):614-619
成体细胞可以通过核移植、细胞融合或者特定因子导入的方式实现重编程回到多能性状态。在重编程的过程中,表观遗传水平的调控机制起到了非常关键的作用。通过回顾重编程的研究进展来探讨表观遗传学在重编程中的调控机制。  相似文献   

已分化的体细胞能够通过重编程转化回多能干细胞,在细胞移植、疾病细胞模型的制备以及药物筛选等领域具有重要意义。通过干细胞和体细胞的细胞融合,可使体细胞重编程。细胞融合致体细胞重编程速度快、效率高,是一种研究重编程机制的重要手段。对细胞融合致体细胞重编程的机制作一综述。  相似文献   

细胞编程(programming)和重编程(reprogra-mming)的表观遗传机制是生命科学部十一五期间继植物激素作用的分子机理之后启动的第二个重大研究计划。该重大研究计划总投入1.5亿元人民币,分4-5次年度招标。该重大研究计划所确定的主要研究方向将主要以重点项目和培育项目的形式资助申请者,在2008年已进行了第一次招  相似文献   

细胞重编程是生命科学研究的热点之一,目前体细胞核移植、细胞融合和特定转录因子诱导等方法都可以实现体外细胞重编程,而在细胞重编程过程中表观遗传学发挥关键的调控作用,因此对重编程过程中表观遗传学调控机制开展深入研究具有重要的意义。本文简要综述细胞重编程的研究现状和表观遗传学调控细胞重编程机制的研究进展,并对小分子化合物和microRNA提高细胞重编程效率的最新进展进行了介绍。  相似文献   

细胞重编程,尤其是诱导多能性干细胞的出现,给再生医学带来极大的希望。近年来,这方面的研究吸引了众多科学家的参与,也取得了非常丰富的成果。本文主要从转录因子、表观遗传和信号转导等角度,介绍了细胞重编程分子机制研究方面的进展和未来的方向。  相似文献   

根据近些年的报道,干细胞作为生命科学领域的一大研究热点,一直备受关注,而诱导性多潜能干细胞(inducedpluripotent stem cell,iPSC)的发现更被誉为是具有里程碑意义的创新之举。在短短几年的时间内,世界各国在iPSC的研究中不断取得突破。然而,对iPSC重编程的机制认识仍处在一个初级阶段,尚不存在一个公认的重编程机制的理论模式。现根据一些已有的文献报道,对iPSC重编程的机制进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

纪慧丽  卢晟盛  潘登科 《遗传》2014,36(12):1211-1218
体细胞核移植(Somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)是指将高度分化的体细胞移入到去核的卵母细胞中发育并最终产生后代的技术。然而, 体细胞克隆的总体效率仍然处于一个较低的水平, 主要原因之一是由于体细胞供体核不完全的表观遗传重编程, 包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰化、基因组印记、X染色体失活和端粒长度等修饰出现的异常。使用一些小分子化合物以及Xist基因的敲除或敲低等方法能修复表观遗传修饰错误, 辅助供体核的重编程, 从而提高体细胞克隆效率, 使其更好地应用于基础研究和生产实践。文章对体细胞核移植后胚胎发育过程中出现的异常表观遗传修饰进行了综述, 并着重论述了近年来有关修复表观遗传错误的研究进展。  相似文献   

多能干细胞(pluripotent stem cell,PSC)是一类具有自我更新能力和多向分化潜能的细胞,具有广泛的临床应用前景.诱导性多功能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPS cell)的获得,解决了传统方式中的细胞来源和伦理学等问题,从理论研究和应用上实现了体细胞重编程的重大突破,也为疾病发生机制研究、药物筛选、个性化药物选择、细胞治疗和再生医学等研究创造了难得的机会,从而开启了多能干细胞应用的新纪元.iPS过程中有很多问题尚未得到解决,尤其是诱导重编程的分子机制方面,这也是近年来干细胞领域研究的热点.其中如何实现表观遗传的重编程被认为是亟待解决的核心问题之一.本文结合我们的研究,主要介绍诱导重编程领域表观遗传修饰重塑机制的研究进展,并展望未来研究中大规模信息整合分析的重要性.  相似文献   

促使体细胞核重编程的方法很多,除了传统的体细胞核移植方法外,科学家们努力寻求从法律、道德、伦理等方面更易被人们接受的新方法.近年来多能干细胞与体细胞融合、多能细胞的抽提物与体细胞共孵育以及将编码多潜能因子的基因导入体细胞中等方法都能使体细胞核发生重新编程,将已分化的体细胞转变为一种全能的胚胎状态.主要论述了生殖细胞及早期胚胎、体细胞核移植和其他形式的体细胞核重编程的表观遗传学的改变,对表观遗传学的深入研究将有助于我们进一步了解体细胞核重编程的机制,从而不断完善各种技术促进供体核的重新编程,使其更好地应用于基础研究和生产实践.  相似文献   

诱导性多潜能干细胞(iPSCs)是指分化细胞中导入特定转录因子后逆转恢复到类似胚胎干细胞的具有自我更新、多向分化等潜能的一类细胞。诱导疾病特异性iPSCs是疾病机理、再生医学等领域的研究热点。目前,人iPSCs供体细胞主要来源于皮肤成纤维细胞,需要组织活检、体外增殖等繁琐过程。利用外周血细胞(peripheral blood cells)成功诱导iPSCs,具有取材方便、诱导快速等优点,将极大地促进iPSCs研究。该文在介绍iPSCs诱导方法的基础上,重点阐述了从小鼠B细胞、T细胞,人脐带血细胞,到人外周血细胞重编程为iPSCs的研究进展,分析了该技术的特点和可能存在的问题,并进行了前景展望。  相似文献   

With their capability to undergo unlimited self-renewal and to differentiate into all cell types in the body, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), reprogrammed from somatic cells of human patients with defined factors, hold promise for regenerative medicine because they can provide a renewable source of autologous cells for cell therapy without the concern for immune rejection. In addition, iPSCs provide a unique opportunity to model human diseases with complex genetic traits, and a panel of human diseases have been successfully modeled in vitro by patient-specific iPSCs. Despite these progresses, recent studies have raised the concern for genetic and epigenetic abnormalities of iPSCs that could contribute to the immunogenicity of some cells differentiated from iPSCs. The oncogenic potential of iPSCs is further underscored by the findings that the critical tumor suppressor p53, known as the guardian of the genome, suppresses induced pluripotency. Therefore, the clinic application of iPSCs will require the optimization of the reprogramming technology to minimize the genetic and epigenetic abnormalities associated with induced pluripotency.  相似文献   

Historically, our understanding of molecular genetic aspects of germ cell development has been limited. Recently, results demonstrated that the derivation of pluripotent stem cells may provide the necessary genetic system to study germ cell development. Here, we characterized an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line, which can spontaneously differentiate into embryonic bodies (EBs) after 3 days of suspension culture, expressing specific markers of three germ layers. Then, we induced the iPSCs to differentiate into germ cells by culturing adherent EBs in retinoic acid (RA) and porcine follicular fluid (PFF) differentiation medium or seminiferous tubule transplantation. Our results indicated that RA and PFF were beneficial for the derivation of germ cells and oocyte‐like cells from iPSCs, and iPSCs transplantation could make a contribution to repairing the testis of infertile mice. Our study offers an approach for further study on the development and the differentiation of germ cells derived from iPSCs. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wang F  Yin Y  Ye X  Liu K  Zhu H  Wang L  Chiourea M  Okuka M  Ji G  Dan J  Zuo B  Li M  Zhang Q  Liu N  Chen L  Pan X  Gagos S  Keefe DL  Liu L 《Cell research》2012,22(4):757-768
Rejuvenation of telomeres with various lengths has been found in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Mechanisms of telomere length regulation during induction and proliferation of iPSCs remain elusive. We show that telomere dynamics are variable in mouse iPSCs during reprogramming and passage, and suggest that these differences likely result from multiple potential factors, including the telomerase machinery, telomerase-independent mechanisms and clonal influences including reexpression of exogenous reprogramming factors. Using a genetic model of telomerase-deficient (Terc(-/-) and Terc(+/-)) cells for derivation and passages of iPSCs, we found that telomerase plays a critical role in reprogramming and self-renewal of iPSCs. Further, telomerase maintenance of telomeres is necessary for induction of true pluripotency while the alternative pathway of elongation and maintenance by recombination is also required, but not sufficient. Together, several aspects of telomere biology may account for the variable telomere dynamics in iPSCs. Notably, the mechanisms employed to maintain telomeres during iPSC reprogramming are very similar to those of embryonic stem cells. These findings may also relate to the cloning field where these mechanisms could be responsible for telomere heterogeneity after nuclear reprogramming by somatic cell nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

Chen Q  Shi QH 《遗传》2012,34(3):260-268
自2006年Takahashi和Yamanaka首次成功地从小鼠成纤维细胞诱导得到诱导多能性干细胞(Induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)以来,iPS细胞由于其潜在的广阔应用前景而迅速成为干细胞研究领域的新热点;与此同时,iPS细胞的遗传安全性也越来越多地受到人们的关注。文章将对iPS细胞遗传安全性的研究进展进行综述,分析造成iPS细胞遗传不稳定的可能原因,希望可以促进对iPS细胞诱导条件的优化,获得遗传上较为安全的iPS细胞。  相似文献   

陈倩  史庆华 《遗传》2012,34(3):260-268
自2006年Takahashi和Yamanaka首次成功地从小鼠成纤维细胞诱导得到诱导多能性干细胞(Induced pluripotent stem cells, iPS细胞)以来, iPS细胞由于其潜在的广阔应用前景而迅速成为干细胞研究领域的新热点; 与此同时, iPS细胞的遗传安全性也越来越多地受到人们的关注。文章将对iPS细胞遗传安全性的研究进展进行综述, 分析造成iPS细胞遗传不稳定的可能原因, 希望可以促进对iPS细胞诱导条件的优化, 获得遗传上较为安全的iPS细胞。  相似文献   

Reprogramming fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells with Bmi1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moon JH  Heo JS  Kim JS  Jun EK  Lee JH  Kim A  Kim J  Whang KY  Kang YK  Yeo S  Lim HJ  Han DW  Kim DW  Oh S  Yoon BS  Schöler HR  You S 《Cell research》2011,21(9):1305-1315

It remains controversial whether the abnormal epigenetic modifications accumulated in the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can ultimately affect iPSC pluripotency. To probe this question, iPSC lines with the same genetic background and proviral integration sites were established, and the pluripotency state of each iPSC line was characterized using tetraploid (4N) complementation assay. Subsequently, gene expression and global epigenetic modifications of “4N-ON” and the corresponding “4N-OFF” iPSC lines were compared through deep sequencing analyses of mRNA expression, small RNA profile, histone modifications (H3K27me3, H3K4me3, and H3K4me2), and DNA methylation. We found that methylation of an imprinted gene, Zrsr1, was consistently disrupted in the iPSC lines with reduced pluripotency. Furthermore, the disrupted methylation could not be rescued by improving culture conditions or subcloning of iPSCs. Moreover, the relationship between hypomethylation of Zrsr1 and pluripotency state of iPSCs was further validated in independent iPSC lines derived from other reprogramming systems.  相似文献   

小鼠的成纤维细胞通过转染四种转录因子(Oct3/4、Sox2、c-Myc和K1F4)可以被诱导转变成类似胚胎干细胞的多能性干细胞,称之为诱导型多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPS),这种多能干细胞在细胞形态、增殖速率、致瘤性、基因表达以及形成嵌合小鼠的能力上与胚胎干细胞有许多相似之处,将来可能成为胚胎干细胞在临床应用中的替代。本文综述了iPS相关的几种转录因子,及其在重编程过程中的作用以及iPS的发展前景。  相似文献   

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