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In an attempt to investigate the role of histone H2B in Cu(II) induced toxicity and carcinogenesis, we synthesized the terminally blocked peptides H2B32-62 (SRKESYSVYVYKVLKQVH48PDTGISSKAMGIM) and Η2Β94-125 (IQTAVRLLLPGELAKH110AVSEGTKAVTKYTSS), mimicking the N-terminal histone-fold domain and C-terminal tail of histone H2B, respectively and studied their interaction with Cu(II) ions by means of potentiometric titrations and spectroscopic techniques (UV-visible, CD and EPR). Both peptides, H2B32-62 and H2B94-125, interacted efficiently with Cu(II) ions, forming several species from pH 4 to 11, with His48 and His110 serving as anchors for metal binding. In H2B32-62, the effective Cu(II) binding is emphasized by the formation of a soluble Cu(II)-H2B32-62 complex, unlike the unbound peptide that precipitated over pH 7.9. At physiological pH, both peptides form tetragonal 3N species with a {NIm, 2N} coordination mode. At this pH, H2B32-62 presented the formation of coordination isomers, differentiated by the presence in one of them, of an axial coordination of the carboxylate group of Asp50. Copper binding with both H2B32-62 and H2B94-125 may induce a conformational change in the peptides' original structure. At physiological conditions, this effect may interfere with nucleosome's structure and dynamics, including the ubiquitination of Lys120 which is linked to gene silencing.  相似文献   

The Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD) isolated from Haemophilus ducreyi possesses a His-rich N-terminal metal binding domain, which has been previously proposed to play a copper(II) chaperoning role. To analyze the metal binding ability and selectivity of the histidine-rich domain we have carried out thermodynamic and solution structural analysis of the copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of a peptide corresponding to the first 11 amino acids of the enzyme (H2N-HGDHMHNHDTK-OH, L). This peptide has highly versatile metal binding ability and provides one and three high affinity binding sites for zinc(II) and copper(II), respectively. In equimolar solutions the MHL complexes are dominant in the neutral pH-range with protonated lysine ε-amino group. As a consequence of its multidentate nature, L binds zinc and copper with extraordinary high affinity (KD,Zn = 1.6 × 10−9 M and KD,Cu = 5.0 × 10−12 M at pH 7.4) and appears as the strongest zinc(II) and copper(II) chelator between the His-rich peptides so far investigated. These KD values support the already proposed role of the N-terminal His-rich region of H. ducreyi Cu,ZnSOD in copper recruitment under metal starvation, and indicate a similar function in the zinc(II) uptake, too. The kinetics of copper(II) transfer from L to the active site of Cu-free N-deleted H. ducreyi Cu,ZnSOD showed significant pH and copper-to-peptide ratio dependence, indicating specific structural requirements during the metal ion transfer to the active site. Interestingly, the complex CuHL has significant superoxide dismutase like activity, which may suggest multifunctional role of the copper(II)-bound N-terminal His-rich domain of H. ducreyi Cu,ZnSOD.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2009,362(3):707-229
Aminophosphonates were found to be effective metal ion chelators. Ethylenediamine (EN) itself binds strongly to a series of metal ions forming efficient five-membered chelate ring using two nitrogen donors. Combination of EN with phosphonate function results in the family of low molecular chelating agents. Introduction of a pyridine moiety into EN-phosphonate structure results in the very effective ligands involving a four-nitrogen donor set to coordinate the metal ion. In this work, the potentiometric and spectroscopic data for two analogues 2,2′-(ethylenedi-imino)bis(3-pyridylphosphonic-acid) - L2 and 2,2′-(ethylenedi-imino)bis(2-pyridyl-phosphonic-acid) - L3, comprising EN, two phosphonates and two pyridines with Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) ions are presented showing very high efficacy of one of the ligands studied.  相似文献   

A series of octahedral and square-planar Ni(II) complexes have been synthesized from two different types of hydrazone ligands. The isolated complexes have been characterized by means of analytical and spectroscopic techniques. The structures of two of the complexes have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction study. The binding modes of the complexes with DNA and their ability to bind DNA have been investigated by UV-Vis absorption titration, ethidium bromide fluorescence displacement experiments, and viscometry measurements and cyclic voltammetry studies. The experimental results show that the mode of binding of the complexes to DNA is combination of different mode of interaction.  相似文献   

The solution conformation and the copper(II) binding properties have comparatively been investigated for the two novel hexapeptides Ac-HPSGHA-NH2 (P2) and Ac-HGSPHA-NH2 (P4). The study has been carried out by means of CD, NMR, EPR and UV-Vis spectroscopic techniques in addition to potentiometric measurements to determine the stability constants of the different copper(II) complex species formed in the pH range 3-11. The peptides contain two histidine residues as anchor sites for the metal ion and differ only for the exchanged position of the proline residue with glycine. CD and NMR results for the uncomplexed peptide ligands suggest a predominantly unstructured peptide chain in aqueous solution. Potentiometric and spectroscopic data (UV-Vis, CD and EPR) show that both peptides strongly interact with copper(II) ions by forming complexes with identical stoichiometries but different structures. Furthermore, Far-UV CD experiments indicate that the conformation of the peptides is dramatically affected following copper(II) complexation with the P4 peptide adopting a β-turn-like conformation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the syntheses and characterization of ethylmorpholine substituted citronellal thiosemicarbazone copper(II) and nickel(II) metal complexes. The compounds were characterized through elemental analyses and spectroscopic (IR, UV-Vis, NMR, MS) methods. The X-ray analysis of the two complexes shows that both Ni and Cu derivatives present a square planar coordination, where the coordinating homologous donor atoms bind in trans to each other. The compounds were tested for their biological activity after determination of their octanol-saline partition coefficients, followed by their radical scavenging properties. Eventually the complexes were tested for their proliferation inhibition on human histiocytic lymphoma U937 cell line. The GI50 values resulted to be 2.3 μM for the copper derivative and 12.3 μM for the nickel derivative.  相似文献   

Copper(II) and nickel(II) binding properties of two pseudo tetrapeptides, N-Boc-Gly-Gly-Gly-Histamine (BGGGHa) and Gly-Gly-Gly-Histamine (GGGHa) have been investigated by pH-potentiometric titrations, UV-visible-, EPR-, NMR- and ESI-HRMS (electrospray ionization high resolution MS) spectroscopies, in order to compare the role of N-terminal amino group and imidazole moiety at the fourth position in the complex formation processes. Substantially higher stabilities were determined for the ML complexes of GGGHa, compared to those of BGGGHa, supporting the coordination of the terminal amino group and the histamine imidazole of the non-protected ligand. A dimeric Cu2H− 2L2 species, formed through the deprotonation of peptide groups of the ligands, was found in the GGGHa-copper(II) system. Deprotonation and coordination of further amide nitrogens led to CuH− 2L and, above pH ~ 10, CuH− 3L. Experimental data supports a {NH2,2 × Namide,Nim} macrochelate structure in CuH− 2L whereas a {NH2,3 × Namide} coordination environment in CuH− 3L. The first two amide deprotonation processes were found to be strongly cooperative with nickel(II) and spectroscopic studies proved the transformation of the octahedral parent complexes to square planar, yellow, diamagnetic species, NiH− 2L and above pH ~ 9, NiH− 3L. In the basic pH-range deprotonation and coordination of the amide groups also took place in the BGGGHa containing systems, leading to complexes with a {3 × Namide,Nim} donor set, and in parallel the re-dissolving of precipitate. Above pH ~ 11, a further proton release from the pyrrolic NH group of the imidazole ring of BGGGHa occurred providing an additional proof for the different binding modes of the two ligands.  相似文献   

Metal complexes of d-glucose (d-Glc) from large cation containing dibromo-dichloro salts of dipositive metals [NEt4]2[MBr2Cl2] (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) and the disodium salt of glucose were synthesized from a MeOH:MeCN mixture. The complexes were characterized by UV-vis absorption, circular dichroism, IR and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and by elemental analysis, and were found to be Na[M(d-Glc)(OMe)Cl]. Cyclic voltammetric studies of these complexes, in the acidic to neutral pH range, indicated no dissociation, even in highly acidic conditions.This paper is dedicated to Professor Richard H. Holm (Harvard University) on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

The formation constants of equimolar and bis-chelate copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes with three aliphatic and four aromatic-substituted β-aminophosphonates have been determined in water solution by potentiometric studies. Spectroscopic parameters clearly indicate involvement of {NH3, PO3 2−} in both metal ions coordination. The comparison of the stability constants reveals slightly higher coordination power of the aliphatic-substituted β-aminophosphonic acids, which may be due to the higher basicity of their amino groups. All studied ligands are more effective in Cu2+ and Zn2+ coordination than phosphonic analogue of simple β-amino acid.  相似文献   

Three new peptidehydroxamic acids (l-alanyl-l-histidinehydroxamic acid, l-Ala-l-HisNHOH, l-alanyl-l-alanyl-l-histidinehydroxamic acid, l-Ala-l-Ala-l-HisNHOH and l-histidyl-l-alaninehydroxamic acid, l-His-l-AlaNHOH) were synthesized and their complexation with Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) were studied by pH-potentiometric, UV-Vis, CD, 1H NMR, EPR and ESI-MS methods. Each of the studied peptide derivatives involves one side-chain imidazole unit and the effect of this group on the metal binding of the hydroxamic moiety is evaluated in the paper. The obtained results are compared to those of the complexes of some histidine-containing di- or tripeptides and also to those of hydroxamic derivatives of aliphatic peptides.A competition between the hydroxamate and imidazole functions occurs in all systems, but the extent differs from metal to metal, from ligand to ligand and depends very much on the pH. The imidazole was found to play the most determinant role in the Cu(II) complexes, somewhat less in the Ni(II)-containing ones, while (except the case of l-Ala-l-HisNHOH) negligible role was found in the Zn(II)-complexes. Common feature of the Ni(II)- and especially Cu(II)-containing systems is that if an imidazole-N is displaced by a hydroxamate, imidazole-bridged di- and polynuclear complexes are formed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the complexation of Ni(II) with 1,10-phenanthroline(phen), 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline(dmphen), and 5-nitro-1,10-phenanthroline(NO2phen) in acetonitrile-water mixed solvents of acetonitrile mole fraction xAN = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 at 288, 293, 298 and 303 K have been studied by stopped-flow method at ionic strength of 1.0 (NaClO4) and pH 7.4. The corresponding activation enthalpy, entropy, and free energy were determined from the observed rate constants. The complexation of Ni(II) with the three ligands has comparable observed rate constants; in pure water the observed rate constants are (×103 dm3 mol−1 s−1) 2.31, 2.57, and 1.38 for phen, dmphen and NO2phen, respectively. The corresponding activation parameters for the three ligands are, however, considerably different; in pure water the ΔHS (kJ mol−1/J K−1 mol−1) are 44.7/−30.2, 19.5/−114.1, and 32.2/−76.9 for phen, dmphen, and NO2phen, respectively. The effects of solvent composition on the kinetics are also markedly different for the three ligands. The ΔH and ΔS showed a minimum at xAN = 0.1 for phen; for dmphen and NO2phen, however, maxima at xAN = 0.2 were observed. Nevertheless, there is an effective enthalpy-entropy compensation for the ΔHS of all the three ligands, demonstrating the significant effects of the changes in solvation and solvent structure on the complexation kinetics. As the rate-determining step of Ni(II) complexation is the dissociation of a water molecule from Ni(II), the solvent and ligand dependencies in the Ni(II) complexation kinetics are ascribed to the change in solvation status of the ligands and the altered solvent structures upon changing solvent composition.  相似文献   

A new potentially tridentate ligand HL11 consisting of 2-pyridinecarboxamide unit and azo functionality has been used, in its deprotonated form, to prepare a nickel(II) complex which has been structurally characterized. The ligand L11(−) affords a bis-complex [NiII(L11)2] (1). In 1, the two L11(−) ligands bind to the NiII center in a mer configuration. The relative orientations within the pairs of pyridyl-N, deprotonated amido-N, and azo-N atoms are cis, trans, and cis, respectively. The NiIIN2(pyridyl)N′2(amide)N″2(azo) coordination environment is severely distorted from ideal octahedral geometry. The Ni-Nam (am = amide) bond lengths are the shortest and the Ni-Nazo bond lengths are the longest. Complex 1 exhibits a quasireversible NiIII/NiII redox process. Moreover, the complex displays two ligand-centered (azo group) quasireversible redox processes. Spectroscopic (absorption and EPR) properties have been studied on coulometrically-generated nickel(III) species. To understand the nature of metal-ligand bonding interactions Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations have been performed on 1 at the B3LYP level of theory. Calculations have also been done for closely related nickel(II) complexes of deprotonated pyridine amide ligands and comparative discussion has been made using observed results.  相似文献   

Four new coordination complexes, NiII(L)2 (1), [CoIII(L)2]ClO4 (2), [Zn(HL)(L)]ClO4 · H2O (3) and [Zn(L)2][Zn(L)(HL)]ClO4 · 7H2O (4) (where L is a monoanion of a Schiff base ligand, N′-[(2-pyridyl)methylene]salicyloylhydrazone (HL) with NNO tridentate donor set), have been synthesised and systematically characterised by elemental analysis, spectroscopic studies and room temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that 1 is a neutral complex, while 2-4 are cationic complexes. Among them, 4 is a rare type of cationic complex with two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The ligand chelates the metal centre with two nitrogen atoms from the pyridine and imino moieties and one oxygen atom coming from its enolic counterpart. All the reported complexes show distorted octahedral geometry around the metal centres, with the two metal-N (imino) bonds being significantly shorter than the two metal-N (Py) bonds.  相似文献   

Nodal, a member of the TGF‐β superfamily, is a potent embryonic morphogen also implicated in tumor progression. As for other TGF‐βs, it triggers the signaling functions through the interaction with the extracellular domains of type I and type II serine/threonine kinase receptors and with the co‐receptor Cripto. Recently, we reported the molecular models of Nodal in complex with its type I receptors (ALK4 and ALK7) as well as with Cripto, as obtained by homology modeling and docking simulations. From such models, potential binding epitopes have been identified. To validate such hypotheses, a series of mutated Nodal fragments have been synthesized. These peptide analogs encompass residues 44–67 of the Nodal protein, corresponding to the pre‐helix loop and the H3 helix, and reproduce the wild‐type sequence or bear some modifications to evaluate the hot‐spot role of modified residues in the receptor binding. Here, we show the structural characterization in solution by CD and NMR of the Nodal peptides and the measurement of binding affinity toward Cripto by surface plasmon resonance. Data collected by both conformational analyses and binding measurements suggest a role for Y58 of Nodal in the recognition with Cripto and confirm that previously reported for E49 and E50. Surface plasmon resonance binding assays with recombinant proteins show that Nodal interacts in vitro also with ALK7 and ALK4 and preliminary data, generated using the Nodal synthetic fragments, suggest that Y58 of Nodal may also be involved in the recognition with these protein partners. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed that Mn(II) is accumulated in cultured glial cells to concentrations far above those present in whole brain or in culture medium. The data indicated that Mn(II) moves across the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm by facilitated diffusion or counter-ion transport with Ca(II), then into mitochondria by active transport. The fact that 1–10 M Mn(II) ions activate brain glutamine synthetase makes important the regulation of Mn(II) transport in the CNS. Since Cu(II) and Zn(II) caused significant changes in the accumulation of Mn(II) by glia, the mechanisms by which these ions alter the uptake and efflux of Mn(II) ions has been investigated systematically under chemically defined conditions. The kinetics of [54MN]-Mn(II) uptake and efflux were determined and compared under four different sets of conditions: no adducts, Cu(II) or Zn(II) added externally, and with cells preloaded with Cu(II) or Zn(II) in the presence and absence of external added metal ions. Zn(II) ions inhibit the initial velocity of Mn(II) uptake, increase total Mn(II) accumulated, but do not alter the rate or extent Mn(II) efflux. Cu(II) ions increase both the initial velocity and the net Mn(II) accumulated by glia, with little effect on rate or extent of Mn(II) efflux. These results predict that increases in Cu(II) or Zn(II) levels may also increase the steady-state levels of Mn(II) in the cytoplasmic fraction of glial cells, which may in turn alter the activity of Mn(II)-sensitive enzymes in this cell compartment.  相似文献   

Bioactive copper(II) complexes with polysaccharides, like pullulan and dextran, are important in both veterinary and human medicine for the treatment of hypochromic microcitary anemia and hypocupremia. In aqueous alkaline solutions, Cu(II) ion forms complexes with the exopolysaccharide pullulan and its reduced low-molecular derivative. The metal content and the solution composition depend on pH, temperature, and time of the reaction. The complexing process begins in a weak alkali solution (pH >7) and involves OH groups of pullulan monomer (glucopyranose) units. Complexes of Cu(II) ion with reduced low-molecular pullulan (RLMP, Mw 6000 g mol−1) were synthesized in water solutions, at the boiling temperature and at different pH values ranging from 7.5 to 12. The Cu(II) complex formation with RLMP was analyzed by UV–vis spectrophotometry and other physicochemical methods. Spectroscopic characterizations (ATR-FTIR, FT-IRIS, and EPR) and spectra–structure correlation of Cu(II)–RLMP complexes were also carried out.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is related to a series of pathological disorders the main cause of which are the fibrillar species generated during the process. Human serum albumin (HSA) undergoes rapid fibrillation in the presence of Cu(II) at pH 7.4 in 60% ethanol after 6-h incubation (~65?°C) followed by room temperature incubation. Here, we have investigated the effect of a stoichiometric variation of Cu(II) on the self-assembly of HSA using Congo red and thioflavin T dye-binding studies, circular dichroism spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The simulation of EPR spectra suggests that with the increment in Cu(II) ion concentration, there is a change in ligand field coordination. Kinetic parameters indicate reduced cooperativity that may be related to the nonspecific coordination on increment of Cu(II) concentration. Cu(II) is also able to direct the accumulation of a large number of fibers along with a formation of dense fibrillar network which is evident from microscopic images.  相似文献   

DNA was found to be cleaved by arenes and copper(II) salts in neutral solutions. The efficiency of this reaction is comparable with the DNA cleavage by such systems as Cu(II)–phenanthroline and Cu(II)–ascorbic acid in efficiency, but, unlike them, it does not require the presence of an exogenous reducing agent or hydrogen peroxide. The Cu2+–arene system does not cleave DNA under anaerobic conditions. Catalase, sodium azide as well as bathocuproine, a specific chelator of Cu(I), completely inhibit the reaction. Our results suggest that Cu(I) ions, superoxide radical and singlet oxygen participate in this reaction. It was shown by EPR and spin traps that the reaction proceeds with the formation of alkoxyl radicals capable of inducing breaks in DNA molecules. An efficient cleavage of DNA in the Cu(II)–o-bromobenzoic acid system requires the generation of radicals under the conditions of formation of a specific copper–DNA–o-bromobenzoic acid complex, in which copper ions are likely to be coordinated with oxygen atoms of the DNA phosphate groups.  相似文献   

Recently, we described a sequence-specific R1-(Ser/Thr) peptide bond hydrolysis reaction in peptides of a general sequence R1-(Ser/Thr)-Xaa-His-Zaa-R, which occurs in the presence of Ni(II) ions [A. Kr??el, E. Kopera, A. M. Protas, A. Wys?ouch-Cieszyńska, J. Poznański, W. Bal, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 (2010) 3355-3366]. In this study we explored the possibility of substituting the Ser/Thr and the His residues, necessary for the reaction to occur according to the Ni(II)-assisted acyl shift reaction mechanism, with Cys residues. We tested this concept by synthesizing three homologous peptides: R1-Ser-Arg-Cys-Trp-R2, R1-Cys-Arg-His-Trp-R2, and R1-Cys-Arg-Cys-Trp-R2, and the R1-Ser-Arg-His-Trp-R2 peptide as comparator (R1 and R2 were CH3CO-Gly-Ala and Lys-Phe-Leu-NH2, respectively). We studied their hydrolysis in the presence of Ni(II) ions, under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of TCEP as a thiol group antioxidant. We measured hydrolysis rates using HPLC and identified products of reaction using electrospray mass spectrometry. Potentiometry and UV-vis spectroscopy were used to assess Ni(II) complexation. We demonstrated that Ni(II) is not compatible with the Cys substitution of the Ser/Thr acyl acceptor residue, but the substitution of the Ni(II) binding His residue with a Cys yields a peptide susceptible to Ni(II)-related hydrolysis. The relatively high activity of the R1-Ser-Arg-Cys-Trp-R2 peptide at pH 7.0 suggests that this peptide and its Cys-containing analogs might be useful in practical applications of Ni(II)-dependent peptide bond hydrolysis.  相似文献   

 Co(II) and Zn(II) binding constants have been measured for binding to the HIV-1 nucleocapsid N-terminal metal binding domain (residues 1–18), using competition titration methods and monitoring Co(II) binding by visible absorbance spectroscopy. Enthalpies for binding were directly measured by isothermal titration colorimetry. The results are compared with recent studies of related systems, including a study of Zn(II) binding by the full length protein. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 31 December 1998  相似文献   

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