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Plant tolerance to herbivory is a key approach for managing pests. In alfalfa, Medicago sativa, the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, is a major pest as a result of the cascade of plant responses to piercing-sucking injury. To identify tolerance to its injury based on alfalfa physiology, experiments were conducted in the field and greenhouse. In our comparison of the response of field-grown alfalfa cultivars to standardized leafhopper densities, net photosynthesis and transpiration rates of 'Geneva' leaves were reduced by 18 and 21%, respectively, by leafhopper presence compared with a rate change of <1% of resistant 'EverGreen' leaves. Under greenhouse conditions, alfalfa clones varied in their level of gas exchange (net photosynthesis and transpiration) and stem elongation responses to leafhopper injury. For example, in the comparison of seven clones, net photosynthesis declined an average of 40.7% with leafhopper injury, although individual clones varied from 26.6 to 74.3% reduction. Internode elongation after 2 d was 60.3% less on injured stems compared with healthy stems, but again, the individual clones varied from 17.3 to 91.9%. In a time-course study of selected clones, clones varied in their level of injury just after and 3 d after insect removal. Gas exchange responses of all clones recovered by 7 d after cessation of injury. In a choice test, leafhoppers spent similar amounts of time on the susceptible clone and the most tolerant clone; however, their precise feeding behaviors were not measured. Thus, the variable response of clones to injury may be either true physiological tolerance or antixenosis from a change in feeding behavior. This study showed putative tolerance to leafhopper injury among alfalfa genotypes, suggesting that tolerance could be the basis for crop protection in alfalfa from potato leafhopper injury.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to characterize the trichome-based defense of glandular-haired alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., against the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Within-plant variability in leafhopper resistance was examined by caging adult leafhoppers to either basal or apical stem internodes of the leafhopper-resistant, glandular-haired M. sativa genotype G98A or the susceptible, nonglandular-haired M. sativa 'Ranger'. Young, actively secreting glandular trichomes are located on apical internodes of G98A, whereas senesced gland heads are found on older, basal internodes of G98A. After 96 h, the highest cumulative leafhopper mortality and lowest number of excretory droplets were associated with apical internodes of G98A. No difference was detected in mortality and feeding levels among insects caged to basal internodes of G98A and basal and apical internodes of Ranger. The influence of abiotic factors on leafhopper resistance was evaluated by caging adult leafhoppers to either G98A or Ranger under four combinations of low and high light (250 and 1,000 micromol s(-1) m(-2)) and temperature regimes (17 and 30 degrees C). After 96 h, the highest cumulative mortality was associated with leafhoppers confined to G98A under high light and high temperature conditions. Temperature level and plant type also had an effect on the production of excretory droplets, resulting in the highest number of excretory droplets being associated with Ranger under the high temperature regime. These results indicate that certain regions of M. sativa G98A are better protected against the potato leafhopper than others and that temperature influences resistance levels of glandular-haired alfalfa.  相似文献   

Pierce's disease (PD) of grapevines is caused by a xylem-limited bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Wells, Raju, Hung, Weisburg, Mandelco-Paul, and Brenner) that is transmitted to plants by xylem sap-feeding insects. The introduction of the sharpshooter leafhopper Homalodisca coagulata (Say) into California has initiated new PD epidemics in southern California. In laboratory experiments, the major characteristics of H. coagulata's transmission of X. fastidiosa to grapevines were the same as reported for other vectors: short or absent latent period; nymphs transmitted but lost infectivity after molting and regained infectivity after feeding on infected plants; and infectivity persisted in adults. Adult H. coagulata acquired and inoculated X. fastidiosa in <1 h of access time on a plant. Inoculation rates increased with access time, but acquisition efficiency (20% per individual) did not increase significantly beyond 6-h access. Estimated inoculation efficiency per individual per day was 19.6, 17.9, and 10.3% for experiments where plant access was 1, 2, and 4 d, respectively. Freshly molted adults and nymphs acquired and transmitted X. fastidiosa more efficiently than did older, field-collected insects. H. coagulata transmitted X. fastidiosa to 2-yr-old woody tissues of grapevines as efficiently as to green shoots. H. coagulata transmitted X. fastidiosa 3.5 mo after acquisition, demonstrating persistence of infectivity in adults. About half (14/29) of the H. coagulata from which we failed to culture X. fostidiosa from homogenized heads (with a detection threshold of 265 CFU/head) transmitted the pathogen to grape, and 17 of 24 from which we cultured X. fastidiosa transmitted.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether the beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus (Baker) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), transmits the purple top phytoplasma to potato, Solanum tuberosum L.; beets, Beta vulgaris L.; and selected weed hosts. The beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent (BLTVA) phytoplasma was identified as the causal agent of the potato purple top disease outbreaks that recently occurred in the Columbia Basin of Washington and Oregon. The phytoplasma previously was found to be associated almost exclusively with the beet leafhopper, suggesting that this insect is the probable vector of BLTVA in this important potato-growing region. Eight potato cultivars, including 'Russet Burbank', 'Ranger Russet', 'Shepody', 'Umatilla Russet', 'Atlantic', 'FL-1879', 'FL-1867', and 'FL-1833', were exposed for a week to BLTVA-infected beet leafhoppers. After exposure, the plants were maintained outdoors in large cages and then tested for BLTVA by using polymerase chain reaction after 6 to 7 wk. The leafhoppers transmitted BLTVA to seven of the eight exposed potato cultivars. Sixty-four percent of the exposed plants tested positive for the phytoplasma. In addition, 81% of the BLTVA-infected potato plants developed distinct potato purple top disease symptoms. Beet leafhoppers also transmitted BLTVA to beets and several weeds, including groundsel, Senecio vulgaris L.; shepherd's purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik); kochia, Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad; and Russian thistle, Salsola kali L. This is the first report of transmission of BLTVA to potatoes, beets, and the above-mentioned four weed species. Results of the current study prove that the beet leafhopper is a vector of the potato purple top disease.  相似文献   

The potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is an emerging pest of potato and insecticide applications to control this insect have increased in recent years. Based on field observations of leafhopper-crop dynamics, however, currently recommended action thresholds seem to be overly conservative. As a result, we initiated two experiments designed to quantify the impact of leafhoppers on potato yield, and determine how the magnitude of this effect changes among cultivars. In experiment 1, leafhoppers were manipulated (control versus insecticide-treated plots) on 17 potato varieties. In experiment 2, three cultivars (Superior, Atlantic, and Snowden) were planted representing early-, mid-, and late-season maturing lines, and six insecticide spray regimes were imposed (early-, late-, and full-season applications at high and low rates). In both experiments, leafhopper abundance, plant damage, and potato yield were measured. Overall, leafhoppers reduced yield in control plots by 15.7% relative to insecticide-treated plots. Leafhopper impact, however, varied among cultivars; a significant effect of leafhoppers on yield was detected in 6, 12, and 59% of cultivars tested in each of three trials. Of the 44 cases in which leafhoppers exceeded action thresholds, yield loss was only documented in 13 cases. Data from these experiments provide evidence that such variable effects ofleafhoppers on yield are explained by cultivar-specific resistance and tolerance traits. Our results suggest that potato growers can accept higher leafhopper densities than current thresholds recommend, particularly when cultivating resistant and/or tolerant varieties.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour of Scaphoideus titanus Ball, the vector of the grapevine disease Flavescence dorée, was investigated in order to determine the role of substrate-borne vibrational signals in intra-specific communication and pair formation. Vibrational signals were recorded from grapevine leaves with a laser vibrometer. Signalling activity of single males changed throughout the day and the peak in activity was associated with twilight and early night when 'call and fly' behaviour was observed. Pair formation began with the spontaneous emission of male signals. The male calling signal consisted of a single series of pulses, partially accompanied with a 'rumble'. The male courtship phrase consisted of four consecutive sections characterized by two sound elements, pulse and 'buzz'. Female vibrational signals were emitted only in response to male signals. The female response was a single pulse that closely resembled male pulses and was inserted between pulses within the male signals. All recorded vibrational signals of S. titanus have a dominant frequency below 900 Hz. A unique feature of vibrational communication in S. titanus is well-developed intrasexual competition; males may use alternative tactics, in the form of disturbance signals, or silently approach duetting females (satellite behaviour). While the male-female duet appears to be essential for successful localization of females and copulation, it is also vulnerable to, and easily disrupted by, alternative tactics like masking.  相似文献   

Cultivars of glandular-haired alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., such as '54H69', are currently available and marketed as being resistant to potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Between 2000 and 2002, studies were conducted to compare the effects of '54H69' and a standard, nonglandular-haired alfalfa cultivar, 'Choice', on alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), and potato leafhopper populations at Campbell and Montgomery counties, Virginia. '54H69' had no effect on alfalfa weevil populations. At each location, densities of alfalfa weevil in '54H69' and 'Choice' were similar, but pest pressure was higher at Campbell Co. than at Montgomery Co. and always exceeded the economic threshold before insecticide was applied. Densities of potato leafhopper also did not differ between '54H69' and 'Choice' in any year at the two locations. Insecticide treatment effectively reduced potato leafhopper densities in the two cultivars, although populations were below the economic threshold at both locations when the insecticides were applied. Overall, postinsecticide treatment comparisons showed that the densities of alfalfa weevil and potato leafhoppers were similar or higher in untreated '54H69' compared with insecticide-treated 'Choice'. In addition, there were no differences in seasonal dry yields between '54H69' and 'Choice' in any year at either location. Our results indicate that the glandular-haired alfalfa '54H69' does not provide acceptable resistance to potato leafhopper and also does not offer a yield advantage to growers in Virginia.  相似文献   

Survival of nymphs and adult males and females of potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), on six potato (Solanum spp.) genotypes with varied levels of resistance was evaluated and related to type, density, and droplet/head size of foliar glandular trichomes. Survival was greater on Solanum tuberosum cultivars ('Allegany' and 'Elba') compared with accessions of the wild S. berthaultii (PI 473331 and PI 473334). The barrier provided by glandular trichomes may affect survival of E.fabae by restricting nymph and adult feeding. PI 473331 was the most pubescent host, bearing type A and type B trichomes and the most unsuitable host for E. fabae. Allegany possesses leaflets with low trichome densities and small gland diameter and was the most suitable host for adult E. fabae survival. Females generally had higher survival rates than males. Nymphal and adult leafhoppers differed greatly in their survival rates, particularly on S. tuberosum x S. berthaultii hybrids (Q174-2 and NY123). Interestingly, nymphs had longer (190 d) mean lethal time (LT50) than adults (31 d) when held on Q174-2, and a lower LT50 (19 d) when held on NY123 compared with adults (104 d). Starvation, dehydration, or both were likely associated with mortality of nymphs confined on PI 473331 and PI 473334. Nymphs on these accessions died at a comparable rate to those confined on a starvation treatment and more rapidly than those supplied with water only, sucrose solution or other potato genotypes. Darkened trichome exudates were observed on insects held on PI 473331 and PI 473334, consistent with previous reports that glandular trichomes of S. berthaultii contain phenolic oxidation chemistry. This study aids in the identification of the probable mechanisms of resistance to E. fabae used by S. berthaulti and its hybrids with S. tuberosum.  相似文献   

Leafhoppers (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae) actively coat their integuments with brochosomes, hollow proteinaceous spheres of usually 200–700 nm in diameter, with honeycombed walls. The coats have been previously suggested to act as a water-repellent and anti-adhesive protective barrier against the insect''s own exudates. We estimated their wettability through contact angle (CA) measurements of water, diiodomethane, ethylene glycol and ethanol on detached wings of the leafhoppers Alnetoidia alneti, Athysanus argentarius and Cicadella viridis. Intact brochosome-coated integuments were repellent to all test liquids, except ethanol, and exhibited superhydrophobicity, with the average water CAs of 165–172°, and the apparent surface free energy (SFE) estimates not exceeding 0.74 mN m−1. By contrast, the integuments from which brochosomes were removed with a peeling technique using fluid polyvinylsiloxane displayed water CAs of only 103–129° and SFEs above 20 mN m−1. Observations of water-sprayed wings in a cryo-scanning electron microscope confirmed that brochosomal coats prevented water from contacting the integument. Their superhydrophobic properties appear to result from fractal roughness, which dramatically reduces the area of contact with high-surface-tension liquids, including, presumably, leafhopper exudates.  相似文献   

Eight proprietary genotypes of glandular-haired alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., supplied by two different companies, were compared for the degree and types of resistance to the potato leafhopper, Ernpoasca fabae (Harris), and hopperburn. A tube cage no-choice bioassay was developed to test leafhopper mortality, feeding, settling preferences, severity of hopperburn symptoms (in this case, defined as both yellowing and stem growth reduction), and trichome density and type on feeding sites. Leafhopper mortality was both strongly and significantly associated with feeding and leaf trichome density; decreased hopperburn symptom severity was weakly, although significantly, associated with increased mortality. To quantify hopperburn in terms of both yellowing and stem growth reduction, we developed a ranking system that reduces overall hopperburn expression to a single number that considers the varying responses to both types of symptoms. Great variability in leafhopper settling, leafhopper mortality, and stem glandular trichome density was detected among alfalfa genotypes, suggesting that genotypic differences may be based on the concentration and/or chemical constituency of the trichome exudates. We postulate that, among variably resistant genotypes of glandular-haired alfalfa, differences among leafhopper responses and hopperburn severity are linked to forced movement from the stems to the leaves as refuge feeding sites. Principal component analysis was performed to reduce the 10 variables down to five biologically significant factors. Scores for these factors were then used to develop resistance indices for potato leafhopper resistance, hopperburn resistance, and an overall glandular-haired alfalfa resistance index.  相似文献   

The first two complete mitogenomes of the leafhopper genus Cladolidia (C. biungulata and C. robusta) were sequenced and annotated to further explore the phylogeny of Cladolidia. Both the newly sequenced mitogenomes have a typical circular structure, with lengths of 15,247 and 15,376 bp and A + T contents of 78.2% and 78%, respectively. We identified a highly conserved genome organization in the two Cladolidia spp. through comparative analysis that included the following assessments: genome content, gene order, nucleotide composition, codon usage, amino acid composition, and tRNA secondary structure. Moreover, we detected the base heterogeneity of Cicadellidae mitogenomic data and constructed phylogenetic trees using the nucleotide alignments of 12 subfamilies of 58 leafhopper species. We noted a weak heterogeneity in the base composition among the Cicadellidae mitogenomes. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the monophyly of each subfamily was generally well supported in the family Cicadellidae; the main topology was as follows: (Deltocephalinae + (Treehoppers + ((Megophthalminae + (Macropsinae + (Hylicinae + (Coelidiinae +Iassinae)) + (Idiocerinae + (Cicadellinae + (Typhlocybinae + (Mileewinae + (Evacanthinae +Ledrinae)))))))))). Within Coelidiinae, phylogenetic analyses revealed that C. biungulata and C. robusta belong to Coelidiinae and the monophyly of Cladolidia is well supported. In addition, on the basis of complete mitogenome phylogenetic analysis and the comparison of morphological characteristics, we further confirm the genus Olidiana as a paraphyletic group, suggesting that the genus may need taxonomic revisions.  相似文献   

研究了中国小绿叶蝉族羿小叶蝉属Helionides,提出了4个新组合,报道了采自中国南方的2新纪录种,提供了中国该属已知种的检索表。  相似文献   

Insect species exhibiting a weak linkage between adult preference and immature performance have frequently been shown to be prone to outbreaks. We used choice and no-choice tests to examine the preference-performance linkage of the xylem fluid-feeding leafhopper, Homalodisca vitripennis Germar. Leafhoppers were offered a choice of hosts common to their native range and also a choice from hosts where they have been recently introduced. Behavior (residence preference, oviposition preference, and consumption rates) was quantified in choice tests. Performance (development of immature leafhoppers, fecundity, body weights, and survivorship) was quantified in no-choice tests. Virtually all aspects of leafhopper behavior and performance varied with host species, yet there were no linkages between adult preference and immature performance. Lagerstroemia indica and Citrus sinensis were the preferred hosts, but both species supported <30% of neonate development until the second stadia. Glycine max was the superior developmental host with development to the adult stage exceeding 40%, but this host was seldom used by adult leafhoppers. Adult preference reflected aspects of adult performance including increases in fecundity, body weights, and survivorship. These preference-performance linkages were impacted by environmental context, insect reproductive status, and insect feeding history. Essential amino acids were consistently correlated with performance of both adult and developing insects; relationships between nutrients and preference were less consistent. The weak linkage of adult preference and immature leafhopper performance are discussed in terms of outbreaks of H. vitripennis.  相似文献   

Cultivars of glandular-haired alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., such as '54H69', are currently available and marketed as being resistant to potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). 54H69 and a standard, nonglandular-haired alfalfa 'Choice' were evaluated at two locations in Virginia over a 3-yr period. Dry matter yields and concentrations of crude protein and acid detergent fiber were compared at the first, second, and third harvests. Overall, the two cultivars produced similar dry matter yields of comparable forage quality in the absence of insecticides at both locations in each year. Untreated 54H69 did not produce greater dry matter yields than untreated Choice under either light or heavier potato leafhopper pest pressure. Concentrations of crude protein did not vary between the two cultivars at any harvest. Some differences in concentrations of acid detergent fiber were detected between cultivars, but these differences were not consistent among years, harvests, or between locations. Further comparisons between untreated 54H69 and treated Choice were made, but few significant differences were detected in dry matter yields or forage quality. An economic analysis for the study indicated that a grower planting 54H69 would realize less net revenue than a grower planting Choice, largely because of the seed premium for the glandular-haired cultivar and the evident need to treat 54H69 with insecticide for control of alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and potato leafhopper.  相似文献   

报道巴基斯坦角顶叶蝉亚科1新纪录属Changwhania Kwon和1新纪录亚属Limotettix(Scleroracus)Van Duzee,并记述2新纪录种Changwhania ceylonensis Baker,1925 n.rec.和Limotettix(Scleroracus)cacheolus n.rec.。  相似文献   

Chickpea chlorotic dwarf geminivirus (CCDV) is one of the viruses associated with chickpea stunt disease. It is transmitted by the leafhopper Orosius orientalis. The minimum acquisition access period (AAPmin) and inoculation access period (IAPmin) were found to be less than 2 min, while the minimum latency period (LPmin) was less than 2 h. The median AAP, IAP and LP were 8.0 h, 2.3 h and 27.7 h, respectively. No difference in transmission rates (proportion of leafhoppers able to transmit) was observed between male and female leafhop-pers. In serial transmission experiments, transmission was shown to be persistent, and after a 2-day AAP about 80% of the leafhoppers transmitted the virus for most of their life. The virus could be detected in individual leafhoppers by DAS-ELISA. It did not multiply in the leafhopper, but, instead, decreased in concentration during leafhopper feeding on a non-host of the virus.  相似文献   

Spiroplasmas are bacteria in the Class Mollicutes that are frequently associated with insects and/or plants. Here, we describe the ultrastructure, localization, and occurrence of apparent commensal/symbiotic spiroplasma-like organisms (SLOs) in the midgut and hindgut of five leafhopper species from laboratory-reared colonies. Those found in Dalbulus elimatus, Endria inimica, and Macrosteles quadrilineatus were long and tubular shaped, whereas those in Dalbulus maidis and Graminella nigrifrons were shorter and mostly rod-shaped in their host organisms. These SLOs were found in great numbers in the gut lumen frequently associated with the gut microvilli, but unlike the plant-pathogenic mollicutes, they did not seem to invade the gut epithelium or other tissues in any of these five leafhopper species. Large accumulations of these gut-associated organisms were more commonly found by confocal laser scanning microscopy in males than in females and in crowded than in singly reared leafhoppers. Ultrastructural evidence suggests that these SLOs may be horizontally transmitted between leafhoppers by contamination of the mouth parts with leafhopper excretions.  相似文献   

Although the corn leafhopper Dalbulus maidis (DeLong and Wolcott) is the most important vector of maize pathogens in Latin America, little is known about how and where it overwinters (passes the dry season), particularly in Mexico. The objectives of this study were (1) to monitor the abundance of D. maidis adults throughout the dry season in maize and maize-free habitats and (2) to determine where and how D. maidis adults, exposed or nonexposed to the maize pathogen Spiroplasma kunkelii Whitcomb, overwinter in a maize-free habitat. Work for the first objective was done during the two consecutive dry seasons of 1999-2000 and 2000-2001; the second objective was done during the dry seasons of 2003-2004 and 2005-2006. During the dry winter seasons, D. maidis was prevalent as long as maize was present in irrigated areas. The leafhopper was found in 52 of the 58 irrigated maize fields sampled in Mexico at the end of the dry seasons of 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. However, leafhopper adults were not found in nonirrigated maize-free habitats at high elevation during the dry winter season (February, March, and April), although leafhopper adults were prevalent on perennial wild grasses in January after maize harvest. Additional experiments revealed, however, that corn leafhopper adults, although few in number, survived the entire dry season in these nonirrigated maize-free fields. Also, no detectable difference in survival existed between leafhoppers exposed and those not exposed to S. kunkelli during the two dry seasons in the maize-free habitat.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the globally distributed arboreal leafhopper subfamily Eurymelinae was conducted based on DNA sequence data from three nuclear and two mitochondrial genes in addition to 86 discrete morphological characters. The analysis included 89 species representing 61 genera from all major biogeographic regions including six species from outgroups, Megophthalminae and Ulopinae. Trees resulting from partitioned Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of the combined data were well resolved and largely congruent, differing mainly in the relationships among the earliest diverging lineages. The results are consistent with an expanded concept of Eurymelinae, including tribes Austroagalloidini and Macropsini. Six monophyletic groups are recognized as new tribes, Balocerini, Chiasmodolini, Chileanoscopini, Idioceroidini, Kopamerrini and Nesocerini, tribe n. , and the previously recognized tribes Eurymelini, Idiocerini and Megipocerini are redefined. A new synonym, Busonini Zhang & Li, 2015 syn.n. is proposed here for Megipocerini Isaev, 1988. Molecular divergence time estimates were calibrated using two fossil taxa and suggested that the earliest divergences occurred in the Lower Cretaceous and that most major lineages of this group arose during the Cretaceous. Reconstruction of ancestral areas revealed considerable continental-scale biogeographical structure. The place of origin of Eurymelinae is equivocal but major lineages arose in the Neotropical, Australian and Afrotropical regions. A key to tribes and a checklist of genera showing current tribal placements are provided.  相似文献   

Melanetettix gen. nov. is described from Melanesia for 22 new species of leafhoppers. The new species fall into four groups. New species described are M. bicolor, M. bifidus, M. capitatus, M. curvatus, M. delmoi, M. elongatus, M. maai, M. marginatus, M. ocellatus, M. pallidus, M. rhamphodes, M. roseus, M. semeraroae, M. sinuatus, M. aculeus, M. bifurcatus, M. truncatus, M. clavatus, M. ensiferus, M. nielsoni, M. rotundatus and M. alatus. An identification key to the new species is provided along with discussion of the affinities of Melanetettix, which is close to Scaphoideus Uhler.  相似文献   

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