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Rats ingesting high doses of caffeine reproduce the self-destructive behaviour observed in the Lesch Nyhan syndrome. This syndrome includes a deficit in hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. We have observed, however, that the activity of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase increases in direct proportion to the concentration of caffeine found in rat brain. It appears, therefore, that the caffeine model is not a true model for the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, or alternatively, that the deficit in hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase is coincidental and not a main key to the multifarious aspects of the syndrome, particularly the self-mutilation. The possibility that levels of dopamine are increased in the caffeine model are discussed as a basis for the destructive behaviour. We have found also that ingestion of large amounts of caffeine increases the activities in rat brain of adenosine deaminase, purine nucleoside phosphorylase, aspartate carbamoyltransferase, dihydroorotase, and dihydroorotate oxidase.  相似文献   


The [[3-hydroxy-2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-l-propoxy]methyl] derivatives of adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine have been synthesized and tested against herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDS), a reduction of mitochondrial DNA copy number, often affects muscle or liver. Mutations in enzymes of deoxyribonucleotide metabolism give MDS, for example, the mitochondrial thymidine kinase 2 (TK2) and deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK) genes. Sixteen TK2 and 22 dGK alterations are known. Their characteristics and symptoms are described. Levels of five key deoxynucleotide metabolizing enzymes in mouse tissues were measured. TK2 and dGK levels in muscles were 5- to 10-fold lower than other nonproliferating tissues and 100-fold lower compared to spleen. Each type of tissue apparently relies on de novo and salvage synthesis of DNA precursors to varying degrees.  相似文献   

Purines and pyrimidines form the backbone of DNA and RNA. Hence, modification of purine and pyrimidine metabolism can have serious effects on normal functioning of a subject. These aspects formed the main topics for an International and a European Series of meetings, dedicated to the metabolism in man. In order to streamline the organization of these meetings the European Society was transformed to an International society: the Purine and Pyrimidine Society (www.ppsociety.org). This special issue of Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and, Nucleic, Acids highlights the last European meeting in Prague, focusing on inborn errors, cardiac diseases, inflammatory diseases, rheumatology, haematology, cancer, virology, genetic polymorphism, specific methodology, and, of course, metabolism. The meeting in Chicago in 2007 will be the first meeting of the Purine and Pyrimidine Society.  相似文献   

We have cloned genes encoding three enzymes of the de novo pyrimidine pathway using genomic DNA from Plasmodium falciparum and sequence information from the Malarial Genome Project. Genes encoding dihydroorotase (reaction 3), orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (reaction 5), and OMP decarboxylase (reaction 6) have been cloned into the plasmid pET 3a or 3d with a thrombin cleavable 9xHis tag at the C‐terminus and the enzymes were expressed in Escherichia coli. To overcome the toxicity of malarial OMP decarboxylase when expressed in E. coli, and the unusual codon usage of the malarial gene, a hybrid plasmid, pMICO, was constructed which expresses low levels of T7 lysozyme to inhibit T7 RNA polymerase used for recombinant expression, and extra copies of rare tRNAs. Catalytically‐active OMP decarboxylase has been purified in tens of milligrams by chromatography on Ni‐NTA. The gene encoding orotate phosphoribosyltransferase includes an extension of 66 amino acids from the N‐terminus when compared with sequences for this enzyme from other organisms. We have found that other pyrimidine enzymes also contain unusual protein inserts. Milligram quantities of pure recombinant malarial enzymes from the pyrimidine pathway will provide targets for development of novel antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

Genetic mutations in the purine salvage enzyme, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), are known to cause Lesch–Nyhan syndrome and Kelley–Seegmiller syndrome. In patients, purine metabolism is different from that of normal persons. We have previously developed a method for simultaneously determining the concentration of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides and nucleotides. This system was applied to determine the concentrations of nucleosides and nucleotides in HPRT-deficient cell lines. The amount of inosine 5′-monophosphate (IMP) was different in Lesch–Nyhan syndrome, Kelley–Seegmiller syndrome, and control cell lines. The difference in the amount of IMP confirmed the mutation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Purine and pyrimidine disorders represent a heterogeneous group with variable clinical symptoms and low prevalence rate. In the last thirteen years, we have studied urine/plasma specimens from about 1600 patients and we have identified 35 patients: eight patients with adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency, eight patients with hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency, one patient with purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency, ten patients with xanthine dehydrogenase deficiency, six patients with molybdenum cofactor deficiency and two patients with dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency.

Despite low incidence of these diseases, our findings highlight the importance of including the purine and pyrimidine analysis in the selective screening for inborn errors of metabolism in specialized laboratories, where amino acid and organic acid disorders are simultaneously investigated.  相似文献   

药物代谢酶是催化体内摄入的各种药物进行生物转化的一系列重要酶,属于生物转化酶系中的一类.虽然药物生物转化的主要场所在肝脏,但在肝外组织(如前列腺)亦存在,而且可影响药物在局部的生物转化率.药物转运体在药物的跨膜转运中发挥了重要的作用,影响了药物在体内的药代动力学进程,药物转运体在组织中分布广泛;本文着重阐述这些药物代谢酶及转运体在治疗前列腺癌药物中的作用,及它们在前列腺中的特异性表达,同时讨论了在不同的治疗策略中与药物代谢酶及转运体相关的靶向作用.  相似文献   

D-Lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH) from Pediococcus pentosaceus ATCC 25745 was found to produce D-3-phenyllactic acid from phenylpyruvate. The optimum pH and temperature for enzyme activity were pH 5.5 and 45 °C. The Michaelis-Menten constant (K m), turnover number (k cat), and catalytic efficiency (k cat?K m) values for the substrate phenylpyruvate were estimated to be 1.73 mmol/L, 173 s?1, and 100 (mmol/L)?1 s?1 respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, we measured the activity of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD), dihydropyrimidinase (DHP) and ß-ureidopropionase (ß-UP), using radiolabeled substrates, in 16 different tissues obtained at autopsy from a single patient. The activity of DPD could be detected in all tissues examined, with the highest activity being present in spleen and liver. Surprisingly, the highest activity of DHP was present in kidney followed by that of liver. Furthermore, a low DHP activity could also be detected in 8 other tissues. The highest activity of ß-UP was detected in liver and kidney. However, low UP activities were also present in 8 other tissues. Our results demonstrated that the entire pyrimidine catabolic pathway was predominantly confined to the liver and kidney. However, significant residual activities of DPD, DHP and ß-UP were also present in a variety of other tissues, especially in bronchus.  相似文献   

To study the adaptation of an intestinal bacterium to its natural environment, germfree mice were associated with commensal Escherichia coli MG1655. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to identify proteins differentially expressed in E. coli MG1655 collected from either cecal contents or anaerobic in vitro cultures. Fourteen differentially expressed proteins (>3-fold; P < 0.05) were identified, nine of which were upregulated in cecal versus in vitro-grown E. coli. Four of these proteins were investigated further for their role in gut colonization. After deletion of the corresponding genes, the resulting E. coli mutants were tested for their ability to colonize the intestines of gnotobiotic mice in competition with the wild-type strain. A mutant devoid of ydjG, which encodes a putative NADH-dependent methylglyoxal reductase, reached a 1.2-log-lower cecal concentration than the wild type. Deletion of the nanA gene encoding N-acetylneuraminate lyase affected the colonization and persistence of E. coli in the intestines of the gnotobiotic mice only slightly. A mutant devoid of 5′-phosphoribosyl 4-(N-succinocarboxamide)-5-aminoimidazole synthase, a key enzyme of purine synthesis, displayed intestinal cell counts >4 logs lower than those of the wild type. Deletion of the gene encoding aspartate carbamoyltransferase, a key enzyme of pyrimidine synthesis, even resulted in the washout of the corresponding mutant from the mouse intestinal tract. These findings indicate that E. coli needs to synthesize purines and pyrimidines to successfully colonize the mouse intestine.The human gastrointestinal tract harbors a complex community of approximately 1014 microorganisms (11). Whereas the impact of intestinal bacteria on the host has been studied in detail, knowledge about the impact of host factors on gut microorganisms is still limited. Only a few proteomic studies have investigated the response of bacteria to the intestinal environment. The application of proteome analysis to the infant fecal ecosystem was hampered by the complexity of the microbial community: only 1 of 11 determined peptide sequences could be linked to an enzyme, the bifidobacterial transaldolase (8). In contrast, several metabolic pathways involved in carbon assimilation were demonstrated to be upregulated in Lactococcus lactis when investigated with mice monoassociated with this organism. YwcC, a phosphogluconolactonase probably involved in the pentose phosphate pathway, was found to be essential for the organism''s ability to colonize the mouse intestinal tract (15). Bifidobacterium longum was reported to express, after brief exposure to the gastrointestinal environment, several sets of proteins, including adhesion factors and metabolic genes (18). Comparative proteome analysis of Escherichia coli grown in vitro on LB or in the intestines of monoassociated mice indicated that E. coli utilizes a wider range of substrates in the mouse intestine than under in vitro conditions and is exposed to various forms of stress, including starvation (2).The present study was aimed at the identification of proteins essential for the colonization and persistence of E. coli in the gastrointestinal environment. The well-characterized nonpathogenic E. coli strain MG1655 was grown in vitro and its proteome compared with that of the same strain isolated from the ceca of monoassociated mice. To reduce the differences in nutrient availability between the in vivo and the in vitro situation, the in vitro cultures were grown anaerobically on a broth prepared from the mouse chow. Selected bacterial proteins undergoing the most prominent upregulation in the mouse cecum were identified and tested for their possible role in colonization. For that purpose, targeted deletion mutants were tested in competition with the wild-type (WT) strain with respect to their ability to successfully colonize the germfree mouse intestine. The results suggest that E. coli needs to synthesize purines and pyrimidines to colonize and persist in the mouse intestine.  相似文献   

The major pathways of ribonucleotide biosynthesis in Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides have been proposed from studies on its use of radioactive purines and pyrimidines. To interpret more fully the observed pattern of pyrimidine usage, cell extracts of this organism have been assayed for several enzymes associated with the salvage synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. M. mycoides possessed uracil phosphoribosyltransferase, uridine phosphorylase, uridine (cytidine) kinase, uridine 5'-monophosphate kinase, and cytidine 5'-triphosphate synthetase. No activity for phosphorolysis of cytidine was detected, and no in vitro conditions were found to give measurable deamination of cytidine. Of the two potential pathways for incorporation of uridine, our data suggest that this precursor would largely undergo initial phosphorolysis to uracil and ribose-1-phosphate. Conversely, cytidine is phosphorylated directly to cytidine 5'-monophosphate in its major utilization, although conversion of cytidine to uracil, uridine, and uridine nucleotide has been observed in vivo, at least when uracil is provided in the growth medium. Measurements of intracellular nucleotide contents and their changes on additions of pyrimidine precursors have allowed suggestions as to the operation of regulatory mechanisms on pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis in M. mycoides in vivo. With uracil alone or uracil plus uridine as precursors of pyrimidine ribonucleotides, the regulation of uracil phosphoribosyltransferase and cytidine 5'-triphosphate synthetase is probably most important in determining the rate of pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis. When cytidine supplements uracil in the growth medium, control of cytidine kinase activity would also be important in this regard.  相似文献   

Brains of paralysed rats with insulin-induced hypoglycemia were frozen in situ after spontaneous EEG activity had been absent for 5 or 15 min (“coma”). Recovery (30 min) was achieved in a different group of rats by administering glucose after a 30-min coma period. Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, nucleosides and free bases were determined in the cortical extracts by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The ATP values obtained with the HPLC method were in excellent agreement with those obtained using standard enzymatic/fluorometric techniques, while values for ADP and AMP obtained with the HPLC method were significantly lower. Comatose animals showed a severe (40-80%) reduction in the concentrations of all nucleoside triphosphates (ATP. GTP, UTP and CTP) and a simultaneous increase in the concentrations of all nucleoside di- and monophosphates, including that of IMP. The adenine nucleotide pool size decreased to 50% of control level. The concentrations of the nucleosides adenosine, inosine, and uridine increased 50- to 250-fold, while the concentrations of the purine bases, xanthine and hypoxanthine, rose 2- and 30-fold, respectively. There were no increases in the concentrations of adenine, guanine, or xanthosine. Following glucose administration there was a partial (ATP, UTP and CTP) or almost complete (GTP) recovery of the nucleoside triphosphate levels. During recovery, the levels of nucleosidc di- and monophosphates and of adenosine decreased to values close to control; the rise in the inosine level was only partially reversed, and the concentrations of hypoxanthine and xanthine rose further. The adenine nucleotide pool size was only partially restored (to 67% of control value). The adenine nucleotide pool size was not increased by i.p. injection of adenosine or adenine under control condition, or during the posthypoglycemic recovery period.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The pathway of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis in the rodent parasitic protozoa Babesia rodhaini has been investigated. Specific activities of five of the six enzymes of the pathway were determined: aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase: E.C. dihydroorotase (DHOase: E.C. dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHO-DHase: E.C.; orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase: E.C.; and orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase (ODCase: E.C. Michaelis constants for ATCase, DHO-DHasc. OPRTase, and ODCase were determined in whole homogenates. Several substrate analogs were also investigated as inhibitors and inhibitor constants determined. N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate was shown to be an inhibitor of the ATCase with an apparent K, of 7μM. Dihydro-5-azaorotate inhibited the DHO-DHase (K, 16 μM) and 5-azaorotate (Ki, 21 μM) was an inhibitor of the OPRTase. The UMP analog, 6-aza-UMP (Ki, 0.3 μM) was a potent inhibitor of ODCase, while lower levels of inhibition were found with the product. UMP (Ki, 120 μM) and the purine nucleotide, XMP (K1, 95 μM). Additionally, menoctone, a ubiquinone analog, was shown to inhibit DHO-DHase.  相似文献   

本工作利用光吸收和高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术研究了甲素对DNA分子中四种碱基A、G、C和T光氧化的敏化作用,发现在反应体系的pH为9.0、甲素浓度为3×10~(-5)mol/L、光照40分钟时,G和T紫外吸收明显降低;HPLC分析发现甲素敏化的G光氧化体系比对照体系多出现一组分峰(滞留时间0.927分钟),该峰用475nm波长检测比260nm波长检测灵敏。根据反应机制推测是G环破裂产物。在反应条件固定时,甲素敏化G的光氧化作用受pH、光照时间及甲素浓度影响极大。单线态氧淬灭剂——叠氮钠浓度在40—110mmol/L可部分抑制甲素敏化G的光氧化作用,>110mmol/L时反应完全被阻断,提示甲素对G光氧化的敏化作用主要通过单线态氧(~1O_2)即Ⅱ型机制起作用。本文还讨论了G光氧化的可能途径。  相似文献   

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