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Human AP endonuclease 1 (APE1, REF1) functions within the base excision repair pathway by catalyzing the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bond 5 ' to a baseless sugar (apurinic or apyrimidinic site). The AP endonuclease activity of this enzyme and two active site mutants were characterized using equilibrium binding and pre-steady-state kinetic techniques. Wild-type APE1 is a remarkably potent endonuclease and highly efficient enzyme. Incision 5 ' to AP sites is so fast that a maximal single-turnover rate could not be measured using rapid mixing/quench techniques and is at least 850 s(-1). The entire catalytic cycle is limited by a slow step that follows chemistry and generates a steady-state incision rate of about 2 s(-1). Site-directed mutation of His-309 to Asn and Asp-210 to Ala reduced the single turnover rate of incision 5 ' to AP sites by at least 5 orders of magnitude such that chemistry (or a step following DNA binding and preceding chemistry) and not a step following chemistry became rate-limiting. Our results suggest that the efficiency with which APE1 can process an AP site in vivo is limited by the rate at which it diffuses to the site and that a slow step after chemistry may prevent APE1 from leaving the site of damage before the next enzyme arrives to continue the repair process.  相似文献   

Our genomic DNA is endlessly exposed to a wide variety of exogenous and endogenous DNA-damaging agents. One of the most abundant DNA lesions is an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site, which in vivo, can form spontaneously or through various cellular pathways, including the repair activity of DNA glycosylase enzymes (Wilson & Barsky, 2001). Persistence of these AP sites is both highly mutagenic and cytotoxic to the cell (Loeb & Preston, 1986). AP endonuclease 1 (APE1), an Mg2+ dependent enzyme, is the major human endonuclease responsible for incising the DNA backbone at AP sites. Repair to canonical duplex DNA is then completed by DNA polymerase and DNA ligase. Recently, APE1, in conjunction with delivery of DNA-damaging agents, has become a target for chemotherapeutic research with the aim to inhibit APE1 activity (Fishel & Kelley, 2007). Therefore, an understanding of APE1 activity and its molecular mechanism is essential. In vitro, the authentic AP site is highly unstable and can undergo β-elimination, leading to a strand break (Strauss, Beard, Patterson & Wilson, 1997). Due to the fragility of the AP site, stable AP site analogs, such as the reduced AP site or tetrahydrofuran (THF) site, are typically used to study APE1 (Maher & Bloom, 2007; Strauss, Beard, Patterson & Wilson, 1997). In this work, we have performed the first comprehensive kinetic study of APE1 acting on the authentic AP site as well the reduced AP site and THF AP site analog. Transient-state kinetic experiments reveal that the strand incision chemistry step is fast, upwards of ~700?s?1 for all substrates, making APE1 one of the fastest DNA repair enzymes. Steady-state kinetic experiments reveal for each substrate, a slow, post chemistry step limits the steady-state rate. The steady-state rate for APE1 acting on authentic AP and AP-Red substrates is highly dependent on Mg2+ concentration, while the steady-state rate for THF site was not dependent on Mg2+ concentration. This comprehensive kinetic analysis reveal differences and similarities in the way APE1 processes the authentic AP site compared to AP site analogs. Furthermore, these differences require consideration when choosing AP site analogs to study APE1.  相似文献   

Vasko MR  Guo C  Thompson EL  Kelley MR 《DNA Repair》2011,10(9):942-952
Although exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) can produce significant neurotoxicity, the mechanisms mediating this toxicity remain to be determined. Previous studies using neurons isolated from the central nervous system show that IR produces reactive oxygen species and oxidative DNA damage in those cells. Because the base excision DNA repair pathway repairs single-base modifications caused by ROS, we asked whether manipulating this pathway by altering APE1 expression would affect radiation-induced neurotoxicity. In cultures of adult hippocampal and sensory neurons, IR produces DNA damage as measured by phosphorylation of histone H2A.X and results in dose-dependent cell death. In isolated sensory neurons, we demonstrate for the first time that radiation decreases the capsaicin-evoked release of the neuropeptide CGRP. Reducing APE1 expression in cultured cells augments IR-induced neurotoxicity, whereas overexpressing APE1 is neuroprotective. Using lentiviral constructs with a neuronal specific promoter that selectively expresses APE1s different functions in neurons, we show that selective expression of the DNA repair competent (redox inactive) APE1 constructs in sensory neurons resurrects cell survival and neuronal function, whereas use of DNA-repair deficient (redox active) constructs is not protective. Use of an APE1 redox-specific inhibitor, APX3330, also facilitates neuronal protection against IR-induced toxicity. These results demonstrate for the first time that the repair function of APE1 is required to protect both hippocampal and DRG neuronal cultures--specifically neuronal cells--from IR-induced damage, while the redox activity of APE1 does not appear to be involved.  相似文献   

The oxidation resistance gene 1 (OXR1) prevents oxidative stress-induced cell death by an unknown pathway. Here, depletion of human OXR1 (hOXR1) sensitized several human cell lines to hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress, reduced mtDNA integrity, and increased apoptosis. In contrast, depletion of hOXR1 in cells lacking mtDNA showed no significant change in ROS or viability, suggesting that OXR1 prevents intracellular hydrogen peroxide-induced increase in oxidative stress levels to avoid a vicious cycle of increased oxidative mtDNA damage and ROS formation. Furthermore, expression of p21 and the antioxidant genes GPX2 and HO-1 was reduced in hOXR1-depleted cells. In sum, these data reveal that human OXR1 upregulates the expression of antioxidant genes via the p21 signaling pathway to suppress hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress and maintain mtDNA integrity.  相似文献   

Jung YG  Cho YB  Kim MS  Yoo JS  Hong SH  Roe JH 《Nucleic acids research》2011,39(17):7586-7597
Various environmental oxidative stresses are sensed by redox-sensitive regulators through cysteine thiol oxidation or modification. A few zinc-containing anti-sigma (ZAS) factors in actinomycetes have been reported to respond sensitively to thiol oxidation, among which RsrA from Streptomyces coelicolor is best characterized. It forms disulfide bonds upon oxidation and releases bound SigR to activate thiol oxidative stress response genes. Even though numerous ZAS proteins exist in bacteria, features that confer redox sensitivity to a subset of these have been uncharacterized. In this study, we identified seven additional redox-sensitive ZAS factors from actinomycetes. Comparison with redox-insensitive ZAS revealed characteristic sequence patterns. Domain swapping demonstrated the significance of the region K(33)FEHH(37)FEEC(41)SPC(44)LEK(47) that encompass the conserved HX(3)CX(2)C (HCC) motif. Mutational effect of each residue on diamide responsive induction of SigR target genes in vivo demonstrated that several residues, especially those that flank two cysteines (E39, E40, L45, E46), contribute to redox sensitivity. These residues are well conserved among redox-sensitive ZAS factors, and hence are proposed as redox-determinants in sensitive ZAS. H37A, C41A, C44A and F38A mutations, in contrast, compromised SigR-binding activity significantly, apparently affecting structural integrity of RsrA. The residue pattern around HCC motif could therefore serve as an indicator to predict redox-sensitive ZAS factors from sequence information.  相似文献   

The dysregulation of mitochondrial function has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease.

Mutations in the parkin, PINK1 and DJ-1 genes all result in recessive parkinsonism. Although the protein products of these genes have not been fully characterized, it has been established that all three contribute to the maintenance of mitochondrial function. PINK1 and parkin act in a common pathway to regulate the selective autophagic removal of depolarized mitochondria, but the relationship between DJ-1 and PINK1- and/or parkin-mediated effects on mitochondria and autophagy is less clear. We have shown that loss of DJ-1 leads to mitochondrial phenotypes including reduced membrane potential, increased fragmentation and accumulation of autophagic markers. Supplementing DJ-1-deficient cells with glutathione reverses both mitochondrial and autophagic changes suggesting that DJ-1 may act to maintain mitochondrial function during oxidative stress and thereby alter mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy indirectly.  相似文献   

McCoy MK  Cookson MR 《Autophagy》2011,7(5):531-532
The dysregulation of mitochondrial function has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease. Mutations in the parkin, PINK1 and DJ-1 genes all result in recessive parkinsonism. Although the protein products of these genes have not been fully characterized, it has been established that all three contribute to the maintenance of mitochondrial function. PINK1 and parkin act in a common pathway to regulate the selective autophagic removal of depolarized mitochondria, but the relationship between DJ-1 and PINK1- and/or parkin-mediated effects on mitochondria and autophagy is less clear. We have shown that loss of DJ-1 leads to mitochondrial phenotypes including reduced membrane potential, increased fragmentation and accumulation of autophagic markers. Supplementing DJ-1-deficient cells with glutathione reverses both mitochondrial and autophagic changes suggesting that DJ-1 may act to maintain mitochondrial function during oxidative stress and thereby alter mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy indirectly.  相似文献   

Vasko MR  Guo C  Kelley MR 《DNA Repair》2005,4(3):367-379
Although correlative studies demonstrate a reduction in the expression of apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease/redox effector factor (Ape1/Ref-1 or Ape1) in neural tissues after neuronal insult, the role of Ape1 in regulating neurotoxicity remains to be elucidated. To address this issue, we examined the effects of reducing Ape1 expression in primary cultures of hippocampal and sensory neurons on several endpoints of neurotoxicity induced by H2O2. Ape1 is highly expressed in hippocampal and sensory neurons grown in culture as indicated by immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting and activity. Exposing hippocampal or sensory neuronal cultures to 25 or 50 nM small interfering RNA to Ape1 (Ape1siRNA), respectively, for 48 h, causes a reduction in immunoreactive Ape1 by approximately 65 and 54%, and an equivalent loss in endonuclease activity. The reduced expression of Ape1 is maintained for up to 5 days after the siRNA in the medium is removed, whereas exposing cultures to scrambled sequence siRNA (SCsiRNA) has no effect of Ape1 protein levels. The reduction in Ape1 significantly reduces cell viability in cultures 24 h after a 1-h exposure to 25-300 microM H2O2, compared to SCsiRNA treated controls. In cells treated with SCsiRNA, exposure to 300 microM H2O2 reduced cell viability by 40 and 30% in hippocampal and sensory neuronal cultures, respectively, whereas cultures treated with Ape1siRNA lost 93 and 80% of cells after the peroxide. Reduced Ape1 levels also increase caspase-3 activity in the cells, 2-3-fold, 60min after a 1-h exposure to 100 microM H2O2 in the cultures. Exposing neuronal cultures with reduced expression of Ape1 to 65 microM H2O2 (hippocampal) or 300 microM H2O2 (sensory) for 1h results in a 3-fold and 1.5-fold increase in the phosphorylation of histone H2A.X compared to cells exposed to SCsiRNA. Overexpressing wild-type Ape1 in hippocampal and sensory cells using adenoviral expression constructs results in significant increase in cell viability after exposure to various concentrations of H2O2. The C65A repair competent/redox incompetent Ape1 when expressed in the hippocampal and sensory cells conferred only partial protection on the cells. These data support the notion that both of functions of Ape1, redox and repair are necessary for optimal levels of neuronal cell survival.  相似文献   

The generation of reactive oxygen species in the cell provokes, among other lesions, the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) in DNA. Due to mispairing with adenine during replication, 8-oxoG is highly mutagenic. To minimise the mutagenic potential of this oxidised purine, human cells have a specific 8-oxoG DNA glycosylase/AP lyase (hOGG1) that initiates the base excision repair (BER) of 8-oxoG. We show here that in vitro this first enzyme of the BER pathway is relatively inefficient because of a high affinity for the product of the reaction it catalyses (half-life of the complex is >2 h), leading to a lack of hOGG1 turnover. However, the glycosylase activity of hOGG1 is stimulated by the major human AP endonuclease, HAP1 (APE1), the enzyme that performs the subsequent step in BER, as well as by a catalytically inactive mutant (HAP1-D210N). In the presence of HAP1, the AP sites generated by the hOGG1 DNA glycosylase can be occupied by the endonuclease, avoiding the re-association of hOGG1. Moreover, the glycosylase has a higher affinity for a non-cleaved AP site than for the cleaved DNA product generated by HAP1. This would shift the equilibrium towards the free glycosylase, making it available to initiate new catalytic cycles. In contrast, HAP1 does not affect the AP lyase activity of hOGG1. This stimulation of only the hOGG1 glycosylase reaction accentuates the uncoupling of its glycosylase and AP lyase activities. These data indicate that, in the presence of HAP1, the BER of 8-oxoG residues can be highly efficient by bypassing the AP lyase activity of hOGG1 and thus excluding a potentially rate limiting step.  相似文献   

The contribution of plasminogen (Plg)/plasmin, which have claimed to be the main fibrinolytic regulators in the bone metabolism, remains unclear. This study evaluated how the absence of Plg affects the function of osteoblast (OB) and osteoclast (OC). There was a larger population of pre-OCs in bone marrow-derived cells from the Plg(-/-) mice than the population of that from the WT mice. In addition, the absence of Plg suppressed the expression of osteoprotegerin in OBs. Moreover, an exogenous plasmin clearly induced the osteoprotegerin expression in Plg(-/-) OBs. The osteoclastogenesis of RAW264.7 mouse monocyte/macrophage lineage cells in co-culture with OBs from the Plg(-/-) mice was significantly accelerated in comparison with that in co-culture with OBs from the WT mice. Intriguingly, the accelerated OC differentiation of RAW264.7 cells co-cultured with Plg(-/-) OBs was clearly suppressed by the treatment of an exogenous plasmin. Consequently, Plg(-/-) mice display decreased bone mineral density. These findings could eventually lead to the development of new clinical therapies for bone disease caused by a disorder of the fibrinolytic system.  相似文献   

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