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Concerns over insect resistance, regulatory action, and the needs of organic processors have generated renewed interest in developing nonchemical alternative postharvest treatments to fumigants used on dried fruits and nuts. Low-temperature storage has been identified as one alternative for the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hiibner), and navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), common postharvest pests in California dried fruits and nuts. The response of eggs, nondiapausing larvae, and pupae of both species to exposure to low temperatures (0, 5, and 10 degrees C) was evaluated. Eggs of both species were the least tolerant of low temperatures. At 0 and 5 degrees C, pupae were most tolerant, but at 10 degrees C, nondiapausing larvae of both species were most tolerant, with lethal time (LT)95 values of 127 and 100 d for Indianmeal moth and navel orangeworm, respectively. The response of diapausing Indianmeal moth larvae to subfreezing temperatures also was evaluated. Diapausing larvae were very cold tolerant at -10 degrees C, with LT95 values of 20 and 17 d for long-term laboratory and recently isolated cultures, respectively. Diapausing larvae were far less tolerant at lower temperatures. At -15 degrees C, LT95 values for both cultures were <23 h, and at -20 degrees C, LT95 values were <7 h. Refrigeration temperatures of 0-5 degrees C should be useful in disinfesting product contaminated with nondiapausing insects, with storage times of 3 wk needed for adequate control. Relatively brief storage in commercial freezers, provided that the temperature throughout the product was below -15 degrees C for at least 48 h, also shows potential as a disinfestation treatment, and it is necessary when diapausing Indianmeal moth larvae are present.  相似文献   

Polyvinyl chloride polymer (PVC) dispensers loaded with ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate (pear ester) plus the sex pheromone, (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (codlemone) of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), were compared with PVC dispensers and a commercial dispenser (Isomate-C Plus) loaded with codlemone. Evaluations were conducted in replicated plots (0.1-0.2 ha) in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen) during both generations of codling moth from 2007 to 2009. Dispensers were applied at 1,000 ha(-1). Male captures in traps baited with virgin female moths and codlemone lures were recorded. Residual analysis of field-aged dispensers over both moth generations was conducted. Dispensers exhibited linear declines in release rates of both attractants, and pear ester was released at a significantly higher rate than codlemone during both time periods. The proportion of virgin female-baited traps catching males was significantly lower with combo dispenser TRE24 (45/110, mg codlemone/mg pear ester) during the second generation in 2007 and the combo dispensers TRE144 (45/75) and TRE145 (75/45) during the first generation in 2008 compared with Isomate-C Plus. Similarly, male catches in female-baited traps in plots treated with the combo dispensers TRE144 during the first generation in 2008 and TRE23 (75/110) during the second generation, in 2007 were significantly lower than in plots treated with Isomate-C Plus. No significant differences were found for male catches in codlemone-baited traps in plots treated with Isomate-C Plus and any of the combo dispensers. However, male catches were significantly lower in plots treated with Cidetrak CM (codlemone-only dispenser) than the combo TRE144 dispenser during both generations in 2009.  相似文献   

Resistance to several classes of insecticides was correlated with azinphosmethyl resistance in codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in California. In tests of laboratory and field populations, cross-resistance was positively correlated with azinphosmethyl and two organophosphates (diazinon, phosmet), a carbamate (carbaryl), a chlorinated hydrocarbon (DDT), and two pyrethroids (esfenvalerate and fenpropathrin). Additionally, negatively correlated cross-resistance was identified between azinphosmethyl and two other organophosphates, chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion. Patterns of resistance observed in laboratory colonies were confirmed with field bioassays. In bioassays of field populations, azinphosmethyl resistance was observed to increase from 1991 to 1993, although levels of resistance remained < 13-fold. Because orchards with azinphosmethyl resistance have had difficulties with suppression of codling moth, and cross-resistance was found for all tested classes of insecticides, strategies for managing resistance will need to be developed so as to protect current and future control tactics. The two insecticides with negatively correlated cross-resistance are discussed as potential tools for resistance management.  相似文献   

Attractive properties of pear ester, ethyl (E,Z)‐2,4‐decadienoate, and codlemone, (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol, the sex pheromone of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), were utilized in experiments on behavioural disruption of mating. Standard dispensers loaded with codlemone alone or in combination with pear ester (combo) were applied at 500–1000/ha. Larger (10‐fold) combo dispensers (Meso) were evaluated at a rate of 80/ha. The addition of microencapsulated pear ester, PE‐MEC, sprayed with insecticides at 30 ml/ha was also evaluated. Male moth catches in unmated female‐baited traps were lower in standard combo dispenser than in codlemone dispenser–treated plots. Female moth catch in traps baited with the combination of pear ester, codlemone and acetic acid was lower in standard combo dispenser than in codlemone dispenser–treated plots. In 12 comparative experiments spanning from 2006 to 2012, male moth catch in unmated female‐baited traps was consistently and significantly lower in combo than in codlemone dispenser–treated plots. Male catch in codlemone‐baited traps did not differ between dispenser treatments in eight studies from 2006 to 2009. These results emphasize the benefit of alternatively using traps baited with unmated females over codlemone lures for the analysis of dispenser activity. Fruit injury was significantly reduced with the addition of PE‐MEC to insecticide applications across untreated and dispenser treatments. Proportion of unmated females trapped was higher in standard combo dispenser than in codlemone dispenser–treated and untreated plots. Similarly, the proportion of unmated females caught was higher in the Meso combo dispenser than in nearby or distant codlemone dispenser–treated plots. These field studies conducted in apple over 3 years demonstrate that adding pear ester both to pheromone dispensers, either standard or Meso, and to supplementary insecticide sprays can provide a significant increase in the disruption of sexual communication, reductions in female mating and reductions in fruit injury.  相似文献   

Monitoring codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), with its sex pheromone (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol (codlemone) alone or in combination with plant volatiles (PH‐plant volatile lures) with and without the addition of an acetic acid (AA) lure was compared in apple and walnut orchards treated with PVC Cidetrak® dispensers (CM‐DA Combo) loaded with 60 mg pear ester, ethyl (E, Z)‐2,4‐decadienoate (PE) and 185 mg codlemone. Lures were also evaluated in untreated apple and walnut orchards and apple orchards treated with Cidetrak® dispensers (CM) loaded with 120 mg codlemone. Traps with codlemone lures caught more moths than PE plus AA but similar numbers as traps with the PH‐PE lure in untreated apple and walnut orchards. The PH‐PE outperformed codlemone lures in apple orchards treated with CM dispensers. Codlemone outperformed PH‐PE lures in apple but not in walnut orchards treated mid‐season with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combining AA with PE significantly increased moth catch and together they performed similarly to the PH‐PE lure in all dispenser treatments in apple orchards. However, adding AA with the PH‐PE lure did not increase moth catches. The addition of AA to any of the lures tested except codlemone alone significantly increased the catch of females. Adding AA to either PE or the PH‐PE lure created a similarly attractive lure in orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combining (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene (DMNT) with codlemone in a combinational lure plus AA performed as well as any lure tested in apple orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combinational lures loaded with either (E,E)‐farnesol, (E)‐β‐farnesene or DMNT performed significantly better than the PH‐PE lure in apple orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers only in the first generation. Both PH‐DMNT and PH‐farnesol lures were comparable to PH‐PE, except that the PH‐farnesol lure was less attractive to female moths.  相似文献   

Codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), larvae cause severe internal feeding damage to apples, pears, and walnuts worldwide. Research has demonstrated that codling moth neonate first instar larvae are attracted to a pear-derived kairomone, ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate, the pear ester (PE). Reported here are the behavioral activities of neonate codling moth larvae to microencapsulated pear ester (MEC-PE) applied in aqueous solutions to both filter paper and apple leaf surfaces that were evaluated over a period of up to 20 d of aging. In dual-choice tests the MEC-PE treatment elicited attraction to and longer time spent on treated zones of filter papers relative to water-treated control zones for up to 14 d of aging. A higher concentration of MEC-PE caused no preferential response to the treated zone for the first 5 d of aging followed by significant responses through day 20 of aging, suggesting sensory adaptation as an initial concentration factor. Estimated emission levels of PE from treated filter papers were experimentally calculated for the observed behavioral thresholds evident over the aging period. When applied to apple leaves, MEC-PE changed neonate walking behavior by eliciting more frequent and longer time periods of arrestment and affected their ability to find the leaf base and stem or petiole. Effects of MEC-PE on extended walking time and arrestment by codling moth larvae would increase temporal and spatial exposure of neonates while on leaves; thereby potentially disrupting fruit or nut finding and enhancing mortality by increasing the exposure to insecticides, predation, and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to evaluate new kairomone blends in combination with pear ester (E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl decadienoate (PE) and acetic acid (AA) for their attraction of male and female codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen. The addition of decanal to either AA or PE alone significantly increased total and female moth catches. However, the addition of decanal did not improve the attraction of PE + AA. The addition of either the pyranoid (PyrLOX) or furanoid (FurLOX) linalool oxide but not linalool (LOL) increased moth catches with PE but did not increase catches with PE + AA. Similarly, the addition of PyrLOX plus decanal did not improve PE + AA. The addition of (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene (DMNT) to either AA, PE + AA or PE + AA+decanal did not significantly increase moth catches. However, the addition of PyrLOX to traps with PE + AA and DMNT (4‐component lure) significantly increased moth catches compared with PE + AA alone or any of the ternary blends of these volatiles. Females accounted for 60%–80% of the total catch with this 4‐component lure. The 4‐component blend with PyrLOX was a more attractive lure than similar blends that substituted LOL, or a binary blend of LOL and FurLOX for PyrLOX. The 4‐component blend caught nearly fourfold more total and female moths than the purported attractant N‐butyl sulphide when it was used in combination with PE + AA. These results indicate that significant improvements in monitoring, mating disruption and mass trapping of codling moth are possible. Further studies are needed to assess the new attractive blend's effectiveness in combination with sex pheromone lures and to evaluate whether other host plant volatiles can be added or substitute for DMNT or LOX when used in combination with PE + AA.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in 1997 and 1998 to evaluate the effects of three particle film formulations consisting of kaolin and adjuvants on neonate larvae, ovipositing adult females, and eggs of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.). Neonate larval walking speed, fruit discovery rate, and fruit penetration rate on apple host plants coated with particle films were significantly lower than on host plants without particle films in laboratory assays. Females oviposited less on host plants covered with a particle film residue than on untreated plants in laboratory choice and no-choice tests. Hatch rate of codling moth neonate larvae was unaffected by particle films sprayed on host plants either before or after oviposition. Fruit infestation rates were significantly reduced on particle film-treated trees compared with untreated trees for both first- and second-generation codling moth in field trials in both apple and pear orchards. Particle films appear to be a promising supplemental control approach for codling moth in orchards where moth density is high, and may represent a stand-alone method where moth densities are lower.  相似文献   

The performance of clear delta traps baited with 3.0 mg of pear ester, ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate, and 5.0 ml of acetic acid in separate lures was compared with orange delta traps baited with a single lure containing 3.0 mg of both pear ester and the sex pheromone, (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (codlemone) for codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen). Residual analyses and field tests demonstrated that both the pear ester and acetic acid lures were effective for at least 8 wk. The two trap-lure combinations caught a similar number of total moths in an orchard treated with sex pheromone dispensers during short-term trials in 2008. However, the mean catch of female moths was significantly higher and male moths significantly lower in clear traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid versus orange traps baited with pear ester and codlemone. Season-long studies were conducted with these two trap-lure combinations in orchards treated with (n = 6) and without (n = 7) sex pheromone dispensers during 2009. The two trap-lure combinations caught similar numbers of moths in dispenser-treated orchards. In contrast, total catch was significantly higher (>2-fold) in the orange compared with the clear traps in untreated orchards. The clear caught >6-fold more females than the orange trap in both types of orchards. These studies suggest that deploying clear delta traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid can be an effective monitoring tool for female codling moth and an alternative to codlemone-baited traps in sex pheromone-treated orchards.  相似文献   

Larvae of the navel orangeworm (NOW), Amyelois transitella (Walker), a major pest of almonds and pistachios, and the codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella (L.), the principal pest of walnuts and pome fruits, are commonly found in tree nut kernels that can be contaminated with aflatoxin, a potent carcinogen. The ability of larvae of these insects to metabolize aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was examined. A field strain of NOW produced three AFB1 biotransformation products, chiefly aflatoxicol (AFL), and minor amounts of aflatoxin B2a (AFB2a) and aflatoxin M1 (AFM1). With AFL as a substrate, NOW larvae produced AFB1 and aflatoxicol M1 (AFLM1). A lab strain of CM larvae produced no detectable levels of AFB1 biotransformation products in comparison to a field strain which produced trace amounts of only AFL. Neither NOW nor CM produced AFB1-8,9-epoxide (AFBO), the principal carcinogenic metabolite of AFB1. In comparison, metabolism of AFB1 by chicken liver yielded mainly AFL, whereas mouse liver produced mostly AFM1 at a rate eightfold greater than AFL. Mouse liver also produced AFBO. The relatively high production of AFL by NOW compared to CM may reflect an adaptation to detoxify AFB1. NOW larvae frequently inhabit environments highly contaminated with fungi and, hence, aflatoxin. Only low amounts, if any, of this mycotoxin occur in the chief CM hosts, walnuts, and pome fruits. Characterizations of enzymes and co-factors involved in biotransformation of AFB1 are discussed.  相似文献   

(E,Z) -2,4-decadienoate (pear ester) is a larval kairomone for the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Orchard studies were conducted in 2005 and 2006 in apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen, and pear, Pyrus communis L., to evaluate a 5% active ingredient (AI), microencapsulated formulation of pear ester (PE-MEC) as an insecticidal additive for the codling moth granulovirus (CpGV). Although CpGV applied at 5-15-d intervals at commercial rates (2.2 X 10(12)-10(13) granules per ha) killed the majority (82-94%) of larvae found inside infested fruit, it did not eliminate significant damage, i.e., 30-92% fruit injury at harvest versus 51-82% in controls. PE-MEC treatments had significant but inconsistent results in our tests. In apple (mixed cultivars), PE-MEC (3.7-4.7 g [AI] /ha) plus CpGV reduced the percentage of fruit injured during the second but not the first larval generation, compared with CpGV alone, but there no was no additional population reduction (live larvae collected from infested fruit and tree bands). In 'Bartlett' pear, PE-MEC (3.7 g [AI] /ha) plus CpGV significantly increased larval mortality and reduced deep fruit entries at harvest over CpGV alone in 2006, but similar improvements were not observed in 2005 when a lower rate (1.5 g [AI] /ha) was tested. Surprisingly, compared with untreated controls, the PE-MEC formulation alone also reduced fruit injury (mid-season in Bartlett) and larval survivorship inside infested fruit at harvest (2006 apple tests and both years in Bartlett). Although pear ester seems amenable as a kairomonal adjuvant for use with insecticides, our inconsistent data with CpGV in apple and pear suggest practical improvements in formulation and application strategies (e.g., to optimize and maintain attractive release rates) are needed.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory and field studies were conducted using two lines of navel orangeworm, reared on different stages of new crop and mummy pistachios, Pistacia vera L. This study demonstrated the potential importance of malformed pistachios (pea splits) to the population dynamics of navel orangeworm, because these nuts, which are available as early as two months before mature nuts, supported navel orangeworm development and survival. Overall, the developmental rate on new crop pistachios is fastest on mature nuts, 422.3 +/- 123 degree-days (DD, degrees C), but other factors such as exposure to insecticide residue also sped development, although survival decreased. Development took the longest on unharvested nuts (mummies) dried at 90 degrees C for 24 h, 2664.7 +/- 131.4 DD. In most trials development was variable and two generations could develop at the fastest rate before the slowest individual completed development, which in turn calls into question the concept of discrete generations. Generally, survival was highest on mature pistachios and other stages of new crop nut and lowest on mummies collected in May. Survival was also higher on the new varieties 'Lost Hills' and 'Golden Hills' (24.7 and 32.0%, respectively) than on the most extensively planted variety 'Kerman' (13.3%). In our trials, both the rate of development and survival were dependent on nut stage, age, variety, and quality, indicating that pistachios, like almonds, Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb, are a dynamic rather than a static nutrient source for navel orangeworm.  相似文献   

A series of studies were conducted to examine the residual activity and toxicity of the ecdysone agonists tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide to codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), and oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), in North Carolina apple systems. Methoxyfenozide exhibited greater activity than tebufenozide against codling moth eggs in dose-response bioassays, with a 4.5- and 5.3-fold lower LC50 value to eggs laid on fruit treated before or after oviposition, respectively. Oriental fruit moth eggs were 57- and 12-fold less sensitive to methoxyfenozide than were codling moth eggs on fruit treated before and after oviposition, respectively. Methoxyfenozide was effective in reducing larval entries of both codling moth and oriental fruit moth in field residual activity bioassays, exhibiting activity for at least 28 d after application. Residue breakdown on fruit was approximately 80% at 28 d after treatment for both methoxyfenozide and tebufenozide, with the most rapid residue decline (60%) occurring during the first 14 d after application. Two applications of methoxyfenozide applied at 14-d intervals provided better canopy coverage and higher residue levels than one application. Spray volume (683 versus 2,057 liters/ha) did not affect the efficacy of methoxyfenozide. Leaf and fruit expansion during the season was measured to determine potential plant-growth dilution effects on residual activity. There was very little increase in leaf area after mid May, but increase in fruit surface area over the season was described by a second order polynomial regression. Implications for codling moth and oriental fruit moth management programs are discussed.  相似文献   

To get a better understanding of the mating behavior of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker), we developed a robust laboratory colony derived from larvae collected in Bakersfield, California and fed on dried, roasted pistachio. In the lab at 25 degrees C, most of the mating activity was observed during the last hour of the scotophase and for the first 30 min of the photophase. Female calling was characterized by the abdomen being protruded between the wings with the distal segments perpendicular to the body and exposing a pheromone gland, as well as by continuous antennation. Males approached calling females from a short distance by displaying wing fanning and antennation. When a male antennated on a calling female's abdomen, she either accepted the male and lowered the abdomen, or walked away. The accepted male made a final approach parallel to the female's body, but after coupling he rotated 180 masculine with male and female remaining in a linear, abdomen-to-abdomen position for over 3 h in average. In a possible strategy to maximize the chances of mating, the sex ratio was significantly skewed towards males in the first two days of emergence. Almost 80% of mating took place in the first two days after adult emergence, with females mating only once. About 55% of males mated only once and approximately 40% of the observed males mated twice and 5% tree times.  相似文献   

False codling moth, Cryptophlebia leucotreta (Meyrick), male and female mature pupae and newly emerged adults were treated with increasing doses of gamma radiation and either inbred or out-crossed with fertile counterparts. For newly emerged adults, there was no significant relationship between dose of radiation and insect fecundity when untreated females were mated to treated males (N female by T male). However, fecundity of treated females mated to either untreated (T female by N male) or treated males (T female by T male) declined as the dose of radiation increased. A similar trend was observed when mature pupae were treated. The dose at which 100% sterility was achieved in treated females mated to untreated males (T female by N male) for both adults and pupae was 200 Gy. In contrast, newly emerged adult males treated with 350 Gy still had a residual fertility of 5.2% when mated to untreated females, and newly emerged adult males that were treated as pupae had a residual fertility of 3.3%. Inherited effects resulting from irradiation of parental (P1) males with selected doses of radiation were recorded for the F1 generation. Decreased F1 fecundity and fertility, increased F1 mortality during development, and a significant shift in the F1 sex ratio in favor of males was observed when increasing doses of radiation were applied to the P1 males.  相似文献   

The rainfastness of a microencapsulated sex pheromone formulation for codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), was evaluated in a series of laboratory experiments with detached apple, pear, and walnut leaves. Increasing the intensity and duration of simulated rainfall significantly increased the removal of microcapsules from both the top and bottom of apple leaves. The removal of microcapsules was significantly higher from the top versus the bottom of leaves at all rates tested. Leaf angle was a significant factor affecting the removal of microcapsules from the top surface of apple leaves with fewer microcapsules removed, because leaves were oriented with a steeper downward angle. Both leaf surfaces of apple and pear retained a higher proportion of microcapsules than walnut leaves, and the bottom surface of apple leaves retained significantly more than pear leaves. Three spray adjuvants were evaluated as stickers for microcapsules. No difference was found in the number of microcapsules deposited on apple leaves among three stickers tested at rates from 0.06 to 0.25%. However, in a second test a latex sticker significantly increased the deposition of microcapsules on apple leaves compared with a polyvinyl polymer and a pine resin sticker at a rate of 0.06%. Significantly more microcapsules were retained on the bottom versus the top of apple leaves with all stickers. The latex and polyvinyl stickers significantly increased the retention of microcapsules versus the pine resin sticker and the control on apple leaves. In another test, the addition of 0.06% latex sticker did not increase the deposition of microcapsules on any of the three leaf types. However, the addition of the latex sticker significantly increased the retention of microcapsules on the top of apple and pear leaves and the bottom of apple leaves. The addition of a latex sticker did not affect the retention of microcapsules on walnut leaves.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of male codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), exposed to surfaces treated with the ecdysteroid agonist methoxyfenozide, toward lures loaded with the synthetic sex pheromone codlemone and/or the pear ester kairomone were investigated in wind tunnel experiments. Five different kinds of commercially available codling moth monitoring lures (obtained from Tr6c6 Inc., Adair, OK) were used in the bioassay: Pherocon CM Standard lure (loaded with 1 mg of codlemone), Pherocon CM Long-Life L2 (loaded with 3.5 mg of codlemone), Pherocon CM 10X (loaded with 10 mg of codlemone), Pherocon CM-DA Combo (loaded with 3.0 mg of codlemone and 3.0 mg of pear ester), and Pherocon DA (loaded with 3.0 mg of pear ester). Results from the study revealed that male codling moth exposed to surfaces treated with methoxyfenozide and the surfactant exhibited a significant decline in responsiveness toward lures loaded with either codlemone or pear ester. The full impact of how this negative effect might alter current moth monitoring procedures in orchards receiving ecdysone agonist sprays requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Fruit bins infested with diapausing larvae of codling moth larvae, Cydia pomonella (L.), are a source of reinfestation of orchards and may jeopardize the success of mating disruption programs and other control strategies. Bins are not routinely treated for control of overwintering codling moth before placing them in orchards. Entomopathogenic nematodes provide a noninsecticidal alternative to methyl bromide that could be applied at the time bins are submerged in dump tanks at the packing house for flotation of fruit. Diapausing codling moth larvae in miniature fruit bins were highly susceptible to infective juveniles of Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser). Immersion of bins in suspensions of S. carpocapsae ranging from 5 to 100 infective juveniles per milliliter of water resulted in 68-100% mortality. Immersion times of 1 or 5 min in suspensions with 5 infective juveniles of S. carpocapsae per milliliter of water, with and without Tween 80 (0.01%), yielded essentially the same mortality of codling moth larvae. Highest mortalities in codling moth larvae (88%) after treatment of bins in suspensions of 5 infective juveniles of S. carpocapsae per milliliter of water were observed after incubation for 24 h at 25 degrees C and 70% RH. Lowest mortalities (37%) were observed after incubation at 15 degrees C and 35% RH. Comparative tests conducted with Heterorhabditis marelatus Liu & Berry, Steinernema kraussei (Steiner), and S. carpocapsae with 5 infective juveniles per milliliter of water resulted in 21.7, 53.9, and 68.7% mortality, respectively. The use of miniature fruit bins as described in this article provides an effective means of assessing nematode efficacy without the cumbersome size of commercial bins.  相似文献   

The possibility of controlling the codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) using an attract and kill approach as an alternative to chemical sprays with contact insecticides was investigated in widely separated orchards. The results of a 4‐year study have shown that, using an attract and kill approach, three applications/season kept infestation rates in treated orchards below the economic injury level except in one with a too high codling moth population density. The mean number of male codling moths/trap/week in attract and kill‐treated orchards was much lower in comparison with control orchards which were treated with the usual cover sprays of insecticides. The results also showed that the efficacy of attract and kill under orchard conditions decreased with time and the relationship between time effect and codling moth death rate was very strong. These data indicate that the attract and kill technique applied at a rate of three application per season resulted in good control of codling moth in well managed orchards in Syria.  相似文献   

A small, nonoccluded virus was isolated from the granular hemocytes (=adipocytes) of moribund larvae of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella, collected from almonds in northern California. The virus was readily transmitted perorally in laboratory tests and was highly pathogenic to neonate larvae; however, third- and fourth-stage larvae usually acquired attenuated infections that retarded growth and delayed mortality. Large paracrystalline viral arrays filled the cytoplasm of granular hemocytes of diseased larvae. Attempts to transmit the virus perorally to larvae of nine other species of moths were unsuccessful. The virus is isometric, about 25 nm in diameter, and contains single-stranded RNA. It has been designated “chronic stunt virus” (CSV) and tentatively assigned to the picorna-like viruses.  相似文献   

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