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水稻产量性状遗传机理及分子标记辅助高产育种   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
水稻产量性状遗传机理及分子标记辅助高产育种庄杰云郑康乐(中国水稻研究所,杭州310006)水稻等农作物的很多重要农艺性状,如产量性状、品质性状、对病虫害的抗性水平和对不良环境因子的耐性,一般是为多个基因所控制的数量性状。经典的遗传分析方法只能把控制数...  相似文献   

新中国成立以来水稻单位面积产量提高为三倍以上,本文对于1949~1960、1961~1975、1976~1990三个阶段水稻育种工作中新的遗传资源所起的关键作用作了分析,强调指出在种质资源的收集、整理、研究利用方面开展国际合作的必要性。  相似文献   

富铁稻米遗传育种研究现状与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文综述了不同类型水稻种质稻米中铁含量的测定、遗传育种及基因工程研究进展,并对富铁水稻今后的研究及利用提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

由万建民教授主编,中国农业出版社出版的《中国水稻遗传育种与品种系谱(1986-2005)》一书已正式发行了。全书分上、下两篇。上篇六章分别回顾了我国水稻育种的成就,综述了种质资源研究与利用、超高产育种、品质育种、抗性育种和新技术育种的理论、技术和经验;下篇十章分别论述了1986年-2005年我国  相似文献   

空间诱变水稻大粒型突变体的遗传育种研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对粳稻农垦58经空间诱变产生的大粒型突变体进行大粒型性状的遗传分析和育种应用研究。结果表明,大籽型突变体的籽粒大小(以籽粒体积表示)表现为受多基因控制的数量性状。大粒型突变体谷粒细长,具馨香味,外观品质优,对粳稻的亲和性好,是一个罕见的优质米资源。以大粒型突变体为供体,高产、外观米质差的晚粳推广品种为受体,采用不饱和回交结合分离世代糙米外观品质鉴定的方法,将大粒型突变体的优质性状导入晚粳背景,选育出外观米质优的晚粳新品系。对采用不饱和回方法改良数量性状进行了讨论。  相似文献   

同源四倍体水稻具有籽粒增大、营养成分增加和抗性增强等特点,但其育性普遍偏低,影响产量,无法直接应用。高育性四倍体水稻的成功创制解决了同源四倍体水稻育性偏低的瓶颈问题,然而该类型多倍体水稻能否在生产上推广应用需要进一步探讨。本文总结了同源四倍体水稻及其杂种F1育性偏低的细胞和分子遗传学机理研究的概况,重点介绍了高育性四倍体水稻的主要类型及最新的研究进展,最后提出未来利用新型四倍体水稻开展多代杂种优势等研究的设想,以期为水稻多倍体育种提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻品质遗传育种研究进展与发展趋势探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对国内外水稻优质育种的现状 ;对香味、蒸煮、食味、营养、外观和碾磨品质 ,稻米理化特性、稻米质地特性和水稻淀粉粘滞谱特性等各项品质指标的遗传、基因效应、相互关系等进行了较为详细的比较分析 ;讨论了有关的分子生物学和基因的研究进展 ;介绍了近年来新的稻米品质研究技术及其理论发展。未来水稻育种将向着优质和具有营养保健功能的方向发展。需要重视新功能基因的克隆和利用、新基因资源的发掘和利用以及稻米评价技术体系的创新等研究工作。  相似文献   

稻田重金属镉污染导致生产的稻米有不同程度的镉积累,长期食用镉污染的稻米危害人体健康甚至致病.因此,研究水稻镉积累的遗传调控机制,培育低镉积累水稻品种,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.水稻吸收、转运和积累镉的特性存在遗传多样性.近年来,有关水稻吸收和转运镉的遗传调控机制研究取得较大进展,人们鉴定出了多个相关的QTLs、转运...  相似文献   

利用吉林省主要栽培的9个水稻品种为材料,研究了与单株粒重有关的9个性状的基本遗传参数和遗传通径分析。结果表明:遗传变异系数以单株有效穗和单株粒重最大;株高和结实率最小。穗期、千粒重、穗长的遗传力较大;每穗颖花数、单株穗数、单株粒重遗传力较低。三要素对产量贡献的大小依次为每穗颖花数、千粒重、单株有效穗。在保证足够穗数基础上,大力提高每穗颖花数,适当增加粒重作为吉林省今后高产育种的主攻方向。  相似文献   

转bar基因水稻在杂种优势育种中的利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以3个美国转bar基因水稻抗除草剂品种Bengal Hu-10、Cypress PB-6和Gulfmont为父本,分别与三系、两系不育系及人工去雄恢复系杂交。考种结果发现:这3个抗性亲本所配组合杂种优势不明显。通过杂交将抗除草剂亲本中的bar基因转移到常规恢复系,已经培育出3个抗除草剂恢复系明恢63-B、测64-B和特青-B;且已选配出5个抗性杂交组合,它们能保持原组合的产量水平。还讨论了水稻杂种优势利用面临的问题和转bar基因水稻抗性亲本在杂种优势上的应用前景。  相似文献   

中国野生稻遗传资源的保护及其在育种中的利用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我国有三种野生稻,即普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)、药用野生稻(O.officinalis)和瘤粒野生稻(O.meyeriana)。这三种野生稻均被列为国家二级保护植物(渐危种)。调查结果表明,野生稻由于其自然群落大量丧失而濒危,濒危程度为普通野生稻>药用野生稻>瘤粒野生稻。造成濒危的主要原因是人为的破坏活动。人类的经济活动导致了野生稻生境丧失、生境质量不断恶化、栖息地越来越少;人类的活动也导致了外来种的入侵。目前,对野生稻的保护措施主要有就地保护(原地保护或原位保护)和迁地保护(易地保护或异位保护)。易地保护包括以种子保存的种质厍、以种茎保存的种质圃和以器官培养物作为材料的超低温保存。野生稻具有许多优良特性,如特强的耐寒性、高的抗病虫性、优质蛋白质含量高、功能叶片耐衰老的特异性、特强的再生性、良好的繁茂性及生长优势等等,这些优良特性已被广泛用于水稻常规育种和杂交育种中,并取得了巨大的社会效益和经济效益。有关野生稻生物技术方面的研究,如花药培养、原生质培养、体细胞杂交和基因工程等方面已取得了较大的进展。野生稻将在水稻育种中发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

The most important concerns of hybrid rice breeders are selection of donors to improve parental lines and prediction of hybrid performance. In this study, SSR molecular marker technology and a half-diallel method were used to address these related hybrid production issues. The results show that genetic diversity among the parental lines is certainly related to heterosis. The heterozygosity of each parental pair is significantly associated with the general combining ability, not with the specific combining ability. However, neither genetic diversity nor heterozygosity is a good indicator for predicting heterosis. From these results, it is suggested that donors for improving parents of hybrids be selected from the improved inbred lines by conventional breeding programs. In this investigation, we also discovered that four favorable alleles and six favorable heterogenic patterns on the parental lines significantly contribute to the heterosis of their hybrids in grain yield, whereas six unfavorable alleles and six unfavorable heterogenic patterns significantly reduce heterosis. These noticeable findings could be, in practice, useful for hybrid rice breeding programs with SSR marker-assisted selection. It is suggested that the optimal combinations with the superior grain yield could be bred out by assembling those favorable alleles into their parental lines and by removing the unfavorable alleles from the parental lines. This study also indicates that there is still a great heterosis potential to be exploited in indica/indica hybrids by the same strategy. In indica/japonica hybrid breeding programs, it may also be important to remove unfavorable alleles rather than broaden genetic diversity or heterozygosity of the parents.  相似文献   

中国肉牛分子与基因修饰育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佟彬  张立  李光鹏 《遗传》2017,39(11):984-1015
随着世界肉牛产业科技的快速发展,我国肉牛产业的整体水平得到明显提高并取得丰硕成果。肉牛育种技术实现了由常规杂交育种向分子标记辅助育种、全基因组选择育种和基因组修饰育种的技术跨越,揭示出大量与生长发育、肉质品质、繁殖与疾病等相关的候选基因与分子标记,并逐步应用于肉牛育种实践。与生长发育性状相关的基因或分子标记主要集中在生长激素基因、生肌调节因子家族、肌肉生长抑制因子和胰岛素样生长因子等;参与肉质形成的基因主要集中在脂肪酸运输与沉积相关信号通路、钙蛋白酶信号通路、生肌调节因子家族与肌肉生长抑制因子等;繁殖性状相关基因或分子标记主要集中在GnRH-FSHR-LH、生长分化因子9、催乳素受体和FoxO1等;抗病相关基因主要有MHC基因家族、TOLL样受体4基因等。目前,利用精准基因编辑技术已培育出促生长发育与提高肉品质的肉牛育种新材料。本文总结了近年来我国在肉牛分子与基因组修饰育种领域取得的研究进展,以期为我国肉牛遗传育种技术研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in yields of agricultural crops over the last 40 years in developed countries has been attributed equally to improved genetic components and improved agronomic practices. The success of plant breeding is based partly on an increased understanding of the parameters involved, to a great extent on improved and more efficient methods of selection, to greater use of available genetic diversity and also to advances in a number of related disciplines including plant pathology, biochemistry, agronomy and genetics. Successes and problems associated with using various genetic resources in plant breeding are illustrated with examples from some of the world's major crops, including potatoes, barley and cotton.  相似文献   

叶健强 《生物信息学》2006,4(3):139-142
概述了现代分子生物学所发展的各类遗传标记的发展和现状及其在家禽遗传育种中的应用,同时也探讨了数量与质量性状基因定位在动物遗传育种中的应用。  相似文献   

Retrospective and perspective of rice breeding in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Breeding is the art and science of selecting and changing crop traits for the benefit of human beings. For several decades, tremendous efforts have been made by Chinese scientists in rice breeding in improving grain yield, nutrition quality, and environmental performance, achieving substantial progress for global food security. Several generations of crop breeding technologies have been developed, for example, selection of better performance in the field among variants (conventional breeding), application of molecular markers for precise selection (molecular marker assisted breeding), and development of molecular design (molecular breeding by rational design). In this review, we briefly summarize the advances in conventional breeding, functional genomics for genes and networks in rice that regulate important agronomic traits, and molecular breeding in China with focuses on high yield, good quality, stress tolerance, and high nutrient-use efficiency. These findings have paved a new avenue for rational design of crops to develop ideal varieties with super performance and productivity.  相似文献   

我国转基因鱼研制的历史回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国自从诞生了首例转基因鱼以来,在后续30多年里取得了一系列重要研究进展。全球范围的转基因鱼研究包括多种养殖鱼类,目标性状涉及快速生长、抗病抗逆和品质改良。现在已经初步建成转基因鱼育种技术体系和安全评估体系,为转基因鱼产业化奠定了重要基础。本文以转基因黄河鲤育种研究为主线,简要回顾了转基因鱼研究的发展历程,并对转基因鱼育种面临的问题和发展前景进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

稻种遗传资源多样性的开发利用及保护   总被引:50,自引:3,他引:50  
由于近年来栽培稻众多改良品种的育成和大面积推广,使之在很大程度上取代了地方品种,造成栽培稻基因源的大量基因流失,导致栽培稻品种的遗传基础越来越狭窄以至不能承受新病、虫害和不利环境的袭击。同时,由于人们长期施用杀虫剂、灭菌剂和除草剂等化学农药,严重地恶化了农业生态环境。要改变这种恶性循环的局面,开发和利用稻种的遗传资源,以丰富栽培稻品种的遗传基础是非常必要的。稻种基因源包括了亚洲栽培稻、非洲栽培稻、杂草稻、稻属的野生物种以及稻族内的近缘属种,它们是栽培稻品种进一步改良所不可缺少的遗传资源。但是,由于农业生产模式的改变,社会经济和工业化水平的迅速发展和提高,稻种基因源的多样性受到了严重的影响和威胁。一些野生稻种的居群已经迅速地缩小甚至从原产地消失。因此,对稻种基因源及其多样性进行及时有效的保护,并对其进行合理的开发和利用,是保证栽培稻进一步改良和持久生产的最有效方法。  相似文献   

Summary Studies conducted at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) during 1980 and 1981 have shown up to 73% heterosis, 59% heterobeltiosis and 34% standard heterosis for yield in rice. The latter was estimated in comparison to commercial varieties: IR36 and IR42 (yield 4–5 t/ha in wet season trials and 7–8 t/ha in dry season trials). Generally speaking, absolute yield was lower and extent of standard heterosis was higher in wet season than in dry season with some exception. Yields up to 5.9 t/ha (22% standard heterosis) in the wet season and 10.4 t/ha (34% standard heterosis) in the dry season were obtained. Most of the hybrids performed better in some season while some performed better in both seasons. Hybrids showed better lodging resistance although they were 5–10 cm taller. F1 hybrids had significant positive correlations with the parental traits viz., yield (r = 0.446), tillering (r = 0.746), height (r = 0.810) and flowering (r = 0.843). Selection of parents among elite breeding lines on the basis of their per se yield performance, diverse origin and resistance to insects and diseases should give heterotic combination. Yield advantage of hybrids was due primarily to increase in number of spikelets per unit area even though tiller number was reduced. Grain weight was either the same or slightly higher. High yielding hybrids also showed significant heterosis and heterobeltiosis for total dry matter and harvest index. For commercial utilization of heterosis in rice, effective male sterility and fertility restoration systems are available and up to 45% natural outcrossing on male sterile lines has been observed. Consequently, F1 rice hybrid have been successfully developed and used in China. Prospects of developing hybrid rice varieties elsewhere appear bright especially in countries that have organized seed production, certification and distribution programs and where hybrid seed can be produced at a reasonable cost.  相似文献   

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