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Primary repair of bilateral cleft lip and nasal deformity.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J B Mulliken 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2001,108(1):181-94; examination,195-6
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. List five principles that guide synchronous repair of bilateral complete cleft lip and nasal deformity. 2. Explain how different growth rates for the principal nasolabial features are applied during primary repair. 3. Describe two approaches for positioning the alar cartilages to form the columella. 4. Discuss the influences on referral patterns for a newborn with bilateral cleft lip. --Traditional repair of bilateral cleft lip focused on labial closure but accentuated the nasal deformities, which were addressed later. By the end of the past century, single-staged labial closure had replaced the old multistaged procedures and the technical emphasis had begun to shift from secondary to primary nasal correction. Now, presurgical maxillary orthopedics sets the bony foundation for synchronous nasolabial repair and for closure of the alveolar clefts. The study of normal nasolabial growth and the typical stigmata of the conventional methods provides the necessary foreknowledge to guide surgical sculpture in three dimensions and to anticipate the fourth dimension. The convergence of several forces are changing referral lines for children born with bilateral cleft lip. These include affirmation of centers of excellence, surgeons' self-regulation, prenatal diagnosis, economics of health-care delivery, and increasing parental sophistication. These pressures are not necessarily in conflict. Care by a subspecialized plastic surgeon and experienced team is in the best interests of the child and the third-party payer.  相似文献   

The author presents a three-phase correction technique for the residual unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. This procedure involves a sculpting excision of the alar rim, use of this alar rim as an interpositional flap in lengthening the columella, and augmentation of the nasal tip and perialar sulcus with a free ear conchal cartilage graft. The concept has been incorporated in the revisionary surgery program of 74 patients over a period of 5 years with a minimal follow-up of 2 years. The majority of the patients are operated on between the ages of 5 and 7 years based on the concept of a need for a "tidy appearance" by first grade.  相似文献   

A 10-year follow-up of patients who underwent primary correction of their cleft lip nasal deformity is presented. These are the first 10 consecutive patients who were treated following a change in treatment plan in 1973. Primary correction of the cleft lip nasal deformity essentially consists in elevating the displaced alar cartilage at the time of lip repair. There has been no interference with nasal growth, and the position of the alar cartilages and nasal tip has been maintained.  相似文献   

It is universally acknowledged that correction of a cleft lip nasal deformity continues to be a difficult problem. In developing countries, it is common for patients with cleft lip deformities to present in their early or late teens for correction of severe secondary lip and nasal deformities retained after the initial repairs were carried out in infancy or early childhood. Such patients have never had the benefit of primary nasal correction, orthodontic management, or alveolar bone grafting at an appropriate age. Along with a severe nasal deformity, they present with alveolar arch malalignments and anterior fistulae. In the study presented here, a strategy involving a complete single-stage correction of the nasal and secondary lip deformity was used.In this study, 26 patients (nine male and 17 female) ranging in age from 13 to 24 years presented for the first time between June of 1996 and December of 1999 with unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. Eight patients had an anterior fistula (diameter, 2 to 4 mm) and 12 patients had a secondary lip deformity. An external rhinoplasty approach was used for all patients. The corrective procedures carried out in a single stage in these patients included lip revision; columellar lengthening; repair of anterior fistula; augmentation along the pyriform margin, nasal floor, and alveolus by bone grafts; submucous resection of the nasal septum; repositioning of lower lateral cartilages; fixation of the alar cartilage complex to the septum and the upper lateral cartilages; augmentation of nasal dorsum by bone graft; and alar base wedge resections. Medial and lateral nasal osteotomies were performed only if absolutely indicated. The median follow-up period was 11 months, although it ranged from 5 to 25 months. Overall results have been extremely pleasing, satisfactory, and stable.In this age group (13 years of age or older), it is not fruitful to use a technique for nasal correction that corrects only one facet of the deformity, because no result of nasal correction can be satisfactory until septal deviations and maxillary deficiencies are addressed along with any alar repositioning. The results of complete remodeling of the nasal pyramid are also stable in these patients because the patients' growth was nearly complete, and all the deformities could be corrected at the same time, leaving no active deforming vector. These results would indicate that aesthetically good results are achievable even if no primary nasal correction or orthodontic management had been previously attempted.  相似文献   

Primary correction of the unilateral cleft nasal deformity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An 18-year experience with the management of the unilateral cleft nasal deformity in 1200 patients is presented. A primary cleft nasal correction was performed at the time of lip repair in infancy; a secondary rhinoplasty was done in adolescence after nasal growth was complete. The technical details of the authors' primary cleft nasal correction are described. Exposure was obtained through the incisions of the rotation-advancement design. The cartilaginous framework was widely undermined from the skin envelope. The nasal lining was released from the piriform aperture, and a new maxillary platform was created on the cleft side by rotating a "muscular roll" underneath the cleft nasal ala. The alar web was then managed by using a mattress suture running from the web cartilage to the facial musculature. In 60 percent of cases, these maneuvers were sufficient to produce symmetrical dome projection and nostril symmetry. In the other 40 percent, characterized by more severe hypoplasia of the cleft lower lateral cartilage, an inverted U infracartilaginous incision and an alar dome supporting suture (Tajima) to the contralateral upper cartilage were used. Residual dorsal hooding of the lower lateral cartilage was most effectively managed with this suture. This primary approach to the cleft nasal deformity permits more balanced growth and development of the ala and domal complex. Some of the psychological trauma of the early school years may be avoided. Also, because of the early repositioning of the cleft nasal cartilages, the deformity addressed at the time of the adult rhinoplasty is less severe and more amenable to an optimal final result.  相似文献   

Previously it was thought that primary correction of nasal deformity in cleft lip patients would cause developmental impairment of the nose. It is now widely accepted that simultaneous correction of the cleft lip nasal deformity has no adverse effect on nasal growth. Thus, the authors tried to evaluate the results of primary correction of cleft lip in Asian patients. Of 412 cases of cleft lip, 195 cases were corrected by means of the conventional method from June of 1992 to June of 1997, and 217 cases were corrected by simultaneous rhinoplasty from July of 1997 to October of 2001. The average patient age was 3 months. Photographs and anthropometric evaluation were used to evaluate the results. Nasal tip projection, columellar length, and nasal width were measured in 60 randomized normal children, 30 randomized children treated with the conventional method, and 30 randomized children with primary nasal repair. Data were analyzed using t tests, and the level of significance was 5 percent (p < 0.05). In cases of simultaneous repair, nasal tip projection and columellar length were increased 24.8 percent and 28.8 percent, respectively. Nasal width was increased 12.3 percent in the cases of simultaneous repair and 12.6 percent in the cases without primary rhinoplasty. Simultaneous repair of cleft lip and nasal deformity in Asian patients showed that more symmetry of nostril and nasal dome projection and better correction of buckling and alar flaring were achieved. More balanced growth and development of the alar complex was achieved, and no interference with nasal growth was encountered.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The bilateral cleft lip and nasal repair has remained a challenging endeavor. Techniques have evolved to address concerns over unsatisfactory features and stigmata of the surgery. The authors present an approach to this complex clinical problem that modifies traditional repairs described by Millard and Manchester. The senior author (H.S.B.) has developed this technique with over 25 years of surgical experience dealing with the bilateral cleft lip. This staged lip and nasal repair provides excellent nasal projection, lip function, and aesthetic outcomes. Lip repair is performed at 3 months of age. Columellar lengthening is performed at approximately 18 months of age. A key component of this repair focuses on reconstruction of the central tubercle. A triangular prolabial dry vermilion flap is augmented by lateral lip vermilion flaps that include the profundus muscle of the orbicularis oris. This minimizes lateral lip segment sacrifice and provides improved central vermilion fullness, which is often deficient in traditional repairs. The authors present the surgical technique and examples of their clinical results.  相似文献   

Almost 25 percent of unilateral cleft lip and palate patients present with their deformity in their teens or later years in the developing world. Because more than 80 percent of the world population lives in the developing world, the established protocol for repair of these deformities is not applicable to these patients. Despite the magnitude, there are no significant reports in the literature that deal with this problem. Several issues need to be addressed, but the author limits himself here to the correction of the nasal deformity. The patients at this age are very much concerned with the aesthetic outcome. Procedures described hitherto for primary nasal correction in infants are not successful in restoring nasal shape and symmetry at this late age of presentation. Our experience with radical correction of secondary nasal deformity in unilateral cleft lip patients presenting late prompted us to extend the concept by undertaking a definitive primary correction of the nasal deformity in cleft patients presenting late. Twenty-two patients with unilateral cleft lip deformity (nine male patients and 13 female patients) with ages ranging from 13 to 22 years, presenting between August of 1997 and December of 2000, are included in this study. Of these, 11 patients had a cleft of the lip alone, eight also had a cleft of the alveolus, and three had a cleft of the palate continuous with the cleft lip. All patients showed some maxillary hypoplasia. An external rhinoplasty with lip repair was carried out in all patients. The corrective procedures on the nose included columellar lengthening; augmentation along the pyriform margin, nasal floor, and alveolus using bone grafts; submucous resection of the nasal septum; repositioning of lower lateral cartilages; and augmentation of nasal dorsum by bone graft. Clinical follow-up ranged from 4 to 24 months, and the median follow-up period was 13 months. Results have been very good, and much better than results seen earlier with other primary rhinoplasty techniques. While repairing unilateral cleft lip in adolescents, the author thinks it would be most appropriate to address the entire gamut of the deformity in a single stage, provide complete vector reorientation, and augment the hypoplastic elements by autologous tissue. It is not just the fear of poor follow-up, but that merely correcting the lip deformity in these patients without attempting definitive rhinoplasty, in the author's opinion, would be insufficient surgical intervention.  相似文献   

The Maintenance of Certification module series is designed to help the clinician structure his or her study in specific areas appropriate to his or her clinical practice. This article is prepared to accompany practice-based assessment of preoperative assessment, anesthesia, surgical treatment plan, perioperative management, and outcomes. In this format, the clinician is invited to compare his or her methods of patient assessment and treatment, outcomes, and complications, with authoritative, information-based references. This information base is then used for self-assessment and benchmarking in parts II and IV of the Maintenance of Certification process of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This article is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise on the subject. Rather, it is designed to serve as a reference point for further in-depth study by review of the reference articles presented.  相似文献   

Nasal deformity in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients increases with time, tongue malposition being one of the causes. Some authors have emphasized the role of nasal and adjacent facial musculature as active extrinsic agents. Another cause of alar deformity can be the lack of a proper foundation because of a maxillary hypoplasia in the region of the pyriform foramen. If alar collapse occurs, the septum bends convexly toward the cleft side. Tissues are soft and plastic during the neonatal period. Once the infant is about 3 months of age, it becomes difficult to correct the nasal deformity. Therefore, any resource used from the first day, and mainly during the first 15 days of life, will be useful to prevent the increasing deformity and to avoid the surgical correction. A controlled clinical trial was planned to compare the anthropometric measurements of the nasal region in two series of patients with unilateral complete cleft lip. In the first group, we included 44 patients who came to our clinic during the first 2 days of life and the second group consisted of 47 patients who were more than 15 days of age at the time of the first consultation. To provide control data for the evaluation of the results after 6 years of follow-up in both series of cleft patients, we also included a third group of 48 healthy 6-year-old children. A nasal component added to the occlusal prostheses was only used in the first group up to the time of surgery. The same surgeon performed a Millard II procedure with muscular reposition as described by Delaire in all the patients. Nasal measurements taken with a caliper, obtained directly from plaster models by using surface impressions of the babies, were confirmed by a laser three-dimensional measuring device. The statistical comparison between both series showed a significant increase of the columellar length in the first group. A 6-year follow-up to compare growth and cosmetic results of the nose revealed a better and permanent nasal nostril symmetry and no alar cartilage luxation in the patients who had had the nasal component. These results highlight the importance of the early treatment and allow us to suggest the nasal prostheses as a way to prevent the increasing nasal deformity, to help nasal remodeling, to obtain columellar elongation, and to avoid or decrease the need for primary surgery of the cleft nose.  相似文献   

This is an assessment of one surgeon's 15-year experience (1981-1995) using the Millard rotation-advancement principle for repair of unilateral complete cleft lip and nasal deformity. All infants underwent a prior labio-nasal adhesion. Since 1991, dentofacial orthopedics with a pin-retained (Latham) appliance was used for infants with a cleft of the lip and palate. Technical variations are described, including modifications in sequence of closure. A high rotation and releasing incision in the columella lengthens the medial labial element and produces a symmetric prolabium with minimal transgression of the upper philtral column by the advancement flap. Orbicularis oris muscle is everted, from caudad to cephalad, to form the philtral ridge. A minor variation of unilimb Z-plasty is used to level the cleft side of Cupid's bow handle, and cutaneous closure proceeds superiorly from this junction. The dislocated alar cartilage is visualized though a nostril rim incision and suspended to the ipsilateral upper lateral cartilage. Symmetry of the alar base is addressed in three dimensions, including maneuvers to position the deviated anterior-caudal septum, configure the sill, and efface the lateral vestibular web. Secondary procedures were analyzed in 105 consecutive patients, both revised (n = 30) and unrevised (n = .75). The possible need for revision in the latter group was determined by panel assessment of six indicators of nasolabial asymmetry, documented by frontal and submental photographs. In the entire study period, a total of 80 percent of children required or will need nasal revision, and a total of 42 percent required or will require labial revision. In the last 5 years, as compared with the earlier decade, there was a significantly diminished incidence of patients requiring labial revision (54 percent to 21 percent) and alar suspension (63 percent to 32 percent). These improvements are attributable to technical refinements and experience, although dentofacial orthopedics may also have played a role.  相似文献   

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