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Restriction endonuclease analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to examine genetic variability and population structure inLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). A group of three enzymes, EcoRI, HpaI, and PstI, was used to reveal polymorphism both within and among some of the 10 populations tested, yielding 16 haplotypes in combination. The frequencies of these 16 haplotypes differed significantly across geographic regions, indicating some partitioning of mtDNA haplotypes. Estimates of mtDNA sequence divergence (δ) between haplotypes ranged from 0.016 to 0.135%, suggesting local differentiation of mtDNA in some populations. Analysis of these data suggests that Texas was colonized by more than one mtDNA lineage, most likely originating in Mexico. We hypothesize that a larger founder size for the initial introductions or high levels of variability in the parent population at the edge of the CPB expanding range led to the initial partitioning of haplotypes observed in samples from Texas.  相似文献   

Three strains of Steinernema feltiae Filipjev (All, Mexican, and Breton strains) and one of Heterorhabditis heliothidis (Khan, Brooks, and Hirschmann) were evaluated for their potential to control Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), larvae and pupae in the soil. In laboratory studies, H. heliothidis and S. feltiae (Mexican strain) produced the highest mortality (6 days posttreatment) of CPB when applied to the surface of a soil column containing mature CPB larvae 5 cm below. Mortality ranged from 80 to 90% at rates of 79-158 nematodes/cm². Similar results were seen in a field microplot study with all four nematodes; S. feltiae (Mexican strain) and H. heliothidis were most effective. Adult CPB emergence was reduced 86.5-100% after application of 31-93 H. heliothidis/cm² and 88.4-100% with 93-155 S. feltiae (Mexican strain)/cm². The All strain of S. feltiae was moderately effective (ca. 80% reduction at 93-155 nematodes/cm²), while the Breton strain was ineffective (< 40% reduction at 155 nematodes/cm²). In small plots of potatoes enclosed in field cages, application of H. heliothidis and S. feltiae (Mexican strain) at rates of 93-155 nematodes/cm² before larval CPB burial in the soil resulted in 66-77% reduction in adult CPB emergence. Soil applications of these nematodes show potential for biological control of CPB.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of seven types of neurosecretory cells (NSC) in the medial and lateral groups of the protocerebrum is described. The differences among cell types established earlier by light microscopy parallel differences in size and appearance of the neurosecretory particles observed in electron micrographs. No relationship was found between the affinity for Gomori's paraldehyde fuchsin stain and the nature of the particles.The secretions of the A-, A1-, and C-types of NSC of the medial group are characterized by electron-dense neurosecretory granules of 1250 Å dia., medium-dense granules of 2100 Å, and electron-lucent vesicles of 1700 Å, respectively. The L-type NSCof the lateral group contain smaller (1300 Å) or larger (1700 Å) neurosecretory granules. The medial B- and E-types of NSC and the lateral LB-type contain granulated vesicles (1200 Å) of the same appearance. These cell types differ in other respects and most likely have separate functions.The author wishes to thank the Laboratory of Virology of the Agricultural University for the use of the electron microscope, Mr. J. Groenewegen and Miss J. van Rinsum for technical assistance, and Professor J. Lattin for correcting the English text. Part of the work has been done while the author was in the service of the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO, grant 942-48), and the National Council for Agricultural Research (TNO).  相似文献   

The genetics of adaptation to tomato in Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) were investigated in reciprocal F1, F2, and backcross populations generated from crosses between beetles from a tomato adapted population and from a population that was poorly adapted to tomato. Larvae from the parent and test populations were reared on tomato for four days, after which survivorship and larval weights were recorded. Most results indicate that differences in larval growth and survival on tomato between the parent populations are largely determined by autosomal, polygenic mechanisms, the inheritance of which involves a significant dominance component. However, results from F2 crosses are not consistent with this conclusion. A significant difference in larval weights, but not in survival, between reciprocal F1 populations in an analysis of combined data from four separate experiments suggests that maternal cytoplasmic effects may contribute to differences in larval performance on tomato between the adapted and unadapted populations. The unusual results obtained from F2 crosses in this study are not atypical of results from previous studies of the genetics of adaptation to host plants by the Colorado potato beetle. Host plant adaptation by Colorado potato beetles may therefore involve unusual genetic mechanisms that are not easily assessed by classical Mendelian analysis.  相似文献   

Crosses between white and black color morphs of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, used as genetic markers, showed that male beetles ride and guard females to achieve the three copulations required to fill the spermatheca. Multiple matings are necessary for the females to realize their full reproductive potential. Sperm mixing occurs in the spermatheca providing partial sperm precedence. The data support the competitive mate searching theory.
Résumé Différentes combinaisons d'accouplements entre des mutants noirs et blancs du doryphore de la pomme de terre, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, servirent à étudier le comportement de guarde de la femelle par le mâle après un premier accouplement. Les résultats indiquent que le sperme de deux mâles accouplant la même femelle se mélange dans la spermathèque assurant ainsi un certain niveau de précédence du sperme du dernier mâle.La masse de sperme dans la spermathèque était inférieure à sa capacité chez les femelles ayant été accouplées une ou deux fois. Le doryphore mâle aurait donc avantage à demeurer sur la femelle après un premier accouplement afin d'obtenir le minimum de trois accouplements requis pour remplir la spermathèque avant que les autres mâles puissent accoupler cette femelle. Les autres mâles ont avantage à essayer de dérober cette femelle pour remplir eux mêmes la spermathèque ou tout au moins profiter d'une certaine précédence du sperme du dernier mâle pour fertiliser une partie des oeufs.Sans accouplements multiples, la femelle ne possède pas suffisamment de sperme pour féconder tous ses oeufs. II semble aussi que les accouplements répétés puissent augmenter sa fécondité.Les résultats supportent une stratégie reproductive de compétition plutôt qu'une simple maximisation du nombre d'accouplements.

The fat body of a female Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, at adult ecdysis, contains a large number of protein granules which are composed of light and dark zones. Part of the light zone in some of these granules is believed to be urate. During the first two days after adult ecdysis, fat body development is not essentially different in females reared either under long- or short-day conditions. Protein granules and large vacuoles disappear and the first cell organelles are regenerated. The effect of the photoperiod on the histological structure of the fat is expressed after these events. In females reared under long-day conditions, the fat body becomes specialized for vitellogenin synthesis. Under short-day conditions, the fat body stores massive amounts of lipid until day 6 after adult ecdysis. Then the first electron-dense protein granules develop near the nucleus, and on day 10 the first autophagic vacuoles are seen. These structure changes are discussed in connection with the known biochemical properties of the adult faty body of Leptinotarsa.  相似文献   

Starvation of second instar Colorado potato beetle larvae for 24h immediately after treatment with Beauveria bassiana conidia increased susceptibility to the pathogen and subsequent sporulation of cadavers but decreased time to larval death. In feeding studies, B. bassiana-treatment had no effect on subsequent larval development, and mortality occurred 5-6 days after treatment. Twenty-four hours of starvation alone retarded subsequent larval development but did not affect mortality. Mortality of B. bassiana-treated starvation stressed larvae occurred 4-5 days after treatment. Both B. bassiana treatment and 24h starvation significantly reduced total foliage consumption and daily weight gains. On the day of treatment, B. bassiana had no effect on the efficiency with which food was converted to biomass (ECI). ECI was not affected by B. bassiana or starvation alone on the day following treatment but was significantly affected by a combination of both. When larvae were exposed to a range of limited food quantities, ECI decreased with decreasing food availability but only extreme stress (starvation for 24h) increased susceptibility to B. bassiana. Topical application of Dacryodes excelsa resin (an antifeedant) to potato leaves caused a concentration dependent reduction in foliage consumption and weight gain by second instar larvae but did not affect larval mortality. When larvae were exposed to a fixed concentration of B. bassiana and a range of antifeedant concentrations there were significant linear relationships between 24h larval weight gain and mortality and 24h larval weight gain and sporulation. The interaction between starvation stress and the susceptibility to B. bassiana infection is discussed and its possible implications in pest management considered.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence is presented that neurons in the adult Colorado potato beetle contain a proctolin-like substance. By use of immunocytochemical methods the location of immunoreactive neurons in the central and stomatogastric nervous systems is described. No such neurons were found in the proto- and deutocerebrum or optic lobe. Few immunoreactive neurons are present in the tritocerebrum and numerous proctolin-immunoreactive neurons occur in all ventral ganglia and in the frontal ganglion. Two groups of neurosecretory cells in the suboesophageal ganglion contain a proctolin-immunoreactive substance. In these cells this material is co-localized with a bovine pancreatic polypeptide/FMRF amide-like substance and with a vasopressin/vasotocin/oxytocin-like substance. Proctolin-immunoreactive axon terminals were found on the musculature of the fore- and hindgut and of the vas deferens, and on some segmental muscles. Furthermore, proctolin-immunoreactive neurosecretory axon terminals were found in the corpus cardiacum. The proctolin-like substance may therefore function both as a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator and as a neurohormone. The presence of a proctolin-like substance was also demonstrated with a sensitive bioassay. On fractionation of extracts of the nervous systems of Leptinotarsa decemlineata with high performance liquid chromatography most of the proctolin-like bioactive material comigrated with authentic proctolin. This shows that a proctolin-like substance in this insect is very similar to, if not identical with, the known pentapeptide proctolin.  相似文献   

Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), neonate larvae and adults were bioassayed with the antifeedant epilimonol. Three-day exposure of neonate larvae resulted in increasing delays in development (appearance of 4th instars) corresponding to increasing dosages. At a dosage of 20 g/cm2, development was delayed by about 40% without other detrimental effects. Mouthpart coating of adult beetles with epilimonol emulsion resulted in significant feeding reductions, while injection of epilimonol into the haemolymph of female adults did not elicit significant feeding reduction or oviposition suppression. The results indicated that epilimonol did not elicit significant internal toxicity, and feeding reductions were most likely exerted by action on chemoreceptors on mouthparts or in the preoral cavity.  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫气味结合蛋白(OBPs)在昆虫嗅觉行为中发挥着重要作用。马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata是马铃薯上一种最主要的毁灭性害虫。为阐明该虫嗅觉识别分子机制,本研究对马铃薯甲虫26个OBP基因序列特征及组织表达谱进行研究。【方法】基于马铃薯甲虫触角转录组测序数据,利用生物信息学方法及qRT-PCR技术,分别对马铃薯甲虫26个LdecOBPs (LdecOBP1-LdecOBP26)的系统进化及基因的组织表达谱进行分析。【结果】除LdecOBP26基因外,其余25个LdecOBPs基因序列均具有完整的开放阅读框,编码120~255个氨基酸残基,预测的蛋白分子量为13.66~29.38 kD,等电点为4.12~8.42,它们属于两个亚家族,其中13个为Classical-C OBPs, 12个为Minus-C OBPs。除LdecOBP3和LdecOBP26外,其他24个LdecOBPs的N端均由16~23个氨基酸组成的信号肽序列。不同的OBPs亚家族均具有各自典型保守的Cys残基。LdecOBPs之间高度分化,氨基酸序列一致性在3.20%~41.91%。系统进化树分析表明,LdecOBPs与沙葱萤叶甲Galeruca daurica的GdauOBPs亲缘关系最近。基因表达谱分析显示,26个LdecOBPs基因在马铃薯甲虫的不同组织中表达,其中有12个LdecOBPs基因(LdecOBP2, LdecOBP4, LdecOBP6, LdecOBP9, LdecOBP10, LdecOBP12, LdecOBP13, LdecOBP16, LdecOBP20-22和LdecOBP24)在触角中高表达,2个LdecOBPs基因(LdecOBP5和LdecOBP17)在足中高表达,其他12个LdecOBPs基因(LdecOBP1, LdecOBP3, LdecOBP7, LdecOBP8, LdecOBP11, LdecOBP14, LdecOBP15, LdecOBP18, LdecOBP19, LdecOBP23, LdecOBP25和LdecOBP26)在触角、头(去除触角)、胸、腹、足和翅这些组织中均表达。【结论】本研究结果为进一步研究马铃薯甲虫嗅觉识别分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In central Mexico, the center of origin forLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) and its principal host plants,L. decemlineata is associated with a diverse complex of natural enemies. Observations during 2 years in Morelos, Mexico revealed 4 species of asopine pentatomids, 7 species of foliar searching carabids, and 2 coccinellids among the predators ofL. decemlineata. Parasitoids include 3 species of tachinids andEdovum puttleri Grissel, an eulophid egg parasitoid. These natural enemies include several predators that have not previously been reported attackingL. decemlineata. University of Maine Agriculture Experiment Station No. 1553  相似文献   

Female Edovum puttleri Grissell [Hymenoptera: Eulophidae], reared from eggs of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) or Leptinotarsa texana Schaeffer [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae], were videotaped as they attacked egg masses of L. decemlineata containing 20 host eggs. We identified 15 components of ovipositional behavior. Parasitoids reared on L. texana attacked and oviposited in significantly more host eggs than did females reared on L. decemlineata. Ethometric analyses of behavioral transitions and a clustering analysis of 34 behavioral parameters showed that females reared on L. texana attacked the host egg mass in a different manner than those reared from L. decemlineata. It was concluded that differences were associated with the host species upon which they were reared. Contrary to previous reports, mortality of unparasitized hosts was caused by an ovipositor probe of short duration, which was not related to host-feeding.  相似文献   

Secondary effects of the entomopathogenic hyphomycete Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. were investigated on adults of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) treated as newly moulted 4th-instar larvae. Fecundity and egg hatching were monitored in surviving females mated with surviving males. When reared at 22°C, adult survivors showed a lessening of their reproductive potential during their whole life. According to the fungal inoculum dosage, the reductions of the total number of eggs laid per female and the mean number of eggs per egg mass ranged from 20% to 56% and from 18% to 46%, respectively. In contrast, at 25°C, the fecundity of survivors was not affected by the fungal infection. This variability of the secondary effects of B. bassiana according to temperature conditions might be related to the lower infection level of treated larvae at 25°C. Moreover, at both temperatures, eggs laid by females surviving fungal infection as larvae were as fertile as eggs laid by control insects. It is concluded that secondary effects of B. bassiana on the fecundity of the Colorado Potato Beetle are temperature-dependent and that they could become negligible at high temperatures under field conditions.
Résumé Les effets secondaires de l'hyphomycète entomopathogène, Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. sur la fécondité et la fertilité des insectes survivant à l'infection fongique ont été étudiés chez les adultes du doryphore Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) issus de larves contaminées en début de 4ème stade. Les insectes maintenus à 22°C ont présenté une réduction de leur potentiel reproductif. Ainsi, suivant la dose d'inoculum fongique, le nombre total d'oeufs pondus par femelle et le nombre moyen d'oeufs par opplaque ont baissé de 20% à 56% et de 18% à 46%, respectivement. En revanche, à 25°C la fécondité des adultes survivants n'a pas été affectée par la maladie. Cette variabilité en fonction des conditions thermiques peut être liée à la diminution de l'effet-dose du champignon sur les larves à 25°C par rapport à 22°C. Par ailleurs, quelles que soient les conditions thermiques (22°C ou 25°C) on ne constate aucun changement significatif de la fertilité des oeufs pondus par les femelles survivantes. Les auteurs concluent que les effets secondaires de B. bassiana sur la fécondité du doryphore dépendent des conditions thermiques et qu'ils pourraient devenir négligeables à des températures élevées en plein champ.

马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)是马铃薯上一种最主要的毁灭性害虫。由于其严重的抗药性, 急需寻找一种替代杀虫剂的防治方法。本实验从开发马铃薯甲虫引诱剂的目的出发,用“Y”型嗅觉仪测定了马铃薯甲虫对来自植物的7种挥发物单体、8个挥发物混合物配方以及马铃薯甲虫聚集素的行为反应,并进一步进行了田间诱集试验。室内生测结果表明,2-苯乙醇对马铃薯甲虫雌雄虫都有明显的引诱作用。芳樟醇+水杨酸甲酯+顺乙酸-3-己烯酯的混合物对马铃薯甲虫雄虫有很强的引诱作用(81.67%), 但是对雌虫引诱作用不明显(63.33%)。在其中加入马铃薯甲虫聚集素不但提高了对雄虫的引诱率(88.33%),还消除了之前的雌雄性别间反应差异现象,使对雌虫的引诱率达到了83.33%。田间诱集结果显示,芳樟醇+水杨酸甲酯+顺乙酸-3-己烯酯+马铃薯甲虫聚集素在所研究的引诱剂配方中引诱效果最好。从而为马铃薯甲虫发生的预测预报和诱杀技术提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

Colorado potato beetle (CPB) is the important pest of potato throughout the world. The study showed the effects of vermicompost on nutritional indices, digestive enzyme activities and intermediary metabolism of the larvae and the adults of CPB. Vermicompost affected significantly the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) in addition to activities of carbohydrases and proteases in both larvae and adults. Amount of total phenol compounds increased in the leaves of the potatoes grown on the soil containing 30% of vermicompost compared to control and it were amended by 15% of vermicompost. In case of intermediary metabolism, activities of aspartate aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl transferase showed no significant differences in the control and the treated larvae, but those were fluctuated upper and lower when 15% of vermicompost was added into growth plots. The amount of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the larvae of CPB showed no significant differences among treatments. However, the amounts of LDL, HDL, glycogen and protein of the adults significantly increased using 30% of vermicompost. Results of the current study clearly revealed significant effects on some physiological processes in CPB fed on the plants grown in the different vermicompost treatments.  相似文献   

We analyzed the anatomy of two diffuse neurohemal systems for serotonin in the head of the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata by means of immunohistochemistry. One system is formed by axons from two bilateral pairs of neurons in the frontal margin of the suboesophageal ganglion that enter the ipsilateral mandibular nerve, emerge from this nerve at some distance from the suboesophageal ganglion, and cover all branches of the mandibular nerve with a dense plexus of immunoreactive axon swellings. The other system is formed by axons from two large neurons in the frontal ganglion that enter the ipsilateral frontal connectives, emerge from these connectives, and form a network of axon swellings on the labroforntal, pharyngeal, and antennal nerves and on the surface of the frontal ganglion. Immunohistochemical electron microscopy demonstrated that the axon swellings are located outside the neural sheaths of the nerves and hence in close contact with the hemolymph. We therefore suggest that these plexuses represent extensive neurohemal systems for serotonin. Most immunoreactive terminals are in direct contact with the hemolymph, and other terminals are closely associated with the muscles of the mandibles, labrum, and anterior pharynx, as well as with the salivary glands, indicating that these organs are under serotoninergic control.  相似文献   

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