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Ribosomal protein S 13 gene has been cloned and analyzed in many organisms,but there are few documents relating to insects. In this communication, the full-length cDNA sequence of ribosomal protein S 13 gene in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), was determined by using PCR amplification technique. The features of the ribosomal protein S 13 gene sequence were analyzed and the deduced amino acids sequence was compared with those from other insects. The results of multi-alignment of the amino acid sequences between the diamondback moth and other insect species revealed that this gene sequence is highly conserved in insects. Based on maximum likelihood method, a phylogenetic tree was constructed from 10 different species using PHYLIP software. It showed that nematode is one separate lineage and the five insect speciesbe long to another lineage, whereas those species higher than insects form the third one. The pattern of this phylogenetic tree evidently represented the evolution of different species.  相似文献   

GUOLIHE  LIHUAZHU 《Cell research》1995,5(1):93-100
A cDNA molecule encoding a major part of the human Norepinephrine transporter(hNET) was synthesized by means of Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) technique and used as a probe for selecting the human genomic NET gene.A positive clone harbouring the whole gene was obtained from a human lymphocyte genomic library through utilizing the “genomic walking” technique.The clone,designated as phNET,harbours a DNA fragment of about 59 kd in length inserted into BamH I site in cosmid pWE15.The genomic clone contains 14 exons encoding all amino acid residues in the protein.A single exon encodes a distinct transmembrane domain,except for transmembrane domain 10 and 11,which are encoded by part of two exons respectively,and exon 12,which encodes part of domain 11 and all of domain 12.These results imply that there is a close relationship between exon splicing of a gene and structureal domains of the protein,as is the case for the human γ-aminobutyric acid transporter(hGAT) and a number of other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The pine caterpillar Dendrolimus punctatus (Walker) with a larval facultative diapause is one of the most destructive insect pests of the pine tree Pinus massoniana in China. The larvae feeding on pine trees with different damage levels were studied to determine the induction of diapause under both laboratory and field conditions. Developmental duration of larvae before the third instar was the longest when fed with 75%-90% damaged needles, followed by 25%-40% damaged needles and intact pine needles, whereas mortalities did not differ among different treatments under the conditions of 25℃ and critical photoperiod 13.5:10.5 L:D. At 25 ℃, no diapause was induced under 15:9 L:D, whereas 100% diapause occurred under 12:12 L:D regardless of the levels of needle damage. Incidences of larvae entering diapause when they were fed with intact, 25%-40% and 75%- 90% damaged pine needles were 51.7%, 70.8% and 81% under 13.5:10.5 L:D, respectively. Similar results were obtained in the field experiment. Incidence of diapause was significantly different among the pine needle damage levels of pine trees when the photoperiod was close to the critical day length, indicating that the effect of host plants on diapause induction was dependent on the range of photoperiod. The content of amino acid and sugar decreased and tannin increased in pine needles after feeding by the pine caterpillars, suggesting that changed levels of nutrients in damaged needles or a particular substance emitted by damaged pine trees was perhaps involved in the diapause induction of the pine caterpillar.  相似文献   

Chitinase,which catalyzes the hydrolysis of the β-1,4-acetyl-D-glucosamine linkages of the fungal cell wall polymer chitin,is involved in inducible plants defense system.By construction of cabbage(Brassica oleracea var. capitata) genomic library and screening the library with pRCH8,a probe of rice chitinase gene fragment,a chitinase genomic sequence was isolated.The complete uncleotide sequence of the putative cabbage chitinase gene (cabch29) was determined,with its longest open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 413 aa.This polypeptide consists of a 21 aa N-terminal signal peptide,two chitin-binding domains different from those of other classes of plant chitinases,and a catalytic domain.Homology analysis illustrated that this cabch29 gene has 58.8% identity at the nucleotide level with the pRCH8 ORF probe and has 50% identity at the amino acid level tiwh the catalytic domains of chitinase from bean,maize and sugar beet.Meanwhile,several kinds of cis-elements,such as TATA box,CAAT box,GATA motif,ASF-1 binding site,wound-response elements and AATAAA,have also been discovered in the flanking region of cabch29 gene.  相似文献   

Partial DNA sequences of three genes, that is, mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S), nuclear large ribosomal subunit (28S D2) and mitochondrial NADH1 dehydrogenase (NADH1) gene, were sequenced from different microgas trine species(Braconidae: Microgastrinae) collected fresh from paddy fields. The DNA sequences were used to determine the extent of sequence variation among species in order to evaluate the specific status of each species. Cladistic analysis was also used to infer a phylogenetic relationship among these species. The results showed that sequence divergence among species of the same genus Cotesia was much lower than those among different genera, such as Cotesia, Exoryza and Apanteles; the sequence similarity of 16S rDNA and NADH 1 genes between Cotesia sp. and C. chilonis was higher than that between C. sp. and C. ruficrus.Phylogenetic analyses suggested that four species of Cotesia were always grouped in the same clade regardless of using different analysis methods; Cotesia sp. and C. chilonis are more closely related to each other than to C. ruficrus, different from previous morphological results. Additionally, sequence analyses indicated that NADH1 gene has more parsimony informative characters than 28S rDNA D2 and 16S rDNA at the species-level analysis,indicating that NADH1 gene might be a useful marker for species-level analysis.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of most of the species of Perezia reveals that, as traditionally defined, the genus is not monophyletic with two species more closely related to Nassauvia than to Perezia. In addition, our results show that Burkartia (Perezia) lanigera is related to Acourtia and is the only member of that clade in South America. The remaining species are monophyletic and show a pattern of an early split between a western temperate and an eastern subtropical clade of species. Within the western clade, the phylogeny indicates a pattern of diversification that proceeded from southern, comparatively low-elevation habitats to southern high-elevation habitats, and ultimately into more northern high-elevation habitats. The most derived clades are found in the high central Andes, where significant radiation has occurred.  相似文献   

Abstract The karyomorphology of three species in Dipentodon (Dipentodontaceae), Perrottetia (Celastraceae), and Tapiscia (Tapisciaceae), namely Dipentodon sinicus, Perrottetia racemosa, and Tapiscia sinensis, was investigated in the present study. Recent molecular research has discovered close relationships among these three genera, which has led to the establishment of the order Huerteales with Perrottetia being placed in Dipentodontaceae. Herein we report the chromosome numbers of D. sinicus and P. racemosa for the first time, and present their karyotype formulas as 2n = 34 = 22 sm + 12 st (D. sinicus), 2n = 20 = 11 m + 9 sm (P. racemosa), and 2n = 30 = 22 m(2SAT) + 8sm (T. sinensis). Asymmetry of their karyotypes is categorized to be Type 3B in D. sinicus, Type 2A in P. racemosa, and Type 2A in T. sinensis. Each of the species shows special cytological features. Compared with Perrottetia, Dipentodon has a different basic chromosome number, a higher karyotype asymmetry, and different karyomorphology of its interphase nuclei, mitotic prophase, and metaphase. Thus, on the basis of these results, we have reservations regarding the suggestion of placing Dipentodon and Perrottetia together in the family Dipentodontaceae.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are known as chaperones that help with folding of other proteins when cells are under environmental stresses. The upregulation of HSPs is essential for cold survival during insect diapause. The ectoparasitoidHabrobracon hebetor, a potential biological control agent, can enter reproductive diapause when reared at low temperature and short photoperiod. However, the expression of HSPs during diapause of H. hebetor has not been studied. In this study, we sequenced and characterized the full-length complementary DNAs of three Hsp70 genes (HhHsp70I, HhHsp70II and HhHsp70IIl) from 11. hebetor. Their deduced amino acid sequences showed more than 80% identities to their counterparts from other insect species. However, the multiple se- quence alignment among the three deduced amino acid sequences of HhHsp70s showed only 46% identities. A phylogenetic analysis of the three HhHsp70s and all other known Hsp70 sequences from Hymenoptera clustered all the Hsp70s into four groups, and the three HhHsp70s were distributed into three different groups. Real-time quantitative poly- merase chain reaction analysis showed that the expression of the three HhHspTO genes in H. hebetor reared at different conditions was quite different. HhHspTOI showed higher relative expression when H. hebetor were reared at 27.5℃ than at two lower temperatures (17.5℃ and 20℃) regardless of the photoperiod, whereas HhHspTOII showed higher ex- pression when H. hebetor were reared at 20℃ and 10 : 14 L : D than when reared at 17.5℃ and either 16 : 8 L : D or 10 : 14 L : D. In contrast, HhHSP7OIIIwas expressed at similar levels regardless of the rearing conditions. These results may suggest functional differences among the three HhHspTO genes in H. hebetor.  相似文献   

Association mapping is a powerful approach for exploring the molecular basis of phenotypic variations in plants. A peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) mini-core collection in China comprising 298 accessions was genotyped using lo9 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, which identified 554 SSR alleles and phenotyped for 15 agronomic traits in three different environments, exhibiting abundant genetic and phenotypic diversity within the panel. A model-based structure analysis assigned all accessions to three groups. Most of the accessions had the relative kinship of less than o.05, indicating that there were no or weak relationships between accessions of the mini- core collection. For 15 agronomic traits in the peanut panel, generally the Q + K model exhibited the best performance to eliminate the false associated positives compared to the Q model and the general linear model-simple model. In total, 89 SSR alleles were identified to be associated with 15 agronomic traits of three environments by the Q+K model-based association analysis. Of these, eight alleles were repeatedly detected in two or three environments, and 15 alleles were commonly detected to be associated with multiple agronomic traits. Simple sequence repeat allelic effects confirmed significant differences between different genotypes of these repeatedly detected markers. Our results demonstrate the great potential of integrating the association analysis and marker-assisted breeding by utilizing the peanut mini-core collection.  相似文献   

Small auxin-up RNAs (.SAURs) are the early auxin- responsive genes represented by a large multigene family in plants. Here, we identified 79 SAUR gene family members from maize (Zea mays subsp, mays) by a reiterative database search and manual annotation. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the SAUR proteins from Arabidopsis, rice, sorghum, and maize had divided into 16 groups. These genes were non-randomly distributed across the maize chromosomes, and segmental duplication and tandem duplication contributed to the expansion of the maize .SAUR gene family. Synteny analysis established ortholos~J relationships and functional linkages between SAUR genes in maize and sorghum genomes. We also found that the auxin-responsive elements were conserved in the upstream sequences of maize SAUR members. Selection analyses identified some significant site-specific constraints acted on most SAUR paralogs. Expression profiles based on microarray data have provided insights into the possible functional divergence among members of the .SAUR gene family. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis indicated that some of the 10 randomly selected ZmSAUR genes could be induced at least in maize shoot or root tissue tested. The results reveal a comprehensive overview of the maize .SAUR gene family and may pave the way for deciphering their function during pJant development.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the genus Aphis Linnaeus, 1 758 was built primarily from specimens collected in the Midwest of the United States. A data matrix was constructedwith 68 species and 41 morphological characters with respective character states of alate and apterous viviparous females. Dendrogram topologies of analyses performed usingUPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean), Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian analysis of Cytochrome Oxidase I, Elongation Factor 1-α and primary endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola 16S sequences were not congruent. Bayesian analysis strongly supported most terminal nodes of the phylogenetic trees. The phylogeny wasstrongly supported by EFI-α, and analysis of COl and EFI-α molecular data combined with morphological characters. It was not supported by single analysis of COI or Buch-hera aphidicola 16S. Results from the Bayesian phylogeny show 4 main species groups: asclepiadis,fabae, gossypii, and middletonii. Results place Aphis and species of the generaProtaphis Bōrner, 1952, Toxoptera Koch, 1856 and Xerobion Nevsky, 1928 in a monophyletic clade. Morphological characters support this monophyly as well. The phylogenyshows that the monophyletic clade of the North American middletonii species group belong to the genus Protaphis: P. debilicornis (Gillette & Palmer, 1929), comb. nov., P. echinaceae(Lagos and Voegtlin, 2009), comb. nov., and P. middletonii (Thomas, 1879). The genus Toxoptera should be considered a subgenus of Aphis (stat. nov.). The analysis also indicatesthat the current genus Iowana Frison, 1954 should be considered a subgenus of Aphis (stat. nov.).  相似文献   

The rapid racerunner,Eremias velox,is a widely distributed lizard from the northern Caucasus across entire Central Asia eastward to China.It is increasingly common to accept E.velox as a species complex in its entire range.To date,published morphological and molecular systematic hypotheses of this complex are only partially congruent,and its taxonomic status and evolutionary history are still far from clear.The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and12S rRNA sequences were used to evaluate the taxonomy of this complex,with particular attention to the phylogenetic placement of populations in northwestern China.Examination of the phylogenetic analyses recovers seven distinct,biogeographically discrete,and well-supported clades,revealing genetically identifiable populations corresponding to some previously morphology-defined subspecies.Chinese E.v.roborowskii appears to have split from other Central Asian rapid racerunner lizards well before differentiation occurred among the latter taxa.Specifically,we corroborate that there are two subspecies occurring in China,i.e.,E.v.velox and E.v.roborowskii.We recommend a novel subspecific status for the phenotypically and genetically distinct populations in southern Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan previously assigned to E.v.velox.Finally,each of the three independently evolving lineages from Iranian Plateau should be recognized as three species new to science under the general lineage concept.  相似文献   

Twelve genes of the PIN family in rice were analyzed for gene and protein structures and an evolutionary relationship with reported AtPINs in Arabidopsis. Four members of PIN1 (designated as OsPINla-d), one gene paired with AtPIN2 (OsPIN2), three members of PIN5 (OsPIN5a-c), one gene paired with AtPIN8 (OsPIN8), and three monocot-specific PINs (OsPIN9, OsPINIOa, and b) were identified from the phylogenetic analysis. Tissue-specific expression patterns of nine PIN genes among them were investigated using RT-PCR and GUS reporter. The wide variations in the expression domain in different tissues of the PIN genes were observed. In general, PIN genes are up-regulated by exogenous auxin, while different responses of different PIN genes to other hormones were found.  相似文献   

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