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We report the identification and characterization of the gene encoding the eighth and final human ribonuclease (RNase) of the highly diversified RNase A superfamily. The RNase 8 gene is linked to seven other RNase A superfamily genes on chromosome 14. It is expressed prominently in the placenta, but is not detected in any other tissues examined. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that RNase 7 is the closest relative of RNase 8 and that the pair likely resulted from a recent gene duplication event in primates. Further analysis reveals that the RNase 8 gene has incorporated non-silent mutations at an elevated rate (1.3 × 10–9 substitutions/site/year) and that orthologous RNase 8 genes from 6 of 10 primate species examined have been deactivated by frameshifting deletions or point mutations at crucial structural or catalytic residues. The ribonucleolytic activity of recombinant human RNase 8 is among the lowest of members of this superfamily and it exhibits neither antiviral nor antibacterial activities characteristic of some other RNase A ribonucleases. The rapid evolution, species-limited deactivation and tissue-specific expression of RNase 8 suggest a unique physiological function and reiterates the evolutionary plasticity of the RNase A superfamily.  相似文献   

Here we report on the expression and function of RNase 7, one of the final RNase A superfamily ribonucleases identified in the human genome sequence. The human RNase 7 gene is expressed in various somatic tissues including the liver, kidney, skeletal muscle and heart. Recombinant RNase 7 is ribonucleolytically active against yeast tRNA, as expected from the presence of eight conserved cysteines and the catalytic histidine–lysine– histidine triad which are signature motifs of this superfamily. The protein is atypically cationic with an isoelectric point (pI) of 10.5. Expression of recombinant RNase 7 in Escherichia coli completely inhibits the growth of the host bacteria, similar to what has been observed for the cationic RNase, eosinophil cationic protein (ECP/RNase 3, pI 11.4). An in vitro assay demonstrates dose-dependent cytotoxicity of RNase 7 against bacteria E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. While RNase 7 and ECP/RNase 3 are both cationic and share this particular aspect of functional similarity, their protein sequence identity is only 40%. Of particular interest, ECP/RNase 3’s cationicity is based on an (over)abundance of arginine residues, whereas RNase 7 includes an excess of lysine. This difference, in conjunction with the independent origins and different expression patterns, suggests that RNase 7 and ECP/RNase 3 may have been recruited to target different pathogens in vivo, if their physiological functions are indeed host defenses.  相似文献   

Seminal RNase: a unique member of the ribonuclease superfamily   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The RNase found in bull semen, although a member of the mammalian superfamily of ribonucleases, possesses some unusual properties. Besides its unique structure and enzymic properties, it displays antispermatogenic, antitumor and immunosuppressive activities. Seminal RNase belongs to an interesting group of RNases, the RISBASES (RIbonucleases with Special, i.e. non catalytic, Biological Actions) other members of which include angiogenin, selectively neurotoxic RNases, a lectin and the self-incompatibility factors from a flowering plant.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease A (RNase A) dimers have been recently found to be endowed with some of the special, i.e., non-catalytic biological activities of RNases, such as antitumor and aspermatogenic activities. These activities have been so far attributed to RNases which can escape the neutralizing action of the cytosolic RNase inhibitor (cRI). However, when the interactions of the two cytotoxic RNase A dimers with cRI were investigated in a quantitative fashion and at the molecular level, the dimers were found to bind cRI with high affinity and to form tight complexes.  相似文献   

郎大田  张亚平  于黎 《遗传》2014,36(4):316-326
核糖核酸酶基因(Ribonuclease A, RNASE A)超家族是进化生物学中研究新基因起源及新功能演变的重要模式系统之一。RNASE A超家族中的很多成员表现出基因复制的进化模式, 而且在适应性(正)选择的驱动下, 发生了功能分化。文章综述了RNASE A超家族成员在不同动物类群中进化模式的研究进展, 包括近年来越来越多在基因组水平上开展的相关研究, 显示该基因超家族可能具有比人们以往认识的更为复杂的基因进化模式。随着越来越多动物基因组数据的产生, 对更多动物代表类群进行RNASE A超家族研究, 将有望揭示新的进化机制和功能分化, 为系统认识动物适应进化的遗传机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) is one of two RNase A-superfamily ribonucleases found in secretory granules of human eosinophilic leukocytes. Although the physiologic function of eosinophils [and thus of the two eosinophil ribonucleases, ECP and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN)] remains controversial, we have recently shown that isolated human eosinophils promote ribonuclease-dependent toxicity toward extracellular virions of the single-stranded RNA virus, respiratory syncytial virus, group B (RSV-B). We have also shown that recombinant human EDN (rhEDN) can act alone as a ribonuclease-dependent antiviral agent. In this work, we provide a biochemical characterization of recombinant human ECP (rhECP) prepared in baculovirus, and demonstrate that rhECP also promotes ribonuclease-dependent antiviral activity. The rhECP described here is N-glycosylated, as is native ECP, and has approximately 100-fold more ribonuclease activity than non-glycosylated rhECP prepared in bacteria. The enzymatic activity of rhECP was sensitive to inhibition by placental ribonuclease inhibitor (RI). Although rhECP was not as effective as rhEDN at reducing viral infectivity (500 nM rhECP reduced infectivity of RSV-B approximately 6 fold; 500 nM rhEDN, >50 fold), the antiviral activity appears to be unique to the eosinophil ribonucleases; no reduction in infectivity was promoted by bovine RNase A, by the amphibian ribonuclease, onconase, nor by the closely-related human ribonuclease, RNase k6. Interestingly, combinations of rhEDN and rhECP did not result in either a synergistic or even an additive antiviral effect. Taken together, these results suggest that that the interaction between the eosinophil ribonucleases and the extracellular virions of RSV-B may be specific and saturable.  相似文献   

In most tissues, ribonucleases (RNases) are found in a latent form complexed with ribonuclease inhibitor (RI). To examine whether these so-called cytoplasmic RNases belong to the same superfamily as pancreatic RNases, we have purified from porcine liver two such RNases (PL1 and PL3) and examined their primary structures. It was found that RNase PL1 belonged to the same family as human RNase Us [Beintema et al. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 4530-4538] and bovine RNase K2 [Irie et al. (1988) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 104, 289-296]. RNase PL3 was found to be a hitherto structurally uncharacterized type of RNase. Its polypeptide chain of 119 amino acid residues was N-terminally blocked with pyroglutamic acid, and its sequence differed at 63 positions with that of the pancreatic enzyme. All residues important for catalysis and substrate binding have been conserved. Comparison of the primary structure of RNase PL3 with that of its bovine counterpart (RNase BL4; M. Irie, personal communication) revealed an unusual conservation for this class of enzymes; the 2 enzymes were identical at 112 positions. Moreover, comparison of the amino acid compositions of these RNases with that of a human colon carcinoma-derived RNase, RNase HT-29 [Shapiro et al. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 7255-7264], suggested that these three proteins are orthologous gene products. The structural characteristics of RNases PL1 and PL3 were typical of secreted RNases, and this observation questions the proposed cytoplasmic origin of these RI-associated enzymes.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease LE (RNase LE) from cultured tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cells is a member of the RNase T(2) family showing broad base specificity. The crystal structure of RNase LE has been determined at 1.65 A resolution. The structure consists of seven alpha-helices and seven beta-strands, belonging to an alpha+beta type structure. Comparison of the structure of RNase LE with that of RNase Rh, a microbial RNase belonging to the RNase T(2) family, reveals that while the overall folding topologies are similar to each other, major insertions and deletions are found at the N-terminal regions. The structural comparison, an amino acid sequence alignment of the RNase T(2) enzymes, and comparison of the disulfide-bonding pattern of these enzymes show that the structure of RNase LE shown here is the basic framework of the animal/plant subfamily of RNase T(2) enzymes (including a self-incompatibility protein called S-RNase), and the structure of RNase Rh is that of the fungal subfamily of RNase T(2) enzymes (including RNase T(2)). Subsequently, we superposed the active-site of the RNase LE with that of RNase Rh and found that (1) His39, Trp42, His92, Glu93, Lys96, and His97 of RNase LE coincided exactly with His46, Trp49, His104, Glu105, Lys108, and His109, respectively, of RNase Rh, and (2) two conserved water molecules were found at the putative P(1) sites of both enzymes. These facts suggest that plant RNase LE has a very similar hydrolysis mechanism to that of fungal RNase Rh, and almost all the RNase T(2) enzymes widely distributed in various species share a common catalytic mechanism. A cluster of hydrophobic residues was found on the active-site face of the RNase LE molecule and two large hydrophobic pockets exist. These hydrophobic pockets appear to be base binding sites mainly by hydrophobic interactions and are responsible for the base non-specificity of RNase LE.  相似文献   

Derivatives of ribonuclease A (RNase A) with modifications in positions 1 and/or 7 were prepared by subtilisin-catalyzed semisynthesis starting from synthetic RNase 1-20 peptides and S-protein (RNase 21-124). The lysyl residue at position 1 was replaced by alanine, whereas Lys-7 was replaced by cysteine that was specifically modified prior to semisynthesis. The enzymes obtained were characterized by protein chemical methods and were active toward uridylyl-3',5'-adenosine and yeast RNA. When Lys-7 was replaced by S-methyl-cysteine or S-carboxamido-contrast, the catalytic properties were only slightly altered. The dissociation constant for the RNase A-RI complex increased from 74 fM (RNase A) to 4.5 pM (Lys-1, Cys-7-methyl RNase), corresponding to a decrease in binding energy of 10 kJ mol-1. Modifications that introduced a positive charge in position 7 (S-aminoethyl- or S-ethylpyridyl-cysteine) led to much smaller losses. The replacement of Lys-1 resulted in a 4-kJ mol-1 loss in binding energy. S-protein bound to RI with Ki = 63.4 pM, 800-fold weaker than RNase A. This corresponded to a 16-kJ mol-1 difference in binding energy. The results show that the N-terminal portion of RNase A contributes significantly to binding of ribonuclease inhibitor and that ionic interactions of Lys-7 and to a smaller extent of Lys-1 provide most of the binding energy.  相似文献   

A new member of the human RNase A superfamily is reported. Identified in the human genome assembly as LOC 390443, this locus is located 128 kb telomeric to the established RNase A gene family cluster on chromosome 14q11.2. The amino acid sequence of this locus is sufficiently similar to the eight previously identified gene family members to warrant a designation as RNase 9. RNase 9 is expressed in a wide range of human tissues. In addition, a 30-amino acid sequence lying between a 26-amino acid putative signal peptide and the last 148 amino acids that align with the other RNases A is not seen in other members of the RNase A superfamily in any species. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of RNase 9 in 13 nonhuman primate species were determined and indicate several conserved sites but, also, an excess of nonsynonymous substitutions, about one-third of which are radical substitutions. This suggests that RNase 9, similar to several other human RNases A, has been under diversifying selection in the primates. Data from the mouse and rat genomes indicate that RNase 9 is also present in rodents, thus making it older than most of the established members of the human RNase A superfamily. Many of the human RNases A have been shown to have antimicrobial, antiviral, or antiparasitic functions involved in host-defense mechanisms. The features of RNase 9 described here suggest that it, too, may be involved in host defense and that it, along with the rest of the superfamily, may prove to have played an important role in anthropoid evolution.  相似文献   

A number of mammalian antimicrobial proteins produced by neutrophils and cells of epithelial origin have chemotactic and activating effects on host cells, including cells of the immune system. Eosinophil granules contain an antimicrobial protein known as eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), which belongs to the RNase A superfamily. EDN has antiviral and chemotactic activities in vitro. In this study, we show that EDN, and to a lesser extent human pancreatic RNase (hPR), another RNase A superfamily member, activates human dendritic cells (DCs), leading to the production of a variety of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, and soluble receptors. Human angiogenin, a RNase evolutionarily more distant to EDN and hPR, did not display such activating effects. Additionally, EDN and hPR also induced phenotypic and functional maturation DCs. These RNases were as efficacious as TNF-alpha, but induced a different set of cytokine mediators. Furthermore, EDN production by human macrophages could be induced by proinflammatory stimuli. The results reveal the DC-activating activity of EDN and hPR and suggest that they are likely participants of inflammatory and immune responses. A number of endogenous mediators in addition to EDN have been reported to have both chemotactic and activating effects on APCs, and can thus amplify innate and Ag-specific immune responses to danger signals. We therefore propose these mediators be considered as endogenous multifunctional immune alarmins.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the human eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN, RNase 2), a rapidly evolving secretory protein derived from eosinophilic leukocytes, mediates the ribonucleolytic destruction of extracellular virions of the single-stranded RNA virus respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). While RNase activity is crucial to antiviral activity, it is clearly not sufficient, as our results suggest that EDN has unique structural features apart from RNase activity that are necessary to promote antiviral activity. We demonstrate here that the interaction between EDN and extracellular virions of RSV is both saturatable and specific. Increasing concentrations of the antivirally inactivated, ribonucleolytically inactivated point mutant form of recombinant human EDN, rhEDNdK38, inhibits rhEDN's antiviral activity, while increasing concentrations of the related RNase, recombinant human RNase k6, have no effect whatsoever. Interestingly, acquisition of antiviral activity parallels the evolutionary development of the primate EDN lineage, having emerged some time after the divergence of the Old World from the New World monkeys. Using this information, we created ribonucleolytically active chimeras of human and New World monkey orthologs of EDN and, by evaluating their antiviral activity, we have identified an N-terminal segment of human EDN that contains one or more of the sequence elements that mediate its specific interaction with RSV.  相似文献   

Lin YL  Elias Y  Huang RH 《Biochemistry》2005,44(31):10494-10500
Colicin E5 specifically cleaves four tRNAs in Escherichia coli that contain the modified nucleotide queuosine (Q) at the wobble position, thereby preventing protein synthesis and ultimately resulting in cell death. Here, the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of colicin E5 (E5-CRD) from E. coli was determined at 1.5 A resolution. Unexpectedly, E5-CRD adopts a core folding with a four-stranded beta-sheet packed against an alpha-helix, seen in the well-studied ribonuclease T1 despite a lack of sequence similarity. Beyond the core catalytic domain, an N-terminal helix, a C-terminal beta-strand and loop, and an extended internal loop constitute an RNA binding cleft. Mutational analysis identified five amino acids that were important for tRNA substrate binding and cleavage by E5-CRD. The structure, together with the mutational study, allows us to propose a model of colicin E5-tRNA interactions, suggesting the molecular basis of tRNA substrate recognition and the mechanism of tRNA cleavage by colicin E5.  相似文献   

Y Iino  A Sugimoto    M Yamamoto 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(1):221-226
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe pac1 gene is a multicopy suppressor of the pat1 temperature-sensitive mutation, which directs uncontrolled meiosis at the restrictive temperature. Overexpression of the pac1 gene had no apparent effect on vegetative growth but inhibited mating and sporulation in wild type S. pombe cells. In such cells, expression of certain genes required for mating or meiosis was inhibited. The pac1 gene is essential for vegetative cell growth. The deduced pac1 gene product has 363 amino acids. Its C-terminal 230 residues revealed 25% amino acid identity with ribonuclease III, an enzyme that digests double-stranded RNA and is involved in processing ribosomal RNA precursors and certain mRNAs in Escherichia coli. The pac1 gene product could degrade double-stranded RNA in vitro. These observations establish the presence of a RNase III homolog in eukaryotic cells. The pac1 gene product probably inhibits mating and meiosis by degrading a specific mRNA(s) required for sexual development. It is likely that mRNA processing is involved in the regulation of sexual development in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Members of the RNase superfamily participate in a diverse array of biological processes, including RNA degradation, antipathogen activities, angiogenesis, and digestion. In the present study, we cloned the rat RNase9 gene by in silico methods and genome walking based on homology to the Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey) epididymal RNase9. The gene is located on chromosome 15p14, spanning two exons, and is clustered with other members of the RNase A superfamily. It contains 1279 bp and encodes 182 amino acids, including a 24-amino acid signal peptide, and it has unique features known from other RNases. Unlike those other members, the rat RNase9 mRNA was specifically expressed in the epididymis, especially in the caput and corpus, and exhibited an androgen-dependent expression pattern but was downregulated in an epididymitis animal model. The RNASE9 was expressed in a principal cell-specific pattern. Interestingly, most of the principal cells in the caput expressed the RNASE9; however, in the distal caput, the principal cells showed a checkerboard-like pattern of immunoreactivity. We also observed that the RNASE9 was bound on the acrosomal domain of sperm. Its potential roles in sperm maturation are discussed.  相似文献   

RNase M, an enzyme previously purified to homogeneity from Escherichia coli, was suggested to be the RNase responsible for mRNA degradation in this bacterium. Although related to the endoribonuclease, RNase I, its distinct properties led to the conclusion that RNase M was a second, low molecular mass, broad specificity endoribonuclease present in E. coli. However, based on sequence analysis, southern hybridization, and enzyme activity, we show that RNase M is, in fact, a multiply altered form of RNase I. In addition to three amino acid substitutions that confer the properties of RNase M on the mutated RNase I, the protein is synthesized from an rna gene that contains a UGA nonsense codon at position 5, apparently as a result of a low level of readthrough. We also suggest that RNase M is just one of several previously described endoribonuclease activities that are actually manifestations of RNase I.  相似文献   

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