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There are two important problems in the assembly of small, icosahedral RNA viruses. First, how does the capsid protein select the viral RNA for packaging, when there are so many other candidate RNA molecules available? Second, what is the mechanism of assembly? With regard to the first question, there are a number of cases where a particular RNA sequence or structure—often one or more stem-loops—either promotes assembly or is required for assembly, but there are others where specific packaging signals are apparently not required. With regard to the assembly pathway, in those cases where stem-loops are involved, the first step is generally believed to be binding of the capsid proteins to these “fingers” of the RNA secondary structure. In the mature virus, the core of the RNA would then occupy the center of the viral particle, and the stem-loops would reach outward, towards the capsid, like stalagmites reaching up from the floor of a grotto towards the ceiling. Those viruses whose assembly does not depend on protein binding to stem-loops could have a different structure, with the core of the RNA lying just under the capsid, and the fingers reaching down into the interior of the virus, like stalactites. We review the literature on these alternative structures, focusing on RNA selectivity and the assembly mechanism, and we propose experiments aimed at determining, in a given virus, which of the two structures actually occurs.  相似文献   

病毒编码的富含半胱氨酸的小分子量蛋白(CRPs)在植物和动物病毒中均有发现。动物病毒中研究较多的是反转录病毒的核蛋白(NC)。在植物病毒中由hordei,tobra,furoandcarlaviruses编码的CRPs的分子生物学研究近年来才开展起来。动物和植物病毒的CRPs共有的典型特征是均有锌指结构和碱性氨基酸丰富区,这使它们在核酸结合特性上有共同特征。动物病毒CRPs的结构和功能方面的研究已有很好的进展。相反,植物病毒的CRPs的研究进展较为缓慢。本文对病毒的CRPs的最新进展进行了综述。对动物和植物病毒的CRPs的比较分析有助于将来这类蛋白功能的阐明。  相似文献   


Ellis JJ  Jones S 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1518-1526
Many protein-RNA recognition events are known to exhibit conformational changes from qualitative observations of individual complexes. However, a quantitative estimation of conformational changes is required if protein-RNA docking and template-based methods for RNA binding site prediction are to be developed. This study presents the first quantitative evaluation of conformational changes that occur when proteins bind RNA. The analysis of twelve RNA-binding proteins in the bound and unbound states using error-scaled difference distance matrices is presented. The binding site residues are mapped to each structure, and the conformational changes that affect these residues are evaluated. Of the twelve proteins four exhibit greater movements in nonbinding site residues, and a further four show the greatest movements in binding site residues. The remaining four proteins display no significant conformational change. When interface residues are found to be in conformationally variable regions of the protein they are typically seen to move less than 2 A between the bound and unbound conformations. The current data indicate that conformational changes in the binding site residues of RNA binding proteins may not be as significant as previously suggested, but a larger data set is required before wider conclusions may be drawn. The implications of the observed conformational changes for protein function prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

The hnRNP fiber is the substrate on which pre-mRNA processing occurs. The protein moiety of the fiber (hnRNP proteins) constitutes a broad family of RNA binding proteins that revealed, upon molecular analysis, a number of interesting features.Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 is a major component of the human hnRNP complex. In recent years this protein has attracted great attention because of several emerging evidences of its direct involvement in pre-mRNA processing and it has become one of the best characterized RNA binding proteins. Detailed knowledge of the structure of protein A1 has laid the basis for the understanding of its function, and for this reason A1 can be considered as a model polypeptide for the investigation of a large number of RNA binding proteins.In this work we report recent findings regarding the binding properties of protein A1 as well as new data on the gene structure of A1 and of its closely related hnRNP protein A2. Our results show that a single A1 molecule contains the determinants for simultaneous binding of two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules and we demonstrate that the glycine-rich domain of A1, isolated from the rest of the molecule, is capable of sustaining protein-protein interactions. These features probably account for the reannealing activity of the protein and for its capacity to modulate the binding of snRNPs to intron sequencesin vitro. Comparison of A1 and A2 gene sequences revealed a remarkable conservation of the overall structural organization, suggesting important functions for the different structural elements.  相似文献   


Using primary and secondary structure information of an RNA molecule, the program RNA2D3D automatically and rapidly produces a first-order approximation of a 3-dimensional conformation consistent with this information. Applicable to structures of arbitrary branching complexity and pseudoknot content, it features efficient interactive graphical editing for the removal of any overlaps introduced by the initial generating procedure and for making conformational changes favorable to targeted features and subsequent refinement. With emphasis on fast exploration of alternative 3D conformations, one may interactively add or delete base-pairs, adjacent stems can be coaxially stacked or unstacked, single strands can be shaped to accommodate special constraints, and arbitrary subsets can be defined and manipulated as rigid bodies. Compaction, whereby base stacking within stems is optimally extended into connecting single strands, is also available as a means of strategically making the structures more compact and revealing folding motifs. Subsequent refinement of the first-order approximation, of modifications, and for the imposing of tertiary constraints is assisted with standard energy refinement techniques. Previously determined coordinates for any part of the molecule are readily incorporated, and any part of the modeled structure can be output as a PDB or XYZ file. Illustrative applications in the areas of ribozymes, viral kissing loops, viral internal ribosome entry sites, and nanobiology are presented.  相似文献   

X Zha  Q Xia  Y Adam Yuan 《FEBS letters》2012,586(19):3200-3207
The RISC-associated Argonaute (Ago) proteins play the catalytic role for RISC-mediated gene regulation by selecting small RNAs and subsequent targeting and cleavage of complementary mRNAs. Ago Mid domains are proposed to play essential roles in small RNA sorting. Here, we report the crystal structures of Arabidopsis Ago1 Mid domain and its chimera mutant with part of Ago1 replaced by Ago4. The structures demonstrate that a single amino insertion in the nucleotide specificity loop of AtAgo1 will change the nucleotide binding preference of AtAgo1 from “5′-U” to “5′-A”. Moreover, we identify a long positively charged groove located along the “5′-end-nucleotide specificity loop” and occupied by several sulfate ions with the distance of 9-11 Å distance, indicating a putative mRNA target binding groove.  相似文献   

张炜  叶克穷 《生命科学》2010,(7):608-615
RNA沉默指由长度约为21nt的小RNA介导的特异的基因沉默机制,它控制着许多基本的生命过程,已经成为重要的生物技术手段,在医学上也有巨大的应用价值。近些年对RNA沉默通路中蛋白结构的分析揭示了小RNA加工、运输、修饰和发挥功能过程中大量的分子细节,发现很多RNA沉默蛋白能识别小RNA及其前体分子的特殊分子结构而实现对它们的操作。  相似文献   

人类及动物RNA病毒的反向遗传系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
反向遗传系统可以对RNA病毒直接进行遗传操作,为RNA病毒的分子生物学研究提供了一种强大的工具。在过去20年,特别是自90年代中期第一例负链RNA病毒感染性克隆构建成功以来,动物RNA病毒的分子生物学研究取得了长足的进展,这很大程度上归功于各种动物RNA病毒反向遗传系统的建立。这里系统总结了人类及动物非反转录RNA病毒中各类代表性成员在建立反向遗传系统时的方案设计、遇到的困难及研究者如何克服这些困难。分类讨论到的代表性病毒种属有脊髓灰质炎病毒、冠状病毒(包括SARS病毒)、黄病毒、野田村病毒、流感病毒、传染性法氏囊病病毒以及呼肠孤病毒等。  相似文献   

RNA剪接因子结构与功能研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RNA剪接是一个多步骤、形成多种中间状态复合物的复杂过程.尽管在已经发现的一百多种pre-mRNA剪接相关因子中,仅研究了约8%相关蛋白质的空间结构,已充分显示对剪接相关因子三维晶体结构以及溶液结构的测定与研究,在理解RNA剪接的复杂机理以及生物学特性中具有不可替代的重要意义.  相似文献   

The sequence-specific recognition of RNA by proteins is mediated through various RNA binding domains, with the RNA recognition motif (RRM) being the most frequent and present in >50% of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Many RBPs contain multiple RRMs, and it is unclear how each RRM contributes to the binding specificity of the entire protein. We found that RRMs within the same RBP (i.e., sibling RRMs) tend to have significantly higher similarity than expected by chance. Sibling RRM pairs from RBPs shared by multiple species tend to have lower similarity than those found only in a single species, suggesting that multiple RRMs within the same protein might arise from domain duplication followed by divergence through random mutations. This finding is exemplified by a recent RRM domain duplication in DAZ proteins and an ancient duplication in PABP proteins. Additionally, we found that different similarities between sibling RRMs are associated with distinct functions of an RBP and that the RBPs tend to contain repetitive sequences with low complexity. Taken together, this study suggests that the number of RBPs with multiple RRMs has expanded in mammals and that the multiple sibling RRMs may recognize similar target motifs in a cooperative manner.  相似文献   

RNA interference is an exciting field of functional genomics that can silence viral genes. This property of interfering RNA can be used to combat viral diseases of plants as well as animals and humans. It is a short sequence of nucleic acid that can bind to the mRNA of the gene and interferes the process of its expression. It is diverse in occurrence as well as in applications. It occurs from nematodes to fungi and can cause gene silencing in plants, animals and human beings. Small interfering RNAs are used to silence plant viral genes and in production of therapeutic drugs against Hepatitis or Immuno-deficiency viruses in human. In this review, we will discuss the history, mechanism and applications of RNA interference in plant, animal and human research.  相似文献   

Functional RNA elements can be embedded also within exonic sequences coding for functional proteins. While not uncommon in viruses, only a few examples of this type have been described in some detail for eukaryotic genomes. Here we use RNAz and RNAcode, two comparative genomics methods that measure signatures of stabilizing selection acting on RNA secondary structure and peptide sequence, resp., to survey the fruit fly genomes. We estimate that there might be on the order of 1000 loci that are subject to dual selection pressure. The used genome-wide screens also expose the limitations of the currently available methods.  相似文献   

用二次电泳法研究核酸与蛋白质的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究蛋白质与核酸的结合常遇到的问题是对蛋白质等电点及可溶度等要求较高,或难以同时处理大量标本。为克服此缺点,将待检蛋白经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳后,通过洗涤去除凝胶中的SDS,使蛋白质相对固定于凝胶中,改电泳液为TAE或TBE,继之用同位素标记寡核苷酸进行二次电泳,通过放射自显影直观地显现出蛋白结合核酸的结果。该法敏感,特异,对蛋白质等电点及可溶性要求低,可同时检测多个样本,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

RNA localization is a regulated component of gene expression of fundamental importance in development and differentiation. Several RNA binding proteins involved in RNA localization during development in Drosophila have been identified, of which Y14, Mago, Pumilio, and IMP-1 are known to be expressed in adult mammalian intestine. The present study was undertaken to define the developmental and regional expression of these proteins, as well as Staufen-1, in mouse intestinal cells and in other tissues and cell lines using RT-PCR, and localization using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Staufen-1, Y14, Mago-m, and Pumilio-1 were expressed in intestinal epithelial cells of both villus and crypt and in Caco-2 and IEC-6 cells. In contrast, expression of IMP-1 was age- and region-specific, showing clear expression in distal fetal and newborn intestine, but very low or no expression in adult. The mRNAs were cytosolic, with more apical than basal expression in enterocytes. Staufen protein showed a similar localization pattern to that of its cognate mRNA. Overall, the data suggest an essential role for these proteins in intestinal cells. Age and regional expression of IMP-1 may indicate a role in regulation of site-specific translation of intestinal genes or in RNA localization.  相似文献   

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