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Bacterial functional amyloids contribute to biofilm development by bacteria and provide protection from the immune system and prevent antibiotic treatment. Strategies to target amyloid formation and interrupt biofilm formation have attracted recent interest due to their antimicrobial potential. Functional amyloid in Pseudomonas (Fap) includes FapC as the major component of the fibril while FapB is a minor component suggested to function as a nucleator of FapC. The system also includes the small periplasmic protein FapA, which has been shown to regulate fibril composition and morphology. The interplay between these three components is central in Fap fibril biogenesis. Here we present a comprehensive biophysical and spectroscopy analysis of FapA, FapB and FapC and provide insight into their molecular interactions. We show that all three proteins are primarily disordered with some regions with structural propensities for α-helix and β-sheet. FapA inhibits FapC fibrillation by targeting the nucleation step, whereas for FapB the elongation step is modulated. Furthermore, FapA alters the morphology of FapC (more than FapB) fibrils. Complex formation is observed between FapA and FapC, but not between FapA and FapB, and likely involves the N-terminus of FapA. We conclude that FapA is an intrinsically disordered chaperone for FapC that guards against fibrillation within the periplasm. This new understanding of a natural protective mechanism of Pseudomonas against amyloid formations can serve as inspiration for strategies blocking biofilm formation in infections.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin light chain (LC) amyloidosis (AL) is a life-threatening human disease wherein free mono-clonal LCs deposit in vital organs. To determine what makes some LCs amyloidogenic, we explored patient-based amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic recombinant LCs from the λ6 subtype prevalent in AL. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, structural stability, proteolysis, and amyloid growth studies revealed that the antigen-binding CDR1 loop is the least protected part in the variable domain of λ6 LC, particularly in the AL variant. N32T substitution in CRD1 is identified as a driver of amyloid formation. Substitution N32T increased the amyloidogenic propensity of CDR1 loop, decreased its protection in the native structure, and accelerated amyloid growth in the context of other AL substitutions. The destabilizing effects of N32T propagated across the molecule increasing its dynamics in regions ∼30 Å away from the substitution site. Such striking long-range effects of a conservative point substitution in a dynamic surface loop may be relevant to Ig function. Comparison of patient-derived and engineered proteins showed that N32T interactions with other substitution sites must contribute to amyloidosis. The results suggest that CDR1 is critical in amyloid formation by other λ6 LCs.  相似文献   

Functional bacterial amyloids (FuBA) are intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) which rapidly and efficiently aggregate, forming extremely stable fibrils. The conversion from IDP to amyloid is evolutionarily optimized and likely couples folding to association. Many FuBA contain several imperfect repeat sequences which contribute to the stability of mature FuBA fibrils. Aggregation can be considered an intermolecular extension of the process of intramolecular protein folding which has traditionally been studied using chemical denaturants. Here we employ denaturants to investigate folding steps during fibrillation of CsgA and FapC. We quantify protein compactification (i.e. the extent of burial of otherwise exposed surface area upon association of proteins) during different stages of fibrillation based on the dependence of fibrillation rate constants on the denaturant concentration (m-values) determined from fibrillation curves. For both proteins, urea mainly affects nucleation and elongation (not fragmentation), consistent with the fact that these steps involve both intra- and intermolecular association. The two steps have similar m-values, indicating that activation steps in nucleation and elongation involve the same level of folding. Surprisingly, deletion of two or three repeats from FapC leads to larger m-values (i.e. higher compactification) during the activation step of fibril growth. This observation is extended by SAXS analysis of the fibrils which indicates that weakening of the amyloidogenic core caused by repeat deletions causes a larger portion of normally unstructured regions of the protein to be included into the amyloid backbone. We conclude that the sensitivity of fibrillation to denaturants can provide useful insight into molecular mechanisms of aggregation.  相似文献   

The progressive accumulation of insoluble aggregates of the presynaptic protein alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) is a hallmark of neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease (PD), Multiple System Atrophy, and Dementia with Lewy Bodies, commonly referred to as synucleinopathies. Despite considerable progress on the structural biology of these aggregates, the molecular mechanisms mediating their cell-to-cell transmission, propagation, and neurotoxicity remain only partially understood. Numerous studies have highlighted the stereotypical spatiotemporal spreading of pathological α-Syn aggregates across different tissues and anatomically connected brain regions over time. Experimental evidence from various cellular and animal models indicate that α-Syn transfer occurs in two defined steps: the release of pathogenic α-Syn species from infected cells, and their uptake via passive or active endocytic pathways. Once α-Syn aggregates have been internalized, little is known about what drives their toxicity or how they interact with the endogenous protein to promote its misfolding and subsequent aggregation. Similarly, unknown genetic factors modulate different cellular responses to the aggregation and accumulation of pathogenic α-Syn species. Here we discuss the current understanding of the molecular phenomena associated with the intercellular spreading of pathogenic α-Syn seeds and summarize the evidence supporting the transmission hypothesis. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in α-Syn aggregates transmission is essential to develop novel targeted therapeutics against PD and related synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNPA1) is a multifunctional RNA-binding protein that is associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multisystem proteinopathy. In this study, we have used cryo-electron microscopy to investigate the three-dimensional structure of amyloid fibrils from full-length hnRNPA1 protein. We find that the fibril core is formed by a 45-residue segment of the prion-like low-complexity domain of the protein, whereas the remaining parts of the protein (275 residues) form a fuzzy coat around the fibril core. The fibril consists of two fibril protein stacks that are arranged into a pseudo-21 screw symmetry. The ordered core harbors several of the positions that are known to be affected by disease-associated mutations, but does not encompass the most aggregation-prone segments of the protein. These data indicate that the structures of amyloid fibrils from full-length proteins may be more complex than anticipated by current theories on protein misfolding.  相似文献   

The prediction of highly ordered three-dimensional structures of amyloid protein fibrils from the amino acid sequences of their monomeric self-assembly precursors constitutes a challenging and unresolved aspect of the classical protein folding problem. Because of the polymorphic nature of amyloid assembly whereby polypeptide chains of identical amino acid sequences under identical conditions are capable of self-assembly into a spectrum of different fibril structures, the prediction of amyloid structures from an amino acid sequence requires a detailed and holistic understanding of its assembly free energy landscape. The full extent of the structure space accessible to the cross-β molecular architecture of amyloid must also be resolved. Here, we review the current understanding of the diversity and the individuality of amyloid structures, and how the polymorphic landscape of amyloid links to biology and disease phenotypes. We present a comprehensive review of structural models of amyloid fibrils derived by cryo-EM, ssNMR and AFM to date, and discuss the challenges ahead for resolving the structural basis and the biological consequences of polymorphic amyloid assemblies.  相似文献   

Traditionally, structural biologists approach the complexity of cellular proteomes in a reductionist manner. Proteomes are fractionated, their molecular components purified and studied one-by-one using the experimental methods for structure determination at their disposal. Visual proteomics aims at obtaining a holistic picture of cellular proteomes by studying them in situ, ideally in unperturbed cellular environments. The method that enables doing this at highest resolution is cryo-electron tomography. It allows to visualize cellular landscapes with molecular resolution generating maps or atlases revealing the interaction networks which underlie cellular functions in health and in disease states. Current implementations of cryo ET do not yet realize the full potential of the method in terms of resolution and interpretability. To this end, further improvements in technology and methodology are needed. This review describes the state of the art as well as measures which we expect will help overcoming current limitations.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant is a lipid-protein complex that coats the alveolar air-liquid interface, enabling the proper functioning of lung mechanics. The hydrophobic surfactant protein SP-B, in particular, plays an indispensable role in promoting the rapid adsorption of phospholipids into the interface. For this, formation of SP-B ring-shaped assemblies seems to be important, as oligomerization could be required for the ability of the protein to generate membrane contacts and to mediate lipid transfer among surfactant structures. SP-B, together with the other hydrophobic surfactant protein SP-C, also promotes permeability of surfactant membranes to polar molecules although the molecular mechanisms underlying this property, as well as its relevance for the surface activity of the protein, remain undefined. In this work, the contribution of SP-B and SP-C to surfactant membrane permeability has been further investigated, by evaluation of the ability of differently-sized fluorescent polar probes to permeate through giant vesicles with different lipid/protein composition. Our results are consistent with the generation by SP-B of pores with defined size in surfactant membranes. Furthermore, incubation of surfactant with an anti-SP-B antibody not only blocked membrane permeability but also affected lipid transfer into the air-water interface, as observed in a captive bubble surfactometer device. Our findings include the identification of SP-C and anionic phospholipids as modulators required for maintaining native-like permeability features in pulmonary surfactant membranes. Proper permeability through membrane assemblies could be crucial to complement the overall role of surfactant in maintaining alveolar equilibrium, beyond its biophysical function in stabilizing the respiratory air-liquid interface.  相似文献   

Biliverdin-binding serpins (BBSs) are proteins that are responsible for coloration in amphibians and fluoresce in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region. Here we produced the first functional recombinant BBS of the polka-dot treefrog Boana punctata (BpBBS), assembled with its biliverdin (BV) chromophore, and report its biochemical and photochemical characterization. We determined the crystal structure of BpBBS at 2.05 Å resolution, which demonstrated its structural homology to the mammalian protease inhibitor alpha-1-antitrypsin. BV interaction with BpBBS was studied and it was found that the N-terminal polypeptide (residues 19–50) plays a critical role in the BV binding. By comparing BpBBS with the available NIR fluorescent proteins and expressing it in mammalian cells, we demonstrated its potential as a NIR imaging probe. These results provide insight into the non-inhibitory function of serpins, provide a basis for improving their performance in mammalian cells, and suggest possible paths for the development of BBS-based fluorescent probes.  相似文献   

Mass-spectrometry-enabled ADP-ribosylation workflows are developing rapidly, providing researchers a variety of ADP-ribosylome enrichment strategies and mass spectrometric acquisition options. Despite the growth spurt in upstream technologies, systematic ADP-ribosyl (ADPr) peptide mass spectral annotation methods are lacking. HCD-dependent ADP-ribosylome studies are common, but the resulting MS2 spectra are complex, owing to a mixture of b/y-ions and the m/p-ion peaks representing one or more dissociation events of the ADPr moiety (m-ion) and peptide (p-ion). In particular, p-ions that dissociate further into one or more fragment ions can dominate HCD spectra but are not recognized by standard spectral annotation workflows. As a result, annotation strategies that are solely reliant upon the b/y-ions result in lower spectral scores that in turn reduce the number of reportable ADPr peptides. To improve the confidence of spectral assignments, we implemented an ADPr peptide annotation and scoring strategy. All MS2 spectra are scored for the ADPr m-ions, but once spectra are assigned as an ADPr peptide, they are further annotated and scored for the p-ions. We implemented this novel workflow to ADPr peptides enriched from the liver and spleen isolated from mice post 4 h exposure to systemic IFN-γ. HCD collision energy experiments were first performed on the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos and the Q Exactive, with notable ADPr peptide dissociation properties verified with CID (Lumos). The m-ion and p-ion series score distributions revealed that ADPr peptide dissociation properties vary markedly between instruments and within instrument collision energy settings, with consequences on ADPr peptide reporting and amino acid localization. Consequentially, we increased the number of reportable ADPr peptides by 25% (liver) and 17% (spleen) by validation and the inclusion of lower confidence ADPr peptide spectra. This systematic annotation strategy will streamline future reporting of ADPr peptides that have been sequenced using any HCD/CID-based method.  相似文献   

Allosteric proteins transition between ‘inactive’ and ‘active’ states. In general, such proteins assume distinct conformational states at the level of secondary, tertiary and/or quaternary structure. Different conformers of an allosteric protein can be antigenically dissimilar and induce antibodies with a highly distinctive specificities and neutralizing functional effects. Here we summarize studies on various functional types of monoclonal antibodies obtained against different allosteric conformers of the mannose-specific bacterial adhesin FimH – the most common cell attachment protein of Escherichia coli and other enterobacterial pathogens. Included are types of antibodies that activate the FimH function via interaction with ligand-induced binding sites or by wedging between domains as well as antibodies that inhibit FimH through orthosteric, parasteric, or novel dynasteric mechanisms. Understanding the molecular mechanism of antibody action against allosteric proteins provides insights on how to design antibodies with a desired functional effect, including those with neutralizing activity against bacterial and viral cell attachment proteins.  相似文献   

In the future, humans may live in space because of global pollution and weather fluctuations. In microgravity, convection does not occur, which may change the amyloidogenicity of proteins. However, the effect of gravity on amyloid fibril formation is unclear and remains to be elucidated. Here, we analyzed the effect of microgravity on amyloid fibril formation of amyloidogenic proteins including insulin, amyloid β42 (Aβ42), and transthyretin (TTR). We produced microgravity (10?3 g) by using the gravity controller Gravite. Human insulin, Aβ42, and human wild-type TTR (TTRwt) were incubated at pH 3.0, 7.0, and 3.5 at 37 °C, respectively, in 1 g on the ground or in microgravity. We measured amyloidogenicity via the thioflavin T (ThT) method and cell-based 1-fluoro-2,5-bis[(E)-3-carboxy-4-hydroxystyryl]benzene (FSB) assay. ThT fluorescence intensity and cell-based FSB assay results for human insulin samples were decreased in microgravity compared with results in 1 g. Aβ42 samples did not differ in ThT fluorescence intensity in microgravity and in 1 g on the ground. However, in the cell-based FSB assay, the staining intensity was reduced in microgravity compared with that on 1 g. Human TTRwt tended to form fewer amyloid fibrils in ThT fluorescence intensity and cell-based FSB assays in microgravity than in 1 g. Human insulin and Aβ42 showed decreased amyloid fibril formation in microgravity compared with that in 1 g. Human TTRwt tended to form fewer amyloid fibrils in microgravity. Our experiments suggest that the earth's gravity may be an accelerating factor for amyloid fibril formation.  相似文献   

A substantial portion of the proteome consists of intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) that do not fold into well-defined 3D structures yet perform numerous biological functions and are associated with a broad range of diseases. It has been a long-standing enigma how different IDRs successfully execute their specific functions. Further putting a spotlight on IDRs are recent discoveries of functionally relevant biomolecular assemblies, which in some cases form through liquid-liquid phase separation. At the molecular level, the formation of biomolecular assemblies is largely driven by weak, multivalent, but selective IDR-IDR interactions. Emerging experimental and computational studies suggest that the primary amino acid sequences of IDRs encode a variety of their interaction behaviors. In this review, we focus on findings and insights that connect sequence-derived features of IDRs to their conformations, propensities to form biomolecular assemblies, selectivity of interaction partners, functions in the context of physiology and disease, and regulation of function. We also discuss directions of future research to facilitate establishing a comprehensive sequence-function paradigm that will eventually allow prediction of selective interactions and specificity of function mediated by IDRs.  相似文献   

The protein tau is involved in several neurogenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, where tau content and fibrillation have been linked to disease progression. Tau colocalizes with phospholipids and glycosaminoglycans in vivo. We investigated if and how tau fibrillation can be induced by two lysophospholipids, namely the zwitterionic 1-myristoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (LPC) and the anionic 1-myristoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1′-rac-glycerol) (LPG) as well as the glycosaminoglycan heparin. We used a range of biophysical techniques including small-angle X-ray scattering, Thioflavin T fluorescence, and SDS-PAGE, collecting data at various time points to obtain structural information on each phase of the fibrillation. We find that LPC does not induce fibrillation or interact with tau. Low concentrations of LPG induce fibrillation by formation of small hydrophobic clusters with monomeric tau. At higher LPG concentrations, a core–shell complex is formed where tau wraps around LPG micelles with regions extending away from the micelles. For heparin, loosely associated oligomers are formed rapidly with around ten tau molecules. Fibrils formed with either LPG or heparin show similar final cross-section dimensions. Furthermore, SDS-resistant oligomers are observed for both LPG and heparin. Our study demonstrates that tau fibrillation can be induced by two different biologically relevant cofactors leading to structurally different initial states but similar cross-sectional dimensions for the fibrils. Structural information about initial states prior to fibril formation is important both to gain a better understanding of the onset of fibrillation in vivo, and for the development of targeted drugs that can reduce or abolish tau fibrillation.  相似文献   

The FimH protein of Escherichia coli is a model two-domain adhesin that is able to mediate an allosteric catch bond mechanism of bacterial cell attachment, where the mannose-binding lectin domain switches from an ‘inactive’ conformation with fast binding to mannose to an ‘active’ conformation with slow detachment from mannose. Because mechanical tensile force favors separation of the domains and, thus, FimH activation, it has been thought that the catch bonds can only be manifested in a fluidic shear-dependent mode of adhesion. Here, we used recombinant FimH variants with a weakened inter-domain interaction and show that a fast and sustained allosteric activation of FimH can also occur under static, non-shear conditions. Moreover, it appears that lectin domain conformational activation happens intrinsically at a constant rate, independently from its ability to interact with the pilin domain or mannose. However, the latter two factors control the rate of FimH deactivation. Thus, the allosteric catch bond mechanism can be a much broader phenomenon involved in both fast and strong cell-pathogen attachments under a broad range of hydrodynamic conditions. This concept that allostery can enable more effective receptor-ligand interactions is fundamentally different from the conventional wisdom that allostery provides a mechanism to turn binding off under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Albumin is the most abundant protein in the blood serum of mammals and has essential carrier and physiological roles. Albumins are also used in a wide variety of molecular and cellular experiments and in the cultivated meat industry. Despite their importance, however, albumins are challenging for heterologous expression in microbial hosts, likely due to 17 conserved intramolecular disulfide bonds. Therefore, albumins used in research and biotechnological applications either derive from animal serum, despite severe ethical and reproducibility concerns, or from recombinant expression in yeast or rice. We use the PROSS algorithm to stabilize human and bovine serum albumins, finding that all are highly expressed in E. coli. Design accuracy is verified by crystallographic analysis of a human albumin variant with 16 mutations. This albumin variant exhibits ligand binding properties similar to those of the wild type. Remarkably, a design with 73 mutations relative to human albumin exhibits over 40 °C improved stability and is stable beyond the boiling point of water. Our results suggest that proteins with many disulfide bridges have the potential to exhibit extreme stability when subjected to design. The designed albumins may be used to make economical, reproducible, and animal-free reagents for molecular and cell biology. They also open the way to high-throughput screening to study and enhance albumin carrier properties.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the CBb subunit of crotoxin, a β-neurotoxin with phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity, targets the human ΔF508CFTR chloride channel implicated in cystic fibrosis (CF). By direct binding to the nucleotide binding domain 1 (NBD1) of ΔF508CFTR, this neurotoxic PLA2 acts as a potentiator increasing chloride channel current and corrects the trafficking defect of misfolded ΔF508CFTR inside the cell.Here, for a therapeutics development of new anti-cystic fibrosis agents, we use a structure-based in silico approach to design peptides mimicking the CBb-ΔF508NBD1 interface. Combining biophysical and electrophysiological methods, we identify several peptides that interact with the ΔF508NBD1 domain and reveal their effects as potentiators on phosphorylated ΔF508CFTR. Moreover, protein-peptide interactions and electrophysiological studies allowed us to identify key residues of ΔF508NBD1 governing the interactions with the novel potentiators. The designed peptides bind to the same region as CBb phospholipase A2 on ΔF508NBD1 and potentiate chloride channel activity. Certain peptides also show an additive effect towards the clinically approved VX-770 potentiator. The identified CF therapeutics peptides represent a novel class of CFTR potentiators and illustrate a strategy leading to reproducing the effect of specific protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

Over 359 million tons of plastics were produced worldwide in 2018, with significant growth expected in the near future, resulting in the global challenge of end-of-life management. The recent identification of enzymes that degrade plastics previously considered non-biodegradable opens up opportunities to steer the plastic recycling industry into the realm of biotechnology.Here, the sequential conversion of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into two types of bioplastics is presented: a medium chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and a novel bio-based poly(amide urethane) (bio-PU). PET films are hydrolyzed by a thermostable polyester hydrolase yielding highly pure terephthalate and ethylene glycol. The obtained hydrolysate is used directly as a feedstock for a terephthalate-degrading Pseudomonas umsongensis GO16, also evolved to efficiently metabolize ethylene glycol, to produce PHA. The strain is further modified to secrete hydroxyalkanoyloxy-alkanoates (HAAs), which are used as monomers for the chemo-catalytic synthesis of bio-PU. In short, a novel value-chain for PET upcycling is shown that circumvents the costly purification of PET monomers, adding technological flexibility to the global challenge of end-of-life management of plastics.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ antiporters comprise a super-family (CPA) of membrane proteins that are found in all kingdoms of life and are essential in cellular homeostasis of pH, Na+ and volume. Their activity is strictly dependent on pH, a property that underpins their role in pH homeostasis. While several human homologues have long been drug targets, NhaA of Escherichia coli has become the paradigm for this class of secondary active transporters as NhaA crystal structure provided insight into the architecture of this molecular machine. However, the mechanism of the strict pH dependence of NhaA is missing. Here, as a follow up of a recent evolutionary analysis that identified a ‘CPA motif’, we rationally designed three E. coli NhaA mutants: D133S, I134T, and the double mutant D133S-I134T. Exploring growth phenotype, transport activity and Li+-binding of the mutants, we revealed that Asp133 does not participate directly in proton binding, nor does it directly dictate the pH-dependent transport of NhaA. Strikingly, the variant I134T lost some of the pH control, and the D133S-Il134T double mutant retained Li+ binding in a pH independent fashion. Concurrent to loss of pH control, these mutants bound Li+ more strongly than the WT. Both positions are in close vicinity to the ion-binding site of the antiporter, attributing the results to electrostatic interaction between these residues and Asp164 of the ion-binding site. This is consistent with pH sensing resulting from direct coupling between cation binding and deprotonation in Asp164, which applies also to other CPA antiporters that are involved in human diseases.  相似文献   

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