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ABCG2 is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter whose function affects the pharmacokinetics of drugs and contributes to multidrug resistance of cancer cells. While its interaction with the endogenous substrate estrone-3-sulfate (E1S) has been elucidated at a structural level, the recognition and recruitment of exogenous compounds is not understood at sufficiently high resolution. Here we present three cryo-EM structures of nanodisc-reconstituted, human ABCG2 bound to anticancer drugs tariquidar, topotecan and mitoxantrone. To enable structural insight at high resolution, we used Fab fragments of the ABCG2-specific monoclonal antibody 5D3, which binds to the external side of the transporter but does not interfere with drug-induced stimulation of ATPase activity. We observed that the binding pocket of ABCG2 can accommodate a single tariquidar molecule in a C-shaped conformation, similar to one of the two tariquidar molecules bound to ABCB1, where tariquidar acts as an inhibitor. We also found single copies of topotecan and mitoxantrone bound between key phenylalanine residues. Mutagenesis experiments confirmed the functional importance of two residues in the binding pocket, F439 and N436. Using 3D variability analyses, we found a correlation between substrate binding and reduced dynamics of the nucleotide binding domains (NBDs), suggesting a structural explanation for drug-induced ATPase stimulation. Our findings provide additional insight into how ABCG2 differentiates between inhibitors and substrates and may guide a rational design of new modulators and substrates.  相似文献   

ABCG1 is an ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter that removes excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues. Despite its role in preventing lipid accumulation and the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disease, the mechanism underpinning ABCG1-mediated cholesterol transport is unknown. Here we report a cryo-EM structure of human ABCG1 at 4 Å resolution in an inward-open state, featuring sterol-like density in the binding cavity. Structural comparison with the multidrug transporter ABCG2 and the sterol transporter ABCG5/G8 reveals the basis of mechanistic differences and distinct substrate specificity. Benzamil and taurocholate inhibited the ATPase activity of liposome-reconstituted ABCG1, whereas the ABCG2 inhibitor Ko143 did not. Based on the structural insights into ABCG1, we propose a mechanism for ABCG1-mediated cholesterol transport.  相似文献   

SUMO proteases or deSUMOylases regulate the lifetime of SUMO-conjugated targets in the cell by cleaving off the isopetidic bond between the substrate and the SUMO modifier, thus reversing the conjugation activity of the SUMO E3 ligases. In humans the deSUMOylating activity is mainly conducted by the SENP/ULP protease family, which is constituted of six members sharing a homologous catalytic globular domain. SENP6 and SENP7 are the most divergent members of the family and they show a unique SUMO2/3 isoform preference and a particular activity for dismantling polySUMO2 chains. Here, we present the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human SENP7 bound to SUMO2, revealing structural key elements for the SUMO2 isoform specificity of SENP7. In particular, we describe the specific contacts between SUMO2 and a unique insertion in SENP7 (named Loop1) that is responsible for the SUMO2 isoform specificity. All the other interface contacts between SENP7 and SUMO2, including the SUMO2 C-terminal tail interaction, are conserved among members of the SENP/ULP family. Our data give insight into an evolutionary adaptation to restrict the deSUMOylating activity in SENP6 and SENP7 for the SUMO2/3 isoforms.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) sterol transporters are responsible for maintaining cholesterol homeostasis in mammals by participating in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) or transintestinal cholesterol efflux (TICE). The heterodimeric ABCG5/G8 carries out selective sterol excretion, preventing the abnormal accumulation of plant sterols in human bodies, while homodimeric ABCG1 contributes to the biogenesis and metabolism of high-density lipoproteins. A sterol-binding site on ABCG5/G8 was proposed at the interface of the transmembrane domain and the core of lipid bilayers. In this study, we have determined the crystal structure of ABCG5/G8 in a cholesterol-bound state. The structure combined with amino acid sequence analysis shows that in the proximity of the sterol-binding site, a highly conserved phenylalanine array supports functional implications for ABCG cholesterol/sterol transporters. Lastly, in silico docking analysis of cholesterol and stigmasterol (a plant sterol) suggests sterol-binding selectivity on ABCG5/G8, but not ABCG1. Together, our results provide a structural basis for cholesterol binding on ABCG5/G8 and the sterol selectivity by ABCG transporters.  相似文献   

Many of the world's most important food crops such as rice, barley and maize accumulate silicon (Si) to high levels, resulting in better plant growth and crop yields. The first step in Si accumulation is the uptake of silicic acid by the roots, a process mediated by the structurally uncharacterised NIP subfamily of aquaporins, also named metalloid porins. Here, we present the X-ray crystal structure of the archetypal NIP family member from Oryza sativa (OsNIP2;1). The OsNIP2;1 channel is closed in the crystal structure by the cytoplasmic loop D, which is known to regulate channel opening in classical plant aquaporins. The structure further reveals a novel, five-residue extracellular selectivity filter with a large diameter. Unbiased molecular dynamics simulations show a rapid opening of the channel and visualise how silicic acid interacts with the selectivity filter prior to transmembrane diffusion. Our results will enable detailed structure–function studies of metalloid porins, including the basis of their substrate selectivity.  相似文献   

Allostery plays a primary role in regulating protein activity, making it an important mechanism in human disease and drug discovery. Identifying allosteric regulatory sites to explore their biological significance and therapeutic potential is invaluable to drug discovery; however, identification remains a challenge. Allosteric sites are often “cryptic” without clear geometric or chemical features. Since allosteric regulatory sites are often less conserved in protein kinases than the orthosteric ATP binding site, allosteric ligands are commonly more specific than ATP competitive inhibitors. We present a generalizable computational protocol to predict allosteric ligand binding sites based on unbiased ligand binding simulation trajectories. We demonstrate the feasibility of this protocol by revisiting our previously published ligand binding simulations using the first identified viral proto-oncogene, Src kinase, as a model system. The binding paths for kinase inhibitor PP1 uncovered three metastable intermediate states before binding the high-affinity ATP-binding pocket, revealing two previously known allosteric sites and one novel site. Herein, we validate the novel site using a combination of virtual screening and experimental assays to identify a V-type allosteric small-molecule inhibitor that targets this novel site with specificity for Src over closely related kinases. This study provides a proof-of-concept for employing unbiased ligand binding simulations to identify cryptic allosteric binding sites and is widely applicable to other protein–ligand systems.  相似文献   

DEP domain containing mTOR-interacting protein (DEPTOR) plays pivotal roles in regulating metabolism, growth, autophagy and apoptosis by functions as an endogenous inhibitor of mTOR signaling pathway. Activated by phosphatidic acid, a second messenger in mTOR signaling, DEPTOR dissociates from mTORC1 complex with unknown mechanism. Here, we present a 1.5 Å resolution crystal structure, which shows that the N-terminal two tandem DEP domains of hDEPTOR fold into a dumbbell-shaped structure, protruding the characteristic β-hairpin arms of DEP domains on each side. An 18 amino acids DDEX motif at the end of DEP2 interacts with DEP1 and stabilizes the structure. Biochemical studies showed that the tandem DEP domains directly interact with phosphatidic acid using two distinct positively charged patches. These results provide insights into mTOR activation upon phosphatidic acid stimulation.  相似文献   

DNA glycosylases remove damaged or modified nucleobases by cleaving the N-glycosyl bond and the correct nucleotide is restored through subsequent base excision repair. In addition to excising threatening lesions, DNA glycosylases contribute to epigenetic regulation by mediating DNA demethylation and perform other important functions. However, the catalytic mechanism remains poorly defined for many glycosylases, including MBD4 (methyl-CpG binding domain IV), a member of the helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) superfamily. MBD4 excises thymine from G·T mispairs, suppressing mutations caused by deamination of 5-methylcytosine, and it removes uracil and modified uracils (e.g., 5-hydroxymethyluracil) mispaired with guanine. To investigate the mechanism of MBD4 we solved high-resolution structures of enzyme-DNA complexes at three stages of catalysis. Using a non-cleavable substrate analog, 2′-deoxy-pseudouridine, we determined the first structure of an enzyme-substrate complex for wild-type MBD4, which confirms interactions that mediate lesion recognition and suggests that a catalytic Asp, highly conserved in HhH enzymes, binds the putative nucleophilic water molecule and stabilizes the transition state. Observation that mutating the Asp (to Gly) reduces activity by 2700-fold indicates an important role in catalysis, but probably not one as the nucleophile in a double-displacement reaction, as previously suggested. Consistent with direct-displacement hydrolysis, a structure of the enzyme-product complex indicates a reaction leading to inversion of configuration. A structure with DNA containing 1-azadeoxyribose models a potential oxacarbenium-ion intermediate and suggests the Asp could facilitate migration of the electrophile towards the nucleophilic water. Finally, the structures provide detailed snapshots of the HhH motif, informing how these ubiquitous metal-binding elements mediate DNA binding.  相似文献   

The RNA-targeting type VI CRISPR-Cas effector complexes are widely used in biotechnology applications such as gene knockdown, RNA editing, and molecular diagnostics. Compared with Cas13a from mesophilic organisms, a newly discovered Cas13a from thermophilic bacteria Thermoclostridium caenicola (TccCas13a) shows low sequence similarity, high thermostability, and lacks pre-crRNA processing activity. The thermostability of TccCas13a has been harnessed to make a sensitive and robust tool for nucleic acid detection. Here we present the structures of TccCas13a-crRNA binary complex at 2.8 Å, and TccCas13a at 3.5 Å. Although TccCas13a shares a similarly bilobed architecture with other mesophilic organism-derived Cas13a proteins, TccCas13a displayed distinct structure features. Specifically, it holds a long crRNA 5′-flank, forming extensive polar contacts with Helical-1 and HEPN2 domains. The detailed analysis of the interaction between crRNA 5′-flank and TccCas13a suggested lack of suitable nucleophile to attack the 2′-OH of crRNA 5′-flank may explain why TccCas13a fails to cleave pre-crRNA. The stem-loop segment of crRNA spacer toggles between double-stranded and single-stranded conformational states, suggesting a potential safeguard mechanism for target recognition. Superimposition of the structures of TccCas13a and TccCas13a-crRNA revealed several conformational changes required for crRNA loading, including dramatic movement of Helical-2 domain. Collectively, these structural insights expand our understanding into type VI CRISPR-Cas effectors, and would facilitate the development of TccCas13a-based applications.  相似文献   

Proteins fluctuate between different conformations in solution, and these conformational fluctuations can be important for protein function and allosteric regulation. The chorismate mutase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScCM), a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids, is allosterically activated and inhibited by tryptophan and tyrosine, respectively. It was initially proposed that in the absence of effector, ScCM fluctuates between activated R and inhibited T conformations according to the Monod-Wyman-Changeux (MWC) model, although a more complex regulation pattern was later suggested by mutagenesis and kinetic data. Here we used NMR relaxation dispersion experiments to understand the conformational fluctuations on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale that occur in ScCM. In the absence of allosteric effectors, ScCM did not exclusively exchange between T and R conformations, suggesting that the two-state MWC model is insufficient to explain conformational dynamics. Addition of tyrosine led to the quenching of much of the motion on this timescale, while new motions were identified in the presence of tryptophan. These new motions are consistent with conformational fluctuations into an alternative conformation that may be important for enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related protein kinases (PIKKs) play critical roles in various metabolic pathways related to cell proliferation and survival. The TELO2-TTI1-TTI2 (TTT) complex has been proposed to recognize newly synthesized PIKKs and to deliver them to the R2TP complex (RUVBL1-RUVBL2-RPAP3-PIH1D1) and the heat shock protein 90 chaperone, thereby supporting their folding and assembly. Here, we determined the cryo-EM structure of the TTT complex at an average resolution of 4.2 Å. We describe the full-length structures of TTI1 and TELO2, and a partial structure of TTI2. All three proteins form elongated helical repeat structures. TTI1 provides a platform on which TELO2 and TTI2 bind to its central region and C-terminal end, respectively. The TELO2 C-terminal domain (CTD) is required for the interaction with TTI1 and recruitment of Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM). The N- and C-terminal segments of TTI1 recognize the FRAP-ATM-TRRAP (FAT) domain and the N-terminal HEAT repeats of ATM, respectively. The TELO2 CTD and TTI1 N- and C-terminal segments are required for cell survival in response to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

A general approach for the rapid and selective inhibition of enzymes in cells using a common tool compound would be of great value for research and therapeutic development. We previously reported a chemogenetic strategy that addresses this challenge for kinases, relying on bioorthogonal tethering of a pan inhibitor to a target kinase through a genetically encoded non-canonical amino acid. However, pan inhibitors are not available for many enzyme classes. Here, we expand the scope of the chemogenetic strategy to cysteine-dependent enzymes by bioorthogonal tethering of electrophilic warheads. For proof of concept, selective inhibition of two E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, UBE2L3 and UBE2D1, was demonstrated in biochemical assays. Further development and optimization of this approach should enable its use in cells as well as with other cysteine-dependent enzymes, facilitating the investigation of their cellular function and validation as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered concerns about the emergence of more infectious and pathogenic viral strains. As a public health measure, efficient screening methods are needed to determine the functional effects of new sequence variants. Here we show that structural modeling of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein binding to the human ACE2 receptor, the first step in host-cell entry, predicts many novel variant combinations with enhanced binding affinities. By focusing on natural variants at the Spike-hACE2 interface and assessing over 700 mutant complexes, our analysis reveals that high-affinity Spike mutations (including N440K, S443A, G476S, E484R, G502P) tend to cluster near known human ACE2 recognition sites (K31 and K353). These Spike regions are structurally flexible, allowing certain mutations to optimize interface interaction energies. Although most human ACE2 variants tend to weaken binding affinity, they can interact with Spike mutations to generate high-affinity double mutant complexes, suggesting variation in individual susceptibility to infection. Applying structural analysis to highly transmissible variants, we find that circulating point mutations S477N, E484K and N501Y form high-affinity complexes (~40% more than wild-type). By combining predicted affinities and available antibody escape data, we show that fast-spreading viral variants exploit combinatorial mutations possessing both enhanced affinity and antibody resistance, including S477N/E484K, E484K/N501Y and K417T/E484K/N501Y. Thus, three-dimensional modeling of the Spike/hACE2 complex predicts changes in structure and binding affinity that correlate with transmissibility and therefore can help inform future intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Magnesium ions (Mg2+) are the most abundant divalent cations in living organisms and are essential for various physiological processes, including ATP utilization and the catalytic activity of numerous enzymes. Therefore, the homeostatic mechanisms associated with cellular Mg2+ are crucial for both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms and are thus strictly controlled by Mg2+ channels and transporters. Technological advances in structural biology, such as the expression screening of membrane proteins, in meso phase crystallization, and recent cryo-EM techniques, have enabled the structure determination of numerous Mg2+ channels and transporters. In this review article, we provide an overview of the families of Mg2+ channels and transporters (MgtE/SLC41, TRPM6/7, CorA/Mrs2, CorC/CNNM), and discuss the structural biology prospects based on the known structures of MgtE, TRPM7, CorA and CorC.  相似文献   

Allosteric proteins transition between ‘inactive’ and ‘active’ states. In general, such proteins assume distinct conformational states at the level of secondary, tertiary and/or quaternary structure. Different conformers of an allosteric protein can be antigenically dissimilar and induce antibodies with a highly distinctive specificities and neutralizing functional effects. Here we summarize studies on various functional types of monoclonal antibodies obtained against different allosteric conformers of the mannose-specific bacterial adhesin FimH – the most common cell attachment protein of Escherichia coli and other enterobacterial pathogens. Included are types of antibodies that activate the FimH function via interaction with ligand-induced binding sites or by wedging between domains as well as antibodies that inhibit FimH through orthosteric, parasteric, or novel dynasteric mechanisms. Understanding the molecular mechanism of antibody action against allosteric proteins provides insights on how to design antibodies with a desired functional effect, including those with neutralizing activity against bacterial and viral cell attachment proteins.  相似文献   

Allostery is a phenomenon that the protein activity is regulated when a non-functional site on it is bounded. This phenomenon is important in life process and disease therapy. However, it is difficult to study allostery due to the lack of knowledge. Facing this demand, we have created Allosteric Database (ASD) 10 years before to collect numerous kinds of allosteric data. In this review, we will introduce the 4 categories of data in ASD. For each category, we further reviewed how researchers applied ASD data to conduct studies. We focused on their research topics, analytical methods and conclusions. Several discoveries of new drug targets and allosteric modulators driven by ASD are also summarized. We hope this review could inspire researchers with new utilities of ASD data.  相似文献   

Retinoblastoma-binding protein 1 (RBBP1) is involved in gene regulation, epigenetic regulation, and disease processes. RBBP1 contains five domains with DNA-binding or histone-binding activities, but how RBBP1 specifically recognizes chromatin is still unknown. An AT-rich interaction domain (ARID) in RBBP1 was proposed to be the key region for DNA-binding and gene suppression. Here, we first determined the solution structure of a tandem PWWP-ARID domain mutant of RBBP1 after deletion of a long flexible acidic loop L12 in the ARID domain. NMR titration results indicated that the ARID domain interacts with DNA with no GC- or AT-rich preference. Surprisingly, we found that the loop L12 binds to the DNA-binding region of the ARID domain as a DNA mimic and inhibits DNA binding. The loop L12 can also bind weakly to the Tudor and chromobarrel domains of RBBP1, but binds more strongly to the DNA-binding region of the histone H2A-H2B heterodimer. Furthermore, both the loop L12 and DNA can enhance the binding of the chromobarrel domain to H3K4me3 and H4K20me3. Based on these results, we propose a model of chromatin recognition by RBBP1, which highlights the unexpected multiple key roles of the disordered acidic loop L12 in the specific binding of RBBP1 to chromatin.  相似文献   

The FimH protein of Escherichia coli is a model two-domain adhesin that is able to mediate an allosteric catch bond mechanism of bacterial cell attachment, where the mannose-binding lectin domain switches from an ‘inactive’ conformation with fast binding to mannose to an ‘active’ conformation with slow detachment from mannose. Because mechanical tensile force favors separation of the domains and, thus, FimH activation, it has been thought that the catch bonds can only be manifested in a fluidic shear-dependent mode of adhesion. Here, we used recombinant FimH variants with a weakened inter-domain interaction and show that a fast and sustained allosteric activation of FimH can also occur under static, non-shear conditions. Moreover, it appears that lectin domain conformational activation happens intrinsically at a constant rate, independently from its ability to interact with the pilin domain or mannose. However, the latter two factors control the rate of FimH deactivation. Thus, the allosteric catch bond mechanism can be a much broader phenomenon involved in both fast and strong cell-pathogen attachments under a broad range of hydrodynamic conditions. This concept that allostery can enable more effective receptor-ligand interactions is fundamentally different from the conventional wisdom that allostery provides a mechanism to turn binding off under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Retroviral Gag targeting to the plasma membrane (PM) for assembly is mediated by the N-terminal matrix (MA) domain. For many retroviruses, Gag–PM interaction is dependent on phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2). However, it has been shown that for human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), Gag binding to membranes is less dependent on PI(4,5)P2 than HIV-1, suggesting that other factors may modulate Gag assembly. To elucidate the mechanism by which HTLV-1 Gag binds to the PM, we employed NMR techniques to determine the structure of unmyristoylated MA (myr(–)MA) and to characterize its interactions with lipids and liposomes. The MA structure consists of four α-helices and unstructured N- and C-termini. We show that myr(–)MA binds to PI(4,5)P2 via the polar head and that binding to inositol phosphates (IPs) is significantly enhanced by increasing the number of phosphate groups on the inositol ring, indicating that the MA–IP binding is governed by charge–charge interactions. The IP binding site was mapped to a well-defined basic patch formed by lysine and arginine residues. Using an NMR-based liposome binding assay, we show that PI(4,5)P2 and phosphatidylserine enhance myr(–)MA binding in a synergistic fashion. Confocal microscopy data revealed formation of puncta on the PM of Gag expressing cells. However, G2A-Gag mutant, lacking myristoylation, is diffuse and cytoplasmic. These results suggest that although myr(–)MA binds to membranes, myristoylation appears to be key for formation of HTLV-1 Gag puncta on the PM. Altogether, these findings advance our understanding of a key mechanism in retroviral assembly.  相似文献   

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