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Abstract Larval competition is common in container‐breeding mosquitoes. The impact of competition on larval growth has been thoroughly examined and findings that larval competition can lead to density‐dependent effects on adult body size have been documented. The effects of larval competition on adult longevity have been less well explored. The effects of intraspecific larval densities on the longevity of adults maintained under relatively harsh environmental conditions were tested in the laboratory by measuring the longevity of adult Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) that had been reared under a range of larval densities and subsequently maintained in high‐ or low‐humidity regimes (85% or 35% relative humidity [RH], respectively) as adults. We found significant negative effects of competition on adult longevity in Ae. aegypti, but not in Ae. albopictus. Multivariate analysis of variance suggested that the negative effect of the larval environment on the longevity of Ae. aegypti adults was most strongly associated with increased development time and decreased wing length as adults. Understanding how larval competition affects adult longevity under a range of environmental conditions is important in establishing the relationship between models of mosquito population regulation and epidemiological models of vector‐borne disease transmission.  相似文献   

The insect growth regulator (IGR) pyriproxyfen is highly active against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Through continuous emersion of large larvae (instars 3-4) the concentration causing 50% inhibition of adult emergence (EI50) was determined as 0.200 p.p.b. for Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and 3.5 to 7 times less for Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Say): IE50 0.0288 p.p.b. As a possible method of application to larval microcosms of these species that oviposit in water containers and phytotelmata, the horizontal transfer of pyriproxyfen to larval microcosms by adult mosquitoes was evaluated under laboratory conditions. Gravid females were forced to walk on surfaces treated with pyriproxyfen (tarsal contact exposure) and then allowed to oviposit in larval microcosms. Using replicate bioassay cages, each with an oviposition container, and a factorial experimental design, we assessed Ae. albopictus for the effects of (i) pyriproxyfen concentration (0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mg/cm2) contacted by gravid females, and (ii) the number of treated gravid females added to bioassay cages (one, three or five females/cage), on the mortality of larvae in oviposition containers. Only 0.2 mg/cm2 treatment rate was tested on Oc. triseriatus. A significant (P < 0.05) curvilinear response in inhibition of emergence (IE) was achieved on both species. Densities of one or three treated Oc. triseriatus females/cage yielded IE rates of only 21-27%, whereas five treated females/cage resulted in 70% inhibition. With Ae. albopictus, densities of three or five treated females/cage yielded 48-67% and 59-73% IE, respectively, whereas one treated female/cage gave only 4-30% inhibition. Use of IGR-treated oviposition containers to achieve horizontal transfer of pyriproxyfen to mosquito oviposition sites could be a field management technique based on mosquito biology and behaviour. In binary choice tests with Ae. albopictus, horizontal transfer of pyriproxyfen from a container with a treated ovistrip (0.3 or 0.4 mg/cm2) to an untreated microcosm resulted in 14-38% inhibition. In larval bioassays, pyriproxyfen activity declined markedly within 10 days. Forcibly exposing gravid female mosquitoes to pyriproxyfen-treated paper surface did not affect their fecundity. However, from the 1st to 2nd gonotrophic cycles the egg hatch rate declined by 30% (P < 0.05). Some variation of results could be due to interactions between females at the oviposition site, possibly causing disproportionate transfer of pyriproxyfen to larval microcosms. Comparative studies of the oviposition behaviour of each mosquito are warranted and would potentially provide information needed to improve the technique.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the microbial food sources for Aedes triseriatus larvae in microcosms were found to be strongly influenced by larval presence. The total abundance of bacteria in water samples generally increased in response to larvae, including populations of cultivable, facultatively anaerobic bacteria. Additionally, a portion of the community shifted from Pseudomonaceae to Enterobacteriaceae. Bacterial abundance on leaf material was significantly reduced in the presence of actively feeding larvae. Principle-component analysis of whole community fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles showed that larvae changed the microbial community structure in both the water column and the leaf material. Cyclopropyl FAMEs, typically associated with bacteria, were reduced in microcosms containing larvae; however, other bacterial fatty acids showed no consistent response. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids characteristic of microeukaryotes (protozoans and meiofauna) declined in abundance when larvae were present, indicating that larval feeding reduced the densities of these microorganisms. However, presumed fungal lipid markers either increased or were unchanged in response to larvae. Larval presence also affected microbial nitrogen metabolism through modification of the physiochemical conditions or by grazing on populations of bacteria involved in nitrification-denitrification. Stemflow primarily influenced inorganic ion and organic compound concentrations in the microcosms and had less-pronounced effects on microbial community parameters than did larval presence. Stemflow treatments diluted concentrations of all inorganic ions (chloride, sulfate, and ammonium) and organic compounds (total dissolved organic carbon, soluble carbohydrates, and total protein) measured, with the exceptions of nitrite and nitrate. Stemflow addition did not measurably affect larval biomass in the microcosms but did enhance development rates and early emergence patterns of adults.  相似文献   

In 2003, a survey at waste management grounds and tire dealerships was conducted to determine the species composition of mosquitoes in tires in southern Manitoba, Canada. Over 25% of the 1,142 tires sampled contained a total of 32,474 mosquito larvae and pupae. Culex restuans made up at least 95% of the larvae collected for each month of the summer. Culiseta inornata and Culex tarsalis reached their greatest numbers in July and August, respectively, though they were never abundant. Ochlerotatus triseriatus was also found but never reached more than 1% of the total larvae collected in any given month. Mosquito prevalence was more than three times greater in August (36.1%) than in June (11.7%). Orientation affected prevalence of mosquitoes in tires: 31.4% of vertical tires (tires standing on their treads) contained mosquitoes, whereas mosquitoes were found in only 18.9% of horizontal tires (tires parallel to the ground). Tires in the eastern region of Manitoba contained mosquitoes more often (61.7%), irrespective of date, than Winnipeg (25.9%), the central region (29.1%), or the western region (19.8%). Mosquito prevalence was similar across three size categories of tires, car tires (18.8%), truck tires (19.8%), and semi-trailer tires (26.7%), though tractor tires (47.8%) contained significantly more mosquitoes than tires in the other categories.  相似文献   

Interactions between bacterial microbiota and mosquitoes play an important role in mosquitoes’ capacity to transmit pathogens. However, microbiota assemblages within mosquitoes and the impact of microbiota in environments on mosquito development and survival remain unclear. This study examined microbiota assemblages and the effects of aquatic environment microbiota on the larval development of the Aedes albopictus mosquito, an important dengue virus vector. Life table studies have found that reducing bacterial load in natural aquatic habitats through water filtering and treatment with antibiotics significantly reduced the larva‐to‐adult emergence rate. This finding was consistent in two types of larval habitats examined—discarded tires and flowerpots, suggesting that bacteria play a crucial role in larval development. Pyrosequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was used to determine the diversity of bacterial communities in larval habitats and the resulting numbers of mosquitoes under both laboratory and field conditions. The microbiota profiling identified common shared bacteria among samples from different years; further studies are needed to determine whether these bacteria represent a core microbiota. The highest microbiota diversity was found in aquatic habitats, followed by mosquito larvae, and the lowest in adult mosquitoes. Mosquito larvae ingested their bacterial microbiota and nutrients from aquatic habitats of high microbiota diversity. Taken together, the results support the observation that Ae. albopictus larvae are able to utilize diverse bacteria from aquatic habitats and that live bacteria from aquatic habitats play an important role in larval mosquito development and survival. These findings provide new insights into bacteria's role in mosquito larval ecology.  相似文献   

Adult Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) were previously recovered from emergence traps on septic tanks in southeastern Puerto Rico. In this study we quantified immature mosquito abundance and its relationship with structural variables of the septic tanks and chemical properties of the water containing raw sewage. A miniaturized floating funnel trap was used to sample 89 septic tanks for larvae in the Puerto Rican community of Playa‐Playita. Aedes aegypti larvae were recovered from 18% of the sampled tanks (10.3 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and uncovered access ports. Larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and larger tank surface areas, and inversely associated with the total dissolved solids (TDS). Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) larvae were also recovered from 74% of the septic tanks (129.6 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was negatively associated with TDS in the water and larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls. A screened, plastic emergence trap was used to sample 93 septic tanks within the community for Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults. Aedes aegypti adults were recovered from 49% of the sampled tanks (8.7 adults per septic tank per day) and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults were recovered from 97% of the sampled tanks (155.5 adults per septic tank per day). Aedes aegypti adult presence was positively associated with cracking, uncapped openings and septic water pH. The Ae. aegypti adult counts were positively associated with cracking and inversely associated with TDS and conductivity. This study marks the first published record of the recovery of Ae. aegypti larvae from holding tanks containing raw sewage in the Caribbean region. Our study indicates that Ae. aegypti larvae are present in sewage water and that septic tanks have at least the potential to maintain dengue transmission during the dry season.  相似文献   

Vector competence for La Crosse virus (LACV) was compared for four species in the Aedes (Protomacleaya) triseriatus group: Ae. triseriatus (Say), Ae. hendersoni Cockerell, Ae. zoosophus Dyar and Knab and Ae. brelandi Zavortink (Diptera: Culicidae). Rates of replication and dissemination of virus in the mosquito hosts were compared and rates of oral transmission of virus to suckling mice were determined. Barriers to virus dissemination which limited the ability of each species to transmit virus were identified. Ae. zoosophus displayed the highest vector competence for LACV. Both infection and transmission rates were high: 99% and 85% respectively; no significant barriers to LACV were found. Disseminated infection of Ae. triseriatus with LACV was controlled primarily be a midgut escape barrier. When virus was introduced directly into the haemocoel, transmission rates were significantly increased (37% v. 79%). Ae. hendersoni showed high susceptibility to LACV infection but a very low rate of oral transmission (7%). Ae. brelandi was also highly susceptible to infection by LACV and transmitted virus at an intermediate rate (27%). Modulation of vector competence in both Ae. hendersoni and Ae. brelandi resulted from a salivary gland escape barrier. As these four species of mosquitoes comprise a closely related monophyletic series, their differences of vector competence for LACV provide an excellent model for studying the genetic basis of the barriers involved.  相似文献   

Chromosomes from gonads of 14–24 h old pupae of nine species of Stegomyia mosquitoes have been examined using the Giemsa C-banding technique. The species studied were Aedes albopictus, A. polynesienis, A. scutellaris, A. alcasidi, A. seatoi, A. pseudalbopictus, A. melallicus, A. annandalei and A. vittatus. The diploid chromosome number of all species is six. All species possess C-bands in the centromeric regions of each of the three pairs of chromosomes. Besides, an intercalary C-band is present on the female determining (=m) chromosome but absent from the male—determining (= M) chromosome of all species except A. vittatus. In A. vittatus, the m and M chromosomes possess a terminal C-band. Thus, the nine species of Aedes analysed showed two distinct patterns of C-banding. —The evolution of heterochromatin patterns in various species is also discussed. The Giemsa C-banding technique should prove useful in studies of chromosomal speciation in culicine mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Abstract. In preparation for a Filariasis Control programme in Samoa, during 1978 monthly larval surveys of the vector mosquito Aedes polynesiensis were carried out in four study villages in the main island of Upolu. A more extensive survey of larval habitat distribution was then made in twenty-two villages of Upolu and eighteen of Savai'i island, to determine the importance of habitat types according to their abundance, volume of water and whether their productivity was permanent or seasonal. Ae.aegypti larval densities and habitat distribution were also monitored and the occurrence of predatory Toxorhynchites amboinensis larvae in northern Upolu was recorded from forty-one collections. Aedes Breteau and container indices fluctuated with the pattern of rainfall in two coastal villages and an inland bush village, but not in a coconut plantation community. The five main Aedes larval habitat types encountered were: 200 litre water-storage drums, discarded tins and bottles, coconut shells, automobile tyres and treeholes. Aedes immatures occurred perennially in drums and tree holes, but breeding discontinued in tins, bottles and coconut shells during the driest month of July. For Ae.polynesiensis in Upolu the Breteau and container indices of 104.5 ± SD 80.9 and 35.3 ± 12.4 respectively were significantly higher than those in Savai'i: 33.1 ±25.0 and 24.3 ±20.0 respectively. Likewise for Ae.aegypti the Breteau and container indices of 50.8 ± 32.5 and 23.9 ± 15.6, respectively, were also significantly higher than those in Savai'i: 12.7 ± 17.1 and 9.4 ±13.2 respectively. Habitat types greater or lesser importance were determined by plotting the percentage of each type of container utilized for Aedes breeding against the percentage of each type amongst all larva-positive containers. Ae.polynesiensis preferred tree-holes but not water-storage drums. Ae.aegypti preferred drums and tyres; mixed populations of larvae of both species were commonest in these two types of habitat. Ae.polynesiensis occurred in every village. Ae.aegypti was encountered in all twenty-two villages surveyed in Upolu and nine of eighteen villages in Savai'i. Total larval surveys revealed that drums and tree-holes contained the highest numbers of Aedes larvae. The study provided criteria for planning a control programme.  相似文献   

Catabolism of excess dietary protein by Aedes aegypti was investigated during larval development, during and after metamorphosis. Activity profiles were established for xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH, uricotelic pathway) and arginase (ureotelic pathway). Both enzymes are active at all times during the life-cycle. During the aquatic larval and pupal instars, XDH and arginase activities increase with body size. Maximal activities of these two enzyme systems coincide with the time of metamorphic restructuring.Both enzymes are found in the fatbody tissue: XDH activity is found in 80% of the tissue, while arginase activity is distributed equally between abdominal fatbody and the thorax. This might indicate a role for arginase other than catabolic, such as energy metabolism.Arginase activity is high in the aquatic instars and low in sugar-fed females but increases after blood-feeding. XDH activity, also high in larvae and pupae, increases markedly after a blood meal.Larval excretion is characterized by the ureotelic pathway. The pupae as closed systems excrete neither uric acid nor urea; urate accumulates during larval and pupal periods, is conserved throughout metamorphosis, and is finally voided with the meconium by the teneral imago. This presents a form of transient storage-excretion.  相似文献   

The anterior stomach of larval Aedes aegypti was isolated and perfused via two pipettes. For transepithelial voltage (V(te)) measurement, the inflow pipette and the bath were connected via agar bridges to calomel electrodes. For voltage-clamping, the lumen of the tissue contained an Ag/AgCl wire held by the outflow pipette, and the preparation was placed in a bath within a spiral of Ag/AgCl wire. After equilibrating the tissue in mosquito saline on both sides, a V(te) of -8+/-1 mV was measured (+/-S.E.M., N=32). Current-voltage curves (+/-100 mV) demonstrated ohmic behaviour of the epithelium. Short-circuiting resulted in a current (I(sc)) of 103+/-16 microA cm(-2) and a mean transepithelial conductance (G(te)) of 11.8+/-1.3 mS cm(-2) (+/-S.E.M., N=32). A Yonath-Civan plot of G(te) of individual preparations over the corresponding I(sc) resulted in a straight line (r(2)=0.8422), indicating that the difference in I(sc) of individual preparations is mainly based on different transcellular conductances (G(c)). This analysis allowed to estimate the mean leak conductance (G(l) approximately 3.9 mS cm(-2)) and the mean transcellular electromotive force (E(c) approximately 13 mV). After administering 0.2 micromol L(-1) serotonin, I(sc) and G(te) significantly increased, to 457+/-49 microA cm(-2) and to 21.3+/-2.3 mS cm(-2) (+/-S.E.M., N=31, P<0.05), respectively. The Yonath-Civan plot after serotonin resulted again in a straight line (r(2)=0.8219), indicating a mean G(l) of about 1 mS cm(-2) and a mean E(c) of about 22 mV. Dinitrophenol (2.5 mmol L(-1)) almost abolished I(sc) and significantly reduced G(te) (N=6). Concanamycin A (100 micromol L(-1)) reduced I(sc) by more than 90% without significantly affecting G(te).  相似文献   

The establishment of habitats for immature Ae. aegypti is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors and interactions between these factors. This study aimed to determine the effects of physico‐chemical variables and planktonic algae on immature Ae. aegypti habitats in 101 water tanks (50 of them containing Ae. aegypti pupae and/or larvae) in Girardot, Colombia. Physical data were collected from the water tanks (volume, capacity, material, detritus, and location), along with the physico‐chemical variables (temperature, pH, conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen saturation, nitrates, nitrites, and orthophosphates). The richness and abundance of the planktonic organisms were also measured. A chi‐square test showed that the occurrence of detritus was greater and the container volume was smaller in the tanks that were positive for larvae. Only Cyanobacteria had a positive correlation with the abundance of immature‐stage Ae. aegypti. The results could be important for understanding the vector ecology and envisaging its probable control in the domestic water tanks of Girardot.  相似文献   

Studies on the pathology of a baculovirus in Aedes triseriatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pathology of a Baculovirus (BV) in Aedes triseriatus was studied. The virus infected the cardia, gastric caeca, and the entire stomach of larval midgut epithelium. The progression of the disease was similar to that of other Baculoviruses of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) type. Rodshaped nucleocapsids were formed within a Feulgen-positive virogenic stroma and along the nuclear envelope. These nucleocapsids were enveloped by a membranous material and occluded randomly in small irregular and polyhedral proteinic inclusions. The disease differed from other BVs of the NPV type in that the small proteinic inclusions gradually coalesced as they grew, forming large fusiform inclusions.  相似文献   

In the course of a study of the population of Aedes triseriatus, a female adults was found to be infected with a fungus. The fungus, Funicularius triseriatus, is described as a new genus and species of the class Hyphomycetes (form-class Deuteromycetes). F. triseriatus is characterized by thallic arthrospores produced on conidiophores arising from hyphae which are funiculose in habit. This is the first report of the natural occurrence of a fungus on A. triseriatus adults.  相似文献   

In 2005, adult and larval mosquito surveillance was conducted at selected sites in Korea to associate larval habitats with species distribution of mosquitoes of the Anopheles Hyrcanus Group (An. sinensis, An. lesteri, An. pullus, An. belenrae and An. kleini) and other mosquito species. Anopheles specimens belonging to the Anopheles Hyrcanus Group were identified to species level by molecular confirmation using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)‐2 within nuclear ribosomal (r)DNA. A total of 6644 mosquitoes from resting and light trap collections (4451; 67.0%) and larval collections (2193; 33.0%) comprising 32 species and nine genera (Culex [11], Anopheles [8], Ochlerotatus [5], Aedes [3], Armigeres [1], Coquillettidia [1], Mansonia [1], Tripteroides [1] and Lutzia [1]) were collected. Larval habitats were characterized into 14 categories. Of a total of 4534 Anopheles spp. collected (3766 resting and light trap collections and 768 larval collections), Anopheles sinensis (3194; 70.4%) was the most frequently captured, followed by An. kleini (813; 17.9%), An. pullus (299; 6.6%) and An. belenrae (129; 2.8%). Four species of Anopheles (An. lesteri, An. sineroides, An. koreicus and An. lindesayi) were infrequently collected (<3.0%) at all sites surveyed by all methods of collection. Anopheles kleini, An. pullus and An. belenrae were collected in greater proportions in malaria high‐risk areas north of Seoul, and were infrequently collected in other parts of Korea, where An. sinensis was the predominant Anopheles spp. captured. A total of 2110 culicine mosquitoes (685 adult collections and 1425 larval collections) comprising 24 species and eight genera were collected.  相似文献   

Recurring seasonal dynamics of microbial communities in stream habitats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recurring seasonal patterns of microbial distribution and abundance in three third-order temperate streams within the southeast Pennsylvania Piedmont were observed over 4 years. Populations associated with streambed sediments and rocks (epilithon) were identified using terminal restriction length polymorphism (tRFLP) and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes selectively amplified with primers for the bacterial domain. Analyses of the relative magnitudes of tRFLP peak areas by using nonmetric multidimensional scaling resolved clear seasonal trends in epilithic and sediment populations. Oscillations between two dominant groups of epilithic genotypes, explaining 86% of the seasonal variation in the data set, were correlated with temperature and dissolved organic carbon. Sequences affiliated with epilithic phototrophs (cyanobacteria and diatom chloroplasts), a Rhodoferax sp., and a Bacillus species clustered in the summer, whereas sequences most closely related to "Betaproteobacteria" (putative Burkholderia sp.), and a putative cyanobacterium clustered in the fall/spring. The sediment genotypes also clustered into two groups, and these explained 85% of seasonal variation but correlated only with temperature. A summer tRFLP pattern was characterized by prevalence of "Betaproteobacteria," "Gammaproteobacteria," and a Bacillus sp., whereas the winter/spring pattern was characterized by phylotypes most closely related to "Firmicutes," "Gammaproteobacteria," and "Nitrospirae." A close association between these headwater streams and their watersheds was suggested by the recovery of sequences related to microbial populations provisionally attributed to not only freshwaters but also terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

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