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When products are physically identical, consumers will choose a no‐preference option in a paired preference test only about 30% of the time, giving a nonintuitive result. We evaluated the no‐preference false alarm rate in dairy products and the potential sources of error in panelist behavior, including discrimination problems and poor repeatability of judgments. Paired preference tests were conducted with milk (2% versus nonfat or skim), with cottage cheese (4% versus nonfat) and with identical samples. Triangle, dual standard and same/different discrimination tests were also conducted. The no‐preference option was chosen by about 30% of the consumers when samples were identical, and less frequently when samples were different. Discrimination performance, although statistically significant, was poorer than expected with about 30% discriminators (d′ of 1.7) in most tests. Even in the dual standard tests on milk (visually obvious and with references present), performance was only 88% correct (76% discriminators). Repeatability in preference tests was also poorer than expected, with only 56% choosing the same preference option for different samples on repeat trials although the group preferences were stable. Same/different tests indicated that over 50% of the consumers called identical samples different, although this fell short of explaining the 70% average false alarm rate in preferences. Even with apparently discriminable consumer products, accurate discrimination of the samples and repeatability of preferences should not be assumed. Random responding may contribute to error variance and produce nonsensical results such as the expression of choice between identical samples.  相似文献   

Free-choice profiling was used to develop a sensory profile of milks of different fat content and a range of food products prepared from them. The products were cornflakes, flavored milk, instant coffee, oat cereal, savory sauce, tea, and whipped dessert. The aim of the work was to investigate whether or not sensory differences brought about by using milk with a different fat content are noticeable in the context of use, and, if so how the differences can best be described. The milks of different fat content, the flavored milk and the cornflakes, savory sauce, and tea to which milk was added were significantly different from each other but the instant coffee, oat cereal, and whipped desserts were not. The differences found between the samples of different fat content were most often described with mouthfeel terms pertaining to viscosity, i.e., “thin/watery,”“buttery/fatty/ greasy/oily,”“coating/clinging,” and “creamy/rich.”  相似文献   

Although humans show robust equality concerns across a variety of situations, there is ongoing debate regarding the extent to which any nonhuman species is inequality averse. In the current research, we test nonhuman primates' reactions to conspecifics receiving equal and unequal payoffs using a “no-cost” method in which subjects can respond to inequality without rejecting food. Specifically, we gave capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) the opportunity to trade with one of two experimenters, each of whom offered the subject an identical reward, but had different histories of trading with the subject and a conspecific partner. An “equal” experimenter had previously given a conspecific the same reward that the subject had received, whereas the other experimenter was either an “advantageous trader” for the subject (giving the conspecific an inferior reward) or a “disadvantageous trader” for the subject (giving the conspecific a superior reward). By offering subjects a choice between experimenters, we removed several competing demands that may have masked the expression of robust equality preferences in previous studies. Even though there was no cost associated with expressing an equality preference, we found no evidence that capuchins differentiated between equal and unequal experimenters.  相似文献   

Common marmosets, one of the smallest anthropoid primates, have a relatively high reproductive rate, capable of producing twins or triplets twice per year. Growth and development of infants is relatively rapid, and lactation is relatively short at less than 3 months. Although mean values for the proximate composition (dry matter, protein, fat and sugar) of captive common marmoset milks fall within anthropoid norms, composition is highly variable among individual samples, with concentrations of milk fat ranging from below 1 to over 10%. To examine the extent to which this variation might be a consequence of captive conditions, we collected milk samples from wild common marmosets freely living on a farm in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The proximate composition of the milk samples was assayed using identical techniques as used for the captive marmoset milks. The composition of the milk of wild common marmosets was also variable, but tended to be lower in dry matter, fat, protein and gross energy, and higher in sugar than milks from captive animals. Interestingly, the percentage of estimated gross energy from the protein fraction of the milks was relatively constant in both wild and captive marmosets and did not differ between wild and captive animals: 1 kcal of common marmoset milk contains on average (+/-SEM) 0.035+/-.001 g of protein regardless of the gross energy content of the milk or whether the milk was from a wild or captive animal. In contrast, in 1 kcal of low-energy milks, the amount of sugar was significantly higher and the amount of fat significantly lower than in 1 kcal of high-energy milks. Thus, common marmoset milk exhibits axes of variability (especially fat concentration) as well as a significant stability in the relative amount of protein.  相似文献   

Hypothesized relationships between milk composition and life history traits were examined by analyzing mid-lactation milks of seven lemurs (Eulemur fulvus, E. macaco, E. rubriventer, E. mongoz, Varecia variegata, Hapalemur griseus, Lemur catta), three bushbabies (Otolemur crassicaudatus, O. garnettii, Galago moholi), and two lorises (Nycticebus coucang, Loris tardigradus); partial data were also obtained for the lemuroid Cheirogaleus medius. There were significant differences in milk composition among species within either Eulemur or Otolemur, but the four genera for which multiple samples were available (Eulemur, Varecia, Otolemur, and Nycticebus) exhibited large composition differences. Eulemur milk was, on average, very dilute (9.9% dry matter) and low in energy (0.49 kcal/g). These milks contained 0.9% fat, 1.2% protein, and 8.4% carbohydrate on a fresh weight basis. Protein energy comprised only about 15% of total milk energy. Varecia had significantly higher dry matter (13.5%), fat (3.2%), protein (4.2%), gross energy (0.80 kcal/g), and protein energy: total energy ratio (28%) than Eulemur. Milks of the lorisoid genera Otolemur and Nycticebus were very similar, and both had significantly higher dry matter (18.3, 16.3%), fat (7.6, 7.0%), and gross energy concentration (1.27, 1.13 kcal/g) than either lemuroid genus. Otolemur milk was higher in protein than Nycticebus milk. We conclude that lorises, bushbabies, and perhaps cheirogaleids produce relatively rich, energy-dense milks in comparison with anthropoid primates. However, dilute milks appear to be uniformly found among species of Eulemur and perhaps in Lemur catta. The milk of Varecia (and perhaps Hapalemur) is intermediate in composition. Differences in milk composition among prosimians may be related to differences in maternal care: prosimians that carry their young during lactation produce more dilute milks than do species which leave their young unattended for prolonged periods. When looking at primates as a whole, however, the picture is somewhat less clear, since the milks of some “parkers” like Varecia do closely resemble those of large anthropoid primates who carry their young. Am. J. Primatol. 41:195–211, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to observe the impact of a perceptible difference in the liking of milk on consumption of the milk in both laboratory and cafeteria settings. We produced milk with no flavor defects and milk with a light oxidized flavor. The defect-free milk scored about 1 point higher than the off-flavored milk on a 9-point hedonic scale. We placed the same two milk products in the milk dispenser in a dormitory cafeteria for a total of 32 dinner meals and measured the amount of milk consumed. A subset of subjects from the cafeteria population also consumed the milks in a laboratory consumption test. In a second laboratory consumption test a different group of subjects consumed the two milks. The liking difference had no impact on consumption in the dormitory food service setting and either no impact or a small impact on consumption in a laboratory setting.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic sensibility refers to the ability to perceive the electromagnetic field (EMF) without necessarily developing health symptoms attributed to EMF exposure. A large sample of young healthy adults (n = 84) performed two forced‐choice tasks on the perception of the GSM mobile phone EMF (902 MHz pulsed at 217 Hz), “Was the field on?” and “Did the field change?” (3 conditions × 100 trials for each task, n = 600 trials in total). A monetary prize was announced for good performance (correct response rate ≥75%, n = 600 trials). The performance was no better than expected by chance, and thus none of the participants won the prize. Two participants showed extraordinary performance in one of the task conditions (“Was the field on?”, n = 100 trials), with correct response rates of 97% (P = 1.28 × 10?25) and 94% (P = 9.40 × 10?22), but they failed to replicate the result in the retest of six blocks of the same condition 1 month later. Six participants had reported being able to perceive the mobile phone EMF in the preliminary inquiry, but they performed no better than the others. This study provides empirical evidence against the existence of electromagnetic sensibility to the mobile phone EMF, demonstrating the necessity for replication in EMF studies. Bioelectromagnetics 29:154–159, 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Roll-tube colony counts, using the Astell equipment, were lower than the corresponding Petri dish counts with 27 out of 31 raw milks (87%). The difference between the counts by the two methods was greater than 25% of the plate count for 12 (39%) of the samples.
When the same dilution of milk was used for both strip-tube and plate colony counts, about equal numbers of samples gave counts from the strip tubes above and below about the colony count from plates. When, in order to obtain a more reasonable strip-tube count, the plates and strip tubes were prepared from different dilutions of the milk, the counts from the latter were, with only 3 exceptions out of 35 milks, below those from the former. The difference between the counts was greater than 25% of the plate count for 15 (43%) of the milks, a figure similar to that obtained in comparing roll-tube and plate colony counts.  相似文献   

Mating preference can be a driver of sexual selection and assortative mating and is, therefore, a key element in evolutionary dynamics. Positive mating preference by similarity is the tendency for the choosy individual to select a mate which possesses a similar variant of a trait. Such preference can be modelled using Gaussian‐like mathematical functions that describe the strength of preference, but such functions cannot be applied to empirical data collected from the field. As a result, traditionally, mating preference is indirectly estimated by the degree of assortative mating (using Pearson's correlation coefficient, r) in wild captured mating pairs. Unfortunately, r and similar coefficients are often biased due to the fact that different variants of a given trait are nonrandomly distributed in the wild, and pooling of mating pairs from such heterogeneous samples may lead to “false–positive” results, termed “the scale‐of‐choice effect” (SCE). Here we provide two new estimators of mating preference (Crough and Cscaled) derived from Gaussian‐like functions which can be applied to empirical data. Computer simulations demonstrated that r coefficient showed robust estimations properties of mating preference but it was severely affected by SCE, Crough showed reasonable estimation properties and it was little affected by SCE, while Cscaled showed the best properties at infinite sample sizes and it was not affected by SCE but failed at biological sample sizes. We recommend using Crough combined with the r coefficient to infer mating preference in future empirical studies.  相似文献   

The role of early experience in habitat selection in linnets (Acanthis cannabina) was tested in automatic habitat cages. Young linnets were kept in groups under three different habitat conditions: spruce-, foliage- and plastic-perches. In a choice test the members of the spruce- and the foliage-group preferred their familiar habitat whereas the “plastic”-group showed this preference only on the first experimental day and then behaved at random on the following days. In a further aviary experiment the females of the spruce-group constructed nests in small spruce trees, whereas the females of the foliage-group constructed nests in small foliage bushes. The early habitat experience seems strongly to influence later habitat and nest-site selection in the linnets.  相似文献   

Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum of two different color morphs (striped or white), each of which had been taken care of from spawning up to 7 weeks of age by foster parents of the other color morph, were put together in a “free choice situation” and tested for their preference to spawn with a mate of the striped or of the white morph. The number of pairs of the same color (striped × striped, white × white) and of different color (“mixed” pairs, striped × white) was recorded and compared with the results of control fish. The latter had been taken care of from spawning up to 7 weeks of age by foster parents of the same color morph and were also tested in a free choice situation. The influence of parental color morph on mate choice was analysed in the first mate choice of naive animals (breeding for the first time). The stability over time of the preferences observed in the naive animals was then studied in the 18 months following the first mate choice experiment. Our results show that if young Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum had been taken care of by foster parents of the other color morph, but had grown up with siblings of their own color morph, approximately 9 % of the matings involved partners which had a different color (mixed pairs). In contrast, young which had been taken care of by foster parents of their own color morph and had grown up with siblings of their own color were completely segregated according to color during breeding (striped pairs or white pairs) and never formed mixed pairs. The importance of the influence of parental and sibling color morph on the preference to mate with a particular morph and, consequently, on speciation in cichlids in general are discussed.  相似文献   

We use a general additive quantitative genetic model to study the evolution of costly female mate choice by the “handicap” principle. Two necessary conditions must be satisfied for costly preference to evolve. The conditions are (i) biased mutation pressure on viability and (ii) a direct relationship between the degree of expression of the male mating character and viability. These two conditions explain the success and failure of previous models of the “handicap” principle. Our model also applies to other sources of fitness variation like migration and host-parasite coevolution, which cause effects equivalent to biased mutation.  相似文献   

A preference for eveningness (being a “night owl”) and preterm birth (<37 weeks of gestation) are associated with similar adversities, such as elevated blood pressure, impaired glucose regulation, poorer physical fitness, and lower mood. Yet, it remains unclear if and how preterm birth is associated with circadian preference. The aim of this study was to assess this association across the whole gestation range, using both objective and subjective measurements of circadian preference.

Circadian preference was measured among 594 young adults (mean age 24.3 years, SD 1.3) from two cohorts: the ESTER study and the Arvo Ylppö Longitudinal Study. We compared 83 participants born early preterm (<34 weeks) and 165 late preterm (34 to <37 weeks) with those born at term (≥37 weeks, n = 346). We also compared very low birth weight (VLBW, <1500 g) participants with term-born controls. We obtained objective sleep data with actigraphs that were worn for a mean period of 6.8 (SD 1.4) nights. Our primary outcome was sleep midpoint during weekdays and weekend. The sleep midpoint is the half-way time between falling asleep and waking up, and it represents sleep timing. We also investigated subjective chronotype with the Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) in 688 (n = 138/221/329) ESTER participants. The MEQ consists of 19 questions, which estimates the respondent to be of a “morning”, “evening,” or “intermediate” chronotype, based on the Morningness–Eveningness Score (MES). We analyzed the data from the actigraphs and the MES with three linear regression models, and analyzed distribution of the chronotype class with Pearson χ2.

There were no consistent differences across the study groups in sleep midpoint. As compared with those born at term, the mean differences in minutes:seconds and 95% confidence intervals for the sleep midpoint were: early preterm weekdays 11:47 (?8:34 to 32:08), early preterm weekend 4:14 (?19:45 to 28:13), late preterm weekdays ?10:28 (?26:16 to 5:21), and late preterm weekend ?1:29 (?20:36 to 17:37). There was no difference in sleep timing between VLBW-participants and controls either. The distribution of chronotype in the MEQ among all participants was 12.4% morningness, 65.4% intermediate, and 22.2% eveningness. The distribution of the subjective chronotype class did not differ between the three gestational age groups (p = 0.98). The linear regression models did not show any influence of gestational age group or VLBW status on the MES (all p > 0.5).

We found no consistent differences between adults born early or late preterm and those born at term in circadian preference. The earlier circadian preference previously observed in those born smallest is unlikely to extend across the whole range of preterm birth.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether product label information “produced with organic ingredients” and “stabilization technology” affects consumer acceptability of vegetable soups. Three focus group interviews were preliminarily conducted in order to gain information about the appropriate terminology to use in the next consumer test. In all, 109 subjects were recruited by means of a background questionnaire. They were then divided into three groups according to age, gender and soup preference. Each group evaluated three different types of soup in two phases, first blind and then with information. At the end of the second phase, the participants filled in a conjoint analysis questionnaire. The results demonstrated that if consumers were informed that soup is prepared with organic ingredients, they would improve their acceptability scores, whatever the soup type. Stabilization technology information had no effect. Conjoint results revealed that consumers appreciate soups made with organic legumes and cereals and without seasoning. However, differences among subgroups were found.  相似文献   

Prolactin heterogeneity in serum and milk were separated using Sephadex G-100. Three components were present in serum from lactating women with the following proportions: “void volume” -13.4%, “big” - 26.4%, and “little” - 60.3%. Milk from the same subjects did not contain “big” prolactin. Over 90% of the prolactin found in milk was “little” prolactin. The “little” prolactin in milk may not be similar to the “little” prolactin in the serum.  相似文献   

Preferences are traditionally assumed to be stable. However, empirical evidence such as preference modulation following choices calls this assumption into question. The evolution of such postchoice preference over long time spans, even when choices have been explicitly forgotten, has so far not been studied. In two experiments, we investigated this question by using a variant of the free choice paradigm: In a first session, participants evaluated the pleasantness of a number of odors. We then formed pairs of similarly rated odors, and asked participants to choose their favorite, for each pair. Participants were then presented with all odors again, and asked for another pleasantness rating. In a second session 1 week later, a third pleasantness rating was obtained, and participants were again asked to choose between the same options. Results suggested postchoice preference modulation immediately and 1 week after choice for both chosen and rejected options, even when choices were not explicitly remembered. A third experiment, using another paradigm, confirmed that choice can have a modulatory impact on preferences, and that this modulation can be long-lasting. Taken together, these findings suggest that although preferences appear to be flexible because they are modulated by choices, this modulation also appears to be stable over time and even without explicit recollection of the choice. These results bring a new argument to the idea that postchoice preference modulation could rely on implicit mechanisms, and are consistent with the recent proposal that cognitive dissonance reduction could to some extent be implicit.  相似文献   

Lactating mice were fed either a low fat or a high fat diet. Milk samples were collected and the composition was examined. Triglyceride and free fatty acid contents were greatly reduced in the milks of high fat diet group, while protein and lactose contents were almost the same between both diet groups. Although the energy content of each component was also lower in milk of high fat diet group, there was apparently no significant difference in the growth of the pups raised by either diet group. This discrepancy might be in part explained by a hypothesis that the pups might monitor calorie content in milk and keep suckling until the energy intake reaches their satisfaction. Moreover, nearly the same amounts of major milk fat globule membrane proteins MFG-E8 and butyrophilin were shown to be present in the milks from both diet groups and gene expression of both proteins in the mammary glands were also indistinguishable, suggesting that production of major MFGM components is not simply related to fat production and secretion.  相似文献   

Lactating mice were fed either a low fat or a high fat diet. Milk samples were collected and the composition was examined. Triglyceride and free fatty acid contents were greatly reduced in the milks of high fat diet group, while protein and lactose contents were almost the same between both diet groups. Although the energy content of each component was also lower in milk of high fat diet group, there was apparently no significant difference in the growth of the pups raised by either diet group. This discrepancy might be in part explained by a hypothesis that the pups might monitor calorie content in milk and keep suckling until the energy intake reaches their satisfaction. Moreover, nearly the same amounts of major milk fat globule membrane proteins MFG-E8 and butyrophilin were shown to be present in the milks from both diet groups and gene expression of both proteins in the mammary glands were also indistinguishable, suggesting that production of major MFGM components is not simply related to fat production and secretion.  相似文献   

Spore germination based assay involves the transformation of dormant spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus 953 into active vegetative cells. The inhibition of germination process specifically in presence of antibiotic residues was used as a novel approach for monitoring target contaminants in milk. The indicator organism i.e., B. stearothermophilus 953 was initially allowed to sporulate by seeding in sporulation medium and incubating at 55 °C for 18 ± 2 h. The spores exhibited a typical chain behavior as revealed through phase contrast microscopy. The minimal medium inoculated with activated spores was incubated at 64 °C for 2-3 h for germination and outgrowth in presence of specific germinant mixture containing dextrose, whey powder and skimmed milk powder added in specific ratio along with reconstituted milk as negative control and test milk samples. The change in color of the medium from purple to yellow was used as criteria for detection of antibiotic residues in milk. The efficiency of the developed assay was evaluated through a surveillance study on 228 samples of raw, pasteurized and dried milks and results were compared with AOAC approved microbial receptor assay. The presence of antibiotic level was 10.08 % at Codex maximum residual limit having false positive result only in 0.43 % of the samples. The results of the present investigation suggest that developed spore based assay can be a practical solution to dairy industry for its application at farm level, milk processing units, independent testing and R & D centres in order to comply with the legal requirements set by Codex.  相似文献   

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