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Recent advances in cloning avirulence genes from a rust fungus and three oomycete species have provided the novel insight that these eukaryotic plant pathogens deliver small proteins into the host cell cytoplasm where they are recognized by resistance proteins. Anne Rehmany et al. have recently identified a potential host-targeting signal in oomycete avirulence proteins from Hyaloperonospora parasitica, Phytophthora sojae and Phytophthora infestans that might be involved in transporting proteins into the host cell. This signal is surprisingly similar to the host targeting signal used by the malaria pathogen Plasmodium fulciparum to target virulence proteins to the mammalian host cell.  相似文献   

Resistance (R) proteins in plants are involved in pathogen recognitionand subsequent activation of innate immune responses. Most resistanceproteins contain a central nucleotide-binding domain. This so-calledNB-ARC domain consists of three subdomains: NB, ARC1, and ARC2.The NB-ARC domain is a functional ATPase domain, and its nucleotide-bindingstate is proposed to regulate activity of the R protein. A highlyconserved methionine–histidine–aspartate (MHD) motifis present at the carboxy-terminus of ARC2. An extensive mutationalanalysis of the MHD motif in the R proteins I-2 and Mi-1 isreported. Several novel autoactivating mutations of the MHDinvariant histidine and conserved aspartate were identified.The combination of MHD mutants with autoactivating hydrolysismutants in the NB subdomain showed that the autoactivation phenotypesare not additive. This finding indicates an important regulatoryrole for the MHD motif in the control of R protein activity.To explain these observations, a three-dimensional model ofthe NB-ARC domain of I-2 was built, based on the APAF-1 templatestructure. The model was used to identify residues importantfor I-2 function. Substitution of the selected residues resultedin the expected distinct phenotypes. Based on the model, itis proposed that the MHD motif fulfils the same function asthe sensor II motif found in AAA+ proteins (ATPases associatedwith diverse cellular activities)—co-ordination of thenucleotide and control of subdomain interactions. The presented3D model provides a framework for the formulation of hypotheseson how mutations in the NB-ARC exert their effects. Key words: Intramolecular interactions, MHD motif, NB-ARC domain, plant disease resistance, protein structure, R proteins, signal transduction, site-directed mutagenesis  相似文献   

To investigate the role of N-terminal domains of plant disease resistance proteins in membrane targeting, the N termini of a number of Arabidopsis and flax disease resistance proteins were fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the fusion proteins localized in planta using confocal microscopy. The N termini of the Arabidopsis RPP1-WsB and RPS5 resistance proteins and the PBS1 protein, which is required for RPS5 resistance, targeted GFP to the plasma membrane, and mutation of predicted myristoylation and potential palmitoylation sites resulted in a shift to nucleocytosolic localization. The N-terminal domain of the membrane-attached Arabidopsis RPS2 resistance protein was targeted incompletely to the plasma membrane. In contrast, the N-terminal domains of the Arabidopsis RPP1-WsA and flax L6 and M resistance proteins, which carry predicted signal anchors, were targeted to the endomembrane system, RPP1-WsA to the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, L6 to the Golgi apparatus, and M to the tonoplast. Full-length L6 was also targeted to the Golgi apparatus. Site-directed mutagenesis of six nonconserved amino acid residues in the signal anchor domains of L6 and M was used to change the localization of the L6 N-terminal fusion protein to that of M and vice versa, showing that these residues control the targeting specificity of the signal anchor. Replacement of the signal anchor domain of L6 by that of M did not affect L6 protein accumulation or resistance against flax rust expressing AvrL567 but removal of the signal anchor domain reduced L6 protein accumulation and L6 resistance, suggesting that membrane attachment is required to stabilize the L6 protein.  相似文献   

Many bacterial avirulence (Avr) proteins, including the Pseudomonas syringae proteins, AvrRpt2 and AvrB, appear to be recognized inside the host plant cell by resistance mechanisms mediated by the cognate resistance (R) genes. It is thought that Avr proteins are either delivered directly into the host cell via the bacterial type III secretion system (TTSS) or taken up by the plant cell following secretion into the apoplast through the TTSS. Recently, it was shown that the Xanthomonas campestris AvrBs2 protein can be delivered directly into the host plant cell by the TTSS. However, it is not known whether other type III effectors of phytopathogens behave similarly. Here, using a novel protein transfection method, we demonstrate that AvrRpt2 and AvrB must enter the plant cell to be recognized by R gene-mediated mechanisms. First, we established a hypersensitive cell death assay for protoplasts using the membrane-impermeable, nuclear-staining dye, YO-PRO-1, and transgenic Arabidopsis plants that carry an inducible avrRpt2 gene. Second, we transfected E. coli-produced AvrRpt2 or AvrB proteins into Arabidopsis protoplasts using a protein transfection kit based on the carrier peptide Pep-1, and demonstrated that hypersensitive cell death occurs in a gene-for-gene-specific manner. In contrast, these Avr proteins failed to elicit hypersensitive cell death when they were applied to protoplasts without the carrier peptide. We conclude that our preparations of E. coli-produced AvrRpt2 and AvrB are active, that AvrRpt2 and AvrB must be delivered into the plant cell to be recognized, and that a method based on a carrier peptide can be used to introduce proteins into plant cells.  相似文献   

Recognition of a pathogen avirulence (AVR) effector protein by a cognate plant resistance (R) protein triggers a set of immune responses that render the plant resistant. Pathogens can escape this so-called Effector-Triggered Immunity (ETI) by different mechanisms including the deletion or loss-of-function mutation of the AVR gene, the incorporation of point mutations that allow recognition to be evaded while maintaining virulence function, and the acquisition of new effectors that suppress AVR recognition. The Dothideomycete Leptosphaeria maculans, causal agent of oilseed rape stem canker, is one of the few fungal pathogens where suppression of ETI by an AVR effector has been demonstrated. Indeed, AvrLm4-7 suppresses Rlm3- and Rlm9-mediated resistance triggered by AvrLm3 and AvrLm5-9, respectively. The presence of AvrLm4-7 does not impede AvrLm3 and AvrLm5-9 expression, and the three AVR proteins do not appear to physically interact. To decipher the epistatic interaction between these L. maculans AVR effectors, we determined the crystal structure of AvrLm5-9 and obtained a 3D model of AvrLm3, based on the crystal structure of Ecp11-1, a homologous AVR effector candidate from Fulvia fulva. Despite a lack of sequence similarity, AvrLm5-9 and AvrLm3 are structural analogues of AvrLm4-7 (structure previously characterized). Structure-informed sequence database searches identified a larger number of putative structural analogues among L. maculans effector candidates, including the AVR effector AvrLmS-Lep2, all produced during the early stages of oilseed rape infection, as well as among effector candidates from other phytopathogenic fungi. These structural analogues are named LARS (for Leptosphaeria AviRulence and Suppressing) effectors. Remarkably, transformants of L. maculans expressing one of these structural analogues, Ecp11-1, triggered oilseed rape immunity in several genotypes carrying Rlm3. Furthermore, this resistance could be suppressed by AvrLm4-7. These results suggest that Ecp11-1 shares a common activity with AvrLm3 within the host plant which is detected by Rlm3, or that the Ecp11-1 structure is sufficiently close to that of AvrLm3 to be recognized by Rlm3.  相似文献   

Resistance (R) genes in plants mediate gene-for-gene disease resistance. The ligand-receptor model, which explains the gene-for-gene specificity, predicts a physical interaction between an elicitor, which is directly or indirectly encoded by an avirulence (avr) gene in the pathogen, and the corresponding R gene product. The nucleotide binding site (NBS) - leucine rich repeats (LRR) class of R genes is the largest known class of R genes. Here we report that an NBS-LRR R protein and its cognate Avr protein form a complex together in the plant cell. The Arabidopsis thaliana R genes RPS2 and RPM1 confer gene-for-gene disease resistance to strains of the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae carrying the avr genes avrRpt2 and avrB, respectively. Using transient expression of these genes in Arabidopsis leaf mesophyll protoplasts, we first demonstrated that the protoplast system is appropriate for the investigation of the gene-for-gene recognition mechanism. Formation of an in vivo complex containing the RPS2 and AvrRpt2 proteins was demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation of the proteins following expression of the genes in protoplasts. This complex contained at least one additional plant protein of approximately 75 kDa. Unexpectedly, RPS2 also formed a complex with AvrB. We speculate that complex formation between AvrRpt2 and RPS2 is productive and leads to the elicitation of the resistance response, whilst complex formation between AvrB and RPS2 is unproductive and possibly competes with complex formation between AvrRpt2 and RPS2.  相似文献   

Disease resistance (R) genes are found in plants as either simple (single allelic series) loci, or more frequently as complex loci of tandemly repeated genes. These different loci are likely to be under similar evolutionary forces from pathogens, but the contrast between them suggests important differences in mechanisms associated with DNA structure and recombination that generate and maintain R gene diversity. The RPP13 locus in Arabidopsis represents an important paradigm for studying the evolution of an R gene at a simple locus. The RPP13 allele from the accession Nd-1, designated RPP13-Nd, confers resistance to five different isolates of the biotrophic oomycete, Peronospora parasitica (causal agent of downy mildew), and encodes an NBS-LRR type R protein with a putative amino-terminal leucine zipper. The RPP13-Rld allele, cloned from the accession Rld-2, encodes a different specificity. Comparison of three RPP13 alleles revealed a high rate of amino acid divergence within the LRR domain, less than 80% identity overall, compared to the remainder of the protein (> 95% identity). We also found evidence for positive selection in the LRR domain for amino acid diversification outside the core conserved beta-strand/beta-turn motif, suggesting that more of the LRR structure is available for interaction with target molecules than has previously been reported for other R gene products. Furthermore, an amino acid sequence (LLRVLDL) identical in an LRR among RPP13 alleles is conserved in other LZ NBS-LRR type R proteins, suggesting functional significance.  相似文献   

The plant Solanum nigrum treated with the pathogen Phytophthora infestans-derived elicitor responded by elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, lipid peroxidation and lipoxygenase (EC activity in comparison with control plants indicating that oxidative stress took place. We demonstrate that these events are accompanied by a significant increase in plastoquinone (PQ) level. It is postulated that PQ may be associated with mechanisms maintaining a tightly controlled balance between the accumulation of ROS and antioxidant activity that determines the full expression of effective defence.  相似文献   

Resistance of tomato plants to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato race 0 is controlled by the locus Pto. A bacterial avirulence gene was cloned by constructing a cosmid library from an avirulent P. syringae pv. tomato race, conjugating the recombinants into a strain of P. syringae pv. maculicola virulent on a tomato cultivar containing Pto, and screening for those clones that converted the normally virulent phenotype to avirulence. The cloned gene, designated avrPto, reduced multiplication of P. syringae pv. tomato transconjugants specifically on Pto tomato lines, as demonstrated by bacterial growth curve analyses. Analysis of F2 populations revealed cosegregation of resistance to P. syringae pv. tomato transconjugants carrying avrPto with resistance to P. syringae pv. tomato race 0. Surprisingly, mutation of avrPto in P. syringae pv. tomato race 0 does not eliminate the avirulent phenotype of race 0, suggesting that additional, as yet uncharacterized, avirulence genes and/or resistance genes may contribute to specificity in the avrPto-Pto interaction. Genetic analysis indicates that this resistance gene(s) would be tightly linked to Pto. Interestingly, P. syringae pv. glycinea transconjugants carrying avrPto elicit a typical hypersensitive resistant response in the soybean cultivar Centennial, suggesting conservation of Pto function between two crop plants, tomato and soybean.  相似文献   

Elicitation of hypersensitive cell death and induction of plant disease resistance by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) is dependent on activity of the Pst Hrp secretion system and the gene-for-gene interaction between the tomato resistance gene Pto and the bacterial avirulence gene avrPto. AvrPto was expressed transiently in resistant or susceptible plant lines via a potato virus X (PVX) vector. We found that while PVX is normally virulent on tomato, a PVX derivative expressing avrPto was only capable of infecting plants lacking a functional Pto resistance pathway. Mutations in either the Pto or Prf genes allowed systemic spread of the recombinant virus. These results indicate that recognition of AvrPto by Pto in resistant plant lines triggers a plant defense response that can confer resistance to a viral as well as a bacterial pathogen.  相似文献   

The Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain is found in one of the two large families of homologues of plant disease resistance proteins (R proteins) in Arabidopsis and other dicotyledonous plants. In addition to these TIR-NBS-LRR (TNL) R proteins, we identified two families of TIR-containing proteins encoded in the Arabidopsis Col-0 genome. The TIR-X (TX) family of proteins lacks both the nucleotide-binding site (NBS) and the leucine rich repeats (LRRs) that are characteristic of the R proteins, while the TIR-NBS (TN) proteins contain much of the NBS, but lack the LRR. In Col-0, the TX family is encoded by 27 genes and three pseudogenes; the TN family is encoded by 20 genes and one pseudogene. Using massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS), expression was detected at low levels for approximately 85% of the TN-encoding genes. Expression was detected for only approximately 40% of the TX-encoding genes, again at low levels. Physical map data and phylogenetic analysis indicated that multiple genomic duplication events have increased the numbers of TX and TN genes in Arabidopsis. Genes encoding TX, TN and TNL proteins were demonstrated in conifers; TX and TN genes are present in very low numbers in grass genomes. The expression, prevalence, and diversity of TX and TN genes suggests that these genes encode functional proteins rather than resulting from degradation or deletions of TNL genes. These TX and TN proteins could be plant analogues of small TIR-adapter proteins that function in mammalian innate immune responses such as MyD88 and Mal.  相似文献   

The gene-for-gene mechanism of plant disease resistance involves direct or indirect recognition of pathogen avirulence (Avr) proteins by plant resistance (R) proteins. Flax rust (Melampsora lini) AvrL567 avirulence proteins and the corresponding flax (Linum usitatissimum) L5, L6, and L7 resistance proteins interact directly. We determined the three-dimensional structures of two members of the AvrL567 family, AvrL567-A and AvrL567-D, at 1.4- and 2.3-A resolution, respectively. The structures of both proteins are very similar and reveal a beta-sandwich fold with no close known structural homologs. The polymorphic residues in the AvrL567 family map to the surface of the protein, and polymorphisms in residues associated with recognition differences for the R proteins lead to significant changes in surface chemical properties. Analysis of single amino acid substitutions in AvrL567 proteins confirm the role of individual residues in conferring differences in recognition and suggest that the specificity results from the cumulative effects of multiple amino acid contacts. The structures also provide insights into possible pathogen-associated functions of AvrL567 proteins, with nucleic acid binding activity demonstrated in vitro. Our studies provide some of the first structural information on avirulence proteins that bind directly to the corresponding resistance proteins, allowing an examination of the molecular basis of the interaction with the resistance proteins as a step toward designing new resistance specificities.  相似文献   

In contrast to large-effect qualitative disease resistance,quantitative disease resistance(QDR) exhibits partial and generally durable resistance and has been extensively utilized in crop breeding.The molecular mechanisms underlying QDR remain largely unknown but considerable progress has been made in this area in recent years.In this review,we summarize the genes that have been associated with plant QDR and their biological functions.Many QDR genes belong to the canonical resistance gene catego...  相似文献   

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