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The structure and development of the paired eyes of the larva of Kronborgia isopodicola were studied by electron microscopy. Each ocellus, located anterolateral to the brain, is of the inverse rhabdomeric type. A supportive cell contains 10–12 rows of concentrically arranged crystalline plates forming a cup-shaped reflective structure (mirror), the opening of which faces laterally. Three large dendritic processes penentrate the opening and each terminates in a rhabdomere. The cell body of each dendrite lies slightly behind the margin of the mirror cell. Cytoplasmic extensions of the supportive/mirror cell project across the opening, interposing between the dendritic processes. A secretory process (possibly neurosecretory) passes in front of the eyecup in contact with dendritic processes and the extensions of the supportive cell. Reflective layers consisting of rows of crystalline platelets are widely distributed in the animal kingdom, but among the Platyhelminthes this type of reflective ocellus has previously been reported only from Polystomatidae (Monogenea).  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the female reproductive system of the polyclad flatworm Pleioplana atomata is described. Numerous ovaries are scattered throughout the entire body but are mainly concentrated on the dorsal side. Within an ovary, a germinative zone with oogonia and prefolicular cells is located in the dorsal part of the ovary. The remaining part of the gonad is filled with previtellogenic and early vitellogenic oocytes enwrapped by follicular cells. During previtellogenesis, oocytes produce numerous eggshell globules, which are distributed into the cortical area of the cell in later stages. Eventually, these globules release their contents into the space between the eggshell cover and oolemma. Similar types of globules are also found in others flatworms, and may represent useful phylogenetic characters. Entolecital, vitellogenic oocytes pass to paired uteri, where vitellogenesis is completed. The remainder of the female reproductive system consists of paired thin uterine ducts that join a vagina. The distal part of the long, curved vagina forms a large Lang's vesicle, while the proximal part is connected to a female atrium leading to a female gonopore. We hypothesize that Lang's vesicle functions in the digestion of excess sperm received. Two kinds of different shell (cement) glands that release their secretion into the vagina are identified. Both are unicellular glands and each gland cell connects to the lumen of the vagina via an individual canal. Similar glands in other acotylean polyclads have been implicated in the formation of eggshell covers. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The protonephridial system of Götte's larva of Stylochus mediterraneus was studied by electron microscopy. There is one protonephridium on each side of the body, formed by one terminal and one canal cell. The terminal filtration apparatus is formed by a single cell (the terminal cell) with several globular processes, the largest of which includes the nucleus. Fingers of cytoplasm (leptotriches) from each process penetrate the lumen surrounding the bundle of cilia and fingers from adjacent processes interdigitate to form a pattern of convoluted slits which constitute the weir. The single canal cell is inserted internally to the terminal cell at the top of the weir and encloses the lumen without a junction. Septate junctions are present between the terminal and canal cells. The lumen of the canal cell is smooth-walled for most of its length and cilia arise and terminate at all levels of the terminal and canal cells. Posterior to the larval mouth opening, the canal cell crosses the epithelium and the lumen ramifies to form the excretory opening. The terminal apparatus closely resembles that found in the freshwater planarian Bdellocephala brunnea .  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the ciliary apparatus of multiciliated epidermal cells in larval and adult sipunculids is described and the phylogenetic implications discussed. The pelagosphera of Apionsoma misakianum has a dense cover of epidermal cilia on the head region. The cilia have a long, narrow distal part and two long ciliary rootlets, one rostrally and one vertically orientated. The adult Phascolion strombus has cilia on the nuchal organ and on the oral side of the tentacles. These cilia have a narrow distal part as in the A. misakianum larva, but the ciliary rootlets have a different structure. The first rootlet on the anterior face of the basal body is very short and small. The second, vertically orientated rootlet is long and relatively thick. The two ciliary rootlets present in the larval A. misakianum are similar to the basal metazoan type of ciliary apparatus of epidermal multiciliated cells and thus likely represent the plesiomorphic state. The minute first rootlet in the adult P. strombus is viewed as a consequence of a secondary reduction. No possible synapomorphic character with the phylogenetically troublesome Xenoturbella was found.  相似文献   

Temnocephala novaezealandiae (family Temnocephalidae) and Troglocaridicola mrazeki and Scutariella georgica (family Scutariellidae) were studied by electron microscopy in an attempt to reveal characters that would indicate their phylogenetic relationship to other members of the Platyhelminthes. Ultrastructural features of the epidermis in these temnocephaloideans are like those of the neoophoran turbellarians. The epidermis is syncytial, is honeycombed by a multitude of gland necks whose secretions produce an epidermal surface film, and is underlaid by a thick basement membrane. Some cells in the parenchyma are compartmentalized by intrusive cell processes from neighboring parenchymal cells in a fashion similar to parenchymal structure in the Monogenea and Digenea. The spermatozoa have a pair of free 9+1 flagella and contain aligned dense bodies. The Temnocephaloidea is evidently derived from an early rhabdocoel-turbellarian-like ancestor.  相似文献   

Summary InGryllus bimaculatus females one foreleg was amputated at the coxa-trochanter joint in the 2nd, 4th or 8th/9th larval instar. A leg of up to normal length is regenerated (Fig. 1) but it lacks a functional ear. In spite of the, usually shorter, regenerated foreleg, the adult one-eared crickets show no impairments in walking when tested on a locomotion compensator. Without sound they walk erratically and most of them weakly circle towards the intact side (Fig. 2).With calling song presentation three response types can be distinguished:tracking (Fig. 3A), hanging on (Fig. 3B) or continuouscircling towards the intact side (Fig. 3C, D). Turning tendencies in monaurals increase with song intensity and exceed those of intact and bilaterally operated animals (Fig. 4). Course deviations towards the intact side also slightly increase with intensity (Fig. 5). Course stability is reduced compared to that of intact animals but exceeds that of bilaterally operated crickets (Figs. 5, 6). It is best at 60 dB and deteriorates at higher sound intensities (Fig. 6). The percentage of monaurals tracking or hanging on decreases with increasing intensity (Fig. 7B). Tracking is established in most animals but it is limited to a narrow intensity range (Fig. 7A, C). Apart from an increased percentage of tracking after early operations (Fig. 7D), there are no prominent changes in orientational parameters with the date of foreleg amputation.Reamputation of the regenerated leg in the adult monaurals does not significantly impair acoustic orientation (Figs. 8, 9), but occlusion of the ipsilateral prothoracic spiracle does (Figs. 10, 11).An attempt is made to correlate the behavioral performance with the activity of auditory interneurons which have undergone morphological and physiological changes (Fig. 12).  相似文献   

Summary The larval stage of Polypodium hydriforme is planuliform and parasitic inside the growing oocytes of acipenserid fishes. The larva has inverted germ layers and a special envelope, the trophamnion, surrounding it within the host oocyte. The trophamnion is a giant unicellular provisory structure derived from the second polar body and performing both protective and digestive functions, clearly a result of adaptation to parasitism. The trophamnion displays microvilli on its inner surface, and irregular protrusions anchoring it to the yolk on its outer surface. Its cytoplasm contains long nuclear fragments, ribosomes, mitochondria, microtubules, microfilaments, prominent Golgi bodies, primary lysosomes, and secondary lysosomes with partially digested inclusions.The cells of the larva proper are poorly differentiated. No muscular, glandular, neural, interstitial, or nematocyst-forming cells have been found. The entodermal (outer layer) cells bear flagella and contain rough endoplasmic reticulum; the ectodermal (inner layer) cells lack cilia and contain an apical layer of acid mucopolysaccharid granules. The cells of both layers contain mitochondria, microtubules, and Golgi bodies; their nuclei display large nucleoli with nucleolonema-like structure, decondensed chromatin, and some perichromatin granules. At their apical rims, the ectodermal cells form septate junctions; laterally, the cells of both layers form simple contacts and occasional interdigitations. The lateral surfaces of entodermal cells are strengthened by microtubules.  相似文献   

The existence of the platyhelminth clade Adiaphanida—an assemblage comprising the well‐studied order Tricladida as well as two lesser known taxa, Prolecithophora and the obligate parasitic Fecampiida—is among the more surprising results of flatworm molecular systematics. Each of these three clades is itself largely well‐defined from a morphological point of view, although Adiaphanida at large, despite its strong support in molecular phylogenetic analyses, lacks known morphological synapomorphies. However, one taxon, the genus Genostoma, a parasite of the leptostracan crustacean Nebalia, rests uneasily within its current classification within the fecampiid family Genostomatidae; ultrastructural investigations on this taxon have uncovered a spermatogenesis reminiscent of Kalyptorhynchia, and a dorsal syncytium resembling the neodermatan tegument. Here, we provide molecular sequence data (nearly complete 18S and 28S rRNA) from a representative of Genostoma, with which we test hypotheses on the phylogenetic position of this taxon within Platyhelminthes, expanding upon a recently published phylum‐wide analysis, and applying novel alignment algorithms and substitution models. These analyses unequivocally position Genostoma as the sister group of Prolecithophora. However, even in taxon‐rich analyses, support for the position of the root of Adiaphanida is lacking, highlighting the need for new data types to study the phylogeny of this clade. Interestingly, our analyses also do not recover the monophyly of several taxa previously proposed, notably Continenticola within Tricladida and Protomonotresidae within Prolecithophora. In light of this phylogeny and the distinctive morphology (especially, spermatogenesis) of Genostoma, we advocate for a redefinition of the family Genostomatidae, outside of both Fecampiida and Prolecithophora, to encompass the members of this unique genus of parasites. Within Fecampiida, the family Piscinquilinidae fam. nov. is erected to accommodate the vertebrate‐parasitic Piscinquilinus, formerly Genostomatidae.  相似文献   

Gerasev PI 《Parazitologiia》2004,38(5):426-437
A phylogenetic reconstruction of the monogenean family Tetraonchidae was carried out by methods of parsimony-based cladistics. The analysis included 20 species of tetraonchids and two out-groups (Sundanonchus tomanorum and Dactylogyrus amphibothrium) and was based on 34 morphofunctional characters. Software PAUP 4.0 and Winclada were used for the phylogenetic reconstructions. Obtained results allow proposing a preliminary phylogenetic hypothesis of the family Tetraonchidae along with the discussion of host-parasite association. According to the current taxonomic view, the family Tetraonchidae included two genera. Cladistic analysis showed a monophyly of the family and the genus Tetraonchus Diesing, 1858. Two representative of the former genus, Tetraoncus monenteron and T. borealis, parasitize the pikes (Esocoformes: Esocidae) and the grayling (Salmonidae: Thymallinae) respectively. The genus Salmonchus Spassky et Roytman, 1958 has a complicated structure and its intrageneric relationships were not completely resolved; in general, the analysis allows to recognise several species groups: Salmonchus oncorhynchi--the parasite of the Oncorhynchus masou smolt living during the first year of life in fresh water; four species (S. variabilis, S. gussevi, S. grumosus, S. alaskensis) inhabiting specifically the whitefishes (Salmonidae: Coregoninae); all reminder of Salmonchus species occurring on the salmons (Salmonidae: Salmoninae). The bootstrap test gives a support only for the following clades: family Tetraonchidae (75%), genus Tetraonchus (88%); a group of Salmonchus species associated with the whitefishes (93%) and grouping of four species (S. huhonis, S. pseudolenoki, S. skrjabini and S. lenoki) from the lenoks (Brachymystax) and taimens (Hucho) (61%).  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis was performed on the genera and subgenera within the freshwater triclad family Dugesiidae, based on 19 terminal taxa and 17 morphological characters. The phylogenetic tree proposed has length of 27 steps and consistency index of 0.66. This phylogenetic hypothesis implies that the current genus Dugesia is paraphyletic and that its subgenera Girardia, Schmidiea and Dugesia S.S. should be elevated to the rank of genus. The genera Cura, Spathula and Neppia are presumed monophyletic by default because the database was unable to provide autapomorphies for any of these genera. The genera Dugesia S.S. and Neppia share sistergroup relationship. Several characters are discussed which were previously considered to be of phylogenetic importance but were not included in the present analysis. It is emphasized that sensory organs form potentially useful set of phylogenetic characters for the Dugesiidae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic systematic analysis of 20 aspidobothrean taxa using 33 transformation series based in comparative morphology yields three most parsimonious trees with a consistency index of 62%. The trees agree with familial-level relationships of (Rugogastridae (Stichocotylidae (Multicalycidae + Aspidogastridae))) supported by previous phylogenetic systematic assessments, which were based on only 10 transformation series. The analysis does not support completely the current subfamilial classification of the Aspidogastridae: both the Aspidobothriinae [as ( Aspidogaster + Lobatostoma )] and the Cotylaspinae [as Cotylogasteroides + Cotylogaster basiri (( Cotylaspis + Lissemysia ) ( Rohdella ( Lophotaspis ( Multicotyle + Sychnocotyle )))))] are supported as monophyletic groups. Recognizing Rohdellinae, however, would make the Cotylaspinae paraphyletic. The trees support a basal trichotomy of Cotylogaster michaelis + Aspidobothriinae + Cotylaspinae. Within the Aspidogastrinae, Aspidogaster conchicola , type species of the genus, is the sister group of all other species currently placed in the genus + Lobatosoma spp., rendering Aspidogaster paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The oncomiracidium of Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis (Monogenea, Monopisthocotylea, Monocotylidae) has two pairs of eyes, each eye with a lens and pigment cup. The anterior eyes have a single rhadomere; the posterior ones, two rhadomeres. Lenses are part of the pigment cup cells, as indicated by cytoplasmic connections between them and the pigment cups, and they are of mitochondrial origin because mitochondrial cristae are present in the periphery of the lenses. This is the first time that mitochondrial lenses have been shown to exist in a neodermatan. Such lenses may be a synapomorphy of a large taxon comprising the Neodermata and its turbellarian sister groups, or they may have evolved convergently in several not closely related groups as a result of strong selection pressure to find a suitable habitat or host.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa of Myxinidocotyle californica from the hagfish Eptatretus stoutii and of Acanthocotyle lobianchi from the skate Raja clavata show a similar ultrastructure: two axoncmes of the 9 + 1 type in parallel with the nucleus-and one mitochondrion. In the released Acanthocotyle spermatozoa nucleus and mitochondrion both have a triangular cross-section. No cortical microtubules are present. The ultrastructure of these two acanthocotylid spermatozoa thus corresponds to sperm pattern 2 according to Justine et al. (1985). This pattern is derived from the more primitive pattern 1, which in the Monogenea is found only in the Oligonchoinea Bychowsky, 1937 or the Polyopisthocotylea sensu Justine et al.  相似文献   

The Teloschistaceae is a widespread family with considerable morphological and ecological heterogeneity across genera and species groups. In order to provide a comprehensive molecular phylogeny for this family, phylogenetic analyses were carried out on sequences from the nuclear ribosomal ITS region obtained from 114 individuals that represent virtually all main lineages of Teloschistaceae. Our study confirmed the polyphyly of Caloplaca, Fulgensia and Xanthoria, and revealed that Teloschistes is probably non-monophyletic. We also confirm here that species traditionally included in Caloplaca subgenus Gasparrinia do not form a monophyletic entity. Caloplaca aurantia, C. carphinea and C. saxicola s. str. groups were recovered as monophyletic. The subgenera Caloplaca and Pyrenodesmia were also polyphyletic. In the subgenus Caloplaca, the traditionally recognized C. cerina group was recovered as monophyletic. Because this study is based solely on ITS, to maximize taxon sampling, the inclusion of phylogenetic signal from ambiguously aligned regions in MP (recoded INAASE and arc characters) resulted in the most highly supported phylogenetic reconstruction, compared with Bayesian inference restricted to alignable sites.  相似文献   

Alain De Vocht 《Hydrobiologia》1991,227(1):291-298
The ultrastructural organization of the proboscis in Mesorhynchus terminostylis is distinctly different from that in other members of the Polycystididae in which it is currently classified. The sheath epithelium is formed by three belts, all with intra-epithelial nuclei. The apical belt of the bipartite cone epithelium has a single intrabulbar nucleus, and the basal belt possesses five insunk nucleiferous cell parts behind the bulb. Six types of glands surface through the epithelia; the three types emerging through the cone epithelium can be homologized with those described for Polycistis naegelii. Only uniciliary receptors are found in the epithelium. The musculature in the bulb has a very loose appearance, and the bulbar septum appears to be a bipartite basement membrane. The septum can be considered the basement membrane of the cone epithelium as if the contractile portion of the inner longitudinal muscles have invaded the epithelium and come to lie between the epithelial cells and the basement membrane. Thus the inner musculature of the bulb is entirely intraepithelial as is the case for Psammorhynchus tubulipenis and Cytocystis clitellatus. The systematic position of M. terminostylisremains uncertain but seems to lie between Psammorhynchus and Cytocystis on one hand and Koinocystididae and Polycystididae on the other.  相似文献   

To add to our understanding of dendrocoelid spermatozoa and to describe additional phylogenetic characters, the ultrastructure of the testis was investigated in the subterranean freshwater planarian Dendrocoelum constrictum. This is the first study investigating spermatogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure in a subterranean freshwater planarian species. We found that the basic structure of spermatozoa in D. constrictum is similar to that of other Tricladida that have been studied previously. In fact, D. constrictum spermatozoa possess an elongated nucleus, one giant mitochondrion, and two subterminal flagella with a 9 + ‘1’ pattern. The flagella emerge together from one side of the spermatozoon. However, D. constrictum has some characteristics that have not yet been described for other freshwater planarians. In fact, the number of cortical microtubules reaches the maximum number in the anterior and middle part of region I, and then decrease until they disappear towards the posterior extremity of the spermatozoon. The extreme tip of the anterior region of the spermatozoon exhibits a specific external ornamentation of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The sperm morphology of five species of the Pterastericolidae was studied with transmission electron microscopy. The spermatozoa of all species have two axoncmes, which are incorporated in the sperm cell body for most of their length. The axonemes arc of the'9 + 1'pattern characteristic of the flatworm taxon Trepaxonemata. Outer dynein arms are absent from the microtubule doublets in the axonemes. Dense bodies are few, and occur only in the distal part of the spermatozoa, but small electron dense granules are numerous. A sister group of the Neodermata consisting of the Pterastericolidae and the Fecampidae is proposed. The monophyly of the taxon Dalyellioida is discussed  相似文献   

D. L. Lee 《Journal of Zoology》1970,161(2):513-518
The ultrastructure of the cuticle of the adult female nematode Mermis nigrescens has been described. There is an epicuticle and three-layered membrane covering the cuticle. The cortex is penetrated by canals which extend from the surface of the cuticle to the matrix of the layer beneath the cortex. Beneath the cortex are two layers of giant fibres which spiral around the nematode, a thick layer containing a network of fibres and a basal layer containing a vacuolated matrix material. it is thought that the epicuticle is secreted from the canals in the cortex. The possible functions of the layers in the cuticle have been discussed and similarities with the cuticle of the Acanthocephala have been noted.  相似文献   

Falleni  Alessandra  Lucchesi  Paolo  Gremigni  Vittorio 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):215-226
The female gonad of Temnocephala dendyi and T. minor consists of a single germarium and two rows of vitellaria. It is enveloped by an extracellular lamina and accessory cells. Accessory cells are only peripherally located in the germarium while their cytoplasmic projections also fill the spaces between vitellocytes in the vitellarium. The main feature of oocyte maturation is the appearance of chromatoid bodies and the development of rough endoplasmic reticulum (R.E.R.) and Golgi complexes which appear to be correlated with the production of double-structured egg granules. The egg granules, which are localized in the cortical cytoplasm of mature oocytes, contain glycoproteins, are devoid of polyphenols and are similar in structure and composition to the cortical granules observed in some Digenea and Monogenea. Vitellocytes are typical secretory cells with well-developed R.E.R. and Golgi complexes which are involved in the production of shell globules and yolk. The multigranular pattern and the polyphenolic composition of the shell globules of the temnocephalids investigated are similar to those observed in other rhabdocoels, and in some Prolecithophora and Neodermata. This feature may represent a synapomorphy shared by these taxa. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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