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Intermediate filaments (IFs), in addition to microtubules and microfilaments, are one of the three major components of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells, playing a vital role in mechanotransduction and in providing mechanical stability to cells. Despite the importance of IF mechanics for cell biology and cell mechanics, the structural basis for their mechanical properties remains unknown. Specifically, our understanding of fundamental filament properties, such as the basis for their great extensibility, stiffening properties, and their exceptional mechanical resilience remains limited. This has prevented us from answering fundamental structure-function relationship questions related to the biomechanical role of intermediate filaments, which is crucial to link structure and function in the protein material''s biological context. Here we utilize an atomistic-level model of the human vimentin dimer and tetramer to study their response to mechanical tensile stress, and describe a detailed analysis of the mechanical properties and associated deformation mechanisms. We observe a transition from alpha-helices to beta-sheets with subsequent interdimer sliding under mechanical deformation, which has been inferred previously from experimental results. By upscaling our results we report, for the first time, a quantitative comparison to experimental results of IF nanomechanics, showing good agreement. Through the identification of links between structures and deformation mechanisms at distinct hierarchical levels, we show that the multi-scale structure of IFs is crucial for their characteristic mechanical properties, in particular their ability to undergo severe deformation of ≈300% strain without breaking, facilitated by a cascaded activation of a distinct deformation mechanisms operating at different levels. This process enables IFs to combine disparate properties such as mechanosensitivity, strength and deformability. Our results enable a new paradigm in studying biological and mechanical properties of IFs from an atomistic perspective, and lay the foundation to understanding how properties of individual protein molecules can have profound effects at larger length-scales.  相似文献   

We are studying defects in glycosphingolipid synthesis in cells lacking vimentin intermediate filaments (vimentin−). Sugars can be incorporated into glycolipids whose ceramide is synthesized eitherde novo(pathway 1) or from sphingoid bases salvaged from hydrolysis of sphingolipids (pathway 2) and into glycolipids recycling from the endosomal pathway through the Golgi (pathway 3). Vimentin− embryonic fibroblasts, obtained from vimentin-knockout mice, incorporate less sugar into glycolipids than vimentin+ fibroblasts. Using two inhibitors of ceramide synthesis, β-chloroalanine and fumonisin B1, we found the major defect in synthesis to be in pathway 2 and not inde novosynthesis. We used two additional approaches to analyze the functions of pathways 2 and 3. First, we used exogenous glucosylthioceramide ([14C]C8-Glc-S-Cer), a synthetic, nonhydrolyzable glycosphingolipid, as a precursor for synthesis of larger glycolipids. Vimentin− SW13 cells and embryonic fibroblasts glycosylated [14C]C8-Glc-S-Cer less extensively than their vimentin+ counterparts. Second, we used chloroquine to inhibit the hydrolysis of sphingolipids in endosomes and lysosomes. Chloroquine markedly decreased the incorporation of sugars into glycolipids larger than glucosylceramide. The defect in glycolipid synthesis in vimentin− cells probably results from impaired intracellular transport of glycolipids and sphingoid bases between the endosomal/lysosomal pathway and the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum. Intermediate filaments may accomplish this function by contributing to the organization of subcellular organelles and/or by binding proteins that participate in transport processes.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of a cell determine many aspects of its behavior, and these mechanics are largely determined by the cytoskeleton. Although the contribution of actin filaments and microtubules to the mechanics of cells has been investigated in great detail, relatively little is known about the contribution of the third major cytoskeletal component, intermediate filaments (IFs). To determine the role of vimentin IF (VIF) in modulating intracellular and cortical mechanics, we carried out studies using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (mEFs) derived from wild-type or vimentin−/− mice. The VIFs contribute little to cortical stiffness but are critical for regulating intracellular mechanics. Active microrheology measurements using optical tweezers in living cells reveal that the presence of VIFs doubles the value of the cytoplasmic shear modulus to ∼10 Pa. The higher levels of cytoplasmic stiffness appear to stabilize organelles in the cell, as measured by tracking endogenous vesicle movement. These studies show that VIFs both increase the mechanical integrity of cells and localize intracellular components.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of a cell determine many aspects of its behavior, and these mechanics are largely determined by the cytoskeleton. Although the contribution of actin filaments and microtubules to the mechanics of cells has been investigated in great detail, relatively little is known about the contribution of the third major cytoskeletal component, intermediate filaments (IFs). To determine the role of vimentin IF (VIF) in modulating intracellular and cortical mechanics, we carried out studies using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (mEFs) derived from wild-type or vimentin−/− mice. The VIFs contribute little to cortical stiffness but are critical for regulating intracellular mechanics. Active microrheology measurements using optical tweezers in living cells reveal that the presence of VIFs doubles the value of the cytoplasmic shear modulus to ∼10 Pa. The higher levels of cytoplasmic stiffness appear to stabilize organelles in the cell, as measured by tracking endogenous vesicle movement. These studies show that VIFs both increase the mechanical integrity of cells and localize intracellular components.  相似文献   

Actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments (IFs) are central elements of the metazoan cytoskeleton. At the molecular level, the assembly mechanism for actin filaments and microtubules is fundamentally different from that of IFs. The former two types of filaments assemble from globular proteins. By contrast, IFs assemble from tetrameric complexes of extended, half-staggered, and antiparallel oriented coiled-coils. These tetramers laterally associate into unit-length filaments; subsequent longitudinal annealing of unit-length filaments yields mature IFs. In vitro, IFs form open structures without a fixed number of tetramers per cross-section along the filament. Therefore, a central question for the structural biology of IFs is whether individual subunits can dissociate from assembled filaments and rebind at other sites. Using the fluorescently labeled IF-protein vimentin for assembly, we directly observe and quantitatively determine subunit exchange events between filaments as well as with soluble vimentin pools. Thereby we demonstrate that the cross-sectional polymorphism of donor and acceptor filaments plays an important role. We propose that in segments of donor filaments with more than the standard 32 molecules per cross-section, subunits are not as tightly bound and are predisposed to be released from the filament.  相似文献   

The interaction between the Toxoplasma parasitophorous vacuole and vimentin-type intermediate filaments in Vero cells was investigated via immunofluorescence microscopy. A significant rearrangement of host cell vimentin around the Toxoplasma parasitophorous vacuoles occurs throughout the course of infection. Host cell vimentin associates with the parasitophorous vacuoles within an hour after invasion. This vimentin overcoating of the vacuole is initiated at the host cell nuclear surface. During parasite multiplication, vimentin retains a closely defined association with the cytosolic surface of the parasitophorous vacuole. In addition, the vimentin intermediate filaments originating from the host cell nuclear surface are progressively rearranged around the enlarging parasitophorous compartment. During infections, the order of vimentin cytoskeleton is normal throughout the cell and appears redefined only at the vicinity of the parasitophorous vacuole. Depolymerization of the intermediate filaments was achieved with the phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and calyculin A. Disruption of the intermediate filament networks resulted in displacement of the parasitophorous vacuoles from the host cell nuclear surface. The data indicate that host cell vimentin binds to the Toxoplasma parasitophorous vacuoles and that the host intermediate filament network serves to dock the parasite compartment to the host cell nuclear surface.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (vv), a member of the poxvirus family, is unique among most DNA viruses in that its replication occurs in the cytoplasm of the infected host cell. Although this viral process is known to occur in distinct cytoplasmic sites, little is known about its organization and in particular its relation with cellular membranes. The present study shows by electron microscopy (EM) that soon after initial vv DNA synthesis at 2 h postinfection, the sites become entirely surrounded by membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Complete wrapping requires ~45 min and persists until virion assembly is initiated at 6 h postinfection, and the ER dissociates from the replication sites. [(3)H]Thymidine incorporation at different infection times shows that efficient vv DNA synthesis coincides with complete ER wrapping, suggesting that the ER facilitates viral replication. Proteins known to be associated with the nuclear envelope in interphase cells are not targeted to these DNA-surrounding ER membranes, ruling out a role for these molecules in the wrapping process. By random green fluorescent protein-tagging of vv early genes of unknown function with a putative transmembrane domain, a novel vv protein, the gene product of E8R, was identified that is targeted to the ER around the DNA sites. Antibodies raised against this vv early membrane protein showed, by immunofluorescence microscopy, a characteristic ring-like pattern around the replication site. By electron microscopy quantitation the protein concentrated in the ER surrounding the DNA site and was preferentially targeted to membrane facing the inside of this site. These combined data are discussed in relation to nuclear envelope assembly/disassembly as it occurs during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IFs) are principal components of the cytoskeleton, a dynamic integrated system of structural proteins that provides the functional architecture of metazoan cells. They are major contributors to the elasticity of cells and tissues due to their high mechanical stability and intrinsic flexibility. The basic building block for the assembly of IFs is a rod-like, 60-nm-long tetrameric complex made from two antiparallel, half-staggered coiled coils. In low ionic strength, tetramers form stable complexes that rapidly assemble into filaments upon raising the ionic strength. The first assembly products, “frozen” by instantaneous chemical fixation and viewed by electron microscopy, are 60-nm-long “unit-length” filaments (ULFs) that apparently form by lateral in-register association of tetramers. ULFs are the active elements of IF growth, undergoing longitudinal end-to-end annealing with one another and with growing filaments. Originally, we have employed quantitative time-lapse atomic force and electron microscopy to analyze the kinetics of vimentin-filament assembly starting from a few seconds to several hours. To obtain detailed quantitative insight into the productive reactions that drive ULF formation, we now introduce a “stopped-flow” approach in combination with static light-scattering measurements. Thereby, we determine the basic rate constants for lateral assembly of tetramers to ULFs. Processing of the recorded data by a global fitting procedure enables us to describe the hierarchical steps of IF formation. Specifically, we propose that tetramers are consumed within milliseconds to yield octamers that are obligatory intermediates toward ULF formation. Although the interaction of tetramers is diffusion controlled, it is strongly driven by their geometry to mediate effective subunit targeting. Importantly, our model conclusively reflects the previously described occurrence of polymorphic ULF and mature filaments in terms of their number of tetramers per cross section.  相似文献   

Several cultures established from biopsies of apparently normal adult human glial material showed no cells positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA) when examined after seven or more cumulative population doublings (CPD), although the established glioma line U251 MG showed ∼3% GFA-positive cells, and U333 CG/343 MG clone 3 showed >98% GFA-positive cells. Both the human glia derived cultures and the glioma lines were positive when assayed with sera specific for vimentin. We therefore investigated the expression of GFA as a function of cumulative population doublings after the establishment of primary cultures. Under our experimental conditions, although GFA-positive cells were clearly present in the primary cultures accounting for some 3%–14% of the cells present, the GFA marker was subsequently lost, and the proliferating cultures expressed only the vimentin type of intermediate filament. Those cells that were GFA-positive also appeared to be vimentin-positive. GFA expression was not reinduced in cultures that had lost the GFA marker by treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP. We discuss two alternate hypotheses for the origin of the GFA-negative cells: (1) the cultures are of astrocyte origin but lose the ability to express GFA on culturing; (2) the cultures originate from cells of nonastrocyte origin present in the primary material.  相似文献   

Gliosis is a biological process that occurs during injury repair in the central nervous system and is characterized by the overexpression of the intermediate filaments (IFs) glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin. A common thread in many retinal diseases is reactive Müller cell gliosis, an untreatable condition that leads to tissue scarring and even blindness. Here, we demonstrate that the vimentin-targeting small molecule withaferin A (WFA) is a novel chemical probe of GFAP. Using molecular modeling studies that build on the x-ray crystal structure of tetrameric vimentin rod 2B domain we reveal that the WFA binding site is conserved in the corresponding domain of tetrameric GFAP. Consequently, we demonstrate that WFA covalently binds soluble recombinant tetrameric human GFAP at cysteine 294. In cultured primary astrocytes, WFA binds to and down-regulates soluble vimentin and GFAP expression to cause cell cycle G0/G1 arrest. Exploiting a chemical injury model that overexpresses vimentin and GFAP in retinal Müller glia, we demonstrate that systemic delivery of WFA down-regulates soluble vimentin and GFAP expression in mouse retinas. This pharmacological knockdown of soluble IFs results in the impairment of GFAP filament assembly and inhibition of cell proliferative response in Müller glia. We further show that a more severe GFAP filament assembly deficit manifests in vimentin-deficient mice, which is partly rescued by WFA. These findings illustrate WFA as a chemical probe of type III IFs and illuminate this class of withanolide as a potential treatment for diverse gliosis-dependent central nervous system traumatic injury conditions and diseases, and for orphan IF-dependent pathologies.  相似文献   

中间纤维(intermediate filament,IF)与微管、微丝一起组成细胞骨架的蛋白质纤维网络体系。三种骨架纤维中最复杂的是IF,它由最大的基因家族所编码,组成了一个包含73个成员的蛋白大家族。IF除了支架作用还形成复杂的信息平台,并与各种激酶、受体和凋亡蛋白相互作用。目前,已知80多种人类相关疾病包括皮肤起泡、肌肉萎缩症、心肌病、早衰综合征、神经退行性疾病和白内障等与IF有关,且数量仍在增长。其中,IF的变异至少与30多种人类组织特异性疾病有关,在几种神经退行性疾病、肌肉疾病或其他相关疾病还会出现特征性的包涵体。IF可作为细胞类型的标志,其抗体被广泛应用于病理诊断,因此研究这些疾病与IF之间的相互联系、揭示它们的作用机制对全面认识IF在细胞和组织中所起的作用以及对临床疾病的治疗有着重要意义。  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of protein kinase C (PKC)-δ was determined in HL60 cells differentiated toward monocytes/macrophages by treatment with TPA. PKC-δ was detected in the nucleus and cytoplasm of differentiated HL60 cells and, more specifically, associated with structures resembling intermediate filaments. Indirect immunostaining revealed that PKC-δ colocalized with vimentin in the cytosol and perinuclear region of these cells. Immunoprecipitation studies showed that PKC-δ was in an active (autophosphorylated) state in differentiated HL60 cells and that vimentin immunoprecipitated from these cells was also phosphorylated. Treatment of HL60 cells with the PKC-specific inhibitor chelerythrine decreased the phosphorylation of vimentin. These data suggest that vimentin is a substrate for PKC-δ and that this PKC isoenzyme may play a specific role in the regulation of shape change and cell adhesion during HL60 differentiation.  相似文献   

Crescents consisting of a single lipoprotein membrane with an external protein scaffold comprise the initial structural elements of poxvirus morphogenesis. Crescents enlarge to form spherical immature virions, which enclose viroplasm consisting of proteins destined to form the cores of mature virions. Previous studies suggest that the L2 protein participates in the recruitment of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived membranes to form immature virions within assembly sites of cytoplasmic factories. Here we show that L2 interacts with the previously uncharacterized 42-amino-acid A30.5 protein. An open reading frame similar in size to the one encoding A30.5 is at the same genome location in representatives of all chordopoxvirus genera. A30.5 has a putative transmembrane domain and colocalized with markers of the endoplasmic reticulum and with L2. By constructing a complementing cell line expressing A30.5, we isolated a deletion mutant virus that exhibits a defect in morphogenesis in normal cells. Large electron-dense cytoplasmic inclusions and clusters of scaffold protein-coated membranes that resemble crescents and immature virions devoid of viroplasm were seen in place of normal structures. Crescent-shaped membranes were continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and oriented with the convex scaffold protein-coated side facing the lumen, while clusters of completed spherical immature-virion-like forms were trapped within the expanded lumen. Immature-virion-like structures were more abundant in infected RK-13 cells than in BS-C-1 or HeLa cells, in which cytoplasmic inclusions were decorated with scaffold protein-coated membrane arcs. We suggest that the outer surface of the poxvirus virion is derived from the luminal side of the ER membrane.  相似文献   

Replication of the flavivirus Kunjin virus is associated with virus-induced membrane structures within the cytoplasm of infected cells; these membranes appear as packets of vesicles associated with the sites of viral RNA synthesis and as convoluted membranes (CM) and paracrystalline arrays (PC) containing the components of the virus-specified protease (E. G. Westaway, J. M. Mackenzie, M. T. Kenney, M. K. Jones, and A. A. Khromykh, J. Virol. 71:6650-6661, 1997). To determine the cellular origins of these membrane structures, we compared the immunolabelling patterns of several cell markers in relation to these sites by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. A marker for the trans-Golgi membranes and the trans-Golgi network, 1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalT), was redistributed to large foci in the cytoplasm of Kunjin virus-infected cells, partially coincident with immunofluorescent foci associated with the putative sites of viral RNA synthesis. As determined by immunoelectron microscopy, the induced vesicle packets contained GalT, whereas the CM and PC contained a specific protein marker for the intermediate compartment (ERGIC53). A further indicator of the role of cellular organelles in their biogenesis was the observation that the Golgi apparatus-disrupting agent brefeldin A prevented further development of immunofluorescent foci of induced membranes if added before the end of the latent period but that once formed, these membrane foci were resistant to brefeldin A dispersion. Reticulum membranes emanating from the induced CM and PC were also labelled with the rough endoplasmic reticulum marker anti-protein disulfide isomerase and were obviously redistributed during infection. This is the first report identifying trans-Golgi membranes and the intermediate compartment as the apparent sources of the flavivirus-induced membranes involved in events of replication.  相似文献   

We have previously identified two distinct forms of putative viral assembly intermediate complexes, a detergent-resistant complex (DRC) and a detergent-sensitive complex (DSC), in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected CD4(+) T cells (Y. M. Lee and X. F. Yu, Virology 243:78-93, 1998). In the present study, the intracellular localization of these two viral assembly intermediate complexes was investigated by use of a newly developed method of subcellular fractionation. In wild-type HIV-1-infected H9 cells, the DRC fractionated with the soluble cytoplasmic fraction, whereas the DSC was associated with the membrane fraction. The DRC was also detected in the cytoplasmic fraction in H9 cells expressing HIV-1 Myr- mutant Gag. However, little of the unmyristylated Gag and Gag-Pol proteins was found in the membrane fraction. Furthermore, HIV-1 Gag proteins synthesized in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system in the absence of exogenous lipid membrane were able to assemble into a viral Gag complex similar to that of the DRC identified in infected H9 cells. The density of the viral Gag complex was not altered by treatment with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, suggesting a lack of association of this complex with endogenous lipid. Formation of the DRC was not significantly affected by mutations in assembly domains M and L of the Gag protein but was drastically inhibited by a mutation in the assembly I domain. Purified DRC could be disrupted by high-salt treatment, suggesting electrostatic interactions are important for stabilizing the DRC. The Gag precursor proteins in the DRC were more sensitive to trypsin digestion than those in the DSC. These findings suggest that HIV-1 Gag and Gag-Pol precursors assemble into DRC in the cytoplasm, a process which requires the protein-protein interaction domain (I) in NCp7; subsequently, the DRC is transported to the plasma membrane through a process mediated by the M domain of the matrix protein. It appears that during this process, a conformational change might occur in the DRC either before or after its association with the plasma membrane, and this change is followed by the detection of virus budding structure at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In vitro assembly of vimentin intermediate filaments (IFs) proceeds from soluble, reconstituted tetrameric complexes to mature filaments in three distinct stages: (1) within the first seconds after initiation of assembly, tetramers laterally associate into unit-length filaments (ULFs), on average 17 nm wide; (2) for the next few minutes, ULFs grow by longitudinal annealing into short, immature filaments; (3) almost concomitant with elongation, these immature filaments begin to radially compact, yielding ∼ 11-nm-wide IFs at around 15 min. The near-UV CD signal of soluble tetramers exhibits two main peaks at 285 and 278 nm, which do not change during ULF formation. In contrast, the CD signal of mature IFs exhibits two major changes: (1) the 278-nm band, denoting the transition of the tyrosines from the ground state to the first vibrational mode of the excited state, is lost; (2) a red-shifted band appears at 291 nm, indicating the emergence of a new electronic species. These changes take place independently and at different time scales. The 278-nm signal disappears within the first minute of assembly, compatible with increased rigidity of the tyrosines during elongation of the ULFs. The rise of the 291-nm band has a lifetime of ∼ 13 min and denotes the generation of phenolates by deprotonation of the tyrosines' hydroxyl group after they relocalize into a negatively charged environment. The appearance of such tyrosine-binding “pockets” in the assembling filaments highlights an essential part of the molecular rearrangements characterizing the later stages of the assembly process, including the radial compaction.  相似文献   

Our previous studies provided evidence that E10R, a vaccinia virus protein belonging to the ERV1/ALR family, has a redox function and is required for virion assembly. Repression of E10R prevented the formation of intramolecular disulfide bonds of the G4L glutaredoxin, the L1R membrane protein, and the structurally related F9L protein. Here, we demonstrate an oxidation pathway (E10R(SS) --> G4L(SS) --> L1R(SS), F9L(SS)) in which G4L occupies an intermediate position. By reacting free thiols with 4-acetamido-4'-malemideylstilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, alkylated and nonalkylated disulfide-bonded forms of G4L could be resolved from each other by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The cysteines of intracellular G4L were in both disulfide and reduced forms, whereas those of E10R, L1R, and F9L and virion-associated G4L were mostly disulfide bonded. Repression of G4L expression prevented the formation of disulfide bonds in both L1R and F9L but not E10R. Both cysteines of G4L were required for L1R and F9L disulfide bond formation or for trans-complementation of virus infectivity when G4L expression was repressed. No role in the E10R-G4L redox pathway was found for O2L, a nonessential glutaredoxin encoded by vaccinia virus. We suggest that cytoplasmic G4L is a redox shuttle between membrane-associated E10R and L1R or F9L.  相似文献   


Guanine-rich polynucleotides such as poly(dG), oligo(dG)12–18 or poly(rG) were shown to exert a strong inhibitory effect on vimentin filament assembly and also to cause disintegration of preformed filaments in vitro. Gold-labeled oligo(dG)25 was preferentially localized at the physical ends of the aggregation and disaggregation products and at sites along filaments with a basic periodicity of 22.7 nm. Similar effects were observed with heat-denatured eukaryotic nuclear DNA or total rRNA although these nucleic acids could affect filament formation and structure only at ionic strengths lower than physiological. However, whenever filaments were formed or stayed intact, they appeared associated with the nucleic acids. These electron microscopic observations were corroborated by sucrose gradient analysis of complexes obtained from preformed vimentin filaments and radioactively labeled heteroduplexes. Among the duplexes of the DNA type, particularly poly(dG)·poly(dC), and, of those of the RNA type, preferentially poly(rA)·poly(rU), were carried by the filaments with high efficiency into the pellet fraction. Single-stranded 18S and 28S rRNA interacted only weakly with vimentin filaments. Nevertheless, in a mechanically undisturbed environment, vimentin filaments could be densely decorated with intact 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits as revealed by electron microscopy. These results indicate that, in contrast to single-stranded nucleic acids with their compact random coil configuration, double-stranded nucleic acids with their elongated and flexible shape have the capability to stably interact with the helically arranged, surface-exposed amino-terminal polypeptide chains of vimentin filaments. Such interactions might be of physiological relevance in regard to the transport and positioning of nucleic acids and nucleoprotein particles in the various compartments of eukaryotic cells. Conversely, nucleic acids might be capable of affecting the cytoplasmic organization of vimentin filament networks through their filament-destabilizing potentials.  相似文献   

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