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Davis MD  Wu J  Owens RA 《Journal of virology》2000,74(6):2936-2942
The endonuclease activity of the Rep68 and Rep78 proteins (Rep68/78) of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) cuts at the terminal resolution site (trs) within the hairpin structure formed by the AAV inverted terminal repeats. Recent studies suggest that a DNA unwinding function of Rep68/78 may be required for endonuclease activity. We demonstrate that several mutant proteins which are endonuclease negative on a fully duplex hairpin substrate are endonuclease positive on a partially single-stranded hairpin substrate. Truncation analysis revealed that the endonuclease function is contained within the first 200 amino acids of Rep68/78. This endonucleolytic cleavage is believed to involve the covalent attachment of Rep68/78 to the trs via a phosphate-tyrosine linkage. A previous report (S. L. Walker, R. S. Wonderling, and R. A. Owens, J. Virol. 71:2722-2730, 1997) suggested that tyrosine 152 was part of the active site. We individually mutated each tyrosine within the first 200 amino acids of the Rep68 moiety of a maltose binding protein-Rep68/78 fusion protein to phenylalanine. Only mutation of tyrosine 156 resulted in a protein incapable of covalent attachment to a partially single-stranded hairpin substrate, suggesting that tyrosine 156 is part of the endonuclease active site.  相似文献   

Four Rep proteins are encoded by the human parvovirus adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV). The two largest proteins, Rep68 and Rep78, have been shown in vitro to perform several activities related to AAV DNA replication. The Rep78 and Rep68 proteins are likely to be involved in the targeted integration of the AAV DNA into human chromosome 19, and the full characterization of these proteins is important for exploiting this phenomenon for the use of AAV as a vector for gene therapy. To obtain sufficient quantities for facilitating the characterization of the biochemical properties of the Rep proteins, the AAV rep open reading frame was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with maltose-binding protein (MBP). Recombinant MBP-Rep68 and MBP-Rep78 proteins displayed the following activities reported for wild-type Rep proteins when assayed in vitro: (i) binding to the AAV inverted terminal repeat (ITR), (ii) helicase activity, (iii) site-specific (terminal resolution site) endonuclease activity, (iv) binding to a sequence within the integration locus for AAV DNA on human chromosome 19, and (v) stimulation of radiolabeling of DNA containing the AAV ITR in a cell extract. These five activities have been described for wild-type Rep produced from mammalian cell extracts. Furthermore, we recharacterized the sequence requirements for Rep binding to the ITR and found that only the A and A' regions are necessary, not the hairpin form of the ITR.  相似文献   

The adeno-associated virus (AAV) Rep78 and Rep68 proteins are required for site-specific integration of the AAV genome into the AAVS1 locus (19q13.3-qter) as well as for viral DNA replication. Rep78 and Rep68 bind to the GAGC motif on the inverted terminal repeat (ITR) and cut at the trs (terminal resolution site). A similar reaction is believed to occur in AAVS1 harboring an analogous GAGC motif and a trs homolog, followed by integration of the AAV genome. To elucidate the functional domains of Rep proteins at the amino acid level, we performed charged-to-alanine scanning mutagenesis of the N terminus (residues 1 to 240) of Rep78, where DNA binding and nicking domains are thought to exist. Mutants were analyzed for their abilities to bind the GAGC motif, nick at the trs homolog, and integrate an ITR-containing plasmid into AAVS1 by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, trs endonuclease assay, and PCR-based integration assay. We identified the residues responsible for DNA binding: R107A, K136A, and R138A mutations completely abolished the binding activity. The H90A or H92A mutant, carrying a mutation in a putative metal binding site, lost nicking activity while retaining binding activity. Mutations affecting DNA binding or trs nicking also impaired the site-specific integration, except for E66A and E239A. These results provide important information on the structure-function relationship of Rep proteins. We also describe an aberrant nicking of Rep78. We found that Rep78 cuts predominantly at the trs homolog not only between the T residues (GGT/TGG), but also between the G and T residues (GG/TTGG), which may be influenced by the sequence surrounding the GAGC motif.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs) hold enormous potential for human gene therapy. Despite the well-established safety and efficacy of rAAVs for in vivo gene transfer, there is still little information concerning the fate of vectors in blood following systemic delivery. We screened for serum proteins interacting with different AAV serotypes in humans, macaques, dogs, and mice. We report that serotypes rAAV-1, -5, and -6 but not serotypes rAAV-2, -7, -8, -9, and -10 interact in human sera with galectin 3 binding protein (hu-G3BP), a soluble scavenger receptor. Among the three serotypes, rAAV-6 has the most important capacities for binding to G3BP. rAAV-6 also bound G3BP in dog sera but not in macaque and mouse sera. In mice, rAAV-6 interacted with another protein of the innate immune system, C-reactive protein (CRP). Furthermore, interaction of hu-G3BP with rAAV-6 led to the formation of aggregates and hampered transduction when the two were codelivered into the mouse. Based on these data, we propose that species-specific interactions of AAVs with blood proteins may differentially impact vector distribution and efficacy in different animal models.  相似文献   

We have utilized deletion mutants of adeno-associated virus (AAV) to investigate which elements of the AAV genome are required in cis for high yields of the wild-type virus in a plasmid transfection assay and in addition whether these elements affect primarily AAV DNA replication or encapsidation. All tested deletions from within the Rep region demonstrated a modest, approximately threefold, decrease in viral production. Deletions within the cap region resulted in markedly less virus. Previous observations suggested that in cells in which recombinant AAV (rAAV) was produced, as in our assay with the helper plasmid pDG, there is a substantial excess of empty capsids. Co-transfections of high- and low-yielding constructs demonstrated that under conditions where Cap is abundant, the constructs with cap deletions did not package efficiently. These observation suggest that the lower yields of rAAV cannot be entirely due to lack of capsids but that elements within the cap region of the wild-type genome are important for efficient encapsidation. The production of virus by the mutants we tested was, however, not consistent with the disruption of a cis-acting packaging signal. Apparently, when Cap is provided "in trans," encapsidation is inefficient. A second observation is that there were equivalent amounts of replicated but unencapsidated viral DNA in cells transfected with each of our constructs. We propose that, in accord with the previously proposed link between DNA replication and encapsidation, the total amount of AAV DNA replication can be limited by the efficiency of encapsidation.  相似文献   

We have carried out solution equilibrium binding studies of ICP8, the major single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein of herpes simplex virus type I, in order to determine the thermodynamic parameters for its interaction with ssDNA. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of a 5'-fluorescein-labeled 32-mer oligonucleotide revealed that ICP8 formed a nucleoprotein filament on ssDNA with a binding site size of 10 nucleotides/ICP8 monomer, an association constant at 25 degrees C, K = 0.55 +/- 0.05 x 10(6) M(-1), and a cooperativity parameter, omega = 15 +/- 3. The equilibrium constant was largely independent of salt, deltalog(Komega)/deltalog([NaCl]) = -2.4 +/- 0.4. Comparison of these parameters with other ssDNA-binding proteins showed that ICP8 reacted with an unusual mechanism characterized by low cooperativity and weak binding. In addition, the reaction product was more stable at high salt concentrations, and fluorescence enhancement of etheno-ssDNA by ICP8 was higher than for other ssDNA-binding proteins. These last two characteristics are also found for protein-DNA complexes formed by recombinases in their active conformation. Given the proposed role of ICP8 in promoting strand transfer reactions, they suggest that ICP8 and recombinase proteins may catalyze homologous recombination by a similar mechanism.  相似文献   

The Rudiviridae are a family of rod-shaped archaeal viruses with covalently closed, linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genomes. Their replication mechanisms remain obscure, although parallels have been drawn to the Poxviridae and other large cytoplasmic eukaryotic viruses. Here we report that a protein encoded in the 34-kbp genome of the rudivirus SIRV1 is a member of the replication initiator (Rep) superfamily of proteins, which initiate rolling-circle replication (RCR) of diverse viruses and plasmids. We show that SIRV Rep nicks the viral hairpin terminus, forming a covalent adduct between an active-site tyrosine and the 5' end of the DNA, releasing a 3' DNA end as a primer for DNA synthesis. The enzyme can also catalyze the joining reaction that is necessary to reseal the DNA hairpin and terminate replication. The dimeric structure points to a simple mechanism through which two closely positioned active sites, each with a single tyrosine residue, work in tandem to catalyze DNA nicking and joining. We propose a novel mechanism for rudivirus DNA replication, incorporating the first known example of a Rep protein that is not linked to RCR. The implications for Rep protein function and viral replication are discussed.  相似文献   

The proteins encoded by the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) rep and cap genes obtained during a productive infection of HeLa cells with AAV-2 and adenovirus type 2 were fractionated according to solubility, cellular localization, and sedimentation properties. The majority of Rep and Cap proteins accumulated in the nucleus, where they distributed into a soluble and an insoluble fraction. Analysis of the soluble nuclear fraction of capsid proteins by sucrose density gradients showed that they formed at least three steady-state pools: a monomer pool sedimenting at about 6S, a pool of oligomeric intermediates sedimenting between 10 and 15S, and a broad pool of assembly products with a peak between 60 and 110S, the known sedimentation positions of empty and full capsids. While the soluble nuclear monomer and oligomer pool contained predominantly only two capsid proteins, the 30 to 180S assembly products contained VP1, VP2, and VP3 in a stoichiometry similar to that of purified virions. They probably represent different intermediates in capsid assembly, DNA encapsidation, and capsid maturation. In contrast, the cytoplasmic fraction of capsid proteins showed a pattern of oligomers continuously increasing in size without a defined peak, suggesting that assembly of 60S particles occurs in the nucleus. Soluble nuclear Rep proteins were distributed over the whole sedimentation range, probably as a result of association with AAV DNA. Subfractions of the Rep proteins with defined sedimentation values were obtained in the soluble nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. We were able to coimmunoprecipitate capsid proteins sedimenting between 60 and 110S with antibodies against Rep proteins, suggesting that they exist in common complexes possibly involved in AAV DNA packaging. Antibodies against the capsid proteins, however, precipitated Rep78 and Rep68 predominantly with a peak around 30S representing a second complex containing Rep and Cap proteins.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus type 2 Rep endonuclease activity is necessary for both viral DNA replication and site-specific integration of the viral genome into human chromosome 19. The biochemical activities required for site-specific endonuclease activity (namely specific DNA binding and transesterification activity) have been mapped to the amino-terminal domain of the AAV2 Rep protein. The amino-terminal 208 amino acids are alone sufficient for site-specific endonuclease activity, and nicking by this domain is metal-dependent. To identify this metal-binding site, we have employed a cysteine mutagenesis approach that targets conserved acidic amino acids. By using this technique, we provide functional biochemical data supporting a role for glutamate 83 in the coordination of metal ions in the context of Rep endonuclease activity. In addition, our biochemical data suggest that glutamate 164, although not involved in the coordination of metal ions, is closely associated with the active site. Thus, in lieu of a crystal structure for the AAV type 2 amino-terminal domain, our data corroborate the recently published structural studies of the AAV type 5 endonuclease and suggest that although the two enzymes are not highly conserved with respect to the AAV family, their active sites are highly conserved.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV-2) can preferentially integrate its DNA into a 4-kb region of human chromosome 19, designated AAVS1. The nicking activity of AAV-2's Rep68 or Rep78 proteins is essential for preferential integration. These proteins nick at the viral origin of DNA replication and at a similar site within AAVS1. The current nicking model suggests that the strand containing the nicking site is separated from its complementary strand prior to nicking. In AAV serotypes 1 through 6, the nicking site is flanked by a sequence that is predicted to form a stem-loop with standard Watson-Crick base pairing. The region flanking the nicking site in AAVS1 (5'-GGCGGCGGT/TGGGGCTCG-3' [the slash indicates the nicking site]) lacks extensive potential for Watson-Crick base pairing. We therefore performed an empirical search for a stable secondary structure. By comparing the migration of radiolabeled oligonucleotides containing wild-type or mutated sequences from the AAVS1 nicking site to appropriate standards, on native and denaturing polyacrylamide gels, we have found evidence that this region forms a stable secondary structure. Further confirmation was provided by circular dichroism analyses. We identified six bases that appear to be important in forming this putative secondary structure. Mutation of five of these bases, within the context of a double-stranded nicking substrate, reduces the ability of the substrate to be nicked by Rep78 in vitro. Four of these five bases are outside the previously recognized GTTGG nicking site motif and include parts of the CTC motif that has been demonstrated to be important for integration targeting.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 (rAAV) vectors have recently been shown to have great utility as gene transfer agents both in vitro and in vivo. One of the problems associated with the use of rAAV vectors has been the difficulty of large-scale vector production. Low-efficiency plasmid transfection of the rAAV vector and complementing AAV type 2 (AAV-2) functions (rep and cap) followed by superinfection with adenovirus has been the standard approach to rAAV production. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate the ability of a recombinant herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) amplicon expressing AAV-2 Rep and Cap to support replication and packaging of rAAV vectors. HSV-1 amplicon vectors were constructed which contain the AAV-2 rep and cap genes under control of their native promoters (p5, p19, and p40). An HSV-1 amplicon vector, HSV-RC/KOS or HSV-RC/d27, was generated by supplying helper functions with either wild-type HSV-1 (KOS strain) or the ICP27-deleted mutant of HSV-1, d27-1, respectively. Replication of the amplicon stocks is not inhibited by the presence of AAV-2 Rep proteins, which highlights important differences between HSV-1 and adenovirus replication and the mechanism of providing helper function for productive AAV infection. Coinfection of rAAV and HSV-RC/KOS resulted in the replication and amplification of rAAV genomes. Similarly, rescue and replication of rAAV genomes occurred when rAAV vector plasmids were transfected into cells followed by HSV-RC/KOS infection and when two rAAV proviral cell lines were infected with HSV-RC/KOS or HSV-RC/d27. Production of infectious rAAV by rescue from two rAAV proviral cell lines has also been achieved with HSV-RC/KOS and HSV-RC/d27. The particle titer of rAAV produced with HSV-RC/d27 is equal to that achieved by supplying rep and cap by transfection followed by adenovirus superinfection. Importantly, no detectable wild-type AAV-2 is generated with this approach. These results demonstrate that an HSV-1 amplicon expressing the AAV-2 genes rep and cap along with HSV-1 helper functions supports the replication and packaging of rAAV vectors in a scaleable process.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that the adeno-associated virus (AAV) Rep68 and Rep78 proteins are able to nick the AAV origin of DNA replication at the terminal resolution site (trs) in an ATP-dependent manner. Using four types of modified or mutant substrates, we now have investigated the substrate requirements of Rep68 in the trs endonuclease reaction. In the first kind of substrate, portions of the hairpinned AAV terminal repeat were deleted. Only deletions that retained virtually all of the small internal palindromes of the AAV terminal repeat were active in the endonuclease reaction. This result confirmed previous genetic and biochemical evidence that the secondary structure of the terminal repeat was an important feature for substrate recognition. In the second type of substrate, the trs was moved eight bases further away from the end of the genome. The mutant was nicked at a 50-fold-lower frequency relative to a wild-type origin, and the nick occurred at the correct trs sequence despite its new position. This finding indicated that the endonuclease reaction required a specific sequence at the trs in addition to the correct secondary structure. It also suggested that the minimum trs recognition sequence extended three bases from the cut site in the 3' direction. The third type of substrate harbored mismatched base pairs at the trs. The mismatch substrates contained a wild-type sequence on the strand normally cut but an incorrect sequence on the complementary strand. All of the mismatch mutants were capable of being nicked in the presence of ATP. However, there was substantial variation in the level of activity, suggesting that the sequence on the opposite strand may also be recognized during nicking. Analysis of the mismatch mutants also suggested that a single-stranded trs was a viable substrate for the enzyme. This interpretation was confirmed by analysis of the fourth type of substrate tested, which contained a single-stranded trs. This substrate was also cleaved efficiently by the enzyme provided that the correct strand was present in the substrate. In addition, the single-stranded substrate no longer required ATP as a cofactor for nicking. Finally, all of the substrates with mutant trss bound the Rep protein as efficiently as the wild-type did. This finding indicated that the sequence at the cut site was not involved in recognition of the terminal repeat for specific binding by the enzyme. We concluded that substrate recognition by the AAV Rep protein involves at least two and possibly as many as four features of the AAV terminal repeat.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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