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The polysaccharide extracted from Kappaphycus striatum (Schmitz) Doty (sacol variety), a recently farmed eucheumoid seaweed, was characterized by Fourier transform infrared and NMR spectroscopy. The extract is composed mainly of 3‐linked β‐d ‐galactopyranosyl‐4‐sulfate residues alternating with 4‐linked 3,6‐anhydro‐α‐d ‐galactopyranosyl residues (κ‐carrageenan). Minor components include 3,6‐anhydrogalactopyranosyl‐2‐sulfate residues (ι‐carrageenan) and 6‐O‐methylgalactopyranosyl‐4‐sulfate residues (methylated carrageenan). The substitution pattern of carrageenan in the tribe Eucheumatoideae and the family Solieriaceae is revisited in terms of chemotaxonomic affiliation.  相似文献   

Ten Australian representatives from seven of the 10 genera presently constituting the family Cystocloniaceae have been analyzed for their cell-wall galactans. Included in our survey are the monotypic Australian-endemic genera Austroclonium , Gloiophyllis , Erythronaema , and Stictosporum , one species of Craspedocarpus , three species of Rhodophyllis , and two species of Calliblepharis . As one of the species of the latter genus is endemic to Western Australia and presently undescribed, we illustrate its habit and anatomical features in formally proposing to name it Calliblepharis celatospora Kraft, sp. nov. All the species surveyed essentially produce typical iota (ι)-carrageenans, with the exception of Austroclonium . The sulfated galactans from Austroclonium predominantly contain the repeating units of ι-, alpha (α)-, and 6'-O-methylated ι- and α-carrageenans; whether these exist as discrete polysaccharides or a complex hybrid structure was not resolved. Thus, Austroclonium carrageenans resemble the polysaccharides from Rhabdonia , Areschougia , and Erythroclonium . Although these latter three genera are currently included in the large gigartinalean family Solieriaceae, all produce significantly different carrageenans from Solieria itself and related genera such as Eucheuma , Kappaphycus , Betaphycus , Sarcodiotheca , Agardhiella , Sarconema , and Callophycus . In consideration of these findings, as well as of significant anatomical similarities, we provisionally recommend reestablishment of the family Rhabdoniaceae Kylin (as the family Areschougiaceae J. Agardh) for Rhabdonia , Areschougia , Erythroclonium , and Austroclonium.  相似文献   

The Australian endemic family Nizymeniaceae, based on Nizymenia australis Sonder, consists of three species in the two genera Nizymenia (1 sp.) and Stenocladia (2 spp.). We have reassessed the generic composition of the family based on evidence from nonfibrillar wall polysaccharides, vegetative anatomy, and the nucleotide sequences of an internal transcribed spacer, ITS 2, of the nuclear ribosomal cistron. Investigation of the polysaccharides by constituent sugar analysis, sulfate content determination, and methylation analysis, combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and infrared analysis, showed that the polysaccharides elaborated by the three species were branched, highly sulfated xylogalactans. These polysaccharides also contained significant amounts of mono-O-methyl galactose (5–8 mol% of total sugars), mainly 4-O-methyl galactose. Although no discrete chemical structures could be assigned to the polysaccharides, the analyses showed that those from Nizymenia australis and Stenocladia australis (Sonder) Silva were more alike than either was to that from S. furcata (Harvey) J. Agardh. This polysaccharide affinity was echoed by a suite of vegetative anatomical features. However, the only likely synapomorphy was the presence of refractive, thick-walled medullary rhizines in both N. australis and S. australis. The ITS 2 sequences were inferred from direct sequencing of the products of polymerase chain reaction amplification. Comparison of the ITS 2 sequences of its three species with those of two outgroups indicated that the family Nizymeniaceae is monophyletic but that interspecific relationships within the family could not be resolved. We conclude that there is insufficient evidence to separate any of the species from the rest at the genus level. Therefore, all three species are consolidated into the genus Nizymenia. This necessitates nomenclatural changes of Stenocladia australis to Nizymenia conferta (Harvey) Chiovitti, Saunders, et Kraft comb. nov.  相似文献   

The Dicranemataceae consists of five species in four genera of macroscopic red algae endemic to the southern half of Australia plus a single species from southern Japan. Investigations of the nonfibrillar wall components of five of the six species show that all are composed mainly of hybrid (or mixed) beta (β)/kappa(κ)-type carrageenans. Detailed studies of Tylotus obtusatus (Sonder) J. Agardh show that it produces the largest dry-weight percentage of β-carrageenan yet recorded. Monosaccharide composition, total sulfate content, sulfation pattern revealed by infrared and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and a positive specific optical rotation ([α]D+ 54°) are indicative of a low-sulfate-containing carrageenan with gelling properties similar to those of agar and furcellaran. β-carrageenan is recorded in only five other red algal species belonging to relatively unrelated families, and we conclude that its uniform occurrence in the highly specialized family Dicranemataceae has phylogenetic significance. Chemical and anatomical examination of the genus Sarcodia, which produce lambda-type carrageenan in both its gametophytic and tetrasporophytic phases, suggests that, despite the recent proposal to incorporate the Dicranemataceae into the Sarcodiaceae, the two families should continue to be separated.  相似文献   

Platoma abbottiana (Gymnophlaeaceae; Gigartinales), a new species of benthic red algae, is described from Isla Mejía and is the second member of this genus reported from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Vegetative anatomy and reproductive details of the carpogonial and auxiliary cell branches of the new species are described and illustrated. Geographical distributions of the seven previously described Platoma species are given. Their distinguishing morphological characteristics are compared to those of the new species. The correct time and place of valid publication of the generic name, Platoma, and some of its binomials are discussed.  相似文献   

Examination of the reproductive morphology of the adelphoparasitic red alga Gardneriella tuberifera Kylin reveals that this monotypic genus is correctly placed in the family Solieriaceae (Gigartinales), to which its host Agardhiella gaudichaudii (Montagne) Silva et Papenfuss also belongs. Gardneriella is multiaxial, nonprocarpic and has an inwardly directed, three-celled carpogonial branch. The large, reniform uninucleate auxiliary cell is distinct prior to and after fertilization. It is diploidized by an unbranched, multicellular connecting filament which lacks pit connections. One or two connecting filaments arise from each fertilized carpogonium. From the diploidized auxiliary cell, the gonimoblast initial is cut off obliquely toward the interior of the thallus. The cells of the gonimoblast fuse with adjacent unpigmented vegetative cells of Gardneriella and pigmented cells of the host. These cells become incorporated into the developing cystocarp and, from those of Gardneriella, additional short chains of gonimoblast cells arise. The mature cystocarp is placentate, radiately lobed, and lacks a surrounding involucre. Carposporangia are borne in short chains and the unpigmented carpospores are released upon the dissolution of outer vegetative cells. No ostiole is present. Gardneriella appears to be most closely related to the placentate solieriacean genera Agardhiella, Sarcodiotheca, and Meristiella and therefore this genus should be placed in the tribe recently erected for these taxa, the Agardhielleae.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven populations of Tuomeya, including the types of Tuomeya fluviatilis Harvey and Baileya americana Kützing, were analyzed from the entire known range of the genus: northern Newfoundland to northern Florida and east of the Mississippi River. Key morphological features were examined in detail since it has been recently proposed that Tuomeya should be reduced to a section of the genus Batrachospermum. Our observations confirmed the presence of several characteristics unique to Tuomeya: gametophyte development from a basal mass of undifferentiated cells rather than a chantransia stage, pseudoparenchymatous growth, and carpogonia with obliquely to perpendicularly attached trichogynes. Based on these findings, we conclude that the genus Tuomeya should be retained. Using multivariate morphometrics, two groupings were found that differed significantly in plant length (X = 14.1 and 24.1 mm, respectively). However, since there was no other morphometric, environmental, or geographic basis for separation of the groupings, only one species is recognized, T. americana (Kützing) Papenfuss. Populations tend to occur in large streams (>2.8 m wide) with low ion content (≤ 100 μS · cm?1).  相似文献   

Multivariate morphometrics and image analysis were used to determine the number of well-delineated infrageneric taxa of Sirodotia in North America. Three groupings were distinguished from 25 populations examined from Newfoundland and Quebec in the north to central Mexico in the south. These groupings were statistically related to 10 type specimens, and the following species were recognized: Sirodotia huillensis (Welwitsch ex W. et G. S. West) Skuja (syn. S. ateleia Skuja), S. suecica Kylin (syn. S. acuminata Skuja ex Flint and S. fennica Skuja), and S. tenuissima (Collins) Skuja ex Flint. These species are differentiated on the basis of whorl shape and degree of separation at maturity (S. suecica, rounded and appressed; S. huillensis and S. tenuissima, truncated apex and separated), the density of spermatangia (S. huillensis, dense clusters; S. suecica and S. tenuissima, sparsely aggregated), and the mode of germination of the gonimoblast initial (S. suecica and S. tenuissima, from the nonprotuberant side of the fertilized carpogonium; S. huillensis from the protuberant side). Sirodotia huillensis was found only in the desert-chaparral, whereas S. suecica and S. tenuissima occurred from south-temperate to boreal regions in cool (temperature 8–18° C), low ion (specific conductance 10–99 μS · cm?1), and mildly acidic to neutral (pH 5.7–7.3) waters.  相似文献   

Cubiculosporum koronicarpis Kraft (Cubiculosporaceae, Gigartinales), known previously only from the type locality (southeastern Luzon, Philippines), has been collected at North West Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef. The habitat, distribution and taxonomic status of the species are discussed, and habit features of the new specimens are illustrated.  相似文献   

A new species of Dudresnaya is described from Puerto Rico and Georgia. Gametophytes have cylindrical axes, exserted apical cells, rectangular to hexagonal crystals in the axial cells, ellipsoidal outer assimilatory cells, spermatangial mother cells which are terminal or subterminal cells of the subdichotomously branched outer assimilatory branches and auxiliary cells which are indistinguishable in appearance from adjacent, large, deeply staining cells of the auxiliary cell branch. Tetrasporophytes are unknown.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic studies of the Rhodophyta have provided a framework for understanding red algal phylogeny, but there still exists the need for a comprehensive analysis using a broad sampling of taxa and sufficient phylogenetic information to clearly define the major lineages. In this study, we determined 48 sequences of the PSI P700 chl a apoprotein A1 (psaA) and rbcL coding regions and established a robust red algal phylogeny to identify the major clades. The tree included most of the lineages of the Bangiophyceae (25 genera, 48 taxa). Seven well‐supported lineages were identified with this analysis with the Cyanidiales having the earliest divergence and being distinct from the remaining taxa; i.e. the Porphyridiales 1–3, Bangiales, Florideophyceae, and Compsopogonales. We also analyzed data sets with fewer taxa but using seven proteins or the DNA sequence from nine genes to resolve inter‐clade relationships. Based on all of these analyses, we propose that the Rhodophyta contains two new subphyla, the Cyanidiophytina with a single class, the Cyanidiophyceae, and the Rhodophytina with six classes, the Bangiophyceae, Compsopogonophyceae, Florideophyceae, Porphyridiophyceae classis nov. (which contains Porphyridium, Flintiella, and Erythrolobus), Rhodellophyceae, and Stylonematophyceae classis nov. (which contains Stylonema, Bangiopsis, Chroodactylon, Chroothece, Purpureofilum, Rhodosorus, Rhodospora, and Rufusia). We also describe a new order, Rhodellales, and a new family, Rhodellaceae (with Rhodella, Dixoniella, and Glaucosphaera).  相似文献   

A new red alga, Schmitzia evanescens sp. nov. (Gigartinales), is described from the northeastern coast of North I., New Zealand. Gametophytes are diminutive, delicate, mucilaginous spring annuals which grow subtidally on cobble substrata. The uniaxial construction and carposporophyte development place this new taxon in the Calosiphoniaceae, a family of only two genera, Calosiphonia H. M. Crouan et P. L. Crouan and Schmitzia P. C. Silva. This is the first report of this family in New Zealand. The new species has vegetative features of both these genera, but is assigned to Schmitzia on the basis of its unusual carposporophyte development in which the gonimoblast initial arises directly from the connecting filament at some distance from the undifferentiated intercalary auxiliary cell. Because recent investigators of other red algal genera with a similar carposporophyte development have questioned the validity of site of gonimoblast initiation as a generic criterion it is suggested that the separation of Schmitzia and Calosiphonia should be re-evaluated. These and several other genera in the Gymnophlaeaceae, Pseudoanemoniaceae, Dumontiaceae and Gloiosiphoniaceae, can be considered, on morphological and reproductive grounds, to be relatively simple and therefore perhaps primitive members of the Rhodophyta.  相似文献   

The freshwater rhodophyte Balbiania investiens (Lenormand) Sirodot was collected as an epiphyte of Batrachospermum in small streams in England, Ireland, and Germany. Unialgal cultures and field collections of Balbiania were analyzed in terms of their morphology, ultrastructure, and the DNA sequences of the genes coding for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase ( rbc L) and 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), as well as the first internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1) of the rRNA genes. One of the major distinguishing features of this genus is the production of spermatangia on the tips of specialized, elongate cells. The spermatangia are cut off in a cluster together with similar nonspermatangial cells that are packed with starch granules. The only other rhodophyte genus with this feature is Rhododraparnaldia ; the two genera are differentiated from each other by the pattern of branching, substratum of attachment, and type of diploid phase. In the parsimony and distance trees inferred from the two gene sequences as well as in a combined parsimony tree, Balbiania and Rhododraparnaldia grouped together on a well-supported branch separate from other taxa of the Batrachospermales, Acrochaetiales, Nemaliales, and Palmariales. However, the two genera are positioned within a clade containing the last three orders. Based on these findings, it is clear that the genus Balbiania is a valid taxon and that it is phylogenetically associated with Rhododraparnaldia. A new order is proposed, the Balbianiales. The two specimens of Balbiania analyzed from England and Germany have identical sequences for all regions of DNA analyzed.  相似文献   

Small subunit (SSU) rDNA was sequenced for 25 species in 19 genera of the Gigartinales (Rhodophyta). As well, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was sequenced, and a data matrix of 36 morphological characters was constructed for 16 species of Dumontiaceae. Phylogenetic trees were calculated from a multiple alignment of the SSU sequence data to infer relationships between species of Dumontiaceae and other gigartinalean taxa. The SSU analysis produced a polyphyletic Dumontiaceae. Notably, Acrosymphyton failed to associate with the included Gigartinales, let alone the Dumontiaceae, supporting an earlier proposal to remove it to a new family. The analyses were equivocal about the phylogenetic affinities of Dudresnaya , which clustered with the Kallymeniaceae, and the affinities of the Indo-West Pacific Gibsmithia , Kraftia , and Dasyphloea , the last-mentioned clustering with the Antarctic Gainiaceae, and these four taxa with Portieria (Rhizophyllidaceae). Further investigations are necessary to resolve relationships among these taxa. Rhodopeltis , a genus recently moved to the Dumontiaceae from the Polyideaceae, showed a weak association with the remaining northern Dumontiaceae. The final group consisted of cold-temperate Northern Hemisphere species. Phylogenetic analyses using a combination of SSU, ITS, and morphological data within this clade produced two strongly supported clades, a Dilsea / Neodilsea clade and a Cryptosiphonia / Dumontia clade. Dilsea is derived from a paraphyletic Neodilsea and may itself be polyphyletic. Atlantic and Pacific isolates of Dumontia contorta clearly showed sufficient divergence to warrant recognition as distinct species, and Dumontia alaskana , sp. nov. is proposed for the Pacific species.  相似文献   

Two new polysaccharides were isolated from the cell walls of the carrageenan producing red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty. They were characterized by chemical analyses, enzymatic degradations, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. One was a 4.0 M NaOH soluble β-(1,4)- d -glucomannan that mostly precipitated upon neutralization and dialysis. It was composed of about 82 residues, and 70% of its glucose and mannose were released by a commercial cellulase enzyme complex. The disaccharide β- d -Man (1→4) d -Glc was recovered from the hydrolysate during the first hours of degradation and confirmed the chemical structure of the polysaccharide. The other polysaccharide was extracted with 1.5 M NaOH and was identified as a sulfated glucan of degree of polymerization of about 180 1,4-linked β-glucose containing 10% 1,3-linkages. The sulfate was located on C-6 of 64% of the 4-linked glucose residues. A third alkali-soluble polysaccharide rich in galactose was also detected. The distribution of the glucomannan and galactose containing polysaccharides was inversely related to the algal cell size. Potential functions of these alkali-soluble polymers are discussed in the context of cell wall polysaccharide assembly.  相似文献   

The de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway consists of six enzymes: carbamoyl‐phosphate synthetase II (CPS II), aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ACT), dihydroorotase (DHO), dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, and orotidine‐5′‐monophosphate decarboxylase. The origin and organization of the first three enzymes differ markedly between Opisthokonta (Metazoa and Fungi) and the Amoebozoa and green plants. However, no information has been available regarding the characteristics of such genes in other photosynthetic eukaryotes. In this study, we examined the pyrimidine biosynthetic cluster in the primitive red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae P. DeLuca et al. isolate 10D. Unlike the situation in green plants, the CPS II, ACT, and DHO of C. merolae were fused to form a single open reading frame (the CAD complex), as in the Opisthokonta and Amoebozoa. Phylogenetic analysis of the CPS domain sequences suggested that this red algal CAD complex did not result from a recent lateral gene transfer from Metazoa or Fungi but that the fusion of the three genes occurred before the divergence of Opisthokonta, Amoebozoa, and the red algae. These results cast doubt on the recent hypothesis that the Opisthokonta and Amoebozoa form a monophyletic group, based on the presence in both of the CAD complex.  相似文献   

A morphological, anatomical, and molecular study of the tribe Pleurostichidieae (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) is presented. New collections of its only member, Pleurostichidium falkenbergii Heydrich, have enabled a thorough re-assessment of this species from a classical-morphological standpoint and have allowed the first photographs to be made of critical features of this little-known obligate epiphyte of the brown alga Xiphophora chondrophylla (Turner) Montagne ex Harvey. The relationship of the tribe to other members of the Rhodomelaceae is considered based on analysis of 18S rDNA sequences from P. falkenbergii , 14 other rhodomelaceous species, and six outgroup taxa. Pleurostichidium falkenbergii is shown to be most closely related to the tribe Polysiphonieae and only distantly related to the Amansieae, with which it was previously associated.  相似文献   

Two Atlantic species found in the Mediterranean Sea were ascribed to the family Solieriaceae on the basis of morphological features. In the extensive drifting beds of the Mar Piccolo basin (Taranto, Ionian Sea), Agardhiella subulata (C. Agardh) Kraft et Wynne and Solieria filiformis (Kützing) Gabrielson were the dominant species in summer. There were no attached populations, and perennation was ensured only by vegetative propagation. Characteristics of the outer cortex and chromatophores were useful for distinguishing the taxa at the species level and are recommended for recognition of sterile specimens.  相似文献   

Solieria chordalis (C. Agardh) J. Agardh and S. tenera (J. Agardh) Wynne et Taylor exhibit multiaxial growth from a cluster of four to eight obconical apical cells. A single periaxial cell is cut off from each axial cell and successive periaxial cells are rotated 120° in a zig-zag pattern along each axial filament. Periaxial cells produce branched, laterally diverging filaments which form the cortex. The medulla is composed of axial cells, elongate cells of lateral filaments, stretched interconnecting cells, and secondary rhizoids. The two species are nonprocarpic. Carpogonial branches are 3-celled, inwardly directed, with a reflexed trichogyne. The auxiliary cell together with associated darkly-staining inner cortical cells form an association, the auxiliary cell complex, that is recognizable prior to diploidization. A single, unbranched, non-septate connecting filament issues from the fertilized carpogonium and fuses with the inner, lateral side of an auxiliary cell. Production of an involucre from surrounding vegetative cells is stimulated and a gonimoblast initial is cut off toward the interior of the thallus which divides to form a compact cluster of gonimoblast cells. A fusion cell is produced through fusion of inner gonimoblast cells with the auxiliary cell that, in turn, fuses progressively with cells of the lateral file bearing the auxiliary cell. Mature cystocarps have terminal carposporangia cut off from gonimoblast cells at the periphery of the fusion cell and are surrounded by an involucre with a distinct ostiole. Tetrasporangia are cut off laterally from surface cortical cells which then cut off one or two additional derivatives toward the outside. A lectotype is designated for Solieria chordalis, but the lectotypification of S. tenera is questioned. We conclude that Solieria is closely related to Rhabdonia and place the Rhabdoniaceae in synonomy with the Solieriaceae.  相似文献   

Chondrus crispus Stackhouse alternates between two isomorphic life history phases that differ in cell-wall phycocolloid composition. It has been long hypothesized that the gametophyte, with strong-gelling kappa-type carrageenans, is mechanically superior to the tetrasporophyte, with nongelling lambda-type carrageenans, which could contribute to the observed gametophytic dominance in many wave-swept environments. Standard mechanical tests were performed on distal tissues of C. crispus sampled from a range of environments in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, using a tensometer equipped with a video extensometer. Life history phase was by far the most important determinant of mechanical properties, whereas environmental factors had only modest influence (vertical distribution) or no effect (exposure); gametophytic distal tissues were 43% stronger, 21% more extensible, and 21% stiffer than tetrasporophytic distal tissues. However, the superior strength of gametophytic tissues was not evident at the stipe/holdfast junction (where breakage typically occurs), and the two phases were equally susceptible to dislodgment by a given force. The primary ecophysiological role of carrageenans in C. crispus may not be the provision of a structure to resist wave action.  相似文献   

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