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Kumiko Takeda Mariko Tasai Satoshi Akagi Kazutsugu Matsukawa Seiya Takahashi Masaki Iwamoto Kanokwan Srirattana Akira Onishi Takahiro Tagami Keijiro Nirasawa Hirofumi Hanada Carl A. Pinkert 《Mitochondrion》2010,10(2):137-142
Microinjection of isolated mitochondria into oocytes is an effective method to introduce exogenous mitochondrial DNA. In nuclear transfer procedures in which donor cell mitochondria are transferred with nuclei into recipient oocytes; development and survival rates of reconstructed embryos may be also directly influenced by mitochondrial viability. Mitochondrial viability is dramatically affected by cell culture conditions, such as serum starvation prior to nuclear transfer. This study was conducted to examine the influence of exogenous mitochondria using bovine and mouse parthenogenetic models. Mitochondria were isolated from primary cells at confluency and after serum starvation. The bovine oocytes injected with serum-starved mitochondria showed lower rates of morula and blastocyst formation when compared to uninjected controls (P < 0.05). However, the developmental rates between non-starved mitochondria injection and controls were not different (P > 0.05). The murine oocytes injected with serum-starved mitochondria showed lower rates of development when compared with non-starved mitochondria and controls (P < 0.01). In contrast to mitochondria transfer, ooplasm transfer did not affect murine or bovine parthenogenetic development (P > 0.05). The overall results showed that injection of serum-starved mitochondria influenced parthenogenetic development of both bovine and murine oocytes. Our results illustrate that the somatic mitochondria introduction accompanying nuclei has the capacity to affect reconstructed embryo development; particularly when using serum-starved cells as donor cells. 相似文献
Niwa K Takano R Obata Y Hiura H Komiyama J Ogawa H Kono T 《Biology of reproduction》2004,71(5):1560-1567
Mouse parthenotes result in embryonic death before 10 days of gestation, but parthenogenetic embryos (ng/fg PE) that contain haploid sets of genomes from nongrowing (ng) oocytes derived from newborn fetuses and fully grown (fg) oocytes derived from adults can develop into 13.5-day-old fetuses. This prolonged development is due to a lack of genomic imprinting in ng oocytes. Here, we show maternal genomes of oocytes derived from ng/fg PE are competent to support normal development. After 28 days of culture, the ovaries from ng/fg PE grew as well as the controls, forming vesicular follicles with follicular antrums. The oocytes collected from the developed follicles were the same size as those of the controls. To determine whether maternal primary imprinting had been established in the oocytes derived from ng/fg PE, we examined the DNA methylation status in differentially methylated regions of three imprinted genes, Igf2r, Lit1, and H19. The results showed that maternal-specific modifications were imposed in the oocytes derived from ng/fg PE. Further, to assess nuclear competence to support development, we constructed matured oocytes containing a haploid genome derived from ng/fg PE oocytes by serial nuclear transfer. After in vitro fertilization and culture and embryo transplantation into recipients, two live pups were obtained. One developed normally to a fertile adult. These results revealed that oocytes derived from ng/fg PE can be normally imprinted during oogenesis and acquire competence to participate in development as female genomes. 相似文献
Rabbit embryonic stem cell lines derived from fertilized, parthenogenetic or somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Fang ZF Gai H Huang YZ Li SG Chen XJ Shi JJ Wu L Liu A Xu P Sheng HZ 《Experimental cell research》2006,312(18):3669-3682
Embryonic stem cells were isolated from rabbit blastocysts derived from fertilization (conventional rbES cells), parthenogenesis (pES cells) and nuclear transfer (ntES cells), and propagated in a serum-free culture system. Rabbit ES (rbES) cells proliferated for a prolonged time in an undifferentiated state and maintained a normal karyotype. These cells grew in a monolayer with a high nuclear/cytoplasm ratio and contained a high level of alkaline phosphate activity. In addition, rbES cells expressed the pluripotent marker Oct-4, as well as EBAF2, FGF4, TDGF1, but not antigens recognized by antibodies against SSEA-1, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-10 and TRA-1-81. All 3 types of ES cells formed embryoid bodies and generated teratoma that contained tissue types of all three germ layers. rbES cells exhibited a high cloning efficiency, were genetically modified readily and were used as nuclear donors to generate a viable rabbit through somatic cell nuclear transfer. In combination with genetic engineering, the ES cell technology should facilitate the creation of new rabbit lines. 相似文献
Sayaka W Satoshi K Van Thuan N Hiroshi O Takafusa H Eiji M Thuy BH Masashi M Teruhiko W 《Zygote (Cambridge, England)》2008,16(3):211-222
Animal cloning methods are now well described and are becoming routine. Yet, the frequency at which live cloned offspring are produced remains below 5%, irrespective of the nuclear donor species or cell type. One possible explanation is that the reprogramming factor(s) of each oocyte is insufficient or not properly adapted for the receipt of a somatic cell nucleus, because it is naturally prepared only for the receipt of a gamete. Here, we have increased the oocyte volume by oocyte fusion and examined its subsequent development. We constructed oocytes with volumes two to nine times greater than the normal volume by the electrofusion or mechanical fusion of intact and enucleated oocytes. We examined their in vitro and in vivo developmental potential after parthenogenetic activation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). When the fused oocytes were activated parthenogenetically, most developed to morulae or blastocysts, regardless of their original size. Diploid fused oocytes were fertilized by ICSI and developed normally and after embryo transfer, we obtained 12 (4-15%) healthy and fertile offspring. However, enucleated fused oocytes could not support the development of mice cloned by SCNT. These results suggest that double fused oocytes have normal potential for development after fertilization, but oocytes with extra cytoplasm do not have enhanced reprogramming potential. 相似文献
F Mignotte M Tourte J C Mounolou 《Biology of the cell / under the auspices of the European Cell Biology Organization》1987,60(2):97-102
In actively growing vitellogenic oocytes of Xenopus laevis mitochondria segregate into 2 populations. One stays around the nucleus, actively replicates mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and builds up most of the stock of the mitochondria in the full-grown oocyte. The other moves toward the vegetal pole and stops replicating mtDNA early in vitellogenesis. Organelles of this population are components of the germ plasm of the cell. 相似文献
In vitro development up to hatching of bovine in vitro-matured and fertilized oocytes with or without support from somatic cells 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
To verify the importance of somatic cells upon in vitro embryo development, in vitro-matured (IVM) and -fertilized (IVF) bovine oocytes were cultured in TCM 199 supplemented with estrous cow serum (10% v/v) and 0.25 mM sodium pyruvate (ECSTCM) under the following treatments: 1) ECSTCM alone; 2) together with bovine oviduct epithelial cells (BOEC); 3) with cumulus cells (CC); 4) in fresh BOEC conditioned ECSTCM; or 5) in frozen-thawed BOEC conditioned ECSTCM. Culturing zygotes encased in cumulus cells significantly reduced the cleavage rate (P<0.05). There was no difference between culture systems in the proportions of embryo development through the 8-cell stage (P=0.42) up to the morula/blastocyst stages (P=0.50) at Day 7 post insemination. However, co-culture with BOEC yielded the highest percentage (21.2% of zygotes; P<0.05) of quality Grade-1 and Grade-2 embryos with the number of blastomeres per embryo (114.4) comparable to that of 7-day-old in vivo-developed embryos of similar grades (102.5), and higher (P<0.05) than those of the other treatments. The ratio of blastocysts to total morulae/blastocysts obtained from frozen-thawed conditioned medium was lower (P<0.05) than that from ECSTCM or after co-culture with BOEC at Day 7 post insemination. On average, 7.5 to 17.5% of the zygotes developed to blastocyst, expanded blastocyst and hatched blastocyst stages by Day 10 post insemination, depending upon the culture system. The difference between treatments, however, was not significant (P=0.68). The results indicate that chronological development up to hatching of bovine IVM-IVF embryos is not favored by somatic cells; however, the presence of viable oviduct epithelial cells in culture significantly improves the quality of 7-day-old embryos. 相似文献
Development of rabbit parthenogenetic oocytes and nuclear-transferred oocytes receiving cultured cumulus cells 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present study determined a suitable parthenogenetic activation procedure for rabbit oocytes and examined the developmental potential of enucleated oocytes receiving cultured cumulus cells. Unfertilized oocytes recovered from superovulated rabbits were activated with one or two sets of electrical pulses, with or without subsequent administration of 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP). The proportion of oocytes treated with one or two sets of electrical pulses and 6-DMAP that cleaved (87% and 98%, respectively) and developed into blastocysts (77% and 85%, respectively) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those activated with electrical pulses alone (30% and 42% for cleavage, 7% and 17% for blastocysts). Cumulus cells separated from ovulated oocytes obtained from mature rabbits were cultured for three to five passages and then induced to quiescence by serum starvation before nuclear transfer. The enucleated oocytes receiving cumulus cells were activated with electrical pulses followed by the addition of 6-DMAP, and cultured in vitro for 5 to 6 d or transferred to pseudopregnant recipient females 1 d after activation. Of 186 nuclear-transferred oocytes, 123 (66%) cleaved and 42 (23%) developed into blastocysts. After transfer of 174 nuclear-transferred oocytes to 8 recipient females, a total of 3 implantation sites were observed in 3 recipient females but no fetuses were obtained. 相似文献
Dependence of parthenogenetic development ability of in vitro matured cow oocytes from their "aging" had been studied. It had been showed the possibility of parthenogenetic development of physiologically matured cow oocytes after inhibition of the first meiotic division and treatment with ethanol at least to 8-16-cell stage embryos. 相似文献
Muenthaisong S Laowtammathron C Ketudat-Cairns M Parnpai R Hochi S 《Theriogenology》2007,67(4):893-900
We investigated the potential of vitrified-warmed buffalo oocytes to develop to blastocysts after parthenogenetic activation (PA) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). In vitro-matured oocytes before and after enucleation (M-II oocytes and enucleated oocytes, respectively) were put in 7.5% DMSO and 7.5% ethylene glycol (EG) for 4, 7 and 10 min, and then vitrified (Cryotop device) after 1-min equilibration in 15% DMSO, 15% EG and 0.5M sucrose. Following 4-, 7- and 10-min exposure, proportions of the post-warm oocytes with a normal vitelline membrane were similar (66-71% in M-II oocytes and 69-71% in enucleated oocytes). However, 18-20% of the normal M-II oocytes had no detectable first polar body in their perivitelline space (no potential for subsequent enucleation). When the post-warm M-II oocytes were treated for PA by 7% ethanol, 10 microg/mL cycloheximide and 1.25 microg/mL cytochalasin-D, parthenogenetic development into Day-7 blastocysts occurred in 10-13% of cultured oocytes, lower (P<0.05) than fresh (control) oocytes (24%). In the absence of the cooling and warming, blastocyst rates in the 4-min exposure group (22%), but not in the 7-min and 10-min exposure groups (14-15%), were similar to that in the fresh group (23%). The total cell number (group average 117-132 cells) and the ICM ratio (22-24%) of the PA blastocysts derived from vitrified M-II oocytes were comparable with fresh oocytes (127 cells and 25%). After SCNT (with fibroblast cells and vitrified-warmed oocytes), blastocyst rates were similar for the three exposure periods for M-II oocytes (8-10%) and enucleated oocytes (7-9%), but were lower (P<0.05) than in the fresh group (15%). The total cell number of the SCNT blastocysts derived from vitrified M-II and enucleated oocytes (80-90 and 82-101 cells) was smaller (P<0.05) than from fresh oocytes (135 cells); the ICM ratio of blastocysts derived from the M-II and enucleated oocytes after vitrification in 7- or 10-min exposure groups (20-22%) was not different (P>0.05) from fresh control oocytes (24%) or those in 4-min exposure group (M-II 23%, enucleated 24%). Thus, SCNT of swamp buffalo oocytes following vitrification before or after enucleation resulted in blastocysts with a slightly decreased cell number. 相似文献
This paper describes the characterization of aconitate hydratase (EC in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial extracts from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells carried by BALB/C mice. The results show a similar distribution of aconitate hydratase in both extracts, with specific activities much lower than those found in pig and mouse tissues. Mitochondrial aconitate hydratase shows a substrate inhibition by citrate with a Km similar to that found in cytoplasm (Km = 1.0 mM and 0.9 mM, respectively). Oxalacetate produces a mixed type of inhibition in both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial aconitate hydratases with different inhibition constants (Ki = 0.3 mM and 1.0 mM, respectively). Moreover, the specific activities of aconitate hydratase in both cytoplasm and mitochondria decrease when the tumor progresses in the peritoneum of BALB/C mice, as well as the percentage of aconitate hydratase activity in the presence of oxalacetate as the inhibitor. These results indicate that the activity and kinetics of aconitate hydratase are markedly altered by neoplastic transformation as occurs in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Since aconitate hydratase is not a key enzyme, these unexpected data are of interest in the study of cancer biochemistry. 相似文献
The parthenogenetic development of rabbit oocytes after repetitive pulsatile electrical stimulation 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
J P Ozil 《Development (Cambridge, England)》1990,109(1):117-127
Freshly ovulated rabbit oocytes were activated parthenogenetically by periodically repeated calcium stimuli generated by electric field pulses applied onto the plasma membrane. Electric field pulses of 1.8 kV cm-1 were delivered every 4 min for 1 h 30 min (22 double pulses) in a specially designed chamber. Before each pulse, the culture medium was replaced by an isotonic glucose solution containing 10 microM Ca2+. The effects of modulating the ionic stimuli (by changing the duration of EF pulse) on a postactivation reaction, and/or on the pre- and postimplantation development, were studied. The rate of activation increased progressively as the pulse duration lengthened. For 22 pulses of 200 microseconds, 13% of oocytes were activated versus 100% for 1200 microseconds. The uniformity of the parthenogenetic response was obtained when oocytes were exposed to a series of pulses within which the reduction of pulse duration followed a negative exponential law. The influence of such activating treatment on the preimplantation development was tested using two treatments of 22 pulses with a total pulse duration equal to 14,868 and 11,228 microseconds, respectively. For the weaker treatment, a lower proportion of embryos underwent compaction and those that compacted were irregular. In contrast, the majority of embryos resulting from the stronger treatment compacted and developed into blastocysts. The most significant result that emerges from this study is that the level of stimulation affects in vitro developmental potency after the third cleavage division. The postimplantation viability of parthenogenetic eggs was tested and the results showed that parthenogenetic rabbit embryos died at a similar stage of development to the parathenogenetic mouse embryos. But, in the present series, high implantation rates and embryonic development (66%) till day 10-11 of pregnancy were obtained after the appropriate pulsatile EF treatment of oocytes. The parthenogenetic fetuses were of smaller size than the controls, but the development of the trophoblast tissue was proportional to the development of the fetuses. Anomalies of fetuses were also observed. This study reveals that activation is not a time-limited event and that the type of activating treatment has a marked effect on the ability of the resulting parthenogenetic embryos to develop to the early postimplantation stages. The sustained alteration of the cytoplasmic activity provides a useful tool to study the function of embryonic or somatic nuclei introduced during the earliest stages of activation. 相似文献
Van Thuan N Wakayama S Kishigami S Ohta H Hikichi T Mizutani E Bui HT Wakayama T 《Biology of reproduction》2006,74(5):865-873
This study investigated the effects on fertilized embryo development of somatic cytoplasm after its injection into intact mouse oocytes. Mature oocytes collected from female B6D2F1 mice were injected with cumulus cell cytoplasm of different volumes and from different mouse strains (B6D2F1, ICR, and C57BL/6), or with embryonic cytoplasm. After culture for 1 h, B6D2F1 sperm were injected into those oocytes by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The oocytes were examined for pre- and postimplantation developmental competence. Increases in the volume of the somatic cytoplasm from onefold to fourfold resulted in an impairment of blastocyst development and full-term development (28% and 7%, respectively, vs. 96% and 63%, respectively, in the control group; P < 0.01). An increase in the volume of somatic cytoplasm reduced the expression of POU5F1 (more commonly known as OCT4) in expanded blastocysts. The frequency of embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage did not differ when B6D2F1 or ICR somatic cytoplasm was injected, but injection of C57BL/6 somatic cytoplasm induced a two-cell block in embryo development. Injection of the cytoplasm from fertilized embryos did not reduce the frequency of embryos attaining full-term development. Interestingly, somatic cytoplasm significantly increased the placental weight of ICSI embryos, even the injection of onefold cytoplasm (0.20 +/- 0.02 [n = 32] vs. 0.12 +/- 0.02 in the control group [n = 87]; P < 0.01). These findings indicate that the injection of somatic cytoplasm into oocytes before ICSI causes a decrease in preimplantation development, clearly impairs full-term development, and causes placental overgrowth in fertilized embryos. To our knowledge, placental overgrowth phenotypes are only caused by interspecies hybridization and cloning, and in genetically modified mice. Here, we report for the first time that somatic cytoplasm causes abnormal placentas in fertilized embryos. This study suggests that somatic cell cytoplasmic material is one cause of the low rate of full-term development in cloned mammals. 相似文献
Ovaries were surgically removed from female goats (Toggenburg, Nubian and Saanen breeds). Oocytes were collected by follicular aspiration or after ovaries were minced, then matured in mTCM-199 with 100 mug LH + 0.5 mug FSH + 1.0 mug estradiol 17-beta/ml for 27 h prior to in vitro fertilization (17). Although more oocytes were made available by mincing than by aspiration, higher proportions of aspirated oocytes were fertilized and developed to morulae. Proportions that fertilized and reached morulae were 82 102 (80.4%) and 50 102 (49.0%) versus 77 126 (61.1%) and 27 126 (21.4%) for oocytes obtained by aspiration and after ovarian mincing, respectively (P<0.05). Proportions of inseminated ova undergoing cleavage and continuing development to the morula stage differed significantly (P<0.05) among 5 co-culture treatment groups, with higher proportions of cleavage (23 27 , 85.2%) and morulae (14 27 , 51.9%) obtained by co-culture on caprine cumulus cells (cCC). Some oocytes reached the blastocyst stage (4 54 , 7.4%) following oocyte collection by aspiration and culture on caprine oviduct epithelial cells (cOEC). After 4- and 8-cell stage embryos obtained by aspiration and culture on cCC were transferred pregnancy resulted. Twin male kids (developed from different embryos) were born on August 6, 1993, and have developed into normal bucks. Conditions reported here provided an adequate environment for support of oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryonic development in vitro (IVMFC) with normal development after embryo transfer. 相似文献
Effect of maturation media and oocytes derived from sows or gilts on the development of cloned pig embryos 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Hyun SH Lee GS Kim DY Kim HS Lee SH Kim S Lee ES Lim JM Kang SK Lee BC Hwang WS 《Theriogenology》2003,59(7):1641-1649
In order to develop a culture system and recipient cytoplasm that could improve the developmental competence of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos for successful cloning of pigs, we evaluated the effect of donor oocytes and in vitro maturation (IVM) media on maturation of oocytes and developmental competence of SCNT embryos. In Experiment 1, oocytes derived from sows or gilts were matured in two IVM media (TCM-199 versus NCSU-23) and maturation of oocytes was evaluated by the status of chromatin configuration, the diameter of matured oocytes, the thickness of the zona pellucida, and the size of the perivitelline space (PVS). Sow oocytes matured in TCM-199 (S-TCM group) and NCSU-23 (S-NCSU group) showed significantly higher (P<0.05) maturation rates (S-TCM and S-NSCU, 86+/-4 and 82+/-4%, respectively) when evaluated by metaphase-II status than the gilt oocytes matured in TCM-199 (G-TCM group, 71+/-3%) and in NCSU-23 (G-NCSU-23 group, 71+/-3%). Oocyte diameter, the thickness of the zona pellucida, and the perivitelline space of sow oocytes (S-TCM and S-NCSU) were larger than those of gilt oocytes (G-TCM and G-NCSU) after IVM (P<0.05). In Experiment 2, SCNT was performed, using in vitro-matured oocytes from each group as recipient cytoplasm and porcine fetal fibroblasts as karyoplasts. The reconstructed embryos were electrically fused and activated, and cleavage and blastocyst formation were monitored under a stereomicroscope. The total cell number of flattened blastocysts stained with 5 microM bisbenzimide on day 7 were counted. In addition, in vitro matured non-enucleated oocytes were also electrically activated (parthenogenetic activation) and pronuclear formation was monitored. No difference in pronuclear formation rate after parthenogenetic activation and fusion rate after SCNT was observed among experimental groups. A significantly higher cleavage rate (P<0.05) was observed in S-TCM (69+/-4%) when compared with only G-NCSU (58+/-4%), but not with G-TCM (60+/-4%) or S-NCSU (68+/-4%). The rate of blastocyst formation was significantly higher (P<0.05) in sow oocytes (24% in S-TCM and S-NCSU), when compared to that observed in G-TCM (15%), and G-NCSU (14%). When the same source of oocytes was used, there was no significant difference in rate of blastocyst formation in the two culture media. Total cell number of blastocysts were not significantly different among experimental groups. In conclusion, the present study clearly demonstrated that sow oocytes have a greater developmental competence than gilt oocytes, regardless of the maturation medium examined. 相似文献
The generation of patient-specific nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells holds huge promise in modern regenerative medicine and cell-based drug discovery. Since human in vivo matured oocytes are not readily available, human therapeutic cloning is developing slowly. Here, we investigated for the first time whether human polyspermic zygotes could support preimplantation development of cloned embryos. Our results showed that polyspermic zygotes could be used as recipients for human somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The preimplantation developmental potential of SCNT embryos from polyspermic zygotes was limited to the 8-cell stage. Since ES cell lines can be derived from single blastomeres, these results may have important significance for human ES cells derived by SCNT. In addition, confocal images demonstrated that all of the SCNT embryos that failed to cleave showed abnormal microtubule organization. The results of the present study suggest that polyspermic human zygotes could be used as a potential source of recipient cytoplasm for SCNT. 相似文献
A Marcu B Bassit R Perez S Pi?ol-Roma 《The International journal of developmental biology》2001,45(5-6):743-752
HnRNP proteins have been implicated in most stages of cellular mRNA metabolism, including processing, nucleocytoplasmic transport, stability, and localization. Several hnRNP proteins are also known to participate in key early developmental decisions. In order to facilitate functional studies of these pre-mRNA- and mRNA-binding proteins in a vertebrate organism amenable to developmental studies and experimental manipulation, we identified and purified the major hnRNP proteins and isolated the hnRNP complex from Xenopus laevis oocytes and somatic cells. Using affinity chromatography and immunological methods, we isolated a family of >15 abundant single-stranded nucleic acid-binding proteins, which range in apparent molecular weight from approximately 20 kDa to >150 kDa, and with isoelectric points from <5 to >8. Monoclonal antibodies revealed that a subset of these proteins are major hnRNP proteins in both oocytes and somatic cells in culture, and include proteins related to human hnRNP A2/B1/B2 and hnRNP K. UV crosslinking in living cells demonstrated that these proteins bind poly(A)+ RNA in vivo. Immunopurification using a monoclonal antibodyto X. aevishnRNPA2 resulted in the isolation of RNP complexes that contain a specific subset of single-stranded nucleic acid-binding proteins. The protein composition of complexes isolated from somatic cells and from oocyte germinal vesicles was similar, suggesting that the overall properties and functions of hnRNP proteins in these two cell types are comparable. These findings, together with the novel probes generated here, will also facilitate studies of the function of vertebrate RNA-binding proteins using the well characterized X. laevis oocyte and early embryo as experimental systems. 相似文献
B P Enright M Taneja D Schreiber J Riesen X C Tian J E Fortune X Yang 《Biology of reproduction》2002,66(2):291-296
This study examined the onset of puberty, follicular dynamics, reproductive hormone profiles, and ability to maintain pregnancy in cloned heifers produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Four adult somatic cell-cloned heifers, derived from a 13-yr-old Holstein cow, were compared to 4 individual age- and weight-matched heifers produced by artificial insemination (AI). From 7 to 9 mo of age, jugular venous blood samples were collected twice weekly, and from 10 to 11 or 12 mo of age, blood sampling was carried out every other day. After the heifers reached puberty (defined as the first of 3 consecutive blood samples with peripheral plasma progesterone concentrations of >1 ng/ml), ultrasound examination of ovaries and jugular plasma sample collection were carried out daily for 1 estrous cycle. Cloned heifers reached puberty later than controls (mean +/- SEM, 314.7 +/- 9.6 vs. 272 +/- 4.4 days and 336.7 +/- 13 vs. 302.8 +/- 4.5 kg for clones and controls, respectively; P < 0.05). However, cloned and control heifers were not different in estrous cycle length, ovulatory follicle diameter, number of follicular waves, or profiles of hormonal changes (LH, FSH, estradiol, and progesterone). Three of the 4 clones and all 4 control heifers became pregnant after AI. These results demonstrate that clones from an aged adult have normal reproductive development. 相似文献
The study investigated the feasibility of lyophilization for long-term preservation of somatic cells and embryonic development after whole cell intracytoplasmic injection (WCICI) into enucleated pig oocyte. Confluent cultured porcine fetal fibroblast (pFF) cells were lyophilized and stored at 4 °C for at least 6 months. Results showed that compared to non-lyophilized control cells, lyophilized cells had drastically reduced cellular viability (P < 0.01). WCICI of reconstituted lyophilized cells could support complete embryonic development. However, the rates of cleavage (64.7 ± 2.7 vs. 43.5 ± 4.7%) and blastocyst formation (18.2 ± 0.6 vs. 10.2 ± 1.6%) were lower than that of control (P < 0.05). Total nuclei number per blastocyst (30.4 ± 4.5 vs. 25.2 ± 4.7) and intensity of acetylation at histone H3 (AcH3) protein (55.9 ± 3.5 vs. 53.3 ± 3.8) did not differ (P > 0.05). The development ability of embryos, produced from lyophilized somatic cells, was further increased (19.5 ± 2.4 vs. 10.2 ± 1.6%; P < 0.05) by treatment with trichostatin A (TSA) for 24 h post-activation. These TSA-treated embryos also had AcH3 level comparable with in vitro fertilized embryos (63.1 ± 3.2 vs. 69.9 ± 1.3). In conclusion, our results suggest that lyophilized somatic cells can direct embryonic development up to blastocyst stage after WCICI into pig oocytes. Treatment of embryos, produced from lyophilized somatic cells, with TSA can further increase their in vitro developmental potential. 相似文献
Development of bovine oocytes reconstructed with different donor somatic cells with or without serum starvation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We conducted this study to examine whether serum starvation in culture contributes to better development of bovine reconstructed oocytes and to evaluate which serum-starved somatic cell is the most effective for cloned calf production. In Experiment 1, donor cells of four different types (cumulus cells, ear fibroblasts, oviduct cells and uterine cells) were either serum-starved or not before fusion with enucleated oocytes, and reconstructed oocytes were further cultured for 168 h. Regardless of serum starvation, cumulus cells or ear fibroblasts yielded higher (P < 0.05) rates of fusion than other cells (62.6-69.3 versus 33.3-38.7%). In the serum-starved group, the first cleavage after reconstruction was significantly increased in cumulus cells and ear fibroblasts, compared with oviduct cells (93.4-94.3 versus 78.8-86.0%), and oocytes reconstructed with either of these yielded more blastocysts than oocytes reconstructed with oviduct or uterine cells (40.6-43.8 versus 20.3-19.0%). We observed a similar pattern in the non-starved group, but we found a significant increase in blastocyst formation was found only in cumulus cells compared with other donor cells (42.6 versus 15.4-27.7%). Overall comparison showed that serum starvation increased the rates of cleavage and development to the blastocyst stage, but we found a statistical significance only in the cleavage rate (80.0 versus 89.5%). In Experiment 2, we transferred randomly selected 59 blastocysts that were developed from oocytes reconstructed with serum-starved cells to 44 synchronised recipients. Of those recipients, 23 became pregnant on Day 60 after transfer (52.3%) and 12 (27.3%) delivered cloned calves. The mean gestation length and birth weight was 275 +/- 8 days and 39.6 +/- 15.6 kg, respectively. Although there was no significant difference among donor cells, blastocysts that were derived from oocytes reconstructed with ear fibroblasts yielded the highest rates of pregnancy (50.0%) and delivery (27.3%). In conclusion, serum starvation is effective for improving preimplantation development of oocytes reconstructed with cumulus or ear fibroblast cells and it may positively influence on obtaining better pregnancy outcome. 相似文献
The present study was carried out to examine the activation and development of cloned embryos produced by transferring miniature pig somatic cells into enucleated farm pig oocytes after exposing to ultrasound. The rates of the pronucleus-like structure formation and polar body-like structure extrusion in embryos exposed to ultrasound did not differ from those applied electric pulses. Although there was no significant difference in the blastocyst formation rates between different activation methods, the mean number of cells in the blastocysts developed from embryos activated by exposing to ultrasound was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than that obtained by applying electric pulses. The results of the present study showed that ultrasound stimulation can induce the activation and in vitro development of cloned embryos derived from miniature pig somatic cells. 相似文献