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Bestatin, a new competitive aminopeptidase-inhibitor of dipeptide nature, was shown to enhance markedly activation of peripheral blood lymphocytes by concanavalin A (Con A). More than 40 percent stimulation over the control (the culture with Con A only) was observed at 50 μg/ml of bestatin, and this stimulatory effect was most predominant at an early stage of lymphocyte blasto-genesis by Con A: bestatin had most effect when added to the culture simultaneously with Con A and no appreciable effect when added 44 h after Con A. The effect of bestatin on T lymphocyte activation in vitro is discussed in relation to its in vivo enhancing effect on cell-mediated immunity and a role in lymphocyte blastogenesis of some proteolytic activities possibly located at the cell surface is emphasized.  相似文献   

A potent protease-inhibitor of Actinomycetes origin, Bestatin. which is of dipeptide nature and inhibits aminopeptidase B and leucine-aminopeptidase competitively, strongly stimulates blastogenesis of small lymphocytes triggered with polyclonal mitogen. such as phytohemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (Con A), pokeweed mitogen (PWM) and lipopolysaccharide of Escherichiae coli (LPS), whereas it inhibits DNA synthesis of normal resting lymphocytes. The stimulatory effect is non-selective with respect to the category of small lymphocytes, i.e. T- and B-lymphocytes, but strikingly selective with respect to the stage of blastogenesis: the stimulation is greatest at a relatively early stage, diminishes as mitogen-activation proceeds, and is not appreciable at a later stage of lymphocyte blastogenesis.The pattern of Bestatin stimulation on lymphocyte blastogenesis is specific for the mitogen used: in T-lymphocyte activation with PHA or Con A, the stimulation first increases and then decreases with increase in mitogen concentrations, whereas in B-lymphocyte activation with LPS, with increasing concentrations of the mitogen, the stimulation increases to a plateau at approximately 100 μg/ml of mitogen. The optimum concentration of Bestatin was found to be approximately 50 μg/ml (0.16 mM) for either PHA or Con A activation, and 50 to 75 μg/ml for B-cell activation with LPS. Bestatin must remain in cultures of T- and B-lymphocytes with polyclonal mitogens for at least about 24 and 16 hr, respectively, to exert its stimulatory effect on blastogenesis.Biochemical results, together with those from autoradiographic analyses, indicate that Bestatin increases the number of blastoid-transformed lymphocytes with polyclonal stimulants. It is suggested that aminopeptidases, possibly located at the cell surface, may play a role in the control of lymphocyte activation during immune responses.  相似文献   

The plant signaling hormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) are regulators of inducible defenses that are activated upon pathogen or insect attack. Cross-talk between SA- and JA-dependent signaling pathways allows a plant to finely tune its response to the attacker encountered. In Arabidopsis, pharmacological experiments revealed that SA exerts a strong antagonistic effect on JA-responsive genes, such as PDF1.2, indicating that the SA pathway can be prioritized over the JA pathway. SA-mediated suppression of the JA-responsive PDF1.2 promoter was exploited for setting up a genetic screen aiming at the isolation of signal transduction mutants that are impaired in this cross-talk mechanism. The PDF1.2 promoter was fused to the herbicide resistance gene BAR to allow for life/death screening of a population of mutagenized transgenic plants. Non-mutant plants should survive herbicide treatment when methyl jasmonate (MeJA) is applied, but suppression of the JA response by SA should be lethal in combination with the herbicide. Conversely, crucial SA/JA cross-talk mutants should survive the combination treatment. SA effectively suppressed the expression of the PDF1.2::BAR transgene. However, suppression of the BAR gene did not result in suppression of herbicide resistance. Hence, a screening method based on quantitative differences in the expression of a reporter gene may be better suited to identify SA/JA cross-talk mutants. Here, we demonstrate that the PDF1.2::GUS reporter will be excellently suited in this respect.Key words: plant defense, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, cross-talk, mutant screen, Arabidopsis  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis spp., the jasmonate (JA) response pathway generally is required for defenses against necrotrophic pathogens and chewing insects, while the salicylic acid (SA) response pathway is generally required for specific, resistance (R) gene-mediated defenses against both biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. For example, SA-dependent defenses are required for resistance to the biotrophic fungal pathogen Erysiphe cichoracearum UCSC1 and the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola, and also are expressed during response to the green peach aphid Myzus persicae. However, recent evidence indicates that the expression of JA-dependent defenses also may confer resistance to E. cichoracearum. To confirm and to extend this observation, we have compared the disease and pest resistance of wild-type Arabidopsis plants with that of the mutants coil, which is insensitive to JA, and cev1, which has constitutive JA signaling. Measurements of the colonization of these plants by E. cichoracearum, P. syringae pv. maculicola, and M. persicae indicated that activation of the JA signal pathway enhanced resistance, and was associated with the activation of JA-dependent defense genes and the suppression of SA-dependent defense genes. We conclude that JA and SA induce alternative defense pathways that can confer resistance to the same pathogens and pests.  相似文献   

Although defense responses mediated by the plant oxylipin jasmonic acid (JA) are often necessary for resistance against pathogens with necrotrophic lifestyles, in this report we demonstrate that jasmonate signaling mediated through COI1 in Arabidopsis thaliana is responsible for susceptibility to wilt disease caused by the root-infecting fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum . Despite compromised JA-dependent defense responses, the JA perception mutant coronatine insensitive 1 ( coi1 ), but not JA biosynthesis mutants, exhibited a high level of resistance to wilt disease caused by F. oxysporum . This response was independent from salicylic acid-dependent defenses, as coi1/NahG plants showed similar disease resistance to coi1 plants. Inoculation of reciprocal grafts made between coi1 and wild-type plants revealed that coi1 -mediated resistance occurred primarily through the coi1 rootstock tissues. Furthermore, microscopy and quantification of fungal DNA during infection indicated that coi1 -mediated resistance was not associated with reduced fungal penetration and colonization until a late stage of infection, when leaf necrosis was highly developed in wild-type plants. In contrast to wild-type leaves, coi1 leaves showed no necrosis following the application of F. oxysporum culture filtrate, and showed reduced expression of senescence-associated genes during disease development, suggesting that coi1 resistance is most likely achieved through the inhibition of F. oxysporum -incited lesion development and plant senescence. Together, our results indicate that F. oxysporum hijacks non-defensive aspects of the JA-signaling pathway to cause wilt-disease symptoms that lead to plant death in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The phosphatase enzyme calcineurin controls gene expression in a variety of biological contexts however few potent inhibitors are currently available. A screen of 360 plant extracts for inhibition of calcineurin-dependent gene expression in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae identified the compound 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzyl isothiocyanate as an inhibitor. The compound was subsequently shown to inhibit human calcineurin via a mixed inhibition mechanism. To gain further mechanistic insight a yeast haploinsufficiency screen of 1152 deletion strains was carried out using a novel liquid medium screening method. The resulting haploinsufficiency profile is similar to that reported for the known calcineurin inhibitor FK506.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins have been previously linked to plant defense; however a role for the Gbetagamma dimer in defense signaling has not been described to date. Using available Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking functional Galpha or Gbeta subunits, we show that defense against the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Fusarium oxysporum is impaired in Gbeta-deficient mutants while Galpha-deficient mutants show slightly increased resistance compared to wild-type Columbia ecotype plants. In contrast, responses to virulent (DC3000) and avirulent (JL1065) strains of Pseudomonas syringae appear to be independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. The induction of a number of defense-related genes in Gbeta-deficient mutants were severely reduced in response to A. brassicicola infection. In addition, Gbeta-deficient mutants exhibit decreased sensitivity to a number of methyl jasmonate-induced responses such as induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, inhibition of root elongation, seed germination, and growth of plants in sublethal concentrations of methyl jasmonate. In all cases, the behavior of the Galpha-deficient mutants is coherent with the classic heterotrimeric mechanism of action, indicating that jasmonic acid signaling is influenced by the Gbetagamma functional subunit but not by Galpha. We hypothesize that Gbetagamma acts as a direct or indirect enhancer of the jasmonate signaling pathway in plants.  相似文献   

A higher incidence of coronary artery disease is associated with a lower level of HDL-cholesterol. We searched for genetic loci influencing HDL-cholesterol in F2 mice from a cross between MRL/MpJ and SM/J mice. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping revealed one significant HDL QTL (Apoa2 locus), four suggestive QTL on chromosomes 10, 11, 13, and 18 and four additional QTL on chromosomes 1 proximal, 3, 4, and 7 after adjusting HDL for the strong Apoa2 locus. A novel nonsynonymous polymorphism supports Lipg as the QTL gene for the chromosome 18 QTL, and a difference in Abca1 expression in liver tissue supports it as the QTL gene for the chromosome 4 QTL. Using weighted gene co-expression network analysis, we identified a module that after adjustment for Apoa2, correlated with HDL, was genetically determined by a QTL on chromosome 11, and overlapped with the HDL QTL. A combination of bioinformatics tools and systems genetics helped identify several candidate genes for both the chromosome 11 HDL and module QTL based on differential expression between the parental strains, cis regulation of expression, and causality modeling. We conclude that integrating systems genetics to a more-traditional genetics approach improves the power of complex trait gene identification.  相似文献   

We examined the involvement of intracellular glutathione (GSH) in methyl jasmonate (MeJA) signaling. The chlorina1-1 (ch1-1) mutation decreased GSH in guard cells and narrowed the stomatal aperture. GSH monoethyl ester increased intracellular GSH, diminishing this phenotype. GSH did not affect MeJA-induced reactive oxygen species production or cytosolic Ca(2+) oscillation, suggesting that GSH modulates MeJA signaling downstream of production and oscillation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that methyl jasmonate (MeJA) induces stomatal closure dependent on change of cytosolic free calcium concentration in guard cells. However, these molecular mechanisms of intracellular Ca(2+) signal perception remain unknown. Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) function as Ca(2+) signal transducers in various plant physiological processes. It has been reported that four Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) CDPKs, CPK3, CPK6, CPK4, and CPK11, are involved in abscisic acid signaling in guard cells. It is also known that there is an interaction between MeJA and abscisic acid signaling in guard cells. In this study, we examined the roles of these CDPKs in MeJA signaling in guard cells using Arabidopsis mutants disrupted in the CDPK genes. Disruption of the CPK6 gene impaired MeJA-induced stomatal closure, but disruption of the other CDPK genes did not. Despite the broad expression pattern of CPK6, we did not find other remarkable MeJA-insensitive phenotypes in the cpk6-1 mutant. The whole-cell patch-clamp analysis revealed that MeJA activation of nonselective Ca(2+)-permeable cation channels is impaired in the cpk6-1 mutant. Consistent with this result, MeJA-induced transient cytosolic free calcium concentration increments were reduced in the cpk6-1 mutant. MeJA failed to activate slow-type anion channels in the cpk6-1 guard cells. Production of early signal components, reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, in guard cells was elicited by MeJA in the cpk6-1 mutant as in the wild type. These results provide genetic evidence that CPK6 has a different role from CPK3 and functions as a positive regulator of MeJA signaling in Arabidopsis guard cells.  相似文献   

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have yielded novel genetic loci underlying common diseases. We propose a systems genetics approach to utilize these discoveries for better understanding of the genetic architecture of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Current evidence of genetic associations with RA was sought through PubMed and the NHGRI GWAS catalog. The associations of 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms and HLA-DRB1 alleles were confirmed in 1,287 cases and 1,500 controls of Japanese subjects. Among these, HLA-DRB1 alleles and eight SNPs showed significant associations and all but one of the variants had the same direction of effect as identified in the previous studies, indicating that the genetic risk factors underlying RA are shared across populations. By receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the area under the curve (AUC) for the genetic risk score based on the selected variants was 68.4%. For seropositive RA patients only, the AUC improved to 70.9%, indicating good but suboptimal predictive ability. A simulation study shows that more than 200 additional loci with similar effect size as recent GWAS findings or 20 rare variants with intermediate effects are needed to achieve AUC = 80.0%. We performed the random walk with restart (RWR) algorithm to prioritize genes for future mapping studies. The performance of the algorithm was confirmed by leave-one-out cross-validation. The RWR algorithm pointed to ZAP70 in the first rank, in which mutation causes RA-like autoimmune arthritis in mice. By applying the hierarchical clustering method to a subnetwork comprising RA-associated genes and top-ranked genes by the RWR, we found three functional modules relevant to RA etiology: “leukocyte activation and differentiation”, “pattern-recognition receptor signaling pathway”, and “chemokines and their receptors”.These results suggest that the systems genetics approach is useful to find directions of future mapping strategies to illuminate biological pathways.  相似文献   

E Bell  J E Mullet 《Plant physiology》1993,103(4):1133-1137
A cDNA corresponding to the gene AtLox2 was isolated from an Arabidopsis thaliana library using a lipoxygenase (LOX) probe from soybean. AtLox2 encodes a 102-kD protein, AtLOX2, which has 42 to 45% amino acid sequence identity with other plant LOX sequences. The AtLOX2 sequence is more than 30 amino acids longer at the amino terminus than other plant LOX sequences, and this extension has features reminiscent of chloroplast transit peptides, suggesting that AtLOX2 may be chloroplast localized. AtLox2 mRNA levels are high in leaves and inflorescences but very low in seeds, roots, and stems. AtLox2 mRNA accumulation is rapidly induced in leaves in response to methyl jasmonate. Leaves that have been wounded and adjacent leaves on the same plant also accumulate AtLox2 mRNA.  相似文献   

《Journal of Proteomics》2010,73(1):30-40
Protein redox regulation is increasingly recognized as an important switch of protein activity in yeast, bacteria, mammals and plants. In this study, we identified proteins with potential thiol switches involved in jasmonate signaling, which is essential for plant defense. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment led to enhanced production of hydrogen peroxide in Arabidopsis leaves and roots, indicating in vivo oxidative stress. With monobromobimane (mBBr) labeling to capture oxidized sulfhydryl groups and 2D gel separation, a total of 35 protein spots that displayed significant redox and/or total protein expression changes were isolated. Using LC–MS/MS, the proteins in 33 spots were identified in both control and MeJA-treated samples. By comparative analysis of mBBr and SyproRuby gel images, we were able to determine many proteins that were redox responsive and proteins that displayed abundance changes in response to MeJA. Interestingly, stress and defense proteins constitute a large group that responded to MeJA. In addition, many cysteine residues involved in the disulfide dynamics were mapped based on tandem MS data. Identification of redox proteins and their cysteine residues involved in the redox regulation allows for a deeper understanding of the jasmonate signaling networks.  相似文献   

Ubenimex (Bestatin) is a potent inhibitor of aminopeptidases (APase) including APase N (EC, a widely distributed membrane-bound metalloprotease. Binding of Ubenimex (UBX) to cells has been implicated in a variety of its biological activities, while little evidence has yet been provided as to any subsequent mechanisms of intracellular signal transduction. We now examined the possible involvement of protein kinase C (PKC), a key regulator in transmembrane signaling. Human leukemia K562 cells were cultured in the presence or absence of UBX (1 to 50 micrograms.ml-1, 1 to 72 h), and the subcellular distribution as well as phorbol-12, 13-dibutyrate (PDBu)-induced redistribution of PKC activities were assessed. The membrane-bound enzymatic activity tended to increase in the presence of UBX, while a significant loss of the activity was demonstrable upon subsequent exposure to PDBu (100 nM, 10 min) in both the cytosolic and membrane fractions. Specific binding of [3H]PDBu to intact K562 cells was also down-modulated with UBX concentration- and time-dependently, suggesting loss of PKC enzyme protein on the cell surface. Western blot analysis of the total cell extracts disclosed no appreciable alteration in the amount of PKC protein. APase inhibition with UBX was observable independently of PKC modulation. The present findings were discussed with reference to the possible differential mechanisms of PKC-mediated regulation of cellular responses depending on cell types.  相似文献   

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