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Bell miners (Manorina melanophrys; Meliphagidae) are a highly social and very aggressive honeyeater. They are despotic and cooperate in the defence of their territories against other bird species, leading to the almost complete exclusion of other avifauna from miner‐occupied regions. This study aimed to resolve some of the fine‐scale effects of bell miner aggression on avian diversity both within and adjacent to colonies to determine the true impact of a colony on local avifaunal abundance. Three areas, distributed throughout the range of the bell miner, were surveyed across both non‐breeding and breeding seasons to assess the temporal and spatial impacts of bell miner aggression on other bird species. Bell miner colonies were found to occupy very clearly defined areas and had the expected negative impact on avian diversity within their colony. The effects of bell miner colony presence on abundance and richness of avian species were found to cease at the colony boundary, with both recovering to normal levels immediately outside the bell miner colony. Whether bell miners were breeding or not, and irrespective of the amount of vegetation coverage, bell miner colonies were found to have relatively marginal impacts on avian richness and abundance. No impact of colony presence/absence was found on the richness or abundance of the avian species that dwell in the undergrowth, with some evidence that these species were actually more common at the colony edge. Our results demonstrate that the influence of bell miner colony presence upon avian biodiversity is restricted to the confines of the colony and does not radiate outwards into the surrounding habitat. Colony presence influences, therefore, have implications when considering the impact of bell miner behaviour on the diversity of insectivorous birds and processes, most notably the propagation of Bell Miner Associated Dieback.  相似文献   



To assess how environmental, biotic and anthropogenic factors shape native–alien plant species richness relationships across a heterogeneous landscape.


Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.


We integrated a comprehensive floristic survey of over 1200 systematically located 6 × 6 m plots, with corresponding climate, environmental and anthropogenic data. General linear models examined variation in native and alien plant species richness across the entire landscape, between native‐ and alien‐dominated plots, and within separate elevational bands.


Across all plots, there was a significant negative correlation between native and alien species richness, but this relationship differed within subsets of the data: the correlation was positive in alien‐dominated plots but negative in native‐dominated plots. Within separate elevational bands, native and alien species richness were positively correlated at lower elevations, but negatively correlated at higher elevations. Alien species richness tended to be high across the elevation gradient but peaked in warmer, mid‐ to low‐elevation sites, while native species richness increased linearly with elevation. The negative relationship between native and alien species richness in native‐dominated communities reflected a land‐use gradient with low native and high alien richness in more heavily modified native‐dominated vegetation. In contrast, native and alien richness were positively correlated in very heavily modified alien‐dominated plots, most likely due to covariation along a gradient of management intensity.

Main conclusions

Both positive and negative native–alien richness relationships can occur across the same landscape, depending on the plant community and the underlying human and environmental gradients examined. Human habitat modification, which is often confounded with environmental variation, can result in high alien and low native species richness in areas still dominated by native species. In the most heavily human modified areas, dominated by alien species, both native and alien species may be responding to similar underlying gradients.

Changes in penguin abundance and distribution can be used to understand the response of species to climate change and fisheries pressures, and as a gauge of ecosystem health. Traditionally, population estimates have involved direct counts, but remote sensing and digital mapping methodologies can provide us with alternative techniques for assessing the size and distribution of penguin populations. Here, we demonstrate the use of a field-based digital mapping system (DMS), combining a handheld geographic information system with integrated geographical positioning system as a method for: (a) assessing penguin colony area and (b) ground-truthing colony area as derived from satellite imagery. Work took place at Signy Island, South Orkneys, where colonies of the three congeneric pygoscelid penguins: Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae, chinstrap P. antarctica and gentoo P. papua were surveyed. Colony areas were derived by mapping colony boundaries using the DMS with visual counts of the number of nesting birds made concurrently. Area was found to be a good predictor for number of nests for all three species of penguin. Using a maximum likelihood multivariate classification of remotely sensed satellite imagery (QuickBird2, 18 January 2010; Digital Globe ID: 01001000B90AD00), we were able to identify penguin colonies from the spectral signature of guano and differentiate between colonies of Adélie and chinstrap penguins. The area classified (all species combined) from satellite imagery versus area from DMS data was closely related (R 2 = 0.88). Combining these techniques gives a simple and transferrable methodology for examining penguin distribution and abundance at local and regional scales.  相似文献   

Ants are dominant members of many terrestrial ecosystems and are regarded as indicators of environmental changes. However, little is known about the effects of invasive alien plants on ant populations, particularly as regards the density, spatial distribution and size of ant colonies, as well as their foraging behaviour. We addressed these questions in a study of grassland ant communities on five grasslands invaded by alien goldenrods (Solidago sp.) and on five non-invaded grasslands without this plant. In each grassland, seven 100 m2 plots were selected and the ant colonies counted. Ant species richness and colony density was lower in the plots on the invaded grasslands. Moreover, both of these traits were higher in the plots near the grassland edge and with a higher number of plant species in the grasslands invaded by goldenrods but not in the non-invaded ones. On average, ant colony size was lower on the invaded grasslands than the non-invaded ones. Also, ant workers travelled for longer distances to collect food items in the invaded areas than they did in the non-invaded ones, even after the experimental removal of some ant colonies in order to exclude the effect of higher colony density in the latter. Our results indicate that invasive alien goldenrods have a profound negative effect on grassland ant communities which may lead to a cascade effect on the whole grassland ecosystem through modification of the interactions among species. The invasion diminishes a major index of the fitness of ants, which is a colony’s size, and probably leads to increased foraging effort of workers. This, in turn, may have important consequences for the division of labour and reproductive strategies within ant colonies.  相似文献   

Despite a widespread recognition of the role of seabird colonies in the fertilization of nutrient-poor polar terrestrial ecosystems, qualitative and quantitative data documenting any consequential influence on soil invertebrate communities are still lacking. Therefore, we studied community structure and abundance of springtails (Collembola) in ornithogenic tundra near two large seabird colonies in Hornsund, south-west Spitsbergen. We found considerably (5–20×) higher densities and biomass of Collembola in the vicinities of both colonies (the effect extending up to ca. 50?m from the colony edge) than in comparable control areas of tundra not influenced by allochtonous nutrient input. The most common springtails observed in the seabird-influenced areas were Folsomia quadrioculata, Hypogastrura viatica and Megaphorura arctica. The latter species appeared the most resistant to ornithogenic nutrient input and was found commonly closest to the bird colonies. Collembolan abundance decreased with increasing distance from the seabird colonies. However, relationships between collembolan density and specific physicochemical soil parameters and vegetation characteristics were weak. The most important factors were the cover of the nitrophilous green alga Prasiola crispa, total plant biomass and soil solution conductivity, all of which were correlated with distance from the colony and estimated amount by guano deposition. Community composition and abundance of springtails showed no evidence of being influenced of seabird diet, with no differences apparent between communities found in ornithogenic tundra developing in the vicinity of planktivorous and piscivorous seabird colonies. The study provides confirmation of the influence of marine nutrient input by seabirds on soil microfaunal communities.  相似文献   

The negative effects of alien plant species on ecosystem structure and functions are increasingly recognised, and efforts to control these species are vital to restore degraded ecosystems and preserve biodiversity. However, we lack a full understanding of factors that determine alien species invasions along spatial gradients in herbaceous vegetation of tropical systems. We therefore examined the effects of community properties, environmental variables and human-related disturbance factors on the invasion of the alien grass Echinochloa colona (L.) Link at small- and large scales in the Kilombero Valley wetland, Tanzania. Generalized additive mixed models showed that E. colona abundance on a small scale was negatively related to above-ground biomass and evenness of resident species, whereas E. colona abundance was positively related to grazing intensity. On a large scale, biomass (negatively related to E. colona abundance) and distance to river (positive) were important in explaining E. colona abundance. These findings support the assertion that different factors may contribute to the invasion of alien plant species at different spatial scales, as also reported in many temperate systems. Overall, our results show that successful invasion of alien species is a function of plant community properties, human-related disturbance and favourable environmental conditions. Effective management strategies should consider mitigations that can increase the biomass and evenness of native species and a reduction of grazing pressure to restore the wetland and conserve biodiversity.  相似文献   

The herbivore load (abundance and species richness of herbivores) on alien plants is supposed to be one of the keys to understand the invasiveness of species. We investigate the phytophagous insect communities on cabbage plants (Brassicaceae) in Europe. We compare the communities of endophagous and ectophagous insects as well as of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera on native and alien cabbage plant species. Contrary to many other reports, we found no differences in the herbivore load between native and alien hosts. The majority of insect species attacked alien as well as native hosts. Across insect species, there was no difference in the patterns of host range on native and on alien hosts. Likewise the similarity of insect communities across pairs of host species was not different between natives and aliens. We conclude that the general similarity in the community patterns between native and alien cabbage plant species are due to the chemical characteristics of this plant family. All cabbage plants share glucosinolates. This may facilitate host switches from natives to aliens. Hence the presence of native congeners may influence invasiveness of alien plants.  相似文献   

The mechanisms affecting forest regeneration in human-modified landscapes are attracting increasing attention as tropical forests have been recognized as key habitats for biodiversity conservation, provision of ecosystem services, and human well-being. Here we investigate the effect of the leaf-cutting ants (LCA) Atta opaciceps on regenerating plant assemblages in Caatinga dry forest. Our study encompassed 15 Atta opaciceps colonies located in landscape patches with a gradient of forest cover from 8.7% to 87.8%, where we monitored regenerating individuals (seedlings and saplings of woody and herbaceous plants) in different habitats (nests, foraging areas, and control areas) over one year. We recorded 2,977 regenerating plant individuals, distributed among 55 species from 23 families. Herbaceous plants represented 82.1% and 58.2% of the total number of individuals and species, respectively. Species richness of both the whole and herbaceous plant assemblages increased along the forest cover gradient, but without difference between the habitats. Total plant abundance was highest in control areas followed by foraging areas and nests and this pattern held for both woody and herbaceous plants. Although forest cover did not influence the abundance of herbaceous plants and the whole plant assemblage, it positively affects woody plant abundance across control areas. Forest cover and habitat changed species composition of both the entire regenerating and the herbaceous assemblages. These results together indicate that LCA negatively impact regenerating plant assemblages, particularly in those sites with increased forest cover. As LCA proliferate in human-modified landscapes, they may prevent plant regeneration of disturbed areas.  相似文献   

河北地区熊蜂物种多样性与蜂群繁育特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2005-2009年从河北地区(包括河北省、北京市和天津市)所采集的1893号熊蜂标本资料,结合中国科学院动物研究所馆藏记录,分析了河北地区熊蜂物种多样性和蜂群繁育特性. 结果表明:河北地区共有熊蜂属昆虫8亚属32种,其中河北省32种,北京市18种,天津市5种;西部太行山区、北部燕山山区和坝上高原地区熊蜂种类丰富度和多度较高;河北地区熊蜂的访花植物涉及到21科80种,其中,菊科、豆科和唇形科植物是大多数熊蜂种类访问的主要对象;小峰熊蜂、红光熊蜂、密林熊蜂、火红熊蜂和重黄熊蜂5种熊蜂群势强大,平均单群蜂的工蜂数量在110只以上,雄蜂数量在160只以上,子代蜂王数在30只以上;这5种熊蜂的繁育成群率均在50%以上,易于人工驯养,具有重要的传粉利用价值.  相似文献   

城市公共绿地常见木本植物组成对鸟类群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城市化背景下, 城市公共绿地已经成为重要的鸟类栖息地, 其中的木本植物群落构成对鸟类群落结构有显著影响, 研究木本植物配置与鸟类多样性的关系对提升城市公共绿地作为鸟类栖息地的生态服务功能有重要的理论和应用价值。我们于2009–2010年间在上海市滨江森林公园就木本植物和鸟类群落的相互关系展开研究。样线法结合样点调查共记录到鸟类10目25科64种5,368只(次), 鸟类多度全年变化显著, 峰值分别出现在4月和11月。丰富度全年也呈现双峰型变化, 峰值出现在4月和12月。全年鸟类多样性(Simpson指数)差异显著, 10月最高, 8月最低。样方调查共记录到77种木本植物, 其中有14种(乔木9种、灌木5种)出现率超过5个样方, 定义为常见种, 其果期主要集中在9月到翌年2月, 其上常见林业致病害虫的发生盛期集中在5–11月。主成分分析显示, 常见木本植物上观察到的鸟类可划分为8个鸟类集团, Spearman秩相关检验显示秋冬季常见木本植物果期与植食性、肉食性、食虫性、杂食性等多个鸟类集团的多度均呈显著正相关。说明在秋冬季鸟类迁徙高峰期不同鸟类集团均能获得丰富的食物资源。就常见木本植物对鸟类群落的重要值进行排序, 结果显示, 大叶杨(Populus lasiocarpa)、枫杨(Pterocarya stenoptera)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)等乔木对鸟类重要值较高, 而灌木层对鸟类的重要性整体偏低, 说明滨江森林公园的灌木层作为鸟类栖息地的功能建设尚需加强。根据以上研究结果, 我们提出了提高上海城市公园鸟类多样性的植被配置建议。  相似文献   

In summer 2003 we recorded the presence and abundance of alien plant species at 232 sites (107 railway stations and 125 road sites) along mountain passes in the Swiss Alps. The altitudinal distribution of species was related to the current abundance of the species in Switzerland and time since introduction. A total of 155 alien taxa were recorded. Numbers of species per site declined exponentially with altitude, and only a few species were found in the alpine zone (>2000 m). In contrast, species richness among comparable native taxa appeared to be nearly independent of altitude over the range investigated. Maximum altitude reached by alien species was related positively to both total area occupied in Switzerland and to time since introduction. A comparison of the results with earlier records suggests that many species, particularly those previously restricted to low or intermediate altitudes, have advanced their altitudinal limits over the past few decades. Various hypotheses are presented to explain the declining abundance of alien species with altitude: low-altitude filter effects, low propagule pressure, and genetic swamping of peripheral populations at higher altitudes. However, at present we do not have sufficient evidence to determine the relative importance of these effects. We conclude that invasion into mountain areas such as the Swiss Alps tends to proceed rather slowly, though the process may be accelerated by climatic warming. For this reason, further research to investigate the processes determining how plants invade mountain areas is urgently needed. And more generally, investigations into the distribution of alien species along strong altitudinal gradients may provide valuable insights into the mechanisms driving the spread of alien organisms.  相似文献   

Continental tropical forests are thought to be resistant to alien plant invasion due to a lack of disturbance, or low propagule pressure from introduced species. We assessed the importance of disturbance and edge effects by surveying areas of submontane and lowland forest of Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania. These areas are in the vicinity of Amani Botanic Garden (ABG)—a propagule source for many alien plant species. We surveyed three edges in the vicinity of the ABG plantations, using plots interspersed along multiple 250 m transects. Survey plots were either in secondary or seminatural forest, representing a difference in past disturbance). Alien plant species richness and abundance declined with increasing distance from forest edges, indicating that edge effects were important. In addition, the effect of distance on richness and abundance of alien species as adults was much smaller in seminatural than secondary forest, emphasizing that invasion of seminatural forest is less likely to occur. Abundance and occurrence of individual species showed broadly similar declines with increasing distance from the forest edge, and lower abundance in seminatural compared to secondary forest. Alien species were dominant in 15 percent of plots surveyed. As 28 percent of the Amani nature reserve forest is within 250 m of an edge, the importance of disturbance and edges could make a potentially large proportion of the forest vulnerable to alien species invasion.  相似文献   

Studies of plant invasions rarely address impacts on molluscs. By comparing pairs of invaded and corresponding uninvaded plots in 96 sites in floodplain forests, we examined effects of four invasive alien plants (Impatiens glandulifera, Fallopia japonica, F. sachalinensis, and F.×bohemica) in the Czech Republic on communities of land snails. The richness and abundance of living land snail species were recorded separately for all species, rare species listed on the national Red List, and small species with shell size below 5 mm. The significant impacts ranged from 16–48% reduction in snail species numbers, and 29–90% reduction in abundance. Small species were especially prone to reduction in species richness by all four invasive plant taxa. Rare snails were also negatively impacted by all plant invaders, both in terms of species richness or abundance. Overall, the impacts on snails were invader-specific, differing among plant taxa. The strong effect of I. glandulifera could be related to the post-invasion decrease in abundance of tall nitrophilous native plant species that are a nutrient-rich food source for snails in riparian habitats. Fallopia sachalinensis had the strongest negative impact of the three knotweeds, which reflects differences in their canopy structure, microhabitat humidity and litter decomposition. The ranking of Fallopia taxa according to the strength of impacts on snail communities differs from ranking by their invasiveness, known from previous studies. This indicates that invasiveness does not simply translate to impacts of invasion and needs to be borne in mind by conservation and management authorities.  相似文献   



Temperate grasslands are known for their high plant diversity and distinct seasonality. However, their intra-annual community dynamics are still largely overlooked by ecologists. Therefore, we explored the seasonal alpha- and beta-diversity patterns of vascular plants and their relationships to above-ground biomass in a rocky steppe (Festucion valesiacae).


Pavlov Hills, SE Czech Republic.


For one year, we monitored the plant community of the rocky steppe at monthly intervals in 42 permanent plots of 0.25 m2. We examined seasonal changes in above-ground biomass (estimated from the cover and height of living plant parts) and seasonal beta-diversity, which we partitioned into turnover and nestedness components and their quantitative counterparts: balanced changes and abundance gradients.


We identified a pronounced seasonal pattern of above-ground biomass, species richness and composition. Total above-ground biomass was highest in June (summer), with a peak representing only 60% of total annual production (sum of individual species' maxima). However, the observed peak in species richness occurred in March (early spring), with 80% of the total species number recorded throughout the year. Accordingly, nestedness and abundance gradient patterns differed in the spring months, while seasonal turnover and balanced changes in abundance were generally congruent. Annual, short-lived, and perennial species exhibited different seasonal patterns of species richness and biomass production, although a sharp increase in biomass and a peak in species richness in spring were universal across the community.


Seasonal climatic constraints on plant growth are key determinants of primary production dynamics. Plants adapt to these constraints by adjusting their life cycles in different ways. In dry grasslands, the complexity of plant responses to climatic seasonality can result in seasonal beta-diversity patterns with divergent peaks in biomass and species richness.  相似文献   

Wildlife disease is recognized as a burgeoning threat to imperiled species and aspects of host and vector community ecology have been shown to have significant effects on disease dynamics. The black‐tailed prairie dog is a species of conservation concern that is highly susceptible to plague, a flea‐transmitted disease. Prairie dogs (Cynomys) alter the grassland communities in which they exist and have been shown to affect populations of small rodents, which are purported disease reservoirs. To explore potential ecological effects of black‐tailed prairie dogs on plague dynamics, we quantified flea occurrence patterns on small mammals in the presence and absence of prairie dogs at 8 study areas across their geographic range. Small mammals sampled from prairie dog colonies showed significantly higher flea prevalence, flea abundance, and relative flea species richness than those sampled from off‐colony sites. Successful plague transmission likely is dependent on high prevalence and abundance of fleas that can serve as competent vectors. Prairie dogs may therefore facilitate the maintenance of plague by increasing flea occurrence on potential plague reservoir species. Our data demonstrate the previously unreported ecological influence of prairie dogs on vector species assemblages, which could influence disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Capsule Using simulations in a geographical information system our results showed that systematic sampling with quadrats was the most accurate, precise and cost-effective method to survey Magellanic Penguin colonies.

Aims To determine which sampling method gives better estimations of penguin abundance.

Methods A virtual colony was generated deriving spatial parameters from a real survey and applying Kriging interpolation. Three sampling methods were then applied on this virtual colony: random sampling with quadrats; systematic sampling with quadrats; systematic sampling with fixed-width transects. The estimated abundance for each trial was compared to the abundance of the virtual colony to have a measure of accuracy and precision.

Results Systematic sampling with quadrats estimated penguin abundance better than random or systematic sampling with transects since it achieved 100% accuracy and great precision after sampling only 2.1% of the virtual colony.

Conclusion The use of a simulated colony allowed the comparison of several sampling methods traditionally used in Magellanic Penguin surveys. The results of this study are important in order to standardize sampling protocols for Magellanic Penguins and to have more comparable estimations to detect trends over time. Also, the methodological approach used here could be used to assess sampling methods for other colonial bird species.  相似文献   

Invasive alien species pose one of the highest threats to biodiversity, especially in isolated oceanic islands where high rates of both endemism and extinction risk also usually prevail. Few studies have investigated the impact of invasive alien plants on butterflies in insular ecosystems, despite butterflies representing a key indicator group for terrestrial arthropod diversity. Using the Pollard Technique, we quantified butterfly species richness and abundance in eight wet lowland forest areas invaded by alien plants, principally the strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum Sabine) on the tropical volcanic island of Mauritius, and compared the results with paired adjacent forest plots that had been weeded of alien plants between 2 and 12 years previously. Butterfly assemblages in weed-infested and weeded forests were distinctly different with higher species richness and much higher butterfly abundance in the latter. At least some of these differences seemed attributable to weed removal effects on forest structure, but understanding the precise mechanisms involved will require further study. The results suggest that alien plant invasion may have contributed to the extinction of certain endemic taxa and can increase the likelihood of butterfly species extinction by reducing population sizes through reduced habitat quality. Such a shift in a forest’s butterfly assemblage is likely to have negative effects on both their indigenous predators and the plants they pollinate. It is argued that in order to maintain butterfly and other arthropod diversity and function in these forests, alien plant control must be maintained and extended beyond the current 1% of surviving forest remnants.  相似文献   

In tallgrass prairie, plant species interactions regulated by their associated mycorrhizal fungi may be important forces that influence species coexistence and community structure; however, the mechanisms and magnitude of these interactions remain unknown. The objective of this study was to determine how interspecific competition, mycorrhizal symbiosis, and their interactions influence plant community structure. We conducted a factorial experiment, which incorporated manipulations of abundance of dominant competitors, Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans, and suppression of mycorrhizal symbiosis using the fungicide benomyl under two fire regimes (annual and 4-year burn intervals). Removal of the two dominant C4 grass species altered the community structure, increased plant species richness, diversity, and evenness, and increased abundance of subdominant graminoid and forb species. Suppression of mycorrhizal fungi resulted in smaller shifts in community structure, although plant species richness and diversity increased. Responses of individual plant species were associated with their degree of mycorrhizal responsiveness: highly mycorrhizal responsive species decreased in abundance and less mycorrhizal responsive species increased in abundance. The combination of dominant-grass removal and mycorrhizal suppression treatments interacted to increase synergistically the abundance of several species, indicating that both processes influence species interactions and community organization in tallgrass prairie. These results provide evidence that mycorrhizal fungi affect plant communities indirectly by influencing the pattern and strength of plant competitive interactions. Burning strongly influenced the outcome of these interactions, which suggests that plant species diversity in tallgrass prairie is influenced by a complex array of interacting processes, including both competition and mycorrhizal symbiosis. Received: 7 April 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

Question: In relation to a single fire, do repeated wildfires in Mediterranean type ecosystems (1) reduce plant species richness or diversity; (2) modify patterns of abundance or dominance of plant species or (3) alter plant composition? Location: Pinus halepensis dominated communities of Catalonia, northeastern Iberian Peninsula, western Mediterranean Basin. Methods: Regional, paired design with 14 study sites, each consisting of a once burnt area (1994) and a twice burnt area (1975–1993 and 1994). Ten years after the last fire, we recorded all vascular plant species present in nested plots and quantified their relative abundances on transects. We compared species richness, diversity, dominance and relative abundance and species‐area correlations between paired once and twice burnt areas and assessed their floristic composition similarity. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in species richness or diversity. Slopes of species‐area correlations were higher in once burnt areas. In twice burnt areas, dominance by one or two species was higher. P. halepensis showed lower relative abundance and nanophanerophytes showed higher relative abundance. No differences were found for resprouter, seeder or resprouter‐seeder species. Floristic composition similarity between paired areas tended to be higher in less productive sites. Conclusions: Fire recurrence had contrasting effects on species richness at different spatial scales. Repeated burning reduced the relative abundance of the dominant tree species, which resulted in a higher relative abundance of shrubs. It also promoted the dominance of herbs, particularly Brachypodium retusum. However, it did not change the relative abundance of regenerative groups. Paired areas were more similar as they were more Mediterranean in terms of climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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